pol i t ical reviews ‡ polynesia 227

-determination.pdf [accessed 10 September maker, Merata Mita, who produced 2010] a number of outstanding television

DT, La Depêche de Tahiti. Daily. Tahiti. DQGILOPGRFXPHQWDULHVRQWKH0ëRUL VWUXJJOHDJDLQVW3ëNHKëRSSUHVVLRQ NT, Les Nouvelles de Tahiti. Daily. Tahiti. and racism, passed away. pir, Pacific Islands Report. Daily Internet 0XFKRIWKH3ëNHKëPHGLDDQL- news. Honolulu. http://pidp.eastwestcen- PRVLW\WRZDUG0ëRULLQWKHSDVW\HDU ter.org/pireport IRFXVHGRQWKH0ëRUL3DUW\PHPEHUV Regnault, Jean-Marc. 2010. Comprendre of Parliament (mps), and one in par- les mécanismes du Comité de Décolonisa- ticular. The media had been sniping tion de l’ONU. Tahiti-Pacifique Magazine, for some time with headlines such as June: 25. §0ëRUL$FWLYLVWVRQ:DUSDWK¨ Sun- tp, Tahitipresse. Daily Internet news. day News, 28 June 2009) and “mp’s Tahiti. http://www.tahitipresse.pf 8QFOHWR/HDG0ëRUL6RYHUHLJQW\3UR- tests” (nzpa, 28 June 2009), referring TPM, Tahiti-Pacifique Magazine. Monthly. Tahiti. http://www.tahiti-pacifique.com WR0ëRUL3DUW\MP Hone Harawira; §*RYHUQPHQW6FXSSHUV0ëRULTV’s Bid for Rugby Rights” (NZH, 13 Oct 2009); and “Luck Running Out for 0ëRUL,VVXHV Gaffe-prone Sharples” (NZH, 17 Oct 2009), referring to the party’s co- Since 20080ëRULKDYHVWDUWHGFODZ- leader, the Honorable Dr Pita Sharp- ing back a few hard-earned rights. We les. Late in October unauthorized mp KDGKRSHGWKDWWKH3ëNHKëPDMRULW\ spending came under parliamentary generally supported these. But our and media scrutiny, and several mem- hopes were dashed over the past year bers were targeted. At the time, Hone as first the media and then the gov- Harawira was part of a parliamentary ernment launched racist attacks on delegation to Geneva for a meeting YDULRXVVHJPHQWVRIWKH0ëRULFRP- of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the munity as part of its ongoing agenda world organization of parliaments. WRPDLQWDLQ3ëNHKëKHJHPRQ\WKDWLV During that meeting he sought and the retention of control of the coun- was given permission for leave to try’s resources, wealth, and privilege go to Paris for a day with his wife, LQ3ëNHKëKDQGV0ëRULPDQDJHGWR a private trip that he paid for him- withstand the onslaught and stand self. On 3 November he reported the firm in the face of determined efforts visit, and the permission to go, in his to undermine our leadership. How- weekly column in the 1RUWKODQG$JH ever, along the way we lost several 3ëNHKëPHGLDLPPHGLDWHO\GURSSHGLWV important leaders, including our investigation of unauthorized spend- entertainer extraordinaire, Sir Howard ing by other members of Parliament Morrison, with his beautiful voice, and turned their sights on Harawira’s dazzling showmanship, and unique trip to Paris, attacking him for using 0ëRULVHQVHRIKXPRU:HORVWKLPLQ New Zealand taxpayers’ money, when September 2009. Then in May 2010, LQIDFWKHKDGQRW7KH0ëRUL3DUW\ our internationally renowned film- issued a press statement answering 228 the contemporary pacific ‡ 23:1 (2011)

WKHPHGLDTXHVWLRQLQJ 0ëRUL3DUW\ He had miscalculated the level of 2009a), and the matter should have VXSSRUWIRU+DUDZLUDLQWKH0ëRUL ended there. community, and particularly in his However, among the numerous RZQ7DLWRNHUDXHOHFWRUDWH7KH0ëRUL threatening and abusive private Party leadership reeled under the racist e-mails Harawira received on the onslaught, which was fueled by the matter (pers comm, 10 Nov 2009) prime minister’s publicly advising the was one from an individual known 0ëRUL3DUW\WKDW+DUDZLUDVKRXOGJR IRUKLVDWWDFNVRQKLVRZQ0ëRUL Harawira apologized for the hurt he people (Mutu 2007). Most unwisely, had caused the party, for the offense Harawira dashed off an angry but pri- he had caused to women by his use vate response in which he used English of English expletives, and for the bad expletives to remind the individual of H[DPSOHKHKDGVHWIRU\RXQJ0ëRUL the widely published history of ongo- 0ëRUL3DUW\2009b). However, he ing stealing, raping, and pillaging by did not withdraw his reference to the 3ëNHKëRI0ëRULDQGRXUODQGVDQG KLVWRU\RI3ëNHKëWUHDWPHQWRI0ëRUL resources. 7KH0ëRUL3DUW\VRUWHGLWVHOIRXWDQG For an unscrupulous and unprin- Harawira returned to Parliament after cipled person this presented an the Christmas break. opportunity for media exposure, That did not stop the prime minis- ZKLFKVRPHHOHPHQWVRI3ëNHKëPHGLD WHUªVRUWKH3ëNHKëPHGLDªVFDPSDLJQ in this country could be relied on to against Harawira. In January, the fully exploit. After his visit in 2005, prime minister was reported as saying, Professor Rodolfo Stavenhagen, the “I would utterly reject the perspective United Nations (UN) Special Rap- that Hone Harawira has on New Zea- porteur on the Situation of Human land’s history and the role of settlers Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and others in New Zealand” ( of Indigenous People, had issued a 2010). The prime minister was advised damning report in which he stated, to read the reports of the Waitangi Tri- “Public media should be encouraged bunal in order to be better informed. to provide a balanced, unbiased and In February 2010, the Dargaville QRQUDFLVWSLFWXUHRI0ëRULLQ1HZ News reported that Harawira had told Zealand society” (Stavenhagen 2006). people at a public meeting to dump But that advice has been ignored, and chains and anchors into the Kaipara 0ëRULZKRUDLVHWKHLVVXHRI3ëNHKë harbor. Harawira issued a statement DWURFLWLHVFRPPLWWHGDJDLQVW0ëRULDUH H[SODLQLQJWKDW3ëNHKëVSHDNHUVDW still typically vilified by members of the meeting had advocated the action, WKH3ëNHKëPHGLD not he. No apology was issued for the So the unscrupulous opportun- erroneous report (Dargaville News ist immediately released the private editor, pers comm, 30 Aug 2010). e-mail from Harawira to the media But Harawira was not deterred. and then exploited the resulting frenzy, He continued calling hui (gather- JLYLQJQXPHURXVLQWHUYLHZVWR3ëNHKë ings) around the country to ascertain PHGLD+RZHYHU0ëRULPHGLDZHUH 0ëRULRSLQLRQRQNH\LVVXHVSDUWLFX- much less tolerant of his behavior. larly the ownership and control of pol i t ical reviews ‡ polynesia 229 the foreshore and seabed, as well as ered a hard-hitting speech on Race the damage that tobacco has done to Relations Day in which he admitted 0ëRUL+HDQGWKHRWKHU0ëRUL3DUW\ that the relationship between the members of Parliament continued 1DWLRQDO3DUW\DQGWKH0ëRUL3DUW\ their punishing schedule of speak- in government was at times “very dif- ing to every bill that came before the ficult and stressful.” He regretted the House, while actively supporting their decision of the government of which constituents as they were driven to he is a part to have no designated protest the theft of their lands and the VHDWVIRU0ëRULRQWKHQHZ$XFNODQG GHVHFUDWLRQRIWKHLUZëKLWDSX VDFUHG super-city council. Noting that New sites). In the Far North in August Zealand’s refusal to ratify or support 20090ëRULLVVXHGDWUHVSDVVQRWLFH the UN Declaration on the Rights of to a forestry company that had leased Indigenous Peoples was “a source land that the Crown had confiscated, of race-relations embarrassment to citing several years of illegal logging 0ëRUL¨6KDUSOHVVDLGKHZDVZRUN- of native timber, failure to protect LQJKDUGWRFKDQJHWKDW 0ëRUL3DUW\ ZëKLWDSXDQGGDPDJHWRQHLJKERU- 2010b). LQJ0ëRULODQG,QWKHVDPHDUHDLQ Later in the year, it was embarrass- January 20101JëWL.DKXVXSSRUWHG LQJIRUWKH0ëRUL3DUW\WRKDYHWRVXS- WKHUHSRVVHVVLRQRIWKHLUODQGVDW7DLSë port tax cuts for the wealthy and an after the Crown refused to discuss the increase in goods and services tax after return of private lands as part of the they had campaigned for tax relief settlement of their claims. In August IRUWKHSRRU0ëRULXQHPSOR\PHQW 2009 in the central North Island, was up to 15.4 percent, while the rate 1JëWL+DND3DWXKHXKHXUHSRVVHVVHGD IRU3ëNHKëZDV4.6 percent. Unem- road through their territories, accusing SOR\PHQWDPRQJ0ëRUL\RXWKZDV the government of negotiating with particularly worrying, having climbed others to settle their claims to their to 30.4 percent (hrc 2010). Then, in own lands. In March 2010 desper- May, the prime minister intervened DWHDWWHPSWVE\1JëWL0DQLDSRWRRI in negotiations to settle the Treaty of 0DURNRSDPDUDHWRVWRSWKHLUZëKL :DLWDQJLFODLPVRI7ąKRHGHFODULQJ tapu, Te Rongomai o Te Karaka, that the Crown refused to relinquish from being blown up by a private Te Urewera National Park to its company, failed. Even pleas from the rightful owners after negotiators had 0ëRUL3DUW\FROHDGHUWKH+RQRUDEOH reached agreement that it would. On 7DUDLDQD7ąULDZHQWXQKHHGHG2Q PRVWRIWKHVHLVVXHVWKH0ëRUL3DUW\ 10 March, the day after Clearwater did challenge and attack the National +\GURFRPSDQ\GHVWUR\HGWKHZëKL government. WDSX7ąULDLVVXHGDQDQJU\SUHVV Yet in his Race Relations Day statement calling them coldhearted speech, Sharples also listed positive and accusing them of having reckless aspects of the National–0ëRUL3DUW\ disregard for mana whenua (people relationship. These included the fact KROGLQJWUDGLWLRQDODXWKRULW\  0ëRUL that the loathed Foreshore and Seabed Party, 2010a). Act 2004 would be repealed, although Also in March, deliv- the gains from this were almost lost 230 the contemporary pacific ‡ 23:1 (2011) when the government issued a discus- 3ëNHKë 7DRQXL2010). The design sion document indicating that the act represents the balance of natural would be replaced by legislation that forces with each other. The central was almost exactly the same as what white koru (depicting a young fern was being repealed. To try to ensure frond) symbolizes new beginnings and fairer and more just legislation, intense the unfolding of new life, offering the discussions were held among the promise of renewal and hope for the 1DWLRQDO3DUW\WKH0ëRUL3DUW\WKH future. It lies between horizontal pan- National Chairs Forum (a group els of black and red. The upper black of mandated leaders of iwi [tribal panel represents the realm of potential JURXSLQJV@DQGKDSą>JURXSLQJVRI being, the beginnings of creation, and extended families]). the long, deep darkness from whence 7KHGHYHORSPHQWRIWKH:KëQDX the world emerged. It also represents Ora (Well Families) program that the heavens and the male element. The would see government agencies lower red panel represents the realm of GHOLYHULQJVHUYLFHVDFFRUGLQJWR0ëRUL coming into being, the female element. societal needs and directives rather ,WUHSUHVHQWV3DSDWąëQXNXWKHHDUWK than government preferences was also mother, the nurturer and sustainer of DQLPSRUWDQW0ëRUL3DUW\LQLWLDWLYH all living things (New Zealand History Yet it appeared that implementation of online). such a program would not be straight- 0ëRUL3DUW\VXSSRUWIRU0ëRUL forward. The prime minister declared Television to lead the bid for television that services had to be delivered to coverage of the Rugby World Cup all New Zealanders and not just to LQFOXGHGWKHPLQLVWHURI0ëRUL$IIDLUV 0ëRUL*RYHUQPHQWDJHQFLHVZHUH providing funding for them to mount also resisting having to work together their bid. This brought the wrath of and having to transfer their budgets to 3ëNHKëWHOHYLVLRQLQWHUHVWVGRZQRQ 0ëRULIRFXVHGDJHQFLHVEHWWHUSODFHG the minister’s head when their bids to deliver services. As a result, only were rejected by the International a relatively small proportion of the 5XJE\%RDUGZKLOHWKH0ëRUL7HOHYL- welfare budget was allocated to the sion bid was kept in the running. For initiative. a short but embarrassing few days, it 7KH0ëRUL3DUW\FRXOGDOVRWDNH seemed that another government min- credit for the tino rangatiratanga flag LVWHUFRXOGSUHYHQW0ëRUL7HOHYLVLRQ flying at Parliament and on the Auck- from continuing to bid. But on this land harbor bridge, even if it did only occasion the prime minister intervened fly on . The tino ran- to ensure that such blatant racism gatiratanga flag was voted for as the could not feature in an international SUHIHUUHG0ëRULIODJIRUWKHFRXQWU\ bidding round, correctly assessing the ,WLVVWURQJO\DVVRFLDWHGZLWK0ëRUL likely damage it would do to the coun- VRYHUHLJQW\DQGWKHVWUXJJOHIRU0ëRUL WU\ªVUHSXWDWLRQRQ0ëRULLVVXHV to free ourselves from the oppres- 7KH0ëRUL3DUW\KDVLQVLVWHGRQ sion, discrimination, marginalization, a “rangatira to rangatira” (chief to subjugation, and near obliteration we chief ) approach in its dealings with the have experienced at the hands of the National Party as well as any dealings pol i t ical reviews ‡ polynesia 231

EHWZHHQ0ëRULWULEDOJURXSLQJVDQG money to buy back lands stolen by the the government. In the Treaty of Wai- Crown and smaller amounts of land tangi claims settlement area, the previ- to which the Crown has agreed to ous government set this as a precedent relinquish its claims. Deeds of settle- DQGWKH0ëRUL3DUW\KDVLQVLVWHGRQ ment are needed to confirm each of it being retained. As a result, several these agreements. deeds of settlement have been signed By far the most significant achieve- between the Crown and the claimant PHQWRIWKH0ëRUL3DUW\WKLV\HDUZDV JURXSVDOWKRXJKWKH0ëRUL3DUW\KDV gaining the government’s support for acknowledged that they still deliver the UN Declaration on the Rights of only a tiny fraction of what was stolen Indigenous Peoples. It is indicative of and none of them deliver restitution WKHVWDWHRI0ëRUL3ëNHKëUHODWLRQV DWWKHOHYHOVDYDLODEOHIRU3ëNHKëZKR LQWKLVFRXQWU\WKDWZKLOH0ëRULZHUH take claims against the Crown. jubilant on hearing the news filtering In December 2009ERWK1JëWL through from New York, the prime :KDUHDQG1JëWL0DQDZDVLJQHG minister was desperately trying to deeds of settlement. Both are part of play down its significance. Fearing the larger Central North Island for- D3ëNHKëEDFNODVKWKHJRYHUQPHQW estry settlement (Mutu 2009, 165– had encouraged little public discus- 166), and both had been left virtually sion about the declaration. There landless as a result of the Crown’s ille- was also no announcement that New gal activities. Their deeds of settlement Zealand was now supporting it, signal the return of small areas of their prior to Dr Sharples’s delivering the ODQGWRWKHLUFRQWURO)RU1JëWL:KDUH government’s statement at the meet- the Crown will relinquish its claims ing of the UN Permanent Forum for to a little less than 60 hectares of their Indigenous Issues in New York on 20 approximately 192,000-hectare terri- April 2010$QGWKH3ëNHKëUHDFWLRQ tories (OTS 2009E )RU1JëWL0DQDZD LIPHDVXUHGE\WKDWRI3ëNHKëPHGLD the Crown will relinquish its claims to did appear to be generally negative. approximately 800 hectares of their %XWWKH3ëNHKëPHGLDVHHPHGWREH “large” territories (ots 2009a). Also PRUHFRQFHUQHGWKDWZKLOH0ëRUL in December 2009, Waikato-Tainui Television had been present in New signed a deed of settlement for the York for the announcement, they had management of their river (Mutu known nothing about it. And viewers 2010, 182 DVGLG1JëWL5DXNDZD RI0ëRUL7HOHYLVLRQZHUHWROGRIWKH The five iwi of Te Hiku o te Ika pending announcement several hours (the Far North); Te Kawerau a Maki before it was made. In response to of West Auckland; the Tamaki Collec- 3ëNHKëPHGLDªVLQGLJQDQWGHPDQGVRI WLYHRI$XFNODQG1JëWL0DQXKLULD 7DULDQD7ąULDIRUDQH[SODQDWLRQDV KDSąRI1JëWL:DLMXVWQRUWKRI$XFN- to why they were not told, she simply ODQGDQG1JëWL:KëWXDR.DLSDUD smiled and quipped that they were not from the Kaipara harbor all signed indigenous. agreements in principle to settle their But the significance of New Zea- claims (ots 2010). All agreements land’s support for the declaration mention relatively small amounts of ZDVQRWORVWRQ0ëRUL6LU7DLKëNXUHL 232 the contemporary pacific ‡ 23:1 (2011)

Edward Durie, retired high court who helped to achieve this result” judge and long-serving chairman of (Harawira 2010). the , sent the follow- margaret mutu LQJPHVVDJHWRWKH0ëRUL3DUW\VKRUWO\ after the announcement in New York: §0\FRQJUDWXODWLRQVWRWKH0ëRUL References Party caucus for the Party’s role in 'DUJDYLOOH1HZV 2010. Hone Tells Protes- securing New Zealand’s support tors to Drop Chains into Harbour. 26 for the UN Declaration of Rights of February. Indigenous Peoples. Were nothing else Harawira, Hone. 2010. Speech: The Decla- done in the Party’s lifetime, this one ration of Rights of Indigenous Peoples. thing would be enough to secure for it Delivered in Parliament, 21 April. DWUHDVXUHGSODFHLQ0ëRULKLVWRU\ “Notwithstanding the progress hrc, Human Rights Commission. 2010. made through all the tribunal reports Youth Unemployment Needs Action. Press Release. http://www.hrc.co and court cases from the 1980s, and .nz/home/hrc/newsandissues/ the consequential changes in legisla- youthunemploymentneedsaction.php tion and official policy, I would still [accessed 27 August 2010] rank the day that New Zealand gave support to the Declaration as the most 0ëRUL3DUW\2009a. To Paris or Not to Paris. Press release, 5 November. VLJQLILFDQWGD\LQDGYDQFLQJ0ëRUL rights since 6th February 1840 [when ———. 2009E6WDWHPHQWIURPWKH0ëRUL the was signed]. Party. Press release, 2 December. “I do not overlook that the Decla- ———. 2010a. Kohatu Blow-up Was ration has only moral force. The same Cold-hearted and Unnecessary Says Turia. is said of the Treaty. Important state- Press release, 10 March. ments of principle established through ———. 2010b. Speech: Race Relations international negotiation and accla- Dinner. The Honorable Dr Pita Sharples, mation filter into law in time through 0LQLVWHURI0ëRUL$IIDLUV21 March. both governments and the courts, Mutu, Margaret. 2007. Evidence of which look constantly for universal Professor Margaret Mutu on Behalf statements of principle in developing of the Appellant in Nga Uri o Wiremu policy or deciding cases. 0RURPRQD5DXD.R:KDNDURQJRKDX “Most significant for the present is 3LWD,QFRUSRUDWHGY.LQJVIRUG%DUNHU the statement that recurs throughout and Associates and the Far North Dis- the Declaration that indigenous people trict Council in the Environment Court, should be dealt with through their Auckland. own institutions, a matter with potent ———. 2009. Polynesia in Review: Issues implications for the Office of Treaty and Events, 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008: Settlements, the Crown Forestry 0ëRUL,VVXHVThe Contemporary Pacific Rental Trust, the Waitangi Tribunal 21:162–169. and for those developing policy for ———. 2010. Polynesia in Review: Issues social service delivery. and Events, 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009: “I hope something will be done in 0ëRUL,VVXHVThe Contemporary Pacific time to honour those of our people 22:179–183. pol i t ical reviews ‡ polynesia 233

New Zealand History online. The =1&pagesize=5 [accessed 21 September National Maori Flag. http://www 2010] .nzhistory.net.nz/media/photo/national -maori-flag [accessed 31 August 2010]. 1RUWKODQG$JH7ZLFHZHHNO\.DLWëLD Rapa Nui New Zealand. The year under review was marked by NZH, New Zealand Herald. Daily. Auckland. heavy political upheavals on Rapa Nui that were still unfolding at the time of nzpa, New Zealand Press Association. this writing. A very successful protest ots, Office of Treaty Settlements. 2009a. action in August 2009 initiated a pro- Summary of the Deed of Settlement cess of limiting immigration, while a EHWZHHQWKH&URZQDQG7H5ąQDQJDR historic change of political leadership 1JëWL0DQDZDKWWSZZZQ]01.2day in Chile in early 2010 caused a recon- .terabyte.co.nz/ots/DocumentLibrary/ figuration of local politics through the NgatiManawaDeedofSettlementsummary controversial appointment of former .pdf [accessed 14 August 2010] Mayor Petero Edmunds as governor. ———. 2009b. Summary of Deed of This in turn precipitated a far-reaching Settlement between the Crown and and ongoing political crisis. 7H5ąQDQJDR1JëWL:KDUH The review period started rather http://www.nz01.2day.terabyte.co calmly. On 11–14 July, the French .nz/ots/DocumentLibrary/ warship Prairial visited the Island in NgatiWhareDeedofSettlementSummary order to unload building materials .pdf. [accessed 14 August 2010] for the establishment of a branch of ———. 2010. Four Monthly Report the Alliance Française, an organiza- November 2009–February 2010. http:// tion promoting French language and nz01.terabyte.co.nz/ots/DocumentLibrary/ culture abroad, in Hanga Roa. This FourMonthlyReportNov09toFeb10final followed a visit by the French ambas- .pdf [accessed 14 August 2010] sador to Chile earlier in 2009 (French Stavenhagen, Rodolfo. 2006. Report of embassy in Chile website, undated the Special Rapporteur on the Situation article), an act symbolizing the nor- of Human Rights and Fundamental malization of Franco-Chilean relations Freedoms of Indigenous People. Mission regarding Rapa Nui, which was in the to New Zealand. E/CN.4/2006/78/Add.3. French colonial sphere of influence for United Nations Human Rights Commis- sion, Geneva, 13 March. two decades before being annexed by Chile in 1888. 6XQGD\1HZVWeekly, Auckland. In mid-July, a controversy arose Taonui, Rawiri. 2010. Time for New over planning for the solar eclipse of Zealand to Show All Its Colours. NZH, 31 11 July 2010, named “Honu Eclipse” December 2009. on the Island, for which all tourist accommodations were booked out tvnz, TV New Zealand website. 2010. Key: Harawira Comments Divisive and a year in advance (RNJ, Oct 2009, Negative. 13 January. http://tvnz.co.nz/ 172). Since the event was expected politics-news/key-harawira-comments to bring up to 50,000 tourists at -divisive-and-negative-3329623?page one time, local authorities were very