Helena, House Chambers January 4, 2021 State Capitol

Pursuant to the Constitution of the State of Montana, at the hour of 12:00 noon, the House of Representatives of the 67th Legislature of the State of Montana was called to order by the Honorable, , Secretary of State for the State of Montana.

The Montana National Guard Honor Guard posted the colors. Secretary Jacobsen led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and the National Anthem was sung by Faith Johnson of Helena, Montana. Invocation was given by Father Lebsock from the parish of Saints Cyril & Methodius (East Helena).

Secretary Jacobsen thanked Father Lebsock, Faith Johnson, and the Montana National Guard Honor Guard.

Chief Clerk Carolyn Tschida called the roll of members of the House of Representatives of the 67th Legislature.

House District 01 Steve Gunderson House District 02 House District 03 House District 04 House District 05 House District 06 House District 07 House District 08 John Fuller House District 09 House District 10 House District 11 House District 12 House District 13 House District 14 House District 15 Marvin Weatherwax Jr House District 16 House District 17 Ross Fitzgerald House District 18 House District 19 Wendy McKamey House District 20 Fred Anderson House District 21 Ed Buttrey House District 22 Lola Sheldon-Galloway House District 23 House District 24 Steven Galloway House District 25 House District 26 House District 27 Josh Kassmier


House District 28 Ed Hill House District 29 House District 30 E. House District 31 Frank Smith House District 32 House District 33 House District 34 House District 35 Brandon Ler House District 36 House District 37 House District 38 House District 39 House District 40 House District 41 Rynalea Whiteman Pena House District 42 Sharon Stewart Peregoy House District 43 Kerri Seekins-Crowe House District 44 House District 45 House District 46 Bill Mercer House District 47 Kathy Kelker House District 48 House District 49 Emma Kerr-Carpenter House District 50 Mallerie Stromswold House District 51 Frank Fleming House District 52 House District 53 House District 54 House District 55 House District 56 House District 57 House District 58 House District 59 House District 60 House District 61 Jim Hamilton House District 62 House District 63 House District 64 House District 65 House District 66 House District 67 House District 68 House District 69 House District 70 House District 71 Kenneth Walsh House District 72 House District 73


House District 74 Derek Harvey House District 75 House District 76 House District 77 House District 78 House District 79 Robert Farris-Olsen House District 80 House District 81 House District 82 House District 83 House District 84 House District 85 House District 86 House District 87 Ron Marshall House District 88 House District 89 Katie Sullivan House District 90 House District 91 Connie Keogh House District 92 Mike Hopkins House District 93 House District 94 House District 95 House District 96 House District 97 House District 98 House District 99 House District 100

Roll Call. All members present. Quorum present.

Christi Jacobsen, Secretary of State of the State of Montana, extended greetings to the members on behalf of the State of Montana and delivered the following speech:

On behalf of the state of Montana, the 41st state admitted to the Union, I would like to welcome you all to the Montana House of Representatives. I'm Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen, and I would like to be the first to congratulate each and every one of you on being elected to serve in the 67th legislature of the state of Montana.

I, along with our fellow Montanans, thank you for your service.

As you look around the room today, you'll see some familiar faces, but likely many new faces, as well. As you spend the next 90 days of the legislative session getting to know one another, searching for common ground - agreeing or even disagreeing - I ask you to remember that these are the faces of your fellow Montanans. Today, and all 90 days, are about the people of Montana working together for their best interest.


Today begins my favorite part of the session - as each of you prepare to carry out your responsibilities, you bring fresh ideas and a rejuvenated energy into this historic building. Our great state has a bright future under new leadership - leadership whose goal is to work with you to help Montana communities and businesses thrive.

There's no denying 2020 was a challenging and trying year, across the country and right here at home. Businesses were closed, schools went remote and we fought to keep our loved ones healthy and safe.

As difficult as the past 10 months have been, I know, as you know, Montanans are built to overcome a challenge. Our friends and neighbors have shown perseverance and resilience, compassion and courage.

As you have seen over the past couple of weeks, the COVID-19 vaccine is now here in our communities, being supplied to our frontline healthcare workers, military and veterans, and soon our elderly, essential workers, and those others at an elevated risk for contracting the virus.

As you embark on this journey, performing your duties and responsibilities, I ask that each of you display the same qualities shown by your fellow Montanans - perseverance, resilience, compassion and courage. You will be presented with the daunting, but noble task of drafting and voting on legislation that affects our great state, but with dedication and the spirit of cooperation, you will succeed in setting state policies on a variety of topics.

It will be important for each of you to think of the bigger picture, what's best for this institution and this great state. In doing this, I encourage you to form new friendships - not just with those that agree with you, but those with differing views. When working together, the great minds in this room will be capable of incredible things.

As your Secretary of State, I look forward to working with each of you in putting 2020 behind us and moving ahead to 2021. Again, I thank you for your service and wish you well on the coming weeks and months. I speak for our fellow Montanans when I say we're behind you, cheering you on and looking forward to the great work you do in bettering Montana's future. God bless, I wish you the best session in Montana history!


Secretary of State Jacobsen introduced the Honorable Laurie McKinnon, Justice of the . Representative Patelis and Representative Funk escorted Justice McKinnon into the chamber.

Justice McKinnon administered the following oath of office:

"I do solemnly swear that I will support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Montana, and I will discharge the duties of my office as a Montana State Representative with fidelity, so help me God"


Secretary of State Jacobsen thanked Justice McKinnon and asked the members of the House of Representatives to sign their copies of the oath of offices. These will be presented to Justice McKinnon for her acknowledgment and then filed in the Secretary of State's office. Representative Patelis and Representative Funk escorted Justice McKinnon from the chamber.

Secretary of State Jacobsen called for nominations for the office of Speaker of the House. Majority Leader-elect Vinton nominated Representative E. Wylie Galt. Minority Leader-elect Abbott moved that the nominations be closed. Motion carried.

Secretary of State Jacobsen declared that Representative E. Wylie Galt has been duly elected Speaker of the House of Representatives for the 67th Legislature. Speaker Pro Tempore-elect Casey Knudsen and Representative Kerr-Carpenter escorted Speaker Galt to the Rostrum.

Speaker Galt thanked Secretary Jacobsen on behalf of the House. Representative Noland and Representative Keane escorted Secretary of State Jacobsen from the House Chamber.

Speaker Galt addressed the House.

Thank you, Majority Leader-elect Vinton. I am truly honored and humbled to accept the nomination to serve as your Speaker. I look forward to working with each of you to deliver strong results for our state over the next 90 days.

As Legislators, we represent the diverse people and places of our state. I am hopeful that we will continue a tradition of respect and civility. You have my promise that I will lead the House with these values in mind.

To the Republican members of this body, I thank you for your vote of confidence to unite us behind our shared policy goals. To the Democratic members, your voices will be heard and respected. That is the Montana tradition.

It is my priority to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for all in the Capitol building this session. That includes virtual participation for legislators and constituents. This will be the most accessible legislative session in history.

Thank you. Let's get to work.

Majority Leader-elect Vinton moved the following individuals be nominated as officers of the House of Representatives:

Chief Clerk Carolyn Tschida Sergeant-at-Arms Brad Murfitt

The House Officers were appointed by unanimous consent.

Majority Leader-elect Vinton moved that Representative Casey Knudsen be nominated as Speaker Pro Tempore of the House of Representatives.


Representative Casey Knudsen was unanimously elected.

Chief Clerk Tschida read the following announcement from the Caucus:

"This is to advise you that the caucuses have elected the following officials: House Majority Leader - Representative Sue Vinton House Minority Leader - Representative Kim Abbott House Majority Whips - Representative Seth Berglee, Representative Dennis Lenz, Representative Lola Sheldon-Galloway, Representative Derek Skees, Representative Barry Usher House Minority Whips - Representative Laurie Bishop, Representative Derek Harvey, Representative Tyson Running Wolf House Minority Caucus Chair - Representative Marilyn Marler"

Majority Leader Vinton addressed the House.

Minority Leader Abbott addressed the House.


Majority Leader Vinton moved the Joint rules contained in Senate Joint Resolution No. 1 be adopted as the temporary joint operating rules of the 67th Legislature. Motion carried as follows:

Yeas: Anderson, Bartel, Bedey, Berglee, Bertoglio, Binkley, Buttrey, Carlson, Custer, Dooling, Duram, Fielder, Fitzgerald, Fleming, Frazer, Galt, Garner, Gist, Greef, Gunderson, Hill, Hinkle J, Holmlund, Hopkins, Jones, Kassmier, Kerns, Knudsen C, Knudsen R, Lenz, Ler, Loge, Malone, Marshall, McKamey, Mercer, Mitchell, Moore, Noland, Patelis, Phalen, Putnam, Read, Regier A, Regier M, Reksten, Ricci, Seekins-Crowe, Sheldon-Galloway, Skees, Stromswold, Trebas, Vinton, Walsh, Welch, Whitman, Zolnikov. Total 57

Nays: Abbott, Beard, Bishop, Brewster, Buckley, Caferro, Curdy, Dunwell, Farris-Olsen, Fern, France, Fuller, Funk, Galloway, Gillette, Hamilton, Harvey, Hawk, Hayman, Hinkle C, Karjala, Keane, Kelker, Keogh, Kerr-Carpenter, Kortum, Marler, Novak, Olsen, Running Wolf, Schillinger, Smith, Stafman, Stewart Peregoy, Sullivan, Tenenbaum, Thane, Tschida, Usher, Weatherwax, Whiteman Pena, Windy Boy. Total 42

Voted absentee: None.

Excused: None. Total 0

Absent or not voting: Nave. Total 1


Majority Leader Vinton moved that the 2019 House rules be adopted as the temporary House operating rules of the 67th Legislature.

Representative Noland moved a substitute motion to adopt the 2017 House rules as the temporary House operating rules of the 67th Legislature. Motion failed as follows:

Yeas: Bartel, Beard, Berglee, Binkley, Brewster, Carlson, Duram, Fielder, Fleming, Fuller, Galloway, Gillette, Gist, Gunderson, Hill, Hinkle C, Hinkle J, Kerns, Knudsen R, Lenz, Ler, Mercer, Mitchell, Moore, Nave, Noland, Patelis, Phalen, Read, Regier A, Regier M, Reksten, Ricci, Schillinger, Seekins-Crowe, Sheldon-Galloway, Skees, Stromswold, Trebas, Tschida, Usher, Zolnikov. Total 42

Nays: Abbott, Anderson, Bedey, Bertoglio, Bishop, Buckley, Buttrey, Caferro, Curdy, Custer, Dooling, Dunwell, Farris-Olsen, Fern, Fitzgerald, France, Frazer, Funk, Galt, Garner, Greef, Hamilton, Harvey, Hawk, Hayman, Holmlund, Hopkins, Jones, Karjala, Kassmier, Keane, Kelker, Keogh, Kerr-Carpenter, Knudsen C, Kortum, Loge, Malone, Marler, Marshall, McKamey, Novak, Olsen, Putnam, Running Wolf, Smith, Stafman, Stewart Peregoy, Sullivan, Tenenbaum, Thane, Vinton, Walsh, Weatherwax, Welch, Whiteman Pena, Whitman, Windy Boy. Total 58

Voted absentee: None.

Excused: None. Total 0

Absent or not voting: None. Total 0

The motion of Majority Leader Vinton that the 2019 House rules be adopted as the temporary House operating rules of the 67th Legislature carried as follows:

Yeas: Abbott, Anderson, Bedey, Berglee, Bertoglio, Binkley, Bishop, Brewster, Buckley, Buttrey, Caferro, Carlson, Curdy, Custer, Dooling, Dunwell, Duram, Farris-Olsen, Fern, Fitzgerald, Fleming, France, Frazer, Funk, Galt, Garner, Gillette, Gist, Greef, Hamilton, Harvey, Hawk, Hayman, Hill, Holmlund, Hopkins, Jones, Karjala, Kassmier, Keane, Kelker, Keogh, Kerns, Kerr-Carpenter, Knudsen C, Knudsen R, Kortum, Lenz, Ler, Loge, Malone, Marler, Marshall, McKamey, Mercer, Mitchell, Moore, Nave, Novak, Olsen, Patelis, Putnam, Regier A, Reksten, Running Wolf, Seekins-Crowe, Smith, Stafman, Stewart Peregoy, Stromswold, Sullivan, Tenenbaum, Thane, Trebas, Vinton, Walsh, Weatherwax, Welch, Whiteman Pena, Whitman, Windy Boy, Zolnikov. Total 82

Nays: Bartel, Beard, Fielder, Fuller, Galloway, Gunderson, Hinkle C, Hinkle J, Noland, Phalen, Read, Regier M, Ricci, Schillinger, Sheldon-Galloway, Skees, Tschida, Usher. Total 18


Voted absentee: None.

Excused: None. Total 0

Absent or not voting: None. Total 0

Majority Leader Vinton moved the Speaker appoint a Committee of two members to notify the Governor that the House is now organized and ready to do business. Motion Carried.

Speaker Galt appointed Representative Dooling and Representative Stewart Peregoy.

Majority Leader Vinton moved the Speaker appoint a Committee of two members to notify the Senate that the House is now organized and ready to do business. Motion Carried.

Speaker Galt appointed Representative Beard and Representative Smith.

Majority Leader Vinton moved the Speaker appoint a Committee of two members to notify the Supreme Court that the House is now organized and ready to do business. Motion Carried.

Speaker Galt appointed Representative Moore and Representative Kelker.

Speaker Galt directed the House stand at ease to await the report of the Select Committee from the Senate and the three Select Committees of the House.

House recessed. House reconvened.


The Honorable Committee from the Senate, consisting of Senator Kary and Senator Lynch was admitted into the House Chamber and reported to the House that the Senate was organized and ready for business.


The Select Committee appointed to notify the Senate that the House is organized and ready to do business, reported they had done so. The Select Committee was thanked and discharged.

The Select Committee appointed to notify the Governor that the House is organized and ready to do business, reported they had done so. The Select Committee was thanked and discharged.


The Select Committee appointed to notify the Supreme Court, by letter, that the House is organized and ready to do business, reported they had done so. The Select Committee was thanked and discharged.


The following House bills were introduced, read first time, and referred to committees:

HB 1, introduced by L. Jones (by request of the Legislative Council), referred to Appropriations. HB 2, introduced by L. Jones (by request of the Office of Budget and Program Planning), referred to Appropriations. HB 3, introduced by D. Bedey (by request of the Office of Budget and Program Planning), referred to Appropriations. HB 4, introduced by D. Bartel (by request of the Office of Budget and Program Planning), referred to Appropriations. HB 5, introduced by L. Jones (by request of the Office of Budget and Program Planning), referred to Appropriations. HB 6, introduced by M. Hopkins (by request of the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation and the Office of Budget and Program Planning), referred to Appropriations. HB 7, introduced by M. Hopkins (by request of the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation and the Office of Budget and Program Planning), referred to Appropriations. HB 8, introduced by M. Hopkins (by request of the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation and the Office of Budget and Program Planning), referred to Appropriations. HB 9, introduced by M. Hopkins (by request of the Office of Budget and Program Planning), referred to Appropriations. HB 10, introduced by K. Holmlund (by request of the Office of Budget and Program Planning), referred to Appropriations. HB 11, introduced by W. McKamey (by request of the Department of Commerce), referred to Appropriations. HB 12, introduced by M. Hopkins (by request of the Department of Commerce), referred to Appropriations. HB 13, introduced by J. Dooling (by request of the Office of Budget and Program Planning), referred to Appropriations. HB 14, introduced by M. Hopkins (by request of the Office of Budget and Program Planning), referred to Appropriations. HB 15, introduced by F. Anderson (by request of the Office of Budget and Program Planning), referred to Education. HB 16, introduced by F. Anderson (by request of the Education Interim Committee), referred to Education. HB 17, introduced by J. Hamilton (by request of the Revenue Interim Committee), referred to Taxation. HB 18, introduced by G. Custer (by request of the Local Government Interim Committee), referred to Appropriations. HB 19, introduced by E. Buttrey (by request of the Department of Revenue), referred to Business and Labor.


HB 20, introduced by B. Beard (by request of the Department of Transportation), referred to Transportation. HB 21, introduced by G. Custer (by request of the Local Government Interim Committee), referred to Appropriations. HB 22, introduced by F. Garner (by request of the Department of Military Affairs), referred to Local Government. HB 23, introduced by B. Beard (by request of the Revenue Interim Committee), referred to Taxation. HB 24, introduced by S. Gunderson (by request of the Department of Military Affairs), referred to State Administration. HB 25, introduced by M. Funk (by request of the Education Interim Committee), referred to Education. HB 26, introduced by M. Funk (by request of the Education Interim Committee), referred to Education. HB 27, introduced by M. Funk (by request of the Education Interim Committee), referred to Education. HB 28, introduced by F. Fleming (by request of the Law and Justice Interim Committee), referred to Judiciary. HB 29, introduced by J. Trebas (by request of the Department of Military Affairs), referred to State Administration. HB 30, introduced by J. Karjala (by request of the State Administration and Veterans' Affairs Interim Committee), referred to State Administration. HB 31, introduced by E. Buttrey (by request of the Department of Military Affairs), referred to State Administration. HB 32, introduced by S. Vinton (by request of the Education Interim Committee), referred to Education. HB 33, introduced by S. Vinton (by request of the Education Interim Committee), referred to Education. HB 34, introduced by F. Smith (by request of the State-Tribal Relations Committee), referred to Energy, Technology and Federal Relations. HB 35, introduced by S. Stewart Peregoy (by request of the State-Tribal Relations Committee), referred to Judiciary. HB 36, introduced by S. Stewart Peregoy (by request of the State-Tribal Relations Committee), referred to Judiciary. HB 37, introduced by T. Welch (by request of the Children, Families, Health, and Human Services Interim Committee), referred to Human Services. HB 38, introduced by T. Welch (by request of the Children, Families, Health, and Human Services Interim Committee), referred to Human Services. HB 39, introduced by D. Lenz (by request of the Children, Families, Health, and Human Services Interim Committee), referred to Human Services. HB 40, introduced by W. Curdy (by request of the Environmental Quality Council), referred to Fish, Wildlife and Parks. HB 41, introduced by M. Funk (by request of the State Auditor), referred to Business and Labor. HB 42, introduced by N. Duram (by request of the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation), referred to Natural Resources.


HB 43, introduced by R. Knudsen (by request of the State Auditor), referred to Human Services. HB 44, introduced by G. Custer (by request of the Public Employees' Retirement Board), referred to State Administration. HB 45, introduced by B. Putnam (by request of the Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks), referred to Fish, Wildlife and Parks. HB 46, introduced by D. Bedey (by request of the Legislative Finance Committee), referred to Education. HB 47, introduced by W. McKamey (by request of the State Administration and Veterans' Affairs Interim Committee), referred to State Administration. HB 48, introduced by S. Gist (by request of the of Department Fish, Wildlife, and Parks), referred to Fish, Wildlife and Parks. HB 49, introduced by D. Bedey (by request of the Legislative Finance Committee), referred to Local Government. HB 50, introduced by F. Garner (by request of the Legislative Finance Committee), referred to Energy, Technology and Federal Relations. HB 51, introduced by J. Hamilton (by request of the Revenue Interim Committee), referred to Human Services. HB 52, introduced by T. Welch (by request of the Department of Revenue), referred to Taxation. HB 53, introduced by J. Hamilton (by request of the Department of Revenue), referred to Taxation. HB 54, introduced by K. Seekins-Crowe (by request of the Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks), referred to Fish, Wildlife and Parks. HB 55, introduced by D. Loge (by request of the Department of Transportation), referred to Transportation. HB 56, introduced by D. Loge (by request of the Department of Transportation), referred to Judiciary. HB 57, introduced by D. Lenz (by request of the Department of Public Health and Human Services), referred to Human Services. HB 58, introduced by J. Karjala (by request of the Department of Administration), referred to State Administration. HB 59, introduced by J. Hamilton (by request of the Public Employees' Retirement Board), referred to State Administration. HB 60, introduced by D. Lenz (by request of the Department of Public Health and Human Services), referred to Human Services. HB 61, introduced by G. Custer (by request of the Department of Public Health and Human Services), referred to Appropriations. HB 62, introduced by M. Hopkins (by request of the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation and the Office of Budget and Program Planning), referred to Appropriations. HB 63, introduced by J. Dooling (by request of the State Auditor), referred to Business and Labor. HB 64, introduced by T. Moore (by request of the State Auditor), referred to Business and Labor. HB 65, introduced by T. Moore (by request of the State Auditor), referred to Business and Labor. HB 66, introduced by T. Moore (by request of the State Auditor), referred to Business and Labor. HB 67, introduced by L. Jones (by request of the Legislative Finance Committee), referred to Education. HB 68, introduced by M. Bertoglio (by request of the Education Interim Committee), referred to Education.


HB 69, introduced by W. McKamey (by request of the Education Interim Committee), referred to Education. HB 70, introduced by K. Holmlund (by request of the Department of Public Health and Human Services), referred to Human Services. HB 71, introduced by F. Garner (by request of the Commissioner of Political Practices), referred to State Administration. HB 72, introduced by F. Garner (by request of the Public Employees' Retirement Board), referred to State Administration. HB 73, introduced by B. Usher (by request of the Criminal Justice Oversight Council), referred to Judiciary. HB 74, introduced by J. Gillette (by request of the State Auditor), referred to Business and Labor. HB 75, introduced by B. Putnam (by request of the Department of Transportation), referred to State Administration. HB 76, introduced by G. Frazer (by request of the Department of Administration), referred to Business and Labor. HB 77, introduced by R. Fitzgerald (by request of the Department of Transportation), referred to Transportation. HB 78, introduced by B. Mercer (by request of the Department of Public Health and Human Services), referred to Judiciary. HB 79, introduced by M. Noland (by request of the Department of Revenue), referred to Business and Labor. HB 80, introduced by K. Seekins-Crowe (by request of the State Auditor), referred to Business and Labor. HB 81, introduced by J. Hamilton (by request of the Public Employees' Retirement Board), referred to State Administration. HB 82, introduced by K. Walsh (by request of the Department of Agriculture), referred to Agriculture. HB 83, introduced by J. Dooling (by request of the Department of Justice), referred to Transportation. HB 84, introduced by J. Dooling (by request of the Department of Justice), referred to Judiciary. HB 85, introduced by B. Tschida (by request of the Public Service Commission), referred to Energy, Technology and Federal Relations. HB 86, introduced by M. Dunwell (by request of the Local Government Interim Committee), referred to Local Government. HB 87, introduced by W. McKamey (by request of the Department of Military Affairs), referred to State Administration. HB 88, introduced by M. Bertoglio (by request of the Teachers' Retirement Board), referred to State Administration. HB 89, introduced by W. McKamey (by request of the Office of Public Instruction), referred to Education. HB 90, introduced by D. Lenz (by request of the Children, Families, Health, and Human Services Interim Committee, the State-Tribal Relations Committee), referred to Human Services. HB 91, introduced by R. Farris-Olsen (by request of the Law and Justice Interim Committee), referred to Judiciary.


HB 92, introduced by K. Kelker (by request of the Law and Justice Interim Committee), referred to Judiciary. HB 93, introduced by K. Walsh (by request of the Department of Agriculture), referred to Agriculture. HB 94, introduced by K. Walsh (by request of the Department of Agriculture), referred to Agriculture. HB 95, introduced by B. Tschida (by request of the Commissioner of Political Practices), referred to State Administration. HB 96, introduced by D. Hawk (by request of the Department of Labor and Industry), referred to Appropriations. HB 97, introduced by W. McKamey (by request of the Commissioner of Political Practices), referred to State Administration. HB 98, introduced by S. Stewart Peregoy (by request of the State-Tribal Relations Committee), referred to Judiciary. HB 99, introduced by D. Hayman (by request of the Energy and Telecommunications Interim Committee), referred to Energy, Technology and Federal Relations. HB 100, introduced by D. Hayman (by request of the Legislative Audit Committee), referred to Appropriations. HB 101, introduced by J. Dooling (by request of the Department of Environmental Quality), referred to Natural Resources. HB 102, introduced by S. Berglee, referred to Judiciary.


Committee meetings were announced by the committee chairs.

Majority Leader Vinton moved the House adjourn until 1:00 p.m., Tuesday, January 5, 2021. Motion carried.

House adjourned at 1:08 p.m.

CAROLYN TSCHIDA WYLIE GALT Chief Clerk of the House Speaker of the House