
EXECUTIVE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, VICTORIA juL. 3 1975 RES. /..1.7/7 Pursuant to the Wildlife Act, and upon the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant-Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, ordersthat regulations made by Order-in-Council No. 1381, approved April 23, 1974, and published in the Gazette as B. C. Reg. 262/74, be repealed, and the follow- ing regulations be substituted:




1. Management Units (abbreviated to M.U. or M,U,'s hereinafter) for the purpose of these regulations shall be those set out in B. C. Reg. 415/75.



2. No person shall hunt grizzly bear in that portion of M.U. 2-13 and M.U. 2-15 as described in Section 4, unless he is in posses- sion of the following valid hunting licences:

(1) Limited Entry Grizzly Bear hunting Licence (2) B. C. Resident Grizzly Bear Licence (3) B. C. Resident Hunting Licence

3. The fee for a Limited Entry Grizzly Bear Licence shall be: $5.00

4. The Limited Entry Grizzly Bear Hunting Areas shall be:

(1) that portion of M.U. 2-13 described as follows: TOBA WATERSHED - Commencing at a point on the middle line of Toba Inlet due east of the left bank of Tahumming River, at the outlet thereof; thence due west to said left bank; thence northerly along the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of said river to a point separating the water- sheds of Southgate ani Toba Rivers; thence northeasterly - 2

along the northwesterly and northerly boundary of the water- shed of Toba River to a point thereon separating the water- sheds of Toba, Southgate and Lillooet Rivers; thence south- erly along the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Toba River to a point separating the watersheds of Toba River and Chusan Creek; thence northerly along the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Chusan Creek to the right bank of said creek, at the outlet thereof, on the shore of Toba Inlet; thence due west to the middle line of Toba Inlet; thence northeasterly along the middle line of said inlet to the point of commencement; (2) that portion of M.U. 2-15 described as follows: HOMATHKO-TEAQUAHAN WATERSHED - Commencing at a point on the middle line of due east of the most easterly point of land on Potatoe Point; thence due west to the most easterly point of land on said point; thence northwesterly along the south and southwesterly boundary of the watershed of Cumsack Creek to a point thereon separating the water- sheds of Cumsack Creek and Bear River; thence northwesterly along the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Bear River to a point thereon separating the watersheds of Bear River, Homathko River and Wahkash Creek; thence northerly along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Homathko River to a point thereon separating the watersheds of Ho- mathko River and Mosley Creek; thence southeasterly along the southerly boundary of the watershed of Mosley Creek to the right bank of Homathko River; thence due east to the left bank of Homathko River; thence northerly along said left bank of Homathko River to the left bank of Doran Creek; thence southeasterly along the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Doran Creek to a point thereon separating the watersheds of Southgate and Homathko Rivers, and Doran Creek; thence southwesterly along the easterly boundary of the watershed of Homathko River to a point thereon separating the watersheds of Homathko and Teaquahan Rivers; thence southwesterly along the southwesterly boundary of the water- shed of Teaquahan River to the left bank of Teaquahan River, at the outlet thereof, on the shore of Bute Inlet; thence due south to the middle line of Bute Inlet; thence south- easterly along the middle line of said inlet to the point of commencement,

5. Only those persons who are residents of , as de- fined by the Wildlife Act, shall be eligible to make application for or possess a Limited Entry Grizzly Bear Hunting Licence.

b. The open season for Grizzly Bear in those portions of M.U. 2-13 and M.O. 2-15 shall be from October 11, 1975 to November 9, 1975, both dates inclusive.

7. The maximum t.umber of Grizzly Bear that may be taken by any one licence holder shall be one (1) adult Grizzly Bear, either sex, but shall not include any Grizzly Bear under the age of two years, or found in the company of a Grizzly Bear under that age.

8, Number of licences to be issued shall be:

(1) Five (5) licences for that portion of M.U. 2-13. (2) Three (3) licences for that portion of M.U. 2-15. A total of Eight (8) licences in all, Each licence only valid in the assigned portion of the applicable M,U, - 3 -



9. No person shall hunt Mountain Goat in any of those portions of M.U. 6-15, as described in Section 11, unless he is in possession of the following valid hunting licences:

(1) Limited Entry Mountain Goat Hunting Licence (2) B. C. Resident Mountain Goat Licence (3) B. C. Resident Hunting Licence

10. The fee for a Limited Entry Mountain Goat Hunting Licence shall be: $5.00

11. The Limited Entry Mountain Goat HunLing Areas shall be those portions of M.U. 6-15 as described:

(1) Area A, M.U. 6-15 - Starting at the confluence of Kitsumkalum and ; thence northerly following the east bank of the Kitsumkalum River to Kitsumkalum Lake; thence following easterly shore of lake to mouth of Douglas Creek; thence east- erly following south bank of Douglas Creek between heights of land to headwaters of Lorne Creek; following south shore of Lorne Creek to confluence of Lorne Creek and Skeena River; following west shore of Skeena River in southerly direction to point of commencement; (2) Area B, M.U. 6-15 - Starting at mouth of Douglas Creek and Kitsumkalum Lake; thence northerly to confluence of Kitsum- kalum River and Clear Creek; thence following Clear Creek in a northerly direction to its headwaters; thence northerly to a confluence of Clarence Creek and Cedar River; thence in a northeasterly direction following east bank of Cedar River approximately for four miles; thence easterly between the heights of land to headwaters of Insect Creek; following south bank of Insect Creek to its confluence with the Skeena River; thence southerly down west bank of Skeena River to north bank of Lorne Creek at confluence of Skeena River; thence following north bank of Lorne Creek and Douglas Creek back to point of commencement; (3) Area C, M.U. 6-15 - Starting at confluence of the Skeena River and Insect Creek; thence following north bank of Insect Creek in a westerly direction to headwaters of the Cedar River; thence in a northwesterly direction following Cedar River head- waters for approximately three miles; thence northerly to head- waters of the Kiteen River; following a northerly direction down the east bank of the Kiterm River to confluence of Kiteen River and Stenstrom Creek; th2nce easterly following south bank of Stenstrom Creek between nights of land to headwaters of Kitwancool Creek; easterly along south shore of Kitwancool Creek to the Kitwanga River; thence southerly following west bank of Kitwanga River to its confluence wilt, Skeena River; thence southwesterly following west bank of Skeena River to point of commencement; (4) Area D, M.U. 6-15 - Starting at the confluence of Kitwanga River and Kitwancool Creek in a westerly direction following north bank of Kitwancool Creek through the height of land to headwaters of Stenstrom Creek; thence westerly following north bank of Stenstrom Creek to confluence of Stenstrom Creek and Kiteen River; thence down Kiteen River following east bank to its confluence with Cranberry River; thence in a northeast dir- ection following south bank of Cranberry River to its conflu- ence with Ginmiltkun Creek; thence in a southeasterly direction - 4 -

following south bank of Ginmiltkun Creek between heights of land to Cranberry River; thence east following south bank of Cranberry River to a point two miles east of the conflu- ence of Weber Creek and Cranberry River; thence in a south- erly direction to north end of Kitwanga Lake, following in a southerly direction along the west shore of Kitwanga Lake and Kitwanga River to point of commencement; (5) Area E, M.U. b-15 - Starting at the confluence of Ginmiltkun Creek and Cranberry River; thence in an easterly and south- erly direction following southbank of Cranberry River to a point two miles east of confluence of Weber Creek and Cran- berry River; thence westerly following north bank of Cran- berry River between the heights of land to headwaters of Ginmiltkun Creek, following said creek in a westerly direc- tion to point of commencement.

12. Only those persons who are residents of British Columbia, as defined by the Wildlife Act, shall be eligible to make application or pos- sess a Limited Entry Mountain Goat Hunting Licence.

13. The open season for Mountain Goat in those portions of M.U. 6-15 described as Areas A, B, C, D, E, shall be from August 18, 1975 to September 21, 1975, both dates inclusive.

14. The maximum number of Mountain Goat that may be taken by any one licence holder shall be one (1) adult Mountain Goat of either sex.

15. Number of licences to be issued shall be:

(1) Thirty-one (31) licences for Area A of M.U. 6-15; (2) Nine (9) licences for Area B of M.U. 6-15; (3) Ten (10) licences for Area C of M.U. 6-15; (4) Forty-two (42) licences for Area D of M.U. 6-15; (5) Eight (8) licences :or Area E of M.U. 6-15. A total of One Hundred (100) licences in all, each licence only valid in the assigned Area of M.U. 6-15.



16. No person shall hunt Mountain Sheep in any of those portions of M.U. 3-3, as described in Section 18, unless he is in possession of the following valid hunting licences:

(1) Limited Entry Mountain Sheep Hunting Licence (2) B. C. Resident Mountain Sheep Licence (3) B. C. Resident Hunting Licence

17. The fee for a Limited Entry Mountain Sheep Hunting Licence shall be: $5.00

18. The Limited Entry Mountain Sheep Hunting Areas shall be those por- tions of M.U. 3-3 described as:

(1) Area A, M.U. 3-3 - Commencing at the juncture of the Inter- national Boundary with the height of land dividing the Upper

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Similkameen and Ashnola drainages; thence northerly and east- erly along said divide to a point on Similkameen River midway between Johns and Larcan Creeks; thence southerly on east bank of Similkameen River to the northwesterly bank of the Ashnola River; thence southerly and westerly along this bank of the Ashnola River to the International Boundary; (2) Area B, M.11, 3-3 - Commencing at the juncture of the Interna- tional Boundary to the east bank of the Ashnola River; thence northerly and easterly along said river bank to the confluence of the Ashnola River and the Similkameen River to the Interna- tional Boundary; thence due west along said boundary to the point of commencement.

19, Only those persons who are residents of British Columbia, as defined by the Wildlife Act, shall be eligible to make application for or possess a Limited Entry Mountain sheep Hunting Licence,

20, The open season for male Mountain Sheep in M.U, 3-3 shall be for designated intervals from August 20, 1975 to September 16, 1975, both dates inclusive.

21. The maximum number of male Mountain Sheep that may be taken by any one licence holder shall be one (1).

22, No person shall take a male Mountain Sheep with a horn that has grown less than 7/8 of a circle (315 degrees) described by the outer surface of the horn, as seen from the side and including any broomed portion.

73, Number of licences to be issued shall be:

(1) Area A - M,U 3-3: August 20 to August 26 - 1 licence August 27 to September 2 - 1 licence September 3 to September 9 - 1 licence September 10 to September 16 - 1 licence (2) Area 13 - M U 3-3: August 20 to August 26 - 2 licences August 27 to September 2 - 2 licences September 3 to September 9 - 2 licences September 10 to September 16 - 2 licences

Each licence only valid on the assigned dates and in the assigned areas of M.U. 3-3.



24. No person shall hunt Moose during the open seasons described in Sec- tions 28 and 29 in those portions of M.U. 3-46 as described in Sec- tion 26 or M.U. 3-28, unless he is in possession of the following valid hunting licences:

(1) Limited Entry Moose Hunting Licence (2) B. C. Resident Moose Licence (3) B. C. Resident Hunting Licence

25. The fee for a Limited Entry Moose Hunting Licence shall be: $5.00 - 6-

26. The Limited Entry Moose Hunting Area shall be M.U. 3-28 and those portions of M.U. 3-46 described as:

M.U. 3-46 "Area A": Commencing at Horseshoe Falls in the Murtle River; thence in a south-southwesterly direction to the commence- ment of the Placid Lake trail, thence south-southwesterly along said trail to the east bank of the Clearwater River; thence fol- lowing said river to the mouth of Moul Creek; thence following the north bank of Moul Creek to the Management Unit Boundary be- tween Management Units 3-45 and 3-46; thence following said boundary northerly and westerly to the point of commencement.

M.U. 3-46 "Area B": Commencing at Horseshoe Falls on the Murtle River; thence in a south-southwesterly direction to the commence- ment of the Placid Lake trail; thence south-southwesterly along said trail to the east bank of the Clearwater River; thence nor- therly along said river to the mouth of Falls Creek; thence up- stream to the intersection of Falls Creek with the Management Unit boundary; thence southerly along said boundary to the point of commencement.

27, Only those persons who are residents of British Columbia, as de- fined by the Wildlife Act, shall be eligible to make application for or possess a Limited Entry Moose Hunting Licence.

28. The open season for Moose in those portions of M.U. 3-46 shall be from January 24, 1976 to February 1, 1976, both dates inclusive.

29. The open season for Moose in M.U. 3-28 shall be from November 15, 1975 to November 26, 1975, both dates inclusive.

30. The maximum number of Moose that may be taken by any one licence holder shall be one (1).

31. Number of licences to be issued shall be:

(1) Twenty-five (25) licences for Area A of M.U. 3-46; (2) Twenty-five (25) licences for Area B of M.U. 3-46; (3) One hundred (100) licences for M.U. 3-28.



32. No person shall hunt Whitetail Deer in that portion of M.U. 4-6 as described in Section 34 unless he is in posses3ion of the follow- ing valid hunting licences:

(1) Limited Entry Whitetail Deer Hunting Licence (2) B. C. Resident Whitetail Deer Licence '?) B. C. Resident Hunting Licence

33. The fee for a Limited Entry Whitetail Deer Hunting Licence shall be: $5.00 - 7

34. The Limited Entry Whitetail Deer Hunting Area shall be that portion of M.U. 4-6 described as:

Commencing at the confluence of Arrow Creek and the Goat River; thence northerly along the westerly bank of Arrow Creek to Okell Creek; thence northwesterly and westerly along the southerly bank of Okell Creek to Wynndel Creek; thence westerly along the southerly bank of Wynndel Creek to its headwaters; thence due west to Highway 3A; thence southerly along Highway 3A and Highway 3 to High- way 21; thence southerly along Highway 21 to the Indian Mission; thence southeasterly and easterly along Mallory Road to Lister; thence due east to the easterly boundary of Lot 812; Kootenay District; thence northerly along the easterly boundary of Lots 812 and 7786, Kootenay Dis- trict to the Goat River; thence northerly along the east- erly bank of the Goat River to the point of commencement.

35. Only those persons who are residents of British Columbia, as defined by the Wildlife Act, shall be eligible to make application for or possess a Limited Entry Whitetail Deer Hunting Licence.

36. The open season for Whitetail Deer in that portion of M.U. 4-6 shall be from December 20, 1975 to February 1, 1976, both dates inclusive.

37. The maximum number of Whitetail Deer that may be taken by any one licence holder shall be two (2); two(2) antlered or one (1) ant- lered and one (1) antlerless.

38. The number of licences to be issued shall be three hundred (300). Each licence shall only be valid in that portion of M.U. 4-6 as described in Section 34.