Bamidbar Wednesday Parshas Bamidbar

Click here to view in browser ב"ה (with links to booklets, audio, and translations) Chita for Wedneday, Parsha Bamidbar Bei Sivan, 5779 sponsored by Rabbi Aryeh & Esther Kaltmann ~ לעילוי נשמת ר׳ יוסף בנימין בן ר׳ מנשה קאלטמאנן

Chitas for the month of Sivan is made possible לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח הרה״ת הר׳ משה פינחס בן הר׳ אברהם מרדכי הכהן כ״ץ הרה״ח הרה״ת הר׳ מרדכי בן הר׳ פינחס מענטליק ~ by their family ~

Chitas for the month of Sivan is made possible לע״נ שרה סימא ע״ה בת ר׳ שלמה אברהם הכהן ~ י״ב סיון on the occasion of her third yartzeit ~ לע״נ באשע ליבא ע״ה בת ר׳ אברהם ~ י״ז סיון on the occasion of her 2nd yahrzeit ~

In honor of the 5th birthday of Esther Shulamis Gorin ~ Shnas Bracha Vehatzlacha! ~

Mazel Tov Menachem Mendel Altein (shliach in Sunny Isles, FL) ~ 9th birthday Beis Sivan ~ Shnas Bracha Vehatzlacha!

CHUMASH :: Parshas Bamidbar - Revi'i with Rashi Today we learn about Aharon’s family. Really, the Torah says it’s about the families of Moshe and Aharon, but then it only tells us about Aharon’s family! Rashi shows us from the Gemara that it’s because Moshe taught them Torah, so it’s like they are Moshe’s kids too! Aharon had four sons: 1) Nadav 2) Avihu 3) Elazar 4) Itamar Nadav and Avihu had no children. Tey passed away when they brought Ketores in the Mishkan without permission. Elazar and Itamar were Kohanim along with Aharon. Hashem now tells Moshe that Shevet Levi has a special job, to help the kohanim guard the Mishkan. Aharon and his children are the kohanim. Hashem says, “Even though I made the bechorim holy, since they were involved in the Cheit Ha’Egel, the Kedusha to work in the Mishkan will go to Shevet Levi, who didn’t do the Egel.”

Chita for Kids / Wednesday, Beis Sivan, 5779 1 TEHILLIM :: 10 - 17 Kapitel Yud-Alef (11) in Tehillim talks about how Hashem brings tzaros to a Tzadik, but really it’s all for his good.

Te last posuk, some meforshim say, is talking about Matan Torah. It says “Tzadik Hashem Tzedakos Ahev” — Hashem loves giving tzedakah. When Hashem gave us the Torah, we were able to feel Hashem in the world and help the whole world to know Hashem. Tat’s the best kind of tzedakah there could be!

TANYA :: Likutei Amarim Perek Nun-Beis We said yesterday that the Shechinah by itself is too strong for the world, so it has to be covered over by the Chochmah of Hashem, the Torah. Now the Alter tells us that there are a lot of steps before the Chochmah of Hashem, the Torah, can bring the Shechinah into this Gashmius world. Te frst step is the Ruchnius world of Beriyah. Many and neshamos are created there, and the part of the Torah that is the reasons for the mitzvos, called “Talmud”, also come from there. Te next step is the “world” of Yetzirah. Tere, the cover for the Shechinah is the part of Torah called Mishnah, which is just the halachos by themselves, where the reasons are hiding. When this Chochmah of Hashem covers the Shechinah, all of the neshamos and malachim of Yetzirah are created. Ten the Shechinah goes to the next steps, together with the Chochmah of Hashem, until it is able to give chayus to this world through the Torah that we have.

HAYOM YOM :: Beis Sivan Today is forty-six days of the Omer! Te Rebbe tells us two minhagim of Shabbos: 1) In Kabolas Shabbos, we say “Ana Bekoach” quietly 2) In Kabolas Shabbos, before Shmoneh Esrei, we stand up when we say the words “Ufros Aleinu.” (Tat’s when the extra Shabbos neshama comes in!) In the year Tof-Kuf-Pey-Tes (5589), Shavuos was on Sunday. Te Tzemach Tzedek said a maamar on Erev Shabbos, on Shabbos afternoon, on the frst day of Shavuos, AND one on the second day of Shavuos! Te maamar on Erev Shabbos was about the parsha, explaining what it means to count the Yidden according to Chassidus. Te maamar explains that only a part of the neshama comes into the body, but when a Yid uses that part of the neshama to serve Hashem, it makes a diference for the part of the neshama which is still in Shomayim! Based on this, he explained many pesukim, and pieces of the Zohar and Medrash. Te Tzemach Tzedek chazered of the Alter Rebbe — which are printed in Likutei Torah — for the rest of the days. Te maamar on Shabbos afternoon (Erev Shavuos) talked about Hashem getting “married” to the Yidden by Matan Torah. It is based on a posuk from the haftorah of Parshas Bamidbar — “Ve’eirastich Li Le’olam.”

Chita for Kids / Wednesday, Beis Sivan, 5779 2 Te maamar on the frst day of Shavuos talked about Sefiras Haomer, and the maamar on the second day of Shavuos talked about Shavuos being on the 50th day. On Shabbos afternoon, Tof-Shin-Mem-Ches, which was also Erev Shavuos, the Rebbe said that in a year when Shavuos is on Sunday, we should learn these maamorim again! Te Rebbe said “I will start,” and said over part of the maamar “Ve’eirastich Li Le’olam!”

SEFER HAMITZVOS :: Shiur #278 - Mitzvas Asei #36 Today’s mitzvah (Mitzvas Asei #236) is the same mitzvah again in Sefer Hamitzvos: If someone hurts somebody else, or does something that makes them get hurt, they need to pay them back for fve things: Tat they’re not worth as much, for the pain that they had, for their doctor bills, for the time they couldn’t go to work, and for their being embarrassed.

RAMBAM :: Hilchos Shecheinim In today’s Rambam, we learn a bunch of halachos about neighbors. Tere are some things you CAN do even if your neighbors don’t like it, and other things that you CAN’T do because they bother someone else. In Perek Daled we learn about upstairs and downstairs neighbors who share a house or part of a mountain garden. One halacha is that if the house falls down, the person downstairs HAS to build his part of the house so that the upstairs neighbor can build his. If he doesn’t, the upstairs neighbor can build the bottom foor and live there himself until his neighbor pays him back for all of his work. Perek Hey teaches us about people who share a courtyard. Tere are many halachos that teach us about privacy. For example, we can’t build a new window that faces the courtyard, because then we can look at our neighbors all the time and see what they are doing. In Perek Vov, we learn about people who share a city or a road. We learn that if there is something that the city needs, everyone who lives there has to help pay for it. One thing that you can do even if the other people don’t like it is to teach kinderlach Torah — even if they are noisy and the neighbors don’t like the noise!

RAMBAM— PEREK ECHAD :: Hilchos Parah Adumah - Perek Yud-Beis We learn what happens when more than one person or thing are sprinkled at one time with the water of the Parah Adumah. What if the water drips from one onto the other one? What if only a little bit of water goes onto one person? What if the water went onto one part of something, like only the lid of a pot? All of the answers are in today’s Rambam! One of the things the Rambam teaches us about is called a Klubkerin — what we would call a winter coat! Even though there is an inside soft lining and an outside made of something else, it’s called just one thing, and if the water was sprinkled on any part, the whole thing is tahor.

DARKEI HACHASSIDUS :: Yom Hameyuchas From when the Yidden left Mitzrayim, they started getting ready by counting the days until Matan Torah. But starting from Rosh Chodesh Sivan, the Yidden worked even harder on getting ready!

Chita for Kids / Wednesday, Beis Sivan, 5779 3 When we remember these days, we aren’t just talking about something that happened then. In Ruchnius, those same things are happening again! If we learn about what happened and learn from it, we can get the special Ruchnius koach of that day again! When the Yidden camped near Har Sinai, on Rosh Chodesh Sivan, they all were thinking about one thing: Getting the Torah from Hashem! Because they were all thinking about the same thing, they were able to ignore all of the things that were diferent about each other, and stand with complete Achdus. Nowadays that is also how we start our last preparations for Matan Torah: With working on our Achdus! On Beis Sivan, the Torah tells us that Moshe Rabbeinu told the Yidden some very special words of Hashem: “Ve’Atem Tihiyu Li Mamleches Kohanim Vegoy Kadosh” — “You will be for Me a kingdom of kohanim and a holy nation!” Hashem told the Yidden, “You will be diferent than the rest of the world, and will be connected with Me!” Because of this, Beis Sivan is called Yom Hameyuchas, the day Hashem chose us as His special nation. When we think about how lucky we are to be chosen as Hashem’s special nation, we will want to make sure that we do EVERYTHING in the special way Hashem wants! Tis is the next step in our last preparations before Matan Torah. See Likutei Sichos chelek Lamed-Ches, sicha of Beis Sivan

TEFILLAH :: A Meeting With the King Imagine seeing two people hurrying down the street. Both of them are dressed in suits and ties and are carrying briefcases. You might think that they are both the same, right? But one of them is late to work, and feeling very worried. Te other one just walked out of a meeting with the king! Te king asked him to do a very important mission, and gave him a credit card so he can get whatever he needs to make it happen. You can imagine that these two people feel very different! Every morning, we have a choice about how we want to run our day. Do we want to just be rushing from place to place, or do we want to feel like the second man, proud and excited to do our mission? When we daven every morning, we are having a private meeting with Hashem! Hashem gives us a special shlichus to do in the world, and gives us brachos and kochos to get whatever we need to make it happen! Only after we daven do we have the kochos of the King of all Kings, Melech Malchei Hamelochim, Hakadosh Baruch Hu, to go do our shlichus throughout the day with simcha! See sicha of Chof-Ches Iyar 5738, at Kinus for women before Shavuos

HALACHOS HATZRICHOS :: Shelo Lehaamin Lezulaso Tere are six constant mitzvos, mitzvos that we need to keep all the time, by having our mind used to thinking in this way.

Te second of these mitzvos is “Shelo Lehaamin Lezulaso,” not to believe in anything but Hashem. (Tis is the matching Mitzvas Lo Saasei for the frst of these six mitzvos, which is to believe only in Hashem.) We keep this mitzvah by knowing that there is nothing in the world that has its own koach, only Hashem. In the times when people worshiped Avodah Zarah, this meant that nobody should think that a malach or a star has its own koach. Really, malochim and parts of the sky have koach only because Hashem gives it to them.

Chita for Kids / Wednesday, Beis Sivan, 5779 4 Nowadays, this also means that we shouldn’t think that someone else is in charge of our needs. It’s not up to the boss at work, the next door neighbors, or the principal to give us the things we need. Hashem is the one in charge! Hashem often makes other people His shluchim to help us, but the real bracha is coming straight from Hashem.

GEULAH U'MOSHIACH :: The Great Shofar When Moshiach comes, a great shofar will be blown, and then all the Yidden will be brought back together in Eretz Yisroel! Where is this shofar from? Te Medrash tells us! At Akeidas Yitzchak, Avraham Avinu brought a ram (an Ayil) as a korban instead of Yitzchak. Te two horns of this ram were set aside for very special things: Te horn on the left side was blown at Matan Torah! Te horn on the right side, which was bigger than the other one, was set aside to be blown when Moshiach comes! Tis is the great shofar which the Navi is talking about, which will be used to gather all of the Yidden together with Kibbutz Galuyos! See Pirkei DeRabi Eliezer perek Lamed-Alef

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Chita for Kids / Wednesday, Beis Sivan, 5779 5 Chumash: Parshas Bamidbar - Revi'i Tehillim: 10 - 17 : Likutei Amarim Perek Nun-Beis ב"ה

, מו ֵד, נָ ִי, נְזִי ִקי, ָק ְד ִי, זְ ָר ִי ַ ַהרות ַצ ִדיק ה' ְצ ָדקות כִי ָא ֵהב יָׁ ָשר יֶ ֱחזו פָנֵימו חת"ת ! Wednesday Parshas Bamidbar Beis Sivan 5779 Mem-Vov L'omer

Name: The Torah is like tzedakah The halachos of the Mishnah come from Shevet Levi was chosen that Hashem gives us the chochma of Hashem in Yetzira, so w rld! to serve Hashem in the Mishkan e can feel Hashem in the wo and the reasons in Gemara are from Briyah!

Hayom Yom: Beis Sivan Rambam: Hilchos Shecheinim Darkei Hachassidus: Pirkei Avos What I learned from Chitas:

מצתשהר הם שִָה וְארְָעִים ים "וְכִי יְיבֻן אֲנָשִׁ ים וְהִכָה אִיש אֶת עֵהו" )פרשת משפטים( שֶהֵם שִָה שָבועת וְארְָעָה יָמִים ָעמֶר נֶ שְֶמְכת

תורה אור לקוטי לקוטי תורה תורה

In a year where Shabbos is right before Shavuos, there are maamorim If a person hits another person, We need to LOOK for people that everyone should learn. he has to pay for the damages. to learn Torah with them!