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X-Ray Telescope Keeps Russia's Space Science Hopes Alive Daniel Clery

X-Ray Telescope Keeps Russia's Space Science Hopes Alive Daniel Clery


A German survey instrument on Spektr-RG contains seven x-ray , each with 54 nested mirrors.

x-ray to above Earth’s at- mosphere, which blocks x-rays. The 6-ton mission soon bristled with five telescopes and involved 20 institutes in 12 countries, including the United States. But after the collapse of the Soviet Union, , Russia’s space agency, struggled to keep its aloft and contribute to the growing International Space Sta- tion (ISS). “They told us the was too large for Russia, too ambitious,” says Sunyaev, now at the Max Institute for in Garching. “It just died.” Resurrection began in 2003 with plans for a smaller mission that would carry a U.K.-built all-sky x-ray monitor and MPE’s x-ray survey , called ROSITA— which had been destined for the ISS but Downloaded from was grounded by the Challenger space shut- tle disaster. The new impetus was cosmo- logy. Studies of distant supernovae in the 1990s had revealed that the expansion of the universe is accelerating. Researchers

wanted to know more about dark energy, http://science.sciencemag.org/ the mysterious force that was causing it, and whether it varied in space or over time. clusters are among the best indicators, says x-ray astronomer Andrew Fabian of the Institute of Astronomy (IoA) X-ray telescope keeps Russia’s in Cambridge, U.K. “Clusters are the massive objects in the universe, the pinna- cle of galaxy formation, and are very sensi- space hopes alive tive to cosmological models.”

They are best seen in x-rays because the on June 18, 2019 Spektr-RG, designed to study the effect of mysterious dark gaps between are filled with gas that energy on galaxies, will be nation’s only space observatory is heated to millions of degrees as the galaxies jostle together in a cluster. By mapping the clusters, Spektr-RG “will study the evolution By Daniel Clery will carry German and Russian x-ray tele- of the structure of the universe,” says Esra scopes, was reborn early last decade with a Bulbul, of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center ussia’s beleaguered space science pro- new mission. Its original goal was to scan for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachu- gram is hoping for a rare triumph the sky for interesting x-ray sources, such setts, who recently joined the MPE team. this month. Spektr-RG, an x-ray sat- as supermassive black holes gorging on in- The challenge was to boost the capa- ellite to be launched on 21 June from falling material; now, by mapping galaxy bilities of the existing ROSITA telescope, Kazakhstan, aims to map all of the clusters, it would find out what makes the which could only garner up to 10,000 gal- estimated 100,000 galaxy clusters universe tick. The new goal meant further axy clusters. Discussions led to a €90 mil- Rthat can be seen across the universe. Con- delays. “There have been many ups and lion “extended” eROSITA, paid for by MPE taining as many as 1000 galaxies and the downs,” says Peter Predehl, leader of the and the German Aerospace Center, DLR. mass of 1 million billion suns, the clusters team at the Max Planck Institute for Extra- It is an array of seven identical telescopes are the largest structures bound by grav- terrestrial Physics (MPE) in Garching, Ger- with five times the effective collecting area ity in the universe. Surveying them should many, that built one of the ’s two of the original instrument. Russia and Ger- shed light on the evolution of the universe telescopes. “Whenever we thought we were many signed an agreement in 2007 with and the nature of the dark energy that is out of the woods, a new one came along.” launch penciled in for 2012. accelerating its expansion. Spektr-RG was born in the late 1980s. But mission development was not First proposed more than 30 years ago Glasnost was encouraging Soviet research- smooth. The U.K. instrument failed to win as part of a Soviet plan for a series of am- ers to collaborate with Western colleagues, funding and was replaced with a Russian bitious “great ” along the and studies of SN 1987A, the nearest super- telescope that will complement eROSITA lines of NASA’s , nova in modern times, had demonstrated by detecting scarcer “hard” x-rays. Though Spektr-RG fell victim to cost cutting in the power of x-rays for tracing such vio- harder to collect, those higher energy pho- cash-strapped, post-Soviet Russia. But lent events. Rashid Sunyaev of Moscow’s tons are particularly useful for seeing the

the roughly €500 million satellite, which Institute (IKI) proposed an supermassive black holes at galactic cen- PHYSICS EXTRATERRESTRIAL FOR INSTITUTE PLANCK FRIEDRICH/MAX © P. PHOTO:

1020 14 JUNE 2019 • VOL 364 ISSUE 6445 sciencemag.org SCIENCE

Published by AAAS ters, because they pierce the clouds of gas CLINICAL TRIALS and dust that shroud them. Making the mirrors for eROSITA posed another challenge. Because x-rays would Experimental drug holds off penetrate a flat telescope mirror, focus- ing them requires cylindrical mirrors that gather the photons in glancing, low-angle type 1 diabetes reflections off inner surfaces. Each of eROSITA’s seven scopes contains 54 gold- Two weeks of therapy delays disease for average of 2 years plated cylindrical mirrors, nested inside one another, that must be shaped precisely By Jennifer Couzin-Frankel next 5 years, based on unstable blood sugar to bring the photons to a focus. Making and antibodies in their blood that indicated them proved so hard that the MPE team ulminating a 33-year odyssey, scien- attacks on the pancreas. had to fire its main contractor part way tists this week reported a milestone Forty-four volunteers received teplizumab, through. “It almost killed us,” Predehl says. in type 1 diabetes: evidence that it can as the drug Bluestone helped design is now A decision to site the telescope at a sta- be held off. At the American Diabetes called, intravenously every day for 14 days. ble, gravitationally balanced point beyond Association meeting in San Francisco, Another 32 got a placebo. The difference the moon, outside the shelter of Earth’s California, and in The New England was stark. In the treatment group, the me- magnetic field, meant electronics had to be CJournal of Medicine, researchers reported dian time to a diabetes diagnosis was just hardened against radiation. Incom- that 2 weeks of an experimental drug de- over 4 years; in the placebo group, it was patibility between the German and Russian layed disease by an average of about 2 years 2 years. Forty-three percent of those who Downloaded from electronics delayed the launch, as did prob- in young people at very high risk. got teplizumab developed diabetes after lems with the spacecraft’s communications “These data are the first to show it is 5 years versus 72% of controls. Side effects system and a change in launch . possible to prevent the progression of type were mild and resolved within weeks. Now that Spektr-RG is finally ready, ex- 1 diabetes,” says Lucienne Chatenoud at “To gain 2 years of an insulin-free life pectations are high. “It’s going to be revo- Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades in Paris, … that’s significant,” says Mark Atkinson, lutionary in terms of numbers,” says IoA who wasn’t involved in this study. a pathologist at the University of Florida http://science.sciencemag.org/ astronomer George Lansbury, taking x-ray Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease in Gainesville. “You have to think of mom studies into “the big data regime.” that requires constant blood sugar monitor- or dad having 2 years less of getting up at It may also be a rare high point for Rus- ing and can lead to heart disease and kidney night” to check their child’s blood sugar, he sia’s great observatories program. Previ- failure. Years before diagno- says, along with a potentially ously, only one has made it into orbit: sis, the sentries of the im- “… it is possible lower risk of complications. 2011’s Spektr-R, a radio astronomy mission mune system, T cells, attack The big question now is that fell short of expectations and could b cells in the pancreas. But to prevent the what’s next. Carla Greenbaum, not be revived after malfunctioning earlier those insulin-secreting cells progression of chair of TrialNet and an en- this year (Science, 29 July 2011, p. 512). remain largely intact, offering docrinologist at Benaroya

Astronomers may face a long wait a window for intervening. Research Institute in Seattle, type 1 diabetes.” on June 18, 2019 for Spektr-RG’s successors: the ultra- Decades ago, Kevan Herold, Lucienne Chatenoud, Washington, hopes research- violet telescope Spektr-UV and Spektr-M, a an endocrinologist now at Hôpital Necker- ers will probe whether other millimeter-wave radio telescope. Spektr-UV Yale University, turned to an Enfants Malades immune therapies can also de- has survived moments of near-death, most antibody drug designed by lay disease. She also wonders recently in 2014 when Russia’s annexation Jeffrey Bluestone, an immunologist now at whether a second dose of teplizumab would of Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula caused ma- the University of California, San Francisco. extend its efficacy. jor Ukrainian partners to withdraw. The It shuts down activated T cells by targeting Given the striking results, a larger mission is now slated for a 2025 launch, but, a molecule on the cells’ surface called CD3. placebo-controlled prevention trial of Sunyaev says, some collaborators, including In the 1990s, they and a French team co-led teplizumab might be hard to justify. And a German team supplying a spectrograph, by Chatenoud showed that anti-CD3 could although the volunteers in Herold’s trial all have dropped out. Spektr-M, which would prevent or reverse diabetes in a mouse had a first-degree relative with diabetes, at come next, is not yet fully funded, he says. model. Small clinical trials in newly diag- least 85% of patients don’t—so only wide- And in the meantime, rival telescopes nosed people also looked promising. spread screening would reach everyone launched by other countries may scoop up But two large trials in new-onset pa- at risk. “Will the public even participate?” the science the Russian missions aim to do. tients proved disappointing. “That was Atkinson wonders. “Russia is doing as much as possible devastating,” Bluestone says of the results, Still, Herold hopes his study marks a with the budget available,” says Spektr-RG announced in 2010. Still, he, Herold, and turning point. As he was finalizing the chief Mikhail Pavlinsky of IKI. He notes others stayed hopeful, believing those trials data, he noticed that the trial’s first vol- that Roscosmos’s lean budget, worth $20.5 used doses that were too low or included unteer had disappeared. Herold found out billion over 10 years, faces multiple de- participants who didn’t have the auto- later that the young man had gotten tepli- mands. Russia is building the landing sys- immune form of diabetes. zumab. “I called him up and said, ‘What’s tem for the European ExoMars rover, due Herold convinced a diabetes clinical tri- going on?’” Herold recalls. Not much, to launch next year, and like other coun- als network called TrialNet to break new the volunteer admitted; he had forgotten tries it hopes to return to the moon, with ground: Support a study of the drug in peo- to stay in touch. “That’s terrific,” Herold the Luna 25 in 2021. For Russia’s ple who didn’t yet have diabetes. Starting in thought. Forgetting is what someone with astrophysicists, Pavlinksy says, “It means 2011, the trial recruited those with an esti- diabetes can’t do—so for this man, who is slow progress.” j mated 75% chance of getting diabetes in the disease free, it meant everything. j

SCIENCE sciencemag.org 14 JUNE 2019 • VOL 364 ISSUE 6445 1021

Published by AAAS X-ray telescope keeps Russia's space science hopes alive Daniel Clery

Science 364 (6445), 1020-1021. DOI: 10.1126/science.364.6445.1020 Downloaded from

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