Parasitism and Biological Aspects of Tetrastichus Howardi (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) on Erinnyis Ello (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) Pupae

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Parasitism and Biological Aspects of Tetrastichus Howardi (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) on Erinnyis Ello (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) Pupae Ciência Rural, Santa Maria,Parasitism v.45, n.2, and p.185-188, biological fev, aspects 2015 of Tetrastichus howardi (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) on... 185 ISSN 0103-8478 Parasitism and biological aspects of Tetrastichus howardi (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) on Erinnyis ello (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) pupae Parasitismo e aspectos biológicos de Tetrastichus howardi (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) em pupas de Erinnyis ello (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) Rogério Hidalgo BarbosaI* Samir Oliveira KassabI Fabricio Fagundes PereiraI, II Camila RossoniII Daniele Perassa CostaI Maykon Avalo BerndtII - NOTE - ABSTRACT Erinnyis ello (LINNAEUS, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae), also known as Erinnyis ello is one of the main pests of the cassava crop, and its natural enemies including egg, caterpillar, and pupal “mandarová-da-mandioca” is one of the main pests of parasitoids. The aim of this study was to evaluate parasitism and the cassava crop (AGUIAR et al., 2010). Caterpillars biological aspects of Tetrastichus howardi on E. ello pupae. In of E. ello can cause 100% defoliation of plants and this general, parasitism and emergence of T. howardi on E. ello reduces productivity of cassava crop (BARRIGOSSI pupae was 64%. Cycle duration (egg to adult) of T. howardi on et al., 2002). E. ello is mainly controlled by means of E. ello pupae was of 20.12±0.15 days at 25±2°C, 70±10% relative humidity, and 14-h photophase. The progeny of T. howardi by E. using chemical and biological insecticides. However, ello pupae was of 466±0.44. Longevity of T. howardi females and the hymenopteran parasitoids can be used to control males was of 15±0.57 and 12±0.93 days, respectively. The sex ratio this pest (MAFI & OHBAYASHI, 2010). was of 0.95±0.06, and the ratio of females per female was 44±0.45. Species of egg parasitoids were recorded T. howardi parasite and develops on E. ello pupae. on E. ello, the most notable ones are Trichogramma Key words: alternative host, biological control, cassava, pupal atopovirilia (Oatman & Platner, 1983), T. parasitoid. MANICOBAI (BRUN, MORAES & SOARES, 1984), T. marandobai (BRUN, MORAES & RESUMO SOARES, 1986), T. pretiosum (RILEY, 1879), and T. demoraesi (NAGARAJA, 1983) (Hymenoptera: Erinnyis ello é uma das principais pragas da cultura Trichogrammatidae) (PARRA & ZUCCHI, 1997), da mandioca e seus inimigos naturais incluem parasitoides de ovos, lagartas e pupas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o the parasitism of the last specie was recorded most parasitismo e alguns aspectos biológicos de Tetrastichus howardi, frequently (RONCHI-TELES & QUERINO, 2005). criados em pupa de E. ello. Em geral, o parasitismo e emergência Other studies reported the occurrence de T. howardi em pupas de E. ello foram de 64%. Duração do ciclo of parasitoids Cotesia sp., Euplectrus floryae (ovo-adulto) de T. howardi em pupas de E. ello foi de 20,12±0,15 dias a 25±2°C, 70±10% de umidade relativa e 14h de fotofase. (SCHAUFF, 2001) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and A progênie de T. howardi por pupa de E. ello foi 466±0,44. A Telenomus sp. parasitizing caterpillars and eggs of E. longevidade de T. howardi, fêmeas e machos, foram de 15±0,57 ello, respectively (BELLOTTI et al., 2012; BELLON e 12±0,93 dias, respectivamente. A razão sexual foi de 0,95±0,06, et al., 2013). Pupal parasitoids have potential to E. ello e a proporção de fêmeas por fêmea foi de 44±0,45. T. howardi control, but published reports are scarce (BELLOTTI parasita e se desenvolve em pupas de E. ello. et al., 1992). Tetrastichus howardi (OLLIFF, 1893) Palavras-chave: hospedeiro alternativo, controle biológico, (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), endoparasitoids of the mandioca, parasitoide pupal. lepidopteran pests of agricultural crops, show great IPrograma de Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal), Universidade Federal de Grande Dourados (UFGD), Rodovia Dourados, Itahum, km 12, CP 583, 79804-970, Dourados, MS, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected].*Corresponding author. IIPrograma de Pós-graduação em Entomologia e Conservação da Biodiversidade, UFGD, Dourados, MS, Brasil. Received 06.30.13 Approved 06.19.14 Returned by the author 10.02.14 CR-2013-0896.R1 Ciência Rural, v.45, n.2, fev, 2015. 186 Barbosa et al. potential as an effective biological control method emergence)/(number of parasitized pupae) × 100], (PRASAD et al., 2007). the duration of the cycle (egg-adult), number of The presence of the parasitoid T. howardi parasitoid emergence per pupae (progeny), longevity, was recorded in the insect pupae of the families the sex ratio (number of females/number of adults) Crambidae, Noctuidae and Plutellidae (MOORE and ratio of females produced per females. & KFIR, 1995; CRUZ et al., 2011; VARGAS et T. howardi (Figure 1A) parasite and al., 2011) and could be used to effectively control develops on E. ello pupae (Figure 1B) and the the lepidopteran pests. Thus, study the ability of percentages of parasitism (Figure 1C) and emergence T. howardi females to parasitize and develop on (Figure 1D) were 64%. The duration of the cycle E. ello pupae may contribute to the rearing of this (egg-adult) of T. howardi on E. ello pupae was of natural enemy, as well as to generate opportunities for 20.12±0.15 days. The progeny of T. howardi on studying the potential of this parasitoid in controlling E. ello pupae was of 466±0.44. The longevity of of E. ello on cassava crop. The objective of the T. howardi females and males were 15±0.57 and present study was report the parasitism and biological 12±0.93 days, respectively. The sex ratio of parasitoid aspects of T. howardi on E. ello pupae, and this is the was of 0.95±0.064, and ratio of females produced per first record in Brazil. females was of 44±0.45. In March 2012, in a commercial cassava T. howardi develops on E. ello and this plantation (cultivate ‘Baianinha’), the outbreak is important because it indicates that this parasitoid of a lepidopteran defoliator was observed in the can be host for rearing of this parasitoid. However, municipality of Angélica, MS, Brazil, which is located 36% of the pupae used in the experiment were not at 22°14’26”S of latitude, 75°43’85”W of longitude parasitized by the natural enemy. The difference in the and 320m of altitude. The affected area measured 40 age of pupae used in the bioassay can be attributed to ha. Plant spacing was 0.90m between rows and 0.45m this result, because they were obtained from the field. between plants; the plants were 8-months-old. Pupae of E. ello parasitized by T. howardi females A total of 127 insect’s pupae were collected were probably younger than those not-parasitized, and sent to the Laboratory of Entomology and because it was observed that this parasitoid prefers biological control (LECOBIOL) of the Faculdade of newly emerged pupae (MOORE & KFIR, 1995; Ciências Agrárias (FCA), Universidade Federal of PRASAD et al., 2007; CRUZ et al., 2011). Parasitism Grande Dourados (UFGD) in Dourados, Mato Grosso obtained in this experiment can be increased if the do Sul, Brazil. Ten specimens of the insect, including natural enemy is reared for several generations on the 5 males and 5 females, were sent to Prof. Dr. Marcelo E. ello pupae.The lowest variation on duration of the Duarte (curator of the Lepidoptera Collection of the cycle (egg-adult) of T. howardi on E. ello indicates “Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo”) that host pupae are suitable for the development of for identification. this parasitoid. The period of development of this A total of 100 E. ello pupae were used parasitoid on different hosts is variable, but generally, for mounting the bioassay. Fifty pupae of E. ello the cycle lasts from 14 to 20 days, as well as in this pupae weighing between 3.397-3.807g were isolated research. However, the variation in developmental in Petri dishes (6.5-cm diameter and 2.5-cm high) period may be due to nutritional availability, the host with ten T. howardi females (48-hours-old, fed with immune response and size of pupa host, where the pure honey drops) and parasitism was permitted for parasitoid was reared (FAVERO et al., 2013). 24 hours. After which, T. howardi females were The longevity of males and females of T. removed and the parasitized pupae were transferred howardi was higher than that of other parasitoids, to an acclimatized chamber at 25±2°C, with 70±10% and therefore this natural enemy is advantageous for relative air humidity and 14-h photophase. Fifty field conditions. It was observed that longevity of T. pupae were used to calculated the natural mortality of howardi females is predominantly greater than that E. ello pupae in the same conditions of the experiment of other parasitoids of the genus Trichogramma sp. to correct the mortality caused by the parasitoids. and Cotesia sp. (PARRA & ZUCCHI, 1997; PARRA, The biological characteristics of T. howardi 2002; BELLOTTI et al., 2012). This demonstrates evaluated were: the percentage of parasitism [(the that the parasitoid T. howardi has more time to number of E. ello pupae with parasitoid emergence + locate and parasitize the host in the field, which is an pupae without the emergence of E. ello adults)/(total important advantage, because, in the field conditions, number of pupae) × 100]; emergence of offspring parasitism alone is sufficient to prevent the continued [(the number of E. ello pupae with adult parasitoid cycle of the pest. Ciência Rural, v.45, n.2, fev, 2015. Parasitism and biological aspects of Tetrastichus howardi (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) on... 187 Figure 1 - Adults of Tetrastichus howardi (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) [female (F) and male (M)] (A); Adults of Erinnyis ello (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) [female (F) and male (M)] (B); Pupae of E.
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