International Journal of Research and Review DOI: Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2021 Website: Research Paper E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237

Analysis of Factors Affecting Human Development Index in the City of Binjai

Elisabet Novita Barus1, HB. Tarmizi2, Rahmanta3

1Postgraduate Students, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Economics, Universitas Sumatera Utara, 2,3Postgraduate Lecturer, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Economics, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Elisabet Novita Barus

ABSTRACT greater demands of the society in the era of regional autonomy that the government can This study aims to analyze the Factors That improve the quality of excellent service. In Affect Human Development Index in the City of fact, many still found problems related to Binjai with variable observations shopping area service to the community. in the field of health, education, population, and In the era of regional autonomy is income per capita. This research is causality by performing multiple regression analysis currently closely associated with democratic (Multiple Regression Analysis). The Data used principles as the foundation of the approach is the data of the year 2005 up to 2019 are from the perspective of the public as users presented per semester (n=30 samples). The of the service in assessing the performance results of the study concluded that the shopping of the service should be an important area in the field of health, expenditure on concern to determine to what extent the education, expenditure in the field of services provided meet the expectations, population, and per capita income is able to satisfaction and needs of the public and influence the human development index in the other local as its constituents. This is in line local government of the City of Binjai. Based on with the principle of representative the value of the coefficient of determination (r- democracy, where the representation of square) of all the variables, it was concluded that per capita income is a variable dominant local public not only on their representatives that affect the human development index in the in Parliament, but also to represent the local government of the City of Binjai. needs and interests of those who manifest in policies and development programs Keywords: The Human Development Index, A provided by the Local Government. Shopping Area In The Field Of Health, To see the successful development Expenditure On Education, Expenditure In The of a region, can be measured by several Field Of Population, And Per Capita Income parameters, and the most popular today is the Human Development Index or the INTRODUCTION Human Development Index (Maulana and In carrying out the functions of Bowo 2013). UNDP construct a composite community service, improving the quality of index that the Human Development Index is community service done by the government based on three indicators: life expectancy at is one measure of the success of governance birth (life expectancy at birth), the literacy itself. Improved quality of service in today's rate of the adult population (adult literacy society is becoming a crucial issue faced by rate) and the average length of the school the entire government at local and central (the mean years of schooling), and government. On the other hand, there are

International Journal of Research and Review ( 161 Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2021 Elisabet Novita Barus Analysis of factors affecting human development index in the city of Binjai. purchasing power (purchasing power City of Binjai tahun 2018 3.035 people/km2 parity). with the average number of residents per The Human Development index is household of 4 people. Population density in the human development index which is used the 5 districts are quite varied with the to measure the achievement of the result of density of population is highest in Binjai the construction of an area or region has 3 City of 6.869/km2 and the lowest in District basic dimensions of development, namely Binjai South of the 1876 jiwa/km2. education, health, and incomes. (1) Health Meanwhile, the number of households by (life expectancy), (2) Level of education 62.894 (Binjai In Numbers, 2019). (knowledge) and (3) Income (standard of Binjai city as a city of services, living worth it). Indicator life expectancy industry, trade and settlements have measure health indicators literacy rate of the attempted to spur the growth pace of adult population and the average length of development that supports economic the school measure of education and the last growth. Binjai is also an oil-producing indicator of the purchasing power of regions of the earth and the gas is measuring the standard of living (Bhakti et characterized by the exploration of al., 2014; Ginting et al., 2008). petroleum and natural gas in the area of The Human Development Index is a Tandam Hilir, District Binjai Utara. In measure to see the performance impact of general, there are four sectors that are quite the construction of a region that has a dominant in the formation of the total GDP dimension that is very widespread, due to of the City of Binjai, namely the the shows quality of the inhabitants of a manufacturing Sector, Trade, Hotels and region in terms of life expectancy, education Restaurants, the Financial Sector, Rental and standard of living worthy of (Melliana and Services of the Company and the and Zain, 2013). Human Development Services Sector. The plantation of course Index is a policy tool (Spangenberg, 2015) the concern is the plantation rambutan which is the result of a comprehensive reached 425 ha with a production capacity overview of the various factors (Niu et al., of 2,400 tons per year. 2013). Human Development Index is The results of the National Socio present as a measuring tool which is able to Economic Survey 2018, the poverty line in describe the level of welfare thoroughly the City of Binjai in the amount of Rp. because it can describe the factors of 380.792 with the number of poor people as economic and non-economic (Aji et al., much as 16.070 people. While the gini ratio 2014). for the City of Binjai in 2018 amounted to The city of Binjai as one of the cities 0,308 (Binjai In Numbers, 2019). Based on in the Province of North which is data from the year 2018 can be seen the only ± 22 Km from the city of and is ratio of the number of poor population to the a satellite town of the City of Medan. The total population in the City of Binjai is equal city of Binjai area that has 9.023,62 Ha (± to 1-to-17 (16.070 the population is poor 90,23 Km2) consists of 5 (five) Districts and compared to 273.892 total occupation of the 37 (thirty-seven) as well as the Village has a City of Binjai.) population of as much as 273.892 (Binjai In Year 2020 is of political expiry of Numbers, 2019), composed of various the term of office of the mayor which is ethnic groups of the compound. The amount now being served. During some period of of the female population is large compared the previous mayor, research needs to be with the number of the male population, done for the satisfaction of the community indicated by the ratio of the sexes is equal on the Performance of Local Government 99,66 a mean of about 1,000 female the City of Binjai in organizing public population there are the male population as services related to the improvement of much as 996 soul. Population density in the Human Development Index in Binjai City

International Journal of Research and Review ( 162 Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2021 Elisabet Novita Barus Analysis of factors affecting human development index in the city of Binjai. which is viewed from the side of service in Based on Law No. 23 Year 2006, the the field of health, education, and the Population Administration is a series of economic side of the community. activities structuring and control in the In the field of health, health issuance of documents and data through expenditure government area is the population registration of the population, allocation of expenditure used in order to civil registration and management of fund the implementation of government information as well as the utilization of the affairs under the authority of the provincial result to the public service and or district/city in the field of health. Based development. on Law Number 36 year 2009 article 171 Per capita income is the average paragraph (2) states that large health budget income of a resident of a state (Untoro, the government allocated a minimum of 10 2010). Per capita income shows the income percent of the Budget outside of salary. level of the people in a country. Variables Health is the most important thing in the life used to calculate the income per capita is the of the community, with a healthy person gross national product and population. will be able to perform the actions of the Indicator of the ability of the purchasing social and economic to increase the life. In power of people against a number of The Law No. 36 Year 2009 on Health commodities that are seen from the average Article 1 of that sound health is a healthy magnitude of the expenditure per capita as state, both physical, mental, spiritual and the income approach, which represents the social that allows everyone to live socially achievement of development for a decent and economically productive. Based on life. According to Rakiman (2011) per what mentioned in article 1 of Law No. 36 Capita Income of a country is the measure Year 2009 on the above indicates that of the progress of the country, if the per aspects of the health of be the main to capita income of a country can be achieve the perfection of life. Ironically in ascertained the mechanism of the economic Indonesia has the quality of public health society in the country has decreased, and during this relatively low. It is based on the vice versa, if per capita income of a country results of the survey AIA Group that puts is high then it can be ascertained the indonesia at the lowest position of the 15 economic mechanism of the community has countries in the Asia-Pacific region, increased, but the income is not only Indonesia get a score of 55 out of a perfect obtained/acquired from the mechanism score of 100. (The results of the Survey AIA economics course , many factors affect the Group 2013). decrease/ increase of income such as state of In the field of education, shopping nature which could not be foreseen area in the field of education is a type of circumstances, the conditions of this nature shopping precinct that is used in order to can be changed at any time which can cause fund the implementation of government a natural disaster that will make the income affairs under the authority of the provincial of a country will decline. This applies to all or district/city in the field of education. In countries in the world are no exception in Law Number 20 Year 2003 about the the country of Indonesia. allocation of funds for education mentioned that education funding in addition to the LITERATURE REVIEW salary of teachers and the cost of education Human Development index official is allocated at least 20% of the The Human Development Index is a Budget Revenue and Expenditure (Budget) composite index to measure the in the education sector and a minimum of achievement of the quality of human 20% of the Regional Revenue and development to be able to live in higher Expenditure Budget. quality, both from the aspect of health, education, and economic aspects. Human

International Journal of Research and Review ( 163 Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2021 Elisabet Novita Barus Analysis of factors affecting human development index in the city of Binjai.

Development Index is also used to classify local government for one year stipulated by whether a country is a developed country, local regulations. The Budget can be used as developing country or underdeveloped a means of communication of local country and also to measure the impact of government to the community regarding the economic policy on quality of life (UNDP, priority of the allocation made by the local 1996). government after coordination with the legislature, the regional Parliament. Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget Shopping Area Regional Revenue and Expenditure Shopping local is all the obligations budget according to the definition issued by of the regional yan recognized as a the Director general Perimbngan of Finance reduction of the value of its net assets in the the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of period of the budget year concerned (UU Indonesia (2017) is the financial plan of the 32/2004).

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Hypothesis that affect Human Development Index in the This research will test the City of Binjai. hypothesis, i.e. how large the influence of Data used by the researcher is the Expenditure of Local Government in the secondary data in the realization of the Field of Health Expenditure of Local allocation of expenditure in the field of Government in the Field of Education, health, education, population, income per Expenditure of Local Government in the capita and the human development index in Field of Kependuduk and Per Capita Income the City of Binjai with the retrieval of the of the cosmos, the Human Development data in the period 2005 up to 2019 are Index. presented per semester (n=30 samples) is referred to as time series data. MATERIAL AND METHODS Data collection methods used by the This research is causality. Research researcher are secondary data, namely the causality aims to investigate the possibility Realization of the Budget of the of a causal relationship of an Government of the City of Binjai and data event/phenomenon and seeks to provide of Human Development Index in the City of empirical evidence and analyze the factors Binjai. Source data were obtained from BPKPAD the City of Binjai and BPS City

International Journal of Research and Review ( 164 Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2021 Elisabet Novita Barus Analysis of factors affecting human development index in the city of Binjai. of Binjai ( The As Micro-Credit, Small, and Medium research Data presented in the time series Against the Gender Development Index In (free time). the District/City In East Java Province, is known to influence government spending in RESULTS AND DISCUSSION education and health to the IPG is The Influence Of The Shopping District significant and the direction of the In The Field Of Health On The Human coefficient is positive, but the influence of Development Index government spending was the smallest Based on the results of the multiple compared with the household expenses and linear regression test obtained the value of credit micro, small, and medium enterprises the regression coefficient of -2,415E11, to the IPG. with a significance level 0,018. The The results of this study are not in significance value smaller than 0.05 and the line with the research Muliza (2017) which regression coefficient is positive, then the states that the variable of government partial variable independent Shopping Areas expenditure in the health sector has no in the Field of Health and a significant significant effect on the human development negative effect on the dependent variable index in the Province of Aceh, this happens Human Development Index. Thus the first because the government of /city in hypothesis is accepted. the Province of Aceh is still more dominant The results of this study in allocate its spending on the type of spending accordance with the research Heka (2017) in that is not directly influence on the Human the research on the Effect of Government Development Index. Spending for Health and Education On Table 1 The Number Of Medical Personnel And Paramedics Human Development Index in the Province On Duty At The Hospital Dr RM Djoelham The City Of Binjai of North Sulawesi, which states that the No Power Health Total I. Medical Government Spending the Field of Health 1. General practitioners (PNS PTT ) 22 have a significant effect on Human 2. Doctor Surgeon 3 3. Internist 6 Development Index in the Province of North 4. Doctor Child 6 Sulawesi. 5. Specialist Obstetrics and Gynecologi 5 Research Umihani (2004) on the 6. Specialist Clinical Pathology 4 7. The ENT 4 Influence of Per Capita Income And 8. Ophthalmologist 2 Expenditure of the Government Social 9. Expert Doctors Pulmonary 1 10. Expert Doctors Anesthesi 2 sector To the Human Development 11. Doctor Neurologist 2 Indicators: a Case Study of District/City in 12. Dermatologist And Sex 1 13. Doctor Surgeon Orthopaedic 1 Central Java Province, which concluded that 14. The Expert Physicians Of The Soul 1 the government Expenditure for education 15. Doctor Spes Radiology 1 and health have a more powerful influence 16. Doctor Spes Anatomic Pathology 2 17. Doctor Spes Forensic 2 than income per capita. In the field of 18. Doctor S Heart 2 education, government spending for the 19. Doctor Spes Neurosurgery 0 20. Doctor Teeth (of CIVIL servants and PTT) 13 program, college and school education II. The Medical Nursing program is more effective than school 1. S-2 Nursing 3 2. S-1 Nursing 67 education program. For The Development 3. Academy Of Nursing 52 of Gender Equality (IPG), the results 4. SPK / SPRA 23 estimated by using Ordinary Least Square 5. Midwives D4 8 6. Nurse Midwife D3 14 method shows only government expenditure 7. PKE 0 health in a positive and significant effect. 8. PKC 0 9. SPRG /AKG 10 Based on the results of research 10 Midwives D1 0 Marhaeni (2011) for Analysis of the Effect Total 263 of Spending On Education And Health Of Source : RSUD dr. RM Djoelham the City of Binjai, 2019 the Government And the Household, as well

International Journal of Research and Review ( 165 Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2021 Elisabet Novita Barus Analysis of factors affecting human development index in the city of Binjai.

In an effort to improve the quality of development and prosperity of the public health, the Government of the City of inhabitants of the next will also be able to Binjai has built a variety of facilities and be dealt with better. Population problem in infrastructure that are scattered throughout general can be distinguished in two things in the territory of the City of Binjai. When this common, which is based on the quantity and has been established 9 hospital and 8 health quality of the population. To determine the centers coupled with 6 Clinic/Health Center. data quality as well as quantity of the Meanwhile, when viewed from a fleet of population, a country can do a variety of health personnel available, there are ways, such as by using census method, approximately 312 doctor, 648 people registration, and a survey of the population. nursing, 358 people skilled midwifery. The Human Development index is When viewed in specific, there are about 96 an important indicator to measure the people specialist, 165 general practitioners success in the effort to build the quality of and 51 people the dentist. human life (the community/population). Population problems are common Human Development Index explain how the problems faced by every country in the resident can access the results of world. Although every country has a development in earned income, health, population problem, but the problem of education, and so on. population in each country can be different. From Table 1 it can be seen the Population problems that occur in Indonesia number of Medical Personnel and also this review helpful. Indonesia as a paramedics on duty at the Hospital dr RM country has a population problem that is Djoelham the City of Binjai as much as 263 quite heavy and need to be immediately serving the people of the City of Binjai in addressed. If the population problem can be the field of health services. overcome with good, then the problem of

Table 2 The Number Of Medical Personnel And Paramedics On Duty In The Department Of Health Of The City Of Binjai No Health Centers General Physician Dentist Midwife Nurse 1 Health Centers Binjai Kota 5 2 7 18 2 Health Centers Rambung 6 3 11 9 3 Health Centers Kebun Lada 6 2 12 12 4 Health Centers Tanah Tinggi 6 2 11 22 5 Health Centers H.Hasan 6 1 6 9 6 Health Centers Binjai Estate 6 4 11 10 7 Health Centers Jati Makmur 2 1 4 7 8 Health Centers Bandar Sinembah 2 1 4 10 9 Health Centers Pembantu Mencirim 2 - 5 5 10 Health Centers Pembantu Nangka 1 1 6 8 11 Health Centers Pembantu Jati Karya 2 1 4 8 12 Health Centers Pembantu Tanah Seribu 1 1 7 10 13 Health Centers Limau Mungkur - 1 3 5 14 Health Centers Limau Sundai 1 - 2 4 15 Health Centers Pujidadi 2 - 2 5 16 Health Centers Pembantu Tunggurono 2 1 6 6 17 Health Centers Pembantu S.Muliorejo 2 1 6 11 18 Health Centers Sumber Karya 1 1 4 7 19 Health Centers Pembantu C. Turi 1 1 6 11 20 Health Centers Pembantu Jati Utomo 2 1 7 9 21 Health Centers Pembantu Tanah Merah 1 - 2 4 22 Health Centers Pembantu Suka Ramai 1 1 2 6 23 Health Centers Berngam 2 1 6 5 24 Health Centers Marcapada 1 1 4 9 25 Health Centers Suka Maju 1 1 3 6 26 Health Centers Pembantu Dataran Tinggi 1 - 9 6 Total 63 29 150 222 Source : BPS Kota Binjai, 2019

The realization of the Special funds of the state Budget from 2005 until Allocation Fund, which is sourced from the 2019 relatively experienced significant

International Journal of Research and Review ( 166 Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2021 Elisabet Novita Barus Analysis of factors affecting human development index in the city of Binjai. fluctuations. Similarly, the realization of program is more effective than school shopping at the Department of Health of the education program. City of Binjai 2005 until 2019 fluctuated Based on the results of research every year. Marhaeni (2011) for Analysis of the Effect of Spending On Education And Health Of The Influence Of The Shopping Area In the Government And the Household, as well The Field Of Education On The Human As Micro-Credit, Small, and Medium Development Index In The City Of Binjai Against the Gender Development Index In Based on the results of the multiple the District/City In East Java Province, is linear regression test obtained value of the known to influence government spending in coefficient of regression of -3,649E12 with education and health to the IPG is a significance level of 0,369. The significant and the direction of the significance value is greater than 0.05,. The coefficient is positive, but the influence of significance value is greater than 0.05 and government spending was the smallest the coefficient of regression marked compared with the household expenses and negative, then the partial variable Shopping credit micro, small, and medium enterprises Region in the Field of Education and no to the IPG. significant negative effect on the dependent variable Human Development Index. Thus Table 3 the Number of Schools From Kindergarten through high School in the City of Binjai 2018 the second hypothesis was rejected. School Level Country Private Along with the increasing public Kindergarten 1 69 Elementary School 122 41 awareness of the importance of education, Junior High School 15 35 especially basic education 9 years, in the Upper Secondary School 7 21 City of Binjai has a lot of standing schools Source: Bps Kota Binjai, 2019 ranging from Kindergarten, Elementary In 2018, The City Of Binjai Have As School, junior high School and Upper Many As 70 School-Kindergarten, Which Secondary School. Similarly, the teachers Consists Of 1 Kindergarten And 69 Private also increased in terms of both quantity and Kindergarten, 163 Elementary School, quality. Which Consists Of 122 Elementary And 41 The results of this study contradict Private Elementary Schools, 50 Middle with the study Muliza (2017) which states School, Consisting Of 15 Junior High that the variable of government expenditure School And 35 Private Junior High Schools, in the education sector has no significant 28 High Schools, Which Consists Of 7 Sma effect on the human development index in And 21 Private High School, 23 Vocational the Province of Aceh, this happens because High School, Which Consists Of 2 Country the district/city government is still more SMK And 21 Private SMK dominant allocate its spending on the type The Successful Development Of A of spending that is not directly influence on Region Is Determined By The Quality Of the Human Development Index. Human Resources. Education Is One Way Research Umihani (2004) on the To Improve The Quality Of Human Influence of Per Capita Income And Resources. Therefore Improving The Expenditure of the Government Social Quality Of Education Should Continue To sector To the Human Development Be Pursued, Starting With The Open Indicators: a Case Study of District/City in Opportunity To The Residents To Central Java Province, which concluded that Education, To Increase The Quality And the government Expenditure for education Quantity Of Educational Facilities And and health have a more powerful influence Infrastructure. To Find Out How Many than income per capita. In the field of Residents Who Use The Facilities Of education, government spending for the Education Can Be Seen From The program, college and school education

International Journal of Research and Review ( 167 Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2021 Elisabet Novita Barus Analysis of factors affecting human development index in the city of Binjai.

Percentage Of The Population According alleviation of poverty. So give the To The Participation Of The School. conclusion that the expenditure of the To See The Participation Of Schools government sector education and health will In A Region Commonly Known Some Of be able to affect the kemiskinaan if such The Indicators To Find Out, One Of Them expenditure is made in order to improve the With A Look Gross Enrollment Rate (Ger), quality of human development. Which Is A Comparison Between Students At A Certain Level Of Education With The Influence Of Per Capita Income On Pendududuk School Age And Expressed In The Human Development Index In The Percentage. The Higher The Value The Apk City Of Binjai Means The More School-Age Children Who Based on the results of the multiple Attend School In A Certain Level Of linear regression test obtained the value of Education the regression coefficient of 7,640 E, with a significance level of 0.000. The significance The Influence Of The Shopping Area In value smaller than 0.05, then the partial The Field Of Population On The Human variable Income Per Capita has positive and Development Index In The City Of Binjai significant effect on the variable of Human Based on the results of the multiple Development Index. Thus the third linear regression test obtained value of the hypothesis is accepted. coefficient of regression of 9,509E10, with a The results of this study are significance level of 0.007. The significance supported by research Umihani (2004) on value smaller than 0.05, then the partial the Influence of Per Capita Income And variable Shopping Area in the Field of Expenditure of the Government Social Population and significant positive effect on sector To the Human Development variables Human Development Index. Thus Indicators: a Case Study of District/City in the third hypothesis is accepted. Central Java Province, which concluded that Research Umiyati (2017) stated that Per Capita Income has a positive influence the capital expenditure in the field of public and significant impact on Human services and significant positive effect on Development Indicators. Human Development Index. Poverty and a Research Mahulauw (2016) about significant negative effect on the Human the Effect of Spending on Health And Development Index. Economic growth has Education as well As Infrastructure On no significant effect on Human Human Development Index In the Province Development Index Of test Chow Test and of Maluku shows that income per capita as Hausman concluded that the method of an intervening variable has no significant estimation of the appropriate parameters in effect on the improvement of Human the data of this research is to use the Fixed Development Index. This result is not in Effect Model. accordance with the theory and the Research conducted Widodo, hypothesis that the suspect that the variable Waridin, & Kodoatie (2011) show that the income per capita has a significant influence allocation of government expenditure of the on the variable increase in the Human public sector does not directly affect the Development Index. Cases in the Province Human Development Index or poverty, but of Maluku is happening because of the together (simultaneously) the expenditure of increased purchasing power of the the public sector and the Human population of Maluku not always be Development Index can affect poverty. distributed because there are still limitations Human Development Index also plays a role of accessibility to the consumption and as an intervening variable, in relation to the resources. The limitations of accessibility relationship between expenditure on narrow down the choices society is not only education and health sector and the health and education, but also the choices of

International Journal of Research and Review ( 168 Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2021 Elisabet Novita Barus Analysis of factors affecting human development index in the city of Binjai. the other so that the quality of the with mengikitsertakan academics that construction of the human is not necessarily can give your suggestions and feedback significant. as well as the steps that can be run in order to improve the quality of human CONCLUSIONS AND resources in the City of Binjai. RECOMMENDATIONS CONCLUSIONS Acknowledgement: None Based on the explanation and analysis conducted in the previous chapter, Conflict of Interest: None the conclusions that can be drawn in this research, among others: Source of Funding: None 1. Shopping Areas In the Field of Health, and a significant negative effect on REFERENCES Human Development Index. 1. Amilda, Teni. 2014. Pengaruh Belanja 2. Shopping Areas In the Field of Daerah di Bidang Pendidikan dan Education, and no significant negative Kesehatan terhadap Komponen Indeks effect on Human Development Index. Pembangunan Manusia di Provinsi Tahun 2007-2012. Tesis. : 3. Shopping Areas In the Field of Universitas Indonesia. Population, and significant positive 2. Binjai Dalam Angka, 2013-2019. Badan effect on Human Development Index. Pusat Statistik Kota Binjai. 4. Income Per Capita has positive and 3. Cahyadi, Putu Eka. 2005. Pelacakan Faktor- significant effect on Human Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Indeks Development Index. Pembangunan Manusia (Studi Kasus 5. Shopping Areas in the Field of Health, Kab/Kota di Provinsi Bali). Tesis. Jakarta: Expenditure On Education, Expenditure Universitas Indonesia. In the Field of Population, Income Per 4. Djuardi, Dian Komarsyah.2008. Kepuasan Capita is able to influence the Human Masyarakat Dalam Layanan Sosial- Development Index in the City of Ekonomi Pemerintah Kabupaten Lampung Timur.Jurnal Ilmiah Administrasi Publik Binjai. dan Pembangunan, Vol.2, No.5, Juli- Desember 2008.ADMINISTRATIO ISSN : RECOMMENDATIONS 1410-8429. Suggestions of researchers from the 5. Dwiyanto, Agus, dkk., 2003, Reformasi research that has been done is as follows: Tata Pemerintahan dan Otonomi Daerah, 1. To the local government as the holder of Pusat Studi Kependudukan dan Kebijakan the policy and the users of the local Universitas Gadjah Mada, . budget, in the budgeting process should 6. Dwiyanto, Agus, dkk., 2005, Mewujudkan pay more attention to the factors that Good Governance Melalui Pelayanan have a direct influence in the fulfillment Publik, Gadjah Mada Univerity, of basic needs for the people in the City Yogyakarta. 7. Erlina.2011. Metodologi PenelitianBisnis. Binjai, which is closely related to the Medan:Usu Press. Human Development Index in the City 8. Ghozali, Imam. 2012. Aplikasi Analisis of Binjai, namely Health, education, Multivatiate Dengan Program IBM SPSS population, and improvement of the 20. Edisi 6. : Badan Penerbit economy of the community. Universitas Diponegoro. 2. Local governments are expected to able 9. Gio, P. U., & Caraka, R. E. (2018, June 28). and fair in distributing development in Pedoman Dasar Mengolah Data Dengan the territory of the City of Binjai so can Program Aplikasi Statistika Statcal. be perceived as a direct benefit. 3. Need to be evaluated for the use of the 10. Heriyanto, Dwi.2015. Analisis Faktor- budget for this has been implemented Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Indek Pembangunan Manusia (Human

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International Journal of Research and Review ( 170 Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2021