The and Portsmouth Diocesan Guild of Church Bellringers Christchurch and District

Events Calendar 2017

January 21 Youth Practice – 4:30-5:30pm 28 Annual District Meeting – Bitterne Park February 11 Guild Education: Raising and Lowering in Peal – Bishopstoke Morning 18 Youth Ringing Practice – Brockenhurst 4:30-5:30pm 25 District Practice – Eling 2:30-4:30pm 25 Annual District Dinner – Fish Inn, March 4 Guild Education Day – Grandsire Doubles and Triples – Shedfield 11-12 Guild Hosting ART Conference – Basingstoke 12-26 Quarter Peal Fortnight 18 Hartless Striking Competition – 2:30-4:30pm District Practice 25 Youth Practice - Brockenhurst April 1 District Practice – 6-8pm (TBC) 8 Guild Education Day – Listening Skills - Lockerley 22 Youth Ringing Practice – Brockenhurst 4:30pm-5:30pm May 12 Guild Education – An evening with the Hartley 12 – South Stoneham 20 District 12-bell Practice – Bitterne Park 6-8pm 27 Youth Ringing Practice for striking competition – 4:30- 5:30pm June 3 District Practice – Ringwood 6-8pm 17 Guild AGM Day – Milford on Sea 24 Youth Ringing Practice for striking competition – 4:30-5:30pm July 1 National Youth Contest - Birmingham 8 District Practice – 6-8pm 22 Youth Ringing Practice – Brockenhurst 4:30-5:30pm August 16tbc District Ringing Evening at Winchester Cathedral

September 2 Youth Practice – Brockenhurst 4:30-5:30pm 9 District Practice, Hinton Trophy Striking Competition and Business Meeting – Sopley and Hinton ? District Outing ? October 7 District 12-bell Practice – Christchurch 6-8pm 14 Guild Education Day – Plain Hunt and trebling to Doubles – Goodworth Clatford 21 Youth Ringing Practice – Brockenhurst 4:30-5:30pm November 4 Guild Education Day – Stedman Doubles and Triples – Milford on Sea 11 District Practice – Hordle 2.30-4.30 18 Youth Ringing Practice – Brockenhurst 4:30-5:30pm December 3 District Practice and Carol Service – Lyndhurst 16 Youth Ringing Practice – Brockenhurst 4:30-5:30pm 2018 January 27 Annual District Meeting – Milford on Sea

Regular Monthly District Practices 1st Wednesday Ringwood 7.45-9.15 Surprise Major 2nd Tuesday St Johns 7.30-9.00 8 Bell Practice 2nd Wednesday Lymington 7.30-9.00 Doubles & Minor 4th Wednesday Sopley 7.30-9.00 Minor Methods