STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, Vol. 23 (2018), No. 3, pp. 025-037

UDC xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Received: April 10, 2018 Accepted: August 29, 2018

Analyzing the Differentiation Strategies Of Big Companies Competing With Each


Ze Ye Changsha University of Science and Technology, School of Economics & Management, Hunan, China Hassan Abbas Changsha University of Science and Technology, School of Economics & Management, Hunan, China Talib Hussain School of Media and communication, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 800, Dongchuan Road, Minhnag District, 200240, Shanghai, China Jiao He Changsha University of Science and Technology, School of Economics & Management, Hunan, China

Abstract The purpose of the research was to evaluate the competitive strategies of the two big companies in Pakistan. To achieve this aim, the two competing companies in the sector were evaluated that include Unile- ver Pakistan and Engro for their brands Magnum and Omore respectively. The primary research was con- ducted using a questionnaire survey as the research instrument. The instrument was evaluated for its reliabil- ity and then the research was conducted with 100 consumers. The findings were relevant to the literature dis- cussed in the research that the product is differentiated by adding value to add. Additionally, it was also found that to create value it is not limited to add value through quality, but it can also be differentiated by adding fea- tures into the product to add value. Nevertheless, the findings from the study revealed that the consumers in Pakistan prefer the differentiated product. Particularly, the consumers preferred Magnum ice cream over Cor- netto and Omore because it was rich in taste and quality. Although, consumers also regarded it as expensive but they also responded to a survey that it offers value for the price. Notably, the consumers were also found preferring a low-cost product which indicates that in Pakistan the competitive strategy that is successful is differentiation and that Pakistan capitalizes with differentiation through Magnum and also serves low- cost markets and competes with OMORE brand. The recommendations were proposed for further research.

Keywords Differentiation Strategies, Big Companies of Pakistan, Ice cream sector, , Engro Foods, Low- Cost Leadership, Analyzing Differentiation Strategy.

Introduction quires adding value to the product to ensure the differentiation. Adding value means helping cli- In today’s competitive business environment, eve- ents solve problems they could not solve without rything for everyone is no longer applicable to the support of a particular company, or take ad- create differentiation among the customers. The vantage of opportunities that were previously not customers today have become more aware, and available to them. In this essence, the studies have they have a deeper knowledge of the products, been conducted to determine the need of differen- and they also consider pricing factor apart from tiated products in particular industry for instance the differentiation for purchase (Davcik & retail, fashion, tourism, banking and FMCG in- Sharma, 2015). Nevertheless, being different is dustry (Rungtrakulchai, 2018; Sharma & Sharma, not enough to create differentiation rather it re- 2017) 26 Ze Ye et al. Analyzing the Differentiation Strategies Of Big Companies Competing With Each Other

Nevertheless, the experts emphasize particu- 1.2. Research Aims and Objectives larly for the commodities industry to ensure dif- The aim of the research is to analyze the differen- ferentiation because those products that do not tiation strategies that the Pakistani companies use vary from one place to another, do not exist since to compete with each other where the undertaken each company offers them in a different way, organizations are Unilever Pakistan and Engro adapted to the needs of its customers, which are Corporation. Particularly, the companies compete all different (Hudson, Huang, Roth & Madden, in the frozen dessert and ice cream sector where 2016; Walsh, Shiu & Hassan, 2014). In this spirit, Unilever Pakistan has walls and Magnum and it is essential for the companies in the contempo- Engro Corporation competes with Omore as its rary business environment to be very competitive ice cream and frozen dessert brand under Engro (Anđelković & Radosavljević; Zdraveski, Janeska Foods. The present research would analyze how & Taleska, 2014) , just like that will be able to the companies compete by implementing differen- establish themselves in the current markets where tiating in the frozen dessert product. Following there is a great competitive rivalry between the are the research objectives that the research would companies. This is how one of the main decisions address: that must be made by the business owners when establishing an organization or company, it is the ▪ to determine the impact of consumer’s de- choice of the business strategy to follow. Among cision towards the differentiated product in the competitor strategies of Porter; two of the the frozen dessert category. most utilized strategies are differentiation and ▪ to analyze the impact of consumer’s deci- low-cost leadership where most of the companies sion towards the low-priced product in the compete (D. Banker, Mashruwala & Tripathy, frozen dessert category. 2014; Gallopel-Morvan, Gabriel, Le Gall-Ely, ▪ to evaluate the successfulness of differen- Rieunier & Urien, 2013). Correspondingly, the tiation strategies implemented by Engro current research would explore the differentiation and Unilever Pakistan. strategies of two big companies in the commodity industry of Pakistan that compete with each other. 2. Literature review 2.1. Concept of competitive strategies 1.1. Problem statement Competitive strategy is defined by Porter and Lee Most of the companies in the contemporary busi- (Lewis & Ling, 2015; Porter & Lee, 2015) as a ness environment compete on the basis of differ- strategy that involves an offensive or defensive entiation and low-cost leadership strategy as their action to create a defensible position against the competitive strategies. The recent research in the five forces competitive markets, in such a way academic literature is conducted to determine the that a result is above the average of the company’s need of the differentiated products in Western competitors of the industrial sector. The strategic market (Kilian & Hennigs, 2014; Koulayev, competitiveness involves positioning a business to 2014), whereas in the context of Pakistan the maximize the value of the capabilities that distin- study on competitive strategies is performed in the guish it from its competitors, at the same time the textile industry (Afridi, Saboor, Tariq & Ishaq, goal of any generic strategy is “to create value for 2016; Loken et al., 2011). However, the other buyers” (Grant, 2016). The competitive strategy is industries like commodities and FMCG have been aimed to search for a favorable competitive posi- overlooked to determine their competitive strate- tion in a sector industrial. The competitive strat- gies (Farkas, 2016) . Since differentiation plays a egy is about establishing a profitable and sustain- vital role in the business development and market- able position against the forces that determine the ing by offering the customers enough incentives competition in the industrial sector. In this to choose a particular company instead of the context, Liu & Atuahene-Gima, (2018) and competitor’s or substitute; thus, it is essential to Gellweiler, (2018); Salavou, (2015) agree that the determine the need of differentiation and how the main interest of these generic strategies is aspects companies compete to create differentiation. of the competition, such as the creation of distinc- Therefore, the problem that the current research tive advantages. Similarly, for Porter and Hep- aims to analyze how the big companies in Paki- pelmann (Gilmore, Tavakoly, Taylor & Reed, stan compete and what differentiation strategy 2013; Porter & Heppelmann, 2015), the strategy they use to compete with each other. chosen by the company is an activity that adds

STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, Vol. 23 (2018), No. 3, pp. 025-037 Ze Ye et al. Analyzing the Differentiation Strategies Of Big Companies Competing With Each Other 27 value in the product; therefore, the underlying strategy is far from simple, but the companies idea is to look for a strategy that favors the main- decide to choose a particular strategy based on the tenance of the comparative advantage for the market and considering the competitor’s strategy. company. Nevertheless, there are also companies that In this sense, competitive actions are defined perform without the competitive advantage which as competing movements initiated by a company Porter identified as be everything to everyone rec- externally addressed to increase its relative com- ipe for strategic mediocrity and performance be- petitive position. According to Armstrong, Kotler, low average a company has no competitive advan- Harker & Brennan, (2015), this strategy is not tage at all (Laari, Töyli & Ojala, 2017). The con- only implemented to add value to a product but cept of generic strategy Porter is based on the also the value can be added to the features of the premise that there several ways to achieve com- product including the segmentation and availabil- petitive advantage depending on the structure of ity of the product in markets. The similar argu- the sector industrial. If all companies in an indus- ment has been made by Rothaermel, (2015), who trial sector followed the same principles of com- argues that the companies create differentiation petitive strategy, there would also be no competi- apart from creating value in the product by in- tive advantage. In this context, authors Brenes, creasing the features of the product like Montoya & Ciravegna, (2014); Cherrier & complimentary services that are different from the Gurrieri (2014) also agree and further argues that competitor’s product. The argument is also con- in such a case it requires the companies to focus sistent with Armstrong, Kotler, Harker, and Bren- on bringing differentiation to become prominent nan (Armstrong et al., 2015; Hoek & Robertson, among consumers. Besides, there is VRIO 2015) who argues that the objective of the com- framework that is focused on the principle that the petitive strategy is to understand the roads through companies can differentiate if they have the of which companies compete with each other. The ability to become valuable, rare, difficult to imi- strategy would be the tool to improve the com- tate and have the ability to exploit the resources petitiveness of companies. Nevertheless, Block, and capabilities (Stead et al., 2013; Tan & Sousa, Kohn, Miller, and Ullrich (Block, Kohn, Miller & 2015). Realizing the latter framework is difficult, Ullrich, 2015) argues that it requires the company but it ensures the sustainable competitive advan- resources to create differentiation because a com- tage for the companies. petitive strategy requires company efforts and resources. 2.3. Successfulness of differentiation strategy 2.2. Types of competitive strategies Regarding the differentiation strategy, it has been According to Porter and Heppelmann (Porter & argued by Manev, Manolova, Harkins & Heppelmann, 2015), the companies can achieve Gyoshev, (2015) that the basic factors that the competitive advantage in four different ways company needs to contribute to creating differen- where the first is differentiation that is tiation are in the form of research and develop- implemented by adding value for the customer. ment, marketing, production and other key dimen- The second is cost-leadership, where the brand sions. The researchers also claim that to become competes due to the low price and the third is fo- different from the competitors, it requires creating cus strategy where the company serves a narrow value for the customers and also investing integra- market segment that has been overlooked by most tive efforts of the companies to achieve differen- of the companies (Hansen, Nybakk & Panwar, tiation (D. Banker et al., 2014). In contrast, there 2015; Hsu, Myers, Ribisl & Marteau, 2013). The are researchers who agree with the fact that the focus strategy has two variants that are cost focus differentiation can be achieved through the addi- and differentiation focus where the company has tional features and complimentary services, but it to ensure whether it would operate in a narrow does not require additional resources. Particularly, market with cost leadership or differentiation. it has been found in the study conducted by re- Each of generic strategies involves a fundamental searchers Gabrielsson, Seppälä & Gabrielsson, route for achieving competitive advantage by se- (2016); McAuley, (2014) who revealed that there lecting a strategy to achieve its strategic objective are companies who have added value in the ser- that is achieved through competitive advantage vices for their core products to create differentia- (Beglari, 2017; Ford, Moodie & Hastings, 2012). tion. In this context, researchers Mathooko & Although choosing and implementing a generic Ogutu (2015); Sacks et al., (2015) argue that the

STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, Vol. 23 (2018), No. 3, pp. 025-037 28 Ze Ye et al. Analyzing the Differentiation Strategies Of Big Companies Competing With Each Other

key to differentiation is understanding the com- searcher to complete the research by exploring the pany, customers, and all the stakeholders and cre- facts that have never been discovered. ate value to ensure the business success. It is that each company has its particu- 3.2. Research methodology larities and therefore there would not be two equal There are basically two research methods the strategies since each company has different objec- quantitative and qualitative; the quantitative re- tives, available resources, capabilities, different search deals with the objective resolution of the areas and scope (Arli, Rundle-Thiele & Lasmono, problem statement whereas the qualitative deals 2015; Oyewobi, Windapo & James, 2015). How- with the subjective evaluation (Henriksen, 2012; ever, the companies that have similar strategies Taylor, Bogdan & DeVault, 2015). Besides, the share similar products and have a similar story, researcher can also use a mixed method approach but they also compete to develop new resources by collecting data in both the forms. For the cur- and capabilities. Similarly, companies whose rent study, the quantitative research is undertaken strategies are markedly different will also tend to because it would enable the researcher to conduct be markedly different with respect to their re- the research directly from the customers and to sources (Kim, Shin & Min, 2016); a match is not determine whether they want differentiation in the necessarily absolute among the strategies. In this product. The quantitative research would also de- context, Porter & Heppelmann (2015) argue that a termine the facts that are left unexplored in the company gets competitive advantages when it context of Pakistan where it particularly evaluates gets to perform activities strategically relevant, to whether the employees prefer differentiation over understand the variation in costs and sources po- cost-leadership. It will also quantify if the differ- tential or existing differentiation. In other words, a entiation strategies used by the companies are company gets competitive advantages when it successful. gets to perform these strategically important ac- tivities better or more cheaply than their competi- 3.3. Data collection tors (Lechner & Gudmundsson, 2014). Each of the activities can be a source of competitive ad- As far as data collection is concerned, there are a vantage, alone or in combination with other ac- number of research instruments that enable the tivities, hence also the importance of the links researcher to collect a particular type of data. Ac- between activities. cording to (Brown & Fletcher, 2017) the best tools for collecting quantitative data include ques- 3. Research methodology tionnaires, surveys, polls and online surveys whereas the qualitative data is gathered using in- 3.1. Research design terviews, observations and focus group discus- The research design is a general strategy of the sions. For the current study, because it is quantita- research that defines how the data would be col- tive in nature, therefore, the particular data collec- lected and analyzed for the study. There are a tion method is questionnaire survey. The reason number of research designs available to a re- for using a questionnaire survey is that it collects searcher which it can select where every design data from the consumers regarding the research serves a different purpose. These research designs context and it is simple to design include the exploratory, meta-analysis, descrip- tive, mixed methods, case study and experimental 3.4. Questionnaire design research designs (Schmidt & Hunter, 2014). As With the quantitative method, the undertaken data far as the current study is concerned, that is, to collection tool is questionnaire survey. There are explore the differentiation of big companies in a two types of questionnaires; the open-ended that competitive market in Pakistani context; there are collects the qualitative data, and the close-ended limited results as to what has been done so far. that collects the quantitative data (Greenland, Therefore, the exploratory research design would 2013; Joshi, Kale, Chandel & Pal, 2015). Since be implemented. It is also supported by Brown & the current research is quantitative therefore the Fletcher (2017), who argue that an exploratory close-ended questionnaire would be used to research design supports to explore the phenome- collect data from the consumers. The question- non that has not been explored in detail before. naire was designed using the Likert’s scale ques- Correspondingly, for the current research, this tionnaire that has five options for a question rang- type of research design would support the re- ing from strongly agree to strongly disagree

STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, Vol. 23 (2018), No. 3, pp. 025-037 Ze Ye et al. Analyzing the Differentiation Strategies Of Big Companies Competing With Each Other 29

(Hartley, 2014; Sparks, 2015). The questionnaire to understand their views. The research is aimed is comprised of 12 questions where first four to be conducted from 100 consumers in one of the questions cover first research question, and the supermarkets in Karachi, Pakistan. latter four questions cover second research ques- tion, and the last four questions measure the 3.5.1. Model for the study decision-making behavior of the consumers to- wards purchasing a differentiated product or a low-priced product. The questionnaire is self- administrative where the participants can fill it without the guidance and interruption of the re- searcher (Lee, Henriksen, Rose, Moreland-Russell & Ribisl, 2015; Taylor et al., 2015). The designed questionnaire aimed to analyze the differentiation strategies of two big companies in Pakistan who compete with each other in the frozen dessert sec- tor.

3.5. Sample and sampling design 3.6. Data analysis The sample refers to the smaller proportion of the The analysis and presentation of data is an essen- population that has all the characteristics of the tial activity in the research because without inter- population. It is also defined by Greenland, 2013; preting the data the research cannot be concluded Voss, Zimmermann & Zimmermann, 2016 that effectively. The analysis of the data takes place the sample includes a smaller group of the popula- after the data has been collected by the researcher. tion that reflects all the features of the population Once, the data has been collected the researcher and the researcher conducts the study on the un- would evaluate it. Since, the present research is dertaken sample. According to Corona, Saez & quantitative therefore the statistical analysis Stoffel (2014) and Greenland (2016) sampling is would be used (Huang, Liu & Bowling, 2015). done to conduct the study from a smaller group Particularly, the data collected through the because it is complex and time-consuming to con- Likert’s scale questionnaire would be evaluated sider entire population for conducting the study. using SPSS where ANOVA tests would be con- Therefore, the researcher conducts the research on ducted to determine the significance between the a smaller group that represents the population. two variables that are consumer’s decision mak- The researcher can use probability or non- ing and differentiation strategy of the company probability sampling technique for sampling. In offering frozen desserts. the probability sampling, there is an equal chance of the population being selected to participate in 3.7. Reliability testing the study (Lotterhos & Whitlock, 2015). How- ever, the non-probability sampling is performed The reliability of the research instrument is meas- for the researchers that should be performed on a ured to ensure that whether it measures consis- selected population. tently what it is supposed to measure. To measure For the current research, the undertaken sam- the reliability there are different ways and statisti- pling technique is non-probability sampling and cal methods. However, the appropriate tool to under this category, the convenience sampling measure the reliability of the current instrument is would be used to collect data from the consumers. through is internal consistency reliability that Particularly, the convenience sampling enables measures how well the items in a test measure the researcher to collect data from the respondents same construct (Heale & Twycross, 2015). The who can contribute effectively in the study for the internal consistency is denoted by alpha and the research context (Xie & Lu, 2015). Similarly, the value of alpha closed to 1 is accepted for a reli- researcher would conduct the study from 100 con- able instrument. For the current research instru- sumers that are a sufficient sample to conduct the ment that surveys instrument the reliability found study to achieve the objectives of the research. is 0.762 (as illustrated in below Table 1 and 2) Moreover, with the convenience sampling which indicates that it is a reliable instrument. technique, the researcher would be able to ap- proach the customers who are within the vicinity

STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, Vol. 23 (2018), No. 3, pp. 025-037 30 Ze Ye et al. Analyzing the Differentiation Strategies Of Big Companies Competing With Each Other

Table 1 Case Processing Summary tomers agree that they find the price of Magnum

N% appropriate for the quality and value offered. Par- Cases Valid 100 100.0 ticularly, there are 9% strongly agreed responses Excludeda 0.0 and 49% of agreed responses whereas a signifi- Total 100 100.0 cant proportion of 31% also has neutral views. Nevertheless, only 11% of the responses were a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure. unfavorable. The findings reveal that the consum- Table 2 Reliability Statistics ers agree to pay a higher price for the differenti- ated product like Magnum that is consistent with Cronbach's Alpha N of Items findings of (Gabrielsson et al., 2016) that con- .762 12 sumers would pay a higher price for an added value. 4.1. Evaluating the questionnaire survey findings Question 4 Question 1 The fourth question of the questionnaire was aimed to inquire about the consumption of Mag- The first question in the survey that was inquired num ice cream due to its rich quality and taste and from the customers was whether they find the Magnum ice cream brand as outstanding in com- the consumers agreed to the statement. Particu- parison to the other brands available in the mar- larly, there were 17% of the respondents who strongly agreed and 48% agreed with the state- ket. The results obtained on this question indicate ment whereas a significant proportion of 30% had that there were 27% of the respondents who strongly agreed and 53% agreed whereas a sig- neutral views and 4% had disagreed and 1% nificant proportion of 16% had neutral views strongly disagreed with the statement. Together, the results reveal that there are many aspects that whereas only 4% of the respondents have unfa- the consumers consume Magnum ice cream apart vorable views who disagreed with the state as shown in Chart 1. In sum, the overall findings from its rich quality and taste. It is also consistent were that about 80% of the consumers agreed to with the finding of (D. Banker et al., 2014) that a the statement that they find Magnum as out- differentiated product has value-added features and services that are also found in the results standing in comparison to others. where consumers disagreed that they consume Question 2 product only for taste and quality.

The second question in the survey inquired Question 5 whether the Magnum ice cream is expensive in comparison to other brands. The response of the The fifth question of the questionnaire survey inquired the respondents regarding the Omore consumers showed a significant agreement where brand of ice cream whether consumers believe it 23% consumers strongly agreed and 44% agreed to the statement which makes cumulative positive as an outstanding brand in the market. The views of 67% whereas there were 28% neutral findings revealed that 10% strongly agreed and 39% agreed with the statement whereas 38% had views and only 5% of consumers showed dis- neutral views. Besides, there are 12% respondents agreement. The overall findings indicate that ma- jority of the consumers believe that the Magnum who disagreed and 1% strongly disagreed. ice cream is expensive since it is a differentiated Nevertheless, the majority believed that Omore is an outstanding brand beside Magnum as reported product. This finding is in relation to the literature by the consumers. finding where Porter & Heppelmann (2015) also argue that the differentiation is associated with a Question 6 greater value and price because it has added value and features. The sixth question inquired from the respondents whether the Omore ice cream is expensive in Question 3 comparison to the other brands available in the market. The results of the consumers reveal an The third question of the questionnaire was aimed to find whether Magnum offers an appropriate unfavorable response where the majority of the value for the price. The results obtained on this respondents disagreed 22% and 2% strongly dis- question revealed that that the majority of the cus- agreed with the statement. There were only 8%

STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, Vol. 23 (2018), No. 3, pp. 025-037 Ze Ye et al. Analyzing the Differentiation Strategies Of Big Companies Competing With Each Other 31 respondents who agreed whereas 48% had neutral would prefer Magnum over Cornetto when taste views. Conclusively, the findings revealed that and quality are concerned. These findings also consumers believe Omore as not an expensive reveal that differentiation created by the company brand and there are more expensive brands of ice is successful where the consumers believe that the cream in the market. taste and quality of the Magnum are higher than its counterparts. Question 7 This question of the survey inquired from the re- Question 11 spondents regarding the value of Omore ice cream This question of the survey inquired from the re- whether it is appropriate for the price that is of- spondents regarding the preference of ice cream fered by the company. In response, the majority of brand between Omore and Cornetto against the the consumers agreed with the statement that they price. There were variable responses of the con- find the price for the product justified for the sumers for this question where 16% strongly value and quality delivered by the company where agreed, and 33% agreed whereas 15% disagreed 9% strongly agreed, and 43% agreed whereas and 5% strongly disagreed and 30% were neutral. 41% had neutral views on the topic. On the other These results reveal that the consumers can prefer hand, there were only 6% respondents who dis- any brand between Walls Cornetto and Omore as agreed, but none of the respondents strongly dis- far as price is concerned and it also means that agreed. To sum up, the findings indicated that among consumers both the brands range between consumers value the product because it is not the similar price groups. highly priced and consider it fair value for the price. Question 12 The last question of the survey inquired the con- Question 8 sumer’s decision between Engro Foods brand This question of the survey inquired from the re- Omore and Walls brand Cornetto as far as quality spondents regarding the consumption of Omore was concerned. The responses of the consumers ice cream whether they consume it because it is were identical where 17% strongly agreed, and rich in quality and taste in comparison to others. 34% agreed that they would prefer Omore over However, the results relates to a study findings of Cornetto as far as quality and taste are concerned. Mathooko & Ogutu, 2015 that there is added From these findings, it is also revealed that Omore value into the product which differentiates it. Par- is a differentiated product in comparison to Cor- ticularly, there were 55% respondents who agreed netto although it has similar price ranges. These out of them 45% strongly agreed and 10% agreed. are the reasons Omore is preferred by consumers Only 8% disagreed with the statement. over Cornetto.

Question 9 To sum up the findings of the questionnaire This question of the questionnaire inquired to survey, it can be said that the consumers prefer a measure the decision-making behavior of the con- differentiated product where the majority had se- sumers between the two prominent brands that lected Magnum when it was compared with Cor- include Walls Cornetto and Magnum against the netto and selected Omore when it was compared price. The response of the consumers was indif- with Cornetto. Nevertheless, the findings also ferent where majority revealed that they would were consistent with the literature that the con- prefer Walls’ Cornetto over Magnum as far as sumers were attracted towards a differentiated price is concerned. There results shows the re- product and preferred it (Mathooko & Ogutu, sponse: 21% strongly agree, 43% agree, 23% neu- 2015). When it comes to price, the consumers in tral, 11% disagree, and 1% strongly disagree. the Pakistani market valued Cornetto because it has low price and when it comes to taste they Question 10 have selected Magnum, and they have also con- sidered rich in taste and quality among the other This question was inquired to determine the pref- brands in the market. erence of the consumers between Walls’ Cornetto and Magnum when quality and taste are con- cerned. The findings were rather one-sided where 23% strongly agreed, and 46% agreed that they

STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, Vol. 23 (2018), No. 3, pp. 025-037 32 Ze Ye et al. Analyzing the Differentiation Strategies Of Big Companies Competing With Each Other

4.2. Determining the impact of consumer’s sumer’s purchase decision that has a significant decision making towards differentiated value below 0.05 in the Sig column that indicates strategy value .000. These results imply that there is a lin- The findings from the analysis of the data ob- ear relationship between the two variables and the tained from the respondents through the survey differentiated strategy of Omore from Engro were tested with SPSS and the regression results Foods has a significant value because it is were drawn. The findings indicate a significant preferred by the consumers. relationship between the two variables. Particu- Table 4 Test Results for Low Cost Strategy larly, as indicated in Table 2 and 3 the analysis of Sum of Mean variance is conducted for consumer’s decision Model df F Sig. making and differentiated strategy of the com- Squares Square pany. The findings can be seen in the table that Regression 365.879 2 182.940 15.896 .000b there is a significant value of differentiated strat- 1 Residual 1116.311 97 11.508 egy of the company and consumer’s purchase de- Total 1482.190 99 cision that has a significant value below 0.05 in a. Dependent Variable: Likeness to Brands the Sig column that indicates value .000. These b. Predictors: Low-Cost strategy results imply that there is a linear relationship Table 5 Coefficientsa between the two variables and the differentiated strategy of companies because it is preferred by Unstandardized Co- Standardized the consumers. These results also indicated that efficients Coefficients Model the future predictions can be done on the basis of Std. B Beta these values. Error

(Constant) 14.163 1.073 Table 2 Tess results for differientiation strategy 1 IV3 0.614 0.347 0.163 Sum of Mean Model df F Sig. Squares Square IV4 1.414 0.331 0.394 Regression 276.627 1 276.627 22.487 .000b a. Dependent Variable: Likeness 1 Residual 1205.563 98 12.302

Total 1482.190 99

a. Dependent Variable: Likeness to brands 4.4. Evaluating the successfulness of the b. Predictors: (Constant), Differentiation strategy differentiation strategy of competing companies Table 3 Coefficientsa The findings from the questionnaire survey re- Unstandardized Standardized vealed in the results from question 8 through 12 Model Coefficients Coefficients B Std. Error Beta that the consumers prefer a differentiated brand (Constant) 14.260 .949 Magnum and Omore over other brands in the 1 IV1 .632 .352 .170 market but when it comes to the price they also IV2 1.341 .313 .407 valued the product with lower price. In other words, the consumers in Pakistani market in the a. Dependent Variable: Likeness frozen dessert or ice cream sector do not only value differentiation, but they also value the price. 4.3. Determining the impact of consumer’s Nevertheless, the successfulness of the differen- decision making towards low-cost strategy tiation strategy was realized when the consumers To know the low cost strategy of the companies claimed that Magnum is expensive and they have there tests were conducted on two variables that also claimed that it is fair value for a price. There- were between consumer’s decision making and fore, it can be claimed that the differentiation low-cost leadership strategy of the company. Par- strategy is successful for Unilever Pakistan where ticularly, as indicated in Table 4 and 6 the analy- the consumers prefer Magnum for its taste and sis of regression test is conducted for consumer’s quality that are its features. decision making and low-cost leadership strategy Besides, the consumers also claimed that apart of the company. The findings can be seen in the from these two features there are other factors that table that there is a significant value of low-cost enable them to consume Magnum which is consis- leadership strategy of the company and con- tent with the study of (Gordon, 2013; Mathooko & Ogutu, 2015) that the products offer added

STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, Vol. 23 (2018), No. 3, pp. 025-037 Ze Ye et al. Analyzing the Differentiation Strategies Of Big Companies Competing With Each Other 33 value apart from being different. On the other Magnum over Cornetto when it comes to taste and hand, the consumers preferred Omore over Cor- quality and they also believed that Magnum offers netto when they were compared price, quality, and fair value for a price although it was found expen- taste. It also evidences that the consumers believe sive among consumers. The research also evi- Magnum and Omore as a differentiated brand dences that there is a significant impact of con- when it comes to quality and taste. Therefore, it sumer’s decision making on differentiation strat- can be said that the differentiation strategies of the egy of the company and also the significant rela- competing companies are successful particularly tionship between decision making and low-cost of Unilever Pakistan for its Magnum brand that is leadership was also found. In other research ques- highly valued by consumers. Notably, it was also tions, it was also found that consumers not only found that Unilever Pakistan through its Cornetto prefer differentiated products but when it comes brand also captures the Omore market that was to price they prefer the product that offers good illustrated and claimed that they would go for value at a low price that was illustrated in the de- Cornetto; but the consumers preferred Magnum cision of consumers where they preferred to pur- when it comes to taste and quality, which creates chase Omore over Cornetto believing it offers value for the consumers. In short, the findings better value. Conclusively, the findings revealed evidence that differentiation strategy Unilever that the differentiation strategy of Unilever Paki- Pakistan for its Magnum is a success among Paki- stan for its Magnum brand is a successful strategy stani consumers in the frozen dessert market. because the company serves with differentiation with Magnum brand and for low-cost it serves 5. Discussion, conclusion and with Cornetto brand. recommendations 5.2. Recommendations 5.1. Discussion and conclusion This research was associated with a few limita- The organizations in the contemporary business tions; therefore, it is essential to propose recom- environment focus on creating differentiation mendation for further research. Firstly, the study strategies to outperform their competitors. In this was exploratory so it would have been suitable to essence, the purpose of the research was to ana- conduct the mixed method research by collecting lyze the differentiation strategies of the big com- data in both the forms; however, due to time con- panies that compete with each other. The under- straint it was not possible to conduct interviews taken companies were the big brands in the ice from the consumers. Therefore, it is recom- cream sector of Pakistani market that include mended to conduct a future research with mixed Magnum and Walls from Unilever Pakistan and method approach and conducting interviews with Omore from Engro Foods. The primary research the consumers to explore the consumer market of was conducted using a survey questionnaire that ice cream in Pakistan more effectively. was conducted by 100 consumers in Pakistan. The literature was also briefly discussed that identified the competing strategies of (Porter & Heppelmann, 2014; Shani & Chalasani, 1992) and it also identified that most of the companies com- pete with either differentiation or low-cost leader- ship. Besides, it was also found in the literature that the companies do not only achieve differen- tiation by creating value in the product, but they also add features to the product to create differen- tiation (Gabrielsson et al., 2016). Another finding was that the companies could achieve a sustainable competitive advantage over their counterparts when they create a product that is valuable, rare, difficult to imitate and organized by utilizing resources effectively. The findings from the questionnaire survey re- vealed that the consumers in Pakistan do value the differentiation in products because they preferred

STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, Vol. 23 (2018), No. 3, pp. 025-037 34 Ze Ye et al. Analyzing the Differentiation Strategies Of Big Companies Competing With Each Other

Appendices ▪ Strongly agree Appendix A: Questionnaire survey ▪ Agree ▪ Neutral This survey measures the behavior towards the ▪ Disagree company’s competitive strategies for their frozen ▪ Strongly disagree dessert or ice cream product. Kindly mark the

boxes that best describe your thoughts and experi- 6. I find Omore ice cream expensive in com- ences for all questions. parison to other brands available in the

market. Preference of differentiated product (brand of Unilever Pakistan) ▪ Strongly agree ▪ Agree 1. I find Magnum ice cream as an outstanding ▪ Neutral product in comparison to other brands ▪ Disagree available in the market. ▪ Strongly disagree ▪ Strongly agree ▪ Agree 7. I find quality and value of Omore ice ▪ Neutral cream appropriate for the price offered by ▪ Disagree the company. ▪ Strongly disagree ▪ Strongly agree 2. I find Magnum ice cream expensive in ▪ Agree comparison to other brands available on the ▪ Neutral market. ▪ Disagree ▪ Strongly disagree ▪ Strongly agree ▪ Agree 8. I consume Omore ice cream because it is ▪ Neutral rich in quality and taste in comparison to ▪ Disagree other brands. ▪ Strongly disagree ▪ Strongly agree ▪ Agree 3. I find quality and value of Magnum ice ▪ Neutral cream appropriate for the price offered by ▪ Disagree the company. ▪ Strongly disagree ▪ Strongly agree ▪ Agree Preference between a differentiated product ▪ Neutral and lower priced product ▪ Disagree 9. I would prefer Magnum over Walls’ Cor- ▪ Strongly disagree netto as far as price is concerned.

4. I consume Magnum ice cream because it is ▪ Strongly agree rich in quality and taste in comparison to ▪ Agree other brands. ▪ Neutral ▪ Disagree ▪ Strongly agree ▪ Strongly disagree ▪ Agree ▪ Neutral 10. I would prefer Magnum over Walls’ Cor- ▪ Disagree netto as quality and taste are concerned. ▪ Strongly disagree ▪ Strongly agree Likeliness towards Differentiated Product ▪ Agree (Brand of Engro Foods) ▪ Neutral ▪ Disagree 5. I find Omore ice cream as an outstanding ▪ Strongly disagree product in comparison to other brands

available in the market.

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11. I would prefer Omore over Walls Cornetto Davcik, N. S. & Sharma, P. (2015). Impact of product as far as price is concerned. differentiation, marketing investments and brand equity on pricing strategies: A brand level investigation. ▪ Strongly agree European Journal of Marketing, 49 (5/6), 760-781. ▪ Agree Farkas, F. (2016). Hard and Soft Approaches of Strategic Organisational Change Management. Strategic ▪ Neutral Management International Journal of Strategic ▪ Disagree Management and Decision Support Systems in ▪ Strongly Disagree Strategic Management, 21 (2), 13-22. Ford, A., Moodie, C. & Hastings, G. (2012). The role of packaging for consumer products: understanding the 12. I would prefer Omore over Walls Cornetto move towards ‘plain’tobacco packaging. Addiction as quality and taste are concerned. Research & Theory, 20 (4), 339-347.

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 Correspondence

Ze Ye, Hassan Abbas

1Affiliation Changsha University of Science & Technology 410004, Changsha, China

E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, Vol. 23 (2018), No. 3, pp. 025-037