iTOaWMJAT, KAKO0 tT, f wuror. of tho tenor and provi* I At (He BHck JBstlldU.4 OH the Public coBferrod by tho conalilulion and laira, but in ion* of tho bill reported by your committee* .! 'i. "'- 'tSMfc. NKW derogation of both;" assumed upon iudf an. r lo (U Kmhe/tii/ied irith £plm tiio mu*t plnnalory teiliniony, which they bad il in their otabluhmuni of* red ratalu tank. On the question being po*i'"will the House a- power to offer, ihoulii be adduced, and with that Hion, v4il«ortOt' r*it»y* wjnrt. ha* -Ti*r Uvn attempted dopt the subslilute, WITH A Ml'LTITVDK OV m lev anility, -.nj^aWpr.^pvCl at ,u Ihrtlwr Meen* Mr. Ely -- .i«d prtilioo of aundry eiti. view rcfpecttUlly naked that tho bill ucfbro re- .» uuipi* JiK jai.'jay-iofj. iai'ftarsUM Moocrn Asu ol Buiuik. we county, prsyiog ibo pumge II was determined in the ncgatirt. for rod to, with the report accompanying it The house Ihon ndjourncd. ' . I'KUIOlllC.VL. of . Auvrl rha. it f Hr..i.4 will uijiuaiibed In moniMy sjunbar* ol 4d might DO n-commilted, and auch tesiimony ro. r«et*r, bt'.ning III*' sbii»* »| pelUl.t'u |U:-...^ i- .-!. II ol which »ill ch il« j/atvi' 4.U .iv.uyn.f* kngMvutf inning uilu»eoumofUi* Mr. presjcnted a memoriiil ol sundry purvunnco ol ihia request yinir hooounblo body ' 'He Liutx-luahmnnU lo w lush Mr. (,'nrjvmer, cbuirman ot the c»nnnittr« \ of city of Bnltunore, praying a did, by an order of the 7lh mat. grant pcrmi*- :uon luws iu suid city, «ion for Iho adduction of further Icatiniooy »n i prvsented a memoiiol of sun- or bt-foro (bit day, nod directed llml eoun«el ncs, and of the city t* ahnuld llu-n bo heard for and againat Ibe bill. ai early u incorporation of Uio Thut the City Council* of Uultiinorp nrera dot apprised of Ihia action of your honourublu Ixyjy 'riority a memorial until the i.Ocrnoon of Iho Silt innl. and Rowing tl. Original' wils and homornl* uf >i»r to liia prorte a medium dt'Otrd l» Hi* uou. irj: uf .11 ch-r^vv i\inj( iliej,t«Hji^ ol u Militiu l.i» for n-.iu cily. Tb« tir.l nu.i.1- r ol tin new mrie* will appear about bio and resolution submined by b^n^ on Iho :inl were rcttnctnil, tupnxluci- the uvidvnco whicft lira, Una. f.iilliful rerun! .uf the tcintillsiions nt ihrir I Mr. Kiehuntvon, al*o prcncnic^l.u incmoniil 111 I IH* Ural of M .rcii; Uiu delay i* vccjaioufeU »y tlie tiin* in»l in rulnlion lo the expunging from tho jour it wii« Ihcir dmiro lo ntTi;r, adopted a roolulion *t withtkf, iiu*. H I* n*l iifCe»*»|-J lu |l.e coneaumi in prrruring thu Kngnmng*. of m.iTiy ci'izL-n*. properly hnld- r». nnd otlien.. r wood. my altracti'-na winch Una junriotl will piia- TIM l-rui* ul lli« .Mod-rn Atling Dram* u 7'Arrr !)•! nals of Iho Senate of iho UniloOJSlalo*, a part which wn* communicated to your hooourabto of its proceeding*. , of Ih-- city ol It.illimorc, counu r to tlio inoiuun. body on yuirt«rduy, rvapoctfully requeuing a U, &c. n. -.», a» the uubliiher will fuitiuli a specimen l*r«, p«r annum. My*u4s ia *4«aucu. KuliMJiUeia to of Jnhn B. Morrir, and others, pmying' for j.nber lu every peratiii whn dc-irr* it Ihu Uuillun-n'i N*m Mocuw will b* furnMied wiln On ihn <|ueslion being put oa giving a second furtnor delay to enable them to nvuil IherlUelrca lew tor till/ indemnity for lonwa aiulamvd during tho /iota ln>e uul of the city, will forwarii their ur- both work* for Kitr DolUr.. of tho privilege extended tu them by too order U Any prnoa ccjlocimg four ab*cribcn to ih* reading to preamble sod resolution*, of Augutt last. era, postage p*id)-Hl'_f*an.' he pledges lum- II n-us rx solved in I he affirmative. of the 7th mil. Bit IBM!** UualleuMu'a V Mocuiu. or Ih* Modern Acting On. Mr. Shnvor preaentod a petition of aundry i it*. Or- If Hut no irilmn. t>" In* p*rl r-hjll br aia, auJ remitting Uio amount of oa* year1* Miljvcnp. Mr. Ely then cflcrcd BS,J substitute for aaid Under (hi* (tale nf facts, tho undrn>ign<*l inlinyU m»k» r*r\t Micc*riilcd Stiitps, did. Ihc \VV*tminit' r Inwrnnco ooin|niny. :ooBtry wt* 1'rtl 3»tJi/ft»q!«i>l will ne prinlnl nn laigv Uw producttuivB u; eight diflVrvnt ^uthur*, wttl known on th 4r! preornt u»uil l.«r Hi- lii line- Uw ujy. Ulonvillp nf Ihu city of Baltimore, the widow of U" A t .ijrc and unu'.iinl whit* ahonl. imp«rUl >iu, -Resolved that Ihr President in Ihn laic exe­ Jiihn UV-ntillt1, a tuvolutionury nuliJicr, prnyiog ojhtr«, ahmild not b\> >aid Ihrrtlsr in1* Vail«- Mecam It IB calculated tlut cutive proceeding* in rclntion lo the public re­ Alloil on bu:li atJi-* with humorouj *«d coatly cugrav. for :i thai 'the .irguimnl pr»|>oii>-rl lobe alfrialt. ing*, will b* pnMuhed ovrry (jmrtcr * a MII |>lrmcnt lo venue, has as«uiiu- confined In tin 4.10*11 .n of GOO II nrw uwcriU-r. lo Ibo Geutlouian'* Vad* «M*ouin, or power not con), rred by iho coustilulion and ciitzi na ofTtdbul county, praying th:it n amall ! right in llio LI gi*luiure, lo legi/i!..., on ihc sub- uiir °f Kdwinl l ue furtn>liiil tu llic |<^tiiii'i nl (in* juur- UHI Mul' rn Ar-i-ig Driina, and to all l«n old aubacri. Inwir but in derogation ofbnlh" purcel of lund therein mentioned in.;, bo con. ji'Ci. coiiBiitnlinniilly. and, f Jwtj* of 0* m onr Ji'*l tbr*r, in jtl ttiuii t\> .tit ri- tlttao work* whn {'orward Ihvir tubacriplion* for Which niolmior. now Hands upon the journal ilemned for certain purpoaxM tli. rein mun- Thirdly, dial tliu hill und rrporl of Ihr joint ng the UDoU Irw |.r.»:nl J^-ir, in advance, ulthoal further aoliciu. diti>c 4ml c.iaiuo »et,'iln>ti nl Matirr, Crili ''o«. of tho sunulc. lioned committee nhould, after Ihc argumrnf, !<• rvc<>m* let for UMIS*. ;i«m, Hti'iiuui mill \\ u, tu be circwUlcd And whenu the General Aascmbly of Mnry- I »t Nortmbw rV-b. U. Mr. Drynn pre- axun us>ump. take IcstinVmy nml to report thcruon, linfjnctuf un'rior ami uttractive'fO I..\.\D8. Thoa)p«jn, ol I'n.ici Ocor^u's ccnnly, pray, II creditor? (oa lion ol'|>'i»cr not w rranted li\ I lie c.-nslilu- , irg to bu pl..ced »n tile pension roll ol Kiid on or before Thurwlny tuo 17th inst. IX-IIIK annul** in' tin.1 pauliiuci rrtit'a \villi ptcilrct cui.U- Miuict ilier oflen (01 Sal<- lu« oluabl* liun, und c. ku did to anbvert Ihu rights ol ihu | ixllhal Uwui* it-nrc on Hie litomlilj n( Ihr Aim-iican p^ib- 1 [ K'Ule. mlujle on the nnrlh anle i.f <.iunly. Under Ihcao circunulanci », Iho underaignrd I* of Murl.i < ' llnusv ol" Keprtacnt-ilivcs, and thu fundumriilal I Mr Duv.ill pr-*. nteil a m<-mnrial of mindry lc> .ia:l the iplnt aim t.ict with »lii>h thi» >f»ern Itr er, iippo»ilt.-'the ell) uf Annapolia, principle! ul our "ee irikliluliuns. j feel it to bo duo lo tho impnrtbnt intercut (hey >f UriMui pvti. |\ni-nii«r uitUrrlakitiii will bo |iniircutcu, tn i ^ u|i\»ar,l» of eitizomt ot Fruderiek,eoiiiii\, prnying for a law rrpre**ol, to owipn lo Ihu tloiwo of vjr lni«lM> Car And win rv.ia, Ihw lienvnil Aaacmbly deem it [ ,o aulborisen thr c !! IK .1 conv. nlion, lo oiler I the rcnsun «hieh r.-iirutns ihcini n"«twciiully"i u dw»rd Holland, Car Inio »«cce»»lull» «nd prrtttibljr alnii^ u «j; I-JlbVsXXlT ACKIv*, their ihileinn duly to nsmrt in b-hnll of them. u» form fit Ui* ill) it. Atmiit >i\ llm.iii.d coveird with unoil and in alm-nd Ih. cnntiruliun ol -his Sl.ite. I decline a parlieipation in llio duwusmon which i« Mid ixtwir*1 svhci)uiMl lh« pcupl««l W.irvluiid, llic r,glit ol ibb at. at . ....i...... -...... ___.. ft is proposed JialJfcifco place this djy. Il it Thi- Term* of THE 8ALM»at>,ni uill be >iri%j liluUrr. iun»i4lir:fr, uf Wbltf Ojk. Illnrk Air. Muruk anbmiKad tin- lollomng m»*. rilj for Li* pa. cuiutiluenLlo icnlrucl, nnd the duly of Ibo rep. »n^'". which wu> read, assented lu, and acut to annljr Const, a* Waluiit and Voptar. &i , Ihu n-^idue lor the Ibi*. Dial Ihr w-hnlo case lo »hieh Ibo di*eii». :ibly 111 advance. N» pjprr will u. lurni.h- re*vnlulivu lo ol« y, or rxmgn Tliertion-. Ihr S'-nate. uwrr lo alli-fi. rvoat part under gn HI tl e whnlc nrjr- Risolred by lhc Grn-ml Avtrmbly of .iVury. -ion M to ho made applicable, ia not bnforv (|lo uid luring it. I unlcao thi* *tipaUliiin in tlncllv adhered Uoiillumvn of tho Senate, ly «' ruuiidrd bj the wat.-rt of Severn Hurr, laud, itiat Ihr Sennlor* tnmi (Ins Htulc, in tho Thn autliuiiliu* uf llnlticnoro ' Iraatn for iO t i ol three, mil be iup|iliFil With , An onler Imvinu boon ndoptud by ihin hn< thnl lli' y will bo ennbti-d, if opportunity bu id (lie Ululr* and < Hiiie u4»ii(«Ule rrrek, emptying into | Congress of Iho I'n.ted Htalc*. be, and ihey urr I . fe Buy. w huh iiOuril* i »n> enieiil forded them, In produce tti.lim.iny, to'v,-ry tl)0 m |;T the uM Uer.b, instnictrd tu \«:t, lor, and lo UK Ihvir i ,h(, ,. ,,.., f(,r lhc ....n^ri.,!,.,. W |U1 |mvi, iljudco thil ntlar note, po»t^R« p»ul. i lu'.i» ol arvrn water carnal* lor wo.-il and produce liutn nupcel ,,f tho nueslton involved in Ihi bill, now creditor* If ill' be auppltcd fur the aan.i" term, bi for almost eterv nl the land- best exertion, lo tccttr,. Ibe p«»«Ke of a rrsolu-| w| , ,. ,,. , r,,r ,0^.,., ,uMuln,.d bv lhc pending U-foro your Imnouruble l»< nt divule't into two farm*, both lion cd in ktrmi^ envelope*, lu prevent their po«-e»^ U-(-c bjliLn ol utatrr *lirll», and ing Ihul -the |'r.-wdenl in ihu lalo txi-culivo i h«nour.:M. body lo attend in ihii h.dl nt' llio riutials, it must IK- obviou-s th.,t no snluLclnry lubing, in the null. utlur ko-jice^ nl nunure in great abundance.,* in rulnliun lo llio public revenue. ! ,, )lc.jgnVC( ,o hctir (llo or..1|lm. nlB of- discua.inn -ipon liiu |aK|», a| lcn»i none llml do v.ild i tCJ* I us; S,\LM»oukPi will be published on flutter h.ia bcrn luunJ lu^kil »''» Rr'-al ef. ha* a»r.iinicd upon lumse.ll authority and power | MJlj counsel, jnslic- to i he vt.-»« of Ibe Corporation, up-m and cuppla* t-liute wrvk* tittii-rwiap u would be nu- not conl'i rrvd hy the ronxlitution ami Inwr, but letl nn tliiikt lalnU tu proinutit'K trie gtowtli Tho C!.-rk of (he Senate delivered Ihu follow - whose peculiur llltcrenN (U bill prnriovcs lo o. .mble tu prucurr tliv nuiurtuu* Kmbtllis'i. in deii-gnlion ol bnih," lu bu expunged from the WHITE. uf tlo>«-i- tin- aoil is iMturally uf an rirtl ing mrovugc, p.mte.cun Ix- nail. Il ibo Cnunm-l ,,t Ihu Cicy inU wlncn euli number will contain and> ol the Senate of ih<- I'mled Hint- «, by lent i|ualil), fui Krjin and oilier crops, ant! liontU'iiu-n of Ih'.1 llou»r« ol O'-loKalen, tlnri| ulioiild i.|.p-:,r bnfnn- y»ur hiinimrublo he general inlercal it will aBi>ril inuil be eu |MIlici.l.trly wrll adapted In Iht culture nf cunning bluck lints In I* nmimrl Ihesunl bn.l> und-r Iho or.i, rof yeM.rdny. lh,,y mu»t OH jnced by lino arra'iRrmen*. firal (lua'ilj iT lubULii). '\ hete i» a gnnd We huvo received ynur in<*».- paid. wa'ri mill adjuining these lauiU, and a Mtitn ua Ihut an or-ett uilojitt il Us ^cripl journal, nnd Ihul Ih lollmting wortla bo illiuill ihrmiielveii lo u dixcu-mion ol Iho ca in a *o* IrlTAddrra*, CIlArll.hS AI KX,\NI>KR. mill in . Aniupolia, both Trry convenient tu pli-mly M ritlcn itrri.s* Iho fuce ol llio * rv*n. honojuruhln |K«|\, in huur ul (he bur nf Ibo house, eouiU' I lor Iliu nionHiiinlisI* tvlm pr.ix il ..en of Hie in. inorialiaU, upon circumalancrs New York Uaildii g*, Kranklin Pbce, Fluid' lii* eilatc. i luiiott and rmry "K\pungr«l by order of the indivnnily f-ir l'iti,-« rt.) lo n%* lha *uu*crib»<- will tiew and jud^v fm itiein*rlve«t rvsululion lit i.nch ol ih M n .| t.r- nnd !!i,i.. wo r>>)M-cilii!ly accept. der«igned, ba to «urroniler Iho intt-r-xia oommit. ng the agii- --.out Duuii-t of ttm nuio uf MirjUnil, praying ilw t .* deemed unnrc>«»arv In be m.ire (urtuu- sx-nlalive> lioin this, in (ho lunurvirH of On motion of Mr. Merrick, il \vmj ordered, led to their charge, and lo violate tin- rxpreies cat prad). tuutit of tho Act uf Awnmbjy, -eutnl d. ",\a *cl for lar in the drttripllon ul Ihi* prup«rly. It bo United St.-lis. uilh I lie riijuckl llmt they that n committee, of two meinbt-r* bu . pp'itnii-d inatrucuona under which they arc aetmg. ' 1 1 roliof uf laniliy InaulVLttt VK-Utot.," uja».J u No. lay ih>< 'nine b- for- lli ir ropeclivc buUics, : unutrtak t-.uuor *«*ion IBOi, JO< tliownnl rappwiunnla thrro. nil be lound uu rxauiliutinn tu br Worthy by the ch .ir, to wiut U|«,n the honuurublu The dt.-sirw of llm city of Baltimore w. to bo tr, are iudU |, 4 adi*dul« of hia proTKirty, and a lt*t of hi. eroditor*. lie ollrnllull of Iliotr who may h.tvr nn-nry IHiich w.,h rvad; Senate, und inform them tin- hoiiw i* nuw heard upou Ihi- whole ens.-, ua the ovidencu > lat volant o iuve*t u> real r»Ute. and uatliiulaily of On (he qucHion bring put, w^ll iho house when lukon may exhibit u,ami h..r auiboniiusi .v-»-~~ petition, and I Iwiliff a.tlta..,! Out Ibe in arasion, and pn-purud lo lieur tho address ol riled elevea. lUiliat arr »kill«l in cullii'Kauil tilling, (un­ ndopt tbu tubstilute. lh' CIIUIHM.-I, in *upp lost sustained by lira lute riolH in iho city ol i fur tho bcoofil of Ih > crwiilut* of tho *ud Z^barub nilr. So Ibo huute rrluw.l to a adopt said substilulo. B.iltunotr, and invite llvtr uttendunce. lij-liui ol" iho Curpcniton to tral hor liamluy up. larged, that h,Ho,,, which tru»l"» lv»« |»«vB hood iu Uu* flu'.c faima will ue divided, to suit par- 1 he ijur'lio;. ihitn recurred upon the pream­ th* fulliful |«rfonuano» ol bl« trail, and the .lid And, ihvr.'Upon Meurx, Merrick uud ll.unble- on iho trHUmimy purnly uxjiurtx. luatltr sa­ rhaier-.. The Unit* wit! be moderate and a ble and itM>luli< na^ai submitted by Mr. M i- lt cqa*> achariih Pullon liaolsg »«bn iwirf *iUi ~cunty for ii-'j; credit i;ivAt fur part of the puicl.a.e Ion, were appointed ibo dupululion. puriuunl lo Tlie undetailed buvo Iliu honour lo br>, uppoatinoii tn^Aimo Aruudvl tuaaly ccr. tlii-. or ler, who n.ivinjj rvpairod to iho senate With thi.- proliiundest re.pool, dec. drc. titrated by uri. onllio thirJ MuniUjr of April rwst, to answer », ui lor the > hole, if wrll secured Mr. Deiry moved to postpone said proumblu atnu, am- [ tho »llpirallona o/iniorTuc-ilori.* of In* erwlltora, and pui»c>aiun m») be hail at ai.y lime. ch.imb.r, returned and n-|Kirteil. tb.\l Ilicy hud JOII.V NKUJOV. hvint ..r.MU.d. .. **>* •>( toav,y.o«. u> hU »"««» K .r lurthei pailuulara emjuire of N Biic* ami resclution* ind. finitely. prrforiii<-il llir service mpjirod of them. ALUBHT- CDN8TABI.E.' L for .11 hi. pro!M.rly. r*il. pcrwnil. ii»U m Md, ud i-, ur lu the subscriber )i»mg on the Determined in ihc ncguuvo. 'I'liu Pri »i'l.-n(, and tho othui m«inb»ni of Mr. Richardson then submil'.od lha lullbwing I'be |raaU|« I, ^id lru.uo having c.rUiiod ibo dclivory tlKMof to Mr. McLtan ihun niuvctl to amend snid ' to any part i 11 bv Ibo 2 ichiriah fMnn; t mtu pmvidud for their accornnuxlulion, Olm-n-d, llml inasmtich tin it i* Iho desira of 'Jnd rvsululion ulU-r Ibu wi.rd "iieiiiiiui*," llieso to tMtur- i cridlton. by oaiwlng a copy of Uii. onfcr to bo in. Feb. 4. , withiii ihu Uir of Iho house. his house, lo have a full, Imr and thorough ex. rtod in on. oftka n.wap«p«. BJittl»d m tk* crty »f J_ words, "in Cmi^rvaa U- imiruclcd," aminallon ol' Ihn important J*'iuls connccjcd vick lor llm term of throo inonilia, A.Ve»»^A«HDtt, COIINTV, DC DrUimnnud in ihu negative. Mr. Merrick mov»d to luke up Ibe report of, [ .niiar b.for« Ann* ArttixW tVwnly r.«rt. to b» hold with thu riots in the city of Baltimore, and a* I to J, Du*V N application by prtiiiun In writing uf ^o4« BJ Iho- hausa refused (u adopt the anfcnd. and ink. n before the joint cominillec r it,!, clly of AnntpulU on Ihe Uiud Mootey In Apt! Kr.ll«r lo ni.i t!n un'^crilx-r I'hirl Judgv »l Ui« of thu Honalu and llOns» ol' Delegates, to which Iho Counsel for sold oily have declared, ilu.1. »l,l» ahuw *«u*«. If «y Ihry b»t», «»y "i" «!, V>,|...MI« tlourlul \niii> ArnniH County in M^ryl mciil. was rel'um-d Ihn memorioia of John U. Morris, they nro unprepared in the ahtwnoe of thu ^ ^ uhariili follon *houU »Juor*(«n utth *i fit n h* could tc-n.ti. tbmui Iti-nolved in tho aflinmilivo. may appour at tho bar of thin ( teiug aaneasd MJ oi* said putilion, and I l«img aaliafied Mr. Wharti.n then olTered a nbntituto for i a|ii>iic«.i.>.. .- ...... - rrllwT I Jostio* of Uu Mr. Mcly-un presented s, communicatioa I'of IDA city on Thuradny m*'at. . that UM >a*l ttulornoo fnxl'r In* ruaiil.J In iito aui» said prrnniblu and ruaoluUun*. . Court of, Uto coauly aionMM in writing, ' ' lha doU. uf from J jlin NoUon and Albert ConiUbW, Eitqm. adifitional testimony ahall hav»j hfr ' lUnry Mod fool praying fU)ipUunonta thrro. an lru*i«o A*f tb* liunatit of tlio auid ;-.otonion Kr^iicr, Mr. Marrick.socondrc) by i\ iMakiing wbleh *aid Iruiu-a ha* givon bond In .duo funn fur t)id uiuler coiuidtrufjon. . Ijmorc, M> ir foor Ih* i vcbodulo uf hia uropcrty and a liaa uf hu croditorv, ilhl\il parlQrittdiico of i,w trual, ajtd Ihi MiH Suluinun Which »vaa read, and is as follows; T who voletf in i otlk, u far a* lie oau aactrUin th«iu boiqg ajiiuuxl niur lutingig..._ gir^i ._..Iwtid ^ willi ._ *«eiir|iy fur hi* partou. The 6|wukur gave it a» ibo opinion of llio tha vote of Iho lionuc, uuon thu aUmjijoai «r > hia petition, and th* aiiil ltt>ury ModTuctl Uavlng «a. al »iipv*MUce |n Ana* Arundel Couii'ty (.'uurt'oa' Uie C'l\;.ir, ihui il w/u* ooiu|>«ionl lo oO«r tho sub. ittad m* by cuinpotonl nwlimuny thai hd lua rrildad Tie Itoute of Dtlfgatet of Marylund, orJur. . ^ ?' third Uuiidny in April nut, lo aaaw*r lu tha Jli-;; itk>m alilulB. , ' i th* Htato of Maryland Iwu yoan ImuiodiaUily pr*. or iutorro^atunoj ot' bla oroiiilora, nud having eiecolcd Tke undersigned rvspecilully reproaont, That Delemiincd in tho negative.'1 ', " ' >.lm| tula Ilk* Unio of hU application, an4 tint 1» ia From wbicb lieoiatun of lhc eltair, Mr. Hoard a .lo *l ul' eoiiVKy.lieo U> hia *aid tluvlee fur all hbi | ru. they luivo nipainxl to thu Suat of Govurnruunl Mr. Merrick then'aubmiltedllMluUow, lion. i actual otulody for debt only, and having appuialcd poriy, und Iho »id Uu.loo having ccrtilwJ tb* oVIHwry appealed lo ibo houwt, and Iho queatlon Wna tnutoo, uud *M InuUd having givm bond for tlio lb>rvuf lo him by tho »ud K*!oiuon Kr^iirr. I do haro. under th6 inalruclions of llm Clly Adthorilics of dor, pile for irfupuancu uf aakl trurt, it ia Ihannioon ord«r*4 and by order nuil adjud|[«lhat lh« «*id Soloinun Kmiinr giv« Will (he hods* stwlaln the choir,'' " . Baltimore, as lha counsel of satid city, for that Onlerod, that inasmuch a*}. (h*J J'rari,.' and Ijudgvd by nio that tha *aid llonrv Madfuni b* dl*. notice lu lib. i r«Jiu>r« by o»u*lag copy ot' thU orr* printed ia Ih* K.tohed in the aflinnalive. 'U ordor lo U* iuaortod in tUn MaryUixl Ua»MU oJUfl city of Anaapoll*, onoo a weak foe iho term ol thrro Mr. W liar ton than oO'erml as a aubttiluto for d by your honuurublv Ix.dy by a aolect commit, Uultinmrt-, in Hie matter of tho Ul* nvia 01 that wxk for Ihioo aaaooaciv* mouth* auSsr*" the third month*, tu appear befor* Anna Arandfll County Court, aaid ureurohlo and rvsululioba, the following, toe, to whom hnd been ruferrei the rocmonala of city, on Tliuraday n'vxt that UMI argument fit ' lunday lu April Mil, h* giv* not loo lo bincrodi<._.i.i 1|Uout,i2 I w|J,i bcnafll" of- I ind, tB<1 Inmate of the I'nited Hl.ilcs, in have tbo bansti of tb* aaU »ct of Asssank tilt aud ael and cu»pkw*ol* I lh« paasugr of ^Ke1 ' followlns; rosolul|i>n-i"l in ooiMoqitcuoej of IU4 r*ots)«f tho «tn, 9th, «.»Which L w.m -LIwioo i read and. adotjtsil^v^r^ivu- -. «.'' solvtd, luttmno Prewaent/m lh*> «*soui»ve pro. UM, Jan. lt.---Ja|. i:-

<* ,-'. '-*

' ploytd tllroVigTi thi to thvmnooot of of ten or eleven hundred ran) lb*re w _ A Thirdly -"-They propoW to lend all Iho balance tba fean of too letter writer h»r« iaduc«d 'tt. to the 3«nb, ooo vurgeont ol the rejulor orw/kU- the AMERICAN LIFE 1NSURANCK ju*t aboVo mentioned, through the agency of necowary alarm, but tho «tntte>mti on eerUin. .W, and one officer (Lio«u Dmwa% M artiUy) each gcoeral ctiarg* InA^oe-AnuatWl oooaly, " AND THUST COMPANY. two Loan O(Bo4a^fcc on each.'shore and at ««n private* voonded. Of the votuoie«r«, for tho ear IS8&, .' Tory un|>leo«ant rnpecting lh» pociliom of there were one officer, a| bit] C per coot. inlcrooM^gept o> »uch pWxion . twenty private* (hereof a* *hall be^Jpnoed in tb>< d ruining wounded. Bridge*, i. fnmour 71 P. MACAUl.y, PUUDCVT, Batltmort, of land*, or apylyingTiiarl or otkul mineral . Mercury Oflfioe, ) Public Road*. manure*; in, tho rearing uf pl.tolationo of the . . BT-LAW. Juror* to Ih* MOKRiH HUttlNsUN. Vice-PutiDKirr,. CHARLESTON, March 9 4} P. M. J 4».*« to ot>(«ln tmatttr*** in Ikt Ckarltt ffeu Yot* '•'•'• ' mulberry tree and producing *iltt and they FROM FLORIDA. ., Public F« cutimulu such part at ono million of dollar*. «/ <*« City ,f JtnMfoRt md I* t**rg» U« Orpht Battle teitk ttie Indian*. '>;•• !*»«« gronttd tktftty. -. V)KE80NB way elect InMrancet with th« Fourthly—']"hcy inibr from known fucti in li£o TboiMhr.>6. 8. Mill^Capt. 8outhw!et(| or. BoilifT* to .'* c>the de­ lino, larniahing a* with tbo Herald of tbo 3d |»»u Council of (|IC City of Annapvll*, That Sundry Account*, alien of life, or for any limitnl period. The clared on tho «ontrmpIntad'*ulNcriptians lo in«l. ' Mei»rt. A. RanJall, Bryan, Clayton, Haghe* Judge* and Clerk* of tb« El wymentaof premium may ucetlhvi made an- work* oC internal iraprojrrinunt, will niiH>rul! nt It will be teen that Gon. GAIRU had encoutj. «uu Motion, be a Cuminillee lo ptciare and Con>taole* uually, or ia a grott IUIP. (bo iolercit that cap accruo on iho amount* *o tcrod tb. I.nliiia* in con«ider*ol9 force near the pruent to the Legislature of M»ryland, a Aim* AT4BLK lulwriliod after iha end of Ihe first thruu your* memorial praying for the pttuge ol tucb lawi Of tht Halt i of. Jniltrfttei of One f/undrtd '1'l provided for a* ntxivo nolice-l. vpiniculanof iha onjragoraont, ii given nd for aiich aUerttion tniL anujartmi-ni. j n Commjoionora and C OoUfrt on * Sinflt Lift. Lunatic ANNL'AJ. PAYMKNT8. Vnn*y|TllBl I Udly, That tho inlercit which will be n-nl- in lli'> l '.owing loiter* Irooi our corrocpondont, the Cdarter of thi» City. aMlUVIiible the iacd at tho Loan Ofiicm, on one half uf Iho *im Rtconler, V 'in mi ri Burying Pauper*. T T .il** rnn. Lik. jnn of two million* proposed to be-borrowcd for (no 9T. AUUU8TINB, March 0. Cnuncil thereof, or their inccfiaoriTla tab- Crow* Head*. P cxclunv* u*o of the innnunt and plainer- of icribe and pay fur ao nach of the Capital Coroocr* and lo and own. Dear Sir: — I liavj urKxil r.ifrainej from 86 I 48 70 Maryland, will proviilu inr Die inl-iv»t « .: :ii Slock, of, the. Annapolit and Potomac Canal Printing, ' I of foul aM tr.i.i»i:iu i.4j"yi»i» nny acc-junt of .tlio Suminole 77 88 I G 57 76 l&'/A thu Slate would have lopiiy un Inr *>uJh ,!,p M. Coni|.Ariy > B).(iut being ariranizeil, at to ihe lor Anne-AruniuVl 84 90 (14 09 83 idea from k^ ' (.' .inp. n£'i, \\» ilia various C'tntr^ilictory' male- aid, Ricorder, Alilvrntn, anJ Com- 3oly. Tlief'itrn -aw^rj ilir.i on «h« otli. , !i ,11 nionM in re*,irU 10 tlie nvwtmRnt* uf tho eucmy thn »< i relating .86 91 63 78 88 t« of foMp nun Council, ur theirt |,t ir j^cctij«cc«Muri, iliall ie«m 89 pnrt, Iu wil, on 'thf'innn nl one* rm,!i»n o! ilol- triinni d Io\r iinya tint'; tliu not doarro proprr. Co/iiur, 92 G9 85 sg d of bom,!; |ur«ith»t.wu'»Hdi>ulitKl»«l>.' f>|>li'«l |fi inu dratn- 9n 94 7S 89 0-2 mcn'.a of Wt , ami wrro tro braink'M lo be rrvtiitort M.irch IT. 91 9-1 IDB of laud*, dec- A: '.. tho S 'to wnuli; h ivc (<> Thi- mling un uiuck, i* cvitlcncu of .la. no 18 2 04 95 04 nnJ prufilaUy Riven lor the iinpmvc'riionl drag- ( .'lit novor before dir.p.'ayed by Iinliunu Con- Black and ^hip-Smith, or I. * II 96 00 d ou*l .riMclkltfo ii were hcultura and prviitntiun of muiiulafr'» Steam Mill, uppu- ci*; «u. 40 SG » 36 2 18 ^1 iho wbolt lit. Thr- bimu* or ..tlv-nci? ilia » >'il I be ro- of ill -ir fore a, is Uko llio ina**acrr of M«jnr ^By B9 ceived on Ibc rile of lun inillioii* of SlMr, !.., lu i O.i jc unp ralMkd. Wo know that llu-v mu.t l iin- rd of Comminmnnvr* lor 44 ii 43 2 39 21 n loan. How Anne-Aruadcl or bond*, would bo, a* above .talad, SU.50 i.OUO Uo cotit«iiir.,«iiigun «->,ii;- point, anJ *o thu re It. I. JONBd, & Co. 40 2 30 a 47 S6 mrw1 i thomt Hi,* .ruin which $tfGlUKK). •«• iwo your* ,nu-rc*t -- Marcl K It.J. COWMAN. Clk. 46 4 37 u ro CO *» to i oral Mul; hm pr'V.,1. You arc aware that Si. -i 1)4 | on ihr cum of $-*,OOU.UUO invrnte:! in work* of 3 14 51 Y reviling » Uamnii tipprourh.-'i niihm four or rive mile* of UCAL AMD PI;B»ONAL N A i . i ; . A.i i 7.1 d C7 Int rnal Improvement, bi'ing dt-ditclod, there 03 lumacy to tut Fort l)! took ei(;hl d*y* prorniont, and ro PUOI^ UTrnv IA>TT»:RI*.». l« Half Acrr 37 i Bl 91 will bo Ii fl, ii nd rn.iy bo lent through Iho I. > in tur.iLd lu th«< OulhJ..coucm-0, lor the purpoio of SHArKH'S LOI I KKT'/CapiUl 84.3.000 T* L'l'l S. 'HU.ltr.l mi NiTih r,tf very COOMW. anil one ol 16.0<)0, be*i^«'mUrr* uf othci IM aJioukt p' Office* for the term ol 30 yuan, ,.i> i\r-->. a- nincov.Ti.>ij u !r.-i':> rnny Indian* were on lliu ife *llri-t. m ll\- « i ty "f Annipiilii.. inounling lo 1,040,000 Priz.r» Tirlrt* 81" only. Ami nltn, >.-vi-m Fcirv. anil nuw in Money will Ue mined in nrputile by the pr.wl i>ii..rrivinp ;,t iho i:re«m hj« pa*Kigu unpanv, ana ltt'ljl Mi. 7, h»ri»h Domll. Po> icuoftBeekv B^.344, tnil gi.406 urn.ilr. number* of other trrnit >ppl) lu ntnot will be paid lemi innutll), or it can rr*pcclt«>. I computed from iho openirtf; ol «uul il i'dirrmiiK.-i lo lilte<'n liunHrrd a fight com- Piixi », imunK wlucli i* a Dminonil Ring >a- f.niaiu to ai cumulate by rompounil intrre»t. by compoun.lin^ lii im. . nv icrow, ihr river, which, although nar­ £ RICHARD M. CIIA-SK. n bo infrmj lucd at gI.OOO. I irkela g3 imly. M.rch \oJLS _ _ HICIiARI) WIL8ON, Sec'ry ontimootiu reft on »uia «um or. cxci-w, it would row. i» (Jt'.-p.m.l ripid \nJ co, (inu«d two day*, Ticket* for *ale in Ilir nliuvr it Baltimore. Jan. 31, 1850. pro'.luoo the cum of ,i-Kli. r p.- ry u .minjj any material advantage NOTictTini m.Kt.Broivi;.^, percunally, or by letter, po»t paid, re," « how ir. I K. Dl HOIS' Lottery Offl; "II VI : ^uli^iftUer u«^ '-V>» -u «it frim. 3d. At the end of luenly.f ur T'II) tlunl i!..y Ocii. C> ;mn retired, and throw Ftt> U. V A 1 K^U, Agent fur Uie Corop*- file o( Sana, il'i- Oi|-im- t'jirl \ruuld n/ » bto-ist « -ir!< .I'ti r which he advanced to iv in tlie City uHHnapoli*. O.KiO.UUO cuuuly. letl> r* ft ».liiniu»tr limi.lreo mtn, ri'com;ncnc««i MARYLAND HI ATE LOTPKRY. nal rvtatr ol J^inrv (jan'mci. Ii't- uf t^i'i I liiirly-i't ytart, H-CPIVO freak 4th. At tbo end of iii A*rmall, .'ii'l then rulrcaled with u hop' ul Clatu N". f, fur IHJ6 county,-.rt-eatril. All |> '."-i.- n .> i,^ rl»im» irATiior >TIABILAMD.M^ ) Monumental [tho «a:ne couno ocing coniuniod, it Jccemng In»i-n-'iiiy, nnd decoying thoin into an Tu be ilrawu ai Baltiiyore on Monday, ^aul rvtktr, itrr rr<|ur»i-.: lo |,ri-«ciit dnnt-.Jruiultl County. Orpfiani Court, «plr to rif>- It mid pnyiuco* 13,320,000 i.-ili. ^A,l-r il.irk on (h-'trfinc dny, the en- Match i.\. 1836. Irgally iul)irlitii-..i'->l. ai il ihunir III February 9lh, IH36 Bill which It Olh And at iho i>nd of the f.^irth liru Ikxly ol lndiuoi*, now lurgvly rumlurrcd In \pprovc-l br v^ ilium K M tarl, Bnwanl arc UiKllrU |n n,»i.- in.iueiliatr pav N application b.} pcliliunof V\'e«ley Mn- t*u and pm*4 jlcnn or expiration of the forty llio urrivol of ncatltring Mjaadii, cr"*M«l thu ri iluK'.ir* am! J H. Cuiiiinitvmnert O tlniuiu, Ailmiiiitlntor with the Will rich! yoarn, it would produce* 34/140,000 iri-r nnd had lliu univi-ry lo ullnrk him in.hi» 11. S. UKKGOUY 4V Co. Surre-m* ul JAVF.S lUl.B.IAill, AdmV. .uiirxnl nl Pnileninn 1). \VurHcld, late ul l««H Should k Oth. If I rom thi* accumulntod ironclir*. The «tratagi.m wo*. lim< *uccr,**ful. t'alti anil M'lulyrt, Maiiagtri. 10. - 3». \nnr Arumlel cnunly. ilrcraod, il m nrilcr* fund Hi wliolo debt incurred bv tho tbu cannon opened upun them, and pl.iyeil with i?.I llinl he ji>,- the notice rci|uiiril by law listed? To my Koni or .floury t» crnlilor* lo rihibit Ihrir rlalmt clear, U ia lot Si ito a* uroll a* tbu two million* auch oflect, ih il u i* prewnvtd three hundred soirnvm. f/ne Huntlrnl Thuuttmd /•> 'ran f'mie/i ndiant uml.Ni-am.-ii were killed I nay prv- I prize ol ft-0.000 hr mil ilrrentcil, and tlut the (utre be pub- lion. To lot d in onlnr to lend the nmo /Vane* imprcl- ' n-t.i umrai.lnl uined, a* il it in! known whether that number itl-.rd onre in i-ach ntcek, foi Ihe l(>ace ol MX ico render* irt |u nnd Pinnlcra, iha right $O prizes of ^,01.0 inn dolroyed in tnu Ktngla engngrmanl, ur ii i>~ will bt -.i-ceivri) .1 r,i Viiunc'ul A >urcr«iivr wrrkt, in one ol Un ncv,.papcri hrn the Lrgii. niilion* borrowed to be invi-*ted in I prize uf 4,000 irmtetl in Aiiiupolit. .irk* of improvement the- nnlir.i rrnrnnirv. When (ho cannon open. R'"c * tor lllr nbu«, .-IH , 1 1 mi, \ r fir bey ehould I* 1 prize of 3,O"0 ,|«y ul March, ur.! 1 fir fir*! at f Mat BAM'L. nilOWN, Jun'r. deurrM njn t Inutd bo pai'.I uiT and bo 10,000,000 »d, tho *av»3o* bjyin a "leiriblo howling,1' am) 1 prize of 2,400 Heg \V,lli A. A. C unty. 7lh. Tlicro would (till lliorcnflcr no woml-r, for I a.n tol.l that all tho trace chain* Die applicant* "ill hatr in i:ik, llu wln-i bunaj, jiMiicr, tmain in tho Loan Office* a nur- x-1 miting lo the wnggont wor? u*cd inalead o: t pn*t of *,OtO urn, ami roaki 'n i nuil |>r;me t ol li THAI the ubicnhrr of Anne Arumlrl 8.h. If from Ibo oforo- the no llio. Tuo of our omccra wer« 50 prizes of ountv, linth oUliinril Irum (In- Orphan* Court and doing* of wnumlud in omr.i(;on>«nl onn of whom, it 150 ' OKU. K. >iVKIt.S. it, I am fining. .iid lurplu* Ihoro t 00 prizes of of Amir Arumlrl routity, in Man land, hal bo deducted tho * unJt-rtlootl, Inn MMOO di.-d. U.unu* Iu* tiacr 53 prizes uf 100 i tlrm of a»miniilrniion with Ihr mil a'lmex- h.ivo favuflnd t a»n.AL I • iok Ai«>»onal e«t»tr of I'liilrmon O. much front I cent per annuinrob.-!!. nn mded th>! orji-r, an Iho Indian* would 'Hi- ii, // /' /'. Id, I U n'fu-lil, l wanirtl to cxln.nt in tpilc of inlvaii u r, inforcem 'nt h .» Iv un f nt by Scoll, 1 ~G pr'r/.es ol' XO l . >.ei lomkHl In- taini-. willi tin- touihrr* tlirrenf, tu the who drain thvir lauda 'MJ \0' ' IS., .10 wan [ > (nut far d*. otc. oxc. and which IIH full-, und that ol" his gulUnt iinu>, nrcttaled. 3MJ prtzcH of 10 in r«n .'tlfcrtbrr, lit or tirforr tlir 9ih ilnv ul Au. *)iirit of Ri- S Inwn. .,It in >,i lj'..itr. Siil'-". wlnii . 11.1 m-(i, flirt may otlirrv i«e hy la'w brrx- for fifty yenn woold 1 w;i* in Camp -botwcrn thi* ami ilan*on'« i [i.izcs of 0 hat a pxfiu t.i,. «>f u^iv . ,11% *tl .M.i li'>tu**>ni! >rrupt,on Uj wh n Princr, the oxpri-m, c.inio i ij the fn. luitril fimn nit brnrnl of Ilir aaiil rttate. bo lOO^pcr cent in x anil IN r%i-.\ V'<-uiiiV Si I i.i iit>unuui ti. liitrn untlir my 'luim tint Dili iiay of Fc- < all, or tljOOOjOOO h.iii.i h.iving jil^i'ko.l him in irti.' military Hyle «73I 1 firizei, aml'g. to 8270,UX) Si,l<» *H>1 I niil-.nci* utijari-ni, «ili uul n> Ib.'i. - BKPRI.SE. vulhin oluvvn niili-noi' thin, imd otdcri-il him tu \M«o, Ibo interact on gai'l lu |" | ulalii.ii. '1 it- \i.eiil» u ill l.ttr I KSLKY LIN>HlcU>r, AdmV.A W. A. ' IhUIL.:. Interact for tbo lh>- -n^nt abotil," >viih H *h-iwrr of til'taon or Ticket* S3 lUUc. 8450-Qr'.. .SI i3 ..Kr ll -»| ) ' ar that IM^^ ):avr rr*iiini I i itnd »li n-i'liuni-iiiy. /tVr, i uf Ilie )>4l wi|( and tet- Oth They inyiy bo ro* lut* -lik.- u guurd." . t«i«rnl ul \Vilham Plunui..T, late of Aune- garded a* n premium ST. AUUCSTINE, March B, ) A;'(iliC4i'l« «ho ( t'luti, tlir IKI^I rctpecla- tilr ti-. uii'v. on or brlnrr Ihr li».l n.iy , I .M«\ Aniiiilvl county, ili-rtakcil. it it ordered that conferred on (how 10 o'clpck Night. \ rjuance of a lligli ( nun or 11 cniuii'K. will nreitr app>i<(iu>.vi,'>| lui M ti»f ihe nuti.-e reijuirrd by law for crnli- Dear Sir:—The expren, Munroo.oanMi ia tu ul Ctmcrry, tlir 1 ru»lei-. who drain lh<>ir Innda appliratnm will In- nrnvrn alter n,.ii im^ ti r» to c»li" u I'lc-ilat.,, with doapulcbo*; txit nothing will lo >ale ul I ihr Kl- 4(c. dec. and amount, Appuu.tnienU, uuce ntait*. will \tv ibUject tu ilrcrkx'il^, ami tint the lame b» publithed ing together to tho lurlh_r ia lu^rJ from Oon OIMD.-». One hun inXii" City of II. lii'iinrr. o.i*PUi- nnre in/each WM k, fur the tpace ur>.ix KUC- DA l. Hie rVlilcrutli day i,| M nrli i.rit, at tin (h.ingr lor n Icrm ul yrai*. aim of. 3JVOO.OOO | driid und lony turn from Iho country udjacen Uj^ U. MYKIIS, Src clary. (rativu Merk», in une uf Iht nvwtpapera lo the Outhlaccxx lire, hud gnno to join him an< I o'clock. H\M. '|ii«l v.,lu.|jlr K^IIII uvntu printed in Annapullt. tiv th* Ulr ) inn ll.i.kil. kiiuwn an Inr U»&rr uf the Biuril ul Uequ.-il. 10. And would leave a remainder cattle, lo what uiuuunt I-do nut knu\v, had b ei 8AM L DROWN, JonV , I); urn Point r' , 1 \ ing unu brui|t Hi C il»n I , Reg. VYilla A. A. County. r balance in tbo Loan Oflko* *un. driven doun . I (ne *inv li.n«- Thn ieli,'l I'ort Drano il w\* Ciinip King Two llun J auU »ev«ntv Acre* KI'OMI |OH> or VOHhION CAPITAL, ty, hath obuined from Ihe Orphan* Court of »n, exclufivo of ttuitr pnwrnt invo*lmrnt^, l)r LAN l>. nxi I. »', ul u, uli a.ioui i nt. AM) NAlllJNALKXCIlANUKAM) Anne Aroni'el County, in Muryland, Irltera ! million* of capilnl alock in ahitreaol Ihe Kurl\' > M I- II here iitxiut dark la tcour n.%lf ii'Cuveinl <*il valuable numl anil luu- U u pi c» cullm i iifn'Kill'* Hw'imp; almi lo LOAN OFPICK - All |iar»r* braring the ti-*tamrnlary on the pertunil etiale of Wil- j ..nil and R-iil Roud Coinpnnio* aforomonlioii. ucr, tlit otiiri half elvtivil, i» iu nuoil ml eniluKrn.rnt *«al of a Kinoncial A({iiiry, liam I'lummcr late of Anne Arondel coonly, 11. that woulu bo worth fur mom than tboy COM: *i«i id" ilot-uliiiH nt I rom II- will'n llntiillion. iitatiun a ml Wrll pteil tu (in1 cultivation ilcceated. All pertont having claiat againVt Tbo troop* from Dirii-n hu^o roturuud homo. either in Londan, Pnrit, Amtlenlini, Mud- ml alto two million* of dollar* of claim*, bi-ing of Wheat. R«c, ' i and Tubatcu. 'Ilie rid, Liibon, or Dueoui Ayrei, iiliane«d>al Ilir taul deceainl, are hereby warned to ex­ ' original fuia borrowed for and lent to Iho ixich roiilanii in undant tupply ul »ra par »alur. hibit the tame, with the voucher* llivrcuf, to rate."* u>d Planter* of ibu Hlate. THE INOlAN WAR. urr. with wlmli ttir iml may be fritilizn',. Nutr* and onler* of one hanilred ilulltrt the nubtcrltxT, at nr before the Ut iiay uf Ii* the govenmenl of Maryland nhould - ton'/. Gain'* Ujtlle irtlA ihe Indian* confrnwl. Tlir I iiieiiln contitl ul an and apward*. tf julnrly endurttil, according September next, they roij otherwiie bylaw excellent t ttury fran,e U«»i.- [then think (4.' to *" "''' *ha/e* anil pay off Thu Wacliihgton Globe of TuraJay o.iv-x, to Ihff ufflclal repuil* of Ihe Intelligence A be extlurled from all u*ij'nt of tlie taiu ea- li>o Hoia in goml repair I tho debt now piC^o*** .to be incurred, in or- thul by offirml^Tnl'ormalion ficcivod al thn Ail. gency. tite. Oivrn unuver my hand thi* lit day of julunt Ciom-rul'* Olfic* from Major Unnural Kitclim, fla [let, nmukc lluut*. Paper* bearing tho endoriemen! leal of (lie M.rvh, IBaO. & I dor lo aubscribo to thorn Iho proceed* of Corn and 1'ubi^cu &c.} and at ilie wouW undoubtedly yield ten rail, Scott, intulligunco waw received thnl tho lorco Fiomicial Agency in Ihe City o( \\a«hin(- ^PW BBALB OA1THRR, Ex'r. which man bed from Tiimp* liny, iitulor M,\jor ritrrme enrt of lli« I'I'uiul u excellent Hlurc Ion, will cinulate at il* valu* thruughuut the Marc-Ow. liun* of dollar*, that won^ diaohnrge laid Huu«e, at whifh nn exlrni v.auil pruQlabl* debt, and Wmve in th* Loon Oflrce* of thi* neral liainrt, whilo rcconnoitrring on ttao civilized ifurlil. Wiihltcoocliie, nonr (lenoiul Clinch'* battle buaineit* may cuiiductvd. Therr it alto a GEO. R, MYRR8, Srrr.l.ry. < p«niU u f Dyntcrt, ol ll U <|Ualiiy. IR amler*{nned rrtprrlfully tppntei hi* State, *o.bjoct only lo thu ogjf ragnu' exponco* ground, wo* met by a cungidcntblo number ol incurred in their original uiunftflt»m*nl, th« icilB ol the Duelling nf lidt a bi-outilul friend* and the publiq at large that h* hoolilo Indiunsi, on (he 2fllh of Fubruury and u TII.' graod turn of « «, 140,000 prutprct, and cummanj* view of vca* will attend at all time* to ftie flrepiratlon of alight akirini*h looli plnco, wluch reaultud in thu tel* pitting ap and down the i»), nnil there crilHT haili uUlainrd lron^tl)« DKKUtl OK MAM'MIHSION. fPREHJ53V/>ED LOSS OP 7 HE AR- lo*« of two L'niiMona valuiitren killed, and ten it nlmutt italty eommunicatiu with tba city » 01 ' of Hamt MaryH county, in BILLS 0V 8ALE, 1 -} » ",. - • MY UNDER UEffKRAL OAINKS. regular*, and volunterr* wounded. Lieutenant * ctUtcofDr. rVi«ina»,ial4)|lf *aul cuun- LKTTBR8 OF ATTORNEY. * Wo received from our attentive oorraapon. having claim* a- AHTIC1.KS OF AOlUtRMBNX Itc. nt of the Charlcaton Mercury tho annexed mong the wounded. The l*rm* * prrteribed by decre* are, tv. era** the Hut th* purch'a*«r ahull iiay ui third/ uf Ihe gaiml Ihe etlile aaeil, are hereby Office in Church *lreet ««*rly «%po*it« thtf ploaunt inlolligencu, ^bieh leave* little lo Withlacoolioo, on thu UOih intlatil, a apiritod at purclinte money on the day ut le, and th* wtrneil loexliiuit then the vouchrri City Hotel. I i that tho Arm) under Ueneral G*IK»« can (hereof, to th* aitbtcriber, 'ure th* Dili FRANCIS M. JARBOK. Uck Wi\* nuido on Gvnvral Uaine*' aunp by the balance in two eqaal inilalmi at MS anu ^ _ pad from tbo overwhelming power of Indian*, woo were repulted with very ooo*ide. twelve monlht. with interett I m the da) il*y of l>rre»ber next, Hi otherwise N. D. Having an approved form of ln*ol- i Indian* by whom it bad been *unounded. of tal'l the two lot pa/mrni* ll b* trcureU iiy ItV be cxcUdad from t of Ihe vent Blank* he will -alto attend to bo*in**«- .> rabl* lu**. The Genaral date* that Ihe offi­ 26th having relation thereto, on mod«ro4*urMri£.*> ^v I i* evident that tbo force* of Iho Indian* are cer* concur with tum in opinion that the eno. by notr* or oonill, frith ucurit] , to b* ap- ttid rttate. Oiven under y li) i underrated by our officer*, and if thi* proved bv ihe Tro*i-- January, 1830. my'* forco ainountud to not laa* then 1600. Dec.«. a than idle notion continue* to prevail, the Of Uvneral Oaioo*' command (*uppo«iod to Trttttee. RACHEL THOMA Ik*** will bo gut up to


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Printed and Pablifhed to «n application from thin Ovpartroent for MODERN i OF HaAHYLABfD. up fir conaideralion tho bill reported by Mr. JOMAB GREEN, urrey by Engioevn of tha UniMd Suiof, uf ih At (K« Brtok Building OB the Public ACTING 1>H43IA, M> rrick. ch.iirrrutD of tho committee on ways HOUSE OF DELEGATES. rout of tbu proposed Auiip^u tad Pou>m..c Circle. NKW SERIES, Canal. - *v in.I m^lio*, i-nlitlod, auppleroonl to an act,en. ''" : * (tueon Anna's county, praying for a* nmcndcd, and p*«*cd. '• "r spWaiui, Urpr> iu pagoe it ia already known to bo the moat made by you Co meet lh« axponnv* w htch nfny notirev , itilar edition of 1'luya which haa ever boon allouipled the p;is«Mige. of un act to aulherixo tho building Tho huui.? (hen resumed the cotuidcralion of ZMBEU.I1TIBD WITII.A MVLTrTUOB OF iu tbi« country, and tho proap«cl of ita further aucocn of n bi uii;e over Ihe Long Mareh Branch, at Ihe necnmarily be incurred in eiccuting iho eurvey. Ibo bill, entitled, an net for Iho divi.ion of <»elj DMT Mi COniC OVUHAVlKtiS. ia ample and ijliifactory, lu lutiira llio Modern Act. With lh« highcut conwdurHtion, *« «!» ot NT,,. Ing Urania will bo pabliahrd In monthly number* of 4H called and known by Iho numo of the liinoro and Frederick counlie*, nnd for tho on c- NEW PKIUOIHCAL, of a novel cha­ Sll.'cpe-r. 1 havo Ihn hoiiourto remain, ting a new ono by tho name of'Cnrroll,' and lo I wo line 16r»ij racter, beating the above appellation, ch lit of which will eonatituto a roluiuo, or A ono ye^r'a atibccriptioa oiiikMciuK m «ll i7« .p A' r- I-i.pBcll presented n putiiion of mindry ci- lu.-r and cbanjfo Ib.i Comtilution of Ibis Slate, will b* commenced on the beginning of Jan- Ervry Hlny or Kartc iitobo ac coni|.jnml by a t»,,uuiul I lizeii, o| Kent county, prnymi; the rfaimniro of a .1 HO^ W. VKAXKY. t> f^r « mny be nocoswary lo effect iho aaaio [rislerials of &« narv, 1836. While it will furnixh il* patiiiiiS and appropriate r^nrravuig m ^"!^X™£^ ; '"" lo P«vo»l P«r.-». fro,nlulul,nV,ome.up. Tho houac ihon roxnncd tho c»iim'dprntiun of and tha mnondraonl proposed by Mr. Bly. >) »n«J pfrinf,^ with tlie leading featurr* of Ihe nem tif the ytnr rwuly Filly.1 wo fcinbrlli (lie bill, rntitloiJ. an act to iocutpornto tho Com- be addod aa a rroniiapieco to the work,a lull on iho Hhorn of another between high und luw Un ton question l^-ing put, will Ibo bous* a< day, iti principal object will br to icive tip HITfl il n :••• > ; ft il'illiT". pnrpo»e, « ,(, Engraving, containing Iho Ukcnw of aix diaUngmfchtd water murk. dopt Kiid amondiuent, trnrni, 3 liuinnruut compilation ol'the nainctoim live- Actora and Actrtaava. Evory |>cn«>ii who dcriria to pro. Tho (aid bill waa then read the iTCond time ''"I >ic.rl*aj ly^nd pungent Sallies which are daily float Mr. Ln9ne.II olso prencntcd a petition of Wil. It wa» doianrunod in Iho negative. ycai37v onre an invala.d)lo eollf*ciian of iho be»t l)rajiiatic Au- amcndfU, ami iho put, »li«il luu n* , « 33. ing ilung the tide cf Literature, and which, Ihora ehould lurward Ina n-jiio furthwilli, u the edition limn I) Iliinil, L',s,urnnd. world. Original wilt and huinnhil* uf our to hipcclua,or ho will refund the price of intacnp. ' uivoicid from Inn wife, Idicli--! I'erwmett. I- «c. cut uitli U, The lirrt number or the new ttrlea will appoir about Tuesdny. M.«reh 15th. 1*1 ur wu«u:. faithful rrcord uf the icintill.iiinnn uf their .Mr. Sliriver pnwnled n meiiiori»l ol the I're- That the legal votnn of ffarlnrd county, slisll -r-niul. It il nut neccsv-iry In ditnil the 111!) rirat of Marcbi il>i> delay ia occiaiunoJ by the linto BiJetil-und Vice I'n'HiJcnt of .Mount Si. .Mnry'ii Mr. Ouvnll prriiciifrsj u petition ol the M..yor, elect by bnllnl, two Commissioners, Iho legr.I meitt*, tU. , . nociy«4rily{ contumcd in un-paring the Engraving*. and I'lesnlent of the AliliTinen, nnd Pn-mdrnl.of lu Uew Ui I..K mjny atlrnctiuni which tin* jounul will poa.. Tho tcrmi ol Uio .Modern Acling Urxiua ! Tartr Dot- Cblle^v, pru>incr annum, piyablo In advance. hulMcribcr* lo ch-itrr. III.; City Council of Krederii k cily, priijin^ llio tho legal voter* of Frederick coonry, two Com.. |>a.u>.i^.' ol u luw to aulhi>ri*c thu sviid M.iyor number tu every person who desire* it Hi* t/c:>tlemao'e Va-Jn Mocum nil) be furni'hod trith Mr. Townnend pn sentnl n-ticlltion of J ihn uiiuMoners, tb« l«|rnl voti rs of Washington both worka for Firo Dollar*. imil city untbonlies to tuke pu**<:*iu»n of the (Ihuie uut of the ctty, will lurnurd their or­ I). McCutchcn, ol cjooflfy, |ir.i\ ini; to lie rirfinly, two Commi*»ioneri, tho legal voters of. £j* Any panMin collecting four aubecriber* lo Ilia i a*! n inj{ uf tho U.irruck* and public ground in der*, pottage paid} |C7"anil he plc'lpm him­ Oenllotnaira Vide Mocum, or the Modern Acting Di i- phicei) on Ihi! pension roKtdJ^rtl co-m!y. Allrgnny county, two Commissioners, llio legal self that no exertion* on lii» pjit -hall be ina, and rr-milting Iho amount jf one voar*e aubacrip- said city. voters of Montgomery county, IwoCommisMon- l»n (83) tor each .hill bo pmontod with the Novel. Air. McLcan pn-i w:ir ul the rcvolniion. county, praying the pum.ij;u of nn act in .111. mi«"ion*r< to bo elected in *uu counties n apuc. imperial pajwr, eijosl in tir.e and quality to llhinvj the 1^ vj Court of Niid county, to lu\y n to tin- ;riMic at acnonj ihj muvl intemtir j wntcri ol Mr Aiinun prv*ented n pctiriun of Joseph I lively, ut Ihn ni-il election of gales for tba that which l« at pic-ient uacil fur the Gentle- mini ot money for Iho purpose men­ Avaembly. injn'n Vadr Nice mi). Il is calculated Oul T A 1 " ! (;* and uraulifiil vrhtto ahcct, Itnprriil niic, li'.'.'chy ami othem, cilizins ol I'n'derieU eoini- tioned. fillcJ on br^t'i *.IJJH « ,th liuniurou* anil cotuly nigr-ir. S>c. 3. And bo il cn.iclod. (b.'l it shall be Iho MURK THAN ty. |>n}ing Op |'t'*>I-'1g<-' of an ncl to conliiui Mr. I'ovtlcr prrinntcd a petition of B. G. F, Ti'tll U« jnili|i«hr I'liniiiiliu'l graiailuuBly lo ll.irii", \\. J. Edolin and nlliern, of Snint al»vo devtinjled, lo open n (will, and receive, 'untg, fcc. 500 E:*GtlAVIMG3 A!) tu'.r mUcnU-i> lo tiir ( vtitlom^n** Vnoc .\Ucuiu. ur lion.:d. riling of Edvinl M.iry*H county, prnyiiif! the pamipe oi un act, count arvl mum, to the (iovernor and Council, will Ue furnished tn the patrons, ol tin Jour­ tho Modern Acting' I>ritna, and to nil tlm old »(iLwcn. 1 Mr. Liiijel! pp-frnleil a mr-moriul nl the visi. to in'ikc v.ilhl the procefilmu-ot Abel H. l>rvcn- Clitof Jatg* ,| n, nal in one rear thrio, in ad nion to an re­ \-vtt ol* firvc \rork« v. h*i frri{i:imiti |.»r torn anil £<iHi.i|,|e. ol'silit ei, ir.u for Commissioner* as ulur. «iid, in Ihcir respec. 'An act for there. tentive and choice telertmn ul Sitirc, Criti counter'o Hi- nriixinid of Mindr, cili/.en» citm. Humour anil Wit, to be ruculjtrd lion. And, Mr llrewer pirseiilid u |x (ilion of Kli- liv.> counlu*, and il nhull ha iho duly if Iho i>i>. n. of Kent coiinlv, ,'ruyin^ llin <>li«. irn\. , through it* Column", mil foiui a Liter.iry S?..t- IliIiV IB Kill ri.wn Irolll »:lld c..l|e^-:. (tfiV'Trrr>r ,ind Council to ascertain nnd commis­ "I W* cuuiloii (« Danqnetof a superior and attractive onlei; TOBACCO I,AM>N. ing to lie divorced from her husband, \\ iluam sion the two r. r> iving llio grr,ile*l number of icml being««l Mr. Ji i..u ,>ii ' . .! mciiiorinls 01 sundry linker. am1 the publisher rrliet with peifect confi­ r, vulxnitiei ufli r» lor 5al" *:.* \nlunlile eili/.- *i:i n? il..tvl . : r.\ing le^iftljtivo neltiin voles in '-..CM county afomwid, who when «o tail the ,,,| Mr. I'rt.ll. rhnirman nf the conmiillfo on dence un the liberality uf the American pub Kxl.ite, Mf.i.itr (in the nnrth kide >f in T'-t ! "' ' " < dem.indvd on Iho ci.iiiiiiimi'in; d, ahull meet in the eily of Haiti- lie, and the tplrit and tact wiih thit 9cvt\ liner, oppn>ite t!ie city of An',ap.>!i4, ini|ini\ni.i ill", il'-hvtrcil lliu fullomug mnre '. > tlr- lir»l Monday in November neit, a Navy iruitro r< p iti. expensive undertaking will be prosecuted, to contair\ii,g upwanU of r. i .in t (.- .in,! >l lo examine, nm-ertom and report lo »d Kdnard lloilmi, bear him successfully and profitably along liliun of mimlry n- The cuiiiniitleo on inl.rnul im|irov<'inenl lo m due forrfi fat ike «JU THOI S.V^D ACRtN, 11/.' im ol C..ri.>'ii -r ,\intj (h.1 pnaj.if^e. I:- . . 'ii-ncral AswmbJy, whether the inter- nhieh MJJS referred a camniunlc .'I,' .mil cnuaiuay security far hia pai. The Terms of TUB SALMAGIHOI will be Secrelury of \Vur, rrqnirinft that |v . I.. i..r>mf oul ol *aid ovrra counties olovon heavy timV-r. Lunantit'g of \\ lute Oak, II atA lluTl 111 Ilh-llllulf « ! County Coon, ua TWO DOLLARS prr annum, payable inva­ Walnut anil I'opUr, 6;c , the rcinlue loi the tfhoiild In* made lor (he expense ft '' i-iiiinlie*. to tiniwcr to all-ia. riably in advance. No paper will be furnish­ Mr. V\nr!.r !' r ,| - m |,'hi,-M ol' Murlh.i eVc. of llio nml ol thu Aniiu) •••'•!• • 'U>r*. -ndhavrr|.i. most part uiVlrr i;o il letiee* tl e wlmlr tint- A-f. .'I. And bn it cnnclnl, that tho Governor ed unlctt thil (tipulaliun it ttriclly adhered 'Hi. |.rr. ii> :; lo lie divorced liuni lur Jam I, have li.ul lh" n-'i-l e,, , i..'nti .. •> » "id inutr* foi >U ly sarrounde\by tlie w.vter* of *>rvrrn UIMT, il.*w* < ar.<) Uio UU.IK to. CrClubs of three will be (applied with '^nsitloiMti'iu, iiini ! t'-ii i).- r > ' » v u r and a wide .Me trrvk, j; into Inn-ury not nih-iwi*» appropriated, all iho >f to I.,,,, ry ii. , JJ4 the paper fur une year, ny forwarding a b\e Mr. !.,(; '>lil...n>:ii le.,vi- In bring in a bill, U liberali-ili*. Iho I'nl- vt...- r. .. i,...... | tne Che*ar , whuh rtlt I -l.lel.t cipoii-s gruvting oul ol the. execution of Uus ' and jcjodg.1 u dollar note, pottage paid. Clubs ul leven enlillt ; ( ! lo lur the public innlrue. Honil ami II Kill lt.'w.|t-f>l l>\ Ih' l/i lur. i \ .... ,( \i ry. I water c:imit£e l\ ti"fi ol you:h, in prinuiry ichooh in Monigmne. icl. maeried in one ol in* \vill bo luppliod fur the lamp term, by lor alinont etery par il the land. land, Th it th> I.Aiin'-r n;i>: ('',.:;•• ( . i.'- aiiu I warding a leu dollar nutr. |C7»'I li«^p;i|.eri ry ci.unly. \Vhii h wa« "J" Aiinapoue, ourr a IIi« nl preacnt vidcd into two farm*, both tin) *r< lii-redy uu'.h"r.'eil lo * ' HM! I'djuM the, 10 appear Wltr* tint are sent uut uf the city will be carefully The'bill n-|iorted l>\ \!r. r:irj'i-nli r, rli.iinnjn Mr. llmJ. moviil ( > l.iy tuiil hill and amend, in a piuiiimux tc of improvement, .ni'l till iicc..n'it- lor exj^ Hi"'n to In1 .HI' il in MIT- ! i"*l ID I!M ehy «f picked in strong envelopes, lu prevent lhe>r of the conimitli-e ,m divi.ree.4, t,, ilivnrec (',ilh'-. iiii-nli on Iho luhle. and IK- printed, pm>rs»ing Isige k< nl o\»tf> ahrlla, and \i\iue tin r'.-u ol'th" Ann. ,.nli« und I'ulotnnc April nrit, to »now rubbing in the mail. inn' ll\l mil, ol the ' in i I Iliilliiiion-, Imin In r !) I' riui'iid in (he lugutive. «id bdtvinl Hail.uJ other aouicoof ma c in girat abundance, ('an i', h\ lh. r'.n;;inecrii ol llm I'nited rfl..!' «, |T7* 1'nr. SALMAOUXDI will he published on hirh.>inl ttinj.iiin II\ I.Til. Tire rj'iiition ilion recurred nml wn« put upon Planter IMS been fuu (o a< I with griat rf- ntnl al ill m-liini r mil ref|U"»t nf linn alternate week* otherwise i* would br im- Also, Ihu l:i!l n p-irle i by him, l» ili the ruiturc uf \\crr .Vvi:ral!y re:ul llio nccond time, JI.IKII d, hanced by this arrangement. first quality nf I ubacro. \Thrre is u good and 6'lit lo tut t-euilr. \\lnr!i uii.s n nd the firxl, nnd hy ipcrinl or- ,. March 10th. |Tl/*AII orders mum come rtotlag* paid »ntcr mill adjoining theae Vniiil», and a suam 'I lie lull n |.Mrted li\ Mr. (.'arprnter. chairiiinn r i'i" < eond ti'i.e, iho r. |iorl rnncunvd in. Mr. Melx-an prc*«.nle.l n p-imun ul KluaU-U, |C7»A.ddrrss, CIlAHLKS Al.r.XANllKR, mill in A'.inupulis, bulh v\ry convenient to of the c.'irnnttlro on ilixoreci, lo ilivoree I'uh h nml tit r ...'uiinn tli -n in c.uitaincd, nrrnml to. rCulm, of I be cilj/Vii' llaliiin.m-, pra)ing (hut Athenian Buildings, franklin t'lace, Phila­ in< estate. H ol Ihu tit) of Bulllinurc, I rum In* vtilc. Mr. l>i IHU-. Inmi the commute'' on inter­ a ci rt.nn will therein niunlioncd, nuy bu niuiln delphia I'ue building* on both tlieVaims jre Ix-au- funny [Uiodi-a. nal improvement, dclmnd thu riilluniug re. valid. A INE-AMVNDEL. COUNTY, To vrln ifully situated nn cmineiicn cntnmandin \Vrn tn'icr. up for coniidcralion, rend I he PC. |M>rt, Mr. Annnn submillcd Ibo Billowing resxiln. N application by petition in riling of /.echariah xteiiiivr views nf the river aiXl bay. anil are coitd liinu nrd par.rcd. The comniillee on ini. rnul improvement l» lion, O Potion, (in tl*o rec*«* of Anne Arundcl Cotinly n tolerable repair. At p>'r«n\< inclinril tu The iliik nl llio cvnnte, n-lunicil ll,e lull, lo %vhoni v» :ii referred the rvport ol Ihn vied cinn- l(-:aolv«l » ; iho General Aawcmhlr of Man'. Court,) lo roe Uie eubtcribar, C'liwl Judge ol tho Third lurcliasr Mill view nnd judge I' divurco Sunnn I'orctnun of i^in-'*n Anne'* eoun< iiullcc i/j(:in the petition of mmMUiet of iho Htalo of Maryland, praying the t is deemed Uiuii-Ci »snry to lid irn,ire porlicu- r. o*fil of tit* Act of AeMUibly, cnliUjd, "An act fur t\, I'rorTi htr huklund John 8. l-oreman, <-ndi'i:i- ol Sinner HII county. he){ le.ive to report llio ful- I nuy urv her. by uulhtinacd lu seltlo one) adjust thn relief of xindry Inaolvonl ItolHort," p*»ml al No. ar in Ihe drscnptioti nf tint | louing prcumblc nnd rx«>ltiiionn. ull accounts fyr expenses, to bo incurred in II be found uti exiiiilnatinii tuVbe HOI thy od, 'will poof with I'u |>n>|HiKnl 1.111. ti :m nt, verober MU ion I**<>i, and thetoviral u«>|>lcttK>nU Iheru-' uliirti mnoiidmnnl wuii read tho lir.t timu nnd \Vhi:ren.i, it lu" horn repr scnlod In the iwking ino sunay by Iho t)U(o's Topogr»phir ,| la, a cchcdule of Ilia property, and a Hat of lii. r.roditora, he attention ol those who uuy lime money [ 'nginecr, from I-'rvuVriek cily along Ihe eoslern (on oalh ao (a aa h* cuuld aaccrtam them} bring annex, o inveit in real eitate, .nnl pnrtculaily uf ordered to lie on tlio tuble. Aa»einl>hf ol Miirylund, llml Ihu tire-it .. • .-..__ u ? .-..._' _.. _._. :-. -i • Unas) of llio Muunluin, lo Iho IVonvylva. ed table eaid pelitimi, and I being unified that Uie .uch a* are (killed in cultmu and a«iliti(; tim­ Also, Ihu bill lo divorce Rci:hcn . (iildcr, of Muuiu rivur in Sonryrvet county,nmnin^ through aaid Zachanah I'ohon hu reaided In Uio atalo of Mary, ber, of which there is a Rical quiiif ity near Hultimore, from hit \vifu Klizu M. Cjilder, a thickly settled district ol country, h.i-. b. come nia line, by an order on Ilia Treasurer. land for two year* ucxl preceding lli* dale of hi* laid IVhich wua read Ibo first and second lime by petition, and I having appointed Thoinea burgeon, trua. he water, and none muie icmule lli\n hall a Alto, thu bill to ilnorco Abmhum Uecvcr, so olMlructcd by an nceiiinuldlion ol inud ul its spccinl order, und laid on Iho table. toe for Iho benofil of tho croditora of Iho eaid Zachariah mile. of Fruilertck county, from his wife Cut her me mouth, as lu render its nuvignlmn oxlnmcly dif. folton, which eaid tiuitrvo ha. given bond in due form Thrse larm< will br divided, tu s Rower, ficult, and to largo vessoN entirely impriclicn. On rru'lion of Mr. Duekell the house look up for tho faithful performance ul' b»» Iruat, and tl»e aaid Zichariah I'ollon having given bond wllli necurity fur rhaarTK. The titint nil! be inuilerotef Also, tlio bill to divorce Loononl lloune. ble, and us it appears that such difficulty or ob­ fur consider.!lion Iho hill reported by him front hU penonal spuearaneo In Aun* Arundol County OPR rrrilil ^IMTII for part of the holder, of Wniihingtiin county, from his \vifo struction may bo removed or ohvinlcd by iho the. coramillco on grievance* and courts of jus. Ourt. on th* Ihlnl Monday of April ut, lo anawer nonev, oi fur tin- uhule, if weM Kllen Ilouacholder, opening of a canal not exceeding two or three tiro, entitled, an act relating lo riots. to Ilia allfigaliuaa or inlerrogalorire of bia creditor*, and po*ve»*ton miiy be had al any tune. Alao, Iho bill lo divorce Manner 0. Donaon, miles in extent. Therefore-, Mr. I''ly moved (o strike out iho enacting having executed a deed uf i imvoynooo lo Im aail Im*. monthly public*,] let for all hia pm^ierty, real, person*!, and niUed, and Pjir further particular* enquire of N of Ihu city of Itnllimuro, friiiti. his uifo Ann lU'Solvid by the General Aaaombly of M.iry- cluuxo of tho bill, to Agrku>,i tho aaid IniitM having ccrliriad Ih* ilclivrry thereof to llallimorr, 01 tu the subscriber living oilthv Uonaon, land, Thai John N. Ouwlund, Jcwsc lluglui and Dulemilnud in live negative. klin by Ih* eaid Zachariali Poll on; I do I. reby order and premises. Also, n btippleincnt to an art to incorporate Aloiond'r Jones, ur any l«o of them, bu und Thn clerk of Ihe senate returned Ibo bills, to «ljudg», that Ih* »id Zachariah Poltoo five notice lo CIIARLKS C. UfllCI ku creditor*, by oanaing 'copy of thia order to be in. Iho Merchants Kirn linwimnco company uf Unl- thoy ara heroby uppoinlod commissioner*, with tnske valid n deed Solatium Hlinphard and] eertod iu one 01 llu unwipApcr* printed In tho cily of Feb. 4. liniurv, ac\crally ondorai d,'Mill |uiai>,' and iho power to call in the aid of Ihe tJlulu Kngim-er. Hu«jnna SlK-ph..r>l, to Williuin .Sbephurd, Anni|Hilu, once a w**k lor tho term of thro* inonlhi. ANNE-ARlJNDCt, COUNTY, NC. bill* auvcrnlly ordered lo bn enyroaaod, at their diacrclion if they ahall deem Ibo SUJIMI Alao, the bill, to divurco Mirunda llyatl, of to jppoar bolure Anne Arandel C'ounty Court, to bo li.'M AIKP, tho bill to authoriie Iho cxtoiision uf a la the cily of Aonapolia ou Uie thud Monday iu April N application by petition in Writing of Holomon tb IK) nccesaur), whoso duly it shi.ll be to c«- Montgomery, frutu Iwr huidjand, Lloyd llyatt. next, to ahow oauae, If oBjr Ihi y havr, why the wiJ Krixiur to me tho aubecriber Chief Judjn uf tho streul in the villApo ol Purl Deposit, Cecil coun aimoo, explore and survey tlio route or route* Al*<>, n lurlher ri;>(>lemout lo Ihu act to Urphui*O Court uf Anno Arundel County m Maryland, Zoebarlah Pollon ihcx^ o^QKn the bencfi of the aaid pruyiifg the btnotll of Iho Act of An-iahly, cntitlixl, ty, nnd to connect Ihe Rhino with iho public rond, of Ihe contemplated en nnl, and report the snrn« establish State Warehouses for Iho inspection of sot and aupplaroenla^yytVd. Alao, llm biil to authurma Ihu laying out aad with an ealimntu of the cost thereof, lo iho Le­ tobacco, in llio cily uf Baltimore, jfSTUOH. 0. DORBEY. "An act for the relief of aundry inaulveiu dobtora, |wa*. od at November araaion, 1UO.S, and the eovcral eupjite. opening of u road in Cecil county, therein men- - A/so, Iho bill, lo authorise and empower Jo. Jaa 18,-ara. *7 ______gislature al the commencunMpI of their next iitenui thereto, a eehodule of hla property and a hat of lioned, session; And in the event of a vacancy by re. soph L. Hmilh. of Frederick county, lo convey COUNTY, . hie ereditor* (on oalh ao far u b* oould aaeertain thuin) Also, (he bill tn continue in force And effoc aignolion, death or other causa, Ihe Governor hy to iho proper owner*, all ilia lots in IBM town of N application lo m* the ubecriber a Juetloa of Ih* bcinr; annexed to hla aaid {tetition, and I being oatinflcd Orphan* Court of the county aforoeaid in writiug, that tho aaid Holomon Fruxirr haa roaidinl in llu> ilale nn net, for increasing fliu \vidlh of a uart o und with iho advice and concent of (b* council linrlm, in said county, which wo* sold, and not afO Henry Medford praying for the benofil of th* Act of Maryland for two year* next prucoding the date of Light street, in Iho cily of Baltimore, bo and he ia he ruby authorised and requested lo confnyed; for ll«* relief of uindry intolnnl debtor*, paaeed al No. hia aaid petition, and I having appoinlod \Villijtn dry an Irualee lor the benefit of the aaid Solomon Fr.i;ior, And, deliver*d n bill, originated in anil pan»exl fill such rucmncy. Alao, Iho bill, fur Ihe batter preservation of vember rauon, 1H05, «nJ Ih* ceraral auppUuiaula Ibaio. the lUltimoro nnd 8u*c|uehunna Kail Uoad, to, a acbodulo of hia properly and a liM of hU creditor*, which aaid Iraetee ha* given bond In duo form for the l.y thu Huniitu, entitled, nn ucl lur iho rvlut ol Ih solved, That Iho Governor by and wilfclhe on oalh, aa far aa ho can aaceltaili them boinp annexed faithful performance or* lila tnut, am! Ih* aaid Solomon Kihvard A. Cruininer, ol thu city of iialli advica and consent uf Ihu Council, bo and ho ia Also, loo bill, supplementary lo an act, lo in- to hi* petition, and Ih* aaid Henry Mejfunl having ea. Kranor having givwt bond with eocurity for bia perron, more, ~"~ corporate a company, to be styled the Allegany al appearanoa In Anno Aniiidel County Court on the hereby authorised und requjfcd lo make iucb liafted m* by cotapetaat toatuuauy laal lie ha* raeWed Coil Mine Kail Hood Company,^asvud at Do. in the Htal* of Maryland two year* Immediately pr*4 third Monday in April next, to anawer tq the allogatioua Also, n bill to incnrporalu tho Town Mil compensation lo the commissioners to bo ap­ ceding thia the lime of hie application, and that h* la or Intcrrogaturi ul° l.ii creditor., and having excculixl pointed under the forogoine resolution; when combor session, 1891, chapter IM; a deed of coiiviiYwnco to bia aaid Uuate* for all hU pro­ Mining Manufacturing und Timber cumpariy, in actual custody fur iVobt only, and having appointed And dulivercd a communication from Ihe thoy uh.,11 h.ivo dischnrgod Ihe dulios therein Also, Iho bill, to stroifjIiUo, w>ron, srxl alter a Inletee, and aaid (ruatoo having glMa bond u> Ihe perty, and Uio aaid truateo having oartuVd th* delivery lltoreof to him by Ihe rjid Hulouion Kraxier, I do her*, Executive, ondoned, 'referred lo Jho cnnsidvre proscribed, as he ahall deem reasonable and certain street* or rood* in tad loading from Ibo vorfuntiuico of aaid Unit, it U thorouiwn order--^ .*:4 Town of Cumberland, adjudged by lue that tha aaid Henry Modf-jri* l>o dU- by ordir and adjudgn that Ih* aaid Uolomon Frailer give lion of ttie House *f Uolugatea,' and ia u ful just, by an order drawn on tha Treasurer oflhe charged from con(ui*inent. and that by ca'iilug a copy of noiioo to bia creditor* by a copy of Ihi* order Also, u supplMTM-nt to a* act, to iaowpocii* lo bo ineerted in one uf tha nowipaper* printed in Iho luw*-: Western Huore, who it hereby directed to pay thU order lo be uuert*4 in Iho Maryland (JoxcUe oao* the ssinc. tlio Westminster Savings Institution a. week for tbrao luoooealve month* beforo the third city of Annapoli*, one* a week for tlie term of three Bieculivo Department, Monda^aiu April next, he give notice lo hia creditor* la niuulhi, tu appear before Anno Arundel County Court, Annapoli*, March 13th. lb8U *. Which was road th* first, and by spoeUl Also, Ibo bill, to lay out and open wtw OMat app**r btfura Anne Arandel Cuunly Court, lo ihew to be held ia In* cily of AnnapolU, on the third Mon­ order the second lirne, tbd report coocumrd in, In Frederick and Baltimore couati*)*^ » *t day of April ueal to ahow oauae, if any they have, why Gentlemon of tlie Soruito and caon, If any they hav*>, why tli* aaid Henry Medfofd the eaid Holomon FraaUrahould not hav* the benefit of HOUBO of Delegates), nd Iho resolution Ihureiu contained, December seajsioo I83'J, chapter tt. enoaWiiotuave lli* baufil of tb* said aat of AanmUy ted to. Also, Iho suriplemonl to aa not, lor I and 1C* aafplemaal* Oiervto as vtsvsd th* said act and eupplonieoU a* prayed. Wu herewith lay before you a copy of a com + * afrEON vriHTB* GIDEON WHITE. uiuniculion from Ibo Secretary of ^r In reply On roolio* oCMr. McMala** the hot*N took lion and iiui>*».o*uenl of the viUa|« ofDmtak^ jff*-?*>'-<,•.<. • Jan. It 9m. ~wf'« «- "";<*••'•'. '4

;- :".\ • . . " ' ,'•• . .v.* ;'-^ '•: . . -A -' >„..•.....•''*' *•" } _ ,->f *-^'-V -•,•* - -fi - * ,, . '« ;':':'','- M .,-4*..W. sr-«- ,••'.. «SKL»^X• Tiflr • -. «. . ' *, - ' . •. V.t'V^V--, • •.. • , . k -\ >''-• r^ K -«^'. »•• , . i . "•v.V.-f ••*..- f , . , ,....^^.— •• Coylc,. of, Ccc'l« V ""county, "i»" ?«fromm her husbandta««i!fl Tc-i at Caroline cooitly, tnd for otncr purposes, psjMeo! fettco1 State* Hotel company, of BsJiiraoft, re- The clerk of the Denote returned the supple* t December mwon IBSo, chapter ICO, portod the urno without nioendment, tnent to th«i act, for the revaluation of tbe reul w-«h« read ,Ue>cond .The-said bill was) then ruad the first, and by and personal property in PMderiek county. AUo, the. h|V to incorporate the Talbul coon, Abo, the bill, lo authorise the appointment ty Bilk UMp*ny, order tbe second time, passed, and sent the bi.l up tfce rs Abo, a farther supplement to in act, to incoe. a Ihe eel of commissioners, and the divsjlon of VVorcee- port of, and testimony taken before the fa ter county, into school diatiiMa. and for other Baltimore | committee of the Senate and House ol btk. porato the Delaware and Maryland Rail Ro«d The clerk of the 8i-nalo returned Ihe bill to in the make valid certain proceedings therein men. purpoaes therein mentioned. ^J county, to complete his collectionr, gate*, to which was referred the memorial-, ^ company,' Alao, tho bill, to aulhonse tbe Levy Court of AUo,' the bill relating to the Ainu H of tiuood, . « . . ' . i >! _ l_.l_ I., rin'ak* John D. Morris, Roverdy Johnson, and Frederick county, to erect a bridge over Ihe ri­ losses miojnirtod Harford county, Alao, the bill to incorfbralo Iho Trustees ol Also, the Dill for Iho ruliefof tho Evangelical Nowtovrn Academy, in Worcester county, so- ver Monocucy, ncnr Kcmp's and Hockey's mills. nd Lutheran Church at Frederick city, ia ver.-.lly endorsed, " ill pas*,' ordered lo bo en Also, tho bill relating lo Ibo Sheriff of Ilur ford County, severally endorsed, 'will pass,' so Frederick county, And, the bill, entitled, an act to,protidt U. Also, the hill for th'- bonrfil of the person or Also, iho bill lo establish Magistrate* courts ver.illy ordered to be, engrossed. person*, who may or th.xll hvcumv ihn |Kirchnsrr a thfi eevcml eounlir* of tin* Htnte,, nnd to And, delivered tho fallowing bills, originated in ot* ibe prupvrty of Ibo Frederick Wuter cum- prescribu their jurisdiction, endorsed 'will pa«s und panned by the Senate, vix: A bill lo incorporate the Allcgany Mining puny, ilh the proposed finrndmcnin,' . - ,, _ , __.» nou»u in UMIUII u, uiuun.,1 uuu lb*> otber tDtnu. Al*.i, a f.irlhi r supplement to nn Aim, too bill lo extend Rtul Eilutc, endors­ company. ^tXr^^'-nd resoluUnn in rcla.ion,^ praying indeinmly; on I A further supplement to tho act, concerning el, fnr in* rr)(ulaliun mid impr.m ment of Ihe ed,'will not pass. to the expunging from the journal ol cither Tne houw odj..un>ed until^o'cloek P. Village of D^nton, in Curulmo county, and fof And, delivered a bill, originated in ami pawd (he amendment of judicial proceedings. A hill fur tho relief of Khuibc'h Kennedy. house of Consrcsn, lliu whole or nny part - <>i!i r purpovs. by tnv Senate, entitled, nn set to iur.orpor.ilc to," ordered lo Also, the hill vetting puwer* fa lh« cnmini*. ihu Uallimurc and New Orlcaas Packet com- Mr. Morriek moved lo t:,k. up tbe rep'-ri of, procccdint!«, endorsed, "; si iiiors for Tsjbut cuuuly, for Ih ; piirpux. p.iny. ! and leatuncny taken before, the joint cuiiimilleu bo cn^rosned; And, delivered Ibe following bills, originated ANNAX>OLUl therein nmneH, Also, n commtinicnli .n frtim Ihe Kieculiie, ul Ihe tfvnat, and House ul t) legate*, I wm. h relurred Iho mini-jrinl* ul John U. Murii.i, in and piuwed hy Ihi; senate, viz. Tbnrddny, March 84, Also, the hill to confirm nnd make viti.l lit ndonsrd, nTerrrd lu the cniiMili radon of tho A iiupplemeiit to t!io act lo incorporato tho llutMu of Delegate", nnd in as lollops; U 'vcrdv Johnson, mid others prayinj iiidom i- lille ol Ho..iliu I '. Scotl, to n IIIHI-H. nnd |o| , M irylund Print Ui.rk* (,'ompuny; Kveillivr Dcp'irtllir-nt, ly fur loij si lUatumod by n-.ivin of Ibe riola in 'J ho Munagers of tho Fuimlc Otphun Social, HIO'I in the Town uf I'j.per M,irlh.irun^| A bill locstnbliMh iho Uidlimort: Print Works; o(- lno (j,,y 0| Annopolu, hereby give nolia '( rally endorsed, 'Will puiw.' and the billi *u Aon.i|'olii. M irch I'nh, HJO. Il.illii.iore, in Iho month of A.igtut It'wilifl in tin uliinnative. and, _ that thicr Annual Meeting Will tukc place u vcrjlly or>,t-red la ho rngrowd, licntleinen ofih" ^••n il« and A bill In incorporate thu Gcorgc'a Creek Mi- | j u'dodt m the' forenoon of Fndnj- the j.v^ Al*i. (he bill, lu allvr and nm.-nd llie conMi And of ih". lion,*- ul D"Ii';:ate». On mohi.n of Mr. Mcrnck, il wan ihnn or­ tution und l.irni ot (NiVernuient, HO ,14 lu reqniri; I'nder thn mulnlioii* ol the lieneral Awwnt- der* il, u cninmHIuu o^' two nn inhcrd IK.- ap­ norul Comjianv. imitanl, at th> Asylum. The report ol tn« SA / Mr. Mi-trick then moved to lake up Iho re. rvt.lTy anj Tre.unirer will then bo eutxnillcdfc the Mwint of two Ihtrdi of uiieh bruueh ot Ihe ilv. making u|i|ir i|.n iir.MI fur r.-|i'iir i HIM no- pointed hy ilu! C'h.ur, lo wail iijm . lliv honourn- irart ol, nnJ testimony tukon In-fore the jomi t|,0 Society, after whiclrManiigera for the «*. LegUUturn lo annul n marriagu cootrucl, mvemenls of the public '^* uithu. ill' lile Srnute,'. and mlorm them llt.u thu Huuw Also, tbu WH, I" alter und amend [l.r cnnili. Slot,- Huuie circle, jmil II .llri and yrr now in nrj-fiun, an I jir 'p-irud \a heir the ..d. cuiiiniiilee of I he Senate and lluune of l)elc- jng v,.nr w ,|| ho npiioilited. Tho iittohdaoct ef ( luli'in and form ul' ;> v'-rnmuiil of dm Hi ilr, ',., IM 'ing ill'- -...iii", nil r ^ivin^ tin requiii'd iln'K of tin- ('uun«H'l, in thu ensu of Ihe inemu tn which was rulerred tho menmriaU ul ,|10 'umml^r., Of Ihe Society, und that of iu fur a* u>'* lu Iho r. | re«enljltun in Ihr Iur IHIIJMI-..I-, ei.tilr.ii II \tere Ili'llle t>} lilt^..| J.jhn II. \lorn* und ulhcrs, |irnsin^ u John U..Uurruv Heverdy Jnhnoon und o:lit-r», |-rluniw Bmi natrons generally, is ncjuejttd. b. a*- rif Uolr^-.ilin, frjm 111': rily of ll:.ltl. Id'I'litu,', «illi »l'-i-r«. Thuin|w,'i iniii iiritimlv I.IH-M', ru.ilnined by tin. l.iie. nolj in praying indemnity fur lo~».» miitniiu'd hy rca- nun of Ihe riotn in Ih cily of Uallimorx- in tho, v. .< nd V .eh, I Si v. r , li.r the ixecuiiuu uf ».i i!i-rity of U.tliini'ir.-, and mule in UT. JVH*\ 'S COLLEGE. Al in, thu hill In |iro\iilc for Iho l>-:il.'in|: a len'll ol i..|.l inii.r"ir:ii''iiU» ai runt I I.:- 111:11!- dan c. ' month uf August, In.ITi; \x ExAni.iATiu> of the several ClassM.ii bridge over llie ll-'.iver l>» in ll.ittn».iit n Iliu nun ;\i.|.n,|in .1 vi; .mil Dr. l>onn\~ Iml.tlii-rriipon Memr4. Mvtikk .ml Itimato And, Ih.' mil. entiilrd, an act to provide in thm Institution Will be held on Monday, 7Wi-; county, where il niiermrels thn lull* ru-i.l, m.- itu,)'. »ii'i j reiiiMii llujhi-K, uml In -" I. in, W,T' appoLilcil the i|.-;.ji..uon. purwinnl lu deinmiy lu Ihu ^ilf. rern by crrlain ri.i'.j in thi' and \Vrtlneiday, Ih. USlb, 2Uth, nnd JUUi in, vi.rally endurM d,-will p. M with tin- p'.,j>,i~,, I'll i, r«.|i. \vvr-. uji^'-iiiK'ti t-> *i i iu:ti.n i ii1. ihii ! !, T. vv ho havinp r-|i.,r H In iiiv ti'iiule city ol I) iltimore. lu commeucu ul 0 o'clock A. M. ana ul 3 o'd«l nmrrl'liiienK,' which n.ti.-uil.iienn ». r" iu-»i r.»i. th' i . r. n liirnpd mid np'.rtr'i, lh,ii I hoy li.m On in ih in oj Mr. M rriclt, it wuj then or­ P. M. ul o.ich d..y. GcntlciiKn oro rcspixtlu ly nnd, as-ir^oU to, and I'e- Oil! ,.rl .r.- I 1.1 I* 'I iv M-i'-iimi* nflttp c'lnlmct'in ; n"! yi t p ri..r.nvd llr-- wrvico n-qoin d uf ihcm. dered, lint a eoiiimitlec uf twu ineinU ra be ap ly rvquc«led to attend. ' ••'•II lill-ill) M-tll il, :nl( '., (hi! ^ 'I'.T.ll M-lH I n" Pn-nidcnl and 'hi ..tii'-r inemVia ul Ihi p-imtcd b\ llie C'h. ir, tu wnit upon the hunirtir- M-r^h -Jl, ISJO. ii'ile S iiate, nnd inlunn them Mint Ihis hotinc ia A..*-, I" !'. i ->f llir r. .u\. n in ol i ii' -.i|» nnii-n'l.ini.i h TV«I'|I lr.ti)->inii Si'U.iie. n. re then r.'ri'ivcd i.n-,1 C'lndur- ni'-n an. I '..,'lrl ..'I'll., , ,ii,i.,r..,.i i.d, it «ill '» M.'yn lint tlu- ,ilm>ii»t ii|.j>r..]>rini. >i tvd to the nentx pr^vi, l«. Mll'il ,| . I. III! I M n r\ll HI I' !. mill Ih it In c.tutimio uiul n in, wiinin Ih" Ii" 01 thu A public oxainmution of ilu pupils id tW A I " , I 'i •• l*iil in i - 'i (turn Hie l''i:ll|i'eli llie | ol Julin V. I.. McM.iiioii, -q. li.i-n n l.'ix.»»c.i ri'.l* u. John It. .Horni .:nd uthi-rs, praying in- ,nna;Kin> Primary School mil bo liel-i nl iW r.i»i iil i-i nin> >t, ,IM Mil it II..-i i form, r .i| ih. hou- in,. l,.|> riot III • iiu.n"». le.iniin Iur IUMM.-S minlaiiied by the late riots in i;hool room on Ciroun Sir.ol, on Tkundn to In-: ilit. Hum ol I,' i. ,,n,, | ; wnieh n e r.-?*, rvcoiiiiiiei 'I'lio huutv I'.»n adjoiiriiM the cily ul Ualtimure, and iuvito their atten­ Hi mm., commrncing at 0 o'clock A. IU. Tw pnr-ite elerti'.'i .li-lmln, ml,, i .:,., -« iur, ile i.,u*i.I. dance; nuteo.-i of Ihu, parenu, guardidns ui 1 illi It..- , ti. ,> n' \V, IK' III" hon..or S.ilur.liv, U-rrh 19ih. And, thereupon ,l/emr». .Vi-rrick end Ham. all interested ar rvHpvclfully inutud to ulUni \V IllVtl .111} !l. «^\ . .1. Ilv T' I'l \Vitli llie Ui'iU Mr. D irkolt prew:iii-d a \n-liUon ul II- c'.or hlelon, were ii|>|iaiyne uf u law nulhorimn^ hi... lu intru- clinniber, returned nnd r< |x»rteil, (hut they hud \ CK-inenry runii'.. l',li/...'« lii Marrv- ^fr. ^ii'rrirk mm id ('> tult,' uji III*: r« |wr. 01, mlu tin* blutj u ireu ruluur^d WOIII.ID pcrlurniril Iho luirvice reipnrcd ol them. \Vo nro authorjscd to aay, that tho. followisj mi i, \'tn.i'iiel !|. Kllieuti, I'. ,i, I . .c l-'raiier, i.l |,'*>;ini'in\ , t.iki n ln.lort Ihrj'-int n< uni I ;in in nmne.1. Tin 1'rrwdent and other nicmbeii of tW Se­ Ticket will bo supported for tho Common C'./a> J m J ri.iin 'I h'.:n it. nni| John II i\i, ne\er.ill) -.1 i'i" S. 'ii. MI- nun II !« nl Deli ^.ueii, lo linn h Mr. Duvall |.r--«isl d a polilion of the ve»ir\ nate, were then received and cummcli o^lu the il of this Cily on Iho first Monday of Apn on louru, su-mled I".' ..n-l * » rallv urdered lu «.,» ri'ii-rr.'.l Iho in- inoiinli ol J-.iin II. Mum , uf Ihi- '.Jcrnian Itefurmud (,' iiiun, in Kre- ivul* provided fur lliuir iiccuuiiiiodutiun'', wilhin n.-xi, hy MANY VOTE1U. l>r 'vlljjrii*V'il,' U MT.I, Jiiiinwui, und dlii.-ri, j.r,.\in;; indiMiiin. dcnek uly, praying lor n law lu aulhorine llie Ihu lur of iho lnHi-ii.'. / JOHN RAXn.lLI., And deliver, d (he I..HUU in,: hill', orijjinn Iv ).i;^''i N'lmiuiiii'd ti\ n.Mttoii ol 'li,( n-.l:i in i't.:culur ol .Slrphi n It iiint'iurgh, to (my lo Mid John Nelmn, K-«]. (hen adrlraracdAho tiounu WILLIAM UK VAN, in and p.i.^.4. il liv Ihe m-n.ili', ill: ll.iltiniun , in I lit' n.onlh .if Ao^iul, l»M>, vr^try tho nu.u uf money therein m.inlione|il> ni'-nl lo nn tier, pa«- Ki'Miltrd in (no affir iiutivi*. winch wa* beipn.-nlhuil lo Ih^ni. of' H.iitiiin.r , nn Ins concluding, / RICHARD G. HVTTON, s I ai II. cem!f i neoeiri ul the I" :.i. i'b.i| On ni«li..n .if Mr M.'rrirS i! tva* ihon i- Mr. Me Leu n prevented n of M Thu huiuu udjourutJ until Muudny morning JOI1X T.OARRER.i>t John, Ii r I'JII. entitled, un mure elf. elo lu tu |.n . I, Hi .1 a i'. nn. mil. u .'I l« . in. nili- m bv "|> lvl:za Chavalier. prnying fur u divorce Irom h r NICHOLAS II. UK KEN, Y> it Ihn anelionni; ul ti>»f<'K in lit' ti^luTi* H n ,. .inU'il U\ lltr rlt >ir, I'i \«ait n|>i.n the liiii'i..nd Dr. Nicholas \V. Cnuvulier J/.ndnv, .V»rch 2Int. JAMES U IGLEHART. *.i Suw^ti'h >nu.\ river, anil ut ilu- lu.ul ul ih. l,li; S. nalr. .nut inform lli.'in i!i ii t'ti*, UuUfl'] ih Mr. McLean ui^i iiri-H-niud a nK-:iinnal of Mr. Winder presentrd a (leluion of Andmw C.i i.'(K- .Ui ba\, mid lor uili'-r |.'H|...- <, if, Mr in wniiijM, an I |.n |>-ireil to hear the 'ill iindry eitixi^n* of Uio city uf llultiiiHirc, pruy Puuder, a citizen of Frederick county, pray ing Tho bill, entitled, An act to provide imk* A bill, eoiill. i, ..n .11-1 t'i |.ru>i nt llie il.-.lnii. .|r.-«i .il !lr- n,iiii«rl. 111 Iho c««o of llir III"M.' lux (">t Ihe widening uf Itnsiun L».ne, m said rv iiunention for money expended, and service nily to tlio sulTcrurs by certain rial* in tub tin ti>'ii ul wi'd I'IIM! in llie I 'In M.t[i!Mk>: l>a\, in Hit H .It ..I Juhn I!. U'.ir.^, mi. i.lliiT" , pnmni; in i<\-\ ix-ndi-rud during Hie lusi war. of B.tllimor., p-u«cd the Home of Uolegnietaj a. >i ml conntu'i thervn nieiiuoiuti, nniiv i.»r !<. >'-* »i,'.irii-il i^ tin: lito Ii«Jl» u And, prosnnlcj a uf Oeonro I" Mt lljri.casllu pr- iti'iilcd a petition of mm Tuesday, by a majority of fourteen votes, k A bill, eniiiled, an in I lu|.,, the Hal* ih city of ll.,llh'n -.-, uii-.l rjnU- thvir all.-n lVn< he, lor himvelf and nth -m. T.iiiMi! bi |m* dry ol Curo'me cuunly, praying u re >uhiu<]uonlly passed Ihe i tiniure Wli.ili.'ij; l'...o|. inv. AU., iner, Mge ol a liw, direclmg ine Mu\or .ml t.'ity cm ol the net establishing iho Faculi A bill, eiilill.'d, .in net lu ini:ur)>..rilo tie I'. Vn.l. ill r. u|.on 'I'-irii. M rr.<-\ and linn • i.iiiieil of Boitinioro o|."ii ri'^i t.iurvm ol .U^ryuind. nu fur a* r.-laleK lo «;iid r.iiinly. Tho bill, onlillod, An act for Iho divisioarf | nite.l Si. 1C* lloli I to.o|..in_,, in the cily ul ll;il- bl Inn. »i re ..p,> .nle.I the de|.ui..ll"n. |.ur«i.n. inrntmnrd; Mr Umuii a |H'linon of t;.,iiiurim Baltimore «nd FroJerick counties, nnd lorlfc, 'o tbi-4 r, %v ho 11 ii ing n |>.nn'd ( ' ill Sen 'I-* And, Mi KiJirelv'presonl'd n I .i.on of Mar­ W.dier, |ir ivin^ lo Iw divorced lrO4ii her luubnn urecliny a new one, by Iho n.inio of -Carrull," \oil, n lull, entitled, nn act t-> incorporate llie I'li-j ulk r, M turned aii.l r |H.rl. d. th they hint tin Fi'nwi' k ul" Ami", \nnidi I i i:y, pr ijinR J...* (.Ii XVuJIer. nnd to ulter and change the conatilulion ofUui l«-rl.irine.l thv »«.-rvu'«. r»->|rtin-it of them. th.\t tli«l.ilun' uill rcli . > < uni tin- n^'il Mr. Fmntz prvscnl d u of man *) far as m.i> bo necessary, to effect u» U'ljuuriird. Tlio I'lrmueiil und llie i-lbor roiniU'n of the of Ihr it.itn lo cerlari lantN "i r HI -nli >ni d. ritr/.eiiK ol ruiinty, cuimter lo (lie me H.IIII , p.iiued tlio HOUJJO of Delegates yccter- i. II ile, wen- -then riceived U'ld collilie l"d lo Mr. (>i'!is submitted th ! Il-j n>'.!u. .ie.ri.:Mi'.ni -m-l cuunly. praying n repeal of an dtiv. Thiinduy. M-irrh 17lh. Iho veal-' |ir»tidf'l fur Ih.-ir ucfumniodaliun, .:cl, . ilill il, un urt lu protent trc^ia^iva went ,Mr. Duvnll, presented u p uiiuii of Cli .rl » rithin lii'.' lur "I I'i" hoiuie. Ki-s-ilved hy Iho t!»n. r.ll \,l John V. I,, \le\lihm, t:«|. M!|.> had h. m land, I'll .t the (Jovern .r end I uunnl h , u:"' Mr ll.iinblelon subiuillcd the follouing rcsu- 7 Ara- lirr, loa—lHirly.four lionet burnt. ti.i nmdifcih cjuniy, i:i Ihe Stale of Virgi­ miiMlilnled fur the iluiioiir .ble linger II. l.-u-y, lh"V are hereby aulnurm. I >'iid r.'i|.|ir,-il, on "r linn*: Ahum five o'clock this morning, a firu brob nia, by Iheir attorney \Vi||ium J. lloiu, pray­ in Ctill«t:l)ile|iec Ol lliu »p;wi|itlint lUwilvx'd by tho Gi-nnral Awembly of Mary. on- in Ih Wheelwright and Blacksmith shop ol ing fur a law lo in.iko v.ilid a will therein lu Ihn ullicc of Chief Jnmico of Ihn I'mie.. ihrep cuniiiii'«*i'inera,citi7iniiil M ..r, enli-rcuun. I ind, 1 hat llie donation uU\ red In John Luetl* Mr. K rly in llth sir et, near the 3d nvcoK, .Slate '* th n addrcit»*?d Ihe IIOIIHU in support 01 ruuuliuned, 1 1, nnd Ibey, or any I'u-in, mi ill bo julhu. fveer, of Tulbul county, ul an uulo^r.ipli in.inu- New York, which communicated to Ihe e««i- Iho nieinuri.ili*!* b. fort- coin- tiM>d lo emploj nn engiT i r, and In u iv. Mr. McUean prcsqnlol a memorial ot'mmlry cripl of a hut'.ry uf \l ,rylmil, frum Us firnt siv- aubl-Buf Mr. Ja«, Murphy, in llth tilt* On iiiuli..ii ol Mr. VK-rnck, e'innoi*inre and aurvev, and In estimate l]ie cilixans of the tit) of II .lli.uuir, praying fi.r Hie *'liisinenl in 10MH, to Ihu ruion.lioii m lOull, nrar Sd uvrnue, which were destroyed, tojtitbrt Tho houw adjournuiU eu9l ol a rail rovl within um limits ul WorccS- incorporation of ihe Cili7j.-n« Hank of Italli. and of "torn-cliom und iid-liliom" to on iniru. with no.irly nil lliuir conirnla, and what eu'inlv. Irom sume imnl un iho *-iuth lino of d. ic I ion lo a hiniory of M. irylund hi rutoforc unchuly lu, Ihree men perished in Us mure, Friday, March Hih. thn *ti'- of Delowori-, tlironi;l\ ihu tuwi.s of Mr. ,>fc.Vahun subniitlcd Ilia following or­ Uy John ly odn lluzman, dcceused, to­ ll.imes! Their names wura Patrick Doroly, Jj- Mr. Wil'i* prescnlrd a mcmonil of lun.lry IK rim, Vn.v irk and Sn >» Hill, to . mnoiinlilc gether with u printed nnd corr.-clod copy uf Iho Kinnoy, and Juhn Conw.iy Two of themskfl der, n* uf 1'rodcru k coiinly, |irn)itiL' li>r l.iw nii-l on llie Pucomoko river; alt, to extend Ihe I said inlPHluction br, md tho same are hereby Ordop-d, Tint nflrr Monday, the -'clition* and mciiiori.iln) during lound at 0 o'clock amongst some burned ttrxr, Mr. M'lllis also, presented n memorial oftun- be, lo Ihu nortltcri lino of lli" *i ;iy of Virginia and they nrv herrby nuthorUnd and rc<|uired» by-' Iho present session, nnd Ihnl a cuiinnitlue of dry Ciutcn* ol Fredunrk cuunly, counter lo llig bounding \Vuice»trr ------1 ... . . nnd «o dreadfully burned ns to rundur il imp*' (hree be appointed by Ihu chuir, toexununu and nmnly, uith a divergent cunirncl, ujiun such (onus us «hi?) may deem inemoriul of nundry ciluu-ns pruning lur tho route lo nny one or sible to identify (hem. A boy is also mi*mti report what hunincM il uill bv nrceoniy lo jiau noro of Hie* liuiein roaaonnble, lo CAUM' ihe void hutory and intro- piuxagn of an acl lo open a ru id from Union menlionod, or to connect Ihn v.iid route witli' duclion.wilh llio curructiuns and uddilions,notes who is iiu,iposcd to have buon burnod to do*lLI i this ses'iun, Town in said cuuiity, (othe Pennsylvania Im.. nny olhrr «>.rk- of nnprovrincnl nu hon«' i by j Mr. Murpby runs a lino of stages from W<8' \\ Inch "a* read, und illustration.*, lu bo curn-ctly pnnled and Mr. Solion, el«irm.m of ilia select commit, thin »lnle, er tin- utite* of Di law,.re and Virji. direct up tho Howcry, and a* mi^hl bo supp* 1 Mr. Kly muv.'d to amend naid onler. by utrik- pablish. d, in milliner* not c xccoding one thou- loo, maOu an unfuvuumblo rrfiur. tho bill mn mcluilui;* in *uch esli'ii.iin tin- lands and cd, had a great numhcr of horse*, thirty.l« a " Ing oul ull from tlio word *«:«.iool' lo tno end Kfiiid co|in..», und in fair and good type, und upon which pcrmhed. I'ivo stages and most of "V ' Irom tbo Hrnnie enlilli d, nn uci lo prevent Ihe right of w.iv, with Ihi- neceni^ry n-iildiiig*, vo- pVoper pup'-r. in two \olumes itciuvo, with an Un. roof, dr*iniclion ol tho will fowl in Ihu neud wnler* of j harnetaes belonging lo Iho establishment «rn H-Hjlved in Ihe alTirni.iiivo. hielesund all nppurlunnnres und the Kv ru- ibdcx lo Ihu whole woik; and so that Iho intro- Ihn C'hi suponko Bay, in Iho several counties S|HO burnod. The whole loo* i* e*timalu4 ^ The H.u'd order » u Ih.m road tbu accond time tiv.i nr" bi-rchy nutlmriacd to n Ijmi und al'ovv dticliun, with Ihe notes and illustrations, ami therein montloiied. , for laid rcconnoi«.in. o nnd "nrv'-v, nueh com. 810,000; and no insurance. a* .intended und udupted. ill-it p.irl nf the inunuscript which comprises Ihe Which was rvud. |K)ii«\tion and ei|H'n«<-i .01 'it iy n -e-n mi* inab A three story brick house, occupied, by Mr. Mr Merrick. chairman of Ihe joint cominil- corrections and nddilion* ihtnlo, insurted in Tlir snid hill was lii'tn read Iho st-cnnd time, nnd draw therefor on the Ireunurcr of tho wes­ Murphy, corner ol 12th street end 3d arcmr, too, delivered ll-e lullouing re|>url, the proper pUecs, according to Iho directions was very badty dal hy order, n-jucled, and returned to Ihu tern shore. ami ret',-ivnce«, ulnll form the lirnl volume; and It wu owned *J Thu joint aoiniiiillee of ihu Suiuilo und Ihn enule. Which was read the lirol, and hy n upecinl or­ D vid 8. .Will*, who nsurance. A fro*1 II .ate ul Ki;prus notes nnd illustrations, building occupied by . . Mr. (iillinp* rc|Kirt«d a bill, entitled, an acl der the ihieond limo. ' shall form Iho second volume; Provided, that TOMO), formerij ruin of certain *unr> rcri by tlio lute not* in Ihe lu provi do lor ihn ling of a cmirt house in On iiHilion of Mr. llennl, ianl rcsnlulion wus City Afarnlml, was destroy< most of* city of Baltimore wuro r.-infinmiiu I, h ive in o livu himdied copioiof tho wotk o!\;ill bo reserv­ contents. Vlontgomiiry county, amended hy in«Ttin;{ ulur Ihu u'ord \V'^>rcc»ltT ed, ii|Kin uny imeh, for ilia usu of the b.-dience lip Ihu order ol lliu huuwuoun diligent- Which was read Iho lint and »acon 1 liiiu* hy coiinly the fullowingi Tho lire, when at its height, mgod with ft I) mgugrd in receiving the tebliiuouy udilucud 81.lie, ut nueh price as ihu said Governor and »|K'<*iul order, pnnsvd nnd tn iho ncnute. ' i-Viid they nr> h 'ruby cuilhmiiud ID make ro- fury, en account of the extremo comuuntiWl on l/iu part of i.ud city, in rcsinurice t,, the Council «li ill deem reii.rinablo. On miitiuii of Mr. I'nlt, Ihn house took up quimtion on the Uovernor uf the bt.itn, for Ihu Itesolved, That »ix rnpies of the snid work of the material*, and at a diatanoo hod thv »f prayer Ipr reliuf; they h.ive c;iu*ed tlui teiuuuiny for coliiidarulion Iho hill reported hy him from Mirvices ol ih.-ir Hlulo's Kn^inocr, unil should poqrnnce of an extensive conflagration. ol eucli wtliMMKj olio rod lo be ruduccd lo writing, whun so printed nnd piibli«licil, bo ncully bound ihn cominilltM on improvement, end they not bn ii'ilu to gel the uorviccj ol Ilia said It ia siupoclod that iho flro wo* oaujoii by •* and herewith respectfully submit it, und will und preafiilud lu Iho said donor. Mod, H sappluiikunl lo the net, enlillnd, sn act tu Knjtinoar. ihun," ^. incendiary, a* no work hod been dono in IV > Kktely add lUut *x> far frutn Hits ttdJilionu! U»ti. On motion of Mr. Mnrrick, the house took up .lulhuriwi Iho Ralliniurr und tiu^ui hunnah Ituil Thn laid reaalulion was Ihun ruad us amend. shop by Mr. Early for somo limo post. "' niooy operating any change in ihcir opinion* a* for consideration Ihe bill reported by him, an Company, to construct a lal, rul ruil road s.nd nled In. expreesod in. their first report, il has served but ch.unnun of Iho co'iimilleo on way* and moans, Jour.ofComntTte. lo Wo.tmin.imr'nnd for otimr purjHMCS. On niuiion uf Mr. Uuckrti, ih« homo took up tOJMrengthen aod furtify those opinion*, and entitled, an act to provide ways and moans to Mr. Kly, chuinrfan of Ilu) sleet commillce, for considoralion Iho Ull frum the e«i|alu, >*nU- A letler from an officer at Twnpo. Bh. would of itself, in Ihe judgnwnt of the commit. compline tho works of Internal Improvement, lo which wus rsferrud Iho umeiidinenlu ;f Mnjor Dnde, .nd hi. eomromn countirs of this atiitc, »nd to proscribe their *Ju. The raid bill was then r«ad tho second lime, noted on the journal, that he diuenlod from Ihe Inblo, and make il Iho order of iho day for The field where our brave mot. fcM,eihibiW riwjiution, reported"favuurubly ibervon, and re- passed, and returned lo iho nuiintn. Thursday next, the 24l|> inst. ~ Aid report. uoihroeoded thoir adoplioq. On motion of Mr. McCullough, the house took ' ' 'Mr. MrLeej), oWnosW of Ibe committee on The eaid amtmdirwnts were then'read the se­ Mr. Pralt submitted Iho following order: I up for consideration the bill reported by Mr Ordered,, That this house uill hear Revesdy death, lay wounded and hteenJng-eomo IfMf ' " netporaiioiu, to which was referred the bill from cond time, osaenuxl t«, au4 Ibo UU* orderwl to 1 Carpenter, chairman of Ibe coinmitic* on di. «»d fain the senate, entitled, an act to incorporate the U Johnson, in behalf ff hiin»olfo.n.!l Ihn olh.«r m> with foe* of blood. be engroaeod. \voroe*, entitled, an aol lo divorce inorialints, jiraying^o\rnnity for lasse* occa *oon as nnarly all w i, tho bratnt £« > a portio« M

* » . Uunote, in cog. tlwwiyella.and imprecations' (6 tho ground. En- it i* ttatod Uut tho tmliaos bare to* JOMIU of tran^orfaition, ori«ip*/rVoni cauacj >C Mr. traatle* wort then M idlo wild. Thoy cloft tho a fortification on tbo other ad* of lao WithU. A STAT&rfBfrr' AME.JIC AN heads of tbo wounded in ' wo with their torn*, entiruly boyond bis control; white tt ' tbo iwao Exhibilino; the ^jjregatq/bf ExMftditufc, aftd oooelMHi only four mile* distant. It i* nudo of tirw the troop* under Maj. Gen. Gaine* have each general cliurgo itf AnsjC Am>*K-l county, ANl/TKOST COMI'AINY. ufeptctf, hawk*, ran their bayonets through tbuir bodic*, eartb and faacisMw, aixl surrounded by wido > «»Jte up tb* and closed tha sccu^pafi indiscriminate laugh­ occasioned a greater con Himption of proriaons for the year 1886. . * nooat. That i* it Ospola's town, and i* proba­ than Gen. Scott hod calculated would be re­ Pensioner*, before the joi ter. Of tho throo w_» escaped, on* l«y arming bly tb« strong bold of ths> onomy. It ui irnpos- quired. I HoiMB 01 b . the nan of dead and (hung, horribly mangled, Bridge- i& :^L:-~ "j»rt P. MACAtJLV, J'«MIDB»T, Baltimore. siblo to Bay, how much credit i* doe to ihcso to- The two Ipltors IranttnHtod by Gen. Scott Public Road*/ the wub wraril boll* throagn ono of hia shoulder*. port* of Iho ncgrou*. But in moat other in­ There ho lay a horror Mrftkon witness of to* from Paymaster Lytle, aro dated on the Sin and Juror* to ihu' stances sine* tho commnncenjont oi the hosiili. 8th of March the first merely announced that PuWie Ker drained scenes around him heard tho howling of the ties, much ha* boon lo*t by not crediting their Baltimore U th ho had been directed by Gen. Clinch to inform Orphan* Coiirt,' savages in tho neighbouring wood, and tbo cur. UtcmonU. Gen. Gaine* intend* marching f»r Gi.n. Scott, that hi* communication of yoster- vOect IninrancM with the os and implication* of tho Mood thinly no- Boilitf* to'tho County Coui*, Ji. Ciiinpmir on their own lues, ur »n llio thii place after crowing ibo hver. Th«ro ho day* dnto reached him at that post after ho had State Witnesses, «ct tofrpiiaVu. groe* in tlxjir own lungimpo. and raw ono after will learn whether OscoU yet know* how to m,mnl;-d his ho livea of' iithtrs, anil cither fur the whole ilu- rtiun rioU ig i,, another of bis officers despatched with eogci wo* on the more wilh Sundry Accounts, radonul life, o(,furiiii> limitrU peiind. The make fortification* which can withstand our tho fnrcon under hu command to escort supplies und unsatcd venga.ioco. Soon Ihuy appnucb- means of battering them dot? n, Ilafon thai Judys anil Clerks of lh» pajrmei.t* of prrminni may be either made un- tu M j. (icn. Gaino*. The letter conclude* Conslaolo* Salaries, iiu .Hv, or in a grniia «um icn addressed dw cd whuro ho lay. Hi* only safety consimH in place i* taken, the ono in whieit'ihu- wi>mon and wilh giving sumo information a* to tbo proper d lh« otlier netno. I'uigning to bo dead; and a ghiwtly wonnd in hi* Aim* House, ' A TABLE children are, probably tha straggle will bo so. route for tmnspurtation, and announce* llio or- Jail, Of the Ralti of Jniirraitte of Out Hundred a hi* concludu. head aided the deception. They dragged him by Tcrc. It will be tho fight'of death to ninny. nval of Grn. GniUdon, Ac. Dullati on a Xinple iff. 6 o'clock P. JT hi.i wounded ihoulder not a gro.m eocnpod him; Commissioners and Clcrfc, Should Gen. Gsinra succeed, as ho probably Th ^Honing la a copy of lha letter of tho Lunatic Pnupcrs, ANNUAL PAYMP.NTM. nnd rweuring hn vr.n dptvit, thoy lofl him fur o. ho* baton) thin, hu will have, conquered tho In­ 8th, Irom P.iyiuaster L-.fc: ^ i> 1 Jtar. 1 r' [ V |17£u-~n ther viotiui-i. An officer l'iy near hi:u nl-io bad­ Burying Pauper*, -««». dian*, and they must either surrender, or betake Fo«r l)n\f, Birch 8, 1936. Crows Head*. ? UN. If I ^| Life. ly wuundod and IrijnMg du.ith Intiy seized Ihcnuclvca (o tho hammocks and swamps for Sir, !',y ''ircciioti ul G^uAuuph, I opened ."3 him and dr.)ggvd him alo^g to nln;> him nature Coroner* and Juror* on Inquests, 14 n. «e 4tf TO S 0.1 the ptirposo ol conc.iolmont and eluding tho your . "i: n inieation on Ibo 8th inst. which or- Printing, 15 77 (i in him could not wilhslnnd tho intunn agony whiles. By all hi* niiicmenia, Gen. DC 37 76 9 II rivo-j i.i.. [.M night, in advsnco of tho jv -gons. Commissioners for AnnNAnindt-1 Ib 84 0(t » « 69 83 3 «'» of hin wound* anil furc"d I'mi him n Blight ha* evinced great skill, and h.u shown th.t bu V«MI w :ll perceive by my loiter of tho 6tb, that 17 86 91 03 78 88 3 SI nmn. lira hu.ul iiiit.niily cloll in two. county under Iho act relating >lu Orphan poik'Ctly undenUDds the enemy « id, wh..m ho j U,-i. IHinrih, with ,,li the fore,-, at this patt. and to the rioplct of Oolour, 0."4 M 8u 02 G'J 83 89 S 40 Such vrtro «omoof lliusccnvH which character­ hii*... locontcnd.• — •„_ , Ut. CUL| s I'd icrcby give nouoi ia manllol m , udlcj frora the hnd |eft ,or Collectors Cpmimssftnv l r't-J7 80 19 SH 7.1 89 9-i j SI ised this bloody Ira^rdy. l£ighl br.iTo and nc- thcmofi* with no little rill t»kc p]^ u lo»i to biinsell, huw-i I WiihUcnuchce lo escort a small Surplus, * \± M:M M *0 91 9.1 t t 90 94 S 6.'. of Friday the S.V.J complishod oflkow in Jutly young, ardent and that ho bus b*«n no idle scholar in llio an of ' (|i-, ammunition, &e. to Gen. G sines, having re. 41 94 07 82 01 90 3 7.'. inpirmj, hovo Ihuimut an unlunoly fato by thii report ot tne&\/ war. Wo now confidently cipc<:t n *p,r. ily cvivrd Iho ni^ht before a third eiprasa from Amount of Levy, tja.' 4:>S 11 •it 94 99 H8 92 98 3 H7 en vile remnant o! bjrbanuh*. Hud thoy fallen close ol ibis MV.igo wartnm, thul Usm.l.i'a J orficrr. No won! hu* been received from cither Commissioners ol I'ruimry Schools, »4,(MIO >J3 9r 0* UJ 9-' 99 4 01 fur the tan. in (ho honuunililn uurmro in tho field of glory, of five year* will bu a "lion tiro inonlli i. ol iliip*u General* since tho Mb. H y*) or 08 04 U: 4 ir Collectors Commission, as 4 :!3 •Hi (10 0-1 4fi Tho uttondaace oC unit .-i(,Mmr,t n gcacrwu foe, a Boldk-r'a When Gen. Clinch left hero he expected (o i^ 93 3 04 4 of pnlnolum nrd of Inuouran^ zeal \Tuuld h.iri- THE WAR i.< FLORIDA. it) (17 i. U 90 t 09 tii> ly, ii ad ihnt of IK , bu bark ou the Oth, The probability is, Iho :i.t 17 l-ii 'i * 7.' coTUolcd the last moment*. Hut to be ttiiu as- An impreuion has b?-ja very g.:ni nl in thii wai/ui,4 will ri'iurii wiinoul nn oacort, mere Ix-- ir 97 20 4 y, in .Vinount of Lciy, u:t :H ao 1JS Z4 9 OS 37 4 9(1 !.'d l>y murdcror* 'tu horrible! quarter, frotn recent iicctxmta rue. iv.-.i lp) u n^ at tho present mi troops here; and should Florida, tn: 31 2 10 39 3 24 ALLEGE. ion. Clinch ^t-t back before the wagons ilcp-art. IVfiril, 61.'. lu *iO 31 3U Aft 3 4'.i Fro-jth» CAir/M'w Cj trier Ertrj, Wi.-vS 13. Gen. SCJTT nnd G*o;t. G u.\t:«, a.i.l s.imu IB 69 everul Classes ii nt nu'ii in i) bj too much fatifr*edtu march n- By nnli-r of Ilic of ConimisuioncrH lot U! 3-i i !' 43 34 21 3 7h m J/uncJav, Vtoiiy IMPORTANT 1 ROM FLORIDA. writers have gine so lar as lo, fiat mi; lor- f.\in immediitcly; but this of court*) it morrly AiiDv-Arun>lt:l Couniv, ia 3:1 ' 4f> 30 2 47 36 G n* Jth, nnd JJOUi iu, The nchr. George «.V Mary, arrived this morn* mor was drlcnninod n>it lo nff.iM a.>-.ot nc« in cture. I am ajlislicd, however, that (icn. It I r>3 fl-l :» 37 -> 70 20 G d- iM.ano ul 3 u'dol jn«, I'ro.n Jacksonville. Tuu following is from Ilie latter lo ciincatu ln.:i I'r .111 ilu p rii.iu-) .11 Clinch would adviflu that nn escort accompany J4 J.I .<,. C .(>!. Gninm boinjj directed by Gen. Clinch A HOUSK ami I wn Il 4 lf Acu- :16 v 2 HI 4 3.5 91 00 (iM.\'E-i. clioe. t > ivii'l bach (be wagims Iur (upplicj aftor llu-ir LO I'M, ulu-itril nn Nnrlh KM"' .^r -, c., i 90 Tliu intL-lIigenci; frj:n ibo Wilhbcooclicc An officer of ilm anny whn arnvnl h c m. ;.rti> I ht?r-, v.ill scad them to Gary's, « b.-inj sireel, in tin- city of Aninpiili-. near S trni !'iirv. anil m.n M. M \\ill h.- irtri\cil in ilrpiitili- by the 7O.V. continue* to bj ol'^ront interest and iiii|»M lance. Sal ur Jay, in IliO nloi.nur Ji'in It. M .j.-i^i.i, ,w. tho b >t ro:;d. .I.|I»H\, niiit lictil in 'I ru«t. upun vthicli S,)o;i after our last publication wu k-arnc-d lh«l sure* us (hat there is n il a s.iatluu of lo.iiiu. ;i.». orrupaniy uf Sir. ^ichaiiah Dutnll. K»- I' ilu pupili in (W Very nvfpcctfully, Aic. term* ttpply (u ' c»i uill hr |i.inl He in i r.iiiiuallv, m u cnn will bo liel.i at iW Games continued fighting (he Imtnnu' for these orr.irv ou« imp.iioi'in-h O.i fir. >' ''" (dignJd) J. a. LYTTLE. '.nil lo a> f uniiilalr dv roiii|>iiunil intrr^kt. Alter tho buttle of tliu lirxt i!ay Gun. G., I on ml Imry, at th^ moniom oi iu.< k-a>rv_- I'.i- ilm > 4fllI(_llARi> M. CIIA>K. I rot, on' Tfcunan Muj. Gon. SCOTT, U. a. A. March 10. "/ RICH ^RI^ \\ ILMON, Scc'ry o'clock A.M. 'ft, 3D Indians killed, Hu had two of his rnon kil­ (0:n^ IIU.TU w.n not a in-.-i i i in? ir.iu » Commanding in Florula. H iltimi.rr. J«:i 51, IH.Tj. '.Kt* UKMK.UI (4|tt.>, niinlU, ur h) IrtdT, pn«t paiil, nu, guardians i led, and several Wu:mded. On tin 3 i day In l-':ori-!.i wh i fell ,noru aniioim'. .or tho oa!i:iy N. B. Tlio amount of (icn. GaimV Inil ox- '"1*>MAI Indians cross.-d the AVilM.icuncucu Ij a:t.ic« nnJ surccn ol (i, n. (IAI.M-.JI and Ir." j*- llir sul>«< rriirr has iui.i ..' Ii. A I KiNS. AKI-HI fur tliu Cuiiijia- y muled to alleni ' prvssto Gen. Clinch, dated :U inslnnt. Was Jl tlir Orphsnn Cnuit ol AMI. \. hni. Ho having Ukivi ..-i 1 ;, * .lay's provision sornle', dnl Gun. Sinrr .! )!'; and it IV ill Al IIJ| Illll. ) H. WATEUS, nwroly copies of his previous letters, with n couniv, leltrrs nf adiiiiiii>liatin:i »: n . und br-ing thus clbtoly pie.ujd, n- nl fur rciu- wis u- lioroil, ut ihu in nn n' «[ h\-> «rtitrp. II. R. Tcajocr. nolo stntini; that tlio Imliani urro utill around «unal culale uf Janira Garilinei. U'.- i.l lurccmual*, provision* auj ammunition. Gun. thai (Juil SS. who hid tin n C.MI.-I -iinim ul thai him, but littlo or no fi^hlinj hnd lulan placu cuunly, iirceai>i-il. All p' li.n.r.^ ri Uniiti ol . Clinch, baing under iho o.-d.T-. of G»n. Sco't , thai tho. folluwtsj point about 'J.UJU men, \\ould di'iniunl ni ma­ smca Ii3t cor. aihit ui'l rililr, »rr rri|Ur»l-.! • , j., . Mjirli lu, Ib.b. r (ho Common Cut and having received no or lor lo w.-nd th-j pro. ny of Ih"11 us practic.ilj|r, and, f<>r Iho wnnt u' thrui, Irgally mtlicntirji. il, nMl ilt>>»- 'I'llK Prr.j.lriil ami I'llcil. i. ul tl.e r'lr nii-r- U.iiik »l M..I\|.I il lia%i' Ovi Imid a st Monday of Apri visions for Iho Army, snnt corn Irum his own oih-r sotfic. nl maans nf tramp i\ inuiili.*, rni.Mij; llir ,'il»t r- - ward* uf 89 of cattle. m :ko a lorcud march to succor the d.'tach:noni _3_ Ulual I'arjile Grutiml, uu ISA I I;UI»' JAMKS lOBEMAIir, AH m uv. They had not proceeded miny mile*, nhen under Gon. (i.'un.-K. On the Oih insl. 70 wa. no\l, the -Dili nut. at 3 o'clock, P. M. >>aulr on ur altrr the fii»c an oiprous urnvod from Gen. Games contain. jrons left Piculnln, loaded wtili proiisiona, for anna and accoutrements in complete order ul A|'ii'l i.rll. to Htuikhulilm nn t, int- tlio intelligence, that ho was entirely sur­ Kort Kiug. dutrleili'n C'cnrier. By order, in VX Mum. at |h,. llnna ( Ann*|Hili». rounded by t!io Indian i, and urlen ha received LOLMS G.OASSAWAV, O. 3. HK Public arr rr.p'Cllu Iv ni,(ifi.-.l. that t» ."tu khiddfi * «ii Ilii* Ka^friii Mioie 1,1 (lie ^uU«triUcr« jrr HUM uiryin^ ui: .-.: llttlik at K.i*t"ll, Upnll provisions, bo should be under Uio necessity ol TIIR /.V/>/.t,V WAR. r rinn«i, nnd wink rinulnl v> I tlir ulinu^ ouso ol Delegates* priviaions, which were on tncir wajr, Wcru or. (ulcli, lill, (ia/ril.-. and American, Balti- dcr-d bacU. Tho noldiurj of Aluchu.1, ilioujj i AUDV or KLOBIOA, m cumplete order. nbli«h r r ub.iv.- |.i«3w. ' fourteen voles, k »ite tlir Htt*ani M',«il. no unceremoniously discharged, and wiio l|*-l n Ilfiwten 1'icjlata ami C-trtft Ferry; Bv order, uutu. VACIIKLSEVIKR, O. S. U. I. J(»NKS, it fused to ha dmnuded in tlir prcicnt dclonci li".» March 0. H33. March 17. .'l:n.i-.l. .1'i.ltl County, (Jrfjfiant Cuiirt, Sia: I Invo j«nt sot out f..r l-'ort Urone, via March 2-1. I for Iho divisioarf | fll.ito of (ho country, a**umblo.l lo tho ntmi'x-r K.'biusiv 9l!., 1836 G..ry'« Ferry, o-i (Hack crrclt, with two coni- CLNTMAI. Oi 11 iiu. I MON Ar.KkO. N iiiplirali.'i. b> |H-liliun u( \\ e»lry Lin- au lilies, and lorth of atauPUJO lo go lu iho a-uulauco of Gon. psme* ol rr^ul.iri, nnd intending lo lane tvith II. ['., /i(. I'-. lh\(., IKiu.ii, VlmiMiklr.tiir nilli the \\ill na mo of "Carrull,' 'llK Cn:iiiiii tur \nrc Aiuudr O Tliu following citr^'V n toller receivoJ b> ir: fn>m thn L'.ljr plncu ilir small Inflation of countyty will mrct "I '!" Ciiuil ' _:HI. ii-.i ul I'liilciiii.n L). \Varficld, lair uf o constitution of la* iii-ijn:od G. orvians,(herrtiilori' in-ntioncd,) un * | \ n in- \iu;i,lrl ci'Uiilv, ilecrsttd, it is ortlir- Col. Dull IfJ.n Capl. 1'runl, dated 1th iu>t.,coii. l!ie city* uff Aiiiiiip ln un I l \Y (lit- I'll! |CT7" No I'll ffriuNi.c :.!«!- wary, to effect lb der tl.v cunjKisjit ol Msj'ir Dou^ioa*. Limit. I nl tti.t he (jivr the iiulirr rrquncil bylaw Delegate* ycttef. tuiui sj-u i firth'ir p u'.iculars. day of April next, fur llic puipute ul br.irn ; l^l'll-Adi'.N IN lurjl, un- «.u:|i-il You may nil Lavo iiuard of iho roco.T. o:. Cviioiiol Bankiicud ii at tin hiv.l of Ibo first d.-- ajipeala, anil inakn>~ traii>tVt«, a .d Im crediting lu rilnbil their claims t|(itintt. ' ' IIIWII, dllll I I) t . •. I '•) I '.It'-.i M.itr , lii-' ^uul iU-ctatcil, and lliat thr kaine be pub- uurronces hum. Gon. Gamci was attacked last ix B FIRE. ami in i-irii C-.U Ul n c. i»ivr wt-t k», in une ul tho nev.tyai,vrt ehoocheo, and hi* been lighting e\orsin:e. iai| In rescue Ma' ir Ijei^i n>) Gaiiu-l 11. J. COWMAN, Clk. .ilnl I -i MI. i . Ul four Horia bunt. 1 hid nul rvc.-ived ilm -j(is{li:-.t iiifonnalion larch -M. I |.lllilcd ill Ailllapi.lll. lorning, a firo bnb S i:ii.-;ini3S he uastlirvo fighls lu tho day, nno .aid lo | n||. i.. 'I i . SAM L. BROUN, Jun',. on.- in tne ni^ht. Al ono of lha fighu th.-r- uf Ihu npornliuivion lh^ \VnKI.ic'>^ lino I'Lltl^iC' SAI,l-\ uakr II a|.|.i ar I i.< 'Ii . Ueg. \\ i>ls A. A. C nnlry id Blacksmith shop II i-> uri- . . .in Tne result of the. uilior* w J hive nut luanl. Al u|> ( > this 111.1(111111:; und find oXMchidrtl fhil In- J C'uurt ut Aiiiit-'Ariiiulel ciiunlv, lh>- »u>i- /.v ///;/./://)" r.ire.v, nicated to (he eilit- caii»i- lu in- , t\ h.r- . (T (lip lo*t advice J, Iho I o*« of tho anny of liIUO liad clfecled liiVuiiroii, \»,'litnoro or lens stie. .crjuvri will ulli-l al I'ulilic S.ilr, (.1- llir lati- THAI'" the nl Aiiiir Aiuiulrl urphy, in llthalrtc; ii.-ial ^^v' . ) 1« ... ..Ik !••» I \ men, was 4 lulled and Mfl wounded. Hut wo cossii^'iinst llir . nciiiy^tip.'n Tani|M 3nv. wh< n rc/iilrn.e ul llciuv I'unly, ui-ct-iiifd, in j muni), hnlh i.lit.iiiird Irnm Ilu Oiphans t'uuit •o dual toy od, tngtKbd huvu beuru tlia cannon sovorul times, since, fir. at ilnyli((hl, tlio at :a.u*if, that I hm M*> in, ar­ (Inns I'1 -1 ' r "' ' ut >;. inn.ui. rf Anne Amixirl iimMy, in Mmjlaiul, nti, and what isad. niton luuii,)un rRIDAV, tho Ul day ul w vory heavy." rived, un.l broil ;ht thv' ruir.ur which is coulmn- ml nril. ut lu o'clock A. M. '., lli.|« nl §, iii.i,i»ti.iiion nnli thr will siinrx- nun pcri*hrd in U«> A.II.I. i u^t n-4|iei'ln- . d un llir | e, rutalr ul Philrninii U. '.\lachun companies lofl hero aboat ono o'- cdbythilu'n .H-CO.IIJI .nsiii ( ni>t.-s from I'ay ALsVYIIi: PKUhUHAL TMTATK ill- v Patrick Doroty, J-i m-istor Little, rm-vivod u'»ut nix hourn nfler- .t ,'MV i.l M it \^ oiliclil, Utf ul Annr Arui.del rountv, tie. <:l'x:k Ibis in-jrnia^ in a very h ird rain, in or. fif « ilwci^iiril, i-luiutliiig ul ' I Two of Ihemaksi w.irds. O:i (tie r.'ce|itioa o> Ih < riiniur 1 nil- Tit .- . rcuorit. All |ei»"ii» luvin*. clatinH a|taii,>t dor tu assist in pu.irding pruvwion* and nmiiiu- it., t u.i» had gone in to ami medutvly co.nini-qeud prepir niuiin I jr Ibo move­ Scvewl vuluuV\\ ub-inhri. Hi IT bili.n- thr 'Jlh ilay ul Au-, two day* «nc4j, General Scott wilh his liidin^lh-I) i.ii; I n:n now ai unchur al tliu mo-K . >f.*T*k. ir'sry. to rundur it im*' of Black<. I li.>|io :u put ihu Innips in TKIIMS OPSALKV'"- "'I »»m« ' ' ' ' .'.«! licit, lint unit »ll.ri»isr by l»'w brex- force* was at PicoUta, and thai iwo different .m ul Id ii IL »t. I ml nl limn all b^nrlit uf ll.r said rtlale. boy in alto march, from Gary'n Fi-rr), early in iho d.iy In- Diillain, anil upwanlt, n trvdil ol «is niniilli« oiprecse* liad bom ruooivod from him." Mill br ni»en, Hit- jiuiilimrr ur | uiclioi'ii> < K.-l. (l.\rn iinil.r u/f 'lanU this Dill ilay ul Ke- ' on burnod to dc«_1 By tho arrival of Mr. Samuel Ilarrisun from morrow, and lu reach Fort Uraiie, wilh u o.m.l! of «Ugcs from WJ' ejcort, Ihu day fol'uivin^. It in potMblu th;.i £i\e iiuli-, wilh opi'iottil trruuH. brjiiii i IPl.S \.Nt I M. %<.»:>« \ . Alochua on Tuesday evening lust, wo pro fur- intrrrkt IMMII tlir >luy ul silr, uli unilvi liTIUCl M, Adn.'r. W. A. BI mi^hi ho tuppot' c»ju these lilllo dutachmenUol ho(«o und fo< .'/ C'villtilutiil lijjur i,/ ihc Cnioit .'igdici;. ______6>v. v horava, thirty-two d nialiod with ylill later iDlornution. that sum llif Cn

  • v«luul4o service. fkKI'OSl'lOln ur KlKMIiN CAPITAL. with tho Aliclma militia, inakini( in all about *' \NI> SAIIONAl.tXl HANGK AM) .Jim* slitniiltl Cutinty, tiifitiant C'uurt, establishment wr* «iuht hundred, had gone to aid Gon. G.-UDUH. I am awaro that Iho movement tint I nm ni-ik- March lit, 1836. IOM i* attiiualoJ il ing mav bo condemned, if regarded in any olh.-r LOAN dr'UCK.-All p.i|.ir> L«sri.. tt ihr HP reached Iho e*nip, Saturday la*t, and effect- ALL prmnns Imtmi; (l.iiinn nynimt taiil ri|iUi|«in.ei.i i.ii.| nl H Km.iiirial A^tiii'V, «' upi'licaliun by prlitiun of llcali- O«i- cd a junction with him. With their united light lhan a rascua, an promat iro. Col. G >o>l. il.i-r, i->i-l, ml, Litliun, or liufimt Aym, rxtlisii)tril*st (ainrnl ul William Plunimer, late of Anne- roet and 3d atcmr, Gen. Games intended crossing tbo Withlacoo. gustine hut night or this mornHng; and conue. unlrtili-d In o.nil i i'ccj»ril. uie ie- Aiuiulvl tuuniy, ilenaned. it i» ordered (hit par va'ur. IK- cite I In' nulii e r«-(|uirrd by law for c red i- It was owned bf ob'!o Monday last. Mi* boat*, flouting bridgui quonlly, iho loft wing cannot b.! in forcu on tliu tu mnkr imim-ilislr pnvnirlH ti> Null s suit nrili-rn of ono liumlrrd dollar* nuirenoe. Afr** Ookliwahor, in Iho direclion of Pi-!a-«.le.kuh i. JAMtS-lULKUAllI, Auin'r. (u riliibit their ilkim* against the taitl ' wuril«, ir^ularly rndoriril, sriu(ilni(t deceatrd, and llut the lam* b« publiiheil | TOMO), former); Bounders, witli which to cover his landing on the oarltcr than the 17lh, or up «ith iho ennny bo 17. . n Idr oDicul lepintk of tin- A ? with moat of if (bro tho aOlh in»t. Colonel Liinlsay, who may mire in each "e«k, fur lha spare of ail s«)c- opposite aide of Ihu Withlacoocbcc. The In. iniC). irikive werki, in one uf the ncwtpaperi diuu* will undoubtedly niako a de*p.-rato stnig hnvo already arrived nl Tampa bay, cannot opu I'uprrs l)».irii j (lip rinlnntemrnt leal »( the Ight, rugod with gr**l Jli\ Jltt to obtain nn alteriitijit in the CHarttr piinled in AniiarMilit. glo to prevent hi* crossing. Mr. Murrison *ay* rato moro lhan Iwp dsyu* march from lh»t pi ,co Fiiinncinl A^rhi y in thf City yf \t n-liin^ 8AM L I)RO\VN, Jun'r , Irrnio combustibility fro.Ti Iho wont of the monna of trnmiporlati'in. of tin Cily of .1i>ii(ii> *-IIAT the »ub»crit-*r httli ubuincd fiom ly, Imlli ublained from the Orphans Court »f no liino an attack, whether by night or d«y, liu wa* pro in hi* BUCCTHS or failure. If it fulls back with and llulliui, br a Coinuiittri- lu iiiefaie anil Ihe wnhiiiia court of 8l. Mary'* coun­ Anne Aruiu'el County, In Maryland, teller*, pared for them, having anticipated tho move. him upon Fort Drmo, it must sufl'ur prcurnt tu the Lfgiy law be f xclu'itd frmn all benefit be excluileil from all bi unfit of the said - racteritfiloa of pi only for jiravttons and ammunition in advance a larger quantity of provision*, which Stock of the Annapulii and Putumac Cana ho «weapc(f iostast wore noco*siry to, hi* operation*. Tbe*o have Company about being organized, ai to tin of the laiil ettata. Given under my hand idle. Given ondffJBT hand thlt 111 ila/.oX_ this 9th day of March. 1830. Marvh, I8S», the number of Indiana it estiniatoj at betwueo resulted from the nature of tho oounlry, whore aid Major, Recorder, Aldermen, and Cum th tow of blood. good rood* aro not to bo found frmn Iho wet toon Council, or tbiir successors, shall seem LUK.K It. BAUBUtt, AilinV. BBALB OAITIIBK, 1 itwoan* throo thousafcd proper. ~"' March 17. ^« . Marchreh 8 -8w. i, th* hmtiil « td to th« ness ot'.tho suaion and from tho deficiency ! I nubed with #- fci1. . -4, Y>-- OK A'K?W FOR SALE. 4MBRYAM, TIONTO BE CALLED WO likely youcg.Nfgro Oirla, 'bout foaitecB and .ixtMM. Th»y »i|| r TAILOR, OTICE it b«r«bT g*««m to the Btock- T of informing th* pvb- not bo acid to any one beyond the linfi PRQSfKCTUB 0V TWO hclderi «f this IntlHaHon, tHat thf btl- ,. _...... lo bi a , Urrajjnl irved hit Batablithment anceN of fiftten dollar* on n«k thare of ttock Catholic rrorAtfci the _.. the .latr. The terra* will M tioilciaie. A> . ,>» UMB9 FOR* I89B. t* tho New Brick ((adjoining the atore re, inwteUy number*, tl 8 cent! cath. y lo the Editor."£- i» required to be- paid it the BMkug Itoote, Feb. «5/ URKU year* have now eUpi« determine the nddi- next rniuinc 'lie ilite of their renpectite pay LKTTBR8. VJU ti in il amount of eopie* tu be printed, tab- non, tfh the^ertonal«*tate nf Adolphut Ma it* mont*. »Ut.d mutt in need ol intlruclion, and for * nptiiMi* being takejLo.ily (rum Jjnuary nf doi. late ufViid coontr. il>-cra»eil. All per- By order of4ie re-'ilen' «n«J Directnra. whom Ihr bonk* have in general been compil­ Woo«i Lettcn ol etery drtcriplion, fn*. each year. Pie entireTiuccrx ol lh« Library unt li.i»ing i Njini agiiiitt the oiid deceased, CAMI'BKLL, Ciitliier. ed, to obtain copies even of Ihote woikt four to thirty-lour linca Pica, or ipvaiiT I* th* beat guarantee tint cm he given nf lit nv hrrrliy wartWd I'l exhibit the lHtnUl bjiirjurt. Jlnlijii, German, liritiihnnd Jlmtri Specimen* will,bo published a. eaitti> can Printi, wmk, ai-d lukc indrm un Ihe t'leik of the cniiimunily, naa iirterniinrit to itaue a Peri­ xjttible. ' without being compelled U» deprnil nn plucr« llniuc of Uepre»rnt4iive« in paymput odical puhticalinn. which, by itt cheapnett, of public retort, thi* publication* a {10N3ISTING i.f tli« mutt beauliful Fe ^- m:ile I'nrirailn; Spnitinn L.ind»ca|irn| The pilrnnagr ! ilir Krpiitinrnt i* worth will place all the betl Catholic work* within motl ralm:«le dr.ider.itum, .unjilyiiijj n' Ilir ll.iiite na inorli more ihe ne.tnett and elegance of ilt execution pi or* me miml. Tne time and Mtrntion nf Will pilitnn wilh v»!inm ivc etchangr give will bi found worthy of a place in the lihra- mental and flam Itulet, &c. lie. cot with ti< the editor hun.rlf a n-idrr Irmn uu liimlinn .i'l nl wliicli "ill be rxiiibiled In »u h piTm'n -rc-alrtl accuracy in type metal or wuou. v»ll |iurcli«»i> t'i tlie nmnunt of fiftv crnt-, lhi» one ur t»o in.frlnin». riea nf the rich Such a publication at that At well a<\, are dtevnted (n II prmiiri- DUFF ORKkN. which" the .ulncnbcr prnpote* to ittne. Did caul metal cut*, ornament*, &e. et. raent of work, ul an elevated »l iuil ml nl in Inr frequent linnitlin^ leii'lini; cnntt ler* ly I ,raveu over, anil made equal to new fur ml/ In «nil and nllin \\yrrrturd the nali- nl Ilinn. ' Nov. 1. ( ng hren called for by the caigenciet of the tcll«ct winch in.iy lie aitmiltnl irr.n rvirv !C4thnlic i "ininunily | and the rapidly heir oiiginul cntt. without henit.ilimi liy (he m-i»l fn^ti- Tin' iiuiite bcoJCPul cnlltttion nf articlrt A liberal discount for rath. Sil »n>p ju>t b> c» icceVxul. fi>r »a!r Or FOB A**AIHM IK .t nu ii'icr of the nirmbet* of our Holy and become a rallying point Inr nil it« TIIK !«l K\M Chinch lei-m* fully lu junlify him in tlieet- redit on tlie must approved aecuiiiy. meaiJem, prninnti:igt.ici)l brll*. IrMivi M \HYL.\M> IMII go t<> liuii that il will meet with mfficirnt en- der* from the counliy promptly In; anil convert iln>n. Tin* ».irn-ty tun* cnl- rj s iapnli*« ,,n Sunilnv th.' lo enable him to conduct it *nc- All letlei* n.utt be |HJH pain. lertod frii-ii I'm iv'iule m ia« of piili!'«hi-. or riir. 20th, .uui 'ir-lti in-t. mi>' cr.nfully He. therefore, notwithstanding KT'Kditutk ol paper* in the country *hi tvnrk., in.mly new. em'M irr. lii.i^r.i|,nv j it ;i 3J a a aa jj» return vi'iu-, Iriviu^ the ctprnte nnd ri'k ittrniling it, and cnnnd will give the above advrrliarmeut a fc» j. Nov.-It,' V,vi^i'< .ind l'i itvU. J»kf'(lii.« SI-.IIOMD VOLC>I»; Ihr lnwi*r rrd Ouunr. «hml. at U o'clock, aertion*. and forward a paper cunlninint m T,li-«, .ind S-li-,1 il,»l'iry, |i,",,n jl mrniMii ing entirely in thr liberally and genernvlt tub^crilin luting purchim^d the V. M Pl««»ce annie a« ln>t yi aT. of ni« fellow Cathnlic* of the United Stitr- .ame to the advrrlMer. will be paid Iheiif* ol tir.iiuilin irv 1:1 lit i l:ul«, »nd c urinun ad- .nliin^lan \3n rttr ffjnn tti* ftirmrr prn- N. H. All bag^»ar nt Ihe owner'* ri«k and the Canadaa ha* molved In put it ti n any ol the above mentioned materials vi- il'ir.- \. Mr. \n j'rviiltil . i|'iil 1.1 I'll |iri.'lin, "ill in fmuii' In- J^m.ilct '.»r LKMM.. G. TAVLUK. Oct. IS. I. n: ij'Mii-nd patronace. annc«atunocl Countp, %t. I >r lini; a cmnp i-lu'ii-i'i- \ie\v i.f |i p cit* *t- bounty, In thi. undertaking he it principally en I kJ>.X'1W>lle-'tlM' bJ; Pinion in writing of Edu th«4 rm'H'iC'M ll,e Wi.dr^r rdnuiiul.ii hi lair.ui .1 manin-r u>ull> lrd bv anv nllirr kN applirnlion to the tulncriurr, Chief conr4(eil bv the hope that it will rarrl with ^ f lfo»l.i»l, U> n,« tho wlwcnbor. Chi,f Jmln of U. cr iKrr, 4'id On- wni V Ii i» uu* br^|Jr in, uui pfiiiri. Thm plin ivill lu* 4trn tly iidlified Orphan. Ccxirt foi tlic uicj county prarmr ujo t_i uf Ann>--Aiundal'Cnuiity Court, i In- cordial approbation of Ihe clergy in gene Vi-mlly diTited in rtrry pirl nl ^br 1'i.niii l.i. Our liMiiiii^ niijccl^ "tu lay Imld of ol ihe Act of Atmubljr. .nuilcfl ..An mct for u~" liy petVmn, in wnting, "I llrnry \Vjli* ftfwi of thr InC.ll ^U l 1* .Hill IICCUI ri'HCrk ullldl Vnnr .nimdel cnunlr. .l.ilni|> lli.M h« it mitt axMinre nf that Ir.irnril and drtnted tHxl' literature nf l\ie rn-lnlrv. ind with which mi -ircil nn l''id III lln; il.iilv |.lpi- r»," in .irlu.i\Cot,niM infill, and praying fur tiie f nirn 'Ihe undertaking in one which i n i|ii.imt.iiire hit ie>.ci ty rr n^ 11 ' ! ^' in'rrr>t. wi- li.irr rn«ti»- ^1 jryln d, lilleil, An Ail fur tlie rrliej nl riplrft ol nur lioly religinn tvidrlv IhinQgliou T-ie Li ir.iry « Cnnducteil ill«r>mi- •I tne v.ilu ulc rm^i'i nl Mi. WILI.|\I Holl.Dil hi. rc.iilwl m >unilrr li . |i«.«ed ,,t U'-crm- Ihe cnininunit v. *nd In n««i«i I fir clergy in n ilr» .|Oii\4 to .ill p.«M* "I liii; luunlry in frmn rdit'ir, \vhnHr "(Miilrd for two vc.r. ncil procwlinj il» doU of Luilj'^ irr M-«»I 011 ll till- «C> >U|lpU-IUClll» ilir discharge of thrir pamchml dulien 'iy al lion, .nd I h.,mg .pnolntcd Howt. N,TT irtt.t_'i fivr In -it wcr -« 4ftrr tlu-ir i«.ue in l.nn Inn. .mil untiring til ,'»l.lbll»ll llll< Ji.lpcr Inerrln, nn thr \frnia I 1 rrcin mcnliutirilt a fording, .1 an uncnmmonly low rate, all th Ihe brnufil of Iho crcdrtor. of Ih. «U K Irdgp and initrurlion. ^Th rhioh IM iiwn_.._.. bood__ in__ da*,UM_ lonniuiin ra»2 trhrilulr ( f Inl pcnpC'K' «'"' * 11*1 nf ln> f.ithful prrform.nco of In. inut, uxl Uio tuid I tiitl tupiilv gy thin the nla*« of M-irwIand innni-dulrly h.vln*. omifcd thii delivery lh.r^ u, him I urrcedinr; 'he tune nf In. aVp!ic»tinn«e little of bn3ins( nili- winch it. r.inj.'nirnt our tuutn iliri i Ib. wHMlrud HolUnd fno i er -cn *uflii ienl *e- Cuiti of their charge*, and contribute, in colUclion f,ir:num * nen-r lailin^ rrMii.rce nf s;>-ncc nnc day and a Inilf anoin-r Hun througli i-urity fur >n4 prrtonal afWx-ti.nce at thr great mft.un . to diipel the prejudirei b amixement and m»tructmn, .ind whicli 'iiuit mr other *^ **hingtun pAair. County Cnu.i "f \niia AruVdel counlv, | U which oui brethren of the other denomina tiont are unjortnnaittij blinded. alwayt u« wurtli thr prire that hj> lirrn paid We intend, if |inMibJfu^t<> ^rri-
  • Ann.polu on Iho third WonJ.y of April oeit, to fur it. The in»il 4-r ind ndjudxr Hint (lie wrtppert, and will embrice t% whole of th- Thit immenie «opply nf readinu vate ihe literary charactrr nf tl-c Mmnr. ' ValU be 'luclur^ril frmn inipn-.i cnntl celebrated Controvrrttftl arul Drxolion. Tl, t TH IK D VOLUME (ft- k<* that oeen welcnmed every ' whi-rc at a I'liit can only 'ir iluu.- liy tin- , »-i>|iciuliuu nl (hi) hi- !(ive imllir In lu. in-diti.,> worki, tmrlhrr with a large fund of rcclrt i.ig .1 Copv of tin* nnl. i t" lir invrrl aitiral hittory. .Tl/l Ar>t number will be it TIIK CULTIVATOR meaot nl itnpru>emeiit, .mil a >ub»lilule Inr thnie miniU winch urr niilr .mil willing In aid 1VILL be commenced on the fir«l tt the mall talk .ir i ile li«tlcHu!}trriliern as ly, mice a week f«r tlirrr r'lnni-culivcliiniil' «ub*cripti,m 8at Her Annum, or Kighl Cent k pM^'v'',0 *'', The ler"»«f will coniiat. lo makr ilir M.riur HI irrna fin (he unakil- irfure th* third Monday in \pnl nc\\ to « prr >iiimt>c,r, payable in advance. .o ho FIF IT Cli.N IS per annum, «,,,«a64 ny. ( betnre Hie »Jid Count) I'om ciiinmi«i 11 N. Br To«tmatler< throughnul (he Cuunlr munncc of lheirgoo.1 office* in il. book*. Ale. lltui curaaining tne ailvantigrt of lish. Si r it already cl"«rly allied, lir her lir.yril. Unrn undtrint hind Ihr rler are reqiir.lett tn nrl an aernlv If llni paper enable, one man, by the infor­ Library, and the aiuu«<-ment nf a m»g»zine .ill road, tn it great and fluui uliuij; city, and mation it afford, him, to add to the profiliaf i* ilciliiM'ii to be her cniniM-i-r, ruilu-t than ri- lay itf llecc nbcr in ihe yi-ai nl u-jrjl.niidj The ndlnwins ia a lit! of a few of the work uU oawipiperj the wlinle for 8' 00 per an iliQunand eight hundredmni hi. Urm I0n dollar.. ye.r,_«nd wo mj" nam, or cluba ul five nulividuula outniii Gve al, in richatiging tlie |>roducl*nf tic coun­ which will be itaued in thi« publication, an. try; by im-an* of hi-r ntupendnut canal, the ' IS. IJ.-J)OllsKY.' which will follow each other in rapid auecet bo mcKlM, , pur uppo,iti^Br_|, will beoc copiet fur gill (M), a retloctinn wtiirli p«)-< the ^'^^ fit len men who lake il ono hundred doliin potuge. Payment iit&nyt in a.lvante. i» about tn be thrown, a* it \ 5.inn ue crrated, which will t«fciih the mo«l Jamet Kr.i/er lu m» the nulitcriber, Pailh of Calholict. bv Kirk and Uerringtnu |vi.hc, to promoio Ihe inierwu of hi. inetk- TMI« pcrlndical conlain»n«Jf at much mat- ajnguinc ecunomi.t. U atlnngtuT) at.d Bajlt- C'hiel Judge of Ih (>rph«n> Court fur the Hnywarden'a True C'hurch of Chri.t thown boiirhood.(and who dor. not?) will bo ibh - tar aa the Library, at Imlf ilViiricr) ur both innre, »> *nr mighty heart, mutt receive and laid county, rpti>mg- .---., the---- benefit---.-... of-. the,..v Act/.v. llavwardcn** Charity and Tiulhi More* Ca lOKlo M by meowing ft. circulation. return the current which will give vitality to uf Aisenibly, entitled, "An Ait lor the reliel Ihuliri, nr of Paith| Mumford'a One. re f«rnith«d to clutx of 6v^JWr>aG 00. In ..' a>« f . ^_ . .. "* _ ,i Kr T'>oCulliv»">'-'.a mqmhl/ puhlio content* contitt of a reprint oPlHe bent m4t- the. commerce of twenty million* ol men. of tundry iniujoiit ilrblurt," pained at No- lion of Quetliont) Mumfunl't Catholic Scrip Ion of 10 quarto page., dc»oic lural * agore etpecially CliArober'. Kilinourgh Jnur- ptrify mutt came inL ipite ul caeiea which therrlo, a acliedule ol hi. property, and Chufrhj Prrpctuily of the Faithj Ur. M nal. lit object it popular infraction and a- cuntpire to npprctt ut| but a tent* of duly, a liat of hi* creil4lur>, (on o«lh »u far at he Haie't Evidence! of Ihe Catholic Church J. UUEL, Conductor, nii«ement, cumbined in aucn a manner at to carried out intu action, will-relieve our em- can atteilain Ihetu.) Uving innexril tu hi* f.eurv't Manner* of the liraelitet) Pleury1 Albany, N. Jf. ftttul tn« leelnig* ol every member nl the barraiamenu, and produce rciulu of incal­ laid petition, and I being «uli*fied by ium|.c- Mann'ert ol Chrittiantj l«annrcan'i Kcclrti Kj" Sub.aripllon< to THEi toctat circle. It cnjnyi an extensive circula- culable magnitude,' / lent tetlimuiiy thai lit hat rr.ided twuyrai* imiral llmtnry of Ireland) Itikhop Hay T«K iiul COMMON *C!i(MiL ti.Mii prue tu mngle «uu«cribert not taking the We propoae, then, lo tupply a paper in Mithin the ttato of Maiylo^il inimril^alelv Work*) Uallilxin'a Conlrnveriia j\N F recdveU at tho Po« Offico, Libnry, 8* SO, pottage paid. anme degree adapted lu.lhe waul* of an im­ preceding lh« lime uf hit'% ¥pplic.ili nd Manning'* Workti U'l.eary (> \ very luoiud number nf complete portant community) a literary and micella- the mill Jame> f" HI. Uunavenlura'a Life of Clirii. A- COWAN. " «*(* O.I Uiurarj and 1'orl Vuliu. at the original neout family paper) a jouinal of current titera- tecunly for In* |M-i. r'a Medllaliunti llullcr'n Uou)i nf th. February 4. auntcriplioo price, may be h»j f,,r a thurt pe- ture|a y of

    raVKABAY. KtAJROH ! 14*. BarchoBaJ, H4rdc«rtlo, Wbarton, a'lacc, MODKRN that a now provided by th« ConetHtitioJI of Bua IIA. JOKA8 8 nto." ' I At (M BrWk WtOMtmg 9m Ibe ACTING DRAIrlA, poance*, «; ,. NKW SERIES,: HOVtiE OF DELEGATES. Mr. Willin, moved M a tuboXitute Tor stud**, Mctare. Primroee, harby, of K. MilUr.Hood, mundmrnt, to orooM aaid eoetioo, by Mrilfng i, lfct,;j. KmbtllitHtd teitfi Wailet, Duk»-, Ely, Drown, Carroll, of B ilr. Co, ' Prlo* 'ttirto Vkollnr* p«r anunna. \UK poblkhcr ha. been induced, aiO utoiuin i uosdny, Mnrch 52d. out in, Ibe fint lioo ihcroof, after the word rnlnmifo bMtoKod on hit work, mnUriaJJ/ to Mr* McLcnn presented a manorial of susdry Long, Teackle, McC'ullougb, Nowland, t(on«i«r. trictm.' to tbo word hull' in tbe ocoqi Imc, changn iU typof^rdphical appc«rano*ajid to IrnproTo uid citizen* ol thr ci act, to ( ntnblitb nnprtrati-* courts in thr **- On the rructn being put, will Ibe (MOM o. I be cortrtnencert nn toe hefinnlntt of Jan­ Every Play cr Kurco Utob* >ocomp«nMO by nmuund vcrul counties of Ihi* Stale, and to prescribe On motion of Mr. Bcnm, ' iho substitute, it wo* nawlved i» tbe allir- Ordered, it be noted on the journal that Biatrrialt Of ||u uary «830 While it will furmah rt* pations and appropnato Kn|Tavin( makmc; In tliu count et (no tin ir jnnsdiclion, IIUIIVC. ' with the leading frnlilr « of the newt of the »»r uonrly f Uly.'fwo EmbrllUhmonta towlnci, will M r. (jilting*, in confined to hi* b>-o hy indisposi­ ictl and |uepi.r,i M ulded u » Fron- lie purpoa«, r dar, it» principal object will I* In ieivc up En^r^vmK. cootiihing tho Hlirni** of MX dinli d> r, HIR second lime, paawcd, and *cni to tho tion, and prevented front voting, upon thn '>ill, eond tioie and oaoented to, iminrnu | a humorous compilation nl Ihr UUIT.PI»u» live­ Act jtm ami Actr^jMni. Krcry prrvoti tf hi* dixira* to pru. cnnlc. entiled, nn.ncl lo provide inJtranity to Itio On nu>«tprduy. being the more. tlii-r-ol, tho I llowing. for the want of a proper channel lor their pre- will U> limited to th« nomtx-r which U uUolufly >UD- Wood, cribodfnr. 17 UM pntlUbcr pUd'o hii.Mtlf to make bill roportid by Mr. Mrrrick, chairman of Ihe Mr. Dtilnny presented a pclitiun of tho In in Sec. 7. And be. it enactod, Thai after the coo. crvation, are positively lo»t t'i Ihe Reading thu vrork equal in inter < anil auporiority of fuvutinn joint committee, entitle.I, an uct lo provide in- of Juno White, prating imlrmnity tff cvruiin iirma.h>o of lt>i*ccl by tbe next General Aswm. »ntl i world. Original wits and liumoriil* of onr to Ui> profpcctoi, or he will rafond the prioo of »ul»enp- loeieoi iustain>-y thoir ancestor Iroiu u riot in lime will here have » medium dc oted to the lion, frne of *0 clurg;-, ilommty, to Ihe miti'orrn by certain noli in the bJy, a wn< of.eloction n;:KUiiisi>n;: Urti tho Enijr»ti.i(«. called, mid ino doorkeeper tent lor tho abacnt which shall Ihi n bv in WMJOO, i.meni., &e. ,t< rainy attractions winch tin* Journal will pot- The Urun ol the Moilnnitn Actling I am a i> 7 Arrt !)•>• >l to ne*> fur tt\i tmrft per iDnurn, p«y*blt In Mlv*nor. buiiacriler* lo March 33d. Tlio *nid bill wo* thon road tbo second time te>i, a« the publither will futm.h a ipccimen Mr. Dulany, roportml n lull entitled, ,m act number (o etrrry pcrtnp win) ileaiirt it tho GctviHm-tv'* Vado Mccum will bo furnuUcd mill On i;in.'i(,n of Mr. Merrirk, . a* amondod, and tho quoatinn put, bell-the taid »h. Sii noiilU botli worki for Kivo Dolhn. for Iho raliofut iho heira ot Janu White, luto of bill pu*», ra»ilved in Uio alBrrrutiTo. (thoie out of the c\ty, will forward their or­ CT Any r«min culltctlng fonr nibrerihcr* to th« Onlirctl th.vt lh<- commillvc on claim* O'ljutt the city ol Baltimore; Ml teruiiiv. Or- der*, pottage p»W^HJO-alid he pledget hiro- UtnlU.iian't Vido Moeum. or llm Modem Actir.f Dla. and p.Ty Ihc «!ipcncc» inctiin-d b\ llir joint com Tho clerk of Iho non-rovioe iodnnnity lo tho mitri'rer* by crn.un 'P'ly lltuflerfui e*ir that no exertions on hit purl hall be ^na, and remitting Iho amount uf on* yp*r'« »ui>*crip* iiiillvi to whom wrro relerrcd (he nK'innnaUof tioo (£3) for oacl ahall l»r |,rr»-nicul*rKr. «nd xrhlch i* now ivllinj fur $J it eani.-inf I! illnnorr, fur clerk birr, in causing procc**) tu :>lr, nnd innko it Iho order ol Iho tluy lor 2'riiiuy i»ritient a ft* > THI 8AM«»oe)«ni will he printed on laig« Iho production* of eight dUIVront 4111 lior», wvll kuown IK,- n n-i-c) upon » tlnewnn dtc. Al*o, the mil, for Ihc raliof of Ihc derueen of nut the 120th int. William Hill, late of Prineo George'* cxxinly, per containing ikt imperial paper, qnal in WT.O and reality to to Iho puKo * auioug tlio inoat rtti:rr»tia| wntcr* uf The cirri ot In- » nnle ri Itirnrd a »Oj>p)r. the ihotl, l:npT.-ial aiic, Mr. \Vlmrton, iroin (lie commilleo on ii>t- otl amendment," which nmcnHnwni wa* rood nun's Vade Mecum It is calculated that fillod on both ttdaw with humoroo* and corjy *nri-*v> .SUMIII. hunn. Rail Road Oimpnny, to cuiulmci nal jinrlVtivoincnts, reported a bill ontilloi, u i"i«l lime nml ordvrod lo lie on tho table. MUKB THAN ing», n-itl b* publift'iod every <|U4r\cr a* « *upplr..irul to n Intcn.l Rnil Road i" Wr»'niin*tcr, anil 0>r l!ic >c «)nuf;vndi It trill Ut furnuOn-i] f;r^iuiir>>i*ly to net to nutbrnze Ihe co.iinioni«l .iltli of i'eniin An'l, delivered Hie following bills, originated ' I'lhir |.nrjiti«c«,cndor*cd,"will pa*»;"orilurid lo 600 oil nr:r euurcriV-rt to Ihfl GrntlrniAn'* V*^o M^c'iin. or vatua, to construct curtain mil road* in u , in ..mi |in»»fd by tho sfnnlp, vij: tb« Modrm Acting Dram*, and to all Hit old *ti.»rn- hi i npro»-u-d. writing of Ediirf will be farnifhcd to the pnlrnr.t o) II. i» Jour­ Slulo of .Mtrylantl. A Ull, rulaling to Evidence in certain ca. ben o.' HIM* norka who Turwud tiulr >ur>cri|.iiooa fur Ami ddirrrrd tho following bill*, originated . Chi*f Jml nal in one year theae, in nd<>ilion to an rx- Mr. Kent, cuuirmnn of tbo corrjmittco of * *. tentiva and choice trlection i>f !5alire, t.'rni the prtKut yc-r, in advance, without luilhor »olicit4. in iml hy llm ncnuir, tiz: lion. claim.", inude on unlhvimrnlilf ro|>ort upon the A bill, ix-lnlmg to tho inipcction of Flax- "An act for tie » ciira, Homoac and M it, to be circalatnl Feb. 11. A Kit, i ntilk'il, r.n act for lliu b^.-mTit of Hd. P«*a»d it NmcBloi ord«r ol thu hoaw, rri|uirmg them lo cxnrmno K.n.l; through iU eoTnitin», kill furm a Literary (ob>nfkM»'d Muiy hi* »ilo, of Haiti. into the jmlicc und <-«podicney of allowing lo uppltmrnl* thci.u,, Banquet of a tupcrior anil attractive order; TO It AI CO I.\M)>. And, u Utl, lo incorporate Iho Libiirjr Com* i.l ol hii creditor! ( I-'iImunil I'. I'lowden, ol 81 Mnry's couniy, u ,-atiy; Idem) being anon*) am1 the pubUther rrlict with peifrct «.onb- A liitl In : iiiiuri^r Clii'ilc* Howai.I. guardinn b-ilimcc which ho claim* n-. duo for u hone . Also, n communicnlion from the F.secuhvov aluxird thai Ibe Bel dcnce on the liberality ol the Amrriun pnb- * H-al Kilntr, .iiu^ti on thr n'f nfJ.'. . ||. Mi Henry, In nrti tit In llio puvmg the *talo of Muykol lic, am) the iplrit anil tact with which thit Severn River, nppu>iu- the city nf Aniuip-|H>n upon Iho Hutuo ul Dclcgut.-s," anil i* ,m lollotri: cipcn»ive'undcrt»kini5 nil! be prosrcolcil, tu conttiiiii.t; Uj"«aid* of A bill tn .uih'.ri'^u ilir rxcrulon of William ""•• *Jsvr tsorire ki. order ol Iho houx*, (o enquire into tho oi|» - K\utunvi- l>i-|nirtiii'-nl, aid Edward IlolUH him %iecetalnlly and profitably along; 'rilOVNAKD ACRKM, \\ ilkins I*' lennr n rli.m pn.peny therein nicn xl in duo. lonn forui with it. - dirncy ot paying Thoma* B Jdwi i, fur *>-rvici-* Ann;i|olm, .M.ircli IHtb, lt>3J. and the auni tti.jj About bi* Hundred covered with womt and ti'ini d in Ihr rity of llnlliliii-rr, rrndrred in Iho riol* uu tbo Ualliuioro und The Terra* of THE SALMACLUDI will be heavy iimbrr. contliling ul \\ hilr Oak, Hi.,, k Genlliturn ol'liio HGIMIU and U **curily lor hu t*. TWO DOLLARS per nnnuiii, [nr»rr to atom ri.ibl/ ii> cUvance. K>P^p*r will be furnith- roo\t part under ROOM fcnci-» ll.r nhnlr lir.,r- Wo havn ll.c honour to lay before you a re­ cd otilcat thit ttipitUtjoii <» ttriclty adhered btil Jrom tin- St nulr, eniillrd, an act to petition of Annrow I'. uJur, of r'n.i'irnk c«.un- port of a commit ico und *undry resolution* of ""him*, and lu,,a. rt ly surrounded by the water* ul Severn (liter, incorjxirnlu the uibncribi r* lo nn *u lor lib **Jd trwuel.,4 ,1o. trCluO* of lnr.«c «ilf ba tvpplied with and a wide navigable creek, inpiyin^ ly, pruyir.R r\ nmneralion for money LX^UUIU .no tionorai A»~ inliK » Hi.- Hi" e ol koniiieky, I Hilled, and iho \n*t Iho rncour.iQtrr.'.nt of tho fine rt». nnd lor o nnd ertvin rf-nilcrt-d, durinc iho lute uur. n relation to thu Ah.lition Societie* at the 'rW lo him by Hard the paper for one year, iijr^forwntuinn 0»e tlie Cheiaprake U.i), wiu> i> nrluiii* cum n.i, 1.1 dul>ar note, ||WUge pftllik, Clubtf *t tevcn lln-r pur^HMM-e, «rt* taken up for con*tuiration, Which were euvorully read iho lint, ami b\ North, to ilomi-nii*) nlavury, and lo thu right* of oreSr and adjadntat water cariiu*.e for wood nml j.iuilui c ' Irura n Ml HID xrond linio and patwd. iotm to hi. endiian,!} vrill bo tupplicd fur tho tame terfejjiy for nlmu«t every, part nl thr I*nil. pectal order, tho scconiJ time, und concurred thu *oVrri\l Slatc.i to llio rxeluiive r.igulaliua be ,neorted in on. .fa, warding a teii dullar nule. |iI7R;f !> papvri It it at prrarnt divided into tno firm-, Imtli M^. Tunii* nd, ohtoini-d linvc to brinp in o in. and control of their domestic ineiit ulioiu. •) of Annapoli^oan, tint trc tent out ul the city « ill VK cartlu^T ih a promitins; atilr of iuiprnvfn,riti, jtnl bill, if iiii'tii>ri,r Hie cniniiii**ioni-ri ol (In- vil Tin: hc.ur htiving arrived fur Inking up tho With the hi^neal cumuli r.ition, 'onUn, to app,,, ^0, I: pi- > ! PI rl I)t-|-oi:i to levy a li.i on dog*, in lobe h»W ln the cay « p.icked in ttrong envelope*, to prc\eqt^he\r pp* dri of i|iorl(.tj b) Mr THOe*. W. VKAZEY. alternate wee** otnerwur i> wnold be no- fret on those land* in prnntutinj; the growth Ihr 1'iil, o- liih d, nn act lo pri-tuu- in <-innil> lo U illii.. c.ililloil, nn nil for Ibe division in Kniti Which wn* road and rulorred to llio commit- GIDEON WHITE. |>o>iible to procure the nnmrrout Embellish- of elovcr the toil it netnmllv «t an excel­ the eufll-rrr* by ccrluiii not* in tin- city ol Uul- n ore nnd I'lrdoiick roiinlirii, HIM I >r the r lee Bin-ail) ii|>|M.inlvd on thai tuojcet. mrnti wliicn each number will contain ml lent quality, for grain and oilier tiojn, ai.i'. iia'rw. ictinj a nvn one by tliu i.nmo ol 'Cniroll,' nnd Mr. Winder lubuutted Ihe following pream­ the general interett it will afloni niunt be i-n- parlicultrly.wcll adapted In Ihe culture of On motii.n of .Mr. 1'ralt n.ii.1 dill «sj emend­ lo alii r nnd cliingr I In1 C'onnlilulion of Ihi ble nn'l resolution: hanceil by (hi* nrrangemen*. ftrtt qualiff nf Tnbacro. There it a gm>d ed by innTtlinn afli r llio m>rd 'coTnii.if.iini. Hi.ilr. tu far u* may bo nccrMiry la oU'i-cl Iho -Whereas, tno fifly-ninlh article of Ihe con. gCT^All order* mutt come to»l3p>' paid. water mill adjoining theme lnml»t and a airam ers" tu thu llnril line, lint fiction, tho folluit- IVA'IOR kC7>Addret«, CtlAllLKh Al.KX ,\N HUR, IJIIIC. a'-Jlution ol this tjtnto duct oxprvealy pr «ldr, mill in Annapulit,.both Wry convenient to ing: U/i m >lion of >lr. Snrivor, lh« IIOUKC »'o« cal­ Uial nollnnp m this form ol government, « hich 1 on the fir»l tt Athenian Unildirp, Vruuklin I'lacc, Pbtla- hi* ettale. ' . "And upon rrfa»«l to -'cl, or dc.ith of (illn r term* will eoniiaiK led, nnd lliu Doorkeeper a, nl lor iho i n-Ulc* to ino Ku*tem ihore pnrlicularly, (ball delphiaj Tlie buildings o«aj})utli jlif farmt .irr l>e«o- of mid coinn.iviii'iiorr, Ihi tinvrmor nnd t^un- mcinb'.TM, «t)o *Ucr a >horl timi* had ol at any tiii.e hcrrufter bo altered, unlcs* for Iho >r annum, puyoNi tifully tiluated on ctniir»ecci cotnmuiulinn . COUNTY, To Win cil rhall r.ppi-iiil *»iue prrwA or |-t ntonn to till r.-turn* d, and rfporti-il. tluil in obcdu-nce lo <>i- nl*. rniioii and conlirmalion Ihrrvof, at least two X tppllcttion kj petition in r.- fit Ing of Ziohiriih esteotivr vieivi of iho river aiid bay,.and are nuch vacancy '-r>." d r, h hail nudli >nl irM'.nbt-r* that in tolerable repair, ( Aa pciliyil iniKned to |unl> ul ull llio moinbi-re of each branch of Iho 'o gentlemen who O Pnliun, ^n tho n>c^«« of Atinn Arujidcl County On inolion of Mr. (ioujjli, »..iil lull \vu* fur- Ih. ir iilli nilanci. in tbo lintm- tv»* rri).urod Urnorul Aiecmblv cbnll concur," Therefore, Court.) to KIO the nitMcntxr, CUi«f JwJifO of tit* Thml purchane will view and judge for Ihcwsvlvc*, llicr nuvrndrd hy innrrtin|{ in union rccli. n, eireuUtioo of ibt > JudieUl UMltiot ol Iho hUl« of Mirylinil, pnying Iho Tin- houeo Ihon niuiuod tlu- c-iii«iuVrution ol' Me it rrfilved by Iho General Aaeembly of ilnlljr *oliril i te» t it ilccmed unnccvoary IVltejturr 'pnituu- lil\h lino, nller the word »M nling," lb< K uurd>, (mw/It of Uw Act of Ariemblr, tntttirj, "An act for lar in the Vbnriiptuin nf r(ii« rttaiier(r» It uid bill. Mnr)lui:i], Tlml no bill cnn c»n*litutiontlly !*•• ee» in in bchill- tho roll*!" of mnriry tntolrrnl I)»klof«," IIUM<] >t No. by proof undtr oalli." Mr. llrtiwn mnvoil to amend «-iiil lull, by ttxn<- a purl nl' ibo constitution of this Ut.ite, Turober nwion ISOi, uud UMMVTM! upplanwnU tlip/n. will be found on ajumlniliou taW.nurihy m»n, by the infer- to, a Kholulo of In* praiwrty, «»d » li»t of hi, emlilon, the attention nf thosr who niafhave mi'tier Mr. Kiclmrdeon inovod to (tiiko out Iho third Inking out in Iho hut liuu ol ihn lir.i M which (lovulc* fornn mi roft*e of repreeent»ti"O idd to the profit} *f (On o«lh BO (ki ha could a*ccitAUi them) boing ciiurx. to invrtt in real ettate, and |iarlirtilarly ol rclion of the bill; Ihu wunU nl WeMminiior,' und in* r ,.ig in in ruin r brsnch of tho I>-gi*lature Irem tbo ' «nd we mean It od to liimulil prtitwn, and 1 boin|> tli.l Uio >nrh a« are tkillrd in euttinp and-trlling tim>< Determined in Ihe nngnlive. leu thereof, ino lullottmi{. \V cetera ihorr, thai dncs nut utto provide lor a niJ 2>ch>n>ti Ppltmi hu ftclJwl in tlui nalo of Mur. lo Iho geographical cunlm of taui cminly. i n»iV »« will beoc himl for two yean neat pncnliax llu d*tn of hl< Mid ber, of which there it it great quantity near Ort^iolion of Mr. Hoyd, snid bill wit* amend pru)>oriiortii>' increase of roprvn-ntalioci from no hundred dollin p«liUo>, andl havinj| «ppointoil Thouiu Uurroci, tnw. the water, and none mure, remote than hall rd by B|UUti(; nl the end of Iho fourth section praclicablo, n ool, at tieur Ihorolo nn tln< (jr-jund tlie Eu*li rn iliorr, unleiui the *nme bo paated by MI good in disincii Coi (ur tho Wfttfti of Iho e/wlitnri of llm M[I| '/ichftriih milr. lbi>rc<>rimi fulli.winjt: will admit ul, iho ill lo bo nurnrUi.'ifd and n a niajorily of at li.i»l Iwo-lhlAJx of nil lhoio*rn- r greatest tuuKnp- Kjllon, which niil Iniitro Ji» f\nn bond in dao latra Thetr farmt will be divided. In «uil por- xSubjeet iilway* to tho coolroul and diipoai greed upon by Ihroo coiiimi.\iiotieri*, to iiv tip' brr» of each branch of the Goarrnl Anembly, fbt th* fiithfal prrfonnuio* of Ui» iruit, tnd UM »U lellinont mm wht !£nchuitl> i'ollou h«»mg (ITIQ baud with «ocu/it)f tot ehatrre. The Itrm* will be nimlrratr and a lion ol Ihu I> nslaturo." (xniiled by III (jovernor uml Council, nvilhcrof and be publivhrtt at kaul three montlu before a er««u of hit inqib. iiu pcr»om) appcunncc in Auuo Arumlcl County loo*; credit given for part of the |iurcha*e Mr. Duke. dUvcd*furtber lo amend Mid bill wimm fholl be r«*id«nti of uilltvr 1 ludurick 01 now eli-cdon, and *hnl| be- cooflrnicd by a sirni- not?) will bo it* Coi\rt, on Ilia third Monday of April nut, (o nnrwor munev, 01 for tlio njiole. if writ tei ured by adding at Ihe end "thoroof at an uddilional liullinioru counue*.' lar vote fiy the Gonvrul Afceinhly, alli-r a now circulation. (n th* «U«filion« or mlnmgttoiin of hU o»dHon,inii poaacMton may be had at any time. Uoli rmined in the ncgalivr. election of IMogafes, in ihi h>«t (easion after hiring uacuttd * to hi* wU Urn*. rctioii tbi I'ollow iiip, Fur further particular* etiiiairv of N. Drier Mr. Urown than tmm-d lo amend aaid bill,l>y uch m.> |^..u-, ontou.. vv week.._.-, lor... th« term o/ tfirm month*, A l« UK- A HW PI DEfc COUNTV, NC. ol lliu public jtro|x>rty and money, belonging to and resolution on Iho table, THECULTIVA- to appear before Ann* Araautel Coanty Court, to bo held by adding at tln> --nil itinrcof, theeo wcirJe, >'eo N appllcitioo by petition in writing of Molomaa far.- n* relate*_ , .. _ to.... Mrd.%,_. Wbiii,'it'i.:.. » di-ti-nuijMid.1.... _.: __i in iho '. id county, und from Ftxilt-ra-k county, one HesoUod in Iho alfirnLiiive. "HOWL ASSIST- la tbo city vf AtfiApolu on tbe third Uuuday i& April Km lor to me Ibe Mbaariber Chief Judge of tlie next, to ihow CAIUO, if any Dwy hare, nhy UK- aniij O foortli purl of tho co*l value of Ihe public pro- On motion of Mr. Miller, »t Office, Anojpo- Orphan* Coertof Ann* Arundel Couniy In Maryland, negative- The buuw> ndjouruoO, KaobarUh Pulton ihould not have tho boned of tho laid pr.\ying tho benoflt nf the Act of Aeemnblr, enlilfej, eitionion then recurred «nd Hit put upon prrty un;( money brtlunffing lo taid county, to bo 11. of. nmwa*]. ' Tho qu "An o>ct for the relnif nf eundry inaolvent dootorv, PAHI- iho amrniMmtiMmt n* pniuoawd by Mr. Duke, de. a»OTt.,im; nogali»». pointed by the Governor and. Council, neither of Thur*d*y, M^nfrli S4lh. ineoU thereto, a *cb*dule of hi* pru|ierty and a h>t ol' whom ahull reaide in either of uid counliee; . .- _ . hi* or*ditor* (on oath *o far oa ho could certain thum) Thn *.inl bill wu> Ihn /and thn ac-rond lime- Mr. Mclxnto presented a memonal of Mary ( oaeiiiaabon to m* the Mibecrilwr a Juitioe ofVihe hoing aancied to hia .*id petition, and I being aatufio/l a» mrndein ami Iho qurtiion put, ohnll Uio euid uid mum')- to bo paid over (u sucfi pereen or Gray, n colol^d woinnn, praying the pasngn of IL8. rOtpaaa* Court of Jjie county ulurrfjiil in nritmg, tlut tho e«id Holoiimn Fraak-r hu reaided in th* alato bill putw, rf*0veil in Iho affirmilivi-. pt-r».na, n« may be appuintetl by the legal vo- s law, authoriiing her tu remain In Ihe flfntc, of tlrnry Megf> ril pruying for the N-ntBt uf Iho Act of Maryland (br two yc»r« neit preceding Iho dato of leave |6 inform kil ' Mr Ely, called fur Ino yuie and nu)t, which Ur* of C'.irroll couniy, lo roeeivo Ibe same, Mr. Kent prueented s petition of J. J. Brooks ilir in neutral, (Wl fbrtho relief of nindry Insolvent debtor,, pieeod at "No- hit uid petition, and I ha»in|f appointed William llry- within onu year after the confirmation of thin abiorl Miking Bt- mniber aeeoioa. ISOi.oud th* eercral Mpplenienta then, an tniiUxi fur tho bunefft of the ianl Holoinon I-'ruier, were ordered by iho hoino, and other*, of Calvert couniy, pnying for an to, a Mhoajtle of hi* property and a liot of hia creditor*, wliUli MU! Irantoe ha* (riven kmvl In due farm for the Mr. Lnrrimoro oaked |u ho ciCUKtl by Ibe act, »nd lu be ap|ihpd nxcluaively to Iho build- act to incorporate the Ualtlo Creek Academy, iQnr Mii'.clf f«rlla! o, a Mj on Oeil), u far* a* heL can~- ascertain- ->« themn.»m beingi»(n» anneknnnioil I failhlUI perloraianM of lii* truat, and the vali] Solomon iri|[ of u court houau, jail, and such olli. r public in saiil couniy. * ^ an UNUKHTAK- Frailer having given bond with eocurity for hi> pcnun- hoiieu from vnling on tuid bill, ' buildinsjp as Iho Ivgnl voter* of said Carrol! to hia uetiUon, and tho *»ld Henry Modford having n. al *pp»>nnee In Anne Arundel County Court on Ih* On iho qucation boing put, Mr. Gouph prosontcd a polition of John Han- UiAed m* by oorapeteol teotimony that ho ha* realileU tblrd Mnnday in April ne»t, to aiurwer to tb«allegation* county may order and direct.' rllj be ln the BdJe)WlMvyland two yean Immediately pre- ' >- — •-- ulad It wa* rcoolved in Ihn affirmative. nnr, of Harlbrd county, praying the redrew of or inlorrogalc-rira uf hi* craelllari, and having exee Determined in tho nofoliro. i. certain grievances therein mentioned, T in the HIM) »it- oeJlag Ihkt the liino of hi* application, nnd I Kit lia i* a ilend of convey*»co to hi* Mid tiuatee for all hi* pro. . Tho yeaf and naya were ibon lukuo and ap­ r*. i| direttioB . In ocloal goiloay for debt m'y, and baring ippointcd porty, and the ediil tmetee tinting oertifimt Uio drlivpry peared at follow, . Mr. Winder moved to rccoMidei tho first Mr. Povall proMntcd a |xffJR^> of sundry ci. « Inurtee, aad *ud InavtM hiving given bond fbr Iho thonef lo him by Iho uid Haeomoii r'raiier, I do hrre- soeiion'of said bill, fo» the purpoeo of amend- llcena of Woodaborough dittrioS, in Frederic* "if pablle for (t«lr Mrfbrmaao* of amid tmet, it la taafwipon onWroJ anJ bv onitr and aUjailge Uiat lit* a*J4 Holemun I'raiicl give Mi-Mr*. Oautt, ttponknr, Ileiinl, Fowler, moat, county, praying for an appropriatioo to tho Ae- twenty yrar*, (•*! djod**^! m Uwt UM aajJ Henry M*Ufurd bo di*. notice to hli cn-ililor* by coming a copy of tliU onler •nil •tlcDlioo will charge*1 nora oouftaement, and that hv oauaing a copy of to bo Inwrtod in one of tho nowipapo/* prlnlod in the Dunkinoon, C'-rrult. of Ml. MuryV Igli-hurt, On Ibe rtue«tion bolng put, will, tho hoOto n- ademy in tbo town of' Woottsbbroagh ia »• r- thli order to bn lutrted In th« Maryland Uaietto onco city of Annapolie, oao* a week for the U*m of thrue Menxr, Kent, Wocnia, Mvrnck, Carpenlur, I)u eonndor iho flnt spclion, 'v " < district. woek » Uuo*.*uoM«eiv*, month* bnlvn Uio third month,, to apuoar bofl)f« An Be Arundel County Court, It wa* delenmnod in the nflfntlre\'J1 . ' j i ON o. Mondty in April wit, ho rjire notice-Ubia creditor* lo (any, Wi'n'ddr, Haroblolon, Dudley, Brud.Mul li­ And, Mr. Brewer priiMnfed a' qieamial of tu bo held in the city of Annapoli*, on the third Mun. Mr. Ely moved lo amend anid bill, by striking Ann 8nnd*,of4jio cily.of Armapoh*,- only ),_, ppeor boforo Anno ArunJol Counlv Cuurt, to ahew day of April next to allow cause. If any they luvn, why ken, Jone*, Dennii, Ford, Ua>ly, Town»cnd, ante, tf *ny Utev b»ve, why the mM Henry Modford tUo aaiil Holomon Frailer lionUJ not have the benitil of Prnii, Brvan, Brewrr, Ducket t, lienwley, out in the Olb section, third lino, theee wori»,- hould not hare the baneA of Uw »U aot«/AoMUbhf lb**oidut*a«*a*|aWaoat*u-prayed, < »nonco. Wh|t»Wk, Hram, Gilllw, WUli»\ An- be drrewed by law,' and inscrtina; in %nd ib4 eoerloinout, thereto a* .TT^ _ OlfJBON WIU1B, Mtiv Wwvall, Shmor, (juugb, Carter, TunM*it Llieu Uiweof UN (oilowinf, -in tbe eamu munnw Jtn,

    -#.' t • -

    f-.>7. ' '»' ••^;^ •4* >'A ;. tctohv Tuntf&aaW and for the extension four, chapter two hwoYa^ _., OfjsjMtkMoTMr Harry. Ik* koate took oflk« 'chart***** * MTMK! Bank* ia thi* sjnplement* thereto! fof fcf niuUiMliii tk* MM rep**** by Mp awmraMllia*. BMkoNaVowo, tied, M M* to *Jtor HM eoMitiirfe.) «f that AltA !>* «.> { e«rtior*ta tk* fiNnstd Congregatis* »f Fiwlnriolt; baWMJ«y,'Jm S*«IMB'* On. Bethil liH*i Swtk, tato, M lo tk« Hsnt aavJ anajmw of u»Mtfa«J Ik* a*rm ) Of*W>eMlra>, ia Unrford cot»£, Abo, a bill to fjroviia for tk« *«ry c/joror* in ' ' ' T, BOH.J*, Md I*M *n*4* «f UUnf «p«*%Mfi*J| ft AfckVt lit) t» Avon* Mary Beaore, ot Pro. Worcocter county i POtOXAC tlwtbody. Vrkk ooMtr, from her husband Jacob Be. Alao, a bill, to authorise the laying oat and A public CTMnin»tion of tto fnpib Alexafidria Edwin Do*Wy. L F. -, ore, opening-of a road m Cecil county therein men­ Annapolis Primary School KlftlM b^ld, Mr. Anna* moved lo lay said bill on tk* to. on roundry WillUtt niftiM»tmi,C. B.TJZI.' Mo, and maka il ib* order of to* day for 4*4ur. Al**, UM *jsnp1<>tneiit to art for Ib* reva.1 tioned; school room on Urocn L Georgetown Hennr Sttw. - , ' atiofj and roaMfsswei* of the real property iff] . Alao, a bill to divorce Mary Hammer of thr 3l.t ,n.t., cummcncing at 9 o'clock A. M. The "dav next, th* 34th io*t »o«-|bo*chool, pan-nls, guardian, and Leeaourg Joaepk Want*. Dvtermir.ed in the negative. SC Mary'* county, city of Baltimore, Iroin her buaband. Jamea J. Frederickaburg NeUott HeaJ. Mr. Pralt moved to strike out th* eancling ' Abo, lo* hll lo incorporate tbe Upper Marl Hummer; all ,ntere*tcd are respectfully '«'*£ «»_?"!* RICUAHD II. WATEB8, Fairfai B. K. Vilcb, P. ThoauM . elauM of th* bill; bore AJMosmy in Prince Guorgu'* county, j Also, the bill lo authorise tbe oonunwaioners Rock Creek A. A. RVKJB. Determined in the negative. Also, tbe bill to change the Uine* of holding of Cecil count* to levy a sum of money for the March 24, 18M. Twcber. London Oerard Morg«B, S. O. Rica. Mr. Boyd moved t* amend said kill by *trik. be November term of Someraet couniy court, put pose of eroottng additional buildiags to Ihe Warrwton N. J. B. -Morgan, A. Taylor. f out in the fin* notion, third line words' tor. Abo, Ibe supplement to an act, for building a alma house of autd eounty; *everally endorsed, We arc«*«bon*ed lo *»y. ikat tho following SuflbnJ O. C. Uroofco, ]». Pfaalfi*, T, J. «jr*oao,' and inserting in lieu there**; nbirty bridge over Derr Creek, in Harfoid couniy, ]>aa- ' Mill pass," aoverally ordered lo be engros­ Ticket will fc *up|>ortod for the Common Coun­ HaroJn ssd Uoccsnbcr soasion 1884, chapter 130, sed; cil of thi* City on Iho first Monday of April Determined In the negative. Akso, tb* hll lor the rvlx)l of Robert A. Far. 'Also, the bill for tho relief of Jame* Dcrick noxi, by MANY VOTERS. WMeVitV A. Mr. Burchenal moved to amend id bill ky nil and Edward Huff, U the city of Balti- son and William Hollund, and Ihe trustees ol JOHN RANDALL, (J. A CoUinsv Agent inserting after the word 'senator* in the Id see. Berlin academy in Worre»lcr county, endorsed WILLIAM BRVAlf, lion, 10th line, tho word* 'and three delegate* Alao, the supplement to an net, ID incorpoiute will pass with Ilio propiMvd.amundmonU;" JAMES F. BRICE, P. B. - * to Ike General .Aastmoly," Ihe town of boonaburougb, nnd tho ««vernl ad- And dolivt-n^: n mil orignated in and paaaed RICUARD G. HVTTON, Mr. Annan moved to emend *aid amend, diliun.' tnerelo, by tho Svnalo, n liili-d, n further supplement to Buckingham W. H. Coffin, W. Hoostos, JOHN T. BARBER, oj Joht, Slounton B. N. Brown, 0. D. llopkimi,,. .meat, by adding al the end (hereof, those words Also, Ihe hill, to wntliorue Iho building of an net, enli.luu. an ..el relating lo tree NICHOLAS H. OHEEN, exerpl F rede nek county, which shall have bridge uvor LilUe Kumnuy Crock, in Uarlbrd and nlavis; Augusta Stephen Smith, T. OiSuoicr.. JAMES H. IVLMIART. Bocky Spring A. A. E*kridg«. nvr,' county, Tliu nour huvin^ arrived for taking up Iliv _ \ Determined in the negative. Alan, tho bill to change the name of Norrm or.ii r» i.l .li. day, Ihe house proceeded to the Uximgtoo 0. W. Humpbreya, Jaia 8. Hn, The question then recurred, and wna put M. J. Sljo, of Hi. .Van's county, i-miNid. mioii i.f Ihe first order of the day. being Fnm IV Battimorr Republican of yettrrJof. tin. ' opoo the aa>endiae*M aa proposed by Mr. Also, the lull lo provide for Ihe relief nnd thi bill reported by Mr. Merrick, c uirman ,o' The llotiiiuruMo BUM UL«n!«,yeatertl«> re. Fineastle Jacob LaniM. O. L. Brow*. BurrdooaJ. pporl ot lhu poor und indigent person* in HIP co'iiiinU- < on ways and incann, enuiled,^ai rigm-d Ibo-vmce of District Judge of Ibe United Cbrutiansburg 1 W. Oafwm, Wm. Met j Determined in Ike negstiv*. Worcester county. ucl to incor|xirutu "ihu Etulern Bank of B*ln- State* fur lhu Marylaiid District. Ward. On motion of Mr. Long aald bill wa* amrni! Alan, H' further supplement to th«? net, for tin nion..." Monroc J. W. Cullura. Covington J. W. Richsi\l*on, W. B. F, ctl by inaerting aa the 9th aectioo incrcol, the better regulation of Ihe Militia ol Ihe city ro(>"Tied by Mr. Mcmi k, cbairman ol of Ann.ipolis, render an account of our pro Franklin F. M .Vills. John H. Linn, 8vinle of this Stale, a* now unlrblmliod,' JVhile, ot the coinmiilee on w.iya and means, entitled, cccdinga during thr ycai ending on this day; in Now River Mission Tho*, J. Dyrie. Mr. Qough niuvrd further to nmrnd aaid bill Hevrmlly cndorwd. 'will panv nnd severally an acl lo incoiporiitu Ibe Farnn-rs and Milltr't doing which we would observe first, that tbe ar. by tickling at the end of llic 8lli section Ihereuf ordered 'o h,1 en£roM.-cl, Biink ot II 1^1 r-i 'lo»n. rival of our eighth anniversary find* Ihe insti­ WINCHESTER DISTRICT—I thu Inllowing |>r»vi*o. Also, Ihr b.ll for 'he relief of Thomas G.irix-1, The naiil bill Mas then read the second time, tution in a stale of progressive improvement P. E. Provided, this net iihall be confirmed by .if U athinglon couniy, ameml d .no pim. which calls fur, and we would hope, prodoon Wincbeafqr Station Job fyicat. rmjorily i»f votera ol this Hula, al Uia mill Ot Alw. th- hill, nmli d, nn net relating lo L Ti>c hnUM thvn rcsuiucd tho consideration of senwitions ol gratitude in Ilio heart* of it* fTinchealer Circuit-^)*^ »'alta,H. UoiUat leric^ In 4lw Slnlii of Maryland, tobvr eU-clion,' lhu tail, i-iiliiliil. an url for the re!uf of the fncnds. Jeffenwn John llowell, H'm. Evans. Determined in the negntive. Sovrrally i ndorwii, .«il| pan* with the pro- heirs 01 Jane U bile, lute ol Ins city of Balti­ The commencement of Ihe present year a* Harper* Ferry Tho*. 11. W. jkfanre*. Tho »oiil bill was then road I ho fccond limi jMioeil iiinendmrntf*,' t* hirh amendment] were more. i ihibijcd in our report, found six orphan* in the Berkley .la* Berkly, G. W. Deems. 0* amended. severally rvnd, anwnlfd to, and the bills ordurod On million »l Mr. Dulony, xniH Ul) wa* n. Bath John Ouyer. Mr. Pratt movnl to refer aaid bill to the con to be i-npriwwed. Asylum, tho removal of one pupil, for whom a uvoded by inseitinp after the tvoru 'on' in the suitable silustion bad been procured, and tbe Hillsborough W. Munror, R. W, ill-ration ol Ilio ncil General Assembly o Also, the n-solulion relative to Iho Ann.ip 'in 1st - '-in.n n tenth line, Ih so words, "or Springfield O. D. Chenowitb. and Polonnc Cunul, endorsed,'. urutnl to,' r- ul»>ut." admission of one who wu in a destitute state, Maryland, forms tbo only change thst hss occurred in ibe South Branch Davis KennUon, J. M. Grwt, Dstenrunoil in (he negative. drrcd lo lie rn^rosx-d. On ninlioa of Mr. Gough, snid bill was fur. Moorfield J. V. Rigden, J. Sline. The question then rvcurrvd, and tvaa pul And, ill lire riu ihe folloninj; bills, originnlod Asylum, except Ihe gradual, but visible improve­ thi r uini nd'-d by in~ ning ulUr the worJ ment in (hone thai remain. The six children Woodatock M. Gohoea, M. U. Hamiltoa. Kill the mid bill pan, in nnd paMi-d by tne :'ennle. »i/j ywilvc'." in the wimr HIIMOII nnd 8lh line now under our care are all loo young to be usr Lurev Woalcy Hcwe. Wm. G Deal. Itnaolrod in the affirmative. A bill, lo cnrn ihr ill IrrliM acknowledge riK r -i.I. tlic following, '-Pruvulcd the *ill, I mcnt nf a ilerd Irom ll.'nry Iliili-rm and \ irs ol June Whilr, for damages Boopsboroagh John L. Gibbon*. (er county, of Frederick county, UOIH- in lirr |>r.>pvrty by a mob. on or .'bout tbr picture of security and comfort which il is gra­ tifying to contemplate. TW world smiled BO* Bedford D. llartmnn. 8. V Blake. Alao, the rraolulion rflnlive to opening the And, n bill, entitled, nn nrt to rrguliile I In y-.ii I M IV. and th I iiiuy inay be and ure here­ upon their infarcy, tor they were destitute ol Cumberland P. Dr Ltpoeornb. navigation of the in .null IIH d lo sund for pvrsqps and pupcrs, Allegany D. Barry, >. O. MoKwban, N avt county; severally cndoraud, assented lo,' or. city ol Baltimore, and iiiakr report lo this huvse whether this u u aught to in it* favour, but Ihe Father of Ibe falhcrlea* ho* conducted (bum by his providence Cuaningbanx dired lo bo ongruaaed, Mr. Lung, from the committee on prievntu-xi propi r Hubji-ctof legudative coupfuisalion, and if to an asylum from the ovila that encompassed Clearaonnp-tJtneary.T. C. llsya*. Mr. Prat:, from the joint committee, deliver, »nn courts ol justice, submitted the lollowi in tln'ir wis.lon> U shnuld bi- eonndorod that in- NOSTHl'MBERLAND DISTRICT*' ed Ike following report; presmblu and remiuiion, di'Miniiy m pruprr, lo report whether Ihe aame thnr dawn of life, »her* they might learn lo lisp hi* praise and read hi* holy word, and tho*n W«. TarrrvBAN, P. E. The commitlde on the part of Iho hour-, np Whomns it is represented lo this As­ ill be levied, mi Ih city ol Baltimore, or on 8unbury O. Ogr.tiilr* C. Gibbon*. poioled lo conler with a committee ON the port sembly, (lull Iho eilizcnii ol this Suite Inhourun- K v li -li prup- : t\ » nhin the Stale." who aid in their support may safely believe tlMl inasmuch a* they give unto one of tbo le^y Hoiltdaysburg J. Fnirert, Jared II. Yom*> of lhu sosjatc on the subject of the disagreeing di-r st-riou* inconvenii-nci in conmM|uenre ot Hi' \\ .. i li u 11.1 ri.ud. Lcwistown Henry Taring. voice of the two beuses on tho amendments pro. rxaction of double tnlU or. lhu Chesapeake and Tin- Imuvi llion idjourned. of those, Ineir bounty will be legarded aa gfretf lo Him. Lewislo«>n Circuit J. Slrvena, R. R. Been, posed by the HouMol' Delegates, lo the bill en­ Dulawaro Cunai, und »hany, nnd dun alicr- riir. Ti. I el« XHJ only. And alia, treasurer'* report. We received for thai exhi­ bition valuable donation from Ihe ladies of Ihe Philipsourg John Andonon. ference, they have agreed lo recommend that wartls conslrninod in vons- i|iiunrr ol Hie in. l()\LK'> Lull KRV, TMU Capital* of th.i house do recede from soul amendments, una ill Meilnrn* ol wild c.impuny, lo a c. nnin John Adelphiad, (Baltimore) in addition to tbe usuul Huntingdon John Bowen, Jam** I. Hooav ,i,544, .1... Ss...) " urn nutiibrri of other weart. thai tbe bill BO returned to tho Senate lor MI- llanaull, ul Delaware, lo | ay naiil lolls over lo 'UK- . mini K f liberal offering of. our (benevolent ciltsena. i» a Uinmoiid King va- Cleurapnng Mission Jacob AfrEndly. groasinont. suid Manual!, or olw br mjbjectod to vnnlioun Uid si gl.DOU. lirkets fci only. Friend* and member* of thi* interacting *oa- On motion of Mr. Berry, law suil«; and wh reas, imid It.miliill tnforcua 1 itkel* fur k«lr it) tlir «l>o«e at iv, we have no new motive* to urge upon you CARLISLE DISTRICT—AKVKBW IU»> Ordered, that il b» nutud o* llir journn!. tliut Ins cUinii n^Minm *aid cuinp ny, by ullachiog K. DLBOIS- Lolltry llfflo for perseverance in Ibis guod und hitherto sue- mu, P. E. . ' he dissented Iroin Iho report of suid commit, the lolls of said company, ..n.i hii right lo do ao CKsslul CHUM. Yet we continue to feel Ihe full CariiWe G. G. Cookmon. lie) ho* bctn duly rrci>nni»«.il by courts of I MAKYLANDKI ATBI force of Iho** already exhibited^ and you Will Carlisle Circuit W. O. Lonadoo, E. Jkfukr. On motion of Mr. Prntl.said rrport waa then in consequence ol which ind"i)iidni"« of *nid we ore pcnajadod' be .futmsbed by your u«n York C. Kulbfua. Cl.i» Nn. 7, Ini IbJO. 8br«w*tairy J.Grubrr, J. Bwing. rto4 the accond tune by special order, And company to said Uundull, lhu citizen* of this I'g be ilrawn at UalliiHiur on Monday, heart* with powerful iifccnlivo*. To do good the question put, State are subjected lo double lolls, in violation April 4, 1836. i* not only life imperative command of duty, il llarfonl II. Furlong,' A. Smith. it also the aource of present gratification lime Great Falls J Collina, H. G. DilL »WiH me house concur in *aid report," of ihe charter of auid cotnpiny, whurufurc, Approved by W ilium H Stuart, E'lwiiil Dclormrnid in the negative. Resolved by the General Aaaanioly of Mary it ever on tbe wing, and therefore, Ibo good that Liberty C R. Young, II. 'lugiii-x and J. S. \Villisnn, Cominitninnert Frederick Cily S. Bryson. The hour hating arrived for taking up the or. land, that the Attorney Grncrol oflhuHuu-, be D. S. UUtGOK\ ti (o. 8ucc*»»i.r» of we would do wn must do promptly Ihe period ders of the day, ike house proceeded lo consider .md ho i* hereby authorised and diroclcd lo t Ju/ri and M'/nlyrt, Managtri. in which we can work i* rapidly passing away, Frederick Circuit W. Butler, JoavParktr, tbe first order of the day, being Iho bill reported proceedings in any of tho courts of this 8utv, and we ahull soon lose tbo power of action in Jumex Reed, sup. by Mr. Memok, chairman of the commute* on having competent juruilictioa either by sciro the stillness of Ine grave ol Ibis truth wo have Oettytburg R, BonH. Jame* Brnak way* and moan*, entitled, an net to incoqwrato faciaa, quo wurranlu or information, n* he may prize of a melancholy illustration, in Ine removal of one Delegale* to General OoaJerenoc S. C. think bosl, lor tho |iurpo*o of vacating nod lor. who a few week* ago took an active part in Ikia Roszel, A. Griffith, W. ilamitlon. NorrsJ WO- tue Chcsnpcike Bank, price of ' 7,000 1 he said bill was then road 4be second tiro* feiting the charter of said CbeM|M!a.ko and De Society, and who formed on* of Ihi* Board. on, D. Sleele, John Daris, W. PMI) man, Je<« amended, and phased. lawara Canal Company, for and on account of prizt of 4,0* K) She ia now shrouded in ibe voatment* of the A. CollinA Samuel Brysoo, Root CaJMan, J«a* Tho house then proceeded to the considers the facia staled in Ihe preamble lo Ibis reaolu piize of 2,190 grave, and w* shall see bar no more in ibe lion uflbe second order of Iho day, bring tbe lion, and on any and evury git und ol forlniluro prize of 1,500 flush wo have every reason to believe that her Reserved D*l*gtlc« C. A. Dmris, H. 8UceVN bill also reported by Mr. Morriok, chairman of that may be found lo exist in relation to said 10 [.r'ucs'of l.UtO desire on earth was lo do her master's will, and Thos. B Sargent the commillao on way* and mean*, entitled, an charter; provided however, lh«l *uid proceed ' 10 prizrs of 6(10 that mating from h«r labour* her works have (CrNext Baliimore Annual Conference a) net to incorporate the Farmer* and Planter* ing* shall not be instituted or otoaeculod, if the XO prize* of followed her. Lot us also atrivo lo be ready, be bald in Ballinore, JkTansb 33, 10TT, President and Directors of said 'company sh.J 300 for in ouch an hour aa we think not, lljo *on of Bank, BO prizn of Tlte aaid bill wa* then read the second time adjust aaid claim or r nvdy Ihx inc»nvienl to an act, to incorporat 1H040 firixn, amt'g. ^ B'297.440 Ball. City Mi**, SaoNie) MfMullin. wived yeotardoy afternoon, from I*ck*onvillf. H JU4I Road Company, paaaed December oo the Maryland Mining company; Baltimore Cir> rounds. onv^l* Courier, whick contain* tfce followiaf Tk* olerk of tne SenaU relumed tbe kill, bridge over North Kast Cntsk, at or near Nort Sovern Willium Dunk, K. R AU»«. intelligence from Gen. Gains* srmy. F* «»> to incurpurate the Loonard Town Aoadavny, in Eaat, la C*cil county, > Anpspolia^-Jokn Holsal. want of provisiona, they harn been Migod » .XuMary'* county, . Abo UM kill for the prdHction tf oyatcrs i Tkketi anil Share* for tile *t /' West River-rJohn A, Cere, Joseph Plotner. retire to F9rt l>wne, whore Ihe gallant Uai*» Alao, th' bill to lay oat, alter or_cba* ;e, the Ulde ChopUok «r Hudson HI?*, or i Calvert-^J. Muuroe. yielded ibe elmmand to Ihe no IMS f^kuj) creeks in Dorchester county; , ' in Prince Uoorge's^gsj^y L01TBRY A RXCHANOR OFFICE, St. Mury'* Wm, S. Evans, n. H. NtdaK Clinch, and *et oui for ik« We«t. ; Mtty te fn.1 AUo a bill to repeal part of an act paaaed (Churth'itreei, Prince Ueorge>-Jolip U. Bokcj. We arc of opinion, Ikat Q**. O****M b»WI *v . ' O- .:'"' '•* Ih. '*A i .ft f»L . . ».*•/*.:*-.-:^,W^ • -•"i -- •' w»r K«« ) »»»V»ot becattM hie or- 0/100^4 ob ottf'Uft. IT. ore* - v^i. _ _ ATEIflDrt.'-' AMERICAN L1*B INSURANCE 1 . - • "t den ootnpefled him *o to do; and, M Ge*«r*l them Orttnto, Orpluau Otvrt BxbJIitint tne oggrogat* oyftfMdili Clin«k * *. MIVMIIIKT COMPANY. *> « xatofcMCwI officer, be did not fe*l •mtf NteMd fcUUliwAlhtftafe eachgcimalonevgvinArJKaniMrioeMn authofBted to vioUto Unee order*, one of tbe am tboy rMttttrV »* too th* MM*. »pplieition by MCtW' SotoMoti O. for th»ye« 18*6. V^ ^ Ar*t dB*iM ot" tte Midiev Mng to render cheer­ Blecilafrf ttr* Iwt will and Peoaiooen, W ful obedience to hi* Miperion. Beevto*. the fee *pot »*, h*** lettamtDt of Blijik Cb*«6J, !•» of Am* F. MAC AH LY, p«tt^»«*» Balthnort. ! * Seott, entrusted with tho chief command oo«*id*rable qoentity of Wdtt, MOW rice, etc., Arandel county, ii»cea*od, it (( «fd«red that Public Rood*. ( Florida, WM, we pmume, known to be up fbctxL *o I (MM they toft in a hnrry h« give the nutic* reqlired bv- law for Juror* lo lha < pnooianj Port Drawo. What neceeaity, then, They Hkro bad Uea- Golneo eoospktely *ur- creditor! to eihlbit their diloMilaw agaimtjfce|»ir?»t, PuMio Ferric*; •fat OMJM* to romoin, when *ooh im*on* urgod rounded for *evernl day* pfeviuu* to oar arrival; deceaied, and «i»t the aan* b*> Mr> Orphana' hi* withdrawal. they bad fought kin nil the day beibro without lithed once in each week, for th«th* *MC*tpac* of tis Sailifl* to lh We are mure inclined to look upon tbo ad­ ~"! " week*, m one of the newtpiper* _ Company wo their own litet, or on ,.._ much execution oa either side. State W read1. vance* of O*eola iu"-a deep itratagem laid by Hearing tbe attack printed in Annapoli*. ivr* of othrra, and either fui Ihe whole d*> of Gen. Clinch, the offi- Sundry ration of life, ur the wily anvngc, than any *enou» di^oailion for cert in convention with O*cola advi*od bjii> to SAM'1, B%>WN, Jun'r." for any limited pt were literally Dollar i on a M* Charley Omathlti of tho gray-headed Thomp­ county, hath obtained from tlie Oiphant Court CommiwtolMjr* and Clerk, 7«0 in a *Ulo of *tarvalion. They had killed and of Anne Arundel county, in Miryliml, letter* Lunatic ] !*M) ____ANNVAi. PAY son, and ll*c companion of the aettroyur of eaten tcveraj berao* and dog*. Ono *oldier leitaiarn 147" ljr«*r 1 TSr* l)td« and hi* martyred aoKiciatcvfaafl, frotn a- the personal rilote of Eli- Burymg r**n. Lit*. tuning vtolen a dog and killed it, oold one of the e of Anne-Aiumlel coonlv. Crow* Ucada, V m eo y*u«. Uft. ny do*«re to npnrv'thc nlood of our countryman, quartor* for tive dollar*. For thi* act of itoal. rtoni having claim* againtt UCT— in Ibat career ofcninoge, lo purvuij wliicb Coroner* and Juror* as M 3 38 I 48 70 3 05 ing, or welling, or all together, he received a se­ _ -..-- , are hereby warned to rx- Printing, "V 15 77 86 C 39 I 37 bu bd* bathed lii* bandi i* innocent Mood, trod vere flogging. 76 S If Ono man gave as dollar* for a Inbit tho tan*, withjhe vuurhert thereof, to Communonera for Annc-Anrodrl 16 M 90 r~» 40 I 69 84 3 20 So, W*. upon too pro»trnio bodiv* of the ooblo and I lie pioco of hone*' cntral* about a foot long. Five the lobicribrr, at or before the 89th day ol ir 86 B. county under tho act relatihu 91 cs 41 1 7R 88 3 31 feravo, and nurtured, for vrojutioua inommt dollar* w>aj|^ivcii for a biscuit and Iho aame for September next, they may otherwise by law Id 89 99 69 42 I 85 3 40 T. Oi therein lo gratify lo tbe People of .Colour, ^\ 654 sg ilieio, tbo revengeful fouling* a quirt of corn. He forheur to mention many b* excluded fruni all benefit of the iiul ettate. Colli ctun Cooinuation, 19 90 94 73 43 I 89 91 3 51 kridg if the ravage brca*. We tru«t no tilth may other act*, ibowiug whnt hunger will compel Giv.-n umler my hand thia *9th day ol 80 20 91 Surplus, 834 54 95 77 44 I 90 94 3 63 jR-nccforth be placed in tho failb of OwoU. one to do, which nro related of lhc*e patriblic Maarh 1836. Al OS 97 82 43 I 91 9fi s r 3- Unlike (be Sun in hi* noonday briglilnc**, be men, thue iMuundod and mifTering in a mvuge ,f .. SOIX)Mt)N O. CHANKY. Ex'r. 4* 94 99 88 46 t 92 98 87 Amount of Levy, $wa.4ft5 11 23 O. L. Brow*. ]>lc*fo* neither hn own or tbo pooplo of other wilderneos. Yet there wa* ported (uibordino- ^..—"^L^l^-^. Coinmiiaionera ol 1'nruary School*, 64.00U 97 03 93 47 1 93 99 01 uumc*. Unlike tho simr brillnnt luminary in «4 99 07 98 1 Wm. n tion, and every me* w:m prompt in Iho di«cli.irgp 81OO UKWAlttl. Cullvctor* Comminion, UT>4 H9 48 94 02 IT lib) morning briglltncaa, Ue lnru\r*Jio *mile ol of hi* duly. The Aluchua volunteer* cheerful, 2J 00 IS 04 49 I 95 2 04 49 RAN A \\A-Y from the «nli 2b 07 promi*o over a favoured world, but reociuUing ly distributed' their biscuit* and corn, rowrnng »cnber on the 2ith inttanl, II 50 I 96 09 60 W. ».«, liim onty, when vcilod by the cloud* ot" hoavoA, WMo for themselves. It wn* aflectiti.z lo «it- ^IS 23 17 51 1 97 30 75 Negro Man Amount of Levy, 4^38 80 28 24 52 2 0« 37 •JO Jl,*up. or declining in Mood beneath in* wcduru ion- n^Mtnegrredincksund tliankfuhiemwilh which BILL. kc*. wn, bo throw** (o our acccptnnco a doom of they recetvod a \vliulo or a hall biscuit iron, 29 48 J3 31 53 a 10 39 24 gloom or a night of *orrow. May it JM the for* II' it a uliort thick «ct frllnw, Doririt, *>lu 40 30 SI 1 Sf, 86 54 3 18 89 40 Lyon, L. their deliverer*. By onl-r tl 32 42 2 43 Muic of ou/^alUul array la about 5fert 3 inchrihij(li,bro«il of Ihofltoard of Commi«liooer* lor 33 * S« tl 7» T Hartman. view Into a* lho«e/. Tbo evening of Ibo day on which llir-ir inter- tr.iim, », vrry UUrk, and 21 )rar\ ol agcj Anno-ArunUcl QotQlv, 34 33 40 a so 36 a 47 3 36 ling not, but not 53 6 05 hn H. Linn, iocnuuung -in hi* Ulo«d,M*in«d view wa* interrupted by the arrivnl of Gonenil he upeiikii quick, ami when rpriked »pt to R ^T K.J. COWMAN, Clk. 34 48 2 37 37 70 4 20 6 27 J. Dvrle. colour a* bo ai>Jui froai their eight. Bul may Clinch, O«oo|A*nnt word to Gun. Gninot, thnl tan nii-r very inuih) hi* clothing, hating 34 33 50 2 64 38 14 4 31 Q 30 RICT lii* di*k when viewed. be ibotn of IboM rny> if IK' would eend away the horaemen. (Alacliua ainrinlT, cannul br ilrtcribed. (In p i"'4 i'ii» |>irl of tin- roonty btfote. lie occuiuncy uf Mr. /achariah(Duvall. For . W. Jfanro*. erm* apply lo inerreit w,ll be ptul iemi annually, ur il can . W. Deem*. HAD AN INTERVIEW. Gen. Gnincs rctuinvd to l''ort Ur.uii-, Hi which Mi .1 nuniiiiT of inquaintnui r« anil rela­ icniiin tu n cumulate uv cun (.111.1.d interest* tion* M din' u'loiic AIIIII|HI|I,, where ha iniy >^R1CIIARD M. CHASR. Th* new* from the c.uop nt' Uencr.iUUinci p)*«o Ovuola MM to'havu mot him, .Ifunilny or More^h 10. RICHARD \\ ILbON, S*«'ry e, R. W. Latkm, continue* lo bo of great i;Mj>ortnnco. In unr Tu-tday lojit. AOcr reucliing thi* Fort, ho | lir !:.irli'io>. '. fur a «»ilf 111 t»«c hf it not Ballimoije, Jan. 31 % l83f. la-4 wo (tatcd Oca. Clim'V wilh tbe Alacliua tTaniforred the commanu to lion. L'lincn, uini rcfs-ul 1,1 gi ttum 080 uiutietliatvlyuiutietiatvy. __ _ — ————_ _ . j-.»^. A r>P J p*ii«'iially, 'ir by leltrr, pc.t paid, owith. Thr .iliiivr rt wan) will be g:trn if^lakr HA1 tfrViutrtiTiber hit obtainrd Fmm anu>o«i,J. M. Orwa. ' inililti, had joined him. H> wore then unable loll for NewOrlcaii* by tlir way ol fallal,...MUM . n loJ. N. UATKlNS. Ag'i fT' - ompa- lo italo correctly ll >r> tin n over 13 mile* fniin hoiuv, am the OrpRkoi Court of Anne Arunild ny in the City uf Aunipolr tbe partie*. The follow. During *omv 01' Ihr cngngemunla ho rvCLivc-M n county, ing extract of a kttor to t n Editor, will abow V.lihv I). ilui*...... il 13 iniln or iiiulrr. r lettrrt or^ilminiitralinn un Ihe per- February II.______R. M. O. Hamiltoa. wound; tho ball pu.i»in^ through lut lip, Itnix-ii- BASIL I), MULLI(iaiiliiirr, latr uf Mill 'm. G Dial. tbe force which accoeBpeinie-J llio pruvoiun*. cd oat two of hin icclli, but i!» force b ing near­ near Ouud I.uck I '«M Offifr. Ptincr uunty, ilrcranrd. All pr^aonii hating rlanni Farooer* Uemk *>l MarTlatBeV, ~ QI8TRICT.—1. The futco which wewt ( Hie rulid W Ueo. ly 5p--nl, it did him nolurlhur injury. jt-'» courflr, Mil. jtaintt laid eititr, an irqVcitrd to pmenl March 16, I8..G. Oiioo* under the command uf -on Clinch, con- Thi* rnorc.-iicnl of O^-olu i.i r i|iic»linp nn Marrli.1l. / tnein, Irgnlly uthrnlir»i>>il.Nwil iho«c m- 'I'HE Pretidrnt and Dir»cl..n ul Ihe Par. it. iited of four cornpanio* of .luimtod velunleen ialorvruw, when lien, (i iin'-a li.i'l b-cn r.iiir- ly Tin- Editnri of tin- Amfnciu, Ball lebted are driiird tu make ininTWJutr pav- * nifrt Bank of M*ryl* U have declared a froii Alachum county, com minded by Captain* urroundod by hut follower*' for i 1.;. .. ami Nation.') InlrlligrnciT, \\ ai/hiii^ton, uil nent. dividend nl THRU. r*4 ck»T on the Mtork o' IVilUania, C«rwr, it. rn, .ind Lieut. Urfl, one tainnxplicablr, and *C<'III.H tn huto titkon i.ll by I'liullkh Ihr labile tlure linitV a urrk fn JAMK3 lUUIUlAKl, AHfn'r i»id Bank Tor *tx month*, rnuing lir 31 ti company from Uamillon county, under Cnplaun urpriw. rKlictlu-r it wu« thrri- 'wrt-k>. HO' loiMinl the'r billi lo tin March It).- .1w. nitinl, ind payable on or aflrr Ihe 6rat O. B«rk»tnM*er. un nrtilire dcviwd Momlay of April .8. Mofria. Af^ruo, Ibo Richmond Blue*, about 70 friendly on learning ol thn apprt^ich ofn ri'infiircfiiifnt, ubscribcr at Guud Lutk I'm/offlrr. Mil. .NO1 nrxl, lo MloikhoUrra on IndiaAO, and wuxi rogalar*; in all abotil *even ' B I). M. hr SVUlrrn Shore a I the Bank at Anni|>olii, , R. T. Niioa. lo give lime tomnke a »-ilo retreat; nt a atraia. 3t hundred men. Verbal report* Mate thai tbe In- K Public arr reip ii'lur Iho u a. titfit»frtifu»frm, a>'d tacl- Manh IT A H to itnp to. ami work extcuted wirn ll.e ulinuit ili>- C.*, killing wbito men il bo would «iop kill­ ny aaautance, or, ui he My*, he i* really tired o: ing (he orilinarv boti *li uf Ihe Levy Cuuil p«lch, tt the *obirribrr '< Steam .Null, nppo- |C7* Tlie^Birlle, and Araericao, Baltl* DISTRICT^ ing Indian* Thi* proposition wa* agreod (o, ni'iruorinx wliilo man, Grn. Clinch'* arrival ll» onlrr, / ite thr Steam Butt what I. morr, will paMiih the ibovr UwSw. and Owola wa* told to come unit day with n Mini r than waa anticipated, prevent* ui from K/J COUSIAN, Clk. It. I. JONES, & I o. iT»: or . Oibhon*, white Bag, when thoy would have a talk witii ilalormining, and llie lime alono can now de- Zrcli 24. / March IT. Jln uniitl County, Orpfumt, Court, Jared II. Ymmc, him. The next day, »n company with another ile. Krbroary 9th, 1836 HU 1C KAtlK. CtkTIIAL Oil mi. I KIO.S Aor.Mct, tion by petition of \Vealry I. in. f- chief, ho came to within at»>it one hundrci: Though Otooln ha* coiirngo and cJnnin^, to urder Irani the Orphan II Otl.t:•if tun, I), C., ft': if-, ihjtj Admiiiittrttor with Iht \\ill vena.Il. K. Bewt, yard* of Ibe fort, waivodtuji white flag around plan and execute at moat any Woody in i« .incnl three time*, and aol doOM^D >n a log. Tbrev Jr-Arumlrl rnunlr. llir tub AOt.tTHII AfeKNTMi! annexed oXPniltnion D. >Vaifirld, late of hn Hall. we nnceroly ln>pu ho hoa accu tti» hp|>cli.-»-iu-M rnber Public M«lr, (al llie (at r Atiiuit/ and mrr pay. i omcnr* from tbo enurp wefi^^jncot them. Anne Arunifu coanly, dccraird, it u order- R. W. H. Brrrt. and folly of further retint-tncc, ami lint tho l.i- r'»idence It Hi v I'uiilv,»»ril, i No &.KCTIO»KKUI»C.. I O»cola inlormed Uiem thS^Jen. Clinch wa* eil that he gi\ (lie notice rtquirnl by law ry, J. T. Conner. dian* will now curronder lliuir nrnn, ni>J prc Lutidon To« I on KltlDAS, Ihe Ul ilay o ri turn), lire winfnl in every far creditor* t\ eshibit Ilieir cluimi igainil J. T. Strattoo, on hi* way lo join them with a large number ol |xro lo abide by I he iltpulntii>n>i of tlio Irraty Apiil nrtt, i i n'rliirk A. M. iiiwn. i.-Ocily in li.r Ui.ileiJ !SI«tr«, which honemen. He expreMod hi* wilUngne** that the «aid drceatelL anil that the lame be pub- T. JWyor*. for their rr-niovnl. Should Ihm h HIP, Gnn. ALL T ESTATE hat B population nf U|iM*iili ofoiit (hii lulled once in ear\ «irk, fur (lie ijiace ol «.» ion. hortililir* ahould ceaae, and lo give up hi* arm*. (t.iinc*uill rcchvon Nnlion'* tiianKiSunda vu. uf »aiil ileer itting ut anil in rtriv Sr»t Ihruughulil tin uccr»»ive wrek«,\i one uf the newipaper* o, Jatnea I. Hooov Tho oH«c«r» required him to *ijn article* of o. liant Gencrul'n fame. Young N«gn»f9, latei anil Irrritonci nljactnl, mtiiout 1C printed in Annipol greeneat, by which be bound hiauelf to proceed iril tu | opuialn n. 'I he AM,enii will To tho manner I KilcliiMi Fur- SAM BRO\\N, Jon'r. iMotuauuiy to Tamp > buy, and there embark in whirh he ha* conducted ..ike It i|.prnr that lliry hivr rrmlru thrrr Ui> part of tin- campaign, much crudit 11 duo. is ic. &c.. R. B i A. A. C only. ' AKPUW |{u> far tho Mi«i**ippi. Somo «ay that OeeoU ob­ 1 OF HAIK. Fur ull nutni of Trn ran ill Ihv cuunl> Inun »hn?h thr> wrili, jected to tbi* mode of removing and wi»hed lo Mil alacrity in bringing lo Iho ihuiilrti of uc nd that lliry are < o*>.| clrnt lo p«ifnrin, 01 /.? H tiou no largo a liirej-, hia m.ircli from Tnmiut upwurjV a credit of »ix month* go by land: other* that ho would not go at all [Inter or |>urilin"rr« lu rauir lobe priloin>rd, llir bu«inr»i ul a Gr THAI the .ub.c ol Anne Aiundel but u-Mbod lo live on the other «ide of the tKrth. B.iy,and Iho burml of iho unfortun-lo M-]>r ni'ral Agent jr(Mhich bu>in»« italuilrr e»rr rouuiy, lialli obtained Iru lir Olphlnl Court Lotudon, Dado and hi* compnnioru, i nlillo him lo tccunly. bearing laeoocUoo and to huv« th»l for Iho lino tin of lair, all under that can ue ilonc tiy a itau ul uf Anne Arui.Orl couin in MirOaud, between tbom and Ibe while*. Their di*cu»- irraiiludool the citixon* ot Florida, at whooc thr fa»h lo ill puiil. cipicily and itnct Imnrtty. etlera uf a('n.inl»tialiun the will inoex- cry of dialrew ho to promptly cnme, and of thn Applicant* <\lio luimth 'lir muit rrtprcta- nl on the |i«itonal citaleXpl I'hilrmun D. .Smith. ioo WM inlerruplrd by the arrival of General JAMES lOLEHART, Adm'r. Dunng Ike oour** of it, O*oola in amictn] rvlulive* and friend* of the unl'.>rtunnln ble leiunly, nn ur bvlorr thr fli*t day of May \\ai6eld, life uf Anot Am Vie I coanly, «le- i. G. Clinch, next eri»Dllig. will r»ici»' ;,|.|,ointu.n,t»| no Dill. tbo«kwera off kit provUuon*. They men, whooe budie* were *trrwi d over ihi pinin, ccitrd. All periuni havingVlaima againtt quired hoi and upon which Ihe vqflurca were battening. R. application will Ur n-ciixrn alivt tint diy. the taid drcraieil,are hereby wiruird lo exliitiit n. told him thryHiailryniail plentyplonlv- He (aid he knew /AL m* again*! laid AppointmriiU, unre mulr. will ur lubject to luey bed not, and if ihi-y would come over in- rrqutitril Inp.rVnt llua. Ihr tame, with tht voich*rt tnreof, to tho Uuilor, ilte ellntr. legally un chaligi lor * trio_^f yr.iri. tabiciiber, at ur btfuie th* OlrTuliy of A»- river, he would givo them two beevo* and a but- OBITUAUT aulheiitiratnl. to the »uu»i ilVcr, 'nr n->> m* t, GKO. RjXlt&ICS fercietary, juit next, they may olhcrwite uyaJiw b* ex- Uo of brandy. Died, on Thuraday morning the 2Hli intlant, t'line indebted lo llnl iVcraoeil, ue e B> oiiii_*jL»n| liiiard uf Hvqaett. cluilrd from all imee Brad*. d to nmkr Iminnliafe poVmrnt to benelt of lh* aJu e*tate. O*jirf«renoe S. C. A* Gin Clinch approached, lha friendly In. I Mr*, llr.rrn* F. RUWILV, wife of Dr. John P.-lv 83. C-^^ ______Given aniirr my hand tni* 9lh d% of te* diuu, discovering iho ho*tilo Indian* aboul Ridgrly of thi* cily, and daughter of the late A MBS lGLEHA\r. Adm'r. br«*ry 1830. nilton. NorraJ tkroo hundred yard* from the Camp of G«n. I Judgn Henry Ridg»ly,of«An»o.Arundol county. Fi.\A;\< IAI. At.'KM'V. W. FH(ttman,J«« UKHLF.Y LINTIIICUM, Adm'r. W A. "-^^ Gainvr, r»i»uil tho whoop which wa* iramedi- The voice of panegyric neod not bo niwcd, to BY-I'AW. A Voiulituttit ffltt of Ihe I'nion Jlgtttey, Frb II. 6w. nl-ly follow.;.! )>y,ono Irom ibe bo*lito InOinn*. proclaim Ihe worth of her whom all deplore. n Act to attain nn nlttratimt in tht Charter _ ^ ., OP HAalYLAKD, 1C. The wen tmmeiUMely formed and fired a ula- Called, early in life, by the omnipotent yoire ot of tht City of .Innapolii und to tnlergt tht\ \f \ ruu\ or rouunN CAPITAL, Jlrumttt County, Orjihani Cavrf, A. DevU, n. SlceV.. toon. '!li' !inlina*n»d and were elo*cly pur- NA I ION \L LXCIlANGfc AND (be Almighty to brlievoon hi* beloved Son, and powtnlffraiiltd therrby. LOAN OFFICK -.'.II |.»i>.f» bearing the M.rch lit, 1834. ued. A runn. r then camo from Gen. Game* I d«voto hur life lo hi* *crvice. ihe joyfully obey- ' P. it ettablittivd and ordained by Ihe rti.lor»finrnt >V»1 uf a Fliiinrial A«i nry, N application by petition of B«*lr Qa4« nual Confurencek) oidoring thorn to Mop, and informing them that Od th" mandate; and Iho united tcilimony of all _ Mayor, Rrcunlrr, Aldern en and Com­ Iher, rxrtntar *f Ihe lilt will and to*. h 23, 1687. riihrr in I.nndun, I'lrn, Au.klrri'ani, Mad- O«M>la WM irvuimg with thorn. At flnl tboeej who knew her, i* borne to tbe eheerfulncM, a- mon Council of Ihr City of Aiinapuli*. That till, I.Uuoti. in Baenot Ayitt, vitlituntil it lament ol William Plimmer, late of Anne* in purvuil rxmid not be restrained; but the cry lacrily and seal with which ah* followed the Metin. A Randall, Bryan. ClajUm. Hughe* par value. Aiumlel «;o»nly, deceased. It ia evderrd that nder tk« lipaliu* of-treaty," "treaty," ooon checked them. Gen- example of her Lord and Ma*ter. The princi- *nd Hulton. be a Cumimitre lo pm ai* anil hr give Ihe nalic* rtq*irrd by law for cr*di> or, i* puftinK Nati tid onlrr* of cu,e linndreil ilollirt it oral Clmch then formed and proceeded to Camp. I pic*pic. of religion imbibed in early youth,youih.wpport-pretent. -, r - .. to tfcr Leg.._ »Ure of Maryland,. * nd »pwirni, irftolirly enitortnl. unonlinjt tore to exhibit their clain* againat th* *aidj _ i Ibat (araW The following extract of a loiter, written of-" ed her undor Ibe dutioe and .orrow*wrrow. of moremoro ad- memorial praying lur the pittigep.ttige olof .ucli awt o tli* oflcial irpuili uf the A decr*i«l. and that the MM* b« pabluhed nrt(ul *up>lyfcr Ur their orrivalfcon.ain. oo«ne intere^ing par-Lanced life, andI comforted and choered.hercheered her on "«!"«l 'fc' ' _ "«* ' «' «««l« « .o...l«*§ »nd»"J ".'"»'«-»tlm ''»«|U,. « our* in each week, for Ihe *pac* ol tix *ac> vrMined whek, v we exclaim on tlie Chirlcr uf Ihit City, at will enable thr Paperifbraring tWendoricment teal of llir ceiilve we*k»| In one of Uo newipaper* printed in Anrnpnlia. (or it wm* doukv . IMQ***.. C**,!***, Fl**, t \ recordmg the d^th rf «eh . -^VH ^o^ci'l S.Vr'enf.'or ^^.JSl,. .. i-b- Vinanciat'Agrnaf lit Ihe City »f W aiding on, will ok. uliU^t^tt valu* Ihruughoul (he »AM L BROWN, JBO»r, OnlheOulhlacooehoe,*arch8,atnlgbt. i *earchable and -port rinding out are lbe_ ' y* gcrlUe ,nj pay for »o much of Ihr Capital rOrld^*^ Reg. Willt A. A. C**ntj> '•' during, tbe coral*! "Woarrivrd alibi* port on the evening of of Providence. Cut off in llie prime ot Hie, g|ock of A nnip.ilit and Pntomac Canal New OKO. It MYER8, Stcr.Ury. York cleared, the 6lh, and found G»n*r«l Gaino*1 army in n and in the mid*t of iwefulnototo her family,*o- Com(wnf al)OUt bcinB orK,ini*ed, at lu the NOTICE IS HEHEBY GIVEN, dollar* lo*t itale of*UrvaUon, l>ating horte*. dog*. Ate. I ciety and the Church, poor *hort.*iglited mnn MJJ |u]t¥o|.f Rtconlcj^lilrrinrii, and Com tomat*. NOTICK l« IlKHEHV GIVEN, That theiubttriber «l Anne Araudel Coan- La** thin a gill of corn wa* i* wed for *. day'* J can *ee no reaaon lor auch a bureavemcnt. Bul roon Council, or tKciffllctitori, thall teem '5PHAT the »«b«crit>*r hath obtained from Iv, hath obtained from the Orphan* Coart of nuotM, Wo brought but unnll' quantity of . *«. oftoeo/lb. Ja<*. '' \v*nt*d to purou* it, but ike General directtd IDM will be received at the Financial A- warned to *ihibit tk«.a*«», «ttk the vouch hibit the ** >«, with the VMichcr* thereof, to oc (he (btlowiaf otberwUe. Wbf» w» c»me in aight of the 4N BUeiiotfKBill be held on MONDAY B vency for the abo»r *uni, I torn the firt1 trt thereof, to ¥\e MMrlner, »t or befor* the lubaeriber, at or ^cfore the Itt dn of n* a trmy. For tk« ca*jn> the *oy guard reported Indian* (000) in .'» thr 4th day pril next,» at.,,.« Ihe Aitem...^... , il*y ol Mireh. antll Ihr flnt ilay of May the 6tb day of Metedmr next. lk»r may 8cpl*mb«r next. th«T mty to bee* «MifMl ) kattl* array. Tbe w«r whoop cqflmjenoodr all y lUooi, for th* _ f tUetuig Mven I The applicant* will have to lake- the whnli uthrrwi** by law b* eicjndod from all bencf t be tavludrd from nil tbe MtBMrt OaiM* | Common Co«ncil-m«o rtMtttkeeltvofliutn, and n>ak« triannual payment 6f thr of the MM Mtato. 4Hv*a) «nd«r my hand t«t*.v Given Vha bwrd it expected, and, 1 balievo, were pro Ihto 9th diy of Mtrdi, 1936. ho M, b*» pared, ready. m*d willing for it, I wa* at Ihe \nn»polii in the C v» .. I propotcil intrreit. I'l^einm, can be retained , IMO. Bv order, . *.t. 1 for Ihft* ytav*, perhaix longer. B. BAAMUb/ Matthe laft fenk, when -wwdieoovered*eonm. M*rch 91. t O. H. 5' * V:T. 7 • •» '• ^-^'*-^::"-*j '^v v»*. :---•*&'*•""** TV ^"^^v-' .. '- ,i»i" --- ''' » ""' ^''> * *.' V . . - '*$.,- . -: - . . . ..^r: - Yam, m BRY\N, TION TA.-BECALLR0 TAIL+U, rOTICB w>*n«y «lf.n, t. the Stoclj- Jt; botlf font PROSPECTUS OV TWO N$W VOL. -| i of tafaWMint th. pub- ^ , hold«r* *f IM» sMQUrtwi, that Ih. b.l- h iu\gntd*»bt a not'be itld ie limidjf i oared hi* KfUbliihraent ance of Bfl«en dollar* on e»)eK share of stock Caikolic fftrrkt irt Ike EngiU (he sla(e>.' The rerat will ' *odeTatf. AB. "~* 'UMES POH task. ' <.Jk.l.w Iding adjoining the statr* i* required tn be p*Vd at Ik. Banking Hon.v. •Ktuurt, in trnkly riumbirn, at A tentnarh. ply lo th. Editer. v f JHHREtt year* have new elapsed *intr Ih. of :Mr. Dewit.1 r. Junior, and instMili* in the following instalment*, vix: , HB dearth and icareity of Ihe best , f- proprietor of Waldie's Select Circulat­ Uely opposite Hotel, where he has Th« third instalment of five. dollars per Catholic workt mu*t long bave been a ing Library laid before the public hi* original oprn*f1 a Large ( id AMocU>«ot of share, onr'th* 13th December D«t, of which aourteT of regret to e«ery intelligent and ob- TO THE PK1NTEKSOF Oouds consisting of prispeclns for a valuable library, the groat die notice aa been gven. erving Catholic in America. Bo limited haa UNITED STATES. IV.I lures of which war. cheapness, and th* 'ClattlM, Castvlaater*. r Of various description. lie The fourth in H. U..CAM Caahirr. ed, to obtain eopien, even of those woiks four to thirty-four line.* Pica, or optinjT i Aoa> taa^s « the be*t gvsrnntee thnt be given"of Us .ire hereby w.irnril to bit the "ante to the Nov. 5, 1635. rot A. which .ire nearly essential lo Ihe practice ol j adc (o order on Ihe shortest notice. JtMBCLLtaUK .nl. '.'.nuance I.I wat the brat to supply books rnticafei!. on nr bc- their religion. Ornamental Letters of entirely new iy com' j/iniil At .1 in-ra per rrnta^r ol'tnrir&.rmer fore th amt nrit. tiicy may o- A nv»<;\i\. The sobncriber haa long since observer! thin IOM aplrnilid patterns, for Head*1 ul K',^ * NfiWJ'KI «n«t! it Inn outlivi-d more limn thirty parrjle luilrd fioui all buii-fil 'I*IIK uniler«igned inleniline to trannfrrJiia (act with the ntmont regret, anilmay certain­ ia|icr<, Title Linci., ic. from two lineiGrnl -^ nuler,' bca .Ufc-npU at iniu..tiun| m>\ ntt mi* «n ritrii- mii'r. fjivrn Dmlcr i. y ' I'ublicaiion oflicf to the Rnatwaril, ofleta ly any, that up to lln» lime, laQp K '' *' lay ul J.imiaiy I83C. 'rimer to any size larger. will be, commeni live li»t nf piti.uM vrnn »rp ul Ine itun|j \vilh tlio leadin; u! I .c Union. a« well i» in f.irrign countries. an Kililnr printer of tlir party Mho daua to c'nius UnoKs are dill, however, extremely f'.o uiij.'Ct id" WaMio's l.iurar}, its Uie iy macliinrry, invrnted for the purpo.e, 9kitl day, it* princip become a Competitor fur^he printing, we»ill dear, and the Subscriber, depending on the nsores the 'inust exact otljustnu n t. A humorous com an I |.n (iii*-, ia cnj iv.iKiil liberal and intel- furniali an uffire and the mateiijl* to ilo (he i>upnnrt of a liberal ami enlightened Catholic I'.-clu .1, I'n all wuo Inva a loenlal b.inquri. f'rrnett, Italian, fJerinan, iiriliihjind Jirr.eri- Specimens will be published as early u Iy and pungent can Prinli, Murk, and tnke order* nn the ClnK uf tWr vnminunity, nn> Oelerminr-n to insue a Pen- losdble. " ; u ins '^unK l"e '" without l.cinj compelled Id aleprnd on pl.tcer l|r>u»e of Rrpre»enlilivr» in payment oiiirnl public.ilinn, uhicli, by its chea^nen, nf pab'i: ictort, l!-niid d >llai> per the rc«ch of the poorest individual) anil from Executed «ilb neal'ncss anu i.roir.iiliiii,!,. literature i.C diiractrr |» i-nliij- aiiul \\\\. lliatnricnl. > ntmif i t. I. Caricature KiiRrmv- world. (Vigiim ing* ^nil Liihni;riph«trvrr offvrci! in thia ily; aonti'n, ami llut ol the lluu*r na much more the lu-aliicm nnd rlegancc uf its execution lead* for Ne\ve.napers, tae-iimites, Otu. time will here li pto\t <•:•• inunl Tne u nr nir! .'in. 'PHI nf Will rditnm »i|li wliom we exchange give mental and Plsrn Itulr*, &c. &c. clu ^-^ tl.c ';.lt'..r, 'irii>ell a rei.lrr frutn i u fluntiiHi nt winch "ill be i-iiiibitrd to h eiaona will bi foutul \vcnthy of- a plarc in the libra­ faithful record Kill to llir amount of filly crntv, this one or tvtu interliuns ries nf the rich Such a publication ns that rratest acturar.) in type metal nr \i 00,| genius. ''n " l^^ » I .i« -I'.iiy, nre dr%»ti* . i > t. v pfwiirr DUFK OUKbN. Old cast metal cuts, ornaments, &c. M. u( w.i. k< uf ..'i r\f\ .iii'.i »| iiid iril of in- me I eil'irnt Imultin^ roiiFiilrr.1 IT vi hich the t>ub«criber propones to imuc, has many attractiun to mnl ami othrrniar r hr nale of then.. Nov. 5. ng hern called fur by thr eitgrncirs of the graved over, nnd made equal to newtW aali f^llcct wmcn.-n.iy in- J l.nilti-ii n,tu ntrv 'heir original cost. " - aess, as the pub t.i n;ly without li»>ilatii >y Hie m i-»l fa«t.- TI.I ali.itr beaut'iful of articlet Cathnlic riiininunil v j nnd the rapidly incrc:is- number to eve ,0*1 bien received. by FOU i\Z number ol the members nf our Hol A liberal ducoont for rafdi. Six motilai (those out of tin ill >a«, in I brco he a rjll i i-ij» p mil Inr .ill il T K VIKAM »0\' rrdit on thr most appru\ed sccniily, Q,. in*1 ii'ii'**, «, nr^inr i n*ili'i;jn.ilin^-'ici«-n il belli-* K. 1 jAftliOR I'hurch term* (ully to him in the ex' iler«, po*tsg« pi M \HVI.\NII mil go tn peclalion Hi. 1 1 it will inrrt with sufficient en- ler* frum (ho country promptly *at!ti!iTrd (a,* self that no ex i' .. . . *iii.Ill * «*i>» !> nII ' n.II. I'lie vjrieiv Hiu^ rol- ' TUS Annapoli". on .Sunday llir Ail lelleis ir.ui>t be post paid. -> .Vll'. ineiit tn enable him tu cnni'UCt il suc- naming to miki 1 1 i it I'll* .11 ia« of puM.«tli OF rut 20(li, ami Crt'i in-t Din' . M art*, ll'-i;*.- ii»" He, thrriTorr, notwilhtlanding |C7*F.ditoik ol paper! in the country «b yerior fn every I i»ii»liv .1 w. return »ju,. u \, Iravmie will give the above ndvrrtiarmcnt a few .,. Trorls, Sketch the vxpi-n»e nnd rink nllcnding it, and confid Tur. SAI.HAO' VoLtMf^ ' the lower erd T)az-ti>'» uliaif, a' '.' o'clock, ing riitirrly in the liberality nnil Rencronity erlioiu, and fmuaid a paper coolainist tt* jud Select llitlurv. |i.'i»ir« mriifH IK >Ub«cribi-r luting i ur luted tin (.r.ptrial p»ji*r, A. M. Pa»Mir aamr ns "' MJI. of m» fellow Catholics of the United State'* same lo thr ailvrrtiser. will be paid tl,ei«|»r hhal which it nt io»linirv in livnlu.iU, ind ruiirik* .!<) Washington Mirror fiAp it> 'ormrr | ro N. B. All bagcazc nt the n'»r"-r*« ri«k- D any of the above mentioned material* Mr \«-. \n amoU'i' 'H'.iil to lid» r and the Canadaa has resolved to put it tn nan'* Vide M prie' H. will in fuluir br it<*c^niluctur LBM'L. O. TAVLona Oct. 13. toi.i n**< i* inu* aiuiu-. pret* forthwith) nnd li'e'thereforc tliro\n him > (•• 1'ne uenrral (djii of llic .Mirf»c-r«T w he- Dec. 94. 4URBTIIAN in lv nmn rrn, .it ro«l onlr elf un hi> Catholic bn-lLrrn. and calls on '''« lieve, «.iti-l .1 ini j tn all our tulrscii!). in jf them for their «upi.urt and patronage. anne-atunocl County, ^T~ Pi| I. ni'l>. n wnk l*'>r plan f .r in<5 » comp lu'iinv, \ic«» nl t ! e crt» «it- 600 El 1V " 'l p r.i"'^r "I In thia undertaking he is principally en N oppbculicc by pcuUon m wnuof of will be furniahe f«ii>in a inj:anT u'uili uspied by any ollivr lloll.uid, lo mo U.e .uhtcnlwr. Chief Jad. v h. ruin' an Ulii- O' |.plii anon lo Ihe WK^cnUcr, Chief courated by the hope thai it will mi-et with O Oi u> nil in one year r This pl..n i^rf*"i -tri'ily ailhrrvd Ihe cordial npprubatiun nf the clergy in grnr Orphan. Coorl foi llic aaid couoly praying' 0« , \.i^tily ilidj»eil in every pirt ul (lie tiuiun Ju of Anni-Aruiulcl Cunnlv Court, ol il.r Actol A«M>mi>ly ODIUM "An .» fn, i^^ Remit e and chu Our li'.vlni'.; yjdj^tl Dfiifj; "to lay hold nf ral, and lint he will be aided by the po«erfu n« In f^iriii no iiicmi«i'lri4tilr pi>rlinii uf Ihf ill >-! I .ul^i'* IIH) I'ci'uiri-nic. hich by pefl in willing, of Henry Watuuf hot ol atindry ioaolvonl ikUort," pr»i J at Nnaut* :i»ra, Itiiinonr nn.i.lance of that learned nnd drtotrd body Ijleriliirr of I!IP rnuiitrT, j'i.1 wiili whicli an i.««e nnl a/nntifil in llir pnper»," Annr Ar ilel cnuii'v, »lalinp Ihjt h» i> iiVw .r,.ion, Ibbi, and Uu, WTeij| nipukmenla Ihahi^. hioujh its col f mm The undertaking is nne ".hich r Mh.xful. of hi. property, and a I,M ul hia cicditai. \ n'. |ii ii'ilj'i' f IIAV 'i-'1 " in' reallj ncce>ktry lor I'KC K.'JM.I'. anil .ill «'i II 'nat in ariail fiin-ineiit. and praymE for tftV ianquet of a si benrQi eminently ralcnlntrd tn di.-. nuiintr tlu- prin oath u f.r aa he coukl aanrtain then.) twlng inooal t >te urtni mil in tuci.'ly ;i»iy UlO >|T\IC' » of Ml- \\ILI.IAM onilrv Ina the CMinmunity, and lo nsxi.t the x-lergy n .i|i-« in iK< l<> l (Mrli »l (he i 'Citry in fru u %|aJ^M'if ci'iltir. whu^r apiritrd rn' Ueblon, paired at Di-cem for t»o year, noil i.rccwlin* I he data of ):u Wo*, ic, and the spl 'ier aeaaion I the ducliarge of their parochial dnliea ')» af lion, and I h.viDg ajmomtodllowca Narv, ta ftkii ( iftrr Ilirtr i%< c in l«'in lun. uoliriti^ icrtrunN to rvrral supplemenla ipensive undei inilU'il i-tprnil il in Ihii Hay (herein, on th\ lenna therein mrntiuneil) a 'online. HI nn uncommonly low rale, all Ih Edward II olloi car him »ucce Five ilnllii-« pe luve jren »o cinuiernly suti c»«ful. .icce«»arv knowledge and inntructinn. Th winch iroaioo baa gir.n l«od m duo furu. f«u, Mill Mipplr qi» l n-ailio; fur . i»ho!c circle \Ve ,11 to (ui.iith bin-f abklraci* of cheilulr of h\ pmprrtv, nnd a lii«l nf hi*],rulI p.rfom.»D« of IM. Unit, mj Ui. Mrt u - irifh It. o- (.1 inlyi t'ti 4 tint an.l a haf a day, p««t all d.-citiiina which aliall morr p-iiti creditors, and Vf Ihe debts due tn hi i-, on ub.i nbi-r, therelorr earnritly rrnnests tin JlolHnrf lunnj citcn tond wiih .ccurily Tor hu il The Term* n if i.ici I'leU. * it" Kin imo uook it sent ctery rularly iulerot llir tiii/.rns of tln^ District .ath, ao far as ve can uncertain thr ...iiu-, Hie Ili>hop< nnd Clrrgy in general mil ci «n»l appo-iraiico in Ann. Amndal County foutllia TWO DOLL A «.r«i. nuking in tne rour«c nf Ihe yr^r mon- \l..i, e brn f but comprehensive sumutaiy ol 'ii-in^ annexed loVhia petition, ami tlic >aid IT! ll.cir fou-irful influence in onlcr to in U.olhiiJ Monday ID Apr.l nwt. to a«aw,r ioa£" tijbly in advani Henry \Valt. havVng ta'.isfieil me by cnntpe- Crea.i1 thr popularity of thr uoik and lo ob liona or inioironlorica of b,. cwdrtora, .nd h.^.* f >o turn-»oiu.oi'.'if ll'es'a Cycliipflia. t)m; Coiijjrexional proceedings. oculod a ilowl of coavryunui to hi* Mid uual fa J kd uole*. thi* . lent testimony tlia\ne has ir»idfd two jreara lain a sufficient number of nubncnbers to en |o. trCluo. o v.nume ot thr Library, eonuminn fmni fiflem We prop-no furllier, during Ihe *ettion ol >ithm the ita'e "" ' ' hia oropcrty, r.«d. pcr«n.l .ad Site,), « a an K\riling I'^litiun, by MjriUnd unin4..diately able him to carry il on with success. By thf. hating o>rU&Ml Ih. dalir.ry thereof lo (,) , br li.«H .he paper for u eilMin.e little eicerdnn Hi itW^bindin; e,nh- wbicli n.'rangi'uient our tlistant Rabacribrra preceding the tuna hit application, and the means they will augment the spiritual com lUl.ara Holland. 1 do htnby .,Ji» Md ad,ud«2 ilullar note, pi e. -pirately, and con«ntulet^cu ire ,lrale i will receive tlir Utr.t Cnnaressional Inlrlli tt\i\ Henry Watts ing Kivrn sufiuient le foitaof their charge*, and contribute, in U» Mid W.anl Holland ijito notic, lo hu crSi mil be ppliei curity fur Ins .pe great measure, lo ditprl the prejudices b ^-~»g a copy of Ihia on/or (o 6. m»o«cd m one ciille:lini| farming 4 uever fjilun ol i;.Micr one day .ind a h.ilf tupnrrthan Ihruugh sp|.eamncr a%tl. n.w.p.rr. urinud ,n |U cil> of Ano.polb^ , , carding a teii n.n i-ein«nt uud iiittruclion, 411 y oilier >\'.i«liingtoa P'Bv County Couit of An Aruinlel rouiUJk.lo wnvrn out breihrrn of thr oilier dcnoanina wo«k to, Uia lorn, ol ihrro monlV to apwar \.A* jlh.t are tcut 01 n!wi»s be worm llir pri. r that lu« b(en pjnl Vt e i.ilcnil. if potsibli'<^ij fun iih a werk- answer such interm;' lea and a tiom arc tinjcrtmialfly blinded. Ann* Anindcl Couniv Coun, lo b* lioM MI iTl ,£j lacked in atroi f.i it. The ni'Kl implo Iciiiiiiimrjfn la u IMI Iv li.t ol ull Nr.i I'atrnlai I Rank uole Ta- n may be male ns;4in*\ bim, and T K II M S : Annapoli. OD Ihe IhirtfMunJ^r of Aunl m. rubbing in the appointed Joshua Walls The Catholic Prrioilical Library |will b( c.uan if any Ihey hair, why Uio aaid n . inunroutly jlf-irilril that lnrf»wor» iiai i)lc. jnil I'ricca Current uf \Va«ltington. Al- ahould not ban Ito* ha bmojiiutbyol^g 1 *t3"TitKSx C I'ltn lUl'il l.'W" 'jilejsure nf Ihuyi'aii'l^. wh", aodri.i, anil U'lir^rlown, rorrrctrU with (he i;iven bon I aa sucli, and * eivri^lnun >ai.i published in Weekly numbers, uf n'ly page moata aa pr^" ' *-^n Jlernate WCC'K Henry Wa\(a a convevancXand^potiussiun uf each, duodecimo aizr, on fine royal paper an b'Jl f'ir,tl»e re.ource il afforJld, mint nave rited acrur.«ry: al.o, Hlagr,^ gkomboat, WI1JTB. l].u«aibl« to iirni Imrq left wiln mnuU unoccu/inl, or Ihrurtn il K iil It .4.1 Ui-g-strrs. all his properly, real,pr'i'». II. d | do beautiful nrtv trpr, stitched in liarclm.m Jan. 14.—3m. ^ Inirlil* \\liich ci Mntu unprofiti'jle mul uncijnVnial society. We a'lall exert our bcM rm1r.ivonrs lo ele- hereby order .mil adjinlcr Ih he aaiil Hrnrv wrappers, and will embrace the tvhole of th Ithe general i"t I .,11 inioriiaa supply uf uerimliral reading vali- the lili-rary character of Hie Mirror. Wall* be disch.rgeil from in .onmrnt, and mn>t celibraled Controversial and Dcvoliona Tht TH1HD VOLUA.E OF Ilisnced by thin h.n ttv«« o«cn weleiiincilj4very where as s I' i « can only br dnn-- by Hie ii>-optration of lh\t ha give notire to hi. c. nis, by caus works, together uith a large fund of cccUa TUB CULTIVATOR trT-All oriK means ! imprii»i-mr.nt./id a «ubttilute for thnae miM.I. which .' a'dr i--ci willing to aid ing t copy of this nnler to Ue erted in snim atli al hintofy. Thr first number will be is kCTAddr.H- ainall talk or I He Lr, litera­ \Vc brlirte IliSt Ih* prospect* of Washing­ »>c, why have six copies of the work sent them fur on CULTIVATO*, and respccilnlly aolieit a eok» ton ileminil sucli a papri aa we intenu t» puj- he aaid Henry \\ aU« should notliate the year. ry inti lll'^'-tici' uf all kimU, talc*. li»Uul new benefit nf the >aid Act and tuppleVcnta as iinuanec of (heir good office- In i|a behsll - lion**, Kc. iriu*icuiuoiiiin{; tne advantage* uf hah Mhe i* ulivady cln.ely all.rd, tiy her N: B. Pottniatler* throughnnt the cuuntr prayed. Oiven unajtrr r.n hand tin- eV\enth arc requested to act ss.gents. ~-^~~s If this pa|)er enable* one man, by the infer- M l.i'irary, aniWhe aniuarment nf a m.ijrazine rail road, in a U'rat and fliiuriilnng cily, ami mnlion it aOorda him, lo add lo the nroCurf i< destined tu bi- her cnmperr, lather thjn ri­ ilay of' D.-cernberD.'cembrr ifi (lie year • f a-ir l..liltoi The fnllowinj: i* a lilt of a few of the work and nowapip'/l '»« whnlr for' K.I 0() per an­ huuaandind eight liuafdred and t'mt< flve\ m. l*rm ten doll.r*. year,_«nd, num, or rlooYol five indtviiluala obtain five val, in etchan^in^ (In- products uf the coun­ which will be issued in this publication, an. / THOS. U. OOllsKI. which will follow each oilier in rapid auccca IK. modest in our .uppowncja^-a wi)h ^i* copiet for 8/> 00, a reUuclniM which p^ya the try) by means of h-r stupendous (anal, .he fit ten nien who lake it oneTumlrcd doll>n puaUge. faymeal almayt in advanct. i. atfout lo be thrown, at it were, into I he . S-». 8m,f X aion. crnlre of an inii.ieiiftsji-f ritoi jr, wl rr* the Moore'* Travel, of an Irish Oenllemnn i and H will elluct jhe mo*t ROod in^isinrU resources uf indu-tryilFLr the of ima­ anrieM?JtunDcl Count?, %c. srarch of a religion) Dn.suel's Hi»toiy of th »nd town* tvhere it has tl.e gre,ic.t W bK,,». Waldlt I'ort Folio autl gination, and wlir.a sfcrnicVnl ol capilal must N applica/u(ion by petition in writing of Variations of the I'nilr.lant Churchrs) Th "on; and hence every mielligonl man ivhe / to l*o Llbrnrr. nr cresleil. wh cni*ttA»loi.i«li the must O Jamea ,.jfr. 'cazier, li> me the nulijaifiber, Kailh nf Calhnlicn, by Kirk and Itrrrington « uhM to promote the inlcrort. of hi* ln«fc- TilW periodical contamo lulfaa much mat­ sanguine economist. M ashingtun atd Ualli- hief Ju.ljr* of the Orphan* ('ournfKr the ll.yw.inlcn's True Church of Chriat shown bourliood,(Bnd who dot-, not?) will be .bi ter «i the Library, at half itl pricryir 6o/A lonrr, *' one inlghiy heart, muat receive and said count/, praying the benefit uf t\r Act Harwarden'a Charily nnd Truthj Mores Ca to do so by increasing Us cirtulalion. Court, .m lha tholici, nr Ages of Pailh| Mumford'a Quea to the allortlk- . are farnt*lied to cluua of five for Ut> 00. I la return the current which will gite vitality tu of Assembly,'entitled, "An Act lor IheVelicI OT The Cul.ivalor in a monthly public*; kavlB| aiMUted of unilry imolvenl drbtors," paused at No­ linn of Queslion*|'s Catholic Scrip conl«Ua cwntiit of reprint of the beat mat. the commerce of twentj millions ul men. ...,:.,. i ..._-_.ii^ it--. ... . r ' on of 16 quarto ,«Re», d*t>oted to AVi^ |M fat all l>la |u tti Iroaa the Unndun M4g»xuic«»nd R.-viewi, Such, in (act, are out advantages, that nros- vember srtsiii* 1803, and llic «evrrjl .ypple- Iliainry ol the Anglo-8axo iiirai Improvement. * lha ult Imalra I more eapeeially C!ia»iber'» Kilinbur|;li Juur- perity mutt come in4 npite ul ci.«se* which ments thereto, a schedule uf his property. tnnd Perpetuity of Ihe Faith) Dr. M 1 Ilkui by the (aid ' Hsie'a Kvidencrs of the Catholic Church J. DUEL. Conductor, adju>l(«, that tb lt» «>bj«'«t it JHjpttUr inntrurtion and a- con»pire to oppress us| but a sesw of duly, a list of hi. creditors,..... (onv... oath ... so ...... vfar a* he j |/irur _», M annrri ,,f the laraclitesioVleury'i l.i» craditor*, Iqr aiwaaent, coiobmcU ID a'uch a m.iiiiii-r a* to carried nut iuto actioo, will reliet* our em can ascertain themj, ) b,,ng annrxed to I,,. * Christians, Lannrgan'. Kcclrai Albany, N. Y. aertod m on* ot -enliil tn« teclmg* ol every mamtorr ol the b.mmn.enlt, and predttc. result> of iucsl said petition, and I beinff satisfied by iomi>e- . ... . , , '. . a. , ,. , r,Vf?" Srt)?riP! i'"" to THE CULTIVA. Auutoulu, uneo 'aittnl circle. It enj»ya an eiten«ive circula- rwlable magnitude,' lent testimony thatt he ha. resided two yr'.r. " "t 'o "' "n n' *"" ^°f ' U]" nm.mi COMMON SCHOOL A^IST ta appear liefom within the state of Maryland immediately U tho eMy at A Hun; |>ru» to »m^l» »uosoril)cra not taking the Wo propo**, then, to..(apply a p*fer in of Maryland immediatel ."rk " Pr " .°" Cwma U/Eco, nut. to »lu>» iHOrary, »4 W), paata^e paid. some degree adapted lo'lhe want* ol an i.n preceding Ihe time of his application, nnd Manning' . ^ Traci*| St. Honavrnttire'a Life of Chris, Z»ch j.«h I'nlix . • • \ very limit* d number nf complete porlant cummunilyi a literary and iriscella- the said Jame* Prazirr having given .affluent A. COWAiX. art a)>4 niiipl'". ' el* of Library ami Port V»lui, at the on^tnal neuua family papcria jouinal of current litera­ arcuiity for hi* priawnal appearance nl Ihe Chnllonrr'.»| Untler's Book nl th February'4. 'auJtOCip'ion price, may be had for a nhu&t pe ture j a rrpusiU y of caam^ierciil ii^ffrigrnce County Court of Anne Arumlrl County, to Catholic Chorch|Butl0r'a Fr.livnl.and Fust Jan 18 X. i-jod. Tl»r Libiary liaa been puuli«hed three And we appeal lp ao enlaihtrneJkaTnd liberal anawrr auch inte.-rogatnrira and .llexnliai.. Butler's Lives of Saints) Ur. Llngard'* ed ^ Ainu Mean and tUe Port Koliu oiiej an individual community to aastaln^|. |v«ui UQdertakinr a* sxay be made againtt him, and I having lion of Ward'* Errata* T» .y »o* lurm a cluu »y lum.oll, and by pay. Terms of the paper *Y*»s:dulfari, payable appointed Henry Mcdford hia trustre, who The shovo is. a collection of Standard Ca ••'»" ...... » r i Inat fur tl>e H»»* tlir'e yr4r* *na l"° »olu "'«» in all cases somi-auaually in advance. has given bond ns such, *nd received from tholic ^ 01 k«, which could not be pur. hasei for '18.16 of ui« l.iwr«ry, and the Port Polio Ui FUb UA\YKS the' sjid Jsme Knrs.icr a conveyance and for Iraa than seventy dollar*) and it would b pnisesaiun of all hi^ eu.and i.uenda. Hi eontji,. « tor 1633 and ItWb, tn« whole can o« had for iprrty, real, personal aln.o«t impooibli' to obtain many ol the work ure aiiugemer to tint 0 | 4I1 *K4J f ur thia an amount ol matter may CASITFOU snd mixed I do order and adjudge, inrluileil in it at any price whatever. Th fee iMocawd which public apprubitloo ha'a AXY or ilikt the said J* « 'Krnzirr. be_. discharged...... B... collection can nuw be obtained in this chra fneludi if bath lejeti, /rtm 10 tt aa ytun of fn m cunlnrment, ami.that hr give notiro lu -I llamp«d aa truly vaUauU anu ami|ue for iu ' nd elegant PrripdirAl fur the uncomiiiunl . Tnit pfi«il«ge *um howe»«r, b. ol hia creditors, by causing a copy of this order low prire of about Twenty-" V PRR80N8 hating |ik*|y Berrants neri-er, accordingee lo ,p.e,., dh-e«*}on. »"?' eontitmance lo b. iDMrleu in sumr newspaper published All near Catholic W.TksTHUbe publi.lit lo ditpose ol, and wisning. the,high­ rs will ba^rovTiJail fi 'he a calill. as lAa» d4tef*niicd to buy- vl.nday in April next, In shew cause, if an; til th. Keropcan publicaliujMol pecallari «« .. _. fDd 8IV* M|K»» frlte* itan auiy 0 hey hart, why Ihe Mid James Kroner, shoul^ i-ellenc* / continue to merit their favo.r. uurcb*i*r, who ia nsw ur may com* into lOthave the beneOl of the said Act and Dap 'hi* luarket I can at all tla^aj be fouod at JOHN UOYLXnookseller, N. Y. Of dement* a* prayed. Given under my hanr Kdilor* .f fapervfh me country by gtvm (H) per JWB«% Ir James Hunter'* Ta» Vo, ID An*)ap«li» he 31st 1'seemlHT in the year of our Lon U b. ul cpiamunicafipy diitviea^o me will n. tne above a few ipfertton*. and- sending th ne Ihoasaou eight bunnrrn anu thirty fi»e >aper* cont inuiRit to tnr |W||lianer; will ei iroasp'tly attended To ' GUIKV4.N NY III IK r.»8». D. year, ' ) A cuuy oi tnttne, wor» Neatly