Present: Cllr Harvey Marcovitch – Chairman Clerk Kate Brown Cllr Geraldine Collinge Cllr Duncan Collins Cllr Miranda Ker Cllr Michael Robarts Cllr Fergus Garwood Members of the Public Cllr David Giles

14/21 Welcome & Apologies Cllr. Marcovitch welcomed Councillors and members of the public to the meeting. There were no apologies for absence noted.

15/21 Declaration of Interest No new declarations.

16/21 Minutes of Meeting on 4th January 2021 The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 4th January 2021 were approved

17/21 Matters Arising None

18/21 Public Forum No issues raised by members of the public in attendance

19/21 Finance Bank Reconciliation Cllr Robarts presented the bank reconciliation in a new format as he has been using the Scribe accounting package in parallel with his Excel spreadsheet. The Bank reconciliation was approved. Cllr Robarts also confirmed that Mark Harris is prepared to carry out the internal audit again this year.

2021/22 Budget & Allocations Cllr Robarts confirmed there were no amendments to the budget proposal presented at the last meeting. The budget for 2021/22 was approved..

20/21 Council Business

Notice Boards Cllr Robarts contacted the manufacturers regarding the poor state of the noticeboard beside Village Hall. The manufacturers have carried out an inspection and confirmed that there is nothing wrong with them except that the locks are very stiff and need lubrication with WD40. This is exacerbated by traffic grime, which attracts moisture and causes condensation. The glass therefore needs to be cleaned inside and out from time to time. Derrick Harvey has agreed to take down the noticeboard to re varnish it and clean the glass. He will also do some remedial work on the one near the pond.

699 Lengthsman The Clerk has emailed Paul Wilson at OCC several times regarding employing a lengthsman but has received no reply. With Bob Jesson’s assistance, we now know that Burford Town Council is the only local council employing a lengthsman and we also have the name of another contact at OCC. In the meantime, the work will need to be contracted out. Cllr Robarts also suggested that we reach out to other Parishes around us to find out if they would be interested in a joint arrangement. Cllr Marcovitch will speak to the Clerk at Burford Town Council.

Anti Social Behaviour in Wroxton: Letter from School Cllr Marcovitch has received a letter from the Head of Wroxton Primary School. It appears there have been some incidents of Anti Social Behaviour, such as dog fouling on the school driveway and verbal abuse. There has also been some abusive language directed at parents dropping off or collecting children. Cllr Collins suggested that these matters should be reported by the school to the Neighbourhood policing team. The school has decided against installing a CCTV system, for which the PC had provisionally offered funding. It was agreed that the Wroxton website administrator will be asked to post a note reminding residents to be courteous and respectful of one another. Cllr Marcovitch will reply to the headteacher and will draft a note for the website.

Cherwell Local Plan Review Cllr Marcovitch has completed a questionnaire regarding the Cherwell Local Plan. There is a section for free text on the questionnaire asking what constraints/opportunities exist for our villages. Cllr Marcovitch suggested constraints to be - the disappearance of both in Wroxton, no bus service in Balscote and the planned closure of the Alkerton recycling centre. He suggested the proposed Laurels development by Trinity College is an opportunity, as it has the potential to provide a solution to the parking issues at the school. It was agreed that this should be added to the questionnaire and submitted. Cllr Marcovitch will submit the questionnaire.

Notice of disposal of Asset of Community Value (North Arms) Wroxton College has abandoned its plan to reopen the North Arms in Wroxton and have placed the site on the market. It is registered by the PC as an Asset of Community Value; this provides a short window for a local bid to be prepared and submitted, but may be lost if no interest is expressed. A syndicate was formed to buy the some time ago, but the cost of restoration has increased dramatically since then . It was agreed that Cllr Ker will contact the original syndicate members to enquire whether they are still interested in purchasing the North Arms.

Approval of New Licence for use of Stonepit 6 by Wroxton Wood Yard Kate & Simon Francis-Smith, landlords of the Butchers Arms in Balscote have acquired the logging business from ARC Gardening Services. Cllr Robarts tabled a new 3 year licence for the new tenants who will trade as Wroxton Wood Yard on unchanged terms as far as the licence is concerned. The next rent review will take place on expiry of the licence in May 2023. The licence needs signing and witnessing on behalf of the PC. Cllr Marcovitch and Cllr Robarts will sign the licence and the Clerk will witness their signatures.

21/21 Decisions

Quotes for Spraying Work Cllrs Collins and Ker have met with Fourth Corner to obtain a quote for the spraying of weeds in Wroxton. Cllr Marcovitch has also shown them around Balscote. Fourth Corner will send a quote shortly. The Clerk has obtained a quote for spraying from Thomas Fox of £295+ vat for Wroxton & £185 + vat for Balscote. The Clerk has spoken to Complete Weed Control and obtained a verbal quote, of approximately £300 + vat for both villages. This amount was quoted by using Google maps. Cllr Ker will contact Complete Weed Control to arrange a meeting. Councillors will be provided with all quotes so that a decision can be made before the next PC meeting. 700

Request for contribution to tree felling, Wroxton PCC Wroxton PCC have asked for financial help from the Parish Council towards the cost of felling a tree in the churchyard due to ash dieback. The Parish Council have made provision in the budget for costs associated with ash die-back and so it was agreed to meet the full cost, in the sum of £630.00. The clerk will pay the invoice

Renewal of Airwaves Solutions mast rental - Nil Rent Increase The rent review undertaken by Fisher German has resulted in an unchanged rent of £4,500 pa being agreed for the next three years. Fisher German have agreed to waive their fees given their failure to negotiate an increase. The PC noted its appreciation of this gesture.

The issue of rents from the telecoms leases plays a big part in the PC’s budget and therefore influences the level of the precept that needs to be set to cover the cost of essential services such as contract grass cutting

Proposed Gift to celebrate villager’s 100th Birthday Cllr Ker suggested that we should purchase a mini hamper for Mrs Collier who is celebrating her 100th Birthday. She has been a resident of Wroxton for more than 30 years. The Parish Council agreed a sum of £100. Cllr Ker will arrange to purchase the gift and give it to Mrs Collier. The Clerk will reimburse Cllr Ker

22/21 Updates

Renewal Of Village Gate on Road,Balscote This has been renewed at a cost of £348 and the invoice has been paid. Cllr Marcovitch has also purchased a new padlock for the gate at a cost of £7. The Clerk will reimburse Cllr Marcovitch.

Ashfield House Balscote Planning Appeal The Planning Appeal window has now closed and a decision will be announced sometime in May.

Welcome Packs A big thank you to Bob and Pat Jesson for updating the welcome packs. Cllr Marcovitch has the master copy and they will now be distributed virtually. It was decided that it was best to have the packs on Wroxton’s website so they can be updated more easily moving forward. It was agreed that new residents should receive a card with details of the link to the welcome pack, along with a bottle of wine to welcome them to the villages. Cllr Marcovitch will arrange to get 30 or 40 postcards with pictures of the village printed.

Contact with Community Police Officer re Speeding in the Village Cllr Giles has been having some download issues with the data from the speed signs. He now has the information and will filter it to provide a summary of the results. He will then send the data to the Clerk to report it on ’s website. Earthline lorries appear to be driving very slowly through the village which is good news, but there is a recurrent pattern of some vehicles ignoring the speed limit and passing the sign at speeds of up to 50mph Clerk to report speeding to Neighbourhood Policing Team


Traffic Signs & Insurance Claim DAS Law was appointed by Came & Co to pursue our claim that the original speed signs were not fit for purpose. Cllr Robarts has lodged a formal complaint about the dilatory handling of the matter as the delay risks undermining our prospects of success. It is hoped that this may result in greater urgency in pursuing the claim. DAS requested the PC to obtain an engineering report on the signs. This has been carried out and the findings appear to confirm our contention that the signs are not fit for purpose, primarily because the power supply was not adequate to keep the signs working reliably (in marked contrast to the replacement signs). . The request for feedback from residents has had a good response from Balscote residents but considerably fewer from Wroxton, who are most affected by the speeding issue. Cllr Robarts asked Wroxton Councillors to encourage more residents to provide their feedback.

Also, the original fixed speed sign at the corner of Drift Lane has not operated for some time., This has been reported to the manufacturers and will be addressed when lockdown restrictions are lifted. However, the sign is not felt to be particularly effective even when working.

It was agreed that Cllr Giles will draft a letter asking local businesses to help control excessive speeds by making their drivers aware of the speed restrictions in the villages. The Clerk will distribute the letter when finalised. Cllr Robarts will monitor progress on the claim and the complaint. Wroxton councillors will ask for feedback from residents

Stonepits - Registration of Title Deeds - Use of Sale Proceeds Nothing to report. Covid-19 has caused huge delays at the Land Registry and it will be sometime before we get an outcome. Cllr Robarts will continue to monitor the progress of the application

Cemetery - Consecration of Ground progress report Due to the Covid pandemic there has been a delay in the process. Cllr Robarts confirmed there has been no progress on this matter.

Scribe Account Packaging Cllr Robarts confirmed that this is working well.

Quarry Liaison Cllr Collins confirmed that minutes of the Earthline meeting have been received and there is nothing further to report. The meeting had been positive and helpful

White gates at entrances to Wroxton Village Cllr Collins confirmed that Earthline agreed that once fully operational, they will clean the gates for the PC on a regular basis.

Container at Wroxton Sports Club The Parish Council have written to the Sports Club about the condition of the surrounding area. Chris Jarvis contacted Cllr Collins to advise that some work has started and once Covid restrictions allow, a working party will be formed to tidy up the area. There is no further information regarding the proposed container storage.

Defibrillator Cllr Collins confirmed that the lid for the defibrillator case by the pond in Wroxton has been replaced. The invoice has been paid. 702

Clerk’s Update (Clothes Bank, Wroxton Pond Railings, Balscote Tree, Community Emergency Plan, Outbreak Management Fund) Clothes Bank Both Cllr Marcovitch and the Clerk have spoken to the Salvation Army regarding removing the clothes bank on the A422. Cllr Marcovitch has since spoken to the Area Manager who has agreed to make weekly collections and the PC will monitor the state of the surrounding area. If there is still an issue with mess, then they will remove the bank.

Railings at Wroxton Pond Nothing to report but will be repainted sometime in Spring 2021.

Balscote Tree The replacement oak tree has now been planted in Balscote and the invoice has been paid

Community Emergency Plan Cllr Garwood has submitted the Village Emergency plan to CDC

Outbreak Management Fund Both Village Halls have spent some money on equipment to make them Covid- 19 safe areas. It is unclear if the fund covers these costs.The Clerk will email CDC for clarification

23/21 Planning Applications

New Applications:-

21/000247/TCA Well Stone 3 Church Street Wroxton OX15 6QE T1 x Field Maple - Fell to make way for a new wall. Granted by CDC

20/00377/LB Wellstone Church Street Wroxton Installation of small cupboard to house an electric vehicle charging socket using stone Supported by PC 20/03382/LB Wellstone Church Street Wroxton Replace existing wire fence and hedge with stone wall to north side of garden Supported by PC

21/000316/TCA Ladymead Dark Lane Wroxton OX15 6QQ T1 x Chestnut - Crown reduction 30% Supported by PC

21/00220/CLUP Willow Hill Main Street Wroxton OX15 6PT Certificate of Lawful Use Proposed Supported by PC

21/00023/F Stables Wroxton Hall Wroxton Heath Wroxton OX15 6EU Manege and groom's residence Supported By PC

21/00006/F Orchard Banks Main Street Wroxton OX15 6PT Garden store and potting shed Supported By PC


21/00294/SO Wroxton Motocross Track Stratford Road A422 Wroxton Screening Opinion for the retention of the Wroxton Motocross site Information only

Existing Applications

20/02070/F The Old Police House Stratford Road A422 Banbury Oxon Change of location of the outbuilding from the approved location under application 18/02130/F. Application Granted by CDC

MW.0128/20 Wroxton Quarry, Stratford Road, Wroxton (Mineral Working - Buffer Zone) of planning permission 19/00407/CM (MW.0020/19) Supported By PC

20/03321/F The Paddock, Manor Farm Lane, Balscote, OX15 6JJ Erection of front and rear extensions, loft conversion and pitched roof to existing garage.(Resubmission of 20/00312/F) Supported by PC

20/03169&70/LB Larkrise, Main Street, Wroxton, OX15 6PT Alterations to existing outbuilding to create accommodation for ancillary use (home/office). Replacement cladding and windows to the north elevation with slate roof to replace the metal sheeting. Installation of integrated solar photovoltaic panel to the roof and new metal flue. Supported by PC 20/02980/F Roundhill House, Manor Farm Lane, Balscote, OX15 6JL Change of use from agricultural building to Class B2 for use as a distillery Supported by PC

20/00238/ENF The Nook, Stratford Road A422, Wroxton, Banbury, OX15 6EFT Property appears to be being lived in and work has commenced on building Concerns reported to CDC


24/21 Correspondence Distributed as receive

25/21 AOB A request has been made by the owners of Sundial Cottage in Balscote to have kerb stones placed between the verge and the road, due to continual shrinkage of the former by erosion and agricultural vehicles intruding on it. Cllr Marcovitch will speak to Nick Watson at OCC regarding this given the considerable visual impact of the damaged verge, which is marked on the conservation map as of particular value and the fact that kerbstones were installed on the opposite side of the road by OCC some years ago

Cllr Marcovitch confirmed he will write to the Conservation officer to draw his attention to the deteriorating condition of the Grade II listed building, Peacehaven in Balscote.

CDC are proposing to impose charges for emptying the brown bins collection. Fly tipping is already an issue and this will make the situation worse. The Parish Council will write to CDC to that effect and District Councillors need alerting to this issue.

26/21 Date of next meeting

The next Parish Council Meeting will be on Monday 10th May 2021 at 7.00 pm and will start with the Annual Meeting. Due to Covid 19 restrictions the meeting will be held remotely, via Zoom. Further information will be detailed on the next agenda.


Cllr Harvey Marcovitch Chairman