
TTHANKHANK YYOUOU President-elect • Vice President-elect And 170 Members of Congress

Arizona Representative Phil Hare Representative Raul Grijalva Representative Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. Senator Senator Robert P. Casey, Jr. Arkansas Representative Janice Schakowsky Representative Paul Hodes Representative Representative Marion Berry Representative Carol Shea-Porter Representative Robert A. Brady Representative Mike Ross Senator Representative Kathy Dahlkemper California Representative Leonard L. Boswell Senator Frank R. Lautenberg Representative Mike Doyle Representative Bruce Braley Senator Robert Menendez Representative Representative Joe Baca Representative Representative Representative Paul E. Kanjorski Representative Lois Capps Representative Robert Andrews Representative Susan Davis Kentucky Representative Rush Holt Representative Patrick Murphy Representative Representative Ben Chandler Representative Frank LoBiondo Representative Allyson Y. Schwartz Representative Bob Filner Representative Representative , Jr. Representative Jane Harman Rhode Island Louisiana Representative Representative Patrick J. Kennedy Representative Michael M. Honda Representative Donald M. Payne Representative Jim Langevin ★Representative Senator Mary Landrieu ★Representative Steven R. Rothman ★ Representative Maine Representative South Dakota Representative Linda Sanchez Representative Representative Loretta Sanchez New Mexico Senator Tim Johnson Representative Representative Martin Heinrich Representative Stephanie Herseth Sandlin Representative Harry Teague Representative Senator Benjamin L. Cardin Tennessee Representative Hilda L. Solis Senator Representative Representative Michael A. Arcuri Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Donna F. Edwards Representative Timothy Bishop Representative Representative Representative Yvette D. Clarke Texas Representative Lynn Woolsey Representative Representative Joseph Crowley Representative Representative Colorado Representative C.A. (Dutch) Ruppersberger Representative Charles A. Gonzalez Representative John Hall Representative Representative Representative Diana DeGette Representative Representative Betsy Markey Representative Representative Maurice D. Hinchey Representative Gene Green Connecticut Representative Representative Sheila Jackson-Lee Representative Joe Courtney Senator John F. Kerry Representative Representative Representative Rosa DeLauro Representative William Delahunt Representative Representative Ciro D. Rodriguez Representative Representative Jim McGovern Representative Carolyn McCarthy U.S. Virgin Islands Representative John B. Larson Representative John Tierney Representative Gregory W. Meeks Representative Christopher Murphy Representative Jerrold Nadler Congresswoman Donna M. Christensen Representative Charles B. Rangel Vermont District of Columbia Senator Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes★ Norton Representative Jose★ E. Serrano Representative Senator Representative Representative , Jr. Representative Representative Representative David E. Kildee Representative Nydia Velazquez Senator Representative Representative Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative James P. Moran Representative Kendrick B. Meek Representative Representative G.K. Butterfi eld Representative Thomas Perriello Representative Representative Brad Miller Representative Robert Wexler Washington Senator Georgia Representative Norman D. Dicks Representative Representative John Boccieri Representative Representative Jim McDermott Representative Betty McCollum Representative Representative Hawaii Representative Representative Tim Ryan Senator Daniel K. Inouye Representative Representative Zach Space West Virginia Representative Neil Abercrombie Representative Representative Nick J. Rahall Representative Mazie K. Hirono Missouri Representative Charlie A. Wilson Senator Claire McCaskill Wisconsin Representative Russ Carnahan Senator Herb Kohl Senator Richard Durbin Representative Senator Jeff Merkley Representative Danny K. Davis Representative Representative Representative Nevada Representative Peter DeFazio Representative Steve Kagen Representative Luis V. Gutierrez Representative Shelley Berkley Representative Representative ★Representative Representative ★Representative David Wu Representative★ FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF Guaranteeing Quality, Affordable Health Care For All in 2009

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