MOBILE TICKETING CASE STUDY: Mode: Locat on: Trains Train Wales, UK

ATW Sell Over 350,000 Mobile Barcode Tickets in First Year with New Carnet Fare

We are delighted with Introduct on the“ take up we’ve seen Arriva Trains Wales (ATW) operates the Wales & Borders franchise, for the ATW Tickets app. running urban and inter-urban passenger services to all railway Our customers have given us stat ons in Wales. With thousands of passengers travelling through great feedback about Cardif and the Valleys area, ATW needed to expand its t cket both the journey checking sales capacity beyond its limited number of t cket offi ces, vending tools and the t cket ng machines and on board retail. However, they did not want to sect on of the app, and as a spend hundreds of thousands of pounds on expensive hardware, result we are working with maintenance and cash handling. Masabi to deliver further improvements and hopefully The Challenge make more of our t ckets ATW were faced with a challenge, how could they increase range available soon. t cket sales capacity and f exibility without spending money on expensive hardware in the form of addit onal t cket vending Pricing & Ticket ng Manager” machines and t cket offi ce staf . They also had a large proport on Adam Stanley of passengers who travelled frequently but not regularly enough to

MOBILE TICKETING CASE STUDY: ARRIVA TRAINS WALES make purchasing a season t cket worthwhile. As a a result, ATW were keen to produce a f exible t cket opt on for those who travelled the same route regularly but not necessarily daily. At the same t me, they required a new sales channel which could add capacity with no f xed costs and allow passengers the f exibility to purchase t ckets anywhere and at anyt me. This would have the added benef t of reducing the burden on the tradit onal t cket sales architecture, cut ng queues at t cket vending machines and t cket offi ces, while providing inf nite sales capacity leveraging what passengers were already carrying, their smartphone.

Key Facts

• 350,000 carnet t ckets sold

• Over 11,000 t ckets scanned

• Reduced the need to invest in heavy infrastructure

The Solut on Arriva Trains Wales turned to Masabi for a mobile t cket ng solut on incorporat ng the Mobile Mult - Flex t cket, a carnet which provides 12 individual one-way t ckets (six outbound and six inbound) for the price of 10. These are delivered as mobile t ckets exclusively through the ATW mobile app.

The t ckets are stored in the app’s t cket wallet, and can be act vated immediately prior to travel. The t ckets can then be visually validated, scanned by on-board staf , or presented to barcode readers at t cket gates in stat ons. This carnet approach provides a reduced cost for passengers versus buying individual t ckets, and can be bought anyt me, anywhere.

MOBILE TICKETING CASE STUDY: ARRIVA TRAINS WALES Once a tcket is purchased they are stored within the app and work ofine, so passengers are never lef without their tcket.

ATW were able to further reduce costs by employing staf-issued smartphone devices to scan mobile tckets using Masabi’s Inspect validaton sofware. This reduced the need to invest in heavy infrastructure in all but the biggest statons, like Cardif Central.

The use of Masabi’s backend Hub has also revolutonised ATW’s management of informaton. The hub gives ATW staf historical and real-tme tcket and validaton data. Rich data tools take this data and present it via a user friendly graphical interface, allowing staf to beter plan, manage and optmise their services. Arriva Trains Wales initally trialled the mobile tckets for 6 weeks as a ‘beta’ to ensure that on-board staf could be trained and to gather feedback from the trial users on how best to optmise the technology. Having collated the user feedback, Masabi and ATW released the app to the general public.

The Results The customer experience for ATW passengers has been signifcantly improved, not only by the ability to purchase tckets without queuing, whenever or wherever you are, but also by the fexibility that the new tcket types bring to semi-regular travellers. By adoptng a wholly mobile soluton, the operator has added infnite sales capacity, advanced validaton and real-tme usage data capture.

Over the last year Arriva Trains Wales and Masabi have sold over 350,000 carnet barcode mobile tckets and this number contnues to rise. ATW have also expanded their mobile tcket ofering

Download The App

For further details regarding Arriva Trains Wales’ mobile tcketng service, please click here. You can download the Arriva Trains Wales app by clicking here.

to include advanced tckets and the range of tcket types and destnatons is set to expand in the coming months, allowing more passengers to beneft from the convenience of mobile tcketng.

The recently launched Inspect app used by ATW staf to inspect visual validaton or barcode tckets has already scanned over 11,000 tckets and the feedback from staf has been overwhelmingly positve.

Having proved not only the technology, but the operatonal processes and business case, there are

MOBILE TICKETING CASE STUDY: ARRIVA TRAINS WALES now plans for mobile t cket ng to be expanded across Wales - joining other areas of the - and onward to stat ons in and Scotland.

About Masabi and our JustRide plat orm Masabi is the global leader in transport mobile t cket ng. The company’s award-winning JustRide plat orm is a cloud- based, deployment-proven, end-to-end, mobile t cket ng and fare collect on system. It consists of services for t cket purchase, display and inspect on, together with back-end infrastructure for secure payments, t cket management, customer service, report ng and real-t me analyt cs. Masabi’s technology signals the end of t cket lines, lost t ckets and fumbling for cash by allowing passengers to quickly and securely buy and display t ckets on their mobile phones.

Masabi’s scalable cloud-based technology is operat onal with 22 transport agencies and retail brands round the world, including: , Arriva, Abellio, Thames Clippers, Boston’s MBTA, San Diego MTS, Transport for Athens, NICE Bus New York and New York’s MTA. The company has offi ces in New York, Boston and London.

Contact us If you would like to learn more, please get in touch with us using the contact opt ons listed below: Email: [email protected] Twit er: @Masabi_com Website:

Masabi UK Head Offi ce 56 Ayres Street, London SE1 1EU, UK, Tel: +44 (0)20 7089 8860 Masabi New York Offi ce 1330 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 23A, New York, NY 10019, USA, Tel: +1 646.836.9165 Masabi Boston Offi ce 745 Atlant c Avenue, Boston, MA 02111, USA