Park Station Place Bus Station Risk Assessment Record

Location Station Place Bus Station Date of Risk Assessment 06th February 2019 Reference C21107 Assessed by LBSL Region Central Review Date 08th February 2020 Responsible Person Local Authority Residual Risk Medium

Summary Report

1 Location: Finsbury Park Station Place is located adjacent to Finsbury Park LUL and Network Rail Stations and is positioned between Seven Sisters Road and Road N4.

2 Layout/Operation: The bus station operates one way from south to north. Buses enter directly turning left from Seven Sisters Road or ahead from St Thomas’ Road into the bus station and exit directly turning right on to Stroud Green Road.

There is a bus stop located at northern end of the nearside pavement with a large passenger concourse area outside the Underground and Network Rail stations. A second pick up stop is located on a separate passenger island. There are dedicated pedestrian crossing points between the passenger areas.

Unauthorised vehicles are proh bited from the bus station, and therefore should not impede bus station activities. There is a dedicated alighting point near the entrance of the bus station. Buses then proceed to the allocated stand area and on departure pick up at one of 2 bus stops at northern end of the bus station. Vehicle movements entering the bus station are under traffic light control with an integrated pedestrian phase. Vehicle movements exiting the bus station are under traffic light control with an integrated pedestrian and cycle (Toucan) phase.

There are 3 off side bus stands, 3 centre bus stands and 2 near side stands within the bus station. Two standing areas have also been allocated for taxis.

Operator Routes Buses per Hour 4 6 Go-Ahead 19, N19 10 Arriva 106 10 Londion General- Go head 153 5 236 6

Totals 6 37 No 1 Party Vehicle Party Vehicle Infrastructure Bus vCyclist Bus vTaxi Bus vBus Collision Bus v3rd Hazards Bus v egress toand Deliveries by Deliveries Use ofstand from the bus Access and movement authorised vehicles Activity Vehicle Vehicle station areas Contractors Other vehicle Pedestrians be harmed who could who Persons Cyclists Cyclists users Staff signals. authorised buses vehicles/ have reversingAll audible Bus trained toPCVstandards. drivers All clean up procedures day and arein place. spillage The cleaned throughout bus regularly station is the Documented out. speed monitoring carried Infrastructure. outAsset condition survey annually carried byBus untilclosed. progress monitored defects reported /recorded on andIdentified Griffin daily/weekly/periodically. Scheduled checks out carried byLBSLstaff kerb edge. infrastructures 500mmfrom atleast All positioned resistance requirements. and with LBSL skid slip Roadway complies station. forbus and provided Suitable sufficient lighting in force(10mph). is marked speed limit A clearly station. There taxi bayswithin the are2dedicated bus forvehicles. defined parking baysprovided Clearly layover. forbusesA designated stand provided to areais Road. in Stroudof bus bridge Green station awayfromlow buses todirect rightout inplace controls Appropriate bus station. Box junction on Seven Roadatentrance Sisters to on pavement bollards near entrance.Telescopic of‘no entryposted advising -except buses’. Unauthorised -signage areprohibited vehicles control. busAccess to/egressfrom stationunder light traffic Road and Stroud Green Road. Bus station operatesone waybetween Seven Sisters Existing Controls Finsbury ParkStation Place Bus Station

3 Severity Risk Rating

1 L/Hood

3 Rating Proposed Actions Completion Date No 2 Bus v Cyclist Bus vCyclist Pedestrian Pedestrian Pedestrian Pedestrian Collision Vehicle v Vehicle 3rd Party Hazards Cyclist v Cyclist Taxi v Bus v alighting busesalighting egress toand Boarding and Use ofstand from the bus Access and movement Activity Vehicle Vehicle station area Pedestrians Contractors be harmed who could who Persons Cyclists Cyclists Staff . Emirates companies ofplanned events Finsbury i.e. Parkor ofevents produced operating Notice is toadvise supporters orevent on days. football Arrangements tomanage in place movement of daily/weekly/periodically. Scheduled checks out carried byLBSLstaff onwhilst the bus station. clothing worn bystaffand contractors High visibility clean up procedures day and arein place. spillage The cleaned throughout bus regularly station is the Documented out. speed monitoring carried in force(10mph). is marked speed limit A clearly station. forbus and provided Suitable sufficient lighting resistance requirements. and with LBSL skid slip Roadway complies ofrailings. provision bus station which segregated frombuses is by on of pedestrian walkway perimeter Shared cyclists/ walkways'. pedestrians to'keep to advising Signage in place across entrance and exitsofthe bus station. andDesignated pedestrian walkway crossing points or walkways. footpaths passengers todedicated boardoralight All buses and pedestrians. Good design and layout controls movements of Existing Controls Finsbury ParkStation Place Bus Station

4 Severity Risk Rating

1 L/Hood

4 Rating Proposed Actions Completion Date No 4 3 different levels Fumes/ noise Slips, Trips, On sameor Hazards Falls Accessing staff Moving around pavement and substances Working at Working road areas hazardous storage of Use &/ or Nuisance Statutory facilities facilities Activity Height Passengers Pedestrians Passengers Pedestrians Contractors Contractors be harmed who could who Persons Staff Staff available. Cleaning contractor COSHHdocumentation in secured cleaners storeroom. Hazardous substances keptto a minimum and stored on site. hazardous available Limited materials meetemission aremaintained toarequired standardVehicles and daily. Bus Operatorsstaff supervise bus movements on site daily/weekly/periodically. Scheduled checks out carried byLBSLstaff engines. Requirement enforced byLBSL staff. toswitch off drivers advising in place Notices site. Only competent contractors arechosen toworkon place. Unauthorised -signage in areprohibited vehicles at height procedures. Arrangements tomonitor and working in place review out workcarried bycompetent contractors.High level spillages. Buses maintained torequired standard astoreduce resistant uniform shoes forLBSL staff. Slip provided tape. cones/barriers/barrier surfaces floor with defective toisolate Ability by Bus Operations staff. during ofadverseweather times and applied Salt grit station. forbus and provided Suitable sufficient lighting cleans. oil scheduledRoadway is for periodic clean up procedures day and arein place. spillage The cleaned throughout bus regularly station is the up /pick points forpassengers alighting Dedicated roadway. Contrasting surface finish between paving and untilclosed. progress monitored defects reported /recorded on andIdentified Griffin hourly/weekly/periodically. Scheduled checks out carried byLBSLstaff Existing Controls Finsbury ParkStation Place Bus Station

1 2 Severity Risk Rating

2 2 L/Hood

2 4 Rating Proposed Actions Completion Date No 6 5 Electricity Assault / Robbery Hazards Damaged bus lamp columnslamp Lone working Unauthorised Anti-Social Anti-Social Behaviour Damaged access to supply(s) electrical electrical electrics Activity station Pedestrians Passengers Contractors Contractors be harmed who could who Persons Staff Staff progress monitored untilclosed. progress monitored defects reported /recorded on andIdentified Griffin damaged infrastructure.or cones toisolate tapeand / barrier LBSL staffhavebarriers, accessto daily/weekly/periodically. Scheduled checks out carried byLBSLstaff subject toregular PATtesting. appliances Portable equipment regarding repairs. forLBSLowned Emergency available contact details on powersupply. Only authorised persons tocarryout permitted work protected byfuses /RCB’s. and columns mains circuits LBSLlamp Electric authorised persons only. mains arein asecure accessedby location Electrical safety and security messages. addresssystembroadcasts prerecorded Public bus routesAll arecashless. staff. phones and radios mobile issued toLBSL Airwave toLBSL staff. provided Personal assault alarms alarms. assault Buses activated areequipped with driver CentreComm using on bus radio. Emergency can services besummoned via quickly station. forbus and provided Suitable sufficient lighting recorded 24 hours -stored for up to a month. Imagesare in Bus office. viewed Station Controllers CCTVand can be Bus coveredbydigital station is 7 days. and can bedownloaded as required -storedforup to Buses with CCTVwhich recorded24/7 arefitted is equivalent training. management in trained conflict or LBSL staffis Existing Controls Finsbury ParkStation Place Bus Station

4 2 Severity Risk Rating

1 2 L/Hood

4 4 Rating Proposed Actions Completion Date No 7 indicated at ofthis topdocument. the still relevant.reviewed it be Otherwise should as a following serious incident toensure controls are a material change occurs stand bus the at or This risk assessment reviewed should be whenever Vehicle Fire Vehicle Explosion Hazards Fire Use of ignition Use ofignition combustible combustible Terrorist / Terrorist malicious malicious materials Activity sources activity Use of Arson Passengers Pedestrians Contractors Neighbours be harmed who could who Persons Staff

Controllers office. Controllers March assessment in Bus 2016.Risk located Station assessment conductedBus risk last station fire in Only competent contractors chosen toworkon site. cleans. oil scheduledRoadway is for periodic available. Cleaning contractor COSHHdocumentation subject toregular PATtesting. appliances Portable in secured cleaners storeroom. Hazardous substances kepttoa minimum and stored clean up procedures day and arein place. spillage The cleaned throughout bus regularly station is the untilclosed. progress monitored defects reported /recorded on andIdentified Griffin daily/weekly/periodically. Scheduled checks out carried byLBSLstaff 7 days. and can bedownloaded as required -storedforup to Buses with CCTVwhich recorded24/7 arefitted is recorded 24 hours -stored for up to a month. Imagesare in Bus office. viewed Station Controllers CCTVand can be Bus coveredbydigital station is phoneCentreComm, mobile oron-bus radio. Emergency can services besummoned via quickly emergency procedures. and rules and contractors ofsite Visitors advised plans in place. stadium diversion Arsenal (Emirates) annually.reviewed and points/alarms/detections assembly detailing with emergencyEmergency todeal plans in place standard and monitored byLBSL. and busesLBSL vehicles maintainedtoarequired station accommodation. on extinguishers busesFire and available in Existing Controls Finsbury ParkStation Place Bus Station


4 Severity Risk Rating

1 L/Hood

4 Rating Proposed Actions Completion Date