Pan- Multi-Agency Transition Protocol for Young People with Disabilities and/or Additional Learning Needs

October 2012

Your Life Your Choices : ) Pan-Gwent Multi-Agency Transition Protocol for Young People with Disabilities and/or Additional Learning Needs

This protocol sets out the roles I Transition is not just a series of and responsibilities of the agencies assessments and reviews. It is a involved in planning and coordinat- continuous process which is assisted by ing the transition into adulthood of agreed clear decisions at significant young people with disabilities and points. additional learning needs living in I All agencies will contribute to the the pan-Gwent area.The protocol development of the young person’s has been developed as part of a transition plan as set out in the multi-agency project which was set legislation and national guidance. up to improve transition planning I Effective partnership working is in the Gwent area. essential so that each young person has a well-planned and well-coordinated Vision transition into adulthood. Young people with disabilities and I Each agency will be responsible for additional learning needs will have ensuring that information about this well-planned and well-coordinated protocol is disseminated to all levels of transition support through their their organisation. transition into adulthood. I The transition process will promote: I Independence Principles I Integrated planning I A holistic approach I Young people should be at the centre I Choice and control of the transition planning process. I Young people and their parents and carers should be fully involved.

1 Commitment The Pan-Gwent Multi-Agency Transition Protocol requires commitment and support at management and operational levels to ensure that the vision for these young people becomes a reality. By signing this document, the agencies below give their commitment to implement this protocol in the Graham Bowd pan-Gwent area. South East Regional Director Careers Choice Dewis Gyrfa

Dr Andrew Goodall Sue Evans Chief Executive Locality Director, Social Care, Housing & Health Aneurin Bevan Health Board Torfaen Council

Mark Provis Liz Majer Chief Education Officer Director of Social Services Torfaen County Borough Council County Borough Council

Sylvia Lindoe Albert Heaney Director of Education and Leisure Corporate Director Social Services Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council Caerphilly County Borough Council

Sandra Aspinall Simon Burch Director of Education Chief Officer Social Care Health and Housing Caerphilly County Borough Council County Council

Andrew Keep Stewart Greenwell Corporate Director of Lifelong Learning Corporate Director Care & Customers Monmouthshire County Council Newport City Council

Brett Pugh Shirley Rogers Chief Education Officer Central South Regional Director Newport City Council Careers Choice Dewis Gyrfa

2 1 Introduction between the different agencies concerned.This protocol aims to This protocol describes a multi-agency integrate the assessment and planning planning process to facilitate the processes of the various agencies into a transition of young people with single system that satisfies a variety of disabilities and additional learning needs legislative requirements.The most from school to adulthood. significant of these are:The Children Act 1.1 This transition protocol meets 1989 & 2004, the NHS and Community the current minimum transition plan Care Act 1990, the Education Act 1996, standards required by the SEN Code Disabled Persons (Services, of Practice () 2002, and the Consultations and Representations) additional transition key actions set out Act 1986, United Nations Convention in the National Service Framework for on the Rights of the Child 1989. Children,Young People and Maternity 2.2 The current legal requirements for Services (2005). Transition Planning for young people 1.2 This protocol has been agreed by with Special Educational Needs are set Monmouthshire CC,Torfaen CBC, out in the SEN Code of Practice for Blaenau Gwent CBC, Caerphilly CBC, Wales.This document places the Newport CC,Aneurin Bevan Health responsibility for drawing up a transition Board and Careers Wales. Section 5 plan in year 9 with the school Head describes the multi-agency transition Teacher, as part of the statement review process adopted by Monmouthshire process.The Code of Practice also CC,Torfaen CBC, Blaenau Gwent CBC, specifies that Careers Wales, Social and Newport CC. Caerphilly CBC will Services and any relevant Health use an alternative multi-agency process professionals should be invited to attend described in Appendix 2. the statement review in year 9 and 1.3 This protocol also links with the contribute to the transition planning Aneurin Bevan Health Board’s Policy for process.The school review process can the Transition of Young People with also be used to draw up transition Healthcare Needs between Children's plans for young people with special Services and Adult Services within the educational needs who do not have a Aneurin Bevan Health Board. statement (for instance young people on School Action Plus). 2 Background 2.3 The Welsh Government published 2.1 Historically the transition process its National Service Framework (NSF) has often included a number of separate for Children,Young People and assessments and a lack of Maternity Services in 2005.This NSF communication and co-ordination document set out key actions for

3 improving the Transition Planning integrated plan for the young person’s process for young people with transition to adult life.The school disabilities, by 2015. should circulate the agreed transition 2.4 If the NSF transition key actions plan within 10 days of the review are fully implemented, the transition meeting. planning process in each local authority 3.3 Under sections 5 and 6 of the area will need to include a Multi-Agency Disabled Person’s Act 1986, at the Year 9 Transition Group, Multi-Agency Annual Review, the Education Authority Transition Plans and Transition has a responsibility to seek information Coordinators (also known as Transition from Social Services about whether a Keyworkers) for each young person young person with an SEN statement is with disabilities who needs one. disabled and may require services from the Local Authority when leaving school. 3 The Transition Process set This legal requirement forms the basis out in the SEN Code of for information sharing between Practice Education and Social Services. 3.1 The annual review of a young 3.4 The school should also consult person’s special educational needs (SEN) child health services and any other is a process. Part of the process involves professionals such as educational psy- a review meeting which is a statutory chologists, or occupational therapists requirement placed on schools under who may have a useful contribution to the Education Act 1996.The review make. process applies to all young people who have a statement of SEN, and can also 4 Which young people need be applied to young people with SEN or Multi-Agency Transition Additional Learning Needs (ALN) who Support? do not have a statement (e.g. young 4.1 Some young people with SEN people on School Action Plus). statements can make satisfactory 3.2 The first annual review meeting transitions into adulthood without in Year 9 should include the drawing needing additional transition support up of a Transition Plan.All subsequent from Social Services or Health Services. annual review meetings, until the young For these young people, their Transition person leaves school, should involve the Plans can be drawn up with the help of reviewing and updating of this Transition school staff and their Careers Wales Plan.The Transition Plan should draw Adviser. In effect, their Transition together information from a range of Coordinator is either a member of the individuals and agencies within and school staff or their Careers Wales beyond school in order to develop an Adviser.This type of transition is

4 referred to as a ‘Standard Transition’ in school review meeting, so that there is the flow chart in Appendix 1. an opportunity to help the young 4.2 However, there are some young person prepare a draft transition plan people with disabilities or additional for this meeting. learning needs who will not be able 4.4 It is important that the young to make satisfactory transitions into person and their family are aware that adulthood without additional transition a request for additional transition support.There are a number of factors support is being made. Consent for this that could influence this. If the young request should be sought from parents person already has a social worker and the young person. If the young and/or specialist health input, this is an person or family members have indication that additional transition sufficient information about the process, support is needed.The social worker they should be able to make the request and any specialist health professional for additional transition support should attend the young person’s themselves, directly to the Multi-Agency transition reviews from year 9 until the Transition Group. young person leaves school, and the 4.5 The Multi-Agency Transition social worker or specialist health Group will consider requests for professional can act as the young additional transition support, and will person’s ‘Transition Coordinator’ as the decide whether the young person meets young person moves into adulthood and ‘Trigger Criteria’ for needing additional leaves school.The Transition transition support. Coordinator can make sure that the young person has a Multi-Agency 4.6 Referrals for other forms of Transition Plan, with contributions from support may also be needed: for other professionals such as school-based instance advocacy support, safeguarding staff and the Careers Wales Adviser. (child protection) action, child in need support.These other referrals should 4.3 If the School or Careers Wales be made separately, and any urgent Adviser is aware that a young person referrals should not be delayed because with disabilities will need additional a referral for transition support has transition support, but does not cur- been made. rently have any social services support or specialist health input, the school or Careers Wales can make a referral to the local Multi-Agency Transition Group to request additional transition support. It is best practice to do this well in advance of the young person’s next

5 5 Multi-agency Transition Transition Group will identify a Process for young people who ‘Transition Coordinator’ for the young meet the Trigger Criteria for person.The Group will take into additional transition support account the views of the young person (See flowchart in Appendix 1). and family members when identifying a Please note the multi-agency transition suitable Transition Coordinator.This pathway being used by Caerphilly is person would act as a lead professional shown in Appendix 2 and their role would reflect where the emphasis needs to be placed for 5.1 The Local Authority identifies transition for any individual. young people who will be due for an annual review, including those in Years 9 5.5 If there is no significant Health and above, and sends a list of these or Social Services involvement, the young people to each school’s Head Transition Coordinator could be either Teacher during the summer term.The the Careers Wales Adviser, a school staff school decides on annual review dates member, or a dedicated Transition for all young people with SEN Coordinator (if available). statements, and any young people on 5.6 If there is significant Health or School Action Plus or School Action Social Services involvement, the who would benefit from an annual Transition Coordinator could be a review. Children’s Team or Adult Team social 5.2 The school must ensure that worker, or a specialist health Social Services and any other relevant professional, or a dedicated Transition service are aware of the annual review Coordinator (if available). and are invited to participate. 5.7 In line with the Code of Practice 5.3 The school can consider the for SEN the school would seek to gain Trigger Criteria in Appendix 1 to assess the views of the young person and their whether to make a referral to the Multi- family prior to the review.Where the Agency Transition Group. “Transition Coordinator” is not a member of school staff it may be agreed 5.4 The Multi-Agency Transition that this role would be undertaken by Group includes representatives of the coordinator. In those instances the Education and Social Services, the Transition Coordinator will meet with Health Board and Careers Wales.This the young person, liaise with their group will decide whether any referred parents/carers and will arrange for the young people meet the criteria for completion of a draft Transition Plan for multi-agency transition support. the young person in advance of the 5.5 If the young person does meet young person’s next annual review. these criteria, the Multi-Agency Information in appropriate formats

6 explaining the process and its purpose 5.12 Any additional assessments should will be provided for the young person be brief and focused and should not and their family. repeat other information already 5.8 The transition plan is based on supplied. information from the young person and 5.13 Any additional assessments or their family, and aims to provide an reports will need to be completed and overview of what is important to the returned to the person co-ordinating young person, and what support they the review (normally the Head Teacher need - in readiness for the annual in Special Schools or the Special review meeting. Educational Needs Co-ordinator in 5.9 The Health Board representative mainstream schools) at least 6 weeks on the Multi-Agency Transition Group before the review date. will identify appropriate health professionals who may need to provide 6 Transition Review (Annual additional reports or information e.g. Review in year 9) from therapy staff.The staff involved 6.1 The Head Teacher will collate and should attempt to co-ordinate their distribute the assessment information visits and assessments to prevent at least 2 weeks before the Review unnecessary duplication and multiple meeting.The School must invite the assessment appointments for the family. following people to form a review team: 5.10 The draft transition plan is I The young person (who may completed and agreed with the young choose to bring an advocate or person and their family, along with supporter) consent to share the information in the I The parents/carers (who may plan. It should be sent to the school’s choose to bring a supporter) Head Teacher at least 6 weeks before I A member of the school staff the annual review, for circulation to I Careers Wales Adviser other professionals. I Social Services I Any other person specified by 5.11 Based on their knowledge of the the Head Teacher young person, the Head Teacher, in I Any other person considered consultation with the Transition appropriate - this should include Coordinator and the young person, health professionals involved with the will decide if there is a need for any young person. additional information / assessments from any professional whose input would add to the understanding of the young persons’ needs in transition.

7 7 Involving the Young Person 8.3 After the review meeting the school produces a Statutory Review 7.1 The young person must be invited document within 10 days of the review to the review.Where possible the young meeting, which it must circulate to person should be encouraged to attend parents, and the professionals involved. the review meeting with appropriate support to enable the young person to 8.4 The Statutory Review document prepare and participate effectively. If the should be accompanied by the Transition young person chooses not to attend, Plan, along with a summary of the they should be made aware of the Action Plan agreed at the meeting. review process and their views should 8.5 If the young person with be taken into consideration. disabilities is ‘looked after’ by the local 7.2 Key actions will be agreed at the authority or is a Care Leaver, the meeting, and an Action Plan should be Transition Plan will become a Pathway drawn up with details of who should be Plan and will be reviewed every 6 doing which action and by when. months as part of the Pathway Plan Review Process. In this case the young 8 The Transition Plan person should have access to a Personal Adviser who can assist with their 8.1 The format of the transition plan Transition and Pathway planning. can vary according to the young person’s preferences and the 8.6 It is good practice to link or documentation currently in use. combine the school Annual Review with any social services review meeting (LAC 8.2 Wherever possible, the transition Review, Child in Need Review, Pathway plan should include information about Plan Review). the young person’s communication skills, health and safety needs, family and 9 Involving Adult Social friends, leisure interests and transport Services needs, what the young person wants to do after leaving school (education, work, 9.1 The Social Services Children’s Team training or other activities), what will notify the appropriate adult social support they are likely to need and services team in line with internal what financial resources they will be procedures when the young person able to use.The emphasis of the plan is reaches the age of 14 to ensure a likely to reflect the needs of the young smooth transfer to adult services if this person and the expertise of the lead is appropriate. professional helping the young person 9.2 Similarly, the relevant adult health to complete the draft plan. service professionals should be notified to ensure a smooth transition from children’s health services. 8 9.3 Some young people with Healthcare: a Framework for disabilities do not have any significant Implementation in Wales’.An social services or health involvement. If appropriate Health professional who can it seems likely that a young person with facilitate this assessment will need to be a disability will need additional transition identified.The Multi-Agency Transition support during the transition from Group should be alerted if there are any school into adulthood, a referral can be problems with this Assessment process. made to the Multi-Agency Transition 9.6 If specialist placement options are Group for additional transition support. being considered in order to meet the The referral can be made by the young young person’s health, educational person, any member of the young per- and/or social needs, these options will son’s family, school-based staff, Careers need to be discussed by the young Wales or anyone else who knows the person, family members and the relevant young person.The referral needs the Careers Wales, Health, Education and consent of the young person and those Social Services professionals to make with parental responsibility. sure that all funding and transition 9.4 If there is likely to be involvement implications are considered. from adult social services, an adult team social worker should attend the young 10 Transition planning after person’s Transition Reviews from year 9 the young person leaves school until the young person leaves school, to 10.1 If the young person leaves school consider how best the young person and starts to attend college, work-based should be supported into adulthood. training, employment or some other 9.5 If it appears that continuing health daytime activity, they can continue to care support is required into adulthood, develop their Transition Plan.The Social Services and Health professionals Transition Plan will be reviewed and will need to discuss the implications of updated if the young person has ongoing this with the young person and family support from their Transition members at an early stage to ensure Coordinator.The Transition Plan could continuity of care. If a Continuing also be reviewed by the Careers Wales Healthcare (CHC) Assessment is Adviser, Social Worker, or by staff in the needed, this should be arranged as early young person’s college, work-base or as possible.The assessment for eligibility daytime activity placement. under the Adult CHC Criteria should 10.2 The Review of the Transition Plan commence during the individual's 16th is no longer part of the statutory year to enable an ‘in principle’ decision statement review process, which stops to be made by the young person's 17th when the young person leaves school. birthday, as set out in ‘Continuing NHS

9 However, the young person should 12 For Further Information benefit from reviewing their Transition about this Protocol please Plan and updating their Action Plan. contact: 12.1 List of Multi-Agency Transition 11 Complaints and Disputes Group contacts in each area: 11.1 If a young person or family Blaenau Gwent member is unhappy with the transition Damien McCann support they are receiving, they can 01495 322777 contact one of the agencies providing [email protected] transition support (school, education service, social services, health board or Caerphilly Careers Wales), or they can write to a Tina Blake representative of the Multi-Agency 01443 864631 Transition Group in their area.The [email protected] contact details for these groups are Monmouthshire given in paragraph 12.1 below. Keith Self 11.2 If a young person or family 01873 735455 member is unhappy with the outcome [email protected] of a decision made by the Multi-Agency Newport Transition Group, such as whether the Jonathan Griffiths young person is eligible for Multi- 01633 656656 Agency Transition Support, or which [email protected] person will act as Transition Coordinator, then they should write to Torfaen the Multi-Agency Transition Group in Sarah Paxton their area. 01633 648343 11.3 If the response to any initial [email protected] complaints under paragraphs 11.1 or 11.2 does not resolve the issue, the 12.2 This Protocol will be reviewed young person or family member can periodically to ensure that it is fit for make a formal complaint to the Local purpose.Any problems relating to this Authority, who will determine which Protocol should be reported to the agency needs to deal with the contacts listed in paragraph 12.1. complaint. 12.3 Information Sharing between young people, families and professionals is a fundamental requirement for good Transition Planning. Personal information must be handled lawfully by all those

10 involved.The Information Sharing requirements of this Protocol are supported by Information Sharing agreements in each of the local authority areas.

11 Appendix 1: Multi-Agency Transition Process For Young People with Disabilities and Additional Learning Needs

Timetable Stages In year 8, the Education Service identifies young people due for Annual Review Summer of year 8 in the following school year (year 9) and sends the list to schools in July.

Does child/young person meet the ‘trigger criteria’ for full multi-agency transition procedure?

Yes No

School sends referrals and list of Review dates Standard transition to Multi-Agency Transition Group

Multi-Agency Transition Group identifies Transition Coordinator, taking the views of the young person and family members into account.

Is there significant Social Services or Health Service involvement?

Yes - Transition Coordinator could be: No - Transition Coordinator Social Worker, Health Professional or could be Careers Wales Dedicated Transition Coordinator Adviser or School staff (if available) member

At least 6 weeks School/Transition Coordinator prepares draft Transition Plan with young before Review person and family members, with consent to share information, and sends to (Year 9) Head Teacher at least 6 weeks before Annual Review

At least 2 weeks Head Teacher requests advice and attendance from all relevant agencies, before Review parent/carers and young person. Head Teacher collates and distributes information at least 2 weeks before Review date.

Review Meeting Annual Review meeting.Transition Plan and Action Plan agreed.

Within 10 days of School produces ‘Statutory Review’ document including ‘Transition Plan’ and Review sends both to appropriate agencies and professionals within 10 days of the review meeting.

Annual update of Transition Plan is reviewed annually and updated.Additional agencies invited to plan the meeting as appropriate.

Children’s Social Services and Health workers arrange timely transition handovers, as and when appropriate, to adult teams in Social Services and Health. 12 Appendix 1 continued I The young person is placed out of authority in a specialist education "Trigger Criteria" to Initiate Full placement. MultiAgency Transition Procedure I The young person is Looked After The Trigger Criteria are intended to by the Local Authority, or considered cover the range of young people who to be a ‘Child in Need’. are likely to need significant provision of services, advice and/or support in Appendix 2 adolescence and adulthood due to the Multi-Agency Transition Process for impact of their disability on their Young People with Disabilities and families and/or their life chances.The Additional Learning Needs in criteria attempts to look at the impact Caerphilly of the disability rather than the medical diagnosis or category. 5 Multi-agency Transition Process The role of the Local Authority in the Trigger Criteria for additional annual review and transition process is transition support to circulate to all schools and settings a Young people with a permanent or list of pupils who will require an annual significant disability or health condition review and to ask schools to inform and who have one or more of the them of the dates of the annual reviews following; due to take place over the academic I A high level of dependence on year. others for personal care or other For the purposes of the multi-agency needs. transition process a specific transition I A clearly identifiable risk of family database will include young people with breakdown, because of the family statements, young people with complex situation, stress on the carers, or the needs at school action plus and looked task of caring for the young person. after young people educated in county I A disability or health condition and out of county.This database will be where there is a serious risk of harm managed by the Local Authority and or injury to themselves or others, used by the multi-agency transition including those young people who panel to identify and track young have little or no sense of danger and people undergoing transition.A data who need constant monitoring to management protocol will be included keep them safe. in the terms of reference for the I A major sensory disability. multi-agency transition group.A multi I The young person is in need of agency transition group will consider specialist services other than referrals via the process described at education and School Health Service. the end of this document.

13 5.1 Transition Process Stage 1 The Y8 multi agency Transition Planning (Y8 Reviews) Panel will meet on an annual basis.This group will decide whether any referred The Local Authority acknowledges that young people meet the criteria for a barrier to effective transition planning multi-agency transition support. If a is that the ‘right’ professionals do not young person’s referral is agreed the attend the first transition meeting in Y9. Panel will consider which agencies need This can result in delays in referrals to to be involved for the Y9 Review and, if appropriate agencies and in some cases appropriate, nominate the professional to needs not being fully identified prior from the relevant agency/agencies who to the involvement of adult services. will attend. Following this the school In order to address this, transition will be informed of the outcome of the coordinators /SENCOs in schools or Panel and who has been nominated to other settings will be required to attend. Schools will be asked to provide complete a Transition Planning pro- a date for the Transition Review by the forma to be included with the Annual end of September in the new academic Review report following the Annual year.These dates will be circulated to all Review in Y8.For identified young relevant agencies. people at School Action Plus, SENCOs will be requested to undertake a Future Transition Process Stage 2 planning Review and complete the same 5.2 (Years 9- 10) pro-forma The Local Authority will inform schools Following the Y8 review the school will /settings prior to the beginning of the send the Annual Review report with academic year, which young people recommendations and the transition require an annual review and transition pro forma completed to the Local plan. Schools will have already been Authority. The FPR and transition informed if representatives from health pro-forma will be returned for young or social care have been nominated to people in identified vulnerable groups. attend and will include them on the The pro-formas will be analysed and attendance list.The Head Teacher or where multi-agency involvement is SENCo will organise the annual review indicated these cases will be put and transition plan meeting as indicated forward to a multi agency Transition in the SEN Code of Practice for Wales Planning Panel.This Panel will include representatives from Education, Social The format of the transition plan can Services, the Health Board and Careers vary according to the young person’s Wales. needs/preferences and the documentation used by the school/set- ting (The transition plan should include

14 information about the young person’s the Panel, schools will be informed of communication skills, health and safety the outcome and whether an external needs, family and friends, leisure representative will attend the review interests and transport needs, what the meeting in the following academic year. young person wants to do after leaving Adult social services and adult health school (education, work, training or professionals will be notified of cases, other activities), what support they are which at this stage look likely to require likely to need and what financial additional support into adulthood. resources they will be able to use. Key If there is significant Health or Social actions will be agreed at the meeting, Services involvement, the Panel will and an Action Plan should be drawn up recommend that the school /setting with details of who should be doing works closely with these agencies, which action and by when using a team around the child/family If the young person is ‘looked after’ by approach to planning in order to ensure the local authority or is a Care Leaver, that assessments are coordinated. In the Transition Plan will become a some cases, and in negotiation with the Pathway Plan and will be reviewed every school and family, a Children’s Services 6 months as part of the Pathway Plan social worker, or a specialist health Review Process. In this case the young professional could be nominated as a person should have access to a Personal ‘Transition Coordinator’ Adviser who can assist with their Transition and Pathway planning. 5.3 Transition Process Stage 3 Following the annual review meeting, (Years 11-14) the report and Transition Plan will be The Local Authority will inform schools forwarded to the Local Authority for /settings prior to the beginning of the processing. If the young person was academic year, which young people referred in Y8 for multi-agency require an annual review and transition involvement the outcome from the plan. Schools will have already been Transition Action Plan will be put informed if representatives from health forward to the Y9/10 Transition Review or social care have been nominated to and Planning Panel. New referrals will attend and will include them on the also be forwarded to the Panel for attendance list.The Head Teacher or consideration. SENCo will organise the annual review At the Y9/10 Transition Review and and transition plan meeting as indicated Planning Panel the continued in the SEN Code of Practice for Wales. involvement of agencies in the transition Review meetings in years 11-14 should process will be reviewed and new cases focus on reviewing the Transition Plan considered for involvement. Following and Transition Action Plan.

15 Following the annual review meeting, If, following a transition review in Year the report and Transition Plan will be 11 the Multi-Agency Transition Panel is forwarded to the Local Authority for informed that the young person is processing. If the young person was leaving school and will be attending a referred in Y9/10 for multi-agency FE College, the Multi-Agency Transition involvement the outcome from the Panel, will consider whether ongoing Transition Action Plan will be put monitoring is required and, if forward to the Year11/13 Transition appropriate appoint a Transition Review and Planning Panel. New Coordinator to oversee the case. referrals will also be forwarded to the Panel for consideration. If it appears that continuing health care support is required into adulthood, Social Services and Health professionals on the Multi Agency Transition Panel will be responsible for notifying the relevant people in their agencies so that, if appropriate a Continuing Healthcare (CHC) Assessment can be arranged in line with guidance in ‘Continuing NHS Healthcare: a Framework for Implementation in Wales’.The Multi- Agency Transition Panel should be alerted if there are any problems with this assessment process. If specialist placement options are being considered in order to meet the young person’s health, educational and/or social needs, these options will be discussed at the Multi Agency Panel to make sure that all funding and transition implications are considered. The Multi-Agency Transition Panel will nominate a Transition Coordinator to oversee individual cases of this nature and to liaise with the young person and their family and any other services involved

16 Appendix 2 continued: Caerphilly’s Multi Agency Transition Process

Stage 1 Y8 Annual Review Multi agency School Annual Review Reports & Transition involvement required - Y8 Statemented pupils Planning pro forma refer to TOG LA sends list of pupils returned to LA with statements to Future Planning schools & requests Review (FPR) FPRs returned for dates of Annual for identified SA+ SA+ & LAC Reviews. & LAC

LA identifies pupils at SA+ with high level Stage 2 - Y9 /Y10 New Cases - Multi of need Annual Review agency involvement Reports & Transition required - refer to LA identifies pupils Plans returned to LA TOG who are Looked After (in county & out of Stages 2 & 3 FPRs returned for Known Cases - county) School Annual Review SA+ & LAC Transition Action Plan & Transition Plan forwarded to TOG Y9-13 Statemented LA Processes & Sorts pupils AR & Transition Plans

Future Planning Identified pupil names Stage 3 - Y11/13 New Cases - Multi Review (FPR) for transferred to TOG Annual Review agency involvement identified SA+ & LAC database Reports & Transition required - refer to Plans returned to LA TOG

FPRs returned for Known Cases - SA+ & LAC Transition Action Plan forwarded to TOG LA processes and sorts AR & Transition Plans