Ext4 File System and Crash Consistency
1 Ext4 file system and crash consistency Changwoo Min 2 Summary of last lectures • Tools: building, exploring, and debugging Linux kernel • Core kernel infrastructure • Process management & scheduling • Interrupt & interrupt handler • Kernel synchronization • Memory management • Virtual file system • Page cache and page fault 3 Today: ext4 file system and crash consistency • File system in Linux kernel • Design considerations of a file system • History of file system • On-disk structure of Ext4 • File operations • Crash consistency 4 File system in Linux kernel User space application (ex: cp) User-space Syscalls: open, read, write, etc. Kernel-space VFS: Virtual File System Filesystems ext4 FAT32 JFFS2 Block layer Hardware Embedded Hard disk USB drive flash 5 What is a file system fundamentally? int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int fd; char buffer[4096]; struct stat_buf; DIR *dir; struct dirent *entry; /* 1. Path name -> inode mapping */ fd = open("/home/lkp/hello.c" , O_RDONLY); /* 2. File offset -> disk block address mapping */ pread(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0); /* 3. File meta data operation */ fstat(fd, &stat_buf); printf("file size = %d\n", stat_buf.st_size); /* 4. Directory operation */ dir = opendir("/home"); entry = readdir(dir); printf("dir = %s\n", entry->d_name); return 0; } 6 Why do we care EXT4 file system? • Most widely-deployed file system • Default file system of major Linux distributions • File system used in Google data center • Default file system of Android kernel • Follows the traditional file system design 7 History of file system design 8 UFS (Unix File System) • The original UNIX file system • Design by Dennis Ritche and Ken Thompson (1974) • The first Linux file system (ext) and Minix FS has a similar layout 9 UFS (Unix File System) • Performance problem of UFS (and the first Linux file system) • Especially, long seek time between an inode and data block 10 FFS (Fast File System) • The file system of BSD UNIX • Designed by Marshall Kirk McKusick, et al.
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