Treaties, Engagements and Sanads
A COLLECTION OF TREATIES, ENGAGEMENTS AND SANADS RELATING TO INDIA AND NEIGHBOURING COUNTRIES COMPILED BY C. U. AITCHISON, B.C.S., UNDER SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA IN THE FOREIGN DEPARTMENT VOL. IV CONTAINING THE TREATIES, &c., RELATING TO THE CENTRAL INDIA AGENCY. PART I--CENTRAL INDIA AGENCY, BHOPAL AGENCY AND SOUTHERN STATES OF CENTRAL INDIA AND MALWA AGENCY. Revised and continued up to the end of 1930 under the authority of the Fbreign and Political Department. CALCUTTA. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA CENTRAL PUBLICATION BRANCH 1933 Price Rs. 6-4 or 10. Government of India Publications are obtainable from the Government of India Central Publi- cation Branch, 3, Government Place, West, Calcutta, and from the following Agents :- EUROPE. OFFIan OF TnE HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR INDIA. INDIA HoiUS. ALDWYCH. LONDON, W. C. 2 And at all Booksellers. INDIA AND CEYLON : Provincial Book Depots. MADRAS :-Superintendent, Government Press, Mount Road, Miadras. BOMBAY :-Superintendent, Government Printing and Stationery, Queen's Road, Bombay. SIND :-Library attached to the Office of the Commissioner in Sind, Karachi. BEKOAL :-Bengal Secretariat Book Dep~t, Writers' Buildings, Room No. 1, Ground Floor, Calcutta. UNITED PROVINCES OF AGRA AND OUDR :-Superintendent of Government Press, United Provinces of Agra and Oudh, Allahabad. pUNJAB :-Superintendent, Government Printing, Punjab, Lahore. BURMA :-Superintendent, Government Printing, Burma, Rangoon. CENTRAL PROVINCES AND BERAR :-Superintendent, Government Printing, Central Provinces, Nagpur. ASSAl :- Superintendent, Assam Secretariat Press, Sbillong. BIAQ AaD ORISSA :-Superintendent, Government Printing, Bihar and Orissa P. 0. Gulzarbagh, Patna. NORTH-WEST FRONTIER PROVINCE :-Manager, Government Printing and Stationery, Peshawar. Thacker Spink & Co., Ltd., Calcutta and Simla.
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