2013, June 21 Friday Night Hard News Call





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T & R: ● they need food and gas money this week ● On the website: www.2013RainbowRoundTable.ning.com ● There is a Paypal button on this site ● Please notify them if you're sending something: [email protected] ● Rama's mailing address for cheques, Money orders: Ram D Berkowitz 1704 B Llano St, # 249 Santa Fe, NM 87505 ● phone contact is via MariettaRobert: 317-773-0061 or by e-mail: [email protected] ● Remember you can have a session with Mother, as well!

MR: ● We also need to remember to support MariettaRobert's show as well!!!!

T: someone called once and said they only had $5 – didn't think it mattered! OF COURSE IT MATTERS – every little bit matters!

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2013, June 21 Friday Night Hard News Call 1 / 12 Hard News Ed Schultz: Ed, John Nichols burned down the barn today about the failed Farm Bill ● A good thing it failed; at the same time, John told the sordid history of John Boehner & the deal he and Larry Silverstein made a deal to split the profits of the insurance policy when Bldg #7 collapsed on 9/11 ● Also talked of Eric Cantor and how he got a cut of the action ● All that is going on is being done to block the work of the President who is moving things forward John wondered if Obama can fire all of Congress? ● Nancy Pelosi trashed Mr Boehner: “Go back to the drawing board, Mr Boehner, and don't use crayons – this is not kindergarten. He was the worst speaker of the house, ever. She went to idea that 62 votes of Republicans did not vote for it & the $20 M cut in SNAP; did not want to identify with action against the SNAP program. One guy was going to get a lot of money for his farm even. ● John Nichols – interviewed 2 farmers today; they said what these ones have done is such a fiasco – they were apoplectic! One of the men called in from his cell phone and said Boehner will be paying $35 for a salad if they don't pass the immigration, etc & give everyone an equal, fair share – they need to raise taxes They cannot take it with them; they will only leave via Mother and the Dark Rift

T: the Financial Times told the story about Boehner and Silverstein – someone must have tipped them off [His name is pronounced Bone-er]

Ed Snowden story: Julian Assange is working with his people & others in Hong Kong to get ED to Iceland [someone offered a private flight] or into the Ecuadorean embassy in Hong Kong: T: a flight to Iceland is fraught with danger from the NSA or others ● It is too late to stop the information from getting out even if they kill him or put him in prison. ● Democracy Now: June 10th Boos Allan Hamilton is largest contractor in America – has a strategic role in American intelllarge role in advising NSA ● A book called Spies for Hire: The Secret world of Intelligence Outsourcing by Tim Sharock the author. Someone described the NSA as a digital Blackwater. The author confirmed that Snowden could do what he said he could, as long as he got an e-mail ●Ed Snowden was officially charged with 3 things: espionage – improperly giving out gov't classified papers; improperly giving out NSA papers; one theft; conversion of Gov't documents R: does this constitute the death penalty? T: no, there will be an official indictment & then extradition would be requested ● Chris Hayes brought up the clause about extradition that has not been seen much – it states that as the gov't sees fit, they could hold him because there are political things going on ● Robert Greenwald was on: it is not really espionage – he did not give anything to anyone; he only talked – it is only political; it is a bad law from the start – goes back to Woodrow Wilson & the illegality of the law that created the Federal Reserve, which included this clause as well

● Affirmative Action and Voters Right Act in front of the Supreme Court. These cases have been pretty much rigged by the Donors Trust 1. The Donors Trust, a neo con Republican organization – gave millions to ALEC to set up ALEC's rules; ● $1.2 M went to one white man who decided that affirmative action was prejudiced towards blacks He tried to get into some kind of office in Texas; he was not elected in 2 districts in Texas: one was all black, one was Hispanic; he called those districts racist ● the latest gerrymandering has been done salamander style: slithering around and finding where the Republicans were and re-aligning the boundaries – so they can win there; ● done in Colorado big time – only 2 districts that were not Republican when they were finished 2. This is reverse Racism: the white guy took it all the way to the Supreme Court ● Also in Arkansas he did something with the voters Rights Act ● We know the Supreme Court will get arrested, yet the lesson plan is that the Supreme Court is just 9 robes & makes the US a so-called constitutional monarchy like England; the royals are the royal robed Supreme Court guys ● In the case Mayberry vs Madison, the court took away the constitutional statements about the supreme court which was to have the least amount of power; Congress was to do the legislating ● They had no business deciding whether they like the law or nor, or considered it law or not – they were

2013, June 21 Friday Night Hard News Call 2 / 12 not even to consider such things. They could strike down the legislation voter/civil rights of 1965, and the Voters Rights Act 3. The daughter of the man above did not get into the U of Texas even though she was white; she is attempting to make this a race issue. As reported by someone who knew about the situation: mostly white kids got into the university; the other kids – of colour - were better than she was - she is attempting to make it a race issue

4 Trayvon Martin case: 6 female jurors, 5 white, one Hispanic – not too balanced.

● Prime Interest this morning on RT TV: co-producer of Thom Hartman's program was on, talking of China's economy which is sliding down ● The guests on the program agreed that 1. Ben Bernanke would no longer be doing quantitative easing & 2. it was a good time to shut down the Fed! Both agreed! A good story!

Audio: Max Keiser June 19, 2013 Episode 460


In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss how the show was recently visited by a UFO – the aliens on board didn’t want to speak to Doughball Dave Cameron, but to discuss their concerns about the Giant Debt Ball of China that can be seen from outer space. They take an in- depth look at the size, scale and speed of debt in China, and at the JP Morgan Debit Card Work Farm for employees at McDonald’s in Pennsylvania. In the second half of the show, Max talks to ‘Debunking Economics’ author Dr. Steve Keen about George Osborne’s ponzi-like ‘Help to Buy’ scheme, and how it’s similar to failed government housing schemes in Australia in which ‘Help to Sell’ is the real objective of the subsidies.

Conference Call: Caller: has heard that Eric Holder is talking about Darryl Issa & is to be giving some kind of deposition next week - T: for what? Caller: his involvement in??? - all these ones are going down together? They are actually black mailing each other: Issa trying to get the names on a list about Benghazi and Fast and Furious; Holder ?? [Caller to come back on the call – technical problems]

T: while Max was talking about the bubble, a ship went by Max's window LITERALLY! See clip on YouTube! She knows it is challenging: was asked about annie's comments about June 7th did not result in immediate changes – yet the astrology did break things!


The original program is Keiser Report: Ooops, My Bad Economics (E457) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hekoGFSTlEg at about the 5 minute mark]

● The half hour piece on RT tv this morning that this is a good time to shut down the Fed made her shout ● also, on English and the alliance at the G8 meeting where they are supposed to be helping the people in Africa; Raj Patal got on [a piece of him is the Kalki Maitreya] and ripped a piece off them saying it was about control, not about helping the people – brought up GMO food issue “See the Future: the new alliance for food and nutrition” [included below] ● In the US, there is a cover-up of Monsanto

2013, June 21 Friday Night Hard News Call 3 / 12 2013, June 21 Will the New Alliance help Africa's poor?

We examine the US-led initiative that hopes to lift 50 million Africans out of poverty and hunger over the next decade. A year after the launch of a US-led initiative to lift millions out of poverty and hunger in Africa, we examine the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition.

The alliance was formed at the 2012 G8 summit led by the United States. Its stated goal was to reduce hunger and lift 50 million Africans out of poverty over the next decade.

The New Alliance ... has some merit to it, but the risk is that it becomes the only vehicle for investment and agricultural development. The frustration we've had is less about the New Alliance per se than about G8 leaders, other stakeholders basically, shifting the responsibility [of] agricultural development onto the private sector and not taking responsibility themselves.

Gawain Kripke, policy and research director at Oxfam America

Critics say this seemingly noble effort - among wealthy nations, African leaders and international corporations - to increase private sector investment in agriculture, is precisely the problem. Several NGOs and civil society organisations say this solution focuses too heavily on private investment and is the wrong solution to a complex and growing hunger crisis.

Among the concerns is that smallholder farmers could be pushed out of their land to make way for large, powerful international corporations.

Inside Story Americas spoke to Tjada D'oyen McKenna, the deputy coordinator for development for Feed the Future, an arm of US AID that is coordinating the US involvement in the Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition. She explained the goals of the initiative, and argued that safeguards were in place to protect local populations.

"The New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition is very simple, it basically aims to bring together African governments and the citizentry ... to work together to sustainably, and in an inclusive way, reduce poverty and undernutrition in African countries.

"Countries have signed on to it ... as well as individual companies ... the majority of them being local African companies and international companies .... The parties ... have agreed to abide by international standards ... the fact they have signed on and are working in an open transparent manner helps to make sure that we continue to reverse those processes and be in discussion to make sure that we get to get outcomes for all parties," said McKenna

Nine African countries have now joined the alliance. Malawi joined this month along with Benin and Nigeria who joined earlier in the year. In an op-ed in The Guardian, Malawi's president Joyce Banda said the programme's private funds were essential for lifting her country out of poverty.

"The New Alliance is important as my government doesn't just view agriculture as an essential means to attaining household and national food security; we see it as a business through which our farmers can generate wealth, improve their livelihoods and transform Malawi's economy. None of this can be achieved without private sector investment," said Banda

To discuss the issue in more detail on Inside Story Americas, presenter Shihab Rattansi is joined by guests: Raj Patel, a writer, activist and academic, and adviser to the United Nations special rapporteur on the right to food; Gawain Kripke, a policy and research director at Oxfam America; and Michael Klosson, the vice president of policy and humanitarian response at Save the Children.

2013, June 21 Friday Night Hard News Call 4 / 12 "I don't think [the New Alliance will work] ... in so far as it concentrates on increasing food production ... The reason for hunger is not a shortage of food but poverty. And without specifically addressing poverty, particularly without addressing women's poverty, what this initiative is doing is essentially paving the road for large businesses, whether African or international, to be able to have African resources in the African market, rather than addressing the reason why people are poor in the first place."

Raj Patel, writer, activist and academic, and adviser to the UN special rapporteur on the right to food


T: discussion about whether the President can fire the whole Congress; T goes to the constitution, Section 4, Article 2 : a list of who can be removed and why: “shall be removed from office . . . for treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanours” ● thinks this is where the Provost Marshall General will get authority to remove them ● 38 levels about the President - ACIO are in charge: Ashtar and the Asthar Command are in charge!

T: the talk of Boehner in bed with Silverstein raised her eyebrows, and Pelosi tearing Boehner a good one too

Reading: 2013, June 2 Some startling revelations are shortly to be disclosed [SEE BELOW]

Reading: 2013, June 19 Root Causes of the Detroit Municipal Crisis, Austerity and Finance Fraud. Moratorium NOW!: The Struggle Continues [SEE BELOW]

Reading: Central banks scooping up bargain gold, Maguire tells King World News Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2013-06-21 18:02. Section: Daily Dispatches 2p ET Friday, June 21, 2013 Dear Friend of GATA and Gold: metals trader Andrew Maguire tells King World News today that the new gold price smash has stimulated enormous buying, much by central banks, in part because gold is now priced below the cost of production. Maguire poses the zillion-dollar question: "Just how long can this paper market selling continue to drive price when such a massive transfer of physical is underway?" An excerpt from the interview is posted at the King World News blog here: http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/KWN_DailyWeb/Entries/2013/6/21_Ma... CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc. Music: The Prayer of St Francis set to music

MOTHER SEKHMET Greetings in the Light of the most Radiant One; in the Office of the Christ and only in the Office of the Christ, we invoke the loving energies of St Germain and the Violet Flame! T: in the NOW moment, let it be that we be Love Now, and that we have all we need to meet the challenge of the time we are in!

Greetings, Children of RA! Yes, we are all One; that is the glory of the story that is unfolding here in spite of the fits [and carrying on of her children]

2013, June 21 Friday Night Hard News Call 5 / 12 ● Tthings are unfolding in a most magnificent way for all to see as her wayward children with their conniption fits and fits of grandiose behaviour: it is in our best interests to hold love in the darkest of stories as we are witnessing them; it is a result of the empire called USA that the fit of the fix we are in -

● This is not about global warming, but about global cooling – the earth is moving in a higher octave of evoultionary development in orbit around the sun, Sol; things are shifitng in such a radical way

● It is to explain it: you asked to create; here are the keys to the kingdom, ojh ye creator gods, and ye have the keys and BTW, even Larry King will have to face Lady Ma'at and the 42 Principles – he gets no amnesty even though he is on RT tv

● It is the ending of a cycle now, and a new story has just begun: 12/21/12 was just a day – the real work begins now as it is already showing up before us in the moment: ● The do-nothing Congress has not passed a way for the people to take care of their land; if the crop fails and there is not rain – this is about us changing ourselves and as we do that, the atmosphere changes; as the land prospers, the people prospers and there is a great shift in the land and in the people ● There needs to be a purging of these "bugs" which are spraying us everyday with aerosal sprays called chemtrails and geo engineering

Randi Rhodes had on Mr Scott of www.weatherwars.com – talking of what they are doing in the unseen but seen wars in the skies by their ships; there has been engagement between those who fly the chemtrail planes and what is piloting those planes are not human – a combination of DNA that is a combo of Artificial Intelligence 7 other things; there are some planes that are unmarked that are flown by A Intelligence – they are playing with a program called SkyNet which is cancelled

● We are all being called to active duty to work with the energies of love, harmony, balance, grace – even when we feel we would like to hit the showers, give her the keys and say "Here, Mother! I can't take it any more! ● And she will say "Sorry – you signed up! We saw the hands going up 450 billion years ago! You were jumping up and down to get on with the mission!" ● And here we are around the virtual campfire: we see you, you see us

● The issues at hand – the planet and the people are making it – we must understand/overstand that love is the answer and the key – this is one of our biggest tasks as a race, a culture – ● we must unlearn what we have learned and form new neural pathways about how to look at things in a new, enlgihtened way ● It is about the colour/race issue: black is beautiful – Peek-a-boo: I see you, can you see me? ● There are more colours than the rainbow and the intricacies of the blending of the energies are part of the story – it is not about gender; you volunteered and we are holding you to your contract!

● We do this as One People, the people of that circle of the good red road – there is so much that is changing in the twinkling of an eye – across the cultures ● Listening to Native America Calling: the story from Canada: Idle No More : this is coming to you, Mr Harper ● The people along the coast of Vancouver, northern BC - trying to get the land and the water back – they do not need a license to fish on their own land ● Now they are making people get a license using finger prints& DNA! What kind of fascist state is this?

● Love is the answer; love is the key. We are given so many tests every 24 hours, which is now 12 hours – it is not about what you get done, but how you feel about what you have done – there is enough time, yet time is short. ● There is no time for her wayward children – no place to turn except to their Higher compassionate selves and that is the last place they will go. How do you sleep at night with two million souls on your conscience? ● These ones are a small circle of energy out of its time-space ontinnuum – the Cable Lady got called to

2013, June 21 Friday Night Hard News Call 6 / 12 fix the signal! ● One million mHtz is the deal of how we talk to Ashtar – yes, the FCC knows that – does not know why the stations do not transmit at that rate – mabye because we would hear the universe!

● What these ones have on the menu is themselves because it is of their own doing – the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing – this has been going on since time of Merk – ● the timelines converge now; it is why the Wing Makers are here; why the legends of humanity are here and why destiny has taken its course ● We are inter dimensional beings who have been sent on a rescue mission for ourselves – and if we can change one brain cells in Larry King's head, it will be a new day on earth!

● Stephanie Miller has declined to show up on RT; Larry King made a pass at her a couple of years ago – a married man and she is gay – just a little news along the way! He did the same to Randi Rhodes – he needs to heal the issue with his kundilini, and his wife is not helping him: he has an implant at the base of his brain, not easily removed. Larry King has the $ to pay John of God! ● Sean Penn has given almost all of his money to the people of Haiti and others on the planet.

T: what's up with Max Keiser and the star ship going past the window? Mo: one of our Pleiadian commanders letting the Tower of London know they are there: time for it to be cleaned! Wash that floor: it has too much blood caked on it! ● What is being brought up: humanity can no longer stomach what has occurred since the time of the change of the Industrial Revolution? Those from Zeta Reticuli came and gave a warning, things could have changed in the last few moments and humanity would not be 100+ years behind but it was ignored and so we are behind – yet there is divine right timing

T: Thom Hartmann had on Lamar Waldren today: the whole thing with the corporations taking over, de- regulation – began with Nixon Mo: Jackie Gleason was a friend of Nixon; at a certain point, they took a visit to an airforce base and saw a grey body in stasis there; JG introduced Nixon to seeing the bodies of the greys – JG was higher up in the echelon than Nixon. ● JG – like Julia Child: when you join the agency, you gotta do what you gott do ● Now it has come to final conclusion: what is unravelling with these ones is the trip to the Dark Rift

T: everyone in cahoots with Nixon will be arrested too; this will involve many older people Mo: a 98 year old Nazi war criminal just arrested – not above the law on this planet. The cicle/cycle of intervention has come full circle: Time for our wayward children to understand what it means to go to the dark rift. John Fuglesein show: can blame the 2008 financial crash on Bill Clinton as he made sure that the Glass Steagal act was repealed Mo: NAFTA, KAFTA, FREE TRADE – we need Glass Steagal - as we have the republic back, the banks will have to go back to their original role: keeping the books, not playing the roulette wheel T: Michael Moore was on John Fugelsein: John asked him if he would do it all again; ● MM said he would have to think about it as they found a bomb made of fertizliser by his home; family members threatened, etc T: confirmed that Julian Assnage's lawyer, Jennifer, got a call from Michael Hastings just hours before his death: told her that the FBI was tracking him Mo: Edward Snowden needs to be taken to Iceland T: Michael Hastings – Abby on Breaking the Set – not fully confirmed that the FBI killed him; will watch it T: Had chills up and down her body! These ones are scared out of their minds as the switch has been turned ● D'Yanna was saying that Rachel looked terrifedy herself when she was reportong on Michael Hasting's death – as you report on these things, how do you stay alive?

Mo: all kidding aside, Children of RA – this about the changeover; this planet is ascending and you with it; these children we call ours they are leaving, and they do not want to go as they know what is nigh ● it is not about death, it is about eternal life

2013, June 21 Friday Night Hard News Call 7 / 12 T: quadrillions have been taken off the balance sheet Mo: we might be talking about the 40 zeros next Friday! T: Roger ?? - said the decline of the middle class started with Nixon Mo: about playing he piece about Lamar Walden: this is about the Hard News; why JFK Sr still in the background; his daughter is still protected by goons with guns; his son who was killed will be back to tell his story!

T: Relatively speaking, we are so lucky to be in this country, in spite of the horror story of what we are doing in other countries – someone killed in Brazil today;

Audio: Lamar Waldren & Thom Hartmann: Conversations with Great Minds discussion with Lamar Walden and the hidden history about Nixon & Watergate [www.thehiddenhistory.com – about Watergate]

Audio: Bill Maher G uest List: June 21, 2013

The Interview: Haifaa Al Mansour is Saudi Arabia's first female feature-length film director. Her film, 'Wadjda' tells the story of a 10-year-old girl who yearns to own a bicycle, despite the fact that it is forbidden by Saudi custom. It premieres tonight at the LA Film Festival and opens in theaters September 13th. : @HaifaaMansour

The Panel: Joshua Green is a political columnist for the Boston Globe , as well as a national correspondent for Bloomberg Businessweek. His latest article takes a look at the Republican candidate hoping to claim John Kerry’s senate seat in Massachusetts. Green began his journalism career as an editor at The Onion. Twitter: @JoshuaGreen Bob Herbert is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at Demos, a think tank "working to reduce both political and economic inequality, deploying original research, advocacy, litigation, and strategic communications to create the America the people deserve." Previously, he spent 18 years as an op-ed columnist at The New York Times, "writing about politics, urban affairs and social trends in a twice-weekly column." Twitter: @BobHerbert Julia Reed is a food columnist for The Wall Street Journal and the author of But Mama Always Put Vodka in Her Sangria: Adventures in Eating, Drinking and Making Merry. She is also a regular contributer to Garden and Gun magazine, where she writesa column called "The High & The Low."

Michael Pollan joins the panel mid-show. He is an author, journalist and natural food advocate whose latest book is Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation. He was recently interviewed in The New York Times about his tour of southern barbeque joints and the challenges of eating ethically on the road. Twitter: @michaelpollan Audio: Finishes the Max Keiser Episode 460: past a certain stage, the banking sector becomes a parasite! [Steve King] Audio: Max Keiser Episode 459 http://rt.com/files/episode/1f/73/70/00/keiser_1806.mp4 Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert report from Belfast on location at the G8 and anti-G8 meetings. They juxtapose the protests in China where thousands wait in line to buy gold to protect against G8-style inflationary policies to the less-effective protests in Belfast where placards are waved in ‘free speech zones;’ while in Westminster, secret proposals are drafted by Rothschilds to retroactively raise interest rates on $40 billion in outstanding student loan debts. The plan is suggested in order to make the debt more attractive to private investors. In the second half, Max talks to independent journalist, Luke Rudkowski, about fake shopfronts in Belfast meant to disguise the true state of the economy and about the few protesters demanding communism and socialism when that’s part of the reason our financial and economic systems have collapsed.

Reading: Voices of our Ancestors Closing: Rainbird

2013, June 21 Friday Night Hard News Call 8 / 12 REFERENCE MATERIAL RELATED TO THE NOTES

2013, June 2 Some startling revelations are shortly to be disclosed – by John Smallman

2013-06-02-saul-audio-blog-for-sunday-june-2nd.mp3 Here in the spiritual realms, where we truly are not separated from you, excitement is building; in fact, we are bubbling over with it! I know you have been told this countless times over the last few years, but it is incumbent on me to tell you yet again, humanity's awakening is divinely ensured and the moment for it to happen is very close. Many of you are feeling tired, angry, and depressed, almost as though you had been short-changed, conned, or even swindled by those who are telling you of the wonders that await your awakening. It seems that you have been waiting and waiting and waiting. The waiting seems to have been interminable, so it is no wonder that you are feeling upset and that your doubts and anxieties have been intensifying. However, the end is in sight, and the joy that will replace your present life experience will cause you ecstasy as you finally understand completely what has been going, and why. Hold firm to your faith in the divine plan, about which you have been given very limited information in order not to overload you, and in order to ensure that the pain and anxiety of waiting do not overwhelm you. Remember that although you are experiencing life in an illusory environment, for you it seems very real, and too much information about the wonders to come would cause a severe drain on your already limited energies as you recognized the vast disconnect between life as you are experiencing it now and the way it should be, and into which you will awaken. Within the illusion signs of the breakdown, of the crumbling away of the systems of so-called civilization established on Earth are visible everywhere, and even your mainstream media is beginning to report on it. Confusion and disbelief are growing as the numbers of whistle-blowers, shaking off the fear of retaliation for their actions of disclosing and releasing information which has been hidden under the tightest of security, continue to build inexorably. They can no longer be contained, silenced, or ridiculed; the truth will out. Therefore, I promise you that some startling revelations are shortly to be disclosed which will make a return to the old and secretive ways of running society impossible. The group which has for eons been controlling politics, religious organizations, and all the large multi-national corporations – which are all covertly and inextricably interlinked while remaining shrouded in the darkness of secrecy – have now lost that control. Its members are in severe disagreement with each other and are living in a state of dread and anxiety never before experienced by them, because they know that their identities, their agendas, and their innate corruption are about to be publicly exposed. They will experience intense shame – self-imposed, of course – because they have known for a long time that their behavior was unconscionable, and yet they persisted in it. Do not judge them. Just leave them in their ivory towers where they can do no further harm, to contemplate their utter and inexplicable incompetence and unwillingness to engage with the field of divine Love which, like all sentient life, is their inevitable destiny. Eventually they will turn to the Light and be most joyfully welcomed Home as the prodigal children of God which they most certainly are. Heaven is not complete until all the wanderers have returned. However, the fact of their absence (asleep and still dreaming) will not be permitted to intrude on the intense joy of those who have chosen to awaken. Love is your nature, and only what is in perfect alignment and harmony with Love exists, because that is everything that God so lovingly created. Anything unloving is most definitely, wholly unreal. Discover that divine Truth now – by engaging only with Love in every thought, word, and action. When you do you will find peace and contentment that is available nowhere else, because there is nowhere else. You can do it while you remain sleeping within the illusion, and then the suffering around you will cease to make you sad or anxious because you will see the ephemerality of it and understand that by intending to send love to those who are suffering, you are easing their pain and assisting them in their efforts to awaken into Love. The tide of Love now surging across the planet is irresistible, and daily more and more of humanity is surrendering to its warm embrace. Humanity is firmly established on the path to awakening, the path Home, and nothing can divert it. Give thanks for the infinite wonder of God's eternal Love for you, and how it is drawing you back to the brilliant Light of His Presence. With so very much love, Saul.

2013, June 21 Friday Night Hard News Call 9 / 12 2013, June 21 Friday Night Hard News Call 10 / 12

2013, June 19 Root Causes of the Detroit Municipal Crisis, Austerity and Finance Fraud. Moratorium NOW!: The Struggle Continues By Abayomi Azikiwe Global Research, June 19, 2013 Url of this article: http://www.globalresearch.ca/root-causes-of-the-detroit-municipal-crisis-austerity-and-finance-fraud-moratorium- now-the-struggle-continues/5339684

Orr plan fails to address roots of municipal crisis, finance capital Note: The following remarks were delivered at a public meeting in Detroit on June 15, 2013. The event was sponsored by Workers World Party Detroit branch. Over the last week the struggle has escalated for the Moratorium NOW! Coalition. Moreover, since the May 4 public meeting at Central United Methodist Church downtown more people have been involved in the movement to stave off the greater imposition of austerity in Detroit. On May 4 the Moratorium NOW! Coalition program was laid out calling for a halt to debt service payments to the banks and its relationship to the housing crisis. Both the demand for a moratorium on foreclosures and evictions is directly linked to the problems of municipal finance. With the flight of jobs and home seizures the city has been devastated through the lack of tax revenue. One of the most significant developments took place yesterday (June 14) after an eight-day intense escalation of activity surrounding the holding of a purported “public” meeting by the emergency manager at the “no show” fiasco at Greater Grace Temple and Martin Luther King High School to the actual appearance of Orr on Monday, June 10 at the Wayne State University Law School. Yesterday (June 14) Orr floated his plan for the restructuring of city finances. What jumped right out was the declaration of a moratorium on $2.5 billion in both debt-service and principal amounts of the municipal debt. The first sign of this was the withholding of $39.7 million in debt payments due on June 14. This moratorium has been called for by the Moratorium NOW! Coalition for at least two years. The demand has been picked-up by various leaders and organizations throughout the city. Yet the political officials and union leadership have refrained from giving more than lip service for the demand. Yet it is this demand and programmatic approach for its propagation that has sustained us over the last several months. Although we uphold the demand for democratic rights of the workers and oppressed and the inherent right to self-determination for the nationally oppressed, we have often stated that prior to the passage of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution and a series of Civil Rights Bills extending from 1866 to 1968, slavery, which was legal inside the U.S., is above-all an economic system. Capitalism today is an economic system that has run its course in its capacity to adapt to the current realities and necessities for domestic and global conditions. Capitalism in the 21st century cannot provide full- employment, a guaranteed annual income, quality education for all, public services, adequate healthcare, public transportation, food and security to all working people within society. The history of the Moratorium struggle has taught us many lessons in regard to the degree of heightened consciousness and willingness to take bold actions in addressing the imperatives of the challenges today. Task of the Mass Work Going Forward Even though Orr declared a moratorium on some of the city’s illegitimate debt to the financial institutions, he also announced a series of measures that will worsen the conditions for working people. There will be a privatization of trash collection that will impact jobs. Other aspects of Orr’s plan, a 127-page document issued on June 14, include the privatization as well of the city operations of the water and sewage system, cuts in healthcare benefits for municipal employees and retirees, in addition to the possible lowering of pension payments. Leading up to the June 14 meeting with creditors at the Westin Hotel in the Wayne County Airport’s main terminal, both Standard & Poor and Moody’s performed a super-downgrade of Detroit’s bond rating.

2013, June 21 Friday Night Hard News Call 11 / 12 In a follow-up meeting this coming week labor unions will be told of their possible fate in regard to further pay and benefit cuts as well as lay-offs. The plan has been met with criticism by AFSCME leaders but what is required now is a militant program of action and the political will to challenge the banks and their representatives through the personage of Rick Snyder and Kevyn Orr. The Moratorium NOW! Coalition has been willing and prepared to raise the question of the role of the banks and to take the struggle to the enemy, i.e., international finance capital. Our focus must remain on the banks and the further draconian concessions being forced on the workers and the residents who live in the city. We are more than willing to back up the municipal workers in any effort to wage a campaign against the proposed restructuring in city operations at the expense of the people. The bankruptcy proceedings in Jefferson County, Alabama, Stockton and San Bernardino, California are being observed intensely by activists in Detroit in order to anticipate possible legal and political initiatives by the banks and their surrogates in government. We began the moratorium struggle in the ongoing work related to housing. Despite the fact that foreclosures have declined some there has been a sharp rise in home seizures over the last month. Bloomberg Municipal Market reported on June 14 that “Home repossessions in the U.S. jumped 11 percent in May after declining for the previous five months as rising prices and limited inventory for sale across the country spurred banks to complete foreclosures.” Municipal Market reports also that “Thirty-three states had increases in the number of homes repossessed, RealtyTrac says. A total of 148,054 foreclosure filings, including default, auction and repression notices were sent to U.S. properties last month, an increase of 2 percent from April and down 28 percent from a year earlier.... One in 885 U.S. households got a filing.” This same article reports “Florida had the highest rate of filing per household in May at one in 302, followed by Nevada, at one in 305 and Ohio at one in 584. Maryland ranked fourth at one in 587; South Carolina was fifth at one in 600.” Consequently, the transitional demands related to the moratorium are still valid related to the banks, jobs, plant closings and housing. We must of course deepen our mass work to address these realities. Last weekend at the Left Forum, this writer spoke to the relationship between “Ideology, Organization and the Mass Struggle.” Our struggle is against capital and the capitalist state and our tactics must reflect this. We must be able to swim in a large pond. We can work in a united front and still maintain our political and ideological independence. Abayomi Azikiwe Editor, Pan-African News Wire Copyright © 2013 Global Research

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