final draft Monday 30th April 2012 in the school

Members Present: - Margaret Vass, Alan Hutton, John Gray, Richard Arnold, Fiona Murray, Marian Lever, Philip Graves, Willie Oswald, Sue Rand. In attendance: - Cllr Graham Lambie, PC David McNally, Lesley Malkin. + 18 members of the community

(SC = Council. CC = Community Council. CDT= Community Development Trust * Denotes an action)

1. Welcome from Chair and apologies: from MV Apologies received from MMcN & EP. MV welcomed all to the meeting and went on to say she had attended the Scottish Association of Community Councils’ meeting on 18th April. This had initially been rather depressing as the view was that operating as at present CC’s will fade away. No young people are coming forward to give hope for a better future. More people of all age groups are needed to be representative of communities. A Community Empowerment Bill has been raised with consultation taking place in mid May and a CC short-life working group will report in the summer. There will be discussions this year on the “Role of CC’s” and on Monday 21st May “The Future of CC’s” is on the agenda.

2. Declaration of interests: - WO and FM declared an interest on a subject raised in Community Comment regarding ground survey issues in Blane Cresc, Ave and Place Otherwise no interests to declare.

3. Minutes of February’s meeting: A proposed rewording in the penultimate sentence of Section 13 was proposed by Edward Pickard to: ''Cllr Lambie advised that Old Mugdock Rd was nearing the top of the Council's list for repair. Edward Pickard commented that we had waited a long time for OM rd to be properly repaired and asked if, in view of the re-engineering of OM Rd below Milndavie Road, narrowing which had resulted in its being virtually impossible for vehicles to pass safely on the bend, it would be possible for the community to see and comment on plans for the proposed repairs, passing places etc, before they were carried out. Cllr Lambie indicated this would be possible.''

Approval of Minutes with this change was moved by PG, seconded ML.

4. Matters Arising: Richard Begg advised that he had had agreement from the Church Congregational Board that he could communicate and work with the CC in regards the Jubilee Celebrations.

5. Police report – from PC McNally. "April was a relatively quiet month with following incidents of note occurring -

1 During the afternoon of 15 April a motorcycle was stolen from a garden at Old Mugdock Road, Strathblane. The perpetrators were seen to arrive in a grey Vauxhall Astra car and thereafter remove the motorcycle from a garden. Several residents in the area were suspicious of the group’s behaviour and when the motor cycle was stolen pursued the motorcycle and grey Astra towards Glasgow. Both the Astra and motorcycle were later found in the Milton area of Glasgow. It later transpired the car was also stolen from Glasgow. On the afternoon of 16 April, an attempt was made to force entry to a storage container within the grounds of Strathblane Primary School. Two individuals have been charged in relation to the matter. Overnight from the 19th into 20th April a large amount of camping equipment and other items were stolen from a car parked and unlocked in Ballewan Crescent. Residents are reminded that we continue to have problems with thefts from motor vehicles and it is important that anything valuable is removed from your motor vehicle before it is left unattended. Finally on 23 April, four males were seen acting suspiciously around a property on Cuilt Brae, . Although police were notified of this incident at the time, the males were not traced and left the area empty handed. If anyone is at all suspicious of any behaviour it is important that police are notified immediately. "

PG asked whether the schools have been advised of a police presence. Schools in the area had been advised as had Ian Arnott at .

6. Community Assets – from Lesley Malkin.

A map showing land ownership was discussed and is available on the website.

If people in the community have specific ownership queries Gordon Lawrie (who produced the map) is always happy to assist - he can be contacted as follows [email protected] or 01786 44 3092

The Council's Surplus Property procedure was discussed and how CC/Local Members are notified prior to anything being declared surplus. Discussion took place as to whether it applies to garden ground, it does not and actually has a threshold of over £10K. Issues to be followed up are: 1. Area Around the Church is not shown in Council ownership - is this correct ?- Gordon Lawrie will check it out.

2. Sold Area at the Telephone Exchange - do the Council have any rights over what they sold eg right of pre-emption? Gordon will check.

3. Path between Tennis Club and Kirkhouse Rd ( runs along 36 & 38 Kirkhouse Rd) aka the Creepy Path - the community are asking whether this is a formal right of way and whether it can be improved as it is an important path link to the tennis courts. They do not think it is part of the Council's Core path network and are wondering how they go about getting it recognised as an important path. They are happy to look at improving (cutting it back) themselves. They are also asking whether they could register a community right of interest in it. Gordon will check, also with Legal and reply directly.

4. Craigend Castle, Mugdock CP - was agreed at Dec Council meeting that the Council

2 were happy to declare it surplus. It will start the formal surplus process next week and Heddy Campbell in my team will be sending information to the CC.

5. Public Convenience - have been shut for some time and has a title burden re usage. Heddy will also be declaring it surplus next week. If the community wish to pursue this then an early discussion on this would be useful.

6.Land at Park Place - We discussed that this is an HRA asset and that previously it has been zoned for Housing, although you felt it was not in the current LDP. Robert Horne in Housing can probably best advise as to Housing's aspirations for this area.”

Lesley also described various different ways assets could be transferred to community ownership . Basic requirement for a transfer is the preparation of a sound business case/what do you want to do/ properly constituted body/ can you properly use and manage the property/ how will this be funded? The transfer could take the form of outright purchase of an asset by the community or a long leasing arrangement where the community was responsible for raising monies for its upkeep.

Discussion followed when MV indicated that Park Place was a community asset, unsuitable for council housing, but we would want to prevent anyone else purchasing it. How can Community register its interest? LM replied that the policy since 2008 was to support transfer to the community. It will be possible to register an interest, but market value may have to be paid. Park Place is in council house estate land (HRA) and different rules prevail. Other areas are within the general fund so assets are easier to transfer. LM said that a good person to talk to regarding land queries was Gordon Lawrie, land surveyor, who could advise on title deeds and title burdens.

Further information on the subject and the map of assets displayed at the meeting can be viewed in Appendix I on the website at www.strathblanefield.org.uk

7. Jubilee Celebrations – from Margaret Vass

Arrangements are proceeding with a co-ordinating group meeting every 3 weeks. MV to ask CC members about their availability to help out over the period of the celebrations especially the Village Fair, the Afternoon Tea, the Beacon adjacent the football field and on the Tuesday at the Village Club. The CC will lead all of these, but will need to enlist volunteers who are not CC members to assist, particularly with building the local bonfire. Much purchasing is being done; medals, bunting and a joint purchase with the Scouts of a new marquee tent. All purchases are of good quality to allow re-use in the community in future. ML spoke about the afternoon tea for senior citizens being held in the primary school on Monday 4th June. This would be by invitation and Marion was particularly looking for older residents with early memories of the village to ensure that they received an invitation. PG advised that he was unable to help with the Expo event due to a break organised many months before.He reported that Mugdock Country Park could not attend the Expo event but he had yet to hear if Scottish Wildlife Trust were available.

Details of the Jubilee events would be with the next issue of the Blane Valley Bulletin.

3 8. Current Planning applications – from John Gray Planning approval has been refused for 3 houses at Mugdock, but an appeal had been lodged with the Directorate of Planning and Appeals. A site visit by the Reporter is planned for 11.00am on Tuesday 29th May. JG will attend and PG indicated his willingness to attend also. Other members of Planning Group should indicate whether they can attend. There were no other planning applications JG was aware of.

Licensing Applications – Consultation regarding a new legislative requirement for chargeable public entertainments licences for events, charging entry, was discussed. This could affect many events within the community. Feed-back comment on the proposals is required by Friday 1st June. There were several comments against the proposals and an observation that the consultation, being web based, disenfranchised many. JG said he would send out queries and circulate responses via e-mail. He also suggested that the issue be raised in the next Bulletin, with a standard response letter format to be used by groups within the village available on the website. There was a feeling that SC were not behind these licensing proposals.

9. Community Comments a) The recent communications to residents and soil testing activities around Blane Place/Cresc/Avenue was raised as a concern. Uncertainties about potential ground contamination was causing concerns and making property sales difficult. The investigation was triggered by the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act 1991 which required all brownfield sites in to be progressively investigated for ground contaminants. Initial samples have been taken and a further study of four more samples from each location is required before any feedback can be given. This should occur within the next 8/12 weeks. The matter is, however, worrying for residents. MV asked those residents in attendance at the meeting to consider what help the CC can give by way of support, but it was felt that this should await the outcome of the next sample reports and if required a separate meeting would be arranged for residents. b) The Blue Badge Parking system was discussed. It was berated as “heartless” for its requirement that applicants have to go at set times to Stirling to pick up the blue badge. This was a particular issue for people in outlying areas. Why could they not be issued at a local office such as ? Cllr Lambie said he would take this up with SC. c) Oil on the railway track 2/3 weeks ago had been reported, but who caused this could not be determined as many activities requiring vehicle access were taking place around that time. d) The “scary path” between Kirkhouse Rd and the Tennis club was overgrown and subject to dog mess. How could this be addressed as it was a useful access route locally. e) Cold calling in the village was a nuisance. How could this be stopped as seemed to have been possible elsewhere? MV will raise this with Pam Campbell for ideas.

4 10. Financial matters – from Fiona Murray Expenditure this month on Jubilee materials. Current account stands at £3326.42 while the Gold Account is at £2722.00.

11. Health and Wellbeing – from Marian Lever

The group is continuing its investigations into the possible ways of providing prepared meals and the lunch club, and in time to expand the lunch club to twice weekly following the findings of the local research.. This month we are looking at the provision of the meals and will be seeking quotations from local suppliers who would meet the legislative requirements should they wish to tender. This is in addition to the information already gathered from the Council Catering Service.

12. Environment – from Elspeth Posnett West Highland Way Issues – there had been contact from Calum Christie who is the local Access Officer for the West Highland Way in this area. It transpired that he was present at the meeting. Composting toilets was a matter that the West Highland Way Management Group were looking into. This would require a local volunteer to assist with maintenance and care. There was general approval for this amenity.

The subject of the dangerous walkers’ crossing on the B8212 Cuilt Road was discussed at some length, but no concrete proposals arose. Calum said walkers were warned of the dangers of crossings, but there was a feeling that SC and others are leaving this particular crossing as “an accident waiting to happen”.

Calum raised the suggestion that the community adopts a long distance path some discussion followed re the John Muir Trail from North Berwick to Helensburgh which passes through our area. It was pointed out that there is no private or community input into the WHW Management Group.

A report sent in by EP was read out:“ We have ordered the bedding plants from Oakwood Garden Centre to be planted on the week beginning Monday 21st May in time for The Jubilee Celebrations.

Ewan and team will be in the village on Thursday this week to plant the 6 trees at the Village Club and 3 trees at the Kirk Rooms.

Have been in touch with Strathblane primary School and the dog warden has not been to visit them. Phoned Stirling and asked the dog warden to get in touch with me.”It was pointed out that the dog warden has not yet visited the school, one year on from when the issue of dog fouling was first raised. This is a serious issue in the village.

13. Roads A81 closure from the distillery to Duntreath Castle. Planned for 14th to 27th May. First Bus are not co-operating with the council regarding provision of a bus service through the village. Their buses are being re-routed along Stockiemuir Road and is the nearest access stop! SC are working to employ a minibus service to run from Carbeth to Milngavie and back again. There is much pressure on the council from all quarters, esp

5 businesses. The council now hoped that, weather permitting, 24 hour working would reduce the closure to one week only, with works now starting Sunday evening 13th May.

The bus service consultation has been appalling, especially as this is at exam time at when school children will need to use buses at erratic times. SC had not even advised the school or local taxi providers of the road closure. The school may hire their own mini bus to help out. WO commented that the good communications channels established for the Severe Weather procedures had not been repeated here!

14. Correspondence - read by Richard Arnold a) A letter of thanks for the £115 donation from the gardening club had been sent to Dr Turner. b) A letter from SC regarding the Provost’s Civic Awards-Nominations was referred to and it was agreed that this would be scanned and sent out to CC members. c) Re the dangerous river bank: an e-mail from Colin Mackay at SC had been received saying, at last, that the responsible departments had been found ( Housing Services and the General Services/ Community Account). Temporary fencing was going to be erected for now. RA indicated that as the danger also lay in the river, where, in fine weather children played, this fence should be extended downwards to the river bed. He would again e-mail SC.

15. Report on Blane Valley Bulletin No 1 April 2012 –from Alan Hutton

Design, Copy, Editing a) Put together by AH in Pages {for Apple Mac] using off-the-peg newssheet template. Page 1 – introductory article and Contact details; Pages 2 & 3 SCC reports and news; Page 4 - Community Calendar. b) Copy drawn from Margaret Vass (SCC); Gordon Ash (SCDT); and a list of contacts in other organizations. c) Proof-reading: Mary Brailey. d) Ready for printing: Tuesday April 17th

Production a) 1250 copies, 4 pages [A3 folded], Printed by Purple Edge, Bearsden b) Printed by Thursday April 19th

Publicity a) Aim: to raise awareness; get people to use their copy; collect information for the Calendar b) Largely informal, interpersonal; also use of Facebook Group.

Distribution a) Doorstep delivery – about 900 copies.

6 b) Postal delivery – about 75 copies with covering letter inviting email addresses. http://www.gartocharn.org/ c) By email: 2 copies. d) Additional copies in Library; Doctors’ Surgery; and shops – c50 e) Text made available on Strathblanefield website f) Calendar to go on noticeboards g) Organisation and pick-up of copies: Sandra Sim h) Distribution Team: Margaret Vass; Keith Vass; Elspeth Posnett; Marian Lever; George Thom: Mary Brailey; Mike McNulty; Fiona Murray;: Willie Oswald; Gordon Ash; Lorna Ash; Alan Hutton; John Gray; Dick Arnold; Alan Sim.


Printing £128.75 + Postage £27 TOTAL: £155.75

Initial Feedback a) Email responses so far from ten people: all positive; three giving email addresses for delivery; two responding to issues covered: dog-fouling and paths development; and three potential applicants for post of Minute Secretary b) Informal, face-to-face reaction positive.

Blane Valley Bulletin: Planning for Future Issues

1. TIMETABLE FOR ISSUES 2 & 3 May June Copy date Tues 15 Mon 18 Final Draft Wed 16 Tues 19 Printing Thurs 17 Thurs 21 Distribution Sun 20 Sun 24 2. MAILING & EMAILING LISTS To produce a listing of those taking the BVB by email; and to rationalize the mailing list in editable digital form from which labels can be printed. 3. UPDATE CONTACTS LIST To revise and update the local organization contacts list. 4. INSERTS in May Bulletin- The May BVB will contain a one-page insert detailing community events in June; and a flyer on the Duntreath Garden Show 5. LONGER-TERM FUNDING OF BVB Funding sources and sponsorships?

Alan thanked Mary Brailey and Sandra Sim who had helped with the first issue. It is planned to send out the May Issue on Sunday 20th

7 16.AOCB – Sue advised that the Scouts and Guides would be doing their annual litter pickup exercises on W/C May 3rd and w/c May 14th Respectively. They say however, that the safe areas they cover are fairly litter free. Outlying areas need to be addressed. It was commented that April was the best month for this activity, prior to the start of plant growth.

17.Date of next meeting – Monday 11th June 2012 at 7.30 in the school following AGM

Appendices follow –on-line only at: www.strathblanefield.org.uk


Appendix I - Community Assets Map

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