October 3, 2018

TEXT—Luke 12:13-21

MAIN IDEA—Life is not about abundantly having things, but about God abundantly having us.

MEMORY VERSE—1 Tim. 6:17

>THE FOOLISH REQUEST (Luke 12:13)—One day while ministered to a multitude of people, warning them about false religion and hypocrisy, a man in the crowd interrupted Jesus with a request. He asked Jesus to solve his dispute with his brother over his inheritance, in the hope that Jesus would use his authority to rule in his favor.

1 Tim. 6:9-10

Deut. 21:17

Warren Wiersbe—Their greatest need was to have their hearts changed. Like too many people today, they wanted Jesus to serve them but not to save them.

Ps. 73:25-26

>THE WISE RESPONSE (Luke 12:14-15)—Though it was common for Rabbis to settle legal and cultural matters, Jesus refused to do so knowing that this wouldn’t solve their bigger problem at the heart of the dispute (greed). Therefore Jesus refuses to give a ruling and instead gives a warning and a truth that will serve them long after their earthly inheritance is used up.

*Covetousness can be defined as an unquenchable thirst for getting more of something we think we need in order to be truly satisfied. (Warren Wiersbe/ Exposition Commentary, p220)

Eph. 5:5-6; Col. 3:5

2 Tim. 4:10; Matt. 6:24

MAIN IDEA—Life is not about abundantly having things, but about God abundantly having us.

>THE PROVOCATIVE PARABLE (Luke 12:16-20)—Jesus describes a wealthy farmer who frequently experienced bumper crops. His store houses were full and he had no place to put the latest harvest. So he plans to build bigger barns. This sounds fine until Jesus reveals the true motive behind this expansion (i.e. it was all about himself!).

>He thought he was the source of his abundant crops (V18-my grain, my goods etc.).

Ps. 50:1, 11-12; Ps. 104:14-15

>He assumed he would have a long and happy life because of his wealth (V19).

James 4:13-16

>He had his things and himself at the center of his life rather than God (V19).

Ps. 14:1-3; 1 Tim. 6:17

>He was a fool because he was spiritually bankrupt, but thought his soul was fine (see V20).

Mark 8:34-36

>THE PERSONAL APPLICATION (Luke 12:21)—Those who live with themselves at the center of their lives and only live for this life storing earthly treasures are foolish. Yet those who live with God at the center of their lives, seeking His Kingdom first and His glory in all things (including their use of worldly wealth) are rich toward God and will never be stripped of their eternal reward!

James Montgomery Boice (1938-2000)—Before God created Adam and Eve He created a vast world of pleasant and useful things for them. They were meant for our use in every joyful and constructive way. But when man sinned the things that were to be helpful to him usurped God’s place in his heart. So he began to fight, steal, cheat, and do countless other things to possess them. Today when a person surrenders to God and allows Him to redirect his life, a process begins in which things are removed from the center and God is again reinstated on the throne.

*Surrender your life in repentance and faith to Jesus , allowing Him to become the great treasure of your life! Is. 55:1-3; Rev 21:6-7

*Daily seek Christ’s Kingdom through the disciplines of the word, prayer, fellowship, service (See Luke 12:22-32).

*Use your God given resources to promote His kingdom and bless other (1 Tim. 6:17-19).

Jim Elliot wrote in his Journal (1927-1956)—He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.