MARKETWATCHSEPTEMBERJANUARY 20172014 Information from Cartus on Relocation and International Assignment Trends and Practices. MARKETWATCH InformationEMERGING from Cartus on Relocation MARKETS: and International AssignmentKENYA Trends and Practices. EMERGINGMARKET MARKETS:WATCH

In recent years, many multinational InformationKENYA INfrom BRIEF Cartus on Relocation and International Assignment Trends and Practices. • Location: Kenya is situated on the equator and the landscape organizations have established regional varies greatly headquarters in Kenya, particularly in its capital • Climate: On the Kenyan coast, around areas such as city Nairobi.Many multinational The East African organizations country has have seen Mombasa andin theMalindi, summer the climate months. is Intropical the north, (hot and it is humid) very arid and inland In recent years, many multinational particularlyKENYA in the summerIN BRIEF months. In the north, it is very arid (Nairobi and the Highlands) enjoys a temperate climate improvedestablished economic regional activity headquarters in recent years. in Kenya, and inland• Location:(Nairobi and Kenya the Highlands) is situated enjoys on the a temperateequator and the landscape organizations have established regional • Type of Government: Presidential Republic This particularlyactivity has been in its drivencapital by city a growing Nairobi. This climate varies greatly headquarters in Kenya, particularly in its capital• Type of •Government: •Climate: : On Presidential Kenyan the Kenyan Republic coast, (KES) around areas such as commercialactivity relationshiphas been driven with India by a and commercial • Currency:• KenyanMombasa Weights Shilling andand (KES)Measures: Malindi, the Metric climate system is tropical (hot and humid) cityrelationship Nairobi. The with East India African and China, country the has growth seen China, the growth of the technology sector, • Weights and•particularly Time: Measures: GMT in Metric +3 the summer system months. In the north, it is very arid • Time: GMT +3 andimproved ofincreased the technology economic investment sector, activity in the andagricultural, in recentinvestment years. in •and Capital: inland Nairobi (Nairobi and the Highlands) enjoys a temperate • Capital: Nairobiclimate tourismThisthe activityandagricultural, manufacturing has been tourism driven industries. and by manufacturing a The growing 2012 • Languages:• EnglishLanguages: (Official), English Swahili (Official), (Official), Swahili Kikuyu, (Official), Luo, Kikuyu, Luo, • Type of Government: Presidential Republic industries. The 2012 discovery of oil along and Kamba and Kamba discoverycommercial of oil alongrelationship Kenya’s withcoastline India also and • Currency: Kenyan Shilling (KES) Kenya’s coastline also adds to the country’s addsChina, to the the country’s growth economic of the technology prospects. sector, • WeightsEMERGING and Measures: Metric MARKETS: system KENYA economic prospects. and increased investment in the agricultural, • Time: GMT +3 • Capital: Nairobi KenyatourismKenya has a hasand predominantly a manufacturing predominantly English industries. English speaking speaking The 2012 • Languages: English (Official), Swahili (Official), Kikuyu, Luo, populationdiscoverypopulation and of a oiland political along a political landscape Kenya’s landscape coastline that for that also for and Kamba Africa is relatively stable. This environment, addsAfrica to is the relatively country’s stable. economic This environment, prospects. combinedcombined with diversewith diverse housing housing options, options, means means KenyaKenya is less is challenging less challenging for expatriates for expatriates than than Kenya has a predominantly English speaking manymany other other countries countries in Africa. in Africa.Yet it remains Yet it remains a a difficultpopulationdifficult location location and for asome, politicalfor some,with landscapesecurity with security issues that issuesfor andAfrica andtransportation transportation is relatively being stable. beingparticular This particular environment,concerns. concerns. combined with diverse housing options, means Key Challenge Areas KeyKenya Challenge is less Areas challenging for expatriates than Input Inputfrom Cartus’ from Cartus’ Destination Destination Service ProviderService onProvider the ground on the in groundSAFETY ANDSAFETY SECURITY AND SECURITY Kenya,manyin highlights Kenya, other highlights the countriesfollowing the keyfollowing areasin Africa. for key assignees: areas Yet for it assignees:remainsKenya a is currentlyKenya facing continues increased to securityface heightened risks, with a levelsnumber of of security risk due difficultHousing location for some, with security issuesterrorism activitiesto terrorism in recent activity, years. The particularly U.S. State Departmenton its border ranks with Somalia. Housing Nairobi as a highThe hardshipU.S. State location. Department Crime and ranks terrorist-related Nairobi as a high hardship Transportation Transportationand transportation being particular concerns.incidents havelocation. increased, Crime so it isand important terrorist-related to be extra vigilantincidents and have increased, Household Goods Shipping Household Goods Shipping ensure that safetyso it is builtimportant into the to assignee’s be extra daily vigilant practices and as ensure well that safety is SchoolingSchooling as the company’sbuilt policies. into the Safety assignee’s tips include: daily practices as well as the company’s Key Challenge Areas Visa &Visa Immigration & Immigration • Heed the advice Safety issued tips by include: your home government Input from Cartus’ Destination Service Provider on the ground in SAFETY AND SECURITY SafetySafety & Security & Security organization/specialist security firm and check regularly for ClimateKenya, highlights the following key areas for assignees: additionalKenya• updates/advisories. Heed is currently the travel facing adviceCurrent increased issued advice security includesby your risks, nothome with government a number of Climate Language travellingterrorism withinorganization/specialist 60km activities of the in Somali recent border and The firmto U.S. other andState check Department regularly ranks for CulturalHousingLanguage Issues designatedNairobi coastaladditional as aareas. high updates/advisories. hardship location. Crime Current and advice terrorist-related includes not TransportationCultural Issues incidentstravelling have withinincreased, 60km so of it theis important Somali border to be extra and tovigilant other and Household Goods Shipping CARTUS | MARKET WATCH: EMERGING ensureMARKETS:designated that KENYA safety coastal /is SEPTEMBER built areas.into the 2014 assignee’s | PAGE daily 1 OFpractices 5 as well SchoolingKENYA IN BRIEF as• the Avoid company’s crowded policies. places Safety including tips include:certain township areas in Visa• Location:& Immigration Kenya is situated on the equator and the landscape • HeedNairobi. the travel advice issued by your home government Safetyvaries & Security greatly •organization/specialist Do not use public transportation. security firm and check regularly for Climate• Climate: On the Kenyan coast, around areas such as Mombasa •additional Refrain from updates/advisories. walking in public Current areas at advice night. includes not Languageand Malindi, the climate is tropical (hot and humid) particularly •travelling Review and within tighten 60km property of the Somali security border as necessary, and to other ensuring Cultural Issues designatedadequate safetycoastal provisions areas. have been taken.


In recent years, many multinational KENYA IN BRIEF • Location: Kenya is situated on the equator and the landscape organizations have established regional varies greatly headquarters in Kenya, particularly in its capital • Climate: On the Kenyan coast, around areas such as city Nairobi. The East African country has seen Mombasa and Malindi, the climate is tropical (hot and humid) particularly in the summer months. In the north, it is very arid improved economic activity in recent years. and inland (Nairobi and the Highlands) enjoys a temperate This activity has been driven by a growing climate • Type of Government: Presidential Republic commercial relationship with India and • Currency: Kenyan Shilling (KES) China, the growth of the technology sector, • Weights and Measures: Metric system and increased investment in the agricultural, • Time: GMT +3 • Capital: Nairobi tourism and manufacturing industries. The 2012 • Languages: English (Official), Swahili (Official), Kikuyu, Luo, discovery of oil along Kenya’s coastline also and Kamba adds to the country’s economic prospects.

Kenya has a predominantly English speaking population and a political landscape that for Africa is relatively stable. This environment, combined with diverse housing options, means Kenya is less challenging for expatriates than many other countries in Africa. Yet it remains a difficult location for some, with security issues and transportation being particular concerns.

Key Challenge Areas Input from Cartus’ Destination Service Provider on the ground in SAFETY AND SECURITY Kenya, highlights the following key areas for assignees: Kenya is currently facing increased security risks, with a number of terrorism activities in recent years. The U.S. State Department ranks Housing Nairobi as a high hardship location. Crime and terrorist-related Transportation incidents have increased, so it is important to be extra vigilant and Household Goods Shipping ensure that safety is built into the assignee’s daily practices as well Schooling as the company’s policies. Safety tips include: Visa & Immigration • Heed the travel advice issued by your home government Safety & Security organization/specialist security firm and check regularly for Climate additional updates/advisories. Current advice includes not Language travelling within 60km of the Somali border and to other Cultural Issues designated coastal areas.


SEPTEMBERJANUARY 20172014 MARKETSEPTEMBERWATCH 2014 Information from Cartus on Relocation andMARKET International AssignmentWATCH Trends and Practices. Information from Cartus on Relocation andMARKET International AssignmentWATCH Trends and Practices. Information from CartusEMERGING on Relocation and International MARKETS: Assignment Trends KENYA and Practices. EMERGING MARKETS: KENYA • Avoid crowded places including certain township areas in For assigneesEMERGING in compounds, MARKETS: a service charge may alsoKENYA be Nairobi. included in rental payments. •Program DoAvoid not crowded use Advice public places transportation. including certain township areas in ForBreak assignees clauses arein compounds, normally accepted a service by chargelandlords, may but also will be • Nairobi.Avoid crowded places including certain township areas in includedFor assignees in rental in compounds, payments. a service charge may also be • We Refrain recommend from walking that inyou public ensure areas your at assigneesnight. attend a Breakrequire clauses a notice are period normally of at accepted least three by months landlords, and but lease will • DoNairobi. not use public transportation. included in rental payments. • securityReview andbriefing tighten to propertyallay perceptions security as and necessary, concerns. ensuring It is requireterminations a notice require period three of atmonths’ least three notice months by both and the lease tenant • RefrainDo not usefrom public walking transportation. in public areas at night. Break clauses are normally accepted by landlords, but will importantadequate safetythat assignees provisions are have given been realistic, taken. but non-alarmist terminationsand landlord. require Upon termination three months’ of the notice lease, by it both is standard the tenant • ReviewRefrain fromand tighten walking property in public security areas at as night. necessary, ensuring requireBreak clauses a notice are period normally of at accepted least three by monthslandlords, and but lease will information about Kenya’s potential dangers. andpractice landlord. for the Upon tenant termination to re-paint of the the interior lease, ofit isa standardproperty and • Review and tighten property security as necessary, ensuring require a notice period of at least three months and lease Programadequate Advice safety provisions have been taken. practiceterminationsre-varnish for the the require floors tenant threeand to re-paintwoodwork. months’ the notice interior by bothof a propertythe tenant and • It adequate is recommended safety provisions that assignees have been live gated communities terminations require three months’ notice by both the tenant • We recommend that you ensure your assignees attend a security re-finishandBelow landlord. is anthe outline floors.Upon of termination the average of monthly the lease, rental it is pricesstandard for or secure apartment complexes, which provide better and landlord. Upon termination of the lease, it is standard Programbriefing toAdvice allay perceptions and concerns. It is important that practiceproperties for in the Nairobi: tenant to re-paint the interior of a property and Programsecurity than Advice free standing homes. As a minimum, homes practice for the tenant to re-paint the interior of a property and • assigneesWe recommend are given that realistic, you ensure but non-alarmistyour assignees information attend a security about Belowre-finish is anthe outline floors. of the average monthly rental prices for • shouldWe recommend be fitted that with you alarm ensure systems your linkedassignees to attenda security a security re-finish the floors. Kenya’sbriefing potential to allay perceptionsdangers. and concerns. It is important that properties in Nairobi: responsebriefing to company. allay perceptions and concerns. It is important that • Organizationsassignees are givenshould realistic, have a butwell-developed non-alarmist security information policy about and BelowAPARTMENT is an outlineRENTAL of the RATESaverage monthlyHOUSE rental pricesRENTAL for RATES • Organizations assignees are given should realistic, have a but well-developed non-alarmist information security policy about Below is an outlineRENTAL(KES) of the RATESaverage monthly rental pricesRENTAL(KES) for RATES aKenya’s local ‘go potential to’ person dangers. for security related matters. propertiesAPARTMENT in Nairobi: HOUSE andKenya’s a local potential ‘go to’ dangers. person for security related matters. properties in Nairobi:(KES) (KES) • CompaniesOrganizations may should want have to consider a well-developed hardship securitypremiums policy for theirand KES120,000 to • Companies Organizations may should want have to consider a well-developed hardship premiumssecurity policy for and RENTAL RATES RENTAL RATES a local ‘go to’ person for security related matters. APARTMENT KES120,000KES300,000(KES) tofor HOUSE (KES) relocation policy. It is recommended that companies utilize KES300,000servicedRENTAL apartments. RATESfor RENTAL RATES theira local relocation ‘go to’ person policy. for It securityis recommended related matters. that companies APARTMENT (KES) HOUSE Properties(KES) Not • Companies may want to consider hardship premiums for their servicedUnserviced apartments. their independent data provider or the U.S. State Department 1 BEDROOM KES120,000 to 1 BEDROOM PropertiesAvailable Not • utilizeCompanies their independent may want to considerdata provider hardship or the premiums U.S. State for their 1 BEDROOM Unserviced 1 BEDROOM relocation policy. It is recommended that companies utilize KES300,000apartments arefor very Available for guidance. apartmentsKES120,000 areto very Departmentrelocation policy. for guidance. It is recommended that companies utilize servicedlow in supply. apartments. • Astheir security independent is a particular data providerchallenge or in the Kenya, U.S. organizations State Department lowKES300,000 in supply. for Properties Not 1 BEDROOM servicedUnserviced apartments. 1 BEDROOM • As fortheir securityguidance. independent is a particular data provider challenge or inthe Kenya, U.S. State organizations Department PropertiesAvailable Not should refer to their security provider specialist for more advice 1 BEDROOM UnservicedapartmentsKES240,000 areto very 1 BEDROOM shouldfor guidance. refer to their security provider specialist for more Available • andAs security guidance. is a particular challenge in Kenya, organizations apartmentsKES240,000lowKES320,000 in supply. areforto very lowKES320,000 in supply. for ser- • adviceshouldAs security andrefer isguidance. to a particulartheir security challenge provider in specialistKenya, organizations for more advice serviced apartments. Properties Not viced apartments. 2 BEDROOM KES240,000Unserviced to 2 BEDROOM PropertiesAvailable Not andshould guidance. refer to their security provider specialist for more advice 2 BEDROOM Unserviced 2 BEDROOM HOUSING: NAIROBI KES320,000apartments arefor servery- Available apartmentsKES240,000 areto very and guidance. vicedlow in apartments. supply. NairobiHOUSING: is East Africa’sNAIROBI largest city and one of Africa’s most lowKES320,000 in supply. for ser- Properties Not 2 BEDROOM vicedUnserviced apartments. 2 BEDROOM HOUSING: NAIROBI PropertiesAvailable Not prominent.Nairobi is East With Africa’s Kenya’s largest largest city expatriate and one of population, Africa’s most the city is UnservicedapartmentsKES200,000 are- very KES220,000 - HOUSING: NAIROBI 2 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM Available Nairobi is East Africa’s largest city and one of Africa’s most 3 BEDROOM KES200,000lowKES320,000 in supply. – 3 BEDROOM KES220,000KES350,000 – dividedprominent. into With numerous Kenya’s districts, largest whichexpatriate range population, from upmarket the city and is 3 BEDROOM apartments are very 3 BEDROOM Nairobi is East Africa’s largest city and one of Africa’s most lowKES320,000 in supply. KES350,000 spaciousprominent. to Withhigh-density Kenya’s largestslums. Thisexpatriate highlights population, the vast theeconomic city is divided into numerous districts, which range from upmarket and Properties Not KES300,000 - dividedprominent. into With numerous Kenya’s districts, largest whichexpatriate range population, from upmarket the city and is PropertiesKES200,000 Not – KES300,000KES220,000 – inequalities faced by the city’s population. Nairobi is a deeply 34 BEDROOM Available 34 BEDROOM KES600,000 spacious to high-density slums. This highlights the vast economic 4 BEDROOM KES200,000KES320,000 – 4 BEDROOM KES220,000KES350,000 – spaciousdivided into to high-density numerous districts, slums. Thiswhich highlights range from the upmarket vast economic and 3 BEDROOM Available 3 BEDROOM KES600,000 multicultural and cosmopolitan city, and the enduring British KES320,000 KES350,000 inequalities faced by the city’s population. Nairobi is a deeply Properties Not KES300,000 – inequalitiesspacious to high-densityfaced by the’s population. This highlights Nairobi the isvast a deeply economic 4 BEDROOM 4 BEDROOM colonialmulticultural legacy and is cosmopolitanpresent in many city, of and the thecity’s enduring buildings, British which PropertiesAvailable Not KES300,000KES600,000 – multiculturalinequalities faced and cosmopolitan by the city’s population. city, and the Nairobi enduring is a Britishdeeply Utilities4 BEDROOM 4 BEDROOM standcolonial alongside legacy is mosques, present in temples, many of andthe city’smodern buildings, skyscrapers. which Available KES600,000 colonialmulticultural legacy and is cosmopolitanpresent in many city, of and the thecity’s enduring buildings, British which Setting up utilities can be a lengthy process.process. ApplyingApplying forfor aa stand alongside mosques, temples, and modern skyscrapers. Utilities standcolonial alongside legacy is mosques, present in temples, many of and the moderncity’s buildings, skyscrapers. which phone line for example, may taketake weeks.weeks. ItIt isis advisableadvisable to to rent rent a a Expatriates moving to Kenya will be pleasantly surprised by the SettingUtilities up utilities can be a lengthy process. Applying for a standExpatriates alongside moving mosques, to Kenya temples, will be pleasantlyand modern surprised skyscrapers. by the home that has an existing phone line, ifif atat allall possible.possible. AsAs therethere range, quality, and size of housing, particularly in Nairobi. There phoneSetting line up utilitiesfor example, can be may a lengthy take weeks. process. It is Applying advisable for to arent a Expatriatesrange, quality, moving and size to Kenyaof housing, will be particularly pleasantly in surprised Nairobi. There by the are often power outages and water shortages,shortages, manymany homeshomes will is a wide range of housing types, from standalone homes some homephone that line hasfor example,an existing may phone take line, weeks. if at It all is possible.advisable As to thererent a range,Expatriatesis a wide quality, range moving andof housing size to Kenya of housing,types, will from be particularly pleasantly standalone insurprised homesNairobi. some by There the willhave have generators generators and and water water tanks. tanks. Water Water and and electricity electricity bills are distance from the city center, to modern homes in compounds, arehome often that power has an outages existing and phone water line, shortages, if at all possible. many homes As there isrange,distance a wide quality, fromrange the and of city housing size center, of housing, types, to modern from particularly standalone homes in compounds,Nairobi. homes someThere billsnot includedare not included in rental inpayments rental payments and are andexpected are expected to be paid to and downtown apartments. With a well-established expatriate willare oftenhave generatorspower outages and waterand water tanks. shortages, Water and many electricity homes distanceisand a widedowntown fromrange the apartments.of cityhousing center, types,With to moderna from well-established standalone homes in homescompounds,expatriate some befor paidby the for tenant. by the Antenant. assignee An assignee will have will to haveobtain to a obtain Personal a community, Nairobi’s rental practices are more in line with billswill have are not generators included and in rental water payments tanks. Water and and are electricityexpected to anddistancecommunity, downtown from Nairobi’s the apartments. city rental center, practices With to modern a well-established are more homes in linein compounds, withexpatriate western PersonalIdentification Identification Number (PIN)Number from (PIN) the fromKenya the immigration Kenya immigration western norms than those in many other African cities. bebills paid are notfor byincluded the tenant. in rental An assignee payments will and have are to expected obtain a to community,andnorms downtown than thoseNairobi’s apartments. in many rental other practicesWith African a well-established are cities. more in line expatriate with department before utilities can be set up. Personalbe paid for Identification by the tenant. Number An assignee (PIN) from will havethe Kenyato obtain immigration a westerncommunity,Availability norms is Nairobi’s currently than those rentalless challenging,in practices many other are although Africanmore in demandcities. line with for high The challenge, however, is that availability at this time is extremely departmentPersonal Identification before utilities Number can be (PIN) set fromup. the Kenya immigration western norms than those in many other African cities. limitedquality, duesecure to housingthe influx remains of foreign high. investors Due to this,into onceKenya a propertyand department before utilities can be set up. theTheis found, increasedchallenge, assignees demand however, should for is high-quality,actthat quickly availability to secure secure at this housing it. time is for extremely their The challenge, however, is that availability at this time is extremely expatriatelimited due employees. to the influx Due of toforeign high investorsdemand, intoonce Kenyaa property and is limited due to the influx of foreign investors into Kenya and found,theRental increased assignees Payments demand should for act high-quality, quickly to secure secure it. housing for their expatriatethe increased employees. demand Duefor high-quality, to high demand, secure once housing a property for their is Rental payments are typically paid in advance, in Kenyan found,expatriate assignees employees. should Due act to quickly high demand,to secure once it. a property is RentalShillings onPayments a quarterly basis, although there is a growing trend found, assignees should act quickly to secure it. Rentalfor landlords payments to price are typicallyproperties paid in US in advance,dollars and in requestKenyan Rental Payments Shillingspayment onin thisa quarterly currency. basis. Security Security deposits deposits are also are required also required Rental payments Payments are typically paid in advance, in Kenyan and are usually thethe equivalentequivalent of of three three months’ months’ rent. rent. Some It is ShillingsRental payments on a quarterly are typically basis. Securitypaid in advance, deposits inare Kenyan also required advisableadditional topayments get any suchwork asdone stamp to theduty, property legal costs before and payinglease andShillings are usually on a quarterly the equivalent basis. Security of three deposits months’ arerent. also It is required aadministration deposit. Some fees additional may be applicable.payments such as stamp duty, legal and are usually the equivalent of three months’ rent. It is costsadvisable and tolease get administration any work done fees to the may property be applicable. before paying aadvisableFor deposit. assignees toSome get in compounds,anyadditional work done payments a service to the suchchargeproperty as maystamp before also duty, bepaying legal costsaincluded deposit. and in leaseSome rental administration additional payments. payments fees may such be asapplicable. stamp duty, legal costs and lease administration fees may be applicable. CARTUS | MARKET WATCH: EMERGING MARKETS: KENYA / SEPTEMBER 2014 | PAGE 2 OF 5

CARTUS | MARKET WATCH:CARTUS EMERGING | MARKET MARKETS: WATCH: KENYA KENYA / SEPTEMBER/ JANUARY 20172014 | PAGE 2 OF 5 CARTUS | MARKET WATCH: EMERGING MARKETS: KENYA / SEPTEMBER 2014 | PAGE 2 OF 5 SEPTEMBERJANUARY 20172014 SEPTEMBER 2014 MARKETWATCH Information from Cartus on Relocation andMARKET International AssignmentWATCH Trends and Practices. Information from Cartus on Relocation and International Assignment Trends and Practices. EMERGING MARKETS: KENYA EMERGING MARKETS: KENYA SEPTEMBER 2014 Furnished Temporary Housing HOUSEHOLDShould an assignee GOODS choose SHIPPING to drive, consider giving them a •Furnished Avoid crowded temporary places housing including is available, certain townshipalthough areasit is not in ForShippingdesignated assignees household indriver compounds, goods for the by first aira service ortwo sea weeks tocharge Nairobi of theirmay can alsoassignment, be bea long typicallyNairobi. of the same standard as accommodation in cities includedanduntil expensive they in rental are process. used payments. to In MARKETtheir most surroundings cases, airline andshipping WATCHroad islayouts. sent to the such as Johannesburg, London and New York. There are few International Airport freight department, and sea •such Do as not Johannesburg, use public transportation. London and New York. There areInformation few from• It Cartus is recommended on Relocation andthat International assignees applyAssignment for an Trends International and Practices. temporary accommodation providers, and it is recommended shipments are sent to Mombasa and then overland to Nairobi. •temporary Refrain from accommodation walking in public providers, areas atand night. it is recommended BreakDriving clauses Permit are fromnormally their accepted home country, by landlords, prior to departure.but will that assignees book such properties well in advance. Most • Review and tighten property security as necessary, ensuring require• Due ato notice road conditions, period of at 4x4 least vehicles three are months recommended and lease for providers will require advance payment and may arrange Air shipments can take three to four weeks and sea shipments may adequate safety provisions have been taken. terminationsassignees.EMERGING require three months’ MARKETS: notice by both theKENYA tenant shuttles from the airport. Please note that only one serviced andtake landlord.up to three Upon months, termination if not longer, of the depending lease, it onis standard the shipment’s apartment provider allows animals.small domestic pets. practiceorigin. Port for congestion the tenant in to Mombasa re-paint theoccurs interior frequently of a property when too and ProgramFurnished Advice Temporary Housing HOUSEHOLD GOODS SHIPPING manyHOUSEHOLD vessels arrive atGOODS once, making SHIPPING it difficult to unload. This makes •Furnished We recommend temporary that housing you ensure is available, your assignees although attend it is anot security re-finishShipping thehousehold floors. goods by air or sea to Nairobi can be a long Program Advice theShipping process household even slower goods and canby air delay or sea delivery to Nairobi of goods can forbe severala long Programtypicallybriefing of totheAdvice allay same perceptions standard asand accommodation concerns. It is important in cities that and expensive process. In most cases, airline shipping is sent to the • Organizationsassignees are given should realistic, align their but non-alarmistsecurity guidelines information to the about Belowweeks.and expensive isAssignees an outline process. therefore of the In mostaverageneed cases,to ensuremonthly airline they rental shipping consider prices is travel sent for totimes •such Organizations as Johannesburg, should Londonalign their and security New York. guidelines There toare the few Jomo Kenyatta International Airport freight department, and sea assignee’sKenya’s potential choice dangers. of housing e.g., a property in a compound propertiesandthe planJomo around Kenyatta in Nairobi: lease International start dates. AirportAlthough freight given department, that shipping and temporaryassignee’s accommodation choice of housing providers, e.g., a property and it is in recommended a compound shipments are sent to Mombasa and then overland to Nairobi. • wouldOrganizations require shouldsecurity have rules a thatwell-developed are different security from those policy for and a timescalessea shipments are relatively are sent unknown,to Mombasa flexibility and then remains overland key. to Nairobi. thatwould assignees require book security such rules properties that are well different in advance. from those Most for a RENTAL RATES RENTAL RATES citya local apartment. ‘go to’ person for security related matters. AirAPARTMENT shipments can take three to four weeksHOUSE and sea shipments may providerscity apartment. will require advance payment and may arrange Air shipments can (KES)take three to four weeks and sea shipments(KES) may • AsCompanies security can may be want an issue to consider in Nairobi, hardship the following premiums for their Customstake up to regulations three months, can be if not complex, longer, and depending assignees on and the companiesshipment’s •shuttles As security from canthe beairport. an issue Please in Nairobi, note that the only following one serviced take up to three months,KES120,000 if notto longer, depending on the shipment’s precautionsrelocation policy. are typically It is recommended advisable: that companies utilize areorigin. advised Port tocongestion check with in their Mombasa household occurs goods frequently provider when for toocorrect apartmentprecautions provider are typically allows advisable:animals. origin. Port congestionKES300,000 in Mombasa for occurs frequently when too o Properties in gated communities are preferable. processes. Some servicedgeneral apartments. best practices include: their independent data provider or the U.S. State Department many vessels arrive at once, making it difficult to unload.Properties This Not o Properties in gated communities are preferable. many1 BEDROOM vessels arriveUnserviced at once, making it1 difficult BEDROOM to unload. This makes ofor Homesguidance. should be equipped with reliable, tested alarm •makes The ownerthe process must evenhave slowerarrived andbefore can the delay goods delivery canAvailable clearof goods customs for Programo Homes Advice should be equipped with reliable, tested the process evenapartments slower and are can very delay delivery of goods for several • As is a particular challenge in Kenya, organizations •several Goods weeks. can onlyAssigneeslow clear in supply. customs therefore once need the to ensureimmigration they consider • Organizationsalarm systems. should align their security guidelines to the weeks. Assignees therefore need to ensure they consider travel times • Dueshould to refertraffic to theircongestion security onprovider the roads, specialist assignees for more moving advice traveldepartment times and has plan issued around the lease assignee start dates. with a Although PIN given that • Dueassignee’s to traffic choice congestion of housing on e.g.,the roads, a property assignees in a compound moving and plan around lease start dates. Although given that shipping withand guidance.children should choose a school first and then begin the shipping timescalesKES240,000 are relatively to unknown, flexibility remains key. withwould children require should security choose rules thata school are different first and from then those begin for the a •timescales Timescales are relativelycanKES320,000 vary, unknown,but for it sercan- flexibilitytake 10-14 remains days for key. both air and home search. This makes it easier to achieve a reasonable viced apartments. city apartment. Customssea shipments regulations to clearcan be complex, and assigneesProperties and Not home search. This makes it easier to achieve a reasonable Unserviced HOUSING:commute time. NAIROBI 2 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM Available • commuteAs security time. can be an issue in Nairobi, the following Customscompanies regulations are advisedapartments can to be checkare complex, very with their and assigneeshousehold and goods companies •Nairobi A deposit is East and Africa’s first largestquarter’s city rent and is required one of Africa’s before mosta lease can • Aprecautions deposit and are first typically quarter’s advisable: rent is required before a lease Programareprovider advised for toAdvicecorrect checklow with supply. their householdSome general goods best provider practices for include: correct signed, With so organizationsKenya’s largest should expatriate ensure population, an appropriate the city level is cano Propertiesbe signed, in so gated organizations communities should are ensurepreferable. an appropriate •processes. Due to the Some potential general for best shipping practices delays, include: relocation schedules of accommodation allowance is made available to the assignee. • The owner mustKES200,000 have arrived – before the goods canKES220,000 clear customs – dividedo Homes into numerous should be districts, equipped which with range reliable, from tested upmarket alarm and • 3should TheBEDROOM owner remain must flexible, have arrived so that before they3 BEDROOM canthe goodsbe adjusted can clear accordingly. customs • levelAs there of accommodation may be extra costs allowance (legal fees, is made stamp available duty) to the • Goods can onlyKES320,000 clear customs once the immigrationKES350,000 department spacioussystems. to high-density slums. This highlights the vast economic To achieve cost effectiveness, when aligning immigration, school assignee. • hasGoods issued can the onlyProperties assignee clear customsNot with a PIN once the immigrationKES300,000 – inequalitiesassignees faced should by confirm the city’s the population. exact amount Nairobi as isearly a deeply in the 4 BEDROOM 4 BEDROOM ••  AsDue there to trafficmay be congestion extra costs on(legal the fees,roads, stamp assignees duty) moving searchdepartment and home hasAvailable issuedfinding the timelines, assignee organizations with a PIN KES600,000 should work multiculturalprocess as and possible, cosmopolitan so it can city, be includedand the enduring in the assignee’s British • Timescales can vary, but it can take 10-14 days for both air and assigneeswith children should should confirm choose the aexact school amount first andas earlythen in beginthe the from a realistic, ‘worst case scenario’ timeframe. This will reduce colonialaccommodation legacy is present allowance. in many of the city’s buildings, which • seaTimescales shipments can to vary, clear but it can take 10-14 days for both air and processhome search. as possible, This makes so it can it easierbe included to achieve in the a assignee’sreasonable Utilitiesthe potential cost of cancellations and re-scheduling. •stand Due alongside to traffic, mosques, it is not usually temples, possible and modern to see skyscrapers.more than three sea shipments to clear accommodationcommute time. allowance. •Setting Furniture up utilities rental can is available be a lengthy in Nairobi process. so Applying if there is for a a to five properties per visit, so additional time may be needed Program Advice ••  DueA deposit to traffic, and itfirst is notquarter’s usually rent possible is required to see before more thana lease three can phoneshipment line for delay, example, furniture may takecan beweeks. hired It untilis advisable the shipment to rent a Expatriatesfor the pre-assignment moving to Kenya trip. will be pleasantly surprised by the Program Advice tobe five signed, properties so organizations per visit, so should additional ensure time an appropriatemay be needed level home• arrives. Due that to thehasThis potential an cost existing should for phone shipping be factored line, delays, if at into all relocation possible. relocation schedules As budgets there •range, Organizations quality, and may size want of housing, to provide particularly additional in support Nairobi. for There • Due to the potential for shipping delays, relocation schedules forof accommodationthe pre-assignment allowance trip. is made available to the assignee. areandshould often assignee power remain outages allowances.flexible, and so thatwater they shortages, can be adjustedmany homes accordingly. is adomestic wide range help, of whichhousing is common types, from in Nairobi. standalone homes some should remain flexible, so that they can be adjusted accordingly. ••  OrganizationsAs there may bemay extra want costs to provide (legal fees, additional stamp support duty) for willTo have achieve generators cost effectiveness, and water tanks. when Water aligning and immigration, electricity distance from the city center, to modern homes in compounds, To achieve cost effectiveness, when aligning immigration, school domesticassignees help, should which confirm is common the exact in Nairobi. amount as early in the billsschool are not search included and homein rental finding payments timelines, and are organizations expected to should TRANSPORTATIONand downtown apartments. With a well-established expatriate search and home finding timelines, organizations should work process as possible, so it can be included in the assignee’s be workpaid forfrom by a the realistic, tenant. ‘worst An assignee case scenario’ will have timeframe. to obtain This a will Thecommunity, country’s Nairobi’s road network rental is practices extensive, are although more in in line poor with condition from a realistic, ‘worst case scenario’ timeframe. This will reduce accommodation allowance. Personalreduce Identification the potential costNumber of cancellations (PIN) from the and Kenya re-scheduling. immigration duewesternTRANSPORTATION to a normscombination than those of a lack in many of maintenance other African and cities. overuse. The the potential cost of cancellations and re-scheduling. • Due to traffic, it is not usually possible to see more than three department• Furniture beforerental is utilities available can in be Nairobi set up. so if there is a shipment government has commenced a road rehabilitation program which Theto country’s five properties road network per visit, is extensive, so additional although time inmay poor be needed • delay,Furniture furniture rental can is beavailable hired until in Nairobi the shipment so if there arrives. is a is slowly improving the quality of the roads, but current conditions Theconditionfor challenge, the due pre-assignment to however, a combination is trip.that availabilityof a lack of atmaintenance this time is extremelyand Thisshipment cost should delay, be furniture factored can into be relocation hired until budgets the shipment and include such hazards as potholes and poor signage. Although there limitedoveruse.• Organizations due The to government the may influx want ofhas foreignto commenced provide investors additional a roadinto rehabilitationsupportKenya and for assigneearrives. This allowances. cost should be factored into relocation budgets is a public transport system in Nairobi, it is not well developed and theprogram domesticincreased which help, demand is slowly which for improving is high-quality, common the in quality of housing the roads, for buttheir and assignee allowances. weexpatriatecurrent recommend conditions employees. assignees include Due dosuch to not high hazards use demand, it. as potholes once a and property poor is found,signage.TRANSPORTATION assignees Although should there isact a publicquickly transport to secure system it. in Nairobi, it Programis not well developed Advice and we recommend assignees do not use it. The country’s road network is extensive, although in poor condition SCHOOLING •Rental It is possible Payments to lease cars in Nairobi, and assignees can drive with due to a combination of a lack of maintenance and overuse. The Nairobi has a good selection of private and international pre- Rentalan international payments are driver’s typically license, paid although in advance, organizations in Kenyan typically Programgovernment Advice has commenced a road rehabilitation program which school, kindergarten, primary, and high schools. Many of these Shillingsprovide on assignees a quarterly with basis. a car Securityand designated deposits driver. are alsoShould required an is slowly improving the quality of the roads, but current conditions follow British or American curricula. There are also several foreign and• It assignee areis possible usually choose tothe lease toequivalent drive, cars consider in Nairobi,of three giving andmonths’ them assignees arent. designated Itcan is drive include such hazards as potholes and poor signage. Although there community schools including French, German, Dutch, Swedish, advisablewithdriver an for tointernational the get first any two work driver’s weeks done license,of to their the assignment,althoughproperty organizationsbefore until they paying are is a public transport system in Nairobi, it is not well developed and and Japanese. Standard schooling in Kenya consists of eight a deposit.typicallyused to their Someprovide surroundings additional assignees paymentsand with road a car layouts. such and asdesignated stamp duty, driver. legal we recommend assignees do not use it. years of primary school and four years of secondary school. The •costs Due and to leaseroad conditions, administration 4x4 vehiclesfees may are be recommended applicable. for assignees. Kenyan academic year runs from January to December. Program Advice SCHOOLING • It is possible to lease cars in Nairobi,CARTUS and assignees | MARKET can drive WATCH:CARTUS with EMERGING | MARKET MARKETS: WATCH: KENYA KENYA / SEPTEMBER/ JANUARY 20172014 | PAGE 3 OF 5 an international driver’s license, althoughCARTUS organizations | MARKET typically WATCH: EMERGINGNairobi has MARKETS: a good selectionKENYA / ofSEPTEMBER private and 2014 international | PAGE pre- 2 OF 5 provide assignees with a car and designated driver. Should an school, kindergarten, primary, and high schools. Many of these assignee choose to drive, consider giving them a designated follow British or American curricula. There are also several foreign driver for the first two weeks of their assignment, until they are community schools including French, German, Dutch, Swedish, used to their surroundings and road layouts. and Japanese. Standard schooling in Kenya consists of eight • Due to road conditions, 4x4 vehicles are recommended for years of primary school and four years of secondary school. The assignees. Kenyan academic year runs from January to December.

CARTUS | MARKET WATCH: EMERGING MARKETS: KENYA / SEPTEMBER 2014 | PAGE 3 OF 5 SEPTEMBERJANUARY 20172014 SEPTEMBER 2014 MARKETWATCH Information from Cartus on Relocation andMARKET International AssignmentWATCH Trends and Practices. Information from Cartus on Relocation and International Assignment Trends and Practices. EMERGING MARKETS: KENYA EMERGING MARKETS: KENYA

ItSCHOOLING is advisable to enquire about vacancies well in advance, as coolestCLIMATE months July and August where temperatures can dip to Nairobi has a good selection of private and international •most Avoid of the crowded best private places and including international certain schools township - those areas usually in 50°F.ForKenya’s assignees Kenya climate has in avaries compounds,long rainyfrom season,region a service to from region, charge April with to may June a predominantly also with be shorter pre-school, kindergarten, primary, and high schools. Many of desiredNairobi. by expatriates - are heavily subscribed. School admission rainyincludedtropical, spells humidin in rental October climate payments. and along December. the east coast and drier, more these follow British or American curricula. There are also several depends• Do not on use availability public transportation. and previous academic records. The arid conditions in the north and further inland. There is typically foreign community schools including French, German, Dutch, admissions• Refrain from usually walking take placein public during areas the at summernight. and can include ProgramBreakyear-long clauses sunshine Advice are normally and high accepted temperatures, by landlords, which can but reach will 93°F. Swedish, and Japanese. Standard schooling in Kenya consists of an• Reviewentrance and exam tighten as well property as a personal security interview. as necessary, In quite ensuring a few •requireThe With hottest ahot notice monthsand periodhumid of the ofsummer atyear least are months, three February months it canand beandMarch, quite lease with the eight years of primary school and four years of secondary school. of theadequate international/private safety provisions schools, have beenthe family taken. will need to wait terminationscoolestuncomfortable months require July being andthree Augustoutside months’ where in noticeKenya temperatures byin theboth heat the can oftenant dip the The Kenyan academic year runs from January to December. for assessment results before the child is officially accepted; only andto day,50°F. landlord. especially Kenya Upon has whena terminationlong trying rainy season,to of complete the fromlease, Apriltasks it is to standardsuch June as with finding thenProgramIt is advisable will an invoiceAdvice to enquire for school about fees vacancies be sent. well In inmost advance, cases, as there practiceshortera property. rainy for the spells With tenant in this October to in re-paint mind, and we theDecember. recommend interior of a thatproperty any look/ and is•most anWe additionalof recommend the best fee private thatfor school youand ensureinternational assessments. your assignees schools Tuition - attend thosefees vary usuallya security re-finishsee visits the orfloors. permanent moves are scheduled outside the dependingdesiredbriefing by expatriates onto allaythe schoolperceptions - are but heavily can and be subscribed. concerns. extremely It School ishigh. important Inadmission addition that Programcountry’s hottestAdvice months of the year (February and March). todepends tuitionassignees onand availabilityare assessment given realistic, and costs, previous but there non-alarmist academic may also records. beinformation a caution The about Below• With is hotan outlineand humid of the summer average months, monthly it can rental be quiteprices for fee,admissionsKenya’s which coverspotential usually potential take dangers. place damage during tothe school summer property and can and include is LANGUAGEpropertiesuncomfortable in Nairobi: being outside in Kenya in the heat of the day, refundable•an Organizationsentrance when exam shouldthe as wellchild have as leaves a apersonal well-developed school. interview. security In quite policy a few and of Englishespecially and Swahili when trying are Kenya’s to complete two official tasks suchlanguages. as finding Both a the international/private schools, the family will need to wait for RENTAL RATES RENTAL RATES a local ‘go to’ person for security related matters. areAPARTMENTproperty. used in the With business (KES)this in mind, environment we recommendHOUSE and social that settings. (KES)any look/see Program•assessment Companies resultsAdvice may before want tothe consider child is officially hardship accepted;premiums only for thentheir Manyvisits indigenous or permanent languages, moves aresuch scheduled as Kikuyu, outside are also the spoken. country’s •will Due an invoice to the extensivefor school applicationfees be sent. process In most and cases, high there demand is an As English is widelyKES120,000 spoken to in Kenya, especially in Nairobi, relocation policy. It is recommended that companies utilize hottest monthsKES300,000 of the year for (February and March). additionalin popular fee schools,for school assignees assessments. are encouraged Tuition fees tovary apply depending to language is not aserviced major apartments. challenge for expatriates. However, their independent data provider or the U.S. State Department Properties Not 1 BEDROOM Unserviced 1 BEDROOM on preferredforthe guidance. school schools but can as be early extremely as possible high. (evenIn addition before to they tuition move). and we recommend assignees learn a few Swahili wordsAvailable and basic LANGUAGE apartments are very •assessment CommutingAs security costs, is timesa particularthere need may tochallenge also be betaken a incaution intoKenya, consideration fee, organizations which covers when phrases, as localslow will in supply.appreciate the effort made. English and Swahili are Kenya’s two official languages. Both are potentialsearchingshould damage refer for to a theirtoschool. school security Due property toprovider traffic and specialist congestion,is refundable for moreassignees when advice the used in the business environment and social settings. Many childshouldand leaves guidance. try school. to choose a school that is located near the Program AdviceKES240,000 to indigenous languages,KES320,000 such for seras -Kikuyu, are also spoken. As workplace and home. • To ensure a smoothviced apartments. settling-in process, language training Properties Not English is widelyUnserviced spoken in Kenya, especially in Nairobi, language HOUSING:Program Advice NAIROBI 2for BEDROOM non-English speakers is recommended2 BEDROOM for Availableassignees and is not a major challengeapartments for are expatriates. very However, we recommend VISANairobi• Due &to is theEastIMMIGRATION extensive Africa’s largest application city and process one of and Africa’s high demandmost their families moving to Kenya. assignees learn alow few in supply. Swahili words and basic phrases, as locals popular recent With schools, Kenya’sterrorist assignees largest attacks areexpatriate in Kenya,encouraged thepopulation, government to apply the to city has is will appreciate the effort made. heighteneddividedpreferred into securityschoolsnumerous checksas districts,early for as foreignpossible which rangenationals (even from before submitting upmarket they move). and CULTURAL ISSUESKES200,000 – KES220,000 – 3 BEDROOM KES320,000 3 BEDROOM KES350,000 immigrationspacious• Commuting to high-density applications. times need slums. The to be new This taken checks highlights into are consideration anticipated the vast economic when Despite its varying problems of occasional political unrest, Program AdviceProperties Not KES300,000 – toinequalities searchingincrease processingfaced for a the times city’s Due by at traffic least twocongestion, Nairobi weeks isfor aassignees alldeeply random4 BEDROOM terrorist activity, regional drought,4 BEDROOM and poverty, Kenya • To ensure a smoothAvailable settling-in process, languageKES600,000 training for immigrationmulticulturalshould try procedures,andto choose cosmopolitan a includingschool city, that applications and is located the enduring near for work the British is a country where the phrase Hakuna Matata, meaning ‘no non-English speakers is recommended for assignees and their authorizationcolonialworkplace legacy and is presenthome.visitor status. in many of the city’s buildings, which problem’, epitomizes the national attitude. Kenyans value Utilitiesfamilies moving to Kenya. stand alongside mosques, temples, and modern skyscrapers. hierarchy, tradition and relationships, placing emphasis on a Setting up utilities can be a lengthy process. Applying for a In June 2013, it was announced that in addition to a Dependent sense of family and honor. The following lists the ‘top tips’ and phone line for example, may take weeks. It is advisable to rent a Pass,ExpatriatesVISA expatriate & IMMIGRATION moving children to Kenya attending will be school pleasantly in Kenya surprised must now by the bestCULTURAL practices forISSUES those living and doing business in Kenya: home that has an existing phone line, if at all possible. As there holdrange,Following a Studentquality, recent andPass. terrorist size of attacks housing, in Kenya, particularly the government in Nairobi. hasThere •Despite Communication. its varying problems Strong eye of contact occasional and politicala firm handshake unrest, are are often power outages and water shortages, many homes isheightened a wide range security of housing checks fortypes, foreign from nationals standalone submitting homes some randomimportant terrorist when activity, meeting regional business drought, contacts. and Kenyans poverty, tend Kenya to will have generators and water tanks. Water and electricity Oncedistanceimmigration visas from are applications. thesecured, city center, assignees The newto modern mustchecks obtain homesare anticipated a PINin compounds, (Personal to is aavoid country using where direct the statements, phrase Hakuna opting Matata, to use storiesmeaning or analogies‘no bills are not included in rental payments and are expected to Identificationandincrease downtown processing Number).apartments. times There by Withat is least oftena well-establishedtwo a weeksdelay in for getting all expatriateimmigration this from problem’,to convey epitomizes their points. the Assignees national attitude. should use Kenyans body languagevalue and be paid for by the tenant. An assignee will have to obtain a thecommunity,procedures, immigration includingNairobi’s department rentalapplications practices but without for workare it, more authorization utilities in line cannot with and be set hierarchy,context traditionto determine and relationships,what is actually placing being communicated.emphasis on a Personal Identification Number (PIN) from the Kenya immigration upwesternvisitor and status. household norms than goods those cannot in many be other cleared. African cities. sense of family and honor. The following lists the ‘top tips’ and •department Decision beforeMaking. utilities As an can egalitarian be set up. society, decision making In June 2013, it was announced that in addition to a Dependent bestis typicallypractices undertaken for those living by theand group, doing businessrather than in Kenya: individual. ProgramThePass, challenge, expatriate Advice however, children attendingis that availability school in at Kenya this time must is nowextremely hold • WhenCommunication. making decisions, Strong eye Kenyans contact try and to aavoid firm riskhandshake and will are •limiteda StudentThe immigrationdue Pass. to the influx and workof foreign permit investors process into can Kenya be lengthy and examineimportant the when options meeting in greatbusiness detail. contacts. This makes Kenyans the tend process to theOnceand increased visas can areimpact demand secured, the forstartassignees high-quality, of an must assignment, secureobtain ahousing PINso it (Personal is forimportant their aavoid lengthy using one, direct but statements, no matter optinghow long to use it takes, stories assignees or analogies expatriateIdentificationto work employees.closely Number). with Due yourThere to provider ishigh often demand, ato delay identify once in getting and a property conform this from is shouldto convey be their patient. points. After Assignees gaining should input fromuse body the group,language final found,theto immigration required assignees documentation department should act quicklybut deadlines without to secure it, andutilities it. other cannot timeframes. be set decisionsand context are to announced determine what by the is actually most senior being person, communicated. on a This also applies when attaining the assignee’s PIN. up and household goods cannot be cleared. • one-to-oneDecision Making. basis rather As an egalitarianthan in a group society, meeting. decision making Rental Payments • typically undertaken Business entertaining by the group, is commonplace rather than individual. and CLIMATERental payments are typically paid in advance, in Kenyan Program Advice assigneesWhen making should decisions, accept hospitalityKenyans try when to avoid it is offered.risk and Awill small, Kenya’sShillings climate on a quarterly varies from basis. region Security to region, deposits with area predominantly also required • The immigration and work permit process can be lengthy inexpensiveexamine the gift options for the in hostgreat is detail. appreciated, This makes but dothe not process take a tropical,and are usuallyhumid climatethe equivalent along the of east three coast months’ and drier, rent. more It is and can impact the start of an assignment, so it is important alcohol.lengthy one,If asked but tono dinner, matter returning how long the it takes, favor assigneesis appreciated. should arid conditions in the north and further inland. There is typically advisableto work toclosely get any with work your done provider to the to propertyidentify and before conform paying to be patient. After gaining input from the group, final decisions year-long sunshine and high temperatures, which can reach 93°F. • Negotiating. Whether it is a market stall purchase or a deposit.required Some documentation additional deadlinespayments and such other as stamp timeframes. duty, legal This are announced by the most senior person, on a one-to-one The hottest months of the year are February and March, with the major business deal, Kenyans are enthusiastic and skilled costsalso and applies lease when administration attaining the fees assignee’s may be applicable.PIN. basis rather than in a group meeting.

CARTUS | MARKET WATCH: EMERGING MARKETS: KENYA / SEPTEMBER 2014 | PAGE 4 OF 5 CARTUS | MARKET WATCH: KENYA / JANUARY 2017 | PAGE 4 OF 5 CARTUS | MARKET WATCH: EMERGING MARKETS: KENYA / SEPTEMBER 2014 | PAGE 2 OF 5 SEPTEMBERJANUARY 20172014 SEPTEMBER 2014 SEPTEMBER 2014 MARKETWATCH Information from Cartus on Relocation andMARKET International AssignmentWATCH Trends and Practices. Information from Cartus on Relocation andMARKET International AssignmentWATCH Trends and Practices. Information from CartusEMERGING on Relocation and International MARKETS: Assignment Trends KENYA and Practices. EMERGING MARKETS: KENYA EMERGING MARKETS: KENYA • Hospitality.negotiators. Business Bargaining entertaining is part of iseveryday commonplace life and and will occur •• Teamwork. Kenyans enjoy enjoy a a sense sense of of unity, unity, which which is isembodied • assigneesatAvoid all levels. crowded should However, places accept relationshipsincluding hospitality certain whenare stilltownship it isdeemed offered. areas more A insmall, Forembodiedin assignees the country’s in thecompounds, motto, country’s Harambee, amotto, service meaning Harambee, charge ‘Let’smay meaning alsopull be ‘Let’s inexpensive gift for the host is appreciated, but do not take together’. Relationships, business interactions and projects negotiators.important,Nairobi. so Bargaining once a negotiation is part of iseveryday complete, life regardlessand will occur of •included Teamwork.pull together’. in rental Kenyans payments.Relationships, enjoy a sensebusiness of unity, interactions which is and alcohol. If asked to dinner, returning the favor is appreciated. are influenced by this, with emphasis placed on mutual • attheDo all notoutcome, levels. use public However, the relationshiptransportation. relationships is expected are still to deemed return tomore normal. embodiedprojects are in influenced the country’s by motto,this, with Harambee, emphasis meaning placed on‘Let’s assistance, cooperation and shared responsibility, rather than • Negotiating.important,Hierarchy.Refrain from soHierarchical walking Whetheronce a in negotiation itpublic preferenceis a market areas is atcomplete,stallis night.given purchase first regardless toor those of with Breakpullmutual clauses together’. assistance, are normallyRelationships, cooperation accepted business and by sharedlandlords, interactions responsibility, but willand individualism and personal achievement. • majorthepoliticalReview outcome, business and connections tighten the deal, relationship property Kenyans and/or security arewealth, is expectedenthusiastic as then necessary, to andreturnthe eldestskilledensuring to normal. and requireprojectsrather a noticethan are individualism influenced period of at byleastand this, personal three with monthsemphasis achievement. and placed lease on negotiators.adequate safety Bargaining provisions is part have of beeneveryday taken. life and will occur terminations• Timescales. require As in manythree Africanmonths’ societies, notice by Kenyans both the have tenant a • Hierarchy.finally to the Hierarchical most educated. preference Kenya is is given a patriarchal first to those society, with • mutualTimescales. assistance, As in many cooperation African andsocieties, shared Kenyans responsibility, have at all levels. However, relationships are still deemed more andrelaxed landlord. attitude Upon to termination timescales ofand the deadlines, lease, it is both standard in business politicalwith respect connections given to and/ormale leaders, wealth, whether then to theat home, eldest at and rathera relaxed than attitude individualism to timescales and personal and deadlines, achievement. both in Programimportant, Advice so once a negotiation is complete, regardless of practiceand their for thepersonal tenant life. to Forre-paint example, the interior it is not of uncommon a property and finallywork or to in the the politicalmost educated. sphere. Kenya is a patriarchal society, • and As their in many personal African life. societies,For example, Kenyans it is nothave • theWe outcome,recommend the that relationship you ensure is expectedyour assignees to return attend to normal.a security re-finishfor emails the tofloors. be replied to several days after they were sent • withPersonal respect Space. given People to male can leaders, stand muchwhether closer at home, to one at auncommon relaxed attitude for emails to timescales to be replied and todeadlines, several days both after in • briefing to Hierarchicalallay perceptions preference and concerns. is given Itfirst is important to those thatwith and returned telephone calls can also take time. This can Hierarchy.workanother or inin thepublic political areas. sphere. The concept of personal space is businessthey were and sent their and personal returned life. telephone For example, calls can it is also not take politicalassignees connections are given realistic, and/or butwealth, non-alarmist then to the information eldest and about frustratingis Thisan outline can to be ofassignees frustrating the average used to monthlyassigneesto a faster rental pacedused prices to work a faster for • Personalnot widely Space. shared People by locals can and stand this much can be closer disconcerting to one to uncommon for emails to be replied to several days after finallyKenya’s to potential the most dangers. educated. Kenya is a patriarchal society, with propertiespacedenvironment. work in Nairobi: environment. anotherassignees in usedpublic to areas. western The practices. concept of personal space is they were sent and returned telephone calls can also take • respectOrganizations given toshould male haveleaders, a well-developed whether at home, security at work policy or and in • Technology. Telephone calls and text messages receive • Relationships. Networking is key to building good • time.Technology. This can Telephone RENTALbe frustrating RATES calls to and assignees text messages used RENTALto receive a faster RATES thenota local politicalwidely ‘go to’ shared sphere. person by for locals security and related this can matters. be disconcerting to APARTMENTquicker response times than email,HOUSE as the latter is often viewed pacedquicker work response environment.(KES) times than email, as the latter(KES) is often • assigneesworkingCompanies relationships used may to want western toin Kenya.consider practices. For hardship example, premiums when seeing for their a • Personal Space. People can stand much closer to one another viewedas a form as of a socialform ofmedia social in mediaKenya, in much Kenya, like much Facebook like or • Relationships.colleague,relocation policy. always Networking It take is recommended the time is key to to ask thatbuilding about companies theirgood family utilize and • Technology. KES120,000Telephone to calls and text messages receive in public areas. The concept of personal space is not widely FacebookTwitter. This or is KES300,000Twitter. why response This for is timeswhy response can be slow. times Although can be this – if asked – assignees should talk about their own family. quicker responseserviced times apartments. than email, as the latter is often sharedworkingtheir independent by relationships locals and data this in provider canKenya. be disconcerting Foror the example, U.S. State to when assignees Department seeing a mindset is changing, contact in person is still preferredProperties and Not it 1slow. BEDROOM AlthoughUnserviced this mindset is changing,1 BEDROOM contact in person • colleague,Meetings.for guidance. alwaysMeetings take are the regularly time to delayedask about by their up to family an and viewed as a form of social media in Kenya, muchAvailable like used to western practices. isis stillnot uncommonpreferredapartments and to visitit areis annot very office uncommon to arrange to visit a office to • –hour.As if security asked Once – is businessassignees a particular meetings should challenge talk begin, inabout Kenya, they their organizationsdo own not finishfamily. Facebook or lowTwitter. in supply. This is why response times can be • Relationships. Networking is key to building good working arrange a meeting. until the agenda is completed, which means the day’s slow. Although this mindset is changing, contact in person • relationshipsMeetings.should refer Meetingsto in theirKenya. security areFor regularlyexample, provider delayed whenspecialist seeing by for up morea tocolleague, an advice Cartus thanks our Destination Service Provider, Intouch schedule invariably gets pushed back. With this in mind, we is still preferredKES240,000 and it tois not uncommon to visit an office to alwayshour.and guidance. Once take thebusiness time to meetings ask about begin, their family they do and not – if finish asked – Relocations for the information provided for this issue Cartusarrange thanks a meeting. ourKES320,000 Destination for ser -Service Provider, Elliott Mobility recommend that meetings are organised in the morning viced apartments. assigneesuntil the agenda should talkis completed, about their whichown family. means the day’s of MarketWatch. Properties Not for the informationUnserviced provided for this issue of MarketWatch. HOUSING:to avoid postponement. NAIROBI When meeting with business 2 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM Available • Meetings.schedule invariably Meetings getsare regularly pushed delayedback. With by upthis to in an mind, hour. we apartments are very Nairobiassociates is East for Africa’s the first largest time, city it and is important one of Africa’s that mostparticipants CartusSource: thanks Country our Navigator Destination powered Service by Provider, TMA World Elliott – www. Mobility Oncerecommend business that meetings meetings begin, are theyorganised do not in finish the morninguntil Source: Countrylow Navigator in supply. powered by TMA World – www. prominent.get to know With one Kenya’s another. largest Assignees expatriate should population, not expect the city to is, the information (Language provided and for Cultural this issue Issues of MarketWatch. sections) and theto avoid agenda postponement. is completed, Whenwhich meansmeeting the with day’s business schedule, (Language and Cultural Issues sections) and dividedconduct into businessnumerous negotiations districts, which at anrange initial from meeting. upmarket and FragomenFragomen (Visa KES200,000and Immigration). – KES220,000 – invariablyassociates gets for pushedthe first back. time, With it is importantthis in mind, that we recommendparticipants Source:3 BEDROOM CountryKES320,000 Navigator powered3 BEDROOM by TMA WorldKES350,000 – www. spaciousget to toknow high-density one another. slums. Assignees This highlights should the not vast expect economic to that meetings are organised in the morning to avoid, (LanguageProperties Not and Cultural Issues sections)KES300,000 and – inequalities faced by the city’s population. Nairobi is a deeply 4 BEDROOM 4 BEDROOM postponement.conduct business When negotiations meeting with at an business initial meeting. associates for Fragomen (Visa Availableand Immigration). KES600,000 multicultural and cosmopolitan city, and the enduring British the first time, it is important that participants get to know one colonial legacy is present in many of the city’s buildings, which another. Assignees should not expect to conduct business Utilities stand alongside mosques, temples, and modern skyscrapers. negotiations at an initial meeting. Setting up utilities can be a lengthy process. Applying for a phone line for example, may take weeks. It is advisable to rent a Expatriates moving to Kenya will be pleasantly surprised by the home that has an existing phone line, if at all possible. As there range, quality, and size of housing, particularly in Nairobi. There are often power outages and water shortages, many homes is a wide range of housing types, from standalone homes some will have generators and water tanks. Water and electricity distance from the city center, to modern homes in compounds, bills are not included in rental payments and are expected to and downtown apartments. With a well-established expatriate be paid for by the tenant. An assignee will have to obtain a community, Nairobi’s rental practices are more in line with Personal Identification Number (PIN) from the Kenya immigration western norms than those in many other African cities. department before utilities can be set up.

The challenge, however, is that availability at this time is extremely limited due to the influx of foreign investors into Kenya and the increased demand for high-quality, secure housing for their expatriate employees. Due to high demand, once a property is found, assignees should act quickly to secure it.

Rental Payments Rental payments are typically paid in advance, in | [email protected] | on a quarterly basis. Security deposits are also required | [email protected] and are usually the equivalent of three months’ rent. It is ©2014 Cartus Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Cartus and the Cartus logo are pending or registered trademarks of Cartus Corporation. ©2017advisable Cartus Corporation. to get any All Rightswork Reserved. done Cartusto the and property the Cartus logo before are registered paying trademarks of Cartus Corporation. | [email protected] Thea deposit. information Someprovided additional in this MarketWatch payments publication such is provided as stamp in good faithduty, but legalis not intended to provide specific advice or to take the place of either written law or regulations. Conditions in many emerging markets change quickly, so Cartus does not guarantee the accuracy or endorse any of the views or opinions given by any third parties and accepts no liability for the data and in©2014costs many Cartus emergingand Corporation. lease markets administration change All Rights quickly, Reserved. so Cartusfees Cartus doesmay and not thebe guarantee Cartus applicable. logo the are accuracy pending or endorseor registered any of trademarks the views orof Cartusopinions Corporation. given by any third parties and accepts no liability for the data and informationinformation includedincluded within.within. The information provided in this MarketWatch publication is provided in good faith but is not intended to provide specific advice or to take the place of either written law or regulations. Conditions in many emerging markets change quickly, so CartusCARTUS does not guarantee | MARKET the accuracy WATCH: or endorse EMERGINGany of the views orMARKETS: opinions given KENYAby any third / partiesSEPTEMBER and accepts no2014 liability |for thePAGE data and5 OF 5 information included within. CARTUS | MARKET WATCH: KENYA / JANUARY 2017 | PAGE 5 OF 5 CARTUS | MARKET WATCH: EMERGING MARKETS: KENYA / SEPTEMBER 2014 | PAGE 2 OF 5