Ms Simone Mcgurk; Ms Libby Mettam; Ms Mia Davies; Mrs Jessica Stojkovski; Mr Yaz Mubarakai; Ms Cassandra Rowe; Chair
Extract from Hansard [ASSEMBLY ESTIMATES COMMITTEE B — Thursday, 24 May 2018] p496b-522a Mr Sean L'Estrange; Ms Simone McGurk; Ms Libby Mettam; Ms Mia Davies; Mrs Jessica Stojkovski; Mr Yaz Mubarakai; Ms Cassandra Rowe; Chair Division 33: Communities — Services 1 to 10, Child Protection; Women’s Interests; Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence; Community Services, $786 480 000 — Mr I.C. Blayney, Chair. Ms S.F. McGurk, Minister for Child Protection; Women’s Interests; Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence; Community Services. Mr G. Searle, Director General. Ms. J. Tang, Assistant Director General, Child Protection and Family Support. Mr B. Jolly, Assistant Director General, Commissioning and Sector Engagement. Mr L. Carren, Executive Director, Business Services. Mr. S. Hollingworth, Executive Director, Housing and Homelessness. Ms T. Pritchard, Director, Finance. Mr D. Settelmaier, Senior Policy Adviser. Ms C. Irwin, Chief of Staff, Minister for Child Protection. [Witnesses introduced.] The CHAIR: This estimates committee will be reported by Hansard. The daily proof Hansard will be available the following day. It is the intention of the Chair to ensure that as many questions as possible are asked and answered and that both questions and answers are short and to the point. The estimates committee’s consideration of the estimates will be restricted to discussion of those items for which a vote of money is proposed in the consolidated account. Questions must be clearly related to a page number, item, program or amount in the current division. Members should give these details in preface to their question. If a division or service is the responsibility of more than one minister, a minister shall be examined only in relation to their portfolio responsibilities.
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