The NCAA NEWS Feels It Makes a Point, Discusses a Topic Which Will Nften Was Judged by the Way He Treated His Interest NEWS Readers
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VOL. 9 l NO. 15 November 15, 1972 1972 Olympic Team College Grid Game Really Gives NCAA Institutions Paying Fan His Money’s Worth By Irv Moss Van GaIder combined for 23 pass 111 plays in 60 minutes, while Denver Post sports Wder completions, or according to Val- Notre Dame and Navy crammed diserri’s formula, 33 cents a com- 153 plays into their 60 minutes. Most people who are connected plction. Provided a Majority with college football probably Total Yardage The Navy-Notre Dame game consider Notre Dame the “profcs- The total yardage for both pro- had 24 pass completions or a sional” team of the collegiate fessional teams came to 527 yards, A check of NCAA studcnt-ath- HARVARD ~ Shep Messing cost of 29 cents a fan per com- ranks. while Navy and Notre Dame letes who participated in the XX (Soccer). pletion. It cost the professional And about the only argument racked up 1,044, Notre Dame get- Olympiad at Munich shows that HOUSTON - Dwight Jones fans 45 cents for every incom- you might get from that descrip- ting 597 alone. a highly significant number of the (Basketball ) plete pass and the college fans tion of the Fighting Irish is That figures out to seven cents 1972 team members came directly ILLINOIS STATE-Doug Calm 15 cents for each missed pass. from NCAA institutions. whether it adequately describes a play for the professional fan lins (Basketball) the ability and fan appeal of No- Valdiserri’s argument of which and 4.5 cents a play for the col- The following list is compiled INDIANA ~ Cynthia Potter tre Dame’s football program. crowd got the most for its money lege watcher. only from sports in which the Richard Early (Div- (Diving), A case in point was a recent contiflucs. NCAA offers championship corn- Professionally speaking, it cost ing), Gary Conelly (Swimming), weekend in Philadelphia’s Vet- The leading rusher in the pro petition. There were numerous Gary Hall (Swimming), John the fans 1.5 cents a yard of of- erans Stadium. On Saturday, No- game, Johnny Roland of St. collegiate student-athletes, not in- Kinsclla (Swimming), John Mur- fense, while it was seven-tenths tre Dame played Navy and won Louis, had 77 yards. There were cluded on the list, that partici- phy (Swimming), Mark Spitz of a cent per yard on the college 42-23 before 43,089 fans. The next five backs in the Navy-Notre pated in sports in which the ( Swimming), Mike Stamm level. NCAA does not conduct collegi- day, St. Louis and Philadelphia Dame game who had 77 yards or Who got the best deal‘? Well if (Swimming) struggled to a 6-6 tie in a pro- better. iate championships, such as arch- IOWA--Chris Taylor (Wrcst- YOU subscribe to Valdiserri’s cry, cycling, shooting. However, fessional game in the same sta- How about the efficient use of views, the college fan really gets ling). dium with 65,720 fans looking on. those participants invariably re- IOWA STATE-Ben Peterson time? The professional teams had a bargain on Saturday. Which group of fans got the ceived some of their training (Wrestling). through collcgc programs. most action for their money? KANSAS STATE ~ Jerome The list also does not include Howe (T&F) Worth Noting Candidate’s Declarations any of the numerous foreign ath- KENT STATE-Alhert Schot- Roger Valdiserri, the sports in- letes who attended NCAA insti- erman (T&F), Gerald Tinker formation director at Notre Dame, tutions but who competed for (T&F). has compiled some interesting Recommendations Given other nations. LONG BEACH STATE-Mitch comparisons on that subject. EDITOR'S NOTE: Following is the and f a c u 1t y representatives of The total team members for Ivey (Swimming), Lynn Skrif- Valdiserri bases his figures on final installment of a three-putt member institutions and describes the Olympics was more than 450. vars (Swimming), Ed Ratleff an $8 per ticket price for the pro- series on proposals of critical in- lhe procedures the institution and The total below is for the teams (Basketball), Dodge Parker fessional game and a $7 per-tick- portance to the NCAA which are the candid&e are to follow. in sports in which the NCAA of- (Volleyball ), Steve Smith (T&F). et cost for the college encounter. to be considered at the Associa- A series of questions and an- fers championship events and the In Philadelphia that weekend, tion’s January Convention. It swers on this report, us well ns MARYLAND-Tom McMillen complete roster totals 260. Of the professional crowd paid 68 deals with the crmdidate’s tleclara- the previous two installments, f Baslcrtball) that number, 90 wcrc NCAA stu- crnts a point for their game, while tions 1-ecommendntionn. The first ~111 he included in the next issue MASSACHUSETTS-Scott Bo- dent-athletes and another 104 re- the turnout for the college game two parts of the series dealt with. OJ Lhe NEWS. Xtutlers ure mvzled zek (Fencing) ceived their training and recoy- had to pay 10.5 cents a point. legislative reorganization and to suhmit questions concerning MICHIGAN-Janet Ely (Div- nition at NCAA institutions but That’s just a starting point for financia I aid this series to the NEWS, 1221 Bul- ing). were graduated prior to 1972. Valdiserri. Hc stresses that the The lollowing repOrt wus issued timore Ave., Kansus City, MO. That’s a total of 194 out of 260. MINNESOTA-Craig Lincoln four field goals kicked in the pro- to presidents, athletic directors 64105. Of the 90 undergraduate ath- (Diving), Jim Brewer (Basket- fessional game were of distances ‘“all). letes, 64 of them returned home of 9, 11, 30 and 32 yards for a to- CANDIDATE’S ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE with medals, including 24 gold, NEW YORK UNIVERSITY- tal of 82 yards. Notre Dame rem THE COUNCIL RECOMMENDS that the Bylaws governing re- 25 silver and 15 bronze. Iluth White (Fencing), Cheryl turned the opening kickoll’ 84 cruiting be amended to provide as follows: This information was compiled Touissant (T&F) yards. from the Ojficial Press, Radio and NORTH CAROLINA-Robert Shorter Distance (c) No offer of financial aid (for which the recipient’s ath- Television Guide of the United Jones (Basketball) Two of the field goals were of letic ability is considered in any degree) shall be made States Olympic Team for the NORTII CAROLINA CEN- shorter distance than a standard to a prospective student-athlete prior to the opening TRAL-Larry Black (T&F) Grimes of the XX Olympind, pub- extra point in college football. day of classes jn his senior year in high school. lished by the United States Olym- NORTH CAROLINA STATE- On Valdiserri’s slide rule, it fig- pic Committee. Tommy Burleson (Basketball). ured out to be $2 a field goal (d) A member institution may follow these procedures as to Other organizations were also OREGON-Steve Prefontaine for the pro fans. the timing of offers of financial aid and invitations to a represented at the Olymoics. The (T&F). But certainly, the professionals prospective student-athlete to participate in its intercol- would have the edge in things National Association -of Intercom PENN STATE-Marshall Ave- legiate athletic program, and as to acceptance thereof like passing. Right? Wrong. legiate Athletes (NAIA) had rler (Gymrl,,stlcs)L In that particular professional by the prospective student-athlete. No member institu- two; the junior colleges had six; PURDUE-T,arry Burton game, St. Louis and Philadelphia tion shall violate the quiet periods established by these there were 27 high school athletes (T&F) of the 260, and other groups, such quarterbacks Pete Fiske and Tim procedures, but it shall not be required to utilize the pro- as the Armed Forces and YMCAs ST. JOSEPH’S-Mike Bantom cedures. In the event a prospective student-athlete sub- (Basketball) had 35. UCLA-Tom Bruce (Swim- ST. LOUIS U.-Joseph Harnm mits his acceptance to a member institution, no member Fifty-four NCAA institutions ming) , Steve Genter (Swim- (Soccer), Michael Scerey (Sot- of any other member institution’s athletic staff or other are represented in the following ming), Karen Moe (Swimming), lid cerj. representative of athletic interests shall, after such ac- IL2l.. Dana Schocnfield (Swimming 1, SALEM ~ Jane Barkman Eric Lindroth (Water Polo), Jim ceptance by the prospective student-athlete, solicit his (Swimming) NCAA OLYMPIANS Ferguson (Water Polo), Kevin SAN DIEGO STATE-Randy enrollment or offer financial aid or other inducement to BY SCHOOLS Continued on page 2 Steveson (Volleyball) enrollment or provide financial aid in any institution. As A L A B A M A ~ Jan Johnson ,m* z-1 SOUTH CAROLINA ~ Kevin among members of an allied conference, its procedures ,1pTr I. Joyce (Basketball) ARKANSAS S T A T E ~ Tom establishing earlier commitment dates shall be indepen- SOUTHERN CONNECTLCUT Hill (T&F) dentoftheseprocedures but such conference procedures STATE-dahn Crosby (Gymnas- Official Notice BOWLING G R E E N ~ Dave tics). shall not be binding on other NCAA member institu- wott1e (T&F) SOUTHERN lI,LINOIS U.p To Be Mailed tions. The admissions and financial-aid-offer policies of BRIGHAM YOUNG U.-Ralph John Carrnza (Soccer), Tom Lin- The Official Notice of a member institution need not be modified because of Mann (T&F) der (Gymnastics). the 67th Annual NCAA the procedures established herein, but such institutional SOUTHERN METHODIST U.p CALIFORNIA-George Green- Convention will be mailed Jerry Heidcnreich (Swimming). procedures shall not take precedence over an acceptance lield (Gymnastics) SOUTHERN U.-Rod Milburn Dec. 1 to each member by a prospective student-athlete submitted to another CALIFORNIA-DAVIS ~ Peter (T&F).