NIKON Retail Price List

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NIKON Retail Price List . ~ 7 ~ NIKON, .INC. NIKON A Subsidiary-of Retail Price List EHRENREICH PHOTO-OPTICAL INDUSTRIES, INC. For Nikon F, Nikkormat and 623 Stewart Ave., Garden City, New York I1S33 Nikkorex F Cameras (516) 248-5200 Effective September Western Division: GARY LEHMANN; Inc. 1, 1965 501 Folsom Street, San Francisco 5, Calif. PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE FROD. RETAIL PROD. RETAIL No_ DESCRIPTION PRICE No . DESCRIPTION PRICE Cameras; Nikon F, Nikon Photomic, Exposure Meters (Cont.) Photomic T 50 Exposure Meter Model 3, for Nikon F 39.00 70 Case for Exposure Meter, Model A 2.00 1500 Nikon F, Body, Chrome 220.00 65 4X Light Amplifier for Model A, 1501 Nikon F, Chrome, wj 50mm f2 _0 306.00 Model 3 meters 7.50 1502 Nikon F, Chrome, wj 50mm fl.4 368_00 75 Meter Retainer, Model A .90 1505 Nikon F, Body, Black 239_50 76 Incident Light Attach. , for Model A .90 1506 Nikon F, Black, wj 50mm f2 .0 325.50 77 Incident Light Attach., for Model 3 .90 1507 Nikon F. Black, wj 50mm fl.4 387 .5 0 1520 Nikon F, Photomic Body, Chrome 255.00 Accessories; Nikkormat 1521 Nikon F, Photomic Chrome ·2311 Right Angle Finder 26.50 wj 50mm f2.0 341.00 ·2312 Rubber Eyecup 1.00 1522 Nikon F Photomic, Chrome 365 BC-6 Flash gu n 10.50 wj 50mm f1.4 403.00 ·366 Acce sso ry Flash Shoe 4.8 0 1525 Nikon F, Photomic Body, Black 274.50 1526 Nikon F, Photomic, Black Accessories; to fit Nikkorex F only wj 50mm f2 _0 360.50 60 Exposure Meter, Coupled 27 .50 1527 Nikon F, Photomic, Black 2310 Finder, Right Angle 21.00 wj 50mm f1.4 422.50 356 BC-6 Flashgun 10.50 365 Flash Shoe Adapter 2.95 1530 Nikon F, Photomic T Body, Chrome 285.00 . 1531 Ni kon F Photomic T, Chrome wj 50mm f2.0 371.00 Nikkor Lenses & Leather Cases; Nikon F, 1532 Nikon F Photomic T, Chrome Nikkormat, Nikkorex F wj 50mm f1.4 433.00 t230 8mm f8 Nikkor Fisheye w/l60° 1535 Nikon F, Photomic T Body, Black 304.50 Finder 459.50 1536 Nikon F Photomic T, Black 437 Case for 8mm 'Fisheye' Lens 12.00 wj 50mm f2.0 390.50 t231 21mm f4.0 Nikkor 199.50 1537 Nikon F Photomic T, Black 321 Viewfinder for 21mm f4.0 Nikkor 26.00 wj 50mm f1.4 452.50 435 Case for 21mm f4.0 Nikkor 5.00 *237 28mm f3.5 Auto-Nikkor 159.50 Cameras; Nikkormat FT 440 Case for 28mm f3 .5 Auto-Nikkor 6.00 1805 Nikkormat FT, Body, Chrome 183 .5 0 244 35mm f3 .5 P.C . Nikkor 239.50 1806 Nikkormat FT, Chrome wj 50mm f2.0 269 .5 0 438 Case for 35mm P.C. Nikkor 7.50 1807 Nikkormat FT, Chrome wj 50mm f1.4 331.50 *240 35mm f2 .8 Auto-Ni kkor 149.50 440 Case for 35mm f2.8 Auto-Nikkor 6.00 Cameras; Nikkormat FS 239 35mm f2.0 Auto-Nikkor 1810 NikkormatFS Body Only 113.50 440 Case for 35mm f2 .0 Auto-Nikkor 1811 Nikkormat FS wj 50mm f2 .0 199.50 *245 50mm f2.0 Auto-Nikkor 87 .95 1812 Nikkormat FS wj 50mm f1.4 261.50 442 Case for 50mm f2 .0 Auto-Nikkor 6.00 *246 50mm f1.4 Auto-Nikkor 149.95 Cameras; Nikon SP 440 Case for 50mm f1.4 Auto-Nikkor 6.00 1001 Nikon SP, Body, Chrome 245.00 247 55mm fl.2 Auto-Nikkor 1002 Nikon SP, Chrome w/ 50mm f2 .0 325.00 441 Case for 55mm f1.2 Auto-Nikkor ·1003 Nikon SP,- Chrome w/ 50mm f1.4 367.50 *250 55mm f3 .5 Auto-Micro-Nikkor w/ 'M' Ring 179.50 Cases, Camera; All Nikon 444 Case for 55mm f3.5 Auto-Micro- 477 Camera Case , Brown, F, Photomic, T 18.50 Nikkor 10.50 478 Camera Case , Black, F, Photomic, T 23.00 204 55mm f4.0 Auto-Nikkor for UV 476 Camera Case , Semi-soft, Black, F Photomic, T 23.00 260 85mm f1.8 Auto-Nikkor 189.50 480 Camera Case , Brown, F, Photomic, T 444 Case for 85mm f1.8 Auto-Nikkor 10.50 with any le ns up to 105mm, *265 105mm f2.5 Auto-Nikkor 175.00 including 43-86mm zoom 22.00 444 Case for 105mm f2 .5 Auto-Nikkor 10.50 475 Camera Pouch Case, Nikon F 14.50 266 105mm f4.0 Nikkor 69.50 456 Camera Case , Brown, for S2 , S3 , SP 20.00 448 Case for 105mm f4.0 Nikkor 6.50 *271 135mm f3 .5 Auto-Nikkor 169.50 485 Camera Case, Brown, Nikkorex F 18.50 445 Case for 135mm f3.5 Auto-Nikkor 10.50 486 Camera Case, Nikkormat 18.50 270 135mm f2.8 Auto-Nikkor 439 Case for 135mm f2.8 Auto-Nikkor Exposure Meters; for Nikon Cameras 164 135mm f4 Nikkor Short Mt. 125.00 56 Photomic T Finder System 109.50 175 200mm f4 Auto-Nikkor 210.00 55 Photom ic Finder System 79.50 v 443 Case for 200mm f4 Auto-Nikkor 12.50 405 Leather Case for Photomic Finder 4.50 •• 83 Battery, Spare for Photomic Finder, 278 300mm f4.5 Auto-Nikkor 279.50 Each .75 449 Case for 300mm Auto-Nikkor 14.50 81 Converter Tube , for Photomic 1.35 446 Case , Plastic; 28mm to 58mm 1.95 80 Incident Light Attach ., for Photomic J.35 447 Case, Plastic; 105mm, 135mm 2.60 •• Photomic T Requires (2) Batteries NEW ITEM t Fits Nikon F Only. Minimum Order of 4 • Includes Plastic Ca se. PROD. RETAIL PROD . RETAIL No. DESCRIPTION PRICE No. DESCRIPTION PRICE Long Nikkor Lenses & Cases; Nikon F, Reflex Housing; Nikon Rangefinder Nikkormaf, Nikkorex F 620 Reflex Housing 138.50 626 90 0 Pentaprism Head 45 .00 170 180mm f2 .S Nikkor, Short Mount, 42S.00 661 Cable Release, Reflex Housing 7.95 Requires #23S0 Coupler 662 Finger-Tip Release, Reflex Housing 5.95 193 SOOmm fS Reflex Nikkor Includes S30.00 S Fi Iters and Leather Case 195 1,000mm f6.3 Reflex Nikkor, 1,7S0.00 Includes 4 Filters and Metal Case Motor Drives; Nikon F 197 1,000mm fll Reflex Nikkor 10 Motor Drive F 36 w/ Battery Pack & 454 Case for 1,000mm fll Reflex Nikkor Cord 249.50 (Includes Initial Installation) 11 Motor Drive F 250 w/ Battery Pack Zoom Nikkor Lenses & Cases; Nikon f, & Cord (Jess Cassettes), Re- quires (2) #2077 Cassettes 489.50 Nikkormaf, Nikkorex F (Includes Initial Installation) 275 43-86mm f3 .S Auto-Nikkor Zoom 179.S0 451 Case for 43-86mm f3 .S Auto-Nikkor 10.S0 274 SO-300mm f4.S Auto-Nikkor Zoom 455 Case for SO-30mm f4.S Auto-Nikkor Motor Drive; Nikon 5P, 53 272 8S-250mm f4 .0 Auto-Nikkor Zoom S15.00 1 Motor Drive, S36 w/ Battery 229.50 450 Case for 85-250mm Auto-Nikkor 32.50 Pac.k & Cord (Includes Initial Installation) 277 200-600mni f9.5 Auto-Nikkor Zoom 515.00 Medical Nikkor Lenses & Cases; Nikon F, Nikkormaf, Nikkorex F 295 200mm f5 .6 Medical Nikkor, AC & Battery Outfit 599.50 296 200mm f5 .6 Medical Nikkor, AC Outfit 515.00 336 Portable Battery Pack Only for #296 84.50 Motor Drive Accessories 335 AC Pack Only 84.50 17 Battery Pack, Nikon F replacement 23 .50 370 Extension Cord , 13', from Lens 19 AC Power Supply for up to 4 motors 246.00 to # 335 or #336 Pack 10.00 31 Voltmeter Nikon F 9.50 371 8" Synch. Cord for #295 & #296. '" (Replacement) 3.50 30 Voltmeter Nikon SP S3 9.50 r- 26 Connecting Cord , 3'; All 6.50 ~ 27 Connecting Cord , 30'; All 13.50 Tele-Nikkor Lenses; Nikon F, 33 Motor Relay Box; All 25.50 Nikkormaf, Nikkorex F 41 Pistol Grip w/ Built-in Microswitch 29.50 191 600mm fS.6 Auto-Nikkor 650.00 40 Pistol Grip; All 14.7S 194 800mm f8 .0 Auto-Nikkor 750.00 46 Coupling Cable ; All 8.95 196 1200mm fl1.0 Nikkor 950.00 47 Adapter for Coupl ing Cable, (Only One Adapter Required for All Nikkormat, Nikkorex F 1.25 of Above Lenses) 199 Focusing Mount Adapter 199.50 2077 Film Cassette, 250 Exposure 18.50 2079 Spool Only, for # 2077 4.25 2080 Film Winder for Loading #2077 75.00 Nikkor Enlarging Lens **35 Wireless Control Unit 775.00 215 50mm f2.8 Nikkor Enlarging Lens 59.50 37 Intervalometer (Information on Request) Couplers; for Reflex Cameras 2350 Adapter Coupler, Rotating 32.00 Finders, Viewing Screens; Nikon F 2360 Adapter Coupler, F Lenses to 'C' 2301 Waist Level Finder w/ case 22.50 Mount 38.50 '2321 Eye Level Prism Finder 44.50 56 Photomic T Finder System 109.50 55 Photomic Finder System 79.50 Nikkor Lenses & Leather Cases; 405 Case, for Photomic Finder or Nikon Rangefinder Prism Finder 4.50 121 28mm f3.5 Nikkor 125.00 2331 Viewing Screen, Model 'A' 17.50 128 35mm f1.8 Nikkor 161.00 2332 Viewing Screen, Model 'B ' 13.50 421 Case for 35mm f1.8 Nikkor 4.50 2333 Viewing Screen, Model 'C ' ll.50 2334 Viewing Screen, Model '0' 13.50 ·106 50mm f1.4 Nikkor 122.50 2335 Viewing Screen, Model 'E' 17.50 423 Case for 50mm f1.4 Nikkor 7.50 2336 Viewing Screen, Model 'F' 17.50 111 50mm f2 Nikkor 80.00 2337 Viewing Screen, Model G-1 ll.50 423 Case for 50mm f2 Nikkor 7.50 2338 Viewing Screen, Model G-2 17.50 150 105mm f2 .5 Nikkor 152.50 2339 Viewing Screen, Model G-3 17.50 484 Case Jor 105mm f2.5 Nikkor 6.50 2340 Viewing Screen, Model G-4 17.50 ~ 153 105mm f4.0 Nikkor 81.00 2341 Viewing ,Screen, Model H-1 17.50 484 Case for 105mm f4.0 Nikkor 6.50 2342 Viewing Screen, Model H-2 17.50 160 13Smm f3 .5 Nikkor 135.00 2343 Viewing Screen, Model H-3 ll.50 431 Case for 135mm f3.5 Nikkor 6.50 2344 Viewing Screen, Model H-4 ll.50 170 180mm f2.5 Nikkor Short Mt.
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