Suggested Guidelines for Accessible Lavatories in Twin Aisle Aircraft
February5, 1992 SUGGESTED GUIDELINES For ACCESSIBLE LAVATORIES IN TWIN AISLE AIRCRAFf i ,-)· .·) ·· J Prepared By Ad Hoc Working Group on Design Guidelines ' J ..· February 5, 1992 This document is the product of a special ad hoc working group formed by airframe manufacturers, airlines, and disability advocacy groups and representatives from federal agencies. It is maintained administratively, on behalf of the ad hoc working group participants, by the Air Transport Association of America as ATA Document 91-XX. Copies may be obtained by contacting ATA at the address listed below. Changes to the document are controlled and approved by the ad hoc working group. All of these groups are listed in Appendix A. Copies of this document may be obtained by contacting the Air Transport Association of America, 1709 New York Avenue, Northwest, Washington, D.C. 20006, Attention: Specification Orders. Phone: (202) 626· 4050, Fax: (202) 626-4149. ! ' !:" f. I J February 5, 1992 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION I. THE PURPOSE OF THE SUGGESTED GUIDELINES A Why the Guidelines Were Created B. Application of the Guidelines C. Scope and Organizationthe of Guidelines II. AD HOC WORKING l GROUP BACKGROUND The Role the Ad Working Group L A of Hoc B. How the Suggested Guidelines Were Developed TECHNICAL PROVISIONS I. DEFINITION OF TERMS f) II. HUMAN & ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS A Physical Characteristics of Users B. Aircraft Operating Environment III. GUIDELINES FOR DESIGN FEATURES A General Criteria B. Lavatory C. Enclosure Features D. Assistive Equipment E. Call Light ' , ' ) F. Toilet Flush Control G. Sink & Amenities H. Signage I. Audible Warnings IV. EQUIVALENT FACILITATION � J./ l February5, 1992 APPENDIX A: Members of the Ad Hoc Working Group APPENDIX B: Report: "Functional Categories of Persons with Disabilities and OperationalDimensions for DesigningAccessible AircraftLavatories," Easter Seal Prepared for Paralyzed Veterans of America, National Society, National Multiple Sclerosis Society and United Cerebal Palsy Inc.
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