Mr John Smith The Firs 110 Croft Road Upwell Nr Cambs PE14 9HQ

LDF Team Borough Council of Kings Lynn and West Kings Court, Chapel Street Kings Lynn, Norfolk PE39 1EX

Re: Detailed Policies and Site Plan Consultation ‐ Settlement: ‐ point 6.1.24

I disagree that it is more appropriate to divide the growth across 3 areas. The entire allocation could be placed at DW3 for the following reasons: 1) The increased allocation to DW3 would impact far fewer residents. Its expansion would affect a further 10 properties as opposed to approximately 80 bordering DW1/DW2. 2) Traffic at DW3 will not impact on neighbouring residential areas or primary corridors. The neighbouring Parish of would not be encroached and the natural green belt preserved. DW3 is constrained by the A1122 and the A10 requiring minimal landscaping. 3) Economies of scale regarding infrastructure costs can be made. It is recognised by the council that there is an infrastructure deficit. CIL money would be better spent developing a single site. DW1/2 have far higher potential infrastructure costs eg A roundabout is needed, two access roads into Lynn Rd, traffic calming in Clack Close and possible improvement to the A10 /Lynn Rd junction, also significant landscaping of the border. 4) The DW3 site has excellent pedestrian/cycle access where as DW1 will need safe transit points across a primary corridor (Lynn Rd) for school children. Wimbotsham will also require a raft of measures to allow DW1 pupils safe to access Wimbotsham School. 5) The infrastructure savings will allow CIL money to be utilised to negate current drainage, sewage and other shortfalls. The infrastructure catch up time will be shortened enabling the projects to be completed on time. 6) The DW3 site will have fewer ecological impacts particularly regarding the two stretches of broad leaved deciduous woodland both omitted from the consultation site descriptions. The current DW2 plan looks to build on one woodland space containing a rare species of moss (logged in council archives). 7) I recognise the need for councils and developers to work in partnership but the council plan is unfairly biased towards developers providing ‘choice’ at the expense of undue impact on residents and the town’s infrastructure needs. 8) The DW3 site has no negative impact on business as cited by the council as a reason to split the development. There are no business properties adjacent to the site. There would be no disruption to primary corridors of movement either. 9) Timely completion should not be an issue as the target date is 2026. 10) DW3 enlargement was rejected by the council as they wish to minimise the impact on the ‘character’ of the locality, Many residents feel that DW1/2 will have their character spoilt as will the village of Wimsotsham.

Mr John Smith The Firs 110 Croft Road Upwell Nr Wisbech Cambs PE14 9HQ

LDF Team Borough Council of Kings Lynn and West Norfolk Kings Court, Chapel Street Kings Lynn, Norfolk PE39 1EX