

Coastal Blue Carbon is the carbon stored by and sequestered in coastal , which include tidal wetlands, , and meadows.

Coastal Wetlands The Science

These areas provide Carbon is held in aboveground plant matter and soils. As critically important ecologi- plants grow, carbon accumulates annually and is held in soils for cal and economic values, centuries. such as habitat for Carbon Storage important fish and other Global Averages threatened and endangered Seagrass species, storm and flood Soil carbon Biomass values for 1st protection, improved water meter of depth quality, tourism, and jobs, Salt only yet globally they are being (total depth = lost at an unsustainable rate several meters) of 0.7-7% per year. Mangroves

Tropical 3 Facts About Blue Forest

Carbon Ecosystems 0 500 1000 1500 Mg CO2e/ha Blue carbon ecosystems remove 10 times more Each year an average of nearly half a billion tons of CO2 (equal to the 2008 emissions of Japan) are released through wetland degradation, CO2 per hectare from the underscoring the need to protect our remaining wetlands. atmosphere than forest.

Wetlands primarily store Annual Soil carbon in the soils, where it 9 can remain for centuries. 8 7 Drained and degraded 6 coastal wetlands can 5

release this stored carbon 4 e/ha/yr back into the atmosphere. 2 3

CO t 2 1 0 Seagrass Mangroves Tropical Forest

RAE Efforts to Advance Blue Carbon Landmark study

Introducing Blue Carbon into the Carbon Markets confirms climate RAE led the effort to expand the rules of the Verified Carbon Standard, a leading GHG offset registry, to include wetland change mitigation restoration, creation, and conservation as eligible offset activities. benefits of RAE developed the first global Tidal Wetland and Seagrass estuary Restoration Methodology (currently under validation). The methodology enables project developers to implement tidal wetland restoration restoration projects for GHG offset credits. RAE led a study in the Supporting Science and Demonstration Projects nation’s second largest Field demonstrations of the blue carbon mitigation benefits of estuary, Puget Sound, to restoration are needed to improve our understanding of its assess the carbon bene- application and to promote its value globally. fits of estuary restoration. This study accounted for RAE led a team to assess the climate mitigation benefits of blue sea-level rise and looked carbon in the Snohomish estuary within Washington’s Puget Sound, at current and future developing a project approach that is transferrable to other estuaries. restoration projects. Exploring Policy and Regulatory Options RAE is working with federal partners to identify opportunities to Full restoration of the incorporate blue carbon benefits into federal policies and Snohomish estuary could regulations, benefiting conservation and restoration efforts. result in:

Coordinating Blue Carbon Initiatives 8.9 million tons of CO2 RAE is working with scientists, policy experts, and practitioners sequestered over 100 across the country to increase understanding of blue carbon years, benefits, identify project opportunities, and communicate lessons learned. equal to the 1-year

Raising Awareness and Building Capacity emissions of about 1.7 Presenting at conferences, workshops and webinars, RAE is million passenger cars. educating the coastal community and building local expertise to support development of blue carbon projects.

Restore America’s Estuaries leads a national alliance of community-based organizations dedicated to the protection and restoration of bays and estuaries as essential resources for our nation.

For more information, visit www.estuaries.org/bluecarbon