Springport Bindery Springport, Uiah. WET Cloudy and not so cool to· night with showors. Tl1urs· day mostly cloudy and warmor with rain. ·

Vol. 105, No. 18 3 Sections - 28 Pages Wednesday, May 5, 1965 10¢ Per Copy ll::iii.:l:l:l~l~l~lii:lilililii:l~l~iililililililililiiil~l~lilil:i:i:i:i:l:l:m:i:i:i:m;~m;i;i;l;l;Jm;;;;;;;;;;;i;i;i;l;l;m;m;mmmlllili=!.\~l:J . ' • • Schoolllires County Budget 4 Teachers Four new teachers for tll'e Mason school ·system next year To Climb Again m.•.•:•:· •··•···· were hired by the board of edu­ cation at Its meeting Monday On Thursday Ingham county Mother's Day Is next Sunday night, I age and the budgets of the school "I never have raised my hand supervisors approved a tenta­ districts. and if ther·e ever was anyone or struck a child", she said, They are: tive budget for 1966 which calls who could be selected as a liv­ Miss Suzanne Mills of Royal The allocation board will study try to teach them right from for expenditures of $5,147,050, Ing symbol of Mother love it "1 Oak, formerly of Mason, ,who the budget and come up with tho wrong and teach them relig­ the largest budget ever. This Is Mrs. Iva Wright of 9'12 N. wlll teach elementary vocal mus­ allocation of the avallable 15 Ion." represents a jump over the 1965 Mason street. Ic. Her mother, Mrs, Richard budget of $393,410. m1lls for county, township and Mrs. Wright, a deeply religious She talces the little ones to Mills, Is at present a 6th grade The proposed budget as work­ school district operation. woman, now recovering from an church with her and enroi'.s them teacher at the Alaiedon school, ed out by the ways and means Illness that put her in the hos­ in SUnday school. Miss Sarah K. Brown of St, Almost all Items of the budget committee of the board wlll be call for an Increase. The big­ pital for 2 weeks during March, Paul, Minnesota, who will teach submitted to the Ingham allo­ has one ambition In life. When they grow older they go high school English and French, gest jump came in the sheriff's cation b o a r d • The allocation department budget to cover the That Is to do something for with her or by themselves, The George Robbins of Kankakee, board wlll also receive the bud­ added personnel and overhead her fellow man. 18-year-old boy now 11vlng at Illinois, who will teach junior gets of townships asking for mil- of operating the new Jail. Asked why she takes children her home walks a mile to church high school English, and his wife, Into her home, she said: every Sunday, she says. Deportment nr Mrs, Suzanne Robbins, wlll teach 1965 1060 "I do It because I feel I owe Approprl11tlon ApproprJo.tion Most of her children are from a 6th grade class in one ot the I. Admlnlatrotlon Tentative Bud~r<~t a debt to God and I want to do elementary schools, broken homes or homes In which 1. Births & Dentho ...... $ 2,200,00 2,200.00 this to help my fellowmen." t11e little ones are not wanted, The board also received a 2, Bonrd of Su(Jcrvlsora ...... 28,000.00 28,000.00 3. Controller .. , ...... ,...... 80,650.00 40,160.00 Mrs. Wright, now 66 years old, check for $3,215,15 from the 3A. Stores & Dupllcnting ...... ,...... at the present time has 4 boys Some of her chlldren have 5,000.00 '6,500,00 Holt board of education as Its 4. Com\ty Cleric ...... , ...... 80,400.00 82.~00,00 llvlng In her home, They range grown to manhood and womanhood share of the sale of the Island 5, County Building Lenoe ...... 25,000.00 26,000.00 In age from 10 to 18 years. Two and gone forth Into the world to school. G. County Building Mnlntennnco ...... 26,340.00 27,600.00 7. County 'l'rcnsurcr ...... 11,r.oo.oo 74,900,00 are brothers who were reunited successful lives, The board also: 8. Court House, Grounds & Heat ""'""'"" 32,000.00 37,600.00 9. Dog Fund ...... , ...... IH,GOO.OO 19,000.00 at her home after a separation Ordered dictionary study for 10, Drnln Commi,.ioner ...... of 6 years. Many of Mother Wright's chil­ 26,500.00 25,()00.00 dren are scattered now, living pupils 3rd grade and an enriched II, Elcctiona ...... , .. , I 0,000.00 24,000.00 science study and new books to 12. Equnllzntlon Burcnu ...... 80,000.00 30,000.00 Thirty-two years ago when she their own lives and living them 1 S, Insurance & Bonds ...... 23,000,00 29,800.00 started taking children Into her well because of the things she You'll look sweet ... speed up reading progress. 14. Register of Deeda ...... 66,000.00 60,500,00 Approved the use of the 15, Building Remodeling ...... 70,000.00 70,000.00 home to raise, she first had taught them. 16, Retirement ...... , .... , ... ,...... ,...... 90,000,00 65,000.00 only small children. school's athletic field and the 17, Socinl Security ...... ,...... , .. . n.ooo.oo 60,000,00 Mother's Day will find her 17A. Employees' Insurance '""""'""""'""""' 27,000.00 32,000,00 THIS BICYCLE BUILT FOR TWO actually is built for 4. Mr. and high school caieterla and audi­ 17B. Employees' Longevity ...... ,...... "I took any child that needed doing what she has been doing for torium and the junior highschool 16,200,00 16,500.00 help"; she said. And related how Mrs. Gary Lamphere hove equipped their tandem to corry daughter Wendy, 18, Stnte Assoc. of SuperviHort~ ...... 2,000.00 2,000.00 many Mother's days--tending to gymnasium during Centennial 19. Tnx Allocnt!on Donrd ...... 600.0~ 600.00 at OnP. time she was at a fll­ her little flock, teaching them 4 months, up front and son LaValle, 20 months. They take frequent rides and Week June 19-26. llng station when a car drove up Totnl Administration ...... , ...... $ 748,990.00 $ 7r.~.2fi0,00 that right Is right and God's love these days ore garbed in centennial costumes in keeping with the Mason event. Gave Its approval to an archi­ II. Education with several small children in Is everything, tect's survey of the junior high 20. Cooperative Extension Scrvlco ...... 24,5fi0.00 26,000.00 the back seat and a 10-year­ 21. Library ...... , ...... 72,000,00 78,000,00 The Lamphere father and son dress alike with argyle socks, sneakers, red school to bring It within fire code 22. Safety Council of Grenier Lnnslng ...... old girl. (!,000.00 8,000.00 recom mendatlons and make other ---- Totn) Educntion ...... $ $ 112,000.00 She said she asked the child vests and arm bonds and the Lamphere girls - mo.ther and daughter - wear long modifications. III. Henlth & Welfare what she was doing there and the dresses, complete with bussles and bonnets. There will be at least a dozen Gave indication It will close 23. Animal Shelter ...... I 0,000,00 10,000.00 youngster replled that she had Church Bus 24, Apiary Inspection ...... ,...... 600.00 r.oo.oo one and 2-room rural schools In 2fi. Child Cnro Fund ...... 250,000,00 280,000.00 no home. When the driver of the family tandems circling Mason by the time centennial week arrives June 19. the Mason district. The board 26. Civil Defense ...... lil,200.00 1 a,r.oo.oo car appeared Mrs. Wright asked 27. Contngioua Disenae ...... , ... , ...... 3,000.00 3,000,00 said with the addition of the 4th 2B. County Health Fund ...... , ...... about the 11ttle girl and found 260,000.00 290,000.00 Is In Crash elementary school next year 29. Direct Relief ...... 900,600,00 000,000.00 that her mother had deserted her there will be sufficient space to 80. County Dmin Tnx ...... 18,000,00 20,000,00 81. lnghnm Medlen! Hoon!tal ...... , ...... 260,000,00 226,000.00 and her father was· In ja11, She ernment, one unit In science and handle all pupils. 82, Lnnoing Mcntnl Henlth Center ...... A church bus loaded with 19'· one unit in physical education 20,000.00 30,000.00 asked the driver If she could take children ranging In age from 33. County Menlnl Henlth Board ...... 12,000.00 40,000.00 the child home with her. He Mason Board Raises or music. 81. Sociul Welfnre ...... 700,000.00 700,000,00 4 to 15 years colllded with a 35. Vetcrnns' Burlnl11 ...... 22,ooo.r.o agreed, 26,000.00 car at N. Aurelius and Hill'per Physical education or swim- . 36. Soldiers' & Snllors' Relief ...... 30,200,00 :ll,OOO,OO 87. State Institutions ...... 150,000.00 1r.o.ooo.oo The ch1ld was with her for sev­ road at !1.:45 a,m, but neither ming requirements may be waiv­ Petition & eral years. thos11 on the bus nor the occu­ ed in the case of a certified Totnl lfenlth Welfare ...... , ...... $2,641.600.00 $2,720,000,00 Course Requirement physical defect. IV. Law Enforcement pants of the car were Injured. 38. Circuit Court ...... 172,000.00 190,000,00 When her husband, a rallroad 89. Coroncrf! ...... 10,500.00 12,[,00,00 Carl A; Buck, 33, of 160 s. .The Ma~;~on board of. education Driver training credit does not· man, retired he suggested that Aurelius road,. Mason, Is dl•iv• school year, Satisfactory citizen­ 40. Friend of tho Court """""'"""""'""""" %,800.00 120,000.00 Monday night approved changes ·-~~·:~ty loward fr':"l11iuntJon rf\qutrP. ... Deadline 41. Justice Courts """"'""""""""""""""""'" 100,000.00 106,000,00 they give up the Idea of raising er ol the bus of the North Aurelius ship Is part of the requirement ments. 42. Pt•nhnt~· Court ...... l9J,OOO.OO 190,000.00 in graduation requirements, 43, Prosecuting Attorney .... ,...... J3·l,OOO,Oil these chlldren. She agreed, but Bible church. When Buck reached of each course, 148,000.00 became so disconsolate about not stepping up the credits required In order to .quality for a di­ Mason high school diplomas 44, Sheriff ...... ,...... 406,400.00 450,000.00 Aurelius road on Harper he stop­ for next year's graduates to 21 45. Sheriff - Water Safety ...... __2_,o_o_o._oo_ 2,000.00 having children around the house ped at the stop sign and then pro­ ploma students In the class ot will be granted to students who Is Friday that she accepted one sent to her from the present figure of 20. 1966 must earn 21 units of cre­ satisfy full graduation require­ Total Law Enforcement '""""'"""""'""'$1,111.700,00 $l,21B,r.oo.oo ceeded Into Aurelius road to mnke In the 1966-67 year the requir­ V. Miacellnneou& Service-a by the Ingham county probate a left turn, causing the north- dit in grades 9 through 12. Stu­ ments and who have attended Deadl1ne for !111ng nominat­ 46. Cap!tnl Outlny ...... 16,500.00 court. Later she obtained a bond­ ed credits will be Increased to dents In the class of 196'1 and Mason senior high school with Ing petitions for posts on the Ing­ 47. Cnllitnl City Alrnort ...... 30,000.00 30,000.00 , bo·Jnd car driven by Doris L. 22. 48. County Pnrlc Fund ...... 35,000.00 41,000.00 Ing license for probate court Wagner, 42, of 564 Aurelius road thereafter must earn 22 units full attendance the senior year. ham Intermediate Board of Edu­ 49. Enst Mlchignn Tourist Association ...... 300.00 400.00 children. All ~ubjects give 1/2 credit of credit In grades 9 lhrough cation Is Friday, May '1, at 60. l"alr Bonrrl ...... , ...... ,, 11,400.00 12,000,00 Mason to him, The right each semester or one credit each Special arrangements may be Gl. Fnir Premiums ...... 4,000.00 4,000.00 12. 5 p.m., Alton J. Stroud, sup­ 52. Inghnm Soil ConHervntion Diatrict ...... She has been doing It ever front of the bus was damaged in year, A unit of credit Is earned made for transfer senior stu­ aoo.oo 300,00 the collision. These units of credit must In­ dents to receive their diplomas erintendent o! the Intermediate · !iS. Tri-Co, R(luionnl Plnnning Commission .. 44,400.00 4 7,600,00 since and says she wm continue to by successfully completing the school district, announced Wed­ 64, Trl-Co. SJJCc!nl Project ...... 2,000.00 2,000,00 Two passengers were in the clude the following: 3 units In from their former schools i! the 65. Conlinll'ent Fund ...... 106,000,00 200,000.00 as long as her health and strength required work In a course which nesday, permit. Wagner car, Engl1sh, one In American his­ transfer occurs after the first meets 5 days a week for a full Two vacancies on the board will Total Misccllnneous Services .. , ...... $ 248,fl00.00 $ 387,800.00 tory, 1/2 unit In American gov- marking period, TO~'AL ...... ,., ...... $4,85 3,fi 4 0.00 $5,147,060.00 be filled at an election set for Less Estimated Revenue ...... 460,000,00 4 r. 0,000.00 June 7, Terms of David Dlelil LeaH Income Prior Yenrs ...... !!-10,6:12.00 344,000,00 of Dansv1lle and Mrs. Eleanor NET LEVY ...... $4,053,00~.00 $4,353,050.00 Luecke of East Lansing are ex­ County Ta" Rate 5.92 piring. Nominating petitions must carry not less than 50 signatures of electors of the district who Dansville Boy Hurt are registered to vote In the city or township In which they reside, Any elector may sign as many When Shell Bursts petitions as there are vacancies to be filled, In this case 2. Ronnie West, 11-year-old son area on state hunting land south of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald West, of Dexter Trail and eas: ot 7 1484 S, Clark road, Dansv1lle Gables road, found several shells Is back In school again after a scattered about the ground. rather harrowing experience last Later, West said, several Council week while working with his !ath­ boxes of the ammunition were er near their home on Clark road, discovered In the area. Tne father said he was burn­ A!ter Ronnie's e xpe rl en ce Approves in.l' trash and Ronnie found a Dansv111e and Mason school of­ b 1 an k cartridge shell on the ficials issued a warning which ground. He approached the fire was sent to all parents and pup­ and the heat from the flames Ils In the school district, Appointees caused the shell to explode in The warning said: his hand, causing lacerations to "Warning! Everyone keep out MILSon councilmen confirmed the right thum':J and forefinger. of the state gamo area, par­ several appointments at Mon. The elder West rushed the boy ticularly the seven Gables sec­ day night's meeting. to Ml,~on General hospital where tion. Danger from live ammu­ Howard Sch11chter was re-ap­ he was given first aid treatment nition. If anyone has any of this pointed to the Mason planning and then transferred to St. 'Law­ am nunitlon he should notify the commission for a 3-year term., rence hospital In Lansing where Ingham county sheriff's depart­ Paul Richards was ra-appoint­ a specialist took several stitches ment," ed to the cemetery b·:nrd for a In his hand to close the wound, An official Investigation to de­ Lutherans To Break Ground term expiring In 1958. Prior to the accident West termine wilere the ammunition Glen Coon was re-appolnted a said Ronnie and some neighbor came from Is understood to be member of the zoning- board of boys, while playing In a wooded under wa.y, appeals for a term expiring In • 1968. Councllmflll Richard Morris For New Church Build was appointed to the adVisory Ed Heiby Accepts 1ng unit of the Tri-County Planning An Important event in the life commlsslon. contract awaits signing pending permanent classrooms with other of All Saints Lutheran ch,urch fore, This community is bound and stained walnut, Eugene G. Ed Duke was appointed to fill the approval of the Board of. areas which also can be used as together by what God has done the vacancy on the cemetery ot Mason takes place sunday, American Missions of the Lu­ educational space. Johnson is in charge of the fur­ Greenville Grid Job May 9, Immediately after the tor them and what they agree to niture construction project. board caused by the death of theran Church In America. The The architect for the church do In responding to him . , , This Ray M•!Lean, morning worship service mem­ Ed Heiby, M~son science congregation expects to see the Is Clark R. Ackley of Lansing, symbolism Is first visualized All Saints hopes to be In Its bers of the congTegatlon will go Councilman Richard Morris teacher and assistant football building under construction with­ The building w111. be construct­ with the exterior cross surround­ first building by October of 1965, to the site of the proposed church was named liaison mnn between coach, has accepted the head in two weeks, ed of block, with exterior of Services are presently being con­ bu1ldlng at the northeast corner ed by a series of forms of the city council and the state football coaching job at Green­ All Saints Lutheran church was varying shades of brown brick, wheat representing this gathered ducted at the I.O.O.F. Hall on highway department. of West South Street and US-127 v11le high school In the West organized In Mason In late 1960, There will be approXimately 4, community of faith ••. The in­ Maple street next to City Hall tor the service of site dedlca­ While still on "mlssloni• sta­ at 10:45 a.m. each Sunday. Church Central league. Uon and groundbreaklng, 200 square feet of floor space terior carries out the· symbol­ tus, the congregation has become Including classrooms, office and Ism in terms of interior plan­ School classes are held at 9:15 Helby has served as assis­ The pastor of the congTega. Increasingly self - supporting a.m. Inmate Sets tant coach at Mason for 3 sea­ tlon, the Rev. Paul A. Tidemann, study, nursery and kitchenette. ning, The disposition ofthe major over the years, growing to a size elements (altar, pulpit, font and The congregation just complet­ sons under Coach John Axford, wlll officiate at the · ceremony of nearly 190 baptized persons, . The Interior of the worship people) revolve around the sanc­ ed a successful building fund At Mason he taught highschool which w!U take place at approx­ Plans for the church building area has been specially designed tuary cross • • • The plan for campaign exceeding the antici­ ]ail Blaze chemistry and physics. In addi­ Imately 12:30 p.m. The Rev. have been under way for over 2 for this congregation hy Sacred Design Associates of Minneapo­ communing works out in forming pated goal of $61 500 for the tion he Is Mason's track coach. Howard A. Christensen, ass•t. year s, guided by the building A man being held at the Ing­ to the president of the Michigan lis, Minnesota, This church arts the expression ofthe people gath­ coming twelve months, The cam­ At Greenv1lle hewlll teach chem­ committee whose chairman Is ham county jail on a drunk charge, firm has developed a unique ap­ ered around and participating in paign was directed by Harlan L •. istry and physical science. Synod ot the Lutheran church Melvin Battlge, set fire to a mattress In his ln America will represent the proach In the design by use of the Indwelling of GOd with his Gaddy, vice-chairman ofthe con­ The church bUiidlng Is con­ gregation. maximum security cell at the The Helbys expect to move to the concept of the name at the people." The altar is free-stand­ SynOd at the service. Other area sidered a ••first unit" structure. jail Sunday morning and deputies Gree.nvllle just as soon as school pastors wlll also participate, congregation, All saints, ing, symbolizing the presence of is out In June. This summer he It will ultimately become a par­ God among his people, · had to go Into the cell to ex­ Bids for the church bUilding Ish education unit. One ot the The firm's statement of con­ tinguish the blaze. has accepted a teaching position were received on APril 30, At Chancel furnishings for the Mason O.E.S. will hold a rummage large rooms will be used as the cept notes that "the community sale .. Fr:idoy.. Moy 14~ 9 o.m. to 6 p.m.~ Firemen were not called and In a sur:.: mer chemistry program that time the low bidder, Wayne unit are being built by memhers and May 15w Y u.m .. to noon at the Mu­ at' Michigan State unlversltv. temporary worship area of the of faith Is surrounded !Jy a host of the congregation, Altar, pul­ sonic Temple (over DarPs bank). the jail was not evacuated, No Chapman, was acknowledred, The There will also be o snaclc bar and a conlrl'egatlon, There ·Will be seven of witnesses who have gone be- pit and font will be constructed one was Injured and damage Mrs. He! by Is a former Mason bake sale by the East em Stot Belles. was slight, elementary school teacher. ~ ' , • ' - ;!' r ' ' ' ' ' ' ·: ~ ·. ' ; '. ,. ' . , ,/,~:;: ,_···c·· .:.,.,,, . _____.,.;. ______, 1------~~~~------t · · I t I

------I . . - ______t School Re-Organization Group .Holt Girl Sets Ground Rules for.Study' Takes Vows Miss Amy Louise Smith and The reorganization study com. Kenneth Stanley Smith were mar­ J, Green, George A, Hirshman, Appraisal of program In small mlttee of the Ingham Interme­ ried Saturday In the Immaculate Starr Keesler, Ray Launstein, districts--Mrs. Diehl, Crak&s, Heart of Mary Catholic church. diate school district, meeting Alvin Launsteln, Mrs, Eleanor Oesterle and Mrs. Roghan. last Wednesday at the Interme­ The bride, who resides at Luecke, committee secretary, Non-high 5chool districts (Ma. 2504 1/2 Clifton avenue, is the diate offices here, reached 2 Gilbert Mouser, Hugh Oesterle, pie Grove and WhiteDog)--Thor. decisions: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Her­ David Plotenhauer, Mrs. Velma burn, Bird, M1•s. Farrell and Al­ bert F. Smith, Dimondale, and the Roghan, A.J. Spencer Lyle Thor­ vin L aunstein. 1--Not to Involve an in-depth 1 bridegroom Is the son of Mr, and burn, and Alton J, St:roud, non­ The group also adopted a cal­ Mrs. Patrick Smith of rural DI­ study of presently existing high voting chairman. school districts. ~ndo.r and sot those tentative mondale, dates: 2--To divide the committee Miss Smith chose a gown of The sub-committees were set All committee recommenda­ peau de sole accented with lace. into sub-committees to deal With up as follows: particular problems of school tions must be 1n by October 20, She carried White feathered car­ 1965. district organization. nations and yallow roses arrang­ Improving school dis t r I c t Publication of proposad chan­ ed in a cascade, boundaries • -Keesler, Crakes, The committee Is set up un. ges in a newspaper, November 1, Miss Allee Smith, sister ofthe Caruss, Hirshman, Mouser and 1966. der legislation passed In 1964. Spencer. bride, was maid of honor. She Public hear1ngonplan,Novem­ wore a yellow street-length dress Members or the study com­ Relationship with d 1s t r 1c t s mittee o.re: Clarence Bird, BY­ ber 16, 1965. with a white chiffon oversklrt. fractional With other counties SUbmission o1 a plan to tho Miss Ellen Goodrich, a cousin ron Caruss, Donald Crakes, Mrs, (Sheridan road, Hurd, Gunnison. Lucile Diehl, Vernon Ebersol, state committee, December 15. of the bride was bridesmaid. Vllle)--Green, Ebersole and Plo­ The full committee w11l moot Both attendants carrled white Mrs. Frances Farrell, Michael tonhauer. again on May 26. mums and yellow glamellias. Beryl Wooman Jr., Eaton Hap­ Ids, brother-In-law of the bride­ groom, served as best man. • Larry Maurer, cousin of the bridegroom was groomsman. Gary Graber and George Gar­ neau, brothers-in-law of the bridegroom, were ushers. Following the ceremony, a re­ 1t1w e(U{).(Mit, M~t. eLcvJe ception took place in the Pres­ Janet Schneider, byterian church parlors In DI­ mondale. Special wedding guests were $pealt wectdtnr;- v(;-1~4 Mrs. Ida Campbell, grandmother William Irish Jr. of the bridegroom, Mr. and Mrs" Curtis Smith, the bride's grand­ Judy Ann Cowan, 1861 M-36, were served wedding cake, parents and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Stockbridge, exchanged vows with groom's cai;e, ice cream, cof­ Johnson, also the bride's grand­ John I<, Clark, 10125 Waterloo-. fee, punch, nuts and mints by Mrs. parents. Munith road, Munith, Aprll 24 at Repeat Wedding Vows Archie Aseltine, Jr., Flint; Mrs. Miss Allee Smith attends Holt 2 p.m. The ceremony took place James Cowan, Jacl

Reserve District No. 7 Report of condition of State No. 22 MASON STATE BANK City Beefs Up Police Force

of Mason 1 Michigan

at the close of business._{\.~E~.1.. }.~,.... !.?..~.?...... , a State banking institution organized and operating 1111tler the banking Jaws of this Stale and a member of the Federal Reserve System. Published in accordance with a et11 For Mason Centennial Days made hy the State nanking Authorities and by the Federal Reserve Bank of this District.

A S S E T 5 Do~U~ts <:rs. Ma.son will be well policed dur­ throughout every day of Centen­ starting off Centennial Week · I. Ca~h. balances with other OOnks, and r..1sh itenu in process of col!cctiou...... -·····1._- -~-§.:L. --~~-1... -~~ ing Centennial Week, June 19 to nial Week and in the evening un­ will be a mammoth street pa­ rade on Saturday, June 19, start­ 2. Uni1c1l States Go\lernment ubligatio11S 1 direct and guarantet:d ...... _ ...... ~---· ..Q~~-- .. §1§... --~-2 26. til all festivities are ended. at­ 3. Ohlig:uions of States and r.alitical subdivisions...... ---·······"-······-.. ·· ...... J .... Q.?..2. ... J.~~- -~ Chief Tim Stolz, who Is now fleers will be on duty there at Ing at 2 p.m. This procession 4. Other bonds, notes, and debentures (including $ ...... no.ne...... securiti~s of Ftderal mapp1nJ plans for the week's all times. will require several hours to pass operations, will have up to 42 a given point, Stolz says, 1 auxWary policemen to add to his Stolz' Centennial work will He plans to have a un.l!ormed ~: ~::~:~::~:i ,:~~~::{:::~~;:~~ii 1~:~J~~~~l~~ ~·:~·l_::.. ·~";,:v~edr:~;·~~;-~~:.e~~-:-~~-~~.)::~::-~:~:--.-:.~- :.. ::::~::: :.i~t. jjl: 1i~ 6 normal force. start about 3 weeks before the oUlcer and Citizen Band radio 7. Bonk premises owned$ ...... 1.90.,.QQQ.,QQ ...... ,furniture nnd (l1.:<-j""""'-i 600 51 24 Pollee headquarters In the for­ w111 ass! st pollee In the cities fairgrounds. They, too, wm re­ KEYSTONE KOPS WENT WILD this mer AI Rice garage at Oak and they visit in handling parltlng and quire poll£e guards at aight. CAPITAL ACCOUNTS week and turned on one of their own leaders. Jefferson streets, will be open other duties, 25, Capital; (a) Common stock, total par value...... _ ..... $ 250 000 DO ) Here•s Mason Pol ice Chief Tim Stolz in the Key­ (b) Prcfer;~~:~::,i';,~:,~~~::l~c-·._ ... _, ____ .. --_.·· ""';·,~ ..··nP·-.,.·· $:::~:··~_'"''"';"-'----~~- -·---· ___ -·------.. ~S_Q _ _QQQ_ ...QQ 25 stone Kops paddy wagon for no apparent reason Important Words! (c) Capit:l.l notes and debentures...... $ --.ho Former Mason 26. Surplus ...... --·---·-----.. --...... ---·-·-·--· ...... ------· ...... 3.15 __ -~.9.0.. -·-·-00 26 except maybe the chief was seen in public with­ Davis Is 'lifetime Protection" !7. Unui,·id,d r~ront• ...... - ...... ·-:··--·----.... - ...... - ...... - ...... _ ...... ______, ----·· 1~~ ..' ... ~~~ !-~t Z7 out his centennial badge and hat. The chief's 28. Reserves (ami retJrl!m<'nt account for prer~rred ca~lltal) ...... - ...... " ...... -·------····-...... ------···----·------28 Resident Dies 29. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ...... - ...... ---...... -----·---·--···· B51 340 21 29 smile indicates he was a happy prisoner. 30, TOTAL LIAB!l.ITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOU:\"TS ...... -·---·------·------·-·-·-·---- 1 n 1 Rl Q40 78 30 Don M. Ramsdlll of Barryton, Gaining MEMORANDA Michigan, died May 4 at Kel­ sey hospital, Lakeview, at the Representative Charles Davis, Jl. Assets Jlledged or assigned to 5ecur~ liabilities and for other purposes-·--··-·-··------·- ...... ~.!..~ ... .. QQ.Q.. ... Q.Q 31 age of 7 2. He was born June 7, Onondaga, of the .59th legisla­ 32. (a) Loans as shown above are after deduction or reserves of______...... _ .. ______...... _ ...... nom ...... J2(a) Girls Visit Teens Plan 1992, at rural Mason and had tive district was reported In (b) Securities as shown above are after deduction of valuatjon reserves of...... _..... --i.. ;; (b) ~---- n~m-~ lived and worked In Lansing off satisfactory condition Wednes­ JJ. Ocpo5ils of thr Stale o[ Michignn (Included in Item 16) ..... ----··--·-"""""""""""""""'·'''"'-·"···-··-·--·· .. ·-·...... 14 913 33 33 Art Museum and on since 1909. He was a day morning at Mason General Lukemia former Inter- urban motorman hospital. 1, -~-~-·---.9•.... B.~.11J_g.xes_~--Y. .!...!!' .. ~ .. !._~--Q~shi~~--. oj tht abaw~namrtf bank do htrt~J' dulart tMt 1his rrPort o/ tonditiDJI Mason, with Its 329 Girl scouts !Name an4 tltl• ot omcer •utborlud t.o I ian repor11 and conductor and Lansing po. In 19 troops, with more than 50 is tnu tmd rorrecl to the best ol my knowltdgt iJnd btlirf, lice man. Davis suffered a heart attack adult helpers, has the largest Fund Drive He was retired as sheriff of at his home at 3020 Aurelius road nel(hborhood group in the Lan­ Mecosta county In 1961. He was on Monday, April 26, after work­ !(entla/1 Wheeler Jr. A meetlnlf of teen-a.gers who sing district. Each of the troops Ing on his farm during !he day. 421 Franklin Streclf wish to take put In the house to a memberoftheMethodlstchuch We, the undcr.ri!J'ltd directors aUtsl tht corftclntss oJ this rtfort~condition anjlarr.t that it JJ~ b. ten tzamintd b)! au ~nd to tht bttt o/ is busy with interesting activi­ The attack came as he was driv­ Call Ale Col/eel af­ at Barryton and was a member il14r house campa.lgn next sunday ties. Troop 347, worltlng on the krunl.'!cdge a_ud belief is lrut and corrnt. . ,_) ~ \ ot the Royal Order of MaSons, ing a truck from the rear of his . Phone 589.5962 ternoon to raise funds for St. Art In the Round badge, VIsited farm to his home. Jude's hospital and aid lukemia. the Art museum at Michigan SurVIving are hls widow, Ma­ Guo ran teed-renew a b I e • for·life! stricken American c h 11 d r en He was rushed to the hospital That's my Company's new hospital· --"~~~ -} Dirtctorr. state University this past week, mie of Barryton; 2 sons, Donald ;=j·~~ ~~ (ALSAC) has been called for They particularly enjoyed the and Clyde of Lansing; 1 brother, In a sheriff's department ambu- surgical-medical policy. This policy 4:30 p.m. Friday at the junior pottery class. Luke of Barryton, 1 sister, Lot. lance, provides the most modern hospital 2/ bi&b school. t1e Zemke ot Holt: 1 RtP.P-bro­ Hospital officials said Wed- and medico! e~epense coverage of­ State oL~.i.,_chi&.l!.ll--County of_...!n&.tl.~: nesday that he Is "comlnlf alone fered todoy. Call me for complete I At thi.t meetlnr filial plana wW ther, Earl Hanford. ot. Lanslnr be m.t:le for the campaign wi1lcl:l 1 very satisfactorilY'', information. Sworn to and subscribed b,~fore me this. ______it;.!L Wooden Nickels Due Soon 2 step-sisters, Eunice Rams. wW start at 1 p.m. SU.'ld

Stockbridge high school ath­ letes havo a busy spring ahead of them both In the field of track Roadblock and baseball. There are 6 games remain­ Ing on the baseball schedule whlle the tract' team has 2 meets remaining, Help·s Nab The schedule Is as follows; Thursday, May 6- J,V, base­ ball at Dansvllle, Thursday, May 6 ·Track meet Suspects at Williamston. Friday, May 7 - Varsity base­ Mas on poll c e and Ingham ball, Dansville at home. county sherlf!'s otrlcers com·. Friday, May 7 • J,V, Base­ blned operations In the oarly ball at Fowlerv1lle, hours of last Thursday morning HERE ARE THE Mason DecqJthlon champs. Ron Schneeberger, in Monday, May 10 • Tennis, to arrest 4 Negroes from Lan­ the center, came up with a total of 25~· 1/2 points in the track events to win Holt at home. sing wanted by Jackson pollee Monday, May 10 - Varsity as suspects In a gas station the gold medal. Ken Cornel isse on the left, won the silver medal with 200 baseball at Wll !!amston, burglary In that city, points. Pat Walton was the bron~e medal winner with 180 points. Monday, May 10 - J,V. base­ The men were seized as they THERE'S A LOT OF PAPER WORK involved in the operation of ball, Dexter at home. fled northward and ran Into a Mason General hospital. Here's some of the staff at Mason General charged · Tuesday, May 11 - Track meet road block at US-127 and Edgar at Lansing Waverly. , road, just south of Holt, with the responsibility of doing that work. From left to right are Nancy Makely, Thursday, May 13 -J.V,Base­ Patrolman Arthur Maynard of ball, Pinckney at home. the Mason pollee was on patrol billing and posting of patient charges; Margaret Ruest, night admitting office Mason Decathlon .Winners Friday, May 14-Varsity base­ along N, Cedar street In Mason cierk; June King; Virginia Nemer, business office manager; and Elaine Carson, ball, Pinckney away. at 3:50 a.m. when the message wont out over radio that the 4 Missing from the picture are Helen Pollok and Flora Fink. men were wantlld. Five minutes End Grueling Compe6tion later Maynard who had tak11n up Track Records a station at US-127 IUid Cedar Mason came up with something their finish were Dave Armock, Barnes. street In Mason spotted the car new this year In an all-school Dick Miller, Ted Fanson, Larry Events covered In the pro­ answering the description of the Decathlon. The winner was Ron Reed, Mllte Lennon, Bob Lemon, gram set up by Coach Ed Helby Are Broken one In which the suspects were Schneeberger. The silver medal Paul Jancha, Steve Strickland, were high jump, long jump, pole riding, as It came !rom the south. Mason didn't fare too well winner was Ken Cornellsse and Steve Backus, Butch Brumbaugh, vault, shot put, 100-yard dash, It was a 1955 dark blue Ford. in pair of track meets last the bronze medalist was Pal Wal- John Brodberg, Ted Janella, Den­ 220-yard dash, 440-yard dash, a Maynard radioed dispatch that ton, , week but there were some out­ nis Bodell, Glen Franklin, Rick 880-yard run, mlle-run and 180- he had sighted the car and dis­ other winners In the order of Johnson, Lee Snook and Blll yard low hurdles, standing individual performan­ patch, In turn, n otlti e d the ces. sheriff's department nnd a road In a triangular meet with 0'­ block was set up Immediately YMCA Softball Rafferty and Haslett Ken Cor­ at Edgar road and US-127, nelisse set a Mason school rec­ After the car passed, May­ The Town, Country & Com­ ord In the high jump with a leap nard chased 1t to the road block Panther Runners munity department of the Young of 5 ft., 6 1/4 inches. Bob Ma­ where he assisted sheriff's dep­ Men's Christian association, llch set a school record In the uties In searching the 4 men, Lansing, wm again this summer 440 with a 54,3 effort. On one man, Maynard said, sponsor a church softball league In the Hastings relays_ Satur­ a transistor was found and on for men and boys, women and day the sprint medley relay team another a steak knife, Race Past Chelsea girls. It is open to any church­ of Pat Walton, John Douglas, Mike Maynard said the car attained aff1!1ated team In the Central Lennon and Malich dropped the speeds up to 90 miles an hour Michigan area. The1·e will be al­ ·Mason mark to 2:43.5, The 440- Stockbridge high's track team In the 100 yard dash Clark during the 3 m1le chase !rom so ba_l;loball !or boys 1f there Is yard relay team of Douglas, Steve rolled over Pinckney at the Chel- Curtis of Stockbridge took sec­ Vedar and US-127 in Mason to suf!icient Interest. Those In· Strickland, Larry Cool and Len­ 51ta field Tuesday, April 27, by ond place With a time of 10.9, the road block. a score of 71-37. terested should contact Norman non dropped the school mark to As 1t approached the road block Dale Risner took third With a . 48.1. In the long jump, Dale Risner Hicks, league secretary at the the car veered to the left and time of 11.3. In the low hurdles, Y.M.C.A., 301 W. Lenawee, of Stockbridge won the event With Doug McVay won the event.With Into the medla.n strip, Deputy 1 11 a jump of 16 71/2 • In the shot a time of 24.1. Dave Mills also Wayne Karn reported he fired put Orson Landis of Stockbridge of Stockbridge placed third with Mason Takes 2 shots into the air as the car won with a put of 361811, A. a time of 24.95. ln the 220 veered ll.lld It stopped almost C, Allen, also of Stockbridge, took yard dash Clark Curtis placed Rams Post lmmedlll.tely. third place With a put of 341311 , second with a time of 24.9, Dale 2 Matches The 4 men were Identified as In the high jump, Phil Col­ Risner placed third With a time . James P, Hudson, 191 and WH- lins ll.lld Mike Barbour both !rom of 24.96, Stockbridge won the Pair of Wins Mason' s tennis players bounc- lie R. Hudson, 24; Thomas L, KEYSTONE COPS have their work cut out for them. Over the Stockbridge tied for first place mile relay with a time of 3:58. ed back this week with a pair Head, 30 and Leon D, Stanfield, week end, nightriders swept down on Mason and carted off the granite mark­ at a.helght of 6'4". Tom Clark, Jim Castle, Rick owen, Gall of wins, taking Howell 5-0 and 22. 1.also of Stockbridge, placed third Allen and Dennis Cobb made 'up Holt has taken a big step to. Eaton Rapids 4-L The Negroes were taken to the er on the courthouse lawn which had been placed there in honor of a buried ,. · with a jump of 5'2". Phil Col­ the relay team. wards a lead In the baseball cap­ Against Howell Gary Blood, Ingham county jail to awaltJack­ razor. Shown here dusting for foot and finger prints are Dennis Campbell, lins won the pole vault With a Itol circuit With an 8-0 Victory Leo Bateman and Pat Birney won · •B!,Iit .. otficers. When they arrived vault of 10', Total Points For Season over O'Rafferty, The Rams mov­ easy singles victories. they Identified articles found In Centennial Chairman Richard Magel and Versile Babcock. The sleuths didn't Dennis Cobb of stockbridge Dale Risner 301/4 ed Into a tie for first place, In doubles play Jeff cotton and the car as those taken from the find much in the way of prints but they report finding an interesting ant hill. won the mile run In a time of Phil Collins 281/2 Holt, behind the 3-hit pitching Sam Glore teamed for one win Jackson gas station, Maynard 5:07.7. In the high hurdles Mike Clark Curtis 221/4 of Pat Brown, broke open a tight and Dan Webster and Greg Lam- said Jackson police said they Magel said he is willing to pay a reward out of his own pocket for the return Barbour of stockbridge won the Rick Owen 191/2 game against Coach Ed Viera's bertson won the other. spotted the Lansing car near the of the granite marker. He added that he suspects everyone and wi II not be event with a time o! 18,7, Doug Mike BarbOUl' 191/4 Raiders by scoring 5 times In Blood, B!ll Strait and Bateman scene o! the burglary, They re­ McVay took second place With a Gall Allen 181/2 the sixth , The Rams had won their singles matches against turned the 4 to Jackson. 'surprised if the culprit turns out to be a Keystone Kop -sort of an inside job. time of 19,6, Dennis Cobb 171/2 carried ·a 1-0 lead Into the sixth, Eaton Rapids. Rick Owen and Paul Risner took Doug McVay 14 Holt played Haslett Thursday In doubles play Birney and In the meantime, Old Reliable, the symbolic razor, lies buried without the second and third place respect­ tom Clark 6 afternoon and defeated the Lak­ Cotton teamed for a win but dignity of a tombstone. tlvely In the hal! m1le, Owen's Orson Landis 6 ers by a score of 4-1, thus re­ Dave Parmelee and Webster time was 2:11. Risner's time was John Allen 51/4 taining a tie for first place In came out on the short end. Scouters· 2:21,4, ln the 440 yard run, Gall A,C, Allen 4 the Capitol Circuit, Holt's Marv In JV · competition against Ea­ Allen, John Allen and Dennis Jim Castle 21/2 Burt hurled a one-hitter In the ton Rapids Mason took all 3 Cobb took the first three places, Paul Lehman 1 victory over Haslett and record­ matches thanks to the play of Gall Allen's Winning time was Paul Risner 1 ed 10 strikeouts. Ed Duke, Gary VanderVeen and Work for 58,9, Dave Mills 1 Holt and Howell meet in show. Jeff Collar. down games next week. Holt plays host to Okemos on Monday and meets Howell in a make-up game Badges· Tuesday and begins second round competition against Howell in a Council Girl Scouts of troop 633 have Dansville Bats .500 road game Thursday. Both teams been working on the Challenge of are 4-1 at the present time, Active Citizenship ll.lld the My Government badges. Mayor Gil­ Receives son Pearsall attended a troop In Pair of ICL Games meeting and explained the work­ Ings and problems at city gov­ DansVIlle split In Ingham seconj w!.th a run on a walk, hit ernment, The Scouts visited the County league action during the batter and sing'le. Mason Complaints state capitol build! ng in Lansing past week. Friday night the Ag. In the fifth Williamston used and learned a great deal about gles of Co.'l.ch Vince Carlen fell 2 walks and 2 singles to score a Counc!lmrm heard some critics state government, They also at­ before Leslie 6-5, On Tuesday Sports at Monday night's council ses. pair of runs to cut the lead to sian, tended a city council session and Dansville stopped W!lllamston 4-3 but In the sixth Dansv1lle learned something of how the bus­ Mike Hatta, secretory of the Singles Classic Bowling Tournament 8-3. The Tuesday Win allowed opened up with 4 runs with singles Bill Couch asked for additional Iness or the city of Mason Is the Aggles to stay within strik­ and walk.~ doing the damage to the Scene policing il! the area surrounding handled. at St. Johns, tugs playfully on Perry Foss' beard to make sure it's real during Ing distance of the leaders, Leslie cause. the Mason teen center on dance For the challenge itself, each Pinckney and Stockbridge, nights. He called attention to the a few moments of banter preceding bowling activity Saturday night at St. Ernst went all the way for The track team lost a triangu­ patrol was responsible for one In the Leslie gam.2 walks prov­ Dansv1lle, giving up 6 hits. "hoodlum minority" who hang precinct In the recent city elec­ Johns. Ray Snider (left), Herbert, Southwick, Bob Brooks and Glenn Snyder lar meet to Haslett and O'Raf­ around the outside and cited In­ ed costly as 4 of the Lo!!slle runs R:>d Kirk and Bod Dikeman ferty on Saturday afternoon. tlos, They made a door-to­ look on. Twelve Mason bowlers and their wives, all outfitted in centennial came when the runners reached shared the pitching for William. stances of dlstructlon and vul­ door canvass reminding people !1rst on walks. ston. Ken Cornellss'e turned In a good garity. He said that what hap. to vote. When the polls closed, style, helped spread the word of Mason's June centennial celebration. Bowlers Dansville started out strong, Friday night Dansville plays performance, scoring 15 points; pens on the inside of the teen each patrol furnished refresh­ in the tournament included Perry Foss, Herb Southwick, Tom Moore, Dick scoring one run In the first on under the lights at Stockbridge. winning the low hurdles, the high center Is no problem. He called ments for the workers on the singles by Jim Mullin and Bob On Monday Pinckney w1ll be at hurdles, and the high jump. He attention to the orderly way the election boards. Clark, David Stone, Dart Stone, Robert Reams, Larry Hagerman, Bob Brooks, Rogers, Dansvme. established a new school record center Is managed. In the fourth the Aggles broke In tile high jump at 5' 6 1f4". Councilmen promised some Bill Mooar, Dick Bebee and Glenn Snyder. loose again, scoring 3 on singles Bob MaUch also set a new Mason action in the form of additional by Gary Caskey and Jerry Ernst record running a 54.3 440-yard patrolling help, LEGAL NOTICES mixed with a walk, an error and dash. JJm Waggoner asked that the a stolen base. city do a better job on con­ PUBLICATION ORDER The tennis team was victor­ E·7Z5 Leslie broke the scoring ice Ious over Albion 6-1 on Mon. taining the city dump. He said State of Mlcblgnn, Probnto Court Parade Will High light . {or the County of Ingham In the fifth on 2 singles plus that the dump has encroached day. On Thursday they beat the Estnte o! AL~'RED W. LANQII:, 2 walks and tied 1t 1n the sixth Eaton Rapids team 4-1. on his property. He also com­ Dccensed. on 2 walks, a stolen base and a plained about throwing dead ani­ 1'1' IS ORDERED that on Ju])o 22, The golf team defeated Eaton 1965, nt 0:00 A. M, ln tho Probat• fielder's choice. mals in the dum;'). Courtroom, Ln.nslng, Michigan. a Dansville came on with a run Rapids on Thursday170-191. The Seth Carlson made a request hearing be held At which all crtditou golf team also played Brighton on Centennial Week Activity of said deceased a1o required to of the council that the city In the seventh when Rogers doub­ as. Provo thelr claim, nnd heira will be led and came home on Dilling­ Friday. slst him In landscaping his prop­ determined, Creditors muat !ile oworn erty on Mason stre2! after mov­ For everyone who likes pa­ claims with the court and aerve a ham's double. A lead-off d()uble The varsity baseball team was coach, an antique glass hearse coV)• on Lois Budd, 1626 S, Cedar St., wa.S wasted when Mullin tried to victorious on Monday against Ing the Sanitary sewer to a dif­ rades, Saturday, June 19, Will and horses and riders. Lansing, Michigan, prior te> ••Id be&r•' s1retch It Into a triple and was ferent locat1o.1 on his property. be one of the bright spots of Dean Ganrwn in~r. Gabriels 4-1. Jim Bodrle struck The Girl Scouts, Brownies, l'ubllcntlon nnd Bervice aball b• thrown out. out 15 players. On Thursday Ma­ Mrs, Dorothy Hall appeared Centennial week. The parades Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts will modo •• provided bll otatute and Leslie took the game In the la8t son beat Eaton Rapids 12-3. The before the council to complain committee, under the direction of march and many of the Celebra­ Addresses PTA Court rule, John McCowan, Is Planning a Data: April 27, 196& at the seventh when Tom Connell re~;erve team lost to Eaton Rap- about the city fencing job· be­ tion Belle and Brothers of the The Cedar s t r e e t Parent. JAMES T. KALLMAN parade for the opening day of walked and stole second and then Ids 14-9, · tween her property on Barnes B r us b chapters are planning Teachers Association met Mon­ A true co~y: Judn of Pro batt street and the city gravel pit. the Centennial week which w111 Floronco M. Fletcher came home on a single by Roger floats, Other or gantzations are day, May 3, John Dart 1ntro­ De1>ut;,r Probate Reglotor ' Neu. The winners in the Mason de­ She maintained the fence was last approx1 mat ely 2 hours. The Invited to participate, JACK W, WARREN · cathlon are Ron Schnee berger ducted the. guest speaker, Dean over on her property. theme wlll be Now and Then, Arrangements for the celebra­ Attorney for adminlstratrl:l: Jerry Ernst started on the with 256 1/2, Ken Cornelisse Ph1llp Gannon of the Lansing GO~ Prudden Building, Lonoinlf, All the complaints w·~re turned Among the marchlngbancts will tion ball, to be held saturday mound for Dansv1lle and gave way with 200, and Pat Walton with 180. Community college. Dean Gannon uwa over to committees and depart­ be the 701 Post V.F.W., national evening, June 19 are well under PUBLICATION ORD.ER to Doug stover. Donnell went all They received gold, silver, and 1 spoke on various aspects of the ment heads for recommendations champion band ; the Lansing way, according to Bob Tear, who Community college, D-820C the way for Leslie. bronze medals. and action, State of Michigan, Probate Court Shrine Band, also a champion; heads the ball committee. There was a business meeting !or the Count11 of lngbam W1lllamston and Mason High E•tnto of CHARLES HOWE HAY· In the WiWamsto.1 game walks and Installation of new otflcers. DEN, Deceaacd. a.p1n ·plagued the Aggies but the school bands and the Scottsville Holt Netters Win Clown Band, They are Richard Magel, presi­ IT IS OlUl.I::llED that on June C, , hitters overcame them with a . 'SEX IS HET'ff<:H.' World· Holt Lases Meet Club Views dent; Larry Howe, father Vice­ 1965, at ~:30 A. M. In tho Prebatt 11-hit attack. Courtroom, Lanain~r, llleblll'an, a ra.mous British commen'la­ Holt met Waverly Friday In a A Marine color guard from president; teacher vice-presi­ hen•·lng be held on the Petition of Dansvllle scored In the second In the track meet of Tues­ tennis match and came out the Pictures dent, Mrs, ·Jennings; secretary, Chnrle• G. Hayden and American lor, Malcolm Muggeridgc. day nl&flt, April 27, Holt was Lansing and the Jackson Zouaves Bank and Trust Com~an11 for allow. ·on a passed b&ll, walk and 2 victor by a score of 4 to 1. The Mr. and Mrs, Yard and Mrs. Ray Spinner, and treasur­ charges that the U. S. is defeated· by Eaton Rapids, Holt drill team, which has appeared anco cf their firat annllal account. slnrles by Caskey and Rae, In the singles the players were on the Ed SUllivan teleVIsion Garden Club met With Mr. and er, Mrs. Gerald Bates, Publication nnd service oball be Williamston came on ·In the drenched in sex, permeat­ won only 3 events. In the 400 Mike Bostrom and Dave Smith There was a traveling trophy made as provided b)' atatutt and yard dash Cooley had the time show, w111 also join in the Ma­ Mrs, A.O. Greenough, ·Thurs­ Court rule. · second on a. passed ball, walk and ing "every corner and cran­ and in the doubles were Rick and a $2 award won by Mrs. Date: April 80, 1915 at 54.3, In the high jump Kem­ son test1v1t1es, day evening, April 29, with 18 2 stnrles by Caskey and Rae, ny of life, from birth to the Houston and Jim Douglas in one members and 3 guests present. Bullenis 3rd grade. JAMES T. KALLMAN· merer jumped G-8. Walsh scar. There w111 be new cars, anti­ A true co~ll: Judst of Pro bat• W1Wamsto., came on In the gra\le." set and Mike DeChelbor and Lynn The business meeting was fol­ Refreshments were furnished Bonnie Bodrio . ed in the 'pole vaUlt' at 9-6, que· cars and trucks, old fash­ Duling In the other. lowed by a talk on Chrysanthe­ by Mrs. Campbell's 5th grade DePUtll Probate Realater Ioned buggies, surreys, a stage Al!IEIIICAN DANK A TRUST CO. mums by Mrs. Greenough. room mothers. 'l'tust DeMrtment. L&naing, 18w3 The Ingham County News, Wednesday~ May S1 1965-- Page A-5 1st & 2nd CUTTING ALFALFA­ 4-H PONY - tratncd and ready 41l BASS ACCORDION - $55; Good quality. $16 ton, Phone to prepare for show, 4 year Ladles vanity dresser with Earl Heintz, Gould Rd., Eaton maro, will breed her for 4-1-1 large mlrrol', $20; Ladles rol­ . Haplds, 243 -353~. 17w3p buyer; new carts, harness and ler skates, size 7, $9. Phone OR all pony, h01'Bo nn1 cattle equip­ 7-5676, 1Dwtf ment, Discount pi'ices, Russell Pioneer L, Jenkins & Sons, 5350 Ferris Seed Corn Rd., Phone Eaton Rapids, 243- BROODER house- !or sale, In I 7177. 10w3 good condition, $25. You move It, Phone Mrs, Dorr Eckhart, . When you 'ro suro of th<> scPd Aurelius MA 8-3080. 1Bw1 Weekly od deodl ine: Tuesday noons * 15 words just 75c;: * Phone your ad You re more swo of tho cr{'lp 2 ANGUS-HEIFERS-1-16 months Avoiloblo any doy b11t S11ndoy & 1 - 10 months. Champion Down, Leslie, Corner of Cooper USED LAWNMOWERS - 1811 • & Olds Road, 16w1 42", In good condition. Mil­ 1956 FORD, standard transmis­ EXPERT RUG & upholstery 3 BLACK COCKER PUPS - $5 Allan Aseltine sion; 1956 Olds, motor and ' ROW Allis Chalmers cultiva- ler Marine & Garden, 457 N. Appliances shampooing, Reasonably each; black cocker, female, ex­ 32·15 Mcrlr/i an Raocl U.S.-127, Mason. 1Bw1 - automatic transmission; 2 - 2 priced. Call Harkins, Lansing tor, 2 years old, just like Okomo5, Mic/1 AMERICAN saddle bred gilding. tra good hunter, $10; German now, will tlt WD or WD 45 wheeled utility trailers; many 484-7894, 9w5* Shepherd pup, $10; Beagle and Phone OR 6-257~. 16w3 14'', 15 11 and 1611 used tires and most all the new model Phone 332-5893 TELEVISIONS -- Due to recon- Walker pup, $10; 3 year old reg. 5271 N, Williamston Rd., Wil­ Chalmers; Also Internationlll45 17, ... r USED BOATING outfits - 12' ~ struction of new apartment lstered German Shepherd, mala, PTO baler; John Deere 4 bar to 17'. Priced right and ready building, table models, portables, liamston, 655-2626. 18w3 BULLDOZING, sand, gravel, flll $100, Roy Donald, 1287 Lamb COWS FOR SALE - 6 cows, 3 rake; Co-op 7 tt semi-mounted ALFALFA HAY - 225 tons more to go, Miller Marine & Garden, low boys, consoles - TV, radio, dirt, Don. Bryde, 1460 Barnes Rd., Phone OR 6-5663. 17w3 . registered Guernsey;. 1 reg­ 457 N. u.s. 127, Mason, 16w1 road,.Mason. Phone OR 6-4371, mower, Call Webberville 521- or less, cut early, crushed and Istered Jersey; 1 grade ,Jersey, phono combinations, $25 to $35, 3549 after 5 p,m, 16w3 Prl vate party, Excellent con­ 9w5* never wet, 1st ancl 2nd cuttings; and 1 grade Holstein, Reasonable. Straw, 150 tons, feeding speltz, dition. Phone Lansing 882-7977 BILL RICHARDS, PUPPIES - black poodles, cute Dimondale 646-4543, 1Bw3 SPEEDY lawn service - more protein and cheaper than ~uick after 5 p.m. 9w5* TROPICAL Aquariums, fish and as they can be, AKC regis­ and reasonable, phone Tlm TRUCK RACK - for sale, 12' oats, 1000 bushels or more. Clar­ accessories, low prices, Call tered. Reasonably priced, Phone all steel; tires 825 x 20 10 Brown, OR 6-4071. '18wlf INC. 372-4938, 1555 Ballard, Lan­ OR 6-2575, 18w3 ence Blossey, 3813 Burkley Rd., Howell Livestock ply; John Deere wheel weights, Williamston, 17w4pl S, Cedar St, between Holt & sing, 9w5* 677 Harper Rd. Phone OR 7-7689, CA'ITL'E" Well Drilling 18wl Stoors: SILO FOR SALE - 10 x 35 full Mason Phone 677 ·3541 WILL GIVE AWAY- to a good Chalco $24.25tG $25.7Goc Good f22.60 to $24,25, of excellent lnsilage, Phone 3 ond ,f inr.h for farm nnrl FOR SALE -- Realistic wood- , homfl, a male stocl' dog, Pllone BALED STRAW -approximately Ut.·Std. $19 to $22,60, Dansville MA 3-3854, 16wl fiDIJlC The speedometer readings on ltel!ora: these cars are correct. We do fiber flowers for weddings, Dansvllle MA 3-2596, 18wlf 1948 FORD tractor for sale - 500 bale11 left. First $100 Gd.·Cho!ce $22 to $23.50, 3 to lD·inch' for arr condition­ not set them bock. Pmvious proms, etc,; Corsages and bou­ Call Days Leslle JU 9-8267 cleans out barn. Bruce Deog, Ut,·Std, US to $22, ing and irdgatio11 owner may be contacted on quets of all sizes, Phone OR Phone Aurelius MA 8-3040, Cowo: & evenings JU 9-8148, 18wl Heller Cows $15 to $17.60, WANTED - A used 30,06 pump request. 7-5876. 13w5* 16w3 Ut,·Comm. UUO to $16, carbine rifle. Phone Donald Fann Equipment Cnnnor-Cutte:• $13,50 to $14,50, Taylol', OR 7-8571. 18w1p Electric Water Systems 7962 RAMBLER custom 4 Fat Ycllo1v Cows $13 to $13,50,. To Fir your needs GOOD USED Gravely tractor SEE ME Bulla: Solrl and Installed door, R & H, power steer· SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED equipment; plow, $50; roller, FOR DE KALil'S Fnt Beef Dulls $18 to UO• 3 CHORE BOY milkers with new DREAK THRU" Ut,•Comm, $11 to $18, ing & overdrive. 1 owner, $35; disc, $10. Phone· Charles Canner-Cutter $15 to ;17, CUSTOM PLOWING wanted - pulsators, cheap; 3 good sloe!( Rich, OR 7-6876. 18w3p HYBRIDS Calves: Large acreage preferred. Se­ JERRY SHUNK water tanks, small, medium and l'rlmo $34 to $3G, Roy C. Hart $895 SEED CORN Gd.-Cho!co $31 to $3~. ger Hlce, phone Leslie JU 9- ' 7963 VOLKSWAGEN, radio SEPTIC SERVICE large; Also 14 hog houses, var­ CuiJ.Med, ~26 $31, 11405 Jefferson to 9275, 18w3p and heuter, 17,000 actual ious sizes; some metal roofs and OLIVER rubber tired, 4 bar side . & SUDAX Deacons $16 to $26, Pf10nc 677 7971 Holt ox 9-2825 sides. Hound metal hog feeders. Feodora: miles, ------rake; steering wheel and belt Arlen Frederick Gd,·Cholec $21.60 to $24.00, Clarence Blossey, 3813 Burkley pulley for Farmall M; 1 brand 1 milo south of Meson Common·Med, $14 to $21.50, 14' BOAT - 2 seat deck, steer- S. W. Hart $1395 BULLDOZING - excavating and Dairy Cows $146 to $265, Rd., Williamston. 17w4p new 14x281 6 ply rear tractor Phone OR 7-0111 HOGS Ing wheel and trailer, A real (at soutl1 city limits.' l964 CHEVROLET Bis­ extra good top soil. Fernburg Dutchera: tire $75; also 125' heavy duty 17wtf good outfit for $150. or make an & Son, Phone OR 6-5677. 180 lbs & Down $14 to $18. cayne. 2 door sedan, water hose. 5271 N, Wllllams­ 180·210 lba. No, 1 $19,90 to $20.40, offer. 5350 Ferris Rd., Phone 7 748 S J offers on 17w1tf BN F ARMALL tractor - Good PlloneOR70737 tf standard shift, heater, ton Rd., Phone W1111amston 655- 180·210 lbR. No, 2 $19.50 to $19.90, Eaton Rapids, 243-7177. 18w3 condition, . $225. Phone Les­ lS T &. 2ND - cutting alfalfa 240 lbs, nnd Ull $18 to $19,50, 2626. 18w3 Sows1 whitewall tires. 9,000 lie JU 9-8447 or JU 9-4283. hay, wheat straw, Claire Brad­ BUDS, Interior and exterior Fancy Light $16 to $17,50, actual miles ..Priced to go. 17w3 berg, 576 Lamb Rd. Phone OR 800·600 lbs, $15.50 to $16. FIVE used panel doors - 100 painting and roofln!'. Reason­ 7-857 4. 16w4p 500 lbo. & up $14.50 to $15,50, [ Automotive able priced. Free estimates. No 2 ROW Massey Harris corn plant- Boars & Stago: phonognph records, 78 rpm; All Weights $13,10 to $16, $1895 job too small or big. Phone er; 3 point hitch for Ford Feeder Pigs: one man canvas ll!e raft, Phone 7959 CHEVROLET, R & H NEW Idea mower machine-pow­ tractor, $40; Also 7 foot mower · Per Head $12.60 to $18,60, OR 6-5891 or OR 6-1561. 16wS 677-7531 between 4 and 8 p.m., er take off, 7 foot cut, Used 1,000 BALES alfalfa, brome, 1st SHEEP 1959 PONTIAC - 9 PaBBenger Good references and bondable. for Ford tractor, 3 point llltch, very little. Fred Wickham, 2214 cutting, excellent quality. 45~ Shorn Slaughter Lambs: station wagon, power steer­ $395 18w3 $40. Kenneth Baker, corner Sco­ Cbolcc-Prlmc $25 to $25,50, CUSHMAN EAGLE - Good con­ Ing, power brakes, good condi­ 7964 NOVA, V-8, stanaara Dobie Road, Mason, 17w3p field & Hawley Roads, Leslie, 500 bales wheat straw, 25~. w. Gd,•Ut!l!ty $23 to $25, dltlon, $100, Pllone R,L, Dav .. E. Dent, 417 Edgar Rd., Phone Ewca: tion, reasonable, Phone Leslie shift. JU 9-4423. 1Bw3p Slnuahter $5.60 to $9.50. is, ED 7-7322. 16w3 JU 9-3751. 16w3 OR 7-1587 after 5:30p.m. · $1895 BETTY'S Poodle Salon, trim­ Farm 18w3 ming and grooming, all breeds. 'Pt"ANE'l' Jr. - Garden tFaCfci? Ed Gottscholk-546.2340 1961 FORD FAIR. AUTO, with reduction gears and C'Jlti­ Bim Franklin ··Mason OR 7.8941 BUY -TRADE- SWAP -SAVE-- Call for appointment. Phone OR Equipment Wheelchair, walkers, dresser, V.B, R & H. 6-5600. 18wl vator, $50; portable camper will Auction Born • 546.2470 . SPECIAL fit 1961 or '.62 Ford big box, metal cabinets, rugs, chalrs, $495 New Holland, Baler Boy twine, Every Monday bedroom suites, dln!ng room $751 293 Okemos St., Mason. lin Memoriilll suites, studio coach, cameras, T959 FORD station wagon, $8.45 Great Balls WANTED TO BUY- Cashpaldfor 18wlp Starting 12:30 P.M. gunr., dryers, wardrobes, many, ,'( & H,power steering.$l9 5 180 amp, Lincoln welder, $80 standing timber, Five acres or 225 amp, Lincoln welder, $93 many more and antiques, Baldwin BLOOD - GEORGE N. who pas- Second-hand Store, 118 S. Main, of Fire! more, St. John Hardwood Lumber Exlde Batteries, $8,95 and up 1 REGISTERED Holstein bull - Co., St. Johns, Michigan. Con­ sed away 1 year ago May 5th. Eaton Rapids, ·Open 8:30 to 6 AL RICE'S Brady choppers & parts Foods Gone dear father, gone to rest, 16 months old. Lyle Glenn, tact: Wlllard Fernburg, Agent, Klenzade Products 3325 Swan Rd., Dansv!lle. 17w3 weekdays; Sundays 1 to 6, Free R# 3, Mason, Phone OR 6-5677. Away from sorrow, care and pain. delivery. Phone 243-3551. 1Bw4 BLAZING WITH Business Services Chore-Boy Milkers - Parts May you rest in peace, dear hus­ 17wltf Stock Water Tanks and Hog EVERETT'S White Eggs. Buy band and father. Until we meet Feeders your eggs at the farm, cut again. Sadly missed by wife 10 FEEDER PIGS - Hampshire- USED CAR DEALS! PLEASURE - horse shoelt;lg and ARTIFICIAL Grain Augers rate prices, save price of mid­ Mayme, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Nel­ Yorkshire cross, $12.50 each; Misc. For Rent trimming. Phone Webberville Used Tractor back hoe and dleman. 24 hours from hen to son, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Blood Hampshire stocl' hog, $35. Roy 1964 CHEVROLET Bel Air '521-3029. 15w3* BREEDING SERVICE loaders you. 3038 W. Harper road, phone and grandchildren. Donald, 1287 Lamb Rd., Phone Michigan Animo/ Br~edcus Used Cockshutt Tractor COSI'UMES FOR RENT- authen­ 4 door, V-8, powerg/ide and Mason OR 6-5827, No SUnday OR 6-5663, 17w3 C:>rp 12 Dairy and Beef Firestone Farm Tires sales. 9w5* tic complete outfits or parts. PO'Ner steering with .radio breeds available All bulls Farm Hardware SITTS: In memory of my dear Wlgs, parasols, pantaloons, avoiloblt> any day. All bulls a~·CJ heate_r. . Uydraullc hose,repair . .. brother, Grover I, Sitts who vests, hats & caps, shawls, hoops Joe Back •.•• are lf'he some price. Morning DRESSED MEAT - good Here­ 237th Is .,,; ; ;..,.,, Mae's Inflations passed away May 4, 1951; and & bustles, skirts & waists .... and afternoon sctvice 1 41/2 ton Oliver Awagona; '$130 ford beef, Government Inspec­ George E. Sitts who passed a. plumes, petticoats, corset cov­ *Custom Cabinet Work ted and cured, 36~ lb. Roy Don­ Wolve r·ine 1964 CORVAIR MONZA 4 Call John Deere 620 way May 7 1957, When llnks of ers, aprons & dust caps, men's Kitchens ald, Phone OR 6-5663, 17w3 1 door, good looking red paint CHARLIE BROWN, OR 7-4521 Oliver 77 life are broken and loved ones Holstein Sale frock coats-- everything you Baths ha.ve to part, it loaves a wound need to complete your centennial with pow erg/ ide, radio ond Commercial Francis PIatt SEED POTATOES for sale - that never heals and ever ach­ Saturday, May 8th, outfit. Many baby things. Open C&C. *Design and Arranging Finest of Farm Machinery Early & late, $1.00 a bushel. ing heart, They say time heals 1965--11 :OOa.m. Friday's 2-5, for rentals & re­ • All Woodwork Specialties ICard of Thanks M-M and Oliver Phone Orla Artz, Leslie JU 9- all sorrow and helps us to tor­ turns, or call Neva Royer for New Holland get, but tl mn so far has only At The Wolverine Purebr.,d appointment 877-0431. Basement 1963 CHEVY II 2 door, incfuding stairways, 9618, 18wlp bookcases, railings, proved how much I miss them Live>stock Sale> Pavilion, of Mason Printing Co., 428 s. !-2 mile north of Mason on Williamston, Mich. Jefferson, Mason. 17wtf standard shift with radio etc, BEACHNAU: I would especially us 127 yet. Sister, Mildred. 18w1 and heater. llke to thank the nurses, doc­ Phone OR 7-3361 HAVE A FEW seed potatoes le!t, 75 *Laminated P /as tic Work tors and sta!f cif Mason Gen- wtf Call Dansville 623-3281 after HEAD OF REGISTERED . eral hospital for their care and 6:00 p.m. Dockters Orchard, For Rent 7963 CHEVROLET Impala MASON WOOD kindnesses during my stay. Al­ IN LOVING memory of our bro­ HOLSTEINS 75 ALMOST new vegetable plrutter. 18w1 ther Donald R. VIckers Sr. who Sewer Tapes so to mJ mruty friends who con­ Excellent condition, Phone An- Blow Torches 4 door IHtrdtop, V-8, power­ SPECIALTIES passed away 5 years ago, April Including 20 head of top tributed cards, messages, and dro , Zdurne 487-0782. 17w3 Floor Polishers glide, power steering, power flowers. Mrs. Anthony Beachnau, 30, Al & Gladys Weise, 18wl Canadian Cows and Heifers Floor Sanders JOE TIEFENTHALER • mostly fresh or springing. Lawn Rollers brakes, padded dash. Tinted 18w1 I Furniture A few good, big bred heifers 529 Dort Rd.- Mason due to freshen in July and Garden Tillers windshield and is a local one JOHN DEERE Model 60 tractor, IN LOVING m.1mory of a Dear Lown Spteadcrs live power talifers out of WANTED - to rent before June foot; John Deere number 5 mow­ A COMPLETE bedroom suite - wife May and son, Joseph, Jr. better than 600 lb. dams. 1962 CHEVROLET Bel Air cards and gltts willie in the 11 3 bedroom unfurnished house hospital, Melvin A, Utter. er like new $125, Burrill Driver, refrigerator, and tied daven­ 18w1 T.B. and Bangs Tested. 4 door sec/an. V-8, powerglide, Milking Cows Mastitis in country. References given, 18w1 1295 Elllott Rd., Phone Fowler­ port. Excellent condition. Phone Phone 676-2259, 18w3p radio and painted Mist Blue. ville CA 3-9756, 17w3 Dansville, 623-3044. 18w1 Tested. Cclfhood Vaccinated Bank Terms available Livestock through National Bonk of 1962 FORD COUNTRY BARTLETT: I with to thank all Detroit, Floyd Kehrl. Lunch WANTED - to rent or lease, 2 my friends and r ehl.tlves for the 2 Row SEWING M!\.CHINE- 1964 model J Served, or 3 bedroom home. Contact Sedan station wagon. Real cards, flowers, and visits; also with beautltul walnut cabinet, Phil Sirrine at Dancer Co., Ma- nice car with V-8 engine, the doctors and entire staff of Corn Pia nter no attachments needed, simply HOLSTEIN COW - 3 1/2 years GLENN CASEY I son. 1Bw3 dial a stitch to make button holes, old with week old call; 1 year Fordomatic, power steering, Mason General for the care I Sale Manager and Auctloncc.r, received while there. Russell sew on buttons, monograms, old Angua bull, Phone Eaton Rap­ Williamston, Michigan. Drags ids 243-5375, 16w3 radio ancl is extra clean. Bartlett, 1 8wlp applique and fancy designs, Want 18wl GARDEN LOT for rent - Ex- ' responsible party to pay $51.18 cellent ground. Call Mason OR Plows or ·$1.09 per week, Call OX 4- 1962 OLDS 98 4 door sedc:n. REGISTERED Quarter horse - 6-5716. 1Bwl 6031, 18w1 name Trinket, Branch no. P- HOLSI'EIN dairy cows -for sale. BRA VENDER: Many thanks to Has all of the extras includ­ 143,821, foaled Aug, 23, 1960, Leonard Eisele, 2473 Wallace NEW ... Doctors Schultz, Urban, and Surge Supplies Sire King Brownjug P-61,179 Rd., Webberville, Phone 521- ing air conditioning, power Johnson; the sta!! at St. Law­ GARDEN space - 1/4 acre, free RANGE stove for sale - dove Dam-Little Annie P-12,602, Gen­ 3332. 17w3 steering, power brakes, power Tomeo Genetic Giant rence hospital, Rev. Sutcliffe; to plrutt. 1123 S. Jefferson, A.A. white. Reasonable. Phone Mrs, tle and well trained. Hubert Phone OR 7-2233. 17w3 windows, power seat, De A new nome. A new trademark. friends and relatives, and Holt Charlie Nickei,Lesl1eJU9-9618. I,O,O,F, -Lodge #562 for kind­ Bearss, 2701 Mt. Pleasant Rd., This Is the result of the comolida· 18wlp 4-H PONIES for sale - 6 yr. old Luxe radio with rear speaker. ticn of Tomeo end Steckley Gen· nesses and care they expressed stockbridge, Mich. Phone "iifil- HOWLE'IT 3580, 16W3p black gelding; 3 yr. old black Speed & cruise control, white­ ctic: Giant into one brand name during my illness. Gordon Bra v­ filly; 9 yr. old black mare. Call wANTED- to rent, pasturefor20 , • , Tomeo Genetic Giant. ender. · 18w1p Barbara Chilson, OR 7-0508. head young cattle. Phone TU wall tires, padded clash and & 2-6254. Arnold Rorabaugh. tinted glass. Two independent research teama ~ar &Grain REGISTERED Palimlno quarter 17w3 16w3 ere now consolidated into one ex• STID: I wish to thank Dr. Miller, COMPANY horse, stallion, 3 years old, perienced sto/F. Their vest know(. Dr. Hagan, the nurses at Mason 3295 s. Waverly, Phone Turner OFFICE SPACE --Excellent lo- 1961 BUICK SPECIAL edge, acquired from years of in· 610 Cedar Street 677-3631 Genera 1, the Cookie Dusters, 17w1 GOOD QUALITY - lst and 2nd 2-3990 or IV 4-3837, 1 8w3 cations 1n Mason. One 2 room· dependent effort, is being care· cutting alfalfa. Never been wet. j Losi & Found suite paneled In knotty pine with station wag~n. Standard fully analyzed end put to work friends and relatives for the l8w3 Steve Leslle, first place eut of private lavatory 1s ready to rent shift. foi you , •. into on accelerated cards a.~ many other kindnes­ IN GOOD condition - John Deere forward research program. ses expressed during my Illness, tractor, 1948 Model A with Wllllamston RO&d on Dexter Trail now, $50 monthly. Alsohavuev­ Ro'Jert Stid, l8w1 power-trol and power take oft; on north side, phone Dansville 5 HOLSTEIN COWS - 3- 5 years; I.OST - Pin watch shaped like eral hundred 11quare teet ot ideal 1960 PONTIAC CATALINA For complete details of the varfet· plow, drag and 2 row cultivator 623-2483, 16w3 1 Holstein bull, Can be regis­ ship's helm, on chain. Reward. office space 1n new News bulld­ ties specifico lly adapted to thia tered If wanted, 2 years old. Jer­ Phone Dansville 623-2251, col­ ing and will t.lni5h any or an station wagon. Standard locality, tee your local dealer. Included, Myron Whipple, Phone 676-2472. 17w3 . ry Evers, 367 E. Columbia, Phone lect If calling long distance. of It to suit leue tenant. Th.la shift. Webberville, 521-3453. 18w3p 16w3 space Ideal tor profe.sslonal of- · I Clothing Pioneer flees, Inquire at the Ingham Walter Kranz,Jr. County News, Muon. Phone OR We hove several good 3017 W. Tomlinson Rd. BLACKHAWK corn planter - 2 Seed Corn row; good condition; bigfertll­ 2 HEN GUINEAS- for sale. Phone LOST - Boy's black all-weather 7-9011. 511rtf Mason, Mich. The Champion Profit Maker '59 and '58 models in 1Bwtf FORMALS - size 9, 1 pink and izer hoppers; 2 sets o! corn Dantel Phelps, Stockbridge, coat, Mason High school, Friday 1 blue, llke new, $4.50 each; plates; 1 set of bean plates. Phone Varieties and Kerne~'sizes to fit 851-4630. 18w1 night. Please call Jim Ketchum stock now. yocr needs. We also have alfalfa s·rUMil removal, lot clearln!:', Ballerina length, Fay Rich. Phone Clyde Davis, Onondaga, 528- OR 6-5857. 18w1 FOR RENT -- sleeping rooma dozer work, inaured. Warren OR 7-5876. 17wtf 3544, l7w3 seed, Sorghum, Sudan Sorghum and apartment. Call Mason Ransburg, Sr. Phone OR 7-4938, and Atrazine. ' RIDING HORSE & pontes tor sale, 676-5612. 9w5• Reasonable. 1100 Dans­ 9w5"' JOHN Deere 2 row corn picker w, Curtis B. Wright ville Rd, at Hawley Rd., Mason. Miscellaneous LET SO..Slo the TV clown be 290, Ward V1cary, Jr. Phone Phone 677-0593 evenings or sat­ Aparbnents For Rent your host on a mlnia.'ure hay Lelille JU 9-9918. lSWS 3220 Wright Rd, R 2 urday and Sunday, l8w3 III/IIIII~ SALES. & ride and a weiner ro'l.St, Avail­ I Dogs Pets 'Leslie, Mich. ANTIQUES for sale- Mrs. Vero illlll1111111111 CAMPAIGN 4 NEW IDEA SPI-tEAVERS- brand Yocum, 221 W. Main Street, able for clubs, birthday parties, Phqne 589-2334 17 .,,£. ------AL R church irroups or just a get new. Wholesale prices wlllle 75 SHEEP and lambs - .$20; 10 Stockbridge, Mich. 17w6 ICE CHEVROLET together. Location East M- , BOB tailed Shepherd puppies. they last; Massey-Ferguson 65 78 feeder cattle Angus, Herefords 6 ROOM apartment with bath for N. &;;\ · Reasonable rates, Age group 5- Make good farm dop, Wll'd tractor, FUlly reconditioned and 711 2nd & 3rd CUTTING alfalfa. con­ and Holsteins, $35 each; 10 calves DUTC)iMAID spring fashions - rent May 15th. Rental $60.00 CEDAR ~ 676·2410 12. Call339-8530 for further i~- Vlcary, Jr. Phone Lealle JtT 9- · i\W'anteed, Voss 011 Co., 2347 Angus and White Face, $25 each, ditioned, 60~ a bale, Ramon oppdrtunlty to earn free cloth­ per month. Can be seen by ap­ . formation. 18w4 9311, 1Sw3 N, Cedar, Holt, Ph, 694-1721 • Roy Donald, 1287 Lamb Rd., lBwl . Waltz, Phone OR 7-7018,15w4p Ing, for detalls call Noreta Hig­ pointment, now. Call Mason 676- The Ingham County News, Wednesday, May 5, 1965- Page A-6 Phone OR 6-5663, l7w3 don, IV 9-602_9, 17wl 2471 evenings only. 1Bwl

'· l'lcd unnnlmously, Sur•orvltw1• Guci'L'Ioro ontcl•od tho Board of room, "rho I'OIIOI'l ot tho Committee on SUBURBAN aare lot - close to E~unllzntlon llrunenl<•tl tho followln" Mason. $1,200, Buying or sell­ LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES I'OllOrL I ing real Cllt!Jote; Cull Bolos Roalty, Supervisors PUBLICATION ORDER 11lw8p PUBLICATION ORDER 1005 INGHAM COUNTY EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE REPORT E·BGG A!l ASSESSED St~ cf Michigan, Probnto Court E·G8 1 Donrd of Suporvlaors ltoom; Mn· AS EQUALIZED tor tlio County of Inghnm, St4to' of Mlchlunn, Probata Cour~ non, Mlchlgon; 'fhuradoy, Avril 29, RATIO for tho County of Ingham 1005: 10:00 A. M, TOWNSHIPS Do~:~:!t of liAULAN 1\, ESTILL, Entnto of I'ETER GESUltO, Do• Real Peraonnl • 'lers Tho Donrd mot on tho nbovo date Total Real EqunJ, Tral CQOIICid. Alnledon """""""""""""" 2,327,000 14:!,200 Peroonal Totnl Renl Percent 1'1' IS ORDERED thnt on Juno 2, nt tho coli of tho Cbulrmnn, 2,470,200 6,619,428 30H,3fil Poreonal Total Fnctor of Totnl lOGG, nt 0:16 A, M. In tho Probnto I'!' IS ORDERED thut OB Juno 2, Aurolluo ""'""""""""""'" 'h719,ROO 201,413 6,987,770 41.41 38.88 l 1066, nt 2:00 1'. M. In tho Probnto Roll wna cnllod ~Y tho Clerk wltb 1,021,213 ll,87fi,r.73 41.25 ~.42401 '------'I , Courtroom, Lnnalng, llllcl:lgnn, n nunlervlsor Ruthlg and SUI>lmrted by Department nr 200 Hollhtet• llldg,, Lnnu!ng, 18w3 MlobiJI,nn National Tower, Lnal~''wa: Jl.pproprlatlon 1965 1066 Supcrvlaor Cnrr thnt the resolution Appropriation Tentative Budg'ot ,bl rtcolvod and t>luccd on tile. Cur• I, Admlnlatratlon I. BlrthH & Deotho '""'""""""""""""""'"'$ 2,200.00 $ 2,200.00 2, Donrd of Supervisors """"""""'"""'""" 28,000.00 28,000.00 8, Controller .,...... 30,660.00 40,150.00 3A, Stores & Duplicating ""'"""""""""'""" fi,OOO.OO 0,590.00 4. County Clerk """'""""'""""'"""""""""' 80,400,00 82,000,00 6. County Building Lenoe '"""'""'""'""'"'" 26,000.00 25,000.00 6, County Dulldlng Mnlntennnce """""'""' 25,340.00 21,000,0() 7, County Treasurer """"""""""""'"""""' 71,500.00 74,900.0() B. Court House, Grounds & Heat """"'"'" 32,000.00 37.600.00 9, Dog Fund '"""""""""'""'""'"""""'"""""' 18,606,00 10,000.00 10. Drain CommiRsloner ...... , ...... ,...... 26,600,00 26,000,00 11. Elections """""'"""""""'"'""""""""""'"" 10,000.00 24,000.00 12, Equallzatlon Burenu "'"""'""""""""""" 30,000,00 80,000.00 13. Insurance & Bonds '"""'""""""""""""" 23,000.00 40 Growing Years 29,800.00 14. Register ol Deeds '""""'""'"""'""'""'"" 55,000,00 60,500.00 16, Building Remodeling ""'"""""'"""""'""' 70,000.00 70,000.00 16. Retirement ...... ,...... 00,000,00 66,000.00 17. Social Security ...... , .... , .... , ...... , .... ., .. .,,.. 15,000.00 00,000,00 17A. Employees' 1nsurancc "'"""""""""""'" 27,000,00 32,000,00 17D. Employees' Longevity ""'"""""""'"""" 16,200.00 10,600,00 18. Stnte Assoc, of Supervisors """"'""""'" 2,000,00 ~.ooo.oo Story 10. Tnx Allocntion Board """'""'"""""""" 600.00 Nothing Tells the Better ---- 000.00 Total Administration '"""'"'"""'"""'"'"$ 748,990.00 II. Education ~ 769,250.00 20. Cooperntlve Extension Service ...... 24.550.00 20,000.00 21. Library '""'"'"""'""""""'"""'"'"""""""'" 72,000,00 78,000,00 22. Snlety Council of Grenier Lansing '""'" 6,000,00 ---- 8,000.00 '""""'"'""'"""""""""""$ Than the Facts and Figures Total Educntion 102,550.00 Ill, Health & Welfare 112,000.00 23. Animal Shelter """'""""'"'"""""""""'" 10,000.00 10,000.00 24. Apinry Inspection ""'""""""""'""'""""' 500,00 500.00 2G. Child Care Fund """"""""""'""'"'""'"" 250,000,00 280,000.00 26, Civil DefenRc '""'"""""'"'""""""'"""""' 15,200,00 13,500.00 JANE GUERRIERO, 27. Conln!-t'ioua Discnae ...... 8,000.00 3,000.00 28, County Health Io'und '"'""""'""""""""'" 260,000.00 290,000,00 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 20. Direct Relict '"'"""'"'""""""""""""'""' 900,000.00 900,000,00 Frank Guerriero of Ma· SO, Count1 Drnin Tax ...... , .. ,,.. , .. ., .... .,, .. .,., 18,000.00 20,000.00 81. lnghnm Mcdicnl Hospital .. , .. ,,.. .,, .. ,.,.,, 2r.o,ooo.oo 226,000.00 son, has received a 32, Lnnsing Mental Health Center """'"""' 20,000,00 30,000.00 83, County Mentnl Health Board """'"""'" 12,000.00 40,000.00 University of Michigan 34, Social Welfare "'""'"'""'"""""'""""'"""" 700,000,00 700,000,00 35. VeLe!'nnR' Burinls ...... 22,000.00 26,000,00 regents-alumni scholar· 30. SoldicrR' & Snllors' Relief ...... 30.200,00 31,000,00 37, Stnte Institutions "'"'"""""'"'""""'""'" HO.OOO.OO 150,000.00 ship. She is the top ---- Total Henlth & Welfare "'""'"'"'"'"""'"$2,641,500.00 $2,720,000.00 student in this year's IV. Law Enforcement 38 Circuit Court .... ,.. , .. ., .. .,., .... ., .. , ...... ,...... 172,000.00 190,000,00 senior class. Scholar· 89: CoroncrH ...... 10,500,00 12,500.00 40, Friend of the Court ...... 95,800.00 120,000,00 ships are awarded on 41. Justice Courts ""'"""'""'""'""'"""""'""" 100,000,00 106,000,00 42. Probntc Court """"'""""'"""'"""""""'" 101,000.00 190,000,00 tl1e basis of compet­ 43, Prosecuting Atlorney '"""""'""""'"""'"" 134,000,00 148,000.00 14, Sherif[ , .. ,., .. .,, ...... ,...... ,., ...... , .. ., .... , 406,400,00 450,000.00 itive examinations. 45. Sheri!! - Wnter Sntety """""'"'""""" 2,000.00 2,000.00 Total Law Enforcement .. .,, .. , ...... ,.,$1,111,700,00 V. Milscellancous Services $1,218,600,00 46, Cnpital Outlay ""'""'"""""""""'"""'"" 15,500.00 LUXURY APARTMENTS -2bed- ·17. Cn1:itnl City Ain•ort , .... ,.,, .... ,...... 80,000.00 30,000.00 rooms, carpet, drapes, patio, 48, County Pnrk ll'und ...... 35,000.00 41,000,00 .fg, EnRt Michil::nn Tourist Association ...... 800.00 4oo·.oo ultra modern kitchen with built in 60. l'nlr Boord ,,., ...... , ...... , ...... 11,400,00 12,000.00 appliances, Call Marie Barton, 51. l''nlr P.remlum~ ...... : ...... 4,000.00 4,000.00 62. Ingham Soli Conservation District """" 300.00 300.00 OR 7-1 I 61. 17w3 53, Tri-Co, ReRionnl Planning Commission .. 4.J,,JOO.OO 47,000.00 54, Trl-Co, Stwclnl Project """"'"'""'""""' 2,000.00 2,000.00 65. Contingent Fund ...... , UPSTAIRS APARTMENT - 3 ----106,000.00 200,000.00 roo~ru~ and fUll bath. Stove 1'otnl Mlseellnneous Servicea ...... $ 248,900.00 $ 387,800.00 and refrigerator fUrnished, Lo­ TOTAL ,, .. :, .... , .. , ...... ,,,.,.,,.,, .. , .. ,,,.,,.,,.,$4, 85 :!,6 4 0,0 0 $5,14 7,050,00 Le" Estimated Revenue """"""""'"""'"" , 400,000,00 450,000,00 cated 306 1/2 w. Columbia, Ma­ Less Income Prlor Years ...... 3<10,632.00 344,000,00 son. Call 677-6511. 16w3 NET LEVY .. ,,,.,.,.,.,.,,,,,.,,,.., ...... , .. ,., .. ,.,$4,058,008.00 $4,863,050.00 County Tax Unto 5.92 JOHN M, PATRIARCHE W. L. JEWETT HUGH W. SILSBY j Help Wanted MAURICE L. DURKEE April 27, 1065 WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE AGRICULTURE help Wluited • Phone IV 2-9021. Cottage Gar­ MARRIED man wanted to work Moved by Supervisor Patriarche OIJ nnd SUJIIlorted by Supervisor Silsby dens Inc., 2707 W. St. Joseph, dairy farm, Modern house. tlml the report be adopted. Cnrried Phone Dansville MA 3-2596. Lan~ing. 1Bw1 by roll cnll with n!J members voting therefor e~cept Supervisor Sinter 1Bw3 who voted ••No". Chnirmnn Cavnnnugh then declared the Donrd ndjourned until Tuesdny, ACT NOW -- Full Time. Pleas- May ll. 1065 ut ten o'clock in the ant, easy work in Mason & DARROW'S Standard -needs man forenoon. for full time position. Must HEJ,EN B. EVERITT, Holt, Earnings start Immediate­ De[•uty County Clerk ly, No experience necessary, have some mechanical ability, AUSTIN CAVANAUGH, Write Rawle!gh, Dept. MCE-672- Inquire at the station. lBwl Chnfrmnn 1716, Freeport, Ill. 18w2p 2 BUILDING LOTS •• adjoin- WANTED - Experienced single ing, In Mason, 2 blockll from high school, shade, Mrs. Don GOOD OPENING • In Mason & mar. for farm work. Fred Fich­ ter, 2131 Okemos Rd., 4 miles Densmore, phone OR 6-5562 or Holt, Full time business sell­ OR 6-1511. !lw5* Ing Rawlelgh Household Pro­ north of Mason. 18w1 ducts. start at once. Must have SUBDIVISION -land at farm price car, Get more particulars. Raw­ 47 acres fertile sod on east RELIABLE high school boy - side of Hull road hallway be­ leigh Dept. MCE- 672-2081 Free­ port, Illinois. I 8w2p wanted for farm work, After tween Bellvue and Olds roatls at school, Saturdays and during Lesl!e. Owner, Richard Powers, summer vacation. Phone OR 6- 102 Hope Ave., Santa Barbara, WOMAN - wanted to help with 4081. 18w3 On May ·1, 1925, a National Bank Charter was granted Dear Friends . . . housework. 2 or 3 days a week,. Calif. 18w3 to this bank. This is ,how we have grown: Call 699-2858. 16w3 This year marks our 40th anniversary INotices COTTAGE for sale - Bath lake, and we thought you might be interested in the FARM HELP WANTED • pat­ 403 Woodside Dr. near Greg­ TOTAL ASSETS almost unbelievable progress this bank has made. time or day help. Phone Ma- ory. Connected with large chain of CAR WASH • Paul Sunoco Sta- June:3o, 1925'----$138,807.00 son OR 7-0402. 17w3 lakes, good fishing & boating. It is the heartfelt appreciation to the thousands tion sponsored by Poor Paul Cottage furnished, fireplace, new 1930 4~7,778.49 M!ssln-Pistons, SUnday, May 9, of Dart National customers that this institution gas furnace, gas stove & water WANTED: Bus drivers. One full from 8:00 - 6:00. $1.00 with a 1935 357,642.03 heater, refrigerator, Insulated has been able to grow in service as well as de­ tlme pos!tlon and substitutes. fill up or $1.50 regular. 18w1p year around. For appointment Inquire Mason Public schools, 1940 1,393,518.51 posits these many years. Certainly such a record Phone OR 7-SOll. l6w3 phone Wood Realty, 654 \\'.Grand 1945 2,873,349.11 RUMMAGE SALE • May 7 & River, Wllliamston, 655-2244 or would be impossible without your loyalty and B. Sponsored by the St. James 655-2535. 18w3 1950 4,100,736.22 support. We are indeed grateful. Rosary & Altar Society. Hours: 1955 6,215,971.99 Situations Wanted Fri. 9:00 a.m. • 7:00 p.m.; Sat. 9:00 a.m. • 12 noon, at the church 2 ONE HALF ACP.E lots for 1960 8 457,625.49 hall. 18w1 sale on Tomlinson, 150' front­ DART NATIONAL SANK age, Phone w.L. Jewett, OR 7- 1965 111 >03,441. 38J Mason, Michigan 5042. 18wl LIGHT CARPENTER work want- FOUR ROOM HOUSE for sale - ed. Custom cabinet work, cup­ with bathroom, basement, one ba&rd doors and drawers. Furni­ car garage on one acre. Well HARRISON • near Budd Lake. ture repalr, 250 N, Jefferson, , insulated with gas heat, new well, Call 677-1874 after six. Modern 3 bedroom cottage, pump, drain field, storms and 220 knotty pine interior. For infor­ 1tiwSp outlet for electric stove, Can be mation call Leslie JU 9-3751; seen at 1109 S, Hu'lroad, Mason. week ends call Harrison, Kel­ For more information call Rich­ logg 9-9592. 16w3 0art National's Officers • • ard Perry, Stanton, Mlch. TE 1- • • And Board of Directors wn.L CARE for children 1n my 5391. 17w3 home, Phone 676-26~!. 16w3 Rollin Dart, President RUMMAGE SALE- at the Okemos WANTED -2 family income prop­ Benjamin Bim Masonic Temple, May 12, 9:30 erty 1n Mason. Call Boles Real­ Benjamin Barr, Vice-President WORK WANTED -sewers, sep. a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and May 13, ty, Mason, OR 7-2361. 16w3p James N. Brawn. tic tanks, & drain fields Installed, 9:30 to noon. 1Bw1 . All kinds of digging, Call 677- Albert H. Humphrey, Executive Vice-President 1 7212. 18w3 Rollin Dart 30 ACRE FARM • Wllllatrulton Leonard Carter, Cashier ·Real Estate • Homes Ra&d. $2,500 down payment. John W. Davis $75 month. Call Boles Realty, WANT ED - Someone to work Mason OR 7-2361. 16w3p Marion Block, Assistant Vice-Pres.ident small acreage on shares. 4 Mrs. Nellie Edgar m 'les southeast of Mason, corner MODERN - 2 bedroom home, Delmer Kramer, Assistant Vice-President garage, near shopping area, for FOR SALE • by owner, small of Kelley and Rolfe roads, Phone 2 bedroom modern redwood Albert H. Humphrey 676-1977. · 18w3 sale by owner. Cal 677-0151. 18w3p home, on lake site, Phone Bath MI 1·6630. 16w3

'MASON It Sure Was Crazy·,

Crazy Bowlers really were! Serious bowlers who just happened to be at Mason Lanes Tuesday and Wednesday nights couldn 1t believe their eyes. The building -and especially the alleys­ were filled with men and women decked out in centennia I costumes and racing through the crowd throughout the evenings were Keystone Kops chasing beardless chickens and beardless chickens chasing the Keystone Kops, The event was one of the most successful centennial events as these pictures prove. Mrs. Neva Royer was general chairman of the Crazy Bowling event and Wednesday night proved herself to be the leader .by bowling in a 30-year-old bathing suit.

The Chickens wouldn 1t go to roost Tuesday night. The roosters turned on Versile Babcock of the Keystone Kops and shackled him .to Mrs. Marvin Miller didn•t let the Crazy o door. Bowlers spoil her game. This pictul'e captures her determination to get the ball down to the pins before a Keystone Kop could catch it.

Kangaroo Court Judge Howard McCowan pounded his bowling ball and pronounced Ken Horn guilty (the judge didn't say guilty of what). The prosecutor, Versile Babcock demanded action and finally got it before the night was over. He was later chained to the front door of the bowling alley.

Chief Chicken at Crozy Bowlers was Doc Langham. This pouting picture shows why the Keystone Kops are having a tough time getting Unrest in the court was apparent Tuesday night. Here Doc Langham some men to thow away their razors. and other Chickens plead their case at a Kangaroo Court session at Mason Lanes.

Mrs. James Stubbert had a king-size Mrs. Billie Shinevar maintained handicap. She was boll and chained to her famous approach shot Tuesday night a chair and you•d be surprised how that .. but her fancy footwork was hidden in the can change your bowfins average. long centennial dress.

The Ingham County News, ·w~dnesday 1 f-./y;jy 5, 1965 - Page A-8 ..., • Facts About State Police Michigan Mirror I

By Elmer E, White "Most all of us have hoard poses, Both governmental agen­ To Have NEED CIVIL WAR STORIES some or those stories but It Is cies are: bound by secrecy pro­ Wheat Stories based on Civil War a job to get Individuals 'to sit visions which guard against Im­ activities are In demand cur­ down and write them out so that proper use of tax information. Open House rently as the state Ci vii War Mrs, M!llbrook may put them In Centennial Observance commls- • •••• Program shape for pub 11 cation," said Tax returns made available to The Michigan State Police wtll . sion concludes Its five years of Ha.tght, Lock•s department would be only The proposed wheat legilation work, hold their ninth annual open house "We no doubt will find that those specifically requested and will mean higher Incomes for The commission was appoint­ at each post Tuesday, May 18, some of these stories will ap­ would be Issued only to author­ wheat producers than tile current Hospitality Day of M i chI g an ed by former Gov. John B. Swain­ proach what we might call myth­ ized personnel, programs, At the same time the son to bring to ll(o(ht the contri­ 1 Weelt, it is announced by Com. ology, but most ot them do have The department chief stressed cost of the program wlll be low­ misBioner Joseph A. Childs, ouuons of Michigan people In 1 some basic truth,' he sa.td,"OUr the fact that the exchange plan ered to the taxpayer, Franlt Light, Visiting hours at the East Lan­ the war between the states. commission feels that it Is im­ would provide greater certainty chairman of the Michigan ASC · Life of the commission ends sing post w!U be from 0:00a.m, portant to obtain some of these that persons would be discov­ ·State committee, sa.td this week, to 8:00 p.m., accordi!lg to Sgt. this year. A part of Its work has stories to preserve a part of ered If they fa!led to flle com­ been the publication of a seles In the past 4 years, the take­ Carl Harrison, commanding of­ our heritage which will be lost plete returns with either state home pay of the average famlly ficer, of books on Michigan's partlcl­ otherwise." or federal authorities. pation In the war has sharply Increased, ..we have Persons call1ng at the post ***• Some 37 other states have si m­ substantially enlarged the direct w111 be escorted on tours ot the ***• COMPARE TAX NOTES llar agreements with the Inter­ . food distribution ·program, • , we Still In progress Is the pre- 11 quarters and seo an exhibit of A "helping hand In check­ nal Revenue Service. District have increased the food purchas­ paration ota book entitled ''Twice equipment and facilltles. Ing state tax resm:rces has been Director R.I. Nixon in Detroit ing power of families partlcipa­ Told Tales of the Cl vll War" to ''Visitors are always welcome extended to the Revenue Depart­ said the program has been of tlng in the Food Stamp program at a stn.te police post.u Ser­ be edited by Mrs. Mildred Mill­ ment by the U ,S, Internal Reve- mutual advantage in the other brook, She performed a similar from 25 to 38 per cent. , • and we geant Harrison said, "but this is nue Service. · states. · have launched a series of pro­ job on another commission pub..: a special reception and a fino Clnrence W, Lock, revenue The states release informa­ grams designed to help millions opportunity to see how a post op­ lication. "Michigan Women In commissioner, says his depart­ tion to the federal service from the Civil War." escape from poverty. All these erates and learn about the many ment has an arrangement with various state tax returns, such developments point to one con­ Floyd L. Haight, commission activities ot the State Police.'' the federal unlt providing for an as those required under estate clusion: there wm be no hard­ chairman, is looking !or between 'rhe East Lansing post is lo­ exchange of tax Information be­ and corporate laws. ship because of the commodity 150 and 200 stories of the war tween the two agencies. cated at 714 South Harrison road programs we are proposing to-. and is eas1ly identified. which ar Loclt emphasilled the informa­ BIG WORK**** BITE day. which are recalled by relatives Open house has always been a tion exchanged on a request basis Despite deadlines already set Farmers everywhere want to or friends of Civil War veterans. would be used only for tax pur- popular event and Sergeant Har­ for legislative action, including produce in abundance and they rison is hopeful the response is ~------a .mid-summer adjournment date, want to produce this abundance repeated, most observers agree a long ses­ at a profit, The Michigan state flag as Dexter Trail Stock Horse Club sion is In the offing. · Consumers everywhere want well as the American flag w!U With government reorganilla­ to eat wholesome nutrltlous diets be flown at the post each day of tion ·and fiscal reform still hang­ regularly, and to eat well at a Michigan Weelt• which extendB I ing in the air without form, there minimum cost. from Sunday, May 16, through t HORSE SHOW appears little hope these major The tax dollars which are saved Saturday, May 22. areas can be acted upon along can go to finance the "War on ' . ~ . May 16, 1965 with other pending controversial Poverty" including the "Food legislation by the scheduled ad­ Stamp Program" which will make Fairgrounds Mason, Michigan journment. an adequate diet ava.tlable to as As in previous sessions, it Is many as 4 million needy Amer­ expected this year will find the icans In the next few years. Special.Day STARTING TIME -1:00 P.M. SHARP legislature extending its work­ 'l'he increased value of the time indefinitely when summer wheat certl!lcate, if passed on to I. Horses at Halter 2 years and under arrives. Best guess is the ma­ the consumer, might raise the C!mirmen jority of the work wlll be ac­ cost of wheat in a loaf of bread 2. Ponies at Halter 4 years and under complished by early or mid­ by about 7/10 of a cent. Any 3. Western Pleasure Men and Boys 14 ye9rs and July In time of the new bud­ additional Increase cannot hon­ Are Picked over get to take effect. estly be charged to the new An adjournment is then ex­ farm bill, Names of Ingham countY's 4. Western Pleasure Ladies and Girls 14 years pected for a month or longer The total effect o! providing chairmen for the 7 days of Mi­ and over before resumptlon of a fall ses­ a higher return to the wheat chigan Week have been announced sion to deal with such weighty farmer from the marketplace by Robert J. Rentschler, county problems as fiscal reform. chairman for the 1965 observ­ 5. Horsemanship 17 years and under- Western would be to Increase the cost • REX BULLEN, left, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bullen Mason Seat From present indications, at of food to the consumer about ance, least that much time wlll be need­ 3.1 cents per week or $1.60 a Appointed to head the county•s l~noculates a rabbit witH. antigens in a Michigan State universit/micro- ' 6. Pony ride and lead (ride down and lead back) ed before any firm plans for new year per capita, activities for the various days or revised revenue measures to It would increase the food ex­ are: b1o~ogy c.lass under ~h.e supervision of graduate assistant Gary Dardas. The 7. Pleasure Driving- Walk- Trot- Extended be drawn and ready for consid­ penditures for a family of four Spiritual Foundations day(May ant•.gens In the rabb1t s bloodstream cause increased production of anti­ Trot eraton by the entire legislature. about one-half of one per cent. 16) -- Father James Murray, Chancery Diocese of Lansing; bod•es, substances which combat, disease. Later, the students will take 8. Horsemanship 17 years and under- English Our Government day (May 17) blood samples to check the level of antibodies in the rahbit 1s blood, In this Seat -- Harry Spenny of Mason, Ing­ Jewett Funeral Home ham county treasurer; Hospital­ way, th.ey can lear? a~ut .t~e re~at!ons~ip between antigens and antibody 9. English Pleasure Class ity day (May 18) -- Mrs. Loyd production. Bullen IS a 1un1or ma1onng 1n medical technology and a fanner "THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVICE" McManus of 2224 Pleasant Grove peace corps member. Funeral services at prices people can afford to pay road, Lansing, Welcome Wagon 10. Horsemanship 10 years and under 14- and Newcomers• club; Our Live­ PHONE OR 7-6151 Eng I ish Seat Ambulance Service MASON lihood day (May 19) -- Robert Rentschler of 312 E. Brookfield 11. Horsemanship 10 years and under 14- drive, East Lansing and radio Western Seal· station WSWM; Education day (May 20) -- Dr. Clair L. Tay­ Tri-County Planners Eye 12. Pony Pleasure Class English or Western lor of 1420 Sunnyside, Lansing, Notice a~soclate director of admissions 14 years and under and scholarships, Michigan State 13. Horsemanship under 10 years- walk-trot university; Our Heritage day Water Supply and Fall-Out (May 21) -· Mrs. H. M. Wal­ only - Eng I ish or Western Seat lin of 826 Genesee, Lansing, Two items of mn.jor Impor­ 14. Barrel Bending (One horse- One rider) Michigan Department of Conser­ utes after they receive a warn­ 3 of a series of mi.lluals en­ vation; Our Youth day (May 22) tance to En.ton, Ingham, and Clin­ In&'. Miller said motorized trans­ 15. Three- Legged Race--( One horse - One Starting Monday morning, May 3, ton county residents--water re­ titled "Guldin&" Land SUbdiVid­ -- Bob Carey of 1244 N. Hay­ portation has bu~n ruled out, ing,'• that are being prepared rider) 1965, at 8 a.m. Holt road will be closed. The ford, Lansing, radio station sources and community fallout since movement. of the number WlLS, shelters--were discussed by as an a.td to government offi­ of vehicles necessary to do the cials and private citizens in­ 16. Egg and Spoon Ride detour route will be starting at Holt and Phillips, Dr. and Mrs. David Machtel of members of the Tri-County re&'­ job in this time span would flood ional p 1 ann In g commission at volved in subdividing projects. •/ north to Willoughby, west to Pine Tree, south to 2224 Pamela, Lansing, who teach the streets and halt the !low About 900 of the books will be Entry Fee $1.00 All Day In the music department at Lan­ the April session Thursday. of trat!ic. Keller road and west to U.S" 127. This will remain Passed unanimously was a re .. sent to &'OVernment officials in sing Community college, will di­ Willing, he sa.td, appears to be the near future, and others will Enter As Many Classes As You rect county cultural activities solution calling for a speed-up the best way of having people effective the remainder of the summer. in a study of ground water sup­ be made ava.tlable to persons during Michlgan·WeEk. move to the shelters. This would concerned with subdiVision de­ Can Qualify for Theme of this year's observ­ plies 1n the r~ilon. The survey, necessitate assigning them to now being madfl by the u.s. Geo. velopment. ance ~s "Michigan -- Dynamic in shelters not more than 3/4 ot Part three of the sarles In­ & World Progress." logical SUrvey, is to be com­ a m1le !rom their homes. Young Trophy lst. 2nd. Place Ingham County Road Commission pleted in 3 or 4 years, instead cludes such data as standards sa.td all local agencies worklng on and designs deta.tls for subdi­ o! the original six. the shelter project have shown Five Ribbons Presently, almost all water visions, as weU as Information a high degree of lntere st and on determining the best loca­ used in the 3 counties comes cooperation in carrying out work Lunch Stand on Grounds !rom ground sources. As pop­ tions for developments. A check on the program. list, which ltem1zes all ot the Dexter Trail Stock Horse Club Not Responsible ulation expands, more and more Also announced at the April water will be needed, and the step~< a subdivider should take, in Case of Ace ident or injury. meeting was completion of part is included in the manual. 18wJ [,~,;,,~;1~\l~i;~,:':';~']i survey is expected to provide data that will permit various area political units to effective. ly plan fo1· and meet these needs. The $120,000 study will be ApplicatOrs financed through $60,000 prO­ Operators Mark vided by the u.s. Geological Sur­ vey, and $60,000 from the plan­ Cut.Over Date Of Poisons ning commission and the area's ew Electric Water Heating Rate various water supply systems, Friday, April 30, marks the Planning Commission Execu ... 25th anniversary of Michigan Bell Need License tive Director Robert N. Young Telephone company's cut-over Persons who apply pesticides said the speed-up will not result to the dial system In Mason. FOR FAST-RECOVERY WATER HEATERS in i.lly additional costs. outdoors for hire, even when the The group of women who worked material Is part of a fertilizer Commission members a! so there at the time of the change­ -1--1---1--1-- - + now In eifecf ... allows Fast-Recovery Electric heard preliminary data on a com­ application, are requiredtobeli­ over w111 meet at Andy's in censed as an economic poisons : munity fallout shelter program Charlotte for dinner that even­ being carried out by the plan­ ing. appllcator under a 1959 state Water Heaters to operate uncontrolled law. ning unit, the area's civil de­ 24-hours-a-day to supply you with fense and law enforcement agen­ The women included In this Licenses cost $10 a yeu, ex­ cies, and the u.s. Army Corps group are Mrs. Lillian Wise, piring each December 31, and are ALL THE HOT WATER YOU WANT ••• AT LOW COST! ot Enilneers. Mrs. Harry Howell, Mrs. Orin issued by the M!chign Depart. The aim of the program-­ Hall, Mrs. Ruth Shultis, Mrs. ment of Agriculture's Plant In­ which is to be completed in Bud Chamberlain, now of Les­ dustry Division after the appli­ Hot water ... all you w;mt and no waiting ... that's what you get cant !Ills out satisfactorily a 15- when you install a compact, fast-recovery, economical electric water June--Is to determIne which lle, Mrs. Harold King, Lansing, and Mrs. George WhYte, Sr. questlon appllcation. Exempt are heater! Dishes ... cleaning ... laundry .. , baths ... these are the buildings in the region can be used for shelters, assign resi­ persons who apply economic pol­ hot water demands of the modern family. But there's plenty of hot dents of specific areas to spe­ sons to their own property or those not performing the ser­ water to handle everything with the fast-recovery electric water heater! cific shelters, determine if ad­ vice for hire as in cii.Ses of ditional shelters are needed and Mystery Solved one farmer trading work with if so. where they should be built. Mrs. Ralph Hart Is this week's another farmer. Associate Planner R i chard mystery farm winner. She cor­ Miller told commission members In th opinion ot C.A. Boyer, rectly ident1!1ed the !arm as be­ Plant Industry Division Chief, there appears to be enough suit­ longing to Clyde Smith and lo­ some people may be unawa.re ar able buildings in the Lansing me­ cated on Nichols road. Mrs. Hart violating the law. tropolitan area to take care of can pick up a check for $5 "Anyone apply!ni fer til! ze r all citizens, but that the prob­ when she stops Into the News that contains an insecticide or lem of moving people into the office. Smith has a free aerial weed klller and Is doing it for shelters fast enough will be very photo of his farm waiting for him hire Is required to be licensed," diff1cult. Officials believe that at the News o!flce. Another mys. he sa.td. "Some landscape main­ per sons would have to be In the tery farm picture will appear In tenance men or arborlculturists shelters no longer than 30 min- next week's News. may be making applications of fertilizer which contaJn an in­ secticide i.lld are subject to be licensed," He also pointed out persons applying liquid nitropn fert111- ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS zer to which herbicides have been added are In Violation 1t ser­ CAN BE INSTALLED ALMOST vices are performed on a. for-· ANYWHERE ••• EVEN IN A CLOSET hire basis and the applicator is not licensed, See your Electric Water Heating Dealer No Venting Necessary Applications for an economic poisons applicator's license are available at the d!V1slon•s otficea OfT HE &OlDEn RUI! in the state or by writ1nr to the Lansing .otfice of the Mt~ Mason iga.n Agricultural· Department's Plant Industry Division, Boating Accident Increase I Brings Education Proposal

Water accidents are on the ln­ "Our doalers do nil they can creaBe. The governor's Water to advise a person new to boat­ Safety Advisory Council met in Ing about equipment he needs," Detroit April 27 to tell tho public says Burch, "They even discour­ what It has been doing about the problem, age the buyer from selecting' a motor too large for his boat, John Church, Midland Coast Thai's going pretty far with eth­ Guard Aux1llarlst and chairman Ics," at the council created by Gov. Romney last year, says a mas- As another solution to the 111Ye education program is about growing problem of water safety to begin In Michigan, Boat own­ Burch proposes that "we let the ers and others using lakes and public know there are policemen streams for pleasure, he says, on the waters." He says he wW have more chances In 1965 thinks much of the carelessness than ever bofore to learn how inherent In boating accidents to play sate. could be prevented 1! more skip.­ One ot the council's efforts pers realized they could get tick­ 111 a safe boating course to be ets or be tined for violations. OUered thJs spring and summer On& ot the answers may be in hJgh schools, to boating groups, the marine deputy, About 100 and to industry. of t h e s e waterborne sheriffs' The course wa.s developed by deputies are training now for & water safety council member, patrol work this summ·er. the state boating control com­ Among the members ot the mittee, It covers state boating governor's safety councll are ll.ws, water safety rules, anti the u.s. Coast Guard, Power ll1esavlng techniques, Squil.ds, Boy Scouts and Girl The course has been well re­ Scouts ot America, American ceived by the public, accordlnr Red Cross, the Michigan Slier­ to Its orlrlnator, James Hadley, ills Association, and the state administrator of the boatlnB" con- pollee, LIONS CLUB MEMBERS will stage their annual lightbulb sale trol committee. · for a week beginning May 10. The sale is a major event designed to raise other safety efforts are dir­ ected at the boating public by funds for various community projects. The club has some new talent to help another w at e r safety council with the _work this year. These men were inducted into the club at a special member, the MJchlgan Marine Gross Fires Keep Dealers Association. ladies night at Mason school cafeteria last week. Shown are William Hus­ Association members often are Firemen Busy band, Wayne Engle, Robert L. Leonard, Frank Young, Roland Church and the only persons who stand be­ tween a novice boater and the LESLIE - The Leslie Fire de­ Richard Hoover. Two other new members not in picture.are Harold Ware and potentially dangerous water, says partment was called out on local Sheldon Bibbins. The induction was conducted by Leonard Burleigh, past Frank E, Burch, executive sec­ calls five times this week to ex­ retary of the ns11ociat1on, tinguish five grass fires, district governor and a member of the Lansing Lions club. MATCHBOX DERBY WINNERS - Winners of the annual Matchbox Derby of the Y-lndian Guides in the speed category were, back row 1. tor., •/•'' Kris Hagen bush, Class B; Kevin Ringer, Class C, and Jeff Soergel, Class D, and front row, Dan Gorman, Class A and Grand Champion and John R. Evans, executive secretary of the sponsoring Parkwood Branch YMCA. Winners Are Proclaimed In Parkwood YMCA DEnby Four boys from Okemos and tiny cars are built by the fath­ Mustang automobiles mounted on two each from East Lansing and ers and the sons, with the dec­ Haslett grabbed top honors at the a redwood ba.se. The Mustangs orating done enllrely by the boys. were donated by 2 area· Ford annual Matchbox Derby of the . Trophies thJs year were model Parkwood Branch YMCA, held dealers, Saturday, April 24 at the Has­ lett Junior High School gym, Thirty cars were entered In this annual event ot the Y-Indian Herrick Briefs Guides of the Iroquois Nation, Grand Champion was Dan Gor­ Mrs. Susie Gerhardstein re­ Mrs. Ernest Elzerman re­ man, 81 of 1286 Flamingo, Has­ turned home last week from a turned home from the hospital lett, Gorman won the Class A, 1 two weeks' visit In Mt. Sterling, last week end. or first-year member event, and Kentucky. Mrs. Don MacKenzie, who has then defeated the winners of the Mr. and Mrs. Glen West called been In Lansing Gimeral hospital other three classes In the double­ on Mrs. Genevlve Hefty at tile for 5 weeks, returned home elimination finals, Masonic home In Alma and re­ last Thursday. Other class winners were: port her condition much improv­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steadman Class B, two- year members, ed. The Wests visited atthe Rob­ and Mrs. Ruth House attended Kris Hagenbush, B, 1485 Biscayne ert Moore home 1n West Branch the funeral of Wlll Oesterle In Way, Haslett; Class c, three­ during the week end. Wllllamston, year members, Kevin Ringer, 10, Mr. and Mrs. W1lliam Dunavln Mrs, Robert Bessert had sur­ 2336 Rockwood Dr., Ea.st Lan­ and daughter, Nellann, and Mrs. gery on her foot last Wednesday, sing, and Class D, unlimited, Gerald Wheeler of Dexter called Her mother, Mrs. Nevah Yocom, Jett Soergel1 11, 2198 Seminole, on Mrs, Susie Gerhardstein last is staying with her, Okemos. Thursday evening. A Mother-Daughter banque! ls Trophies tor the best decorat­ Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Strobel planned at the Methodist church ed cars In the four classes went and chlldren, Don and Betsy, Mr. Friday, May 7, at 6:30 p.m. to Gary Englander, 6, 4523 Cher­ and Mrs. Edward Strobel and Tickets may be purchased from okee Way, Okemos; scott Roth, children, Linda and Sandra, and Mrs. Howard Jenks, Mrs. How­ 81 2187 Seminole Dr.; Okemos; Mr. and Mrs. George Phillips ard McComb, Mrs. Carl Oes~ Jack Brown, 11, 2214 Heather were guests at the home of Mr. terle, Susie Gerhardstein and Dr., East Lansing, and Sam Me and Mrs. Ed Strobel Sr. last Mrs. Kenneth Cool. Quade, 8, 1320 Ethel St., Oke­ Saturday evening, honoring the mos, 17th birthday of Don Strobel. This annual father-son event Mrs. Blanche Hughes of Detroit Is one of the highlights of the called on Mrs. Ruth House re­ Y-Indian Guide program, The cently. Potato Dansville Agricultural Check-up School District Offered Serological testlna---a sort of "potato physical check-up" --is not beingo!fered to Michigan seed NOTICE producers, The new service ot the Mich­ Igan Crop Improvement Associa­ Of Last Day tion tests individual potato plants to find those free from viruses s, M, X andY. Only those which Of Registration do not have these viruses wUl Here's proof that Ford's new Big Six-America's biggest be propagated and Increased as NEW FORD 240-CU. IN. SIX Last day for registration of qualified electors Premier Foundation seed, -outperforms standard Chevrolet and Plymouth Sixes! "The serological test Is now Automobile Racing Club .of America experts set up a of Dansville Agricultural School District scheduled an intricate part of the Mich­ for June 14, 1965, is Igan seed potato program," re­ PROVED BEST OF BIG 3 IN 1200-mile run from Detroit, Michigan, to Daytona ports Richard W, Chase, Mich­ Beach, Florida. Performance tests along the course Igan State university crop sci­ Monday, May 17,1965 entist, "It supplements visual ex­ ACCELERATION, PASSING AND were designed to duplicate normal, everyday driving amination for disease with ala­ conditions. Test results below show that Ford's Big at 5 o'clock P.M. boratory technique in an attempt to screen seed plots for the best Six delivered superior performance ... the kind that Those qualified may register with respective plants," FUEL ECONOMY TESTS! will pay off in your kind of driving, too! :.(i~,-, township clerks as follows: To take advantage at the ser­ vice, seed producers removefour ._.D~£A'Tiii!\G" ·Bunkerhi/1 Moretto Lawrence to six leaves from plants they wish to propagate In their seed ARCA-CONDUCTED AND OFFICIALLY SANCTIONED TEST RESULTS: proil"lim, These are put in sam~ Ingham pie trays and sent to Lake City CITY HIGHWAY HILL Leland Perrine, Sr. QUARTER-MILE HILL CLIMB fUEl ECONOMY MEASURED where their I eat juice Is squeezed TEST PASSING PASSING PASSING BRAKING AT . out. ACCELERATIO~ (500 FT.) AT 30 MPH CROSS·COUNTRY FUEL ECONOMY LeRoy Vernon Hoc/ge AT 50 MPH AT 20 MPH 60 MPH 1170 MILES (I GAL.) A serum is then added to the FORD "juice," Microscopic examina~ 20.24 sec. 8.54 sec. 5.25 sec. 4.90 sec. 7.85 sec. 156 ft. 6)-'2 in. 19.60 mpg 23.20 Miles Leslie Maurine Snow tlon determines whether or not CHEVROLET 20.71 sec. 8.84 sec. the plant contains any of these 5.30 sec. 4.81 sec. 8.45 sec. 164 ft. 4)-'2 in. specl!ic viruses, 18.82 mpg 22.27 Miles Stockbridge PLYMOUTH 20.36 sec. 8.70 sec. 5.46 sec. Harmon Camburn 6.47 sec. 8.40 sec. 201 ft. Y2 in. 17.54 mpg 21.29 Miles .. Dansville Woman Vevay Blanche Wheeler Taken,By Death Wheotfielc/ Jean Soule DANSVILLE--Funeral ser­ vices were last Frld&y at the Test·IJ?veAmen~s · Eo~d White Oak Ball-Dunn tuner&! home inDans. h1ggest new SIX a_t . .ll Dealers Wayne Baker ?1lle tor Mrs, Freeda E, Nu­ sick who died l&st week on Tues. dliy at a Mason hospital. She was .. 83 years old, Burial was In Fair­ Grant C. Putnam view cemetery here, Roy Christensen, Inc. Secretary . Survivors include her husband, Board of Education Albert; a daulhter, Mrs. Nor~ Mason, Michigan Kistler at Stoctbridlf!, 2 sons0 Ezra of Florld&&DdAmandaDon. Th•lngham County News, Wednesday, May 5, 1965- Page B-2 18w2 ald Jones ot Muaa, &lid ulster, Mrs, Mar)' Allltlllt ClfDaaayfUt, . . Lnlw Ode~sa were Sunday guests 'l'he board or Missions and of Anway's parents, Mr. and Church extcmslon of the Metho­ Dansville News Notes Mrs. Cart Anway, dist c:hurches of the Ann Arbor Install find Haylage Nyte Stetler of Perrysburg, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Peters Mr. and Mrs. Leo Selaslw district will JnC!et at the Dans­ of Stoclr /norian Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cosgray Davis is Korean war vet­ the winter, but this would not be Mrs. Iva Clickner. of Mr. and Mrs. Paul West and Phlllp Scrtpter, Mr, Ware attended the National a and famlly were Friday evening Mrs, Leah Grosshans of Fitch­ family and helped Janice observe Mr. and Mrs. Don Glover and el'an, served on tlte Clark Lake, particularly economical for sum­ guests of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Photo Dealers and Photo Fin­ mer feeding, especially when It GREEN ACRES burg visited her mother, Mrs. her 6th birthday. son of Wei.Jbervllle were Sunday Ishers convention, Michigan School Board, is a Brooks. Sunday guests at the Nina Wing, Friday evening, Mr. an

WAYNE G. FEIGHNER & ASSOCIATES- Auctioneers, Liquidators Mason, Michigan Phone 676-5028

The Ingham County News, Wednesday, M:Jy 5,.1965- Page B-3 106 Honor Pasture Renovation Holt Births HOLT - Mr. lllld Mrs. Allen e. Agricultu1·e In Action NlghswlUlder, 2560 EUort road,• Time Cut By Science Holt are parents ot a dau1htor, Students Pamela Suo, born Aprll 22nd at By M, L, Woell is 16 year-old Miss Linda Tny­ Ingham Modica! hospital. Research shows that Michigan band seeding. Tesar advises this Champions All lor ot Fremont, who confessed Born to Mr lllld Mrs. Dale farmers can now renovate pas­ type of ~oedlng with p_ress wheels Work Is what makes a cham­ that although she has lived on a E. DoZoss, 2060 Burton stroot, On Roll tures in loss than haU the time on the drill or followed by cultl­ pion, Hard worlt and the wlll farm all of her life, 11 one doesn't Holt, a son, Todd Mitchell, April DANSVILLE-- Dansvllle high thllll was formerly considered packin~r. · to win. ThAI's the mallie !or­ ordlnarlly think much about dairy 23 at Ingham Medical hospital. school this week released the possible. The seeding job should bP. mula that took Michigan's Terry foods--they are just there." All Bam to Mr and Mrs, Claudo L. names of 106 students who qual­ The two "keys" to t h 1 s a­ completed before m!d-Au8'Ust in McDermott all the way tram Bay of this has changed following Sanders, South Washington road, ified for the honor roll for the chievement are (1) tho farmer's northern Michigan and Au8'Ust 20 City and his barbershop there, sponsorship by her local Farm a daughter, Lisa Helen, at Ingham 5th six week period of this school ability to kill existing weeds In southern Michigan--tile ear­ to Innsbruck, Austria, and an Bureau Community Group as an Medical hospital, April 24, year. and grasses on old pastures, and lier the better--to insure good Olympic Gold Medal for speed entrllllt in the Newaygo county Born to Mr. and Mrs. Aaron R. Next SUnday Is Mother's Day, If you think newspaper work (2) summer seeding. for ago stands tbe f o 11 owing skating, In amateur competition Dairy Princess competition. Lin­ Drumheller, 5070West Holt road, to mu one of the groatost days To quallty for the honor roll a isn't 11 hazardous business, just A Michigan State university spring. Each week's delay be­ since he was alght, McDermott da swept the field ot 11 contes­ a son, Jamie Lynn, Aprll 19 at of the yoar. On this day we sa­ ask Charlotte Camp, student must have a 'B' aver­ age or better in academic sub­ crop scientist estimates that tween August 1 lllld AU8'USt 31 broke the Olympic record In the tants in this rural-urban event, Lansing Genoral hospital. lute tho finest women God ever there are about two to three mil­ costs growers one-third ton less 1964 Olympic 500 meter speed and later was Invited to take part Born to Mr. and Mrs. W1lllam save to the earth--our mothers, Mrs. Camp tolls for the Ingham jects, no grades below a • C', lion acres of unproductive grass average or better in citizen­ hay the following year, warns skating event, cruising the mea­ in the A.D.A. sponsored program. H. Fudge, 4632 Tolland road, SO noxt Sun-:lay for the mother County News and the stockbridge pastures in Michigan whl ch could Tesar. ship and no Incomplete marks. sured course in 40.1 seconds, "What about dlets?"--one of Holt, a daughter, Cindy Kay, April who is now gone but who will Town Crier in the Stockbridge~ be renovated and turned Into pro­ 'rhose listed on the honor roll "With band seeding, the fer­ and finishing a full six yards the admiring girls asked Mc­ 20 at the St. Lawrence hospital. nnor bo 1orgotten, wear a white Munlth~Gregory area. fit-milking forage producers. tilizer Is placed In a blllld un­ ahead. Dermott, "Why, nothing spe­ Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph fiowor, and for tho mothor who Is for this term Include the follow­ ing: Most of them, through Increased der the seed, thus producing Already McDermott is in train­ cial," he replied, "Just eat what Majeski, 2369 Eifert road, Holt, living, 11. red one. A few months ago she went milk or livestock production, will more vigorous and unilorm seed­ ing for the 19 68 Olympic games, you normally would. Lots of meat, a son, Dennis Dean, April 20 at This is a small trlbuto, in­ out on a crime story over near Seniors: Robert Barker, Sha­ return the cos t of renovation ron Blssel, Sharon Botsford, lings than those produced from practicing about three hours per lots ot fresh vegetables, and of Imrham Medical hospital. deed, to pay tor the many things Bunker Hlll and arrived just as within the first production year. broadcast seeding," ho explains. night, at least three nights per course--drink milk.'' Bhe gave us from the day of our police let go with a tear gas Barbara Chilson, Kay Fellows, Chris Galbreath, Doug McPhee, Tile MSU scientist, Milo Te­ "Compaction after seeding is a week. Soon, he wlll increase to births untU manhood llll!l woman­ barrage to rout a suspect from sar, has uncovered a new sys. Tom Murdock, Slgne Nelson, Ja­ MUST. Sandy soil should be cul­ around five hours per night, seven hood and beyond, for tho tears a house. Charlotte marched along tern ot one-season renovation. tipacked before seeding to keep nights per week. she shBd to save .11s. for the wlth the sheritt's deputies and nice Price, Deltra Rouse, Eric Simpson, Linda Stiles, MarIe The system allows the farmer seedbeds from drying out." McDermott was featured Aurelius, Farm Bureau's things she went without herself troopers. The ofticers wore gas speaker at Michigan's live-wire War!le and Ken Woods. to pasture the old sod during The crop scientist says the to give us things to lllll.ke us masks, Charlotte didn't. The re­ the spring and get about 60 per benefits of renovation were ox­ American Dairy assoclallon an­ Juniors: Keith Merlndorf, Dan happy. sult was the wind blew some of cent of the annual production In emp!Uied in a recent research nual Dairy Foods dinner, held re­ FARMOWNERS A:ny success you lllld I have the tear gas back into her eyes Mlller, Donna Tabachkl, Barbara project conducted in Grlllld Tra­ cently on the campus of Michi­ Cedar Scene Voss and Rebecca Butler. the field before renovating be­ had in ille1 any honors we have and she was bllnking for several gins. verse county, gan State university, and the boon accorded- they ware be­ days. Sophomores: Sue Chilson, Cle­ champion used the occasion to Policy ••• ta Davis, Jackie Davis, Dallas The first "key" to one-soa­ In this trial, researchers cause of our mo~er's love and son renovation us u a II y means point out that although the Amer­ Of Collision King, Carole Laxton, Andrew Lu­ chan&l!d an old bluegrass pas­ guiding hand in our growing Just last week she was on her heavy pasturing to klll existing ican Olympic entrants are strict­ komskl, Marian McPhee, Debbie ture producing one ton per acre years. way from Stockbridge to Mason grasses. This should be followed of low-quality forage early In ly amateurs and supported by HOLT--Maurine Sue LaCha­ A.11 so next Sunday, go to with a briefcase full or news­ Maynard, Peggy Minnis, Garth public contributions- -entrants a­ Nelson, Gary Sharland Alan by plowing in June--the deeper the season to an al!&Ua-brome­ pelle of Lllllslng sut!ered brUises church lllld otter a prayer tor paper copy. She made a turn 1 gainst whom they competed were Simpson, John Smalley, Leah Su­ the better--then dlsklng or field grass field which produced an and was ticketed for failure to the woman to whom we owe on a hill about 3 mlles east of cultivation every week untU seed­ "subsidized'' by the governments yield the right of way as the plran, Diane Traver, Clara Tut­ average of 3.6 tons per acre per everything. -M)ther. Mason and a tie rod on her car Ing time. year for six years, of the countries they represented. result of a 2 car accident at hill, Corrine Webster, Lyndla came loose, almost causing the The second "key" to good "With aUaUo. hay at $20 per "At times, we may have envied Aurelius road and highway us- .... vehicle to go into the ditch. Whitman and Sherry Wing. the freedom from llnancial worry There is something a little renovation is summer seeding-- ton, the entire cost of renova~ 127 last Wednesday • Freshmen: Mary Lou Baker, that the o t h e r s had - - but we sad about the passing of old She got out of the car, flagged tion was paid aU during the tlrst Mike Barker, Linda Battlge, Lar­ year," says Tesar. wouldn't have wanted to be gov­ The LaChapelle car was head­ landmarks, 2 of which are soon down a delivery truck and got a ry Church, Patsy Clark, Linda He points out that the usual ernment-con t roiled as they ed east on Aurelius road lllld the to be obliterated from the Mll.­ ride Into Mason. The deliveryman Cooper, Kathy Diehl, Sarah Diehl 3 Win Junior were," McDermott said. second car, driven by Chester L. Contact me todayl son picture. helped her push her car to the Trudy Haselby, Tom LaBan, cost of renovation is about $35 per acre (up to $45 It herbi­ Listening intently were about Brown, of Leslie, was moving One is Turney's restaurant and Bonnie Mason, John Oakley, Mary side ot the road and the Ingham cides are used), This includes 100 4-H and rural area girls, south on the highway. 245 S. Jefforoon motel. For years It has been Memberships ft1a•on, Mich. County sherlff's department sent Relchstetter and Lon Vanostran. each in her own way a cham­ a gathering place tor person who lime, tillairf!, fertilizer, labor The drIver of the LaChapelle OR 6-5578 a patrol car out to keep an eye 8th grade: Larry Blanchard, and seed. pion. All had been selected to like to dine and have parties car said she stopped at the In­ on it until a wrecker towed Jt Sally Bowen, Darrell Braman, In Dairy Group "Increased production during attend the three-day Dairy Foods and meetln~rs. Joseph Burgess, Rodney Cas­ tersection and saw a truck com­ back to Stockbridge. the first harvel year wm gen­ program because of their evident The other is the old red barn key, Ann Clery, Jalayne Cor­ Douglas B, Shaw Mason ing from th north with a sig­ ot erally pay renovation costs," leadership abllltles. Back home, down the road a way from the nell, Carol Curtis, Randy Frost, and Marj oriB and Rosemary Men­ nal bllnklng for a right turn. Then, after her business in says Tesar. "The remaining they will be expected to serve restaurant, It was a bar known Vlcltle Frye, Cerise Fuhrman, tink o! Onondaga have been grant­ She did not see the Brown car Mason was finished, she called three to six years should pro­ as resource persons in giving throuflhout all of Ingham county Dorene Grat, Esther Hurford, ed junior me mbershlp In the which was moving beside the up some friends In Stockbridge vide 1mproved pasture for a more drury demonstration speeches truck. Brown said he didn't see as "Charlle's Barn", operated who came and gave her a ride Irene Kemler, Ellzabeti1 McPhee, Holstein-Frlesian association of and similar presentations, America headquartered at Brat­ profitable livestock enterprise.'' the other car until it was too by Charles 0'Ne1!1 of Mason. home. Candace Mlller, Elizabeth Mul­ Perhaps typical of the group Both places were those where llns, Sue Nottingham, Cathy Oak­ tleboro, Vermont. late to avoid a colllslon. folks went for enjoyment. If they ley, Sue Regis, Brenda Rouse, To qualify, member candidates wanted good food lllld fellowship But just ask her how she likes Margie Sharland, Jill Smalley, must be under 21 and have suc­ they went to Turney's. If they newspaper work, and her reply Is: Charles Smith, Marc Traver, cessfully completed one year's wanted a drink lllld fellowship, "I just lQve it.'' Gall VanPatten, Mary Wing and work in a 4-H or vocational ag­ they went to Charlie's Barn, Louise Woods. riculture di..lry project, Indivi­ Farm Within a month both bulld­ 7th grade: Jean Aseltine, Con­ dual ownership o! at least one lngs are expected to disappear nie Carmoney, Chris Cornett, registered Holstoln is also re­ from the Mason landscape, In Mother, De ughter June Daman, Prise Diehl, Vickie quired, their places will be lanes of Fairbanks, Mary Gill, Sheila Go­ Junior members are entitled hard, cold, white concrote which ble, Peggy King, Robert Laban, to all privileges, except voting, will be part of a freeway to carry Banquet Is May 7 Linda McCann, Janice Mead, o! the national Holstein orga. motorists from one side of the Candy Rabideau, Robert Rice, nlzation. They may register and state to another. DANSVILLE -The annual Mo­ Dave Sheathelm, Beverly Smith, transfer their animals at mem­ SUch is progress. ther-Daughter banquet of the Marcia Taylor, John Townsend, ber rates and receive regular .... Dansville Methodist church wlll SUe Tuthlll, Mark Vandamme, reports of breed and Association There's a carnival spirit pre­ be held Friday evening at 6:30 Diane Vanostran, Laurie Vanpat­ progress. p.m. at the Lendrum Fellowship ten, Janis Warner, Patrice Wil­ Nearly 38,500 young Holstein valling in Mason these days and hall, It grows dally. liams and Larry Wing. breeders have participated In The following personal property listed below will be sold at public auction at the farm located 7 miles With Mason's big centennial the program since Its stut In north of Ja.ck'lon on M-106 to Coonllill road east 11,4 miles or 5 miles southwest of Munith on CoonhiU road event only about 6 weeks away, 1923. (farm located 20 rods east of Coonhill road). plans for the event are being speeded up. Scouts Visit Capito! 0! course there is visible BVI­ DetroitMYF Group Joins dence that something is afoot as Girl Scout troop 198, Mason, folks around hero appear on the visited the state capitol, Lan­ 11:00 A.M. litreets in garbs stylish about ll. Dansville In a Retreat sing, during their spring vaca­ Tuesday, May 11 11:00 A.M. 100 years ago and with bearded tion. The girls watched both the men almost everywhere you .look. DANSVILLE - Fifteen mem­ homes of the members of the house and senate in action. The But this Is largely window bers of the M.Y.F. of the West­ Dansville M,Y,F, At 9 a.m. troop's presence was made known dressing !or the big show that is lawn Methodist church of De­ Saturd>1 y mol'n!ng they met at to the legislators. to come. troit and their minister, Rev. the church for a panel discussion, Phone Phone Behind the scenes committees Charles Marble, were guests followed by a cook-out lunch in the ~::rB~~i~/:::::=:=:::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::\ii are buslly at work mapping out at a combined retreat with a­ yard at the parsonage with a soft­ Stockbridge Price Brothers every detail of the centennial pro­ round 15 M,Y,Fer's of the Dans­ ball game at the school which Stockbridge rram which will start June 19 vme Methodist church In Dans­ t C. J. Hubbard r Dansville won. The visitors were :::: VETERINARIAN :::: with a mammoth street parade vme. They arrived at 8 p.m. Fri­ taken on a short tour of the Dans­ 851-2172 Auctioneers which Is expected to require sev­ day night and had a program and ville vicinity, ·:·: 608 S, Lansing Street :::: 851-2172 er&! hours to pass a given point, recreation at the church, then f Phone OR 7-8201 t Very soon now, too, caravans the night at the various ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!:::!:::::::::::::;: o! automobiles bearing several hundred fashionably garbed per­

sons in the styles ot 18651 will visit nearby towns and cities to 57 HOLSTEIN COWS & HEIFERS 57 advertise the centennial. Mason is looking tor huge crowds during the week-I ong ··Turner Implement event. 3~ Holstein ~ows. young in age, 19 head to freshen in Aug., Segt. The cows in The centennial Is good for all th1~ her~ will milk 65-70 lb when fresh and are bred to MABC bulls. 3 Hol­ ot us. If it doesn't do anythln~r stetn he1fers 2 year old bred to freshen Aug., 13 Holstein heifers 6-8 mo. old else, it takes our minds off Viet Nam, the Great Society, Poverty 1964 J-D #45 MANURE LOADER for 2 Holstein heifers 3-4 months old, 2 Holstein bulls, 4 months old, 2 Holstein buli Programs, taxes and 11. lot of $350 calves, TB & Bangs tested. other things thay may give some 3010-4010 tractors a headache. 1963 J-D #36 MANURE LOADER for $395 10 10-201 0 tractors FARM MACHINERY ETC. 20 ft. feed rack on truck chassis dual wheels on rear 1953 International Super M tractor, over- Oliver wagon real good BRILLIAN 10Ft. SINGLE CULTAPACKER $195 hauled 1 year ago, good condition 2 rubber tired wagons and racks 1948 International M tractor Plow packer, 3 flow size 1963 J-D MODEL F130 3-16 "Mounted plow 1963 John Deere 3-16 in. plow trip bottom Stoneboat $350 1964 John Deere 24 T hay baler, real good Quantity locust posts Oliver weed'er International 4 row corn planter Some small articles J-D 3 POINT MOUNTED 3-14 TRIP PLOW John Deere 15 hole grain drill $25 New Idea 4 bar hay rake FEED • STRAW 1963 J-D 3 POINT MOUNTED 4-14 trip plow John Deere combine 6ft. PTO 3,200 bu. corn McCormick 2 row mounted corn picker No. 400 bales second cutting alfalfa $35 24 200 bales straw lnternational7 ft. mower Quantity silage 1954 J-D MODEL 70 DIESEL and power $199 John Deere 4 section harrow 300 bu. oats steering - Line Power International 2 row cultivator John Deere No. 10 flail chopper DAIRY EQUIPMENT International manure spreader PTO J-D. 8ft. Double disc. $125 Craft 300 gal. bulk tank Gruesbeck 30 ft. elevator with motor and 3 Surge milker units drag hopper Universal milker pump 8ft. double disc 1954 J-D MODEL 60 TRACTOR Milk veyor 100 ft. hose $169 5 New Idea 7 ft. tractor mower T~me and Savings by the Score! Stainless steel tubs International manure loader 40 gal. water heater nearly new W1th power an~ versotil_ity to tackle more thon 0 score Cf ycrd ·Jobs - like mowmg, cultivating, snow removing FORD GREEN CHOPPER w/ corn head $500 2 CJravlty flow boxes Can rack -the rugged new 9 hp Simplicity landlord is the riding tractor that g:ts _things .do~e! A "must" for Iorge estates or lnst1tullons, w1th 1ts big capacity operating 10FT. DOUBLE DISC $165 ease end economy. Let us give you the complete story! Not Responsible for Accidents $850.00 34.99 Including rax $884.00 J-D 127 Pull Type Stalk Chopper. New. $400 Lunch on Grounds S/32.00 DIWIII P,,~::~ml DO IT WITH~~ TERMS: Cash or Bank Terms. Available National Bank of Detroit, Plymouth Office, Floyd Kehrl, Clerk SALES&' Voss SERVICE "We Service What We S•ll" 2041 E. Grand River, Okemos· Willard Wooster, owner ·The Ingham C~unty News, Wednesday, Nlay 5, 1965- Page B-4 Senator ' . . .~~f.R KNofo, Potter Reports 1/ By far and a way tile most de­ pressing news of this sosslon was the announcement that Rep­ resentative Charles David or On­ andaga had been stricken by a heart attack and would be out a! action for several weeks. All of us In the legislature hold Ropresontatlvo Davis 1n tho highest regard. Ho commands the respect and admiration of Ropuh­ ucans nnd Democrats lillke. I. certainly hope that Charlie Da-­ vis makes a rapids recovery nnd wlll soon return to the Capitol. What does a lawmaker do when the legislature Is In recess? During this tendayperlodwhen there wore no legislative ses­ sions. my schedule WllB even more jammed tha.n usual, During the week, the Senate Appropriations Committee held NATIONAL its hearings on the Michigan state university budget. This bud­ BABY WEEK BUY! get Is of great concern to me, not only as the Senator from th1s district, but from the standpoint of being an alumnus of this vital• groWing university that Is a cre­ dit to all a! the people of Michigan, PET MILK It would be pleasnnt to report that the Michigan State budget Is not In trouble, but that would not he tho truth, First, the Bud­ get Division nnd Governor Rom­ ney's budget advisors saw !It to cut almost $3 million from the ·university's request. Under nor- mal circumstances, this would be almost a standard procedure, However, these are not normal times so far as higher educa­ tion is concerned. After a careful review of the Michigan State university budget, I would be remiss In my duties as a legislator not to report to you that In my opinion, mast lf not all of the $3 million cut away must be restored, As a· state supported university, Michigan state Is obligated to provide ed­ COUNTRY LANE SHURFINE ucational opportunity toatlquall­ fied applicants. Enrollment wlll be up at least another 4,000 this CATSUP fall. This w111 bring the number ICE CREAM of students for which the Board of Trustees are responsible to almost 40,000 with 37 000 on the 14-0Z. 1 $1 East Lansing campus, BTLS. It 6 If has been your opportun­ ity to know President Hannah ll.lld ZEELANDER 6·10 LB. BROILER his dedicated staff, you know that every effort has been made to SWIFT'S PREMIUM oporate Michigan Stato on an o!­ TURKEY ...... LB. !iclent, businesslike basis, The 9 budget presented to the Gover­ CANNED HAM nor re!lected a continuation of TURKEY WINGS ...... lb 29C this responsible attitude to the charge all public officials should TURKEY DRUMSTICKS ...... lb.49C respect: That those responsible 39 !or the expenditure a! public mon­ TURKEY THIGHS...... lb.59C ies should do all In their power c~:· to s~thatadollar 1 sworthofser­ 3 $2 Ylce is obtained for every dollar TURKEY BREASTS ;1~~...... lb.69C spent. ... WITH COUPON BELOW. Some lawmakers have raised OVEN FRESH BAR STYLE questions about the number of out HERRUD BOILED HAM . . . . . ~ ... ~-~l· 49C of state students enrolled at the ANGEL FOOD ~A~~- 39 University, To take a position ROSE BRAND CANADIAN STYLE , SPARERIBS COUNTRY STYLE • • • o, oo , oolb.49C that this school is for the peo­ ple of Michigan, and those peo­ SAUSAGE LINKS T~~~CPHllK. • • • • • • ~ .lb. 69¢ ple atone Is probably a popular BACON P1~y~E political position, It also doesn't reflect responsibility, The out of state student does in fact pay more !or the privi­ lege of attending MSU. He also REDEEM YOUR BONUS CARD contributes to the student body COUPON No. 5 NOW FOR ..• . by presenting a dl!!erent point FROZEN or view. He Is a product of a dif­ ferent environment, and adds to 6-oz. 'Golden Tempo' the c u It u r a 1 opportunity that should go hand In hand with the BANQUET educational opportunity. JUICE Then too. many of these stu­ donts do not return to their home states, hut stay here In GLASS Michigan to become contributors CREAM PIES to our society, I dare say that many of the veternarlans In this state came from other states just to attend the excellent School of Veterinary Medicine MSUhas, 5~ and stayed on In Michigan to prac­ tice. ... PLUS 150 EXTRA So long as I am the Senator !rom the 24th District, I will S&H GREEN STAMPS. do all I can to see to It that Michigan State university gets fair treatment, but I do !eel WE RESERVE THE that there Is a grave chance that RIGHT TO LIMIT PINEAPPLE GRAPEFRUIT OR PINEAPPLE.ORANGE Michigan state unl versity may be QUANTITIES ON ITEMS discriminated against In this bud- IN THIS AD. 1-0T. $100 get year, and I Will not stand Idly by and watch that happen, 14·02.· Shurfine Juice 4 CANS SPARTAN FRESH - FROZEN 0_ P. Ford COFFEE THAT'S GOOD TO THE VERY LAST DROP ..• 6·02. $100 Dies; Holt HILLS BROS Orange Juice CANS Businessman 6

HOLT - Funeral services were COUNTRY LANE Monday May 3 at the Immacu­ late Heart of Mary church for Oliver P, Ford, 63, Holt bus1- COFFEE Half Gal. 39~ nessma.n wno dled Tnursaay 1n ICE CREAM a Lansing hospital, Ford suC­ WITH THIS COUPON AND A $5 OR MORE FOOD cumbed to a heart attack suffer­ ORDER THRU SAT., MAY 8, 1965 ed Thursday at hls sand and gravelflrm, Ford Company, He was a member of Immacu.. late Heart of Mary church, the Holy Name Society and an hon­ orary member of St, Vincent De Paul Society. He Is 5111'V1ved by his Wife, InaJ .2 sons, John at Lllllllinr and Patrick of East Lan.slnr, 4 grllnd. ch1ldren and 2 brothers) Joseph R. at LIIIS1ng and Paul at Lew­ laton. Marr, Walter Mehm attJc1a.ted aDd 1Dtarment wa.s In st. Jo­ HILLS BROS ••meterr. Pallbearer• were Kenneth De lb. v .., A1117mua Carmocfi. Jolm COFFEE can 59( lhlYAM:r, Jouph Jofulftllt:r, WITH THIS COUPON AND A $5 OR MOR-E FOOD lUIM BaJ.ala, Jtn:r Halpllld ORDER THRU SAT., ~AY 8, 1965 ldward Adami, •3•

The Ingham County News, Wednesday, M:Jy 5, 1965- Page B-5 ------:---1 Emergency Church les'lie Enjoys PTA Carnival law and Crimina I Feed Program T0 Honor LESLIE - Many t•esldents, '!'he l'eople of the state of plea of not guilty entered; plead­ t Michigan vs Kenneth W, Whip­ Ralph L, Smith vs EdW!U'd W, : Bowling young· afl(l old, enjoyed a cal'!li­ ed gullty to count II; accepted;, J, Miller & John R. Douglas. vai sponsorecl . hy the 11arent­ ple. Chnnge of plea to guilty sentenced, accepted; hand continued. Trespass on the case, Camille Teachers nssoclntlon Friday The People of the Slate of Sam Abood, Is Extended Mothers night. The Carnival which lasted '!'he People of the state of MlchlgiUl vs Jesse Kimble, Michigan v,s Delbert I.eroy Cook, \ Norman L. Thomas & Dorothy from 8 until 11 p.m. lrtcludcd Chanfl'e of plea to guilty on count E, Thomas vs Conway Mortgatpl The emergency llvestock feed pony rides, ,several toss games, Arraignment on amended Infor­ II; accepted; mute on count I; DANSVILLE - The IYJnsvllle Co, etc, et a!. •rrespass on the : Results :program In the following coun­ a spook house and refreshments. mation waived reading of Infor­ sentenced, F'ree Methodist church w111 honor mation; stood mute on count I; case, Glasson, Parr, Rhead & ties has been extended through The People of the State of 1 mothers on Mothers Day, May D. McLean, Attn y for plalntltt; Hut­ ~~~~-----~~ ~ June 30 1965 Frank Light, Michigan vs Jesse Kimble, Sen­ ..... 1 1 Mrs. Wayne Vibbert Is in charge ter & Longson, Attn'y for de­ Chairman of the Michigan ASC tence; fine $15, costs $10, of the program and a special fendant, Mason Early B!rd:; Team High Game: Go Getters, committee, announced today: Al­ The People o! the State of token of appreciation will be pre­ Michigan vs Joseph Leveque, Ar­ The Aluminum Credit Union F Ina! Stand'lngs 693, ger, Antrim, Barage, Choboygan, etc, vs Wesley E, Fancher & Ing, Co. News sented to the mothers present. Dansville Makes Plans raignment; waived reading of in­ 87 Delta, Dlcldnson, Emmet, Goge­ Harold E. Smith. Trespass on Christensen's The Sunday school members formation; stood mute; plea o! 83 Individual High Series: Pete bic, Houghton, Iron, Marquette, the case on prom!s!ls, Robinson Doll House and friends are Invited to' a not gullty entered; bond con't. 79 Ketchum, 610; Bobble Watson, Menominee, Ontonagon and & Zentmyer, Eaton Rapids, Mich. Credit Bureau 524, Family night dinner at the Dans­ The People of the State of 661/2 Schoolcraft, For Big Michigan Week Charles Raines & Wolverine Ball-Dunn ville Town hall next Friday, The Michigan vs Roger Kearney, Or­ 65 Ins. Co, vs Carl Sevenskl & M11ls Store Individual High Game: Al Whit­ dinner will be served at 7 p.m. del' !or adjournment, 65 These are 14 of the 16 coun­ Michael Sevenski, Trespass on Mld.Sta;e tington, 236J Bobble Watson, 220, Mrs. Richard Hedglen is chair­ DANSVILI,E- Dansville Is 65 ties originally approved for the and Mrs, Leland Perrine, Sr., The People of the state of the case, Joseph Lavey, Ecan.o•. w~tsh man of the food committee for making prepaJ•atlons for Michi­ exchanging with Mr. and Mrs. Michigan vs James Wllllam Me 62 emergency livestock feed pro­ Estate of Laura L, Manning Hmnt? Appl. & Furn. the church and has planned the gan week May 16-22. Walter Pyshko ot Mendon, Coun­ Namara. Chan[l'e of plea to guilty 61 Mason 800 gram this past eight months be­ etc, vs the Equitable L!le As­ L1111an's menu, The committee requests flags cilman Ted Haas and wife, of accepted; thereupon sentenced, 601/2 C & H BIU'ber cause drought had severely af­ surance Society of the United Ca,1Jtol Ex. 77 FMY'ers (teens and young a­ to be flown. Mayor's exchange Mendon will be guests here also, 60 Ketchum fected forago and feed crops, The People ot the State of States, Trespass on the caso. Sheren Plymouth 38 72 dults) will part! clpate In the an­ day will be Monday May 17, with A program has been planned Michigan vs James Wllllam Me Thorburn 72 nual District spring banquet Sat­ Dansville's Mayor and wife, Mr. for the day, Leighton, Andrew's & stapleton, Team high series; Christen­ Craft Canst, Under severe drought, flood or Nama!'R, Sentence 11/2 to 2 years Estate of ·Laura L, Manning, sen's, 2196, 69 urday evening at which time Thr!ltway similar conditions, the Secretary Michigan Correction Commis­ etc, vs Banker's L!le Co, Tres­ Tl!am high game: Doll HOUS\3 681/2 the high school seniors w111 be sion. 1 Davis Clothing 631/2 of Agriculture is author !zed by honored, The banquet will be at pass on the case, Lelghto,n, An- 7'7'1. Richards Buiclc law to make available Commo­ The People 0! the State of drew's & Stapleton, · Individual high series: B,~tty 621/2 Owosso with Rev. Leon Bovee Michigan, Great Lakes Asphalt Heatherwood dity c r e d it corporation - owned Time Plan Loan Co, etc, vs Hetzer 539. 611/2 speaking and Bill Voorhies, a and Petroleum vs Pierson Con­ 1 Cedarway Shell feed grains to eligible farmers In Phillip Maurer & Wanleta Maur­ Individual high game: Betty 611/2 magician, providing the enter­ Onondaga Briefs tracting Co,, et a!, 01·der deny. Four & Jack affected areas, for assistance In er, Trespass on the caso on Hetzer, 231. IS7 tainment, lng motion to change venue. Ball-Dunn the preservation and maintenance promisos. Delmer R, Smith, 521/2 According to reports released Onto L. Lindy vs Marilyn I<. Chesley 521/2 of foundation herds of livestock, from the church office the Dans­ The Wednesday night Women's Mr, and Mrs, Walter Losey of Cutler 011 Co. etc, vs White Inter City Bowling Lea.rue Included are producing dairy cat­ Rives Junction, Eddy, Order denying motion to Products Dlvlslon of Lamb In­ Grand ruver Marina 73 ville Free Methodist church In Bowling league of the Leslle quash subpoena, Team Hl~h Series: Heather­ tle, sheep, goats, at not less Mrs. Doris Blenz spent last dustries etc, Trespass on the Bob Jones Paints 70 April enjoyed Its best month of Bowl-Inn, had Its banquet at the Don B. Robinson vs Robin Wll­ wood, 2639J 'Chesley, 2565, than 75 per cent of the feed Thursday with her mother, Mrs, case, Poppen, street & Sorensen, Gordon's A & W Root Beer 68 the entire conference year. The Rose Legion Hall in Michigan llams, et a!. Order striking cer­ grain support price, and other Nina Furgason In Jackson at the Muskegon, Mich. Dr. Blll'nes Chiropractor 58 Team High Game: Heather­ Sunday school shows a gain of 6 Center Wednesday evening, The tain portion of complaint, ellglble Ilvestock at 100 per cent Dorothy Yarger vs Auto-Own­ Ingham County News 49 wood, 918; Chesley, 89B, over last year's average; the following members of the Onon­ Foote hospital, Carl Blenz spent The People of the State of of the support price. the day with his grandmother, ers Insurance Co. Trespass on Used Car Mart 42 morning worship reveals the daga Alley-Cat team attended: Michigan vs Edward Ezra Wiltse. Indlvtdulll Hl~h Series: G, Bon.. Mrs, Rose Barton, the case, William Culver, Kal­ l1lghest attendance for this year; Bernadine McMichael, B llll e Arraignment; Information read; Team high series: Grand RI­ dura, 51l3; AI Kilbourn, 562, amazoo, Mich. ver Marina, 2464. This program was recently ap­ the evening worship Is up from the Foote, Isabelle Lyke, Roxy Smith Stanley Toburen of Dundee was stood mute; plea of not guilty Public Bank, etc, vs Frank Individual High Game: Al Kil­ proved by the Secretary In Al­ month before and the prayer and Pat Craddock, Florence Tob­ a Friday evening supper guest entered, bond can't. Team ~!gh game: Ingham Coun­ Mohr and Ellen Mohr, Trespass ty News, 869. bourn, 220; Clyde Craft, 211. legan, Barry, Branch, Hillsdale, m eetlng attendance is signifi­ uren and Olive Davis were un­ of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Sandra Nicholas Fisk vs Ralph on the case on promises. Mi­ Individual high series: Joe Klllamazoo, Kent, Lena wee, Mon­ cantly higher tlran a year ago. al.Jle to attend, Charles Toburen and famlly. Martin Linton, Trespass on the chael Baughman, Jackson, Mich. Graham, 576; Conroy Mo)ore, 552, roe, Montcalm, ottawa, and St. The chur·ch has ,Just completed Walter Barton ot Jackson was case, John L, Cot!, Alfred Schikorra & Mary SChi­ Recreation League Joseph counties because of th Its Easter time collection for Mrs, Isabelle Lyke spent SUn­ a SUnday dinner guest of Mr. Louts V, Stokes vs Donald E. IndiVidual high game: Joe Gra­ korra vs James Des Rochers & ham, 223. AI ruce Chevrolet 81 loss and damage caused by tor­ Its orphanage at Woodstock, Il­ day visiting Mr. and Mrs, Larry and Mrs, Harold Barton and their Betz and Adams Potato Chips, Dart Insurance nadoes which occurred on Palm linois. The money collected has Doyle and family of Eaton Rap­ mother, Mrs.EmmaMoyer.Mrs, Sonia Des Rochers, Trespass on Mixed Up Do:;:en 801/2 Inc. etc, Trespass on the case, Wyeth Laboratories sunday, The program for these topped the $55 mark and shattered Ids and later in the day visited VIvian Steffey at Eaton Rapids the case, Larry Fowler, Go Getters 711/2 Michael Miatech, 811/2 Smith Hardware counties termInates May 31, all records. Five youngsters was also a guest. Chip Coclc­ Donald A, Valley and Nancy Prospectors 69 her sister, Mrs. Clarabelle Bur­ Robert R, Gay vs Kermit Hum­ 76 Joy Davis 1965, a.nd were not included In the worked hard to qualify for a gess of ColumiJia road, Mason, roft of Springport was an af­ K. Valley vs Tyler c. Higdon and His and Hers o, 64 mel and RJchard Hummel. Tre~­ 731/2 County Line Cheese group for which the final dale was special award. Phillip Scripter, ' ternoon caller and Mr. and Mrs, Noreta E. Higdon, Trespass on The Four Jokers 621/2 pass on the case, Marvin Faller, 73 Wll.l'es Dru&' & Camera extended to June 30, Tim Freer, Janet Cook and John Barton of Albion were sup­ the caso, Lee C. Dmmts, Ketch Me 60 Mr, and Mrs, Erwin Rhines re­ Fllnt, Mich. 73 Modern Cleaners Susann Cltlolino raised over $5 per guests of the Bartons, Cal!lornia Chemical Co,, Ortho The Incredible Four 59 turned tci their home this past Francis H, Nelson vs Lela 671/2 Guerriero Ins, and will receive an award from Mrs, Bergle Keeler returned Dlvlslon, etc, vs Dave Basore, Satellites 57 The CCC-owned feed grains week after spending the winter C, Taylor and Berllllrd F. Con­ 64 Bill RJchards Buick available under the Livestock that division. Janice Hedglen to her home Thursday after et a!, Trespass on the Cli.S!I, The Bee1s 63 months In Texas and other west­ way, Admin, ad lltem, estate & Rambler 651/2 teed program may be obtained. raised the most and will re­ spending the winter months with Glasson, Pll.l'r, Rhead & McLean, Alley Gaters ern states. at Kenneth B, Gllson1 Deceased, 61 Kiwanis Club through Agricultural stablllza­ ceive an award from the $10 relatives In Eaton Rapids and In the matter of Beryl C, Ar­ Jolly Four 56 541/2 Trespass on the case, Michael Parsons Service tton and Conservation Service division. Oxford, Indiana, Mlatech. cher, Complaint to quiet title. Touchnbles 551/2 531/2 Mrs. Ll!Han Corser entered C, Laverne Roberts, county offices, Ellg!biHty for as. the Eaton Rapids Community hos. The Ruth circle of the Ladles Ravts M. Ham'lton vs Robert Miss Fits 48 Team high series: A! RJce Aid society wlll meet at the Stephen Mayernik vs Frank slstance will be determined by pita! Wednesday for treatment W. Bacon & Margaret Ann Bacon. Team High Series: Ketch Me, Chevrolet, 2717; Dart Insurance, home of Mrs,JackleTrefryWed­ Nasi! and Iva Bell Townsend, 1988. 2626. the county ASC committee, Leg. Aurelius Center and observation. Trespass on the case. Michael islatlon provides that livestock nesday May 12 at 8 p.m. Miatech. Trespass on the case, Glassen, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grlthens Parr, Rhead & McLean, Team high game: AI Rice Chev­ owners otherwise ellglbletoras­ Aurelius people have been Dean & Harris of Lanslnginc., Olsen Dairy Farm Equipment Floyd Vandenburg of Niles was and daughter of Jackson were Geraldine H1llman vs Fred rolet, 928; Dart InsW'ance, 909, slstance cannot buy CCC-owned asked to send a card to Miss etc, vs Charles N. Murphy etc. V<>stabur9 Silos a SUnday guest of his cousin, Saturday evening dinner guests Gelesko & Ruby Gelesko, Tres­ feed grains unless they do not Cheryl Swift who is in St. Mrs, Mary Giddings. Complaint to set aside default Individual high series: R. Ing. of Mr. and Mrs, Don Foote. pass on the case, Hutter & Long­ SURGE & BADGER have sufficient feed for their Lawrence hospital. judgment, R.F, Rhead, son, hram, 629; R, Swinehart, 603. llvestock and are unable to ob­ Born lo Mr. and Mrs. John Mr, and Mrs, Walter Losey A.J. MURRAY tain it through normal channels Indlvidulll high game: AI Kil­ Coy, a daughter, ~lay 2 at Ma­ of Rives Junctl on were Wednes­ at trade without undue financial son General hospital. rtny guests of Mr, and Mrs. Wllllamston burn, 228; R, Inghram, 223, OL 5·2862 hll.l'dshlp, Harold Barton, On Frld&.y, Mr. The Aurelius Baptist church and Mrs, Glen Collier, who had has announced that Charles Davis just returned to Michigan after at Mason hospital is Improving spending the winter months in and ask that prayers be sent to Arizona, were dinner guests and help him recover soon. visitors at the Barton home, In By Popular De111an.:l The lund being raised by the the afternoon, Rev. and Mrs, Aurelius churcl1 for the Eaton Robert Bowden and family of ONE M,ORE WEEK! Rapids Hospital Chapel is now Chicago were callers. at $27.00. Those wishing to con­ Glen Todd of Jackson was a tribute may contact Mrs. Lloyd SUnday guest at the home of Mr, Roberts. and Mrs, Donald Todd, The :VIason Clwral society re­ The annual Mother-Daughter 10'fo DISCOUNT hearsals take place in the Mason banquet Is set for Friday May high school choral room every 14 at 6:30 p.m. at the Onon­ Thur~day at 8 p.m. Men, espe­ daga township hall, The Ruth 2x &'s-2 xB's-2 xlO's-2 x·12's cially tenors, are needed. circle of the Ladles Aid society The Aurelius church is still Is planning the affair. Mrs, Dor­ asking for volunteer workers for tha Dowding ls the general chair­ the Vacation Bible school July man. 6-ft. Long 12 - 17. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Barton Concrete This week is National Family were guests at a dlaner Sat­ Combination week and resirlenLs are ask to at­ W'day evening, honoring the 1 r tend clmrch Rs a family. wedding anniversary, given by Blocks -- Picture 8" Blocks Doors Big; .New Chop-King Cash Chg. e ALL SIZES .Windows At Yard 15c •• 16c .. e FULL 1" THICK fine·chops more tons per hour than any other chopper e SELF STORING that open Del. 18c •• 19c •• The brawny, new Gehl Chop-J";ing. is the only chopper built to make full use of today s brg-tractor horsepower. Short-chops up to 50% more forage per hour than other 12" Blocks choppers . . . even in hay lag e. Cash Chg. BIO IN FEATURES, TOO: At Yard 23c •• 24c •• $2565 SJ650 Rugged 8-knife flywheel (sec illustration). Knives Del. chrome-edged to stay sharp longer. 27c.. 28c •• Select-A-Cut Transmission changes forage lengths with . the push of a lever. • Doors cs Wmdows Big 127 sq. in. throat area • Floating heads hug field We Have aComplete Stock of contours • Easy-Swing Drawbar adjusts from the • Lumber • Roofing tractor seat to 4 positions. Stop in soon. Sec all the fea- S12oo $13so tures of the biggest, most rugged 4-bag Mix cosh 5!/; b M' cosh PTO chopper you've ever Ready-Mix SJ300 z· ag IX Sl450 seen ... the Gehl Chop-King. chg, chg. 5 13°~•. h S14°~•. h 5-bag Mix &·bag Mix Concrete $)400 chg. 5 15°~h 9 • .. Septic Tanks Min-It Mix Chr:vmlr'/ Impala Sport Srdrw

Our Tanks Are nfalle of Jlcavy Reinforced Wire. Cement or Mortar en R SULTANA Beans, Corn; Wholewh<>at or White Bread & Peanut Butter l JAR 69c !.i!,i Butter, Choice of: Gingerbread with shipped i.!i.i G Toppin9, Fruit Cup, Milk. QUARTERS ~ ~ 1-LB. E Nutley Margarine OR SOLIDS 5 CTNS. 89c \ TUESDAY • Chili, Choice of: Apple Fruit salad, ~ ~;~;~ .. ,, Spinach, Wax Beans; Crackers, Choice of: ,.,, N %-GAL. c Marvel Ice Cream VANILLA CTN • ·.!:i;i:! Chocolate! Cake, Fruit Cup; Milk. .=.!... ~;~:~ y 49c . WEDNESDAY. Beef Stow, Choice of: P<>ach ,., & Che><>SC! sa/od, PinC>appl<> & Cottage cheese ,., 10 PACK TOILET TISSUE !j!: so/ad, Corn, Tomatoes; Roll and Butter, ( Waldorf Tissue 10 ROLLS 79c ~;~: Cholco of: Apple> Cobbl<>r, Fruit Cup, Milk. ) s E FROZEN, 6-0Z. ( THURSDAY • Creamed Chicken with Mashed ( A&P Orange Juice GRADE A CANS 99c .. Potatoes, Choieo of: Tos:se>d sa/ad, Swoot .. R 6 :;:; Potatoes, Gr~:en Boons; Roll and Butter,. :;:; Your registered pharmacist fills your 14-0Z. v doctor's prescription with pro~essional Comet, Or Ajax Cleansers ·.!.:: or Lemon FluH, .•.'.' CAN 14c ;~::tc~::: !~~~~b•ury I precision. His skill and training are . pinpointed to the single purpose of FRIDAY. Mocroni and Cheese, Choice of: c making svre yov get exactly what JANE PARKER, GENEROUSLY FILLED E the doctor ordered.·' I,,,,,,,,,~~;,~:~-~~:;:::::,:~~:~~~,:~::·, ,, ,,,, J AJ?pl~tH ~ Phone OR 7-6131 P 1e · , 111Et.BS...... 3-LB. I Y4 ·OZ. Prices in this ad effective through Saturday, May 8, 1965. Tide Detergent PKG. CHESLEY DRUG STORE :-. 73c

125FT. 330 S. JeHerson Cut-Rite Wax Paper ROLL 29c Mason, Gala Towels BIG ROLL 37c

The Ingham County News, Wedne5day, M.ay 5, 1965 - Page B-7 4H Talent INGH~~HI~~~~ ·. lt'JGHA~ TOW~IfHIP T 2N 1 rrt't Festival VILLAGE or•OANS'Jil.l.£ Saturday "Four 4-H'ers on Their Way" · Is the thorne for this· yeilr1s · <1-H talent fostlva.l, Tho show Is scheduled for Saturday, May 0 at 8 p.m. at tho MilSon senior high school. Many singers, dll!lc­ ers, musicians, skits, and a. host of others will provide an even­ ing of fun and entertainment, Kathy McDowell and Howard Buck of Mason are co-cbalrmen anet Jim Thorbur~ 0! Mason wil! be M,C, for tho program. Many 4-H service club members a.re worldng on staK!nll', publicity and II'Oneral plarullni. Some of the acts appearing In this year's program 11.1'8: From Mason a.rea - An act from the Tomlinson club will fe~e Tom Brown and Dave Vaughn In "Amerlca#s Happiest Couple." Rick and Chuck O'Berry and Jim Ketchum from the Skee­ ter Hill Club lave named them­ selves the "Sky La.rks," From Lansing a.rea- A must­ cal sldt, "Element of Fun In Shanty •rown" will be presented VANDALS DID THIS·· An by the Blshopottes club, Mem­ Ingham county sheriff's deputy bers a.r e Loretta Mosbkosky, Kathy Co~rswell and GIU'y Co~rs­ looks over some of the damage well, SUe 1 MIU'k, Mike and Sandy done in Felt Plains cemetery Jankovllk, Ray, Ca.rol, Fay, and during the past week. Vandals Mae Browers, Bruce and Cindy Haney, Ernest, Jeanette, CIU'ol tipped over tomb stones and and Pam Houghton and Bob and broke several of them. (Ingham Ron Powelson. County Sheriff's Department Two acts from tho Bon Almes Photo} 4-H club will be a. skit, "Honk. ey Tonk Times" and "Ballin' the Jack" by Pamela Raths, Fen. tured In the skit will be Pam Raths, Val Snow, SUe Ellen Smyth, Kathy Waterson and Krista Wat­ erson, Barb Peterson and SUo Peterson, Wynette La B r o s s, Gretchen Plotenhauer,Sandy Senior Citizens Nichols, Ann Raths, Debra Den. Williamston ruston and Jill Tyler, Hear Talk By Re~red MSU Judy Jenldns of the Francis Briefs Home Owned street Good Shepba.rds will show contrast between ballet and jazz, State Official WILLIAMSTON. L. M. Thurl­ Worker Dies From Williamston a.rea. North by Is retiring this week after WILLIAMSTON -TheWilllam­ Williamston 4-H club will have ston senior citizen group met nearly '10 years ln the real es­ MLLIAMSTON - Funeral ser. Stare Sold two baton numbers, a double Wednesda.y, April 28, at the fire­ tate business, For 29 years he vlces were scheduled Wednasday baton act by Jody and Terri man's hall for their regular has been ln business In Wil­ at the Gorsline Brothers funeral WILLIAMSTON • The grocery Wolf and Judy and Joan Ganton, meeting. A pot luck luncheon liamston, VIvian Bartlg who has home for Lee Walker, a store on South Putman that had 64, A slng.tn~r duet will perform for was enjoyed by a good atten­ been associated with her father operated as a home owned store retired Michigan State university the Vantown 4-H club, with Cor. dance. Morris Hunt, a deputy several years Is retiring also, maintenance worker, who died for about fifty years sold out the 1nne Webster and June Daman, of the attorney general's depart­ One of the newer homes In Sunday In a Howell hospital, He stock and closed the books Sat­ urday, Rita Jorgensen of the West ment, was a guest speaker fol­ t h e Williamston developments resided at 306 Crossman street It had pas sed through the own­ Locke 4-H club will present an lowing the luncheon. Mrs. Hunt has been sold. The home of the in Williamston. Indian ballet, was a special guest, Glen .wliittmores bas been pur. ership of several of the citY's chased by East Lansing parties, merchants for 20 years. Hunt spoke on Consumer Pro­ He is survived by hJs wife, tection. His talk was followed by Mr. and Mrs. Lester May re­ Leo Kastner had been asso­ Wrenches Stolen Mona; 3 sons, Sterah of Inlc­ ciated with the business. For the a question and answer period. turned Thursday evening from a ster, Roy of East Lansing and WILLIAMSTON • Harry Czar. jet trip to Texas. They spent a past 7 years he had owned and Games were the diversion in Harold of W11liamston, and 145 neck!, 2920 E, Grand River ave. the social hour. week with their son and wife, operated the store. His son, Pat, grandchildren. nue, Williamston, reported to Next regular meeting wlll be Lieut. Wa.rren May and Mrs, shared the business with his the Ingham county sheritt's de­ Wednesday, May 26, at noon. May at Brooks Medical Center, father for some time and for 3 partment that tra.ctor wrenches Fort Sam Houston, S9.n Antonio, Burial was in Summit cern. years Mrs. Kastner has been were stolen from his property Texas. etery. associated with her husband In last Thursday. He placed a value the store. Mother, Daughter of the wrenches ot $22. Tea Is Pia nned WILLIAMSTON • St. Mary's Altar society is having a Moth­ er-Daughter tea Thursday, May 6 at '7:30 p.m. Miss Joan Jewett of the Jewett Career school, Lan­ GIVE MOM SANDERS CANDY sing, will speak. Her talk will be slanted to the teen and sub-teen ages. Meadow Milk Providing entertainment will Chocolates . be the "Daughters of St. Marys" with a medley of songs. Accom­ SIGN OF SPRING- Spring has finally arrived and these :::rcated strictly for the "milk chaco­ paniment will be on the new ate contingent". Luscious butter­ organ purchased last fall. Ini­ Williamston youngsters prove it. Marbles have come into popularity again. :reams, clusters, cherry cordials, nut tiation of officers will follow. fudge ilnd milny others. 1, 2, 3 and 5- pound boxes. $ 5 Mrs. Freda Wilcox POUND 17 Williamston Seventh Day Adventists Taken By Death Briefs Family WILLIAMSTON- Funeralser. Hare lnoostiture Service Ylces were Monday at the Gor. Mrs. Grace Chamberlain Is re. WILLIAMSTON- Pupils of the which Elder Fleming from Lan­ Assortment sllne Brothers 1uneral home for covering !rom a fractured hip Seventh-day Adventist school, sing presented scarves to the Mrs, Freda M, Wilcox, 87, who suffered while visiting at the their parents and friends enjoyed Something for everyone from Grand­ following pupils: Tommy Davis, died In a Mason hospital Satur. home of the Orson Chamber. a Investiture service, Thursday Larry Seely, Linda Seely, Gary ma down to Junior! Both dark and lalns In East Lansing, day, Her home was near Vantown, evening, April 29, in the Adven­ Keeney, Daniel Siewert, James milk chocolates with deliciously dif­ A dausflter, Mrs. Edna Titus tist church at 916 S. Putman Keeney, Sharon Seely, Robert ferent centers. Also butter almond of Webberville and a son, Ivan James Stevens Sr., IJ: well­ street. Hare bottle, Marsha Keeney, Nor­ toffee .1nd many specialties. 1, 2, 3 and Wilcox of Dansvllle survive. known former businessmen of The pupils, under the direction man Harebottle, Cheryl Flgg, S-pound boxes. · Burial was in ·the North Stock. Williamston Is seriously sick at of Mrs. N.H. Harebottle, gave a Peggy Seely and James Hare­ bridge cemetery. a Lansing hosplta.J, POUND $160 program entitled "Faith"; after bottle.

Since the opening of the pres­ ent school year, each puptl has been working to attain his level of achievement up the junior mls- ' sionary volunteer ladder of pro­ gression. At the beginning, the Odd Lot Paint Sale student is required to memorize Soft Center the junior missionary volunteer Assortment pledge and law, then as he climbs to the top he needs to learn var­ Here's a delightful selection of Sanders ious Bible texts; he must Identify soft cream center candies that every­ a number of trees, flowers, wild one likes! The luscious centers are animals and birds; study the MINNESOTA lives of !amous personalities; coated with dark and milk chocolate PAINTS know the national anthem, to tie and colorful pastel coatings. 1, 2, 3 numerous knots; give simple first and 5-pOLmd boxes. $ aid; to recite from memory tho POUND 150 ten commandments, the be· atitudes, the 23rd psalm and read Pavilion at least 4 specified books dur­ ing the school year. Besides Chocolates We purchased another Minnesota Dealer's these, he may earn extra honors in hiking, cooking, identifying t\n excitingly different assortment! complete inventory and are offering closeout constellations, animals, rep­ Here are peanut butter chips, cara­ t!les, rocks or mammals, to name mels, nougats, orange, .lemon and colors- misc. items and over stock numbers only a few of the categories. pineapple in cream and many more. ·t, 2, 3 and 5-pound boxes. Your choice at less than ~ the price! At the bottom of the ladder of clark or milk chocolate coatings. are the Busy Bees, followed by the Sun beams, Builders, Helping Hands, Companions, Ex­ plorers, and, at the top, the Mas­ AU Material Guaranteed First Quality • ter Guides. Check It Over 7-6131·· While the Assortment Is Complete. CHESLEY DRUG ·STORE • Bob Jones Paints 330 s. 427 S. Jefferson Mason Mason ' The lnaham County News, Wednesday, May 5, 1965 - Page B-8 (a) General Standards. Every bulldlng and structure heroattor signor and the location o! his Pl'operty In the Vlllage, Official Notice to Residents of Dansville, Michigan erected, altered, or moved upon any promises and used for purposes SECTION 8.02--PROCEDUHE permitted In this Ordinance shall be provided with a safe and sanitary 1. Each proposed amend mont not originating with the Village water supply, and means of collecting and disposal of all human Council shall be submitted to said council !Ol' Its consideration and excreta and of all water-carried wastes that may adversely affect recommendations. the public health. Such wastes shall be treated am! disposed of 2. The VIllage Council shall hold at least one public hearing Dansville Zoning Ordinance according to the standards of the Ingham County Health Depart- on Its proposed amendment. When any amendment proposes the mont and the Michigan Water Resources Commission. Under no rezoning of any premises, the premises shall be posted for ten (10) days preceding the date of the heru·lng- with at least one conspicuous An ordinance to establish zoning districts and provisions governing piece of land and used as a dwelling shall contain less than seven conditions shall such wastes bo deposited upon the surface of the sig-n stating the premises are under consideration for rezoning the VIllage of Dansville, Ingham County, Michigan, including- the hundred twenty (720) square feet of floor area at the first floor level ground in such a manner as to create a nuisance or health hazard. administration thereof, In accordance with the provisions-of Act 207 is a one-story building, and no less than six hundred (000) square feet SECTION li.OB--GRADING and the time and place of the hearing. at the first floor level if g-reater than a one-story building. No premises shall be !llled OJ' graded so as to discharge surface 3. At any regular meeting after the public hearing held by the of the Public Acts or 1021, as amended. Village Council, the VIllage council may adopt an amendment to THE VILLAGE OF DANSVILLE, INGHAM COUN'fY, MICHIGAN, ARTICLE IV--COMMERCIAL DISTIUCTS runoff on abutting- premises In such a manner as to cause pending The following provisions shall apply to all commercial Dis- or surface accumulation of such runoff thereon. this zoning Ordinance and shall publish tho amendment so made in ORDAINS: a local newspaper circulated throughout tho Vtllage. AH'l'ICLE I--l'REAMBLE tricts: SECTION 6,07--VILLAGB BUILDING AND STRUCTURES SECTION 4.01- _USES Nothing in this OrdlnaJ•ee shall limit the Vlllage in constructing SECTION 8,03--SPOT- ZONING SECTION 1.01--TITLE In case any petition requests rezoning of individual parcels This Ordinance shall be known as the 11 Vtllage of Dansville Except as provided by Section 1.03, no land shall hereafter be or maintaining any building- or structure required for the perform­ used and no buildings or structures erected and used for other ance of Its governmental or proprietary !unctions, PROVIDED, that of land, the petition shall state the specific use or purpose for which Zoning Ordinance." rezoning is sought. If granted, It shall be llleg'al to use such parcels SECTION 1.02--PURPOSE than one or more of the following purposes: such building shall comply with the provisions of this Ordinance l. Retail and wholesale establishments; offices for professional, and be erected to conform with surrounding uses Insofar as pos­ for any other use even though such other use or purpose Is permitted The prlmru•y purpose of this Ordinance Is to promote the public under the district regulations in which the parcels are classified, health, safety, morals and general welfare of the Inhabitants of the commorclal, Industrial, or philanthropic enterprises; personal ser- ~thl~. vice establishments such as beauty parlors am! barber shops; SECTION 6,08--PLATTING OF LAND unless sepante proceeding-s are pursued for such other use. Vlllage; improve the use oflands and natural resources of the Vlllage; AHTICLE IX--BOAHD OF APPEALS reduce hazards to lifo and property; provide safety In traffic and public garages, motor supply stations, motor vehicle sales Including No land shall be platted for any dwelling which provides less used vehicles, but not Including- wrecking and dismantling; food than fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of area for each lot or SECTION 9,01--CHEATION lessen congestion on the public highways; facilitate the development There Is hereby created a Zoning Board of Appeals which shall of an adequate system of transportation, education, recreation, sewage service establishments; bakeries; recreational and amusement enter- unit of land, and less than 9ne hundred (100) feet of width throughout pr1seSJ motels,_ tourist cabinsandsimllarovernightaccommodatlons. the depth of each lot or unit'of land. perform Its duties and exercise Its powers as provided by the and waste disposal, sate and adequate water supply and other publlc provisions of this Ordinance In such a way that the objectives of this requirements; provide, in the Interests of health and safety, the 2, The production, fabrication, assembling, finishing, conversion, SECTION 6,09--MOVEMENT OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES alteration, repair, storage, sale or display of natural resources, Every building or structure moved within and Into the VIllage Ordinance are observed, public safety, morals and general welfare minimum standards under which certain buildings and structures may secured, and substantial justice done. hereafter be erected and used; provide reasonable conditions under products or g-oods In the conduct of which there is no process from without shall comply with the provisions governing such bulld­ employlng the use of heavy machinery or generally recognized as ings and structUl'es In its new location. SECTION 9.02--MEMBERSHIP which the lawful use of nonconforming buildings, structurAs, and lands 1 The Board of Appeals shall consist of three members appointed may be continued; conserve the expenditure of funds for public peculiarly dangerous to life or property, or processes causing ob- SECTION 6.10--PUBLIC UTILITY BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES noxious or offensive conditions by reason of emission of smoke, odor, The erection, alteration, and maintenance of public utility build­ by the Village Council, Members of said Boru·d shall be removable improvements and services to conform with the most advantageous by the Village Council for non-performance of duty, or misconduct uses of land, resources, and properties. waste, vibration, or conditions causing hazardous traffic or health tngs and structures, and of power, communication, supply, disposal, situations, distribution, and similar public utility facilities, Including acces- in office, upon written charges filed with the Village Clerk and SECTION 1.03--USE OF NONCONFORMING LAND, BUILDINGSAND following- a public heaJ'Ing by said Council upon such charges. STRUCTURES 3. Any use permitted under section 3.01. sarles essential therewith, as authorized and regulated by law, 4. outdoor advertising signs, shall be permitted in every zoning dlstrfct, it being the Intent hereof AHTICLE X--PENALTIES The lawful use ot any parcel of land, building or structure existing (a) Any building or structure which Is erected, altered, main­ on the date of enactment of this Ordinance, although such use does 5. Trailer Coach parks duly licensed and operated In conformity to exempt such buildings, structures, systems, and facilities from with the laws of the state of Michigan, the application of this Ordinance when not In conflict with the pro- tained, or used, ami any use of land which Is begun, maintained or not conform with the provisions of this Ordinance, may be continued changed In violation of any provisions of this Ordinance Is he~eby at the discretion of the owner, G. Accessory uses, buildings and structures customarily inc!- visions of Section 1.02, When In conflict, the Board of Appeals shall dental to any of the above permitted uses. have the power to determine reasonable conditions under which declared to be a nuisance per se. Any person, !lrm, corporation, ARTICLE II--DISTIUCTS or other organization which violates, disobeys, omits, ne({lects, or SECTION 2.01--KINDS OF DISTRICTS SECTION 4.02--DWELLINGS such facilities may be erected. All buildings hereafter erected or placed on any piece of land SECTION 6.11--CONFLICTING PROVISIONS re~uses to comply with, or resists the enforcement of any provision, For the purposes of this Ordinance, the VIllage of ·Dansville Is shall be fined upon conviction not less than five (5) dollaJ•s nor more hereby divided into the following districts: and used as dwelling-s shall conform to the provisions of Sections 3.02 It Is not Intended by this Ordinance to repeal, abrogate, annul, to 3.05 Inclusive. or in any way impair or interfere with any existing leg-al use of than one hundred (100) dollars together with the costs of prosecution, (a) Residential Districts or shall be punished by imprisonment In the county jail for not more (b) Commercial Districts SECTION 4.03~ -OTHER BUILDINGS buildings or land; nor Is It Intended to Interfere with, or abrogate or (a) setback. Every building other than a dwelling hereafter annul any existing easement, covenants, orotheragreementsbetween than ninety (DO) days for each offense, or may he both !!ned and (c) Agricultural and Residential Districts Imprisoned as provided herein in the discretion of the Court. Each SECTION 2,02- -INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS erected shall be setback not less than ten (10) feet from the high- parties; PROVIDED, however, that where this Ordinance Imposes way right-of-way or the front lot line as the case may be, provided, more stringent limitations upon the use of land or buildings, or and every day during which an illeg·al erection, alteration, mainte­ At such time as developments appear to justify the need therefor, nance, or use contlnuell shall be deemed a separate offense, The this Ordinance shall be amended to create industrial districts as however, that where more than fifty (50) per cent of existing requires larger yards or open spaces than are Imposed or required buildings on either side for a distance of one hundred (100) feet by the provisions of any other law or any other covenant or restric­ lmpositlon of any sentence shall not exempt the offender from com­ conditions then require, pliance with the provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 2.03- ZONING DISTRICTS MAP of the proposed building are set baclt less than ten (10) feet, then tion running with the land, then the provisions of this Ordinance The zoning districts so established are shown on a map entitled the proposed building- may be set back not less than the average of shall g-overn. (b) The Village Council, the Board of Appeals, the Prosecuting Zoning Districts Map of the VIllage of Dansville adopted by the Village such existing buildings, SECTION 6.12--TRAILER COACHES AND OTHER TEMPORARY Attorney of the County, or any owner or owners of real estate within Council and certified by the VIllage Clerk, which together with the (b) Heig-ht, Buildings shall not be erected to heights less than DWELLING STRUCTURES the zoning- District In which such bulldlng structure, or premises is explanation contained thereon is hereby made a part of this Ordinance, ten (10) feet nor g-reater than thirty (30) feet, except that g-reater 1. Tra.ller Coaches. All occupied traller coaches shall be located situated may institute Injunction, mandamus, abatement, oranyother SECTION 2.04--INTERPRETATION OF DISTRICT BOUNDARIES heights may be approved by the Board of Appeals as within the in duly licensed trailer coach parks, PROVIDED, however, that appropriate action, or pro~eedtngs to prevent, enjoin, abate, or Where uncertainty exists with respect to the boundaries of any range of fire fighting- fa.cilltles available to the Vlllage, (a) The owner of any premises may erect or move not more remove any said unlawful erection, alteration, maintenance, or use. of the districts indicated on the Zoning- Map, the following rules shall ARTICLE V- AGRICULTURAL AND RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS than one trailer coach upon his premises and utilize the same for The rights and remedies provided herein are cumulatl ve and in apply: The following- provisions shall apply to all Agricultural and a dwelling- during the actual construction of his dwelling upon addition to all other remedies provided by law, (a) Where district boundaries are Indicated as approximately Residential Districts: such premises, but not to exceed twelve (12) months beginning ARTICLE XI--VALIDITY following the center lines of streets, highways, street lines, or SECTION 5.01-- USES with the date of issuance of a Certificate of App1•oval for the This Ordinance r..1d the various parts, sections, subsections, highway right-of-way lines, such center lines, street lines, or Except as provided by Section 1.03, no land shall hereafter be construction of such dwelling. sentences, phrases, and clauses thereof are hereby declared to be highway right-of-way lines shall be construed to be such boundaries, used and no buildings or structures erected and used for other than OJ) The owner or lessor of any premises may permit the loca- severable. If any part, sentence, paragraph, section, subsection, (b) Where district boundaries are so indicated that they approxi­ one or more of the following purposes: tion of trailer coaches of guests and visitors on the premises phrase, or clause is adjudged unconstitutional or invalid, it ts hereby mately follow the lot lines, such lot lines shall be construed to be 1. !<'arms, as hereinafter deJ:ined, including both general and not exceeding a total of twenty-one (21) days in a calendar year, provided that the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected said boundaries, specialized, and horticulture, viticulture, dairying, livestock and and not exceeding twenty-one (21) days in the case of any one traller thereby. The Village Council hereby declares that It would have passed (c) Where district boundaries are so indicated that they are poultry raising, and farm forestry, coach, The occupants of all such trailer coaches shall have proper this Ordinance and each part, section, subsection, phrase, sentence, approximately parallel to the center lines or street lines of streets, 2. Storage of agricultural products and roadside stands selling- access to and utllize the water supply and sewage disposal facilities and clause thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more parts, or to the center lines or right- of- way lines of highways, such district produce grown on the premises. of the premises. sections, subsections, phrases, sentences, or clauses be declared boundaries shall be construed as being parallel thereto and at such 3. Nurseries, greenhouses, picnic g-roves, golf courses, com- 2. Cellars, Basements and Tents. The erection and use of lnvaltd. distance therefrom as Indicated on the Zoning Map, If no distance munity buildings, buildings for social and religious organizations, cellnrs, basements, tents, and other similar fixed or movable struc­ is given, such dimension shall be determined by the use of the and similar facilities for educational, religious, and social activities, tures tor dwelling purposes shall be prohibited, PROVIDED, however, ARTICLE XU--DEFINITIONS scale shown on the Zoning Map. or for outdoor or indoor recreation or exercise. that a cellar or basement when constructed as part of a proposed For the purposes of this Ordinance, certain terms are herewith (d) Where the boundary of a district includes a length of a 4. Portable sawm1lls and other custom services necessarily and permanent dwelling- may be used as temporary housing for not to defined. When not Inconsistent with the context, words used In the railroad line, tho district shall include all the width of the railroad commonly performed in the primary processing of products on the exceed two years, and PROVIDED, that It meets with public health present tense include the future, words In the singular Include the rig-ht-of-way for the Indicated length of the railroad right-of-way. lands In the district. and safety standards. plural number and conversely. The word, "shall," is always man­ (e) Where the boundary of a district follows a stream, lake or 5. All uses permitted under paragraphs 1 to 5 inclusive of Section 3. Garages, Garages may be erected and utilized for temporary datory and not merely directory, other !Jody of water, the boundary line shall be interpreted to extend 3.01. · dwelling purposes, PROVIDED, application for the location, erection, SECTION 12.01--ACCESSORY BUILDING OR STRUCTURE Into the water area until it meets the boundary of the adjacent district. 6. Accessory building-s, structures, and uses customarily Inc!- and use shall first be made In writing to the Zoning Administrator. A supplementary building or structure on the same premises ARTICLE III--RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS dental to any of the above permitted uses, The application shall show the location of the parcel of land, the as the main butldlng or structure occupied by or devoted exclusively The following provisions shall apply to all Residential Districts: SECTION 5.02--SIZE OF PREMISES FOR DWELLINGS location of the proposed dwelling and garage on the parcel, the period to an accessory use, but such use shall not Include for dwelling or SECTION 3.01--USES Every building hereafter erected and used for dwelling purposes of time for which occupancy Is desired, Which period shall not exceed lodging purposes, or sleeping quarters for human beings. Except as provided by Section 1.03, no land shall hereafter be in this district shall be located on a unit of land not less in size twenty-four (24) months beginning with the date a permit Is issued, SECTION 12.02--ALTERED 1 used and no building or structure erected or placed thereon and used than that prescribed in section 3.02a, PROVIDED, however, that the . _aJl~ b~ accompanied by written approval of the Ingham County Health Any change in the location or use of a building or structure, for other than one or more of the following purposes: Board of Appeals may, upon written application, reduce the require- · ·Bepru tment of the water supply and sewage d!sposal facilities. or any change In the structural members of a building or structure l. One-family dwellings; PROVIDED, however, that multiple ments where the peculiar shape orlocationllmitsstrlct conformance · If the proposed constructl.qn_s _are In conformity with the pro­ such as bearing walls, columns, posts, girders, beams, and sim­ dwellings may be approved by the Board of Appeals upon application to these provisions, except where the unit of land existed and was visions of this Ordinance, the Zoning Administrator shall issue ilar components. therefor when accompanied by a statement approving the use signed recorded as a description of land In the office of the Register of the applicant a permit for the erection and use. The permit shall SECTION 12.03--BUILDING by eighty per cent (SO%) of all property owners located within three Deeds of Ingham County at the time of enactment of this Ordinance. clearly set forth that the g-arage is Intended as a temporary dwelling, A structure having a roof for a shelter ot persons, animals, hundred (300) feet of the boundaries of the parcel of land, and when SECTION 5.03--SETBACKS AND SIDE YARDS and that on or before a specified date its use as a. dwelling- is to be plants, or Inanimate things. such use Is In conformity with Section 1.02. The provisions of Section 3.03 to 3.05 inclusive shall apply to discontinued unless the garage was located on the site for the SECTION 12.04--DWELLING 2. Home occupations, Including handicrafts such as dressmaking; all premises In this district. dwelling, was Intended to serve as the nucleus for the dwelling and Any building- or structure or part thereof, occupied as the home, the office of a physician, surgeon, chiropractor, osteopath, dentist, ARTICLE VI--GENERAL PROVISIONS has been brought to the same state of completion as required for residence, or sleeping place of one or more persons either per­ veterinarian, musician, realtor, artist, attorney, justice of the peace, SECTION 6.01--SCOPE OF ORDINANCE ordinary dwelling In the district, On delivery of the permit, the manently or temporarily, but not including trailer coaches, tents, and other professional occupations; the sale of products produced on Except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance, no land or existing appllcant shall certify in a space allotted for that purpose that he cabins, and similar structures. the premises; boarding and renting of rooms; PROVIDED, however, building or structure, and no new building or structure, or part has full knowledge of the permit and Its limitations and the penalty SECTION 12.05--ERECTED that such uses shall be situated within the dwelling located on the thereof, shall hereafter be located, erected, used, or altered other pertaining thereto, No permit shall be transferrable to any other Includes built, constructed, reconstructed, moved upon, or any premises and not In any a.ccessorybulld!ngor structure; PROVrDED, than in conformity with the provisions of this Ordinance, person. A copy of the application and permit Including certification physical operations on the land required for a building or structure. further, that such use shall not occupy more than twenty-five percent SECTION 6.02- NONCONFORMING USES AND BUILDINGS shall be filed with the VIllage Clerk, Excavations, fill, drainage, and the like shall be considered a part (25%) of the floor area of anyonefloor; and PROVIDED, further, that (a) Extension of Uses. Extension of any nonconforming uses . ARTICLE VII- .. ADMINISTRATION of an erection. not more than one sign or plate not exceeding five (5) square feet In throug-hout a building, or additions to any aforesaid building- for SECTION 7.01-- ZONING ADMINISTRATION SECTION 12,06--FAMlLY area containing the name and occupation of the person or the product the purpose of extending a nonconforming use, or the extension of T~Je provisions of this ~rdtnance shall he enforced by a Vtllage Any number or individuals living- together In a single housekeep­ or services offered be displayed, and that there be no externally any nonconforming use Into or throug-hout a parcel of land not fully Zomng· Admmtstrator, appomted by the VIllage Council for such term ing unit and related by blood or marriage Including domestic em­ visible display of stock, goods, or facilities relating to any of the occupied by such nonconforming use may be granted by the Board and subject to such conditions and at such rate of compensation as ployees thereat; or any group not exceeding !lve (5) persons not so above usages. of Appeals on written application filed with the Village Clerk, Said said Council shall determine, For the purposes of this Ordinance he related and living- together, not Including domestic employees. 3, Churches, parish houses, schools, libraries, and similar re­ Board may hold a public hearing upon such application. If it shall shall have the power of a. police officer. SECTION 12.07--FAHM ligious and educational buildings, structures, and lands. appear that the proposed extension shall not be in accord with any SECTION 7 .02--QUALIFICATIONS OF THE ZONING AD MIN­ All of the unplatted, contiguous, neig-hboring, or associated land 4. Land for playgrounds, parks, and similar facilities for out­ provisions of Section 1.02, then such application shall be denied, ISTRATOR operated as a single untt on which bona fide farming Is carried on door exercise and recreation. (b) Discontinuance of Nonconforming Uses. If the nonconforming To be elig-ible for appointment, the zoning Administrator shall directly by the owner-operator, manager, or tenant-farmer by his 5, Signs advertising the rental, lease, or sale of the property uses of any parcel of land, building, or structure Is discontinued or be generally informed on good practice in fire prevention, safety, own labor or with the assistance of members of ills household or upon which the sign Is located, PROVIDED, the total area of such signs abandoned through vaoancy, lack of operations, or otherwise for a. health, sanitary and pr.ote~tive measures. He shall not be engaged hired employees, PROVIDED, however, that land to be considered a does not exceed none (9) square feel, and that the area. of any one sign continuous period of one or more years, then any further use shall or employed, directly, or indirectly, In the sale or purchase of farm hereunder shall Include a contiguous, unplatted parcel of not shall not exceed three (3) square feet. conform to the provisions of this Ordinance, real estate In the Village. less than 15,000 square feet In are~, PROVIDED, further, that or­ 6. Accessory buildings, structures, and uses customarily In­ (c) Change of Nonconforming Uses. The nonconforming use of SECTION 7.03--CERTIFICATES OF APPROVAL AND COMPLIANCE chards, hatcheries, and similar specialized agricultural enterprises cidental to any of the permitted uses. Garages shall not provide space any parcel of land, building, or structure shall not be changed to any 1. To facilitate the administration of this Ordinance, and assist may be considered as farms; but establishments keeping fur­ for more than one motor vehicle for each three thousand (3,000) other nonconforming use, nor shall any use be reverted to the former the property owner in complying 111th its provisions, no building bearing animals, game, or operated as !ish hatcheries, dog kennels, square feet of ground area in the parcel of land, Accessory uses shall nonconforming use after any nonconforming use of any parcel of or structure subject to Its provisions shall hereafter be erected, stockyards, slaughter houses, stone quarries, gravel or sand pits not include the storage, wrecking, dismantling, or sale of automo­ land, building, or structure Is changed to a conforming- use. altered, or moved until appllca.tlon for a Certificate of Approval or the removal and sale of top soil, fertilizer works, bone yards, biles or parts thereof. No accessory use shall Include a use which by SECTION 6,03--REPAIR, COMPLETION, IMPROVEMENT, AND has been filed with the Village Clerk on duplicate forms provided plggerles, or for the reduction of animal matter or for the disposal the emission or smoke, odor, noise, dust, or which In any other way RESTORATION OF NONCONFORMING BUILDINGS AND STRUC- by the Village, and the Zoning Administrator has Issued such cer- of garbage, sewage, rubbish, junk, or offal, shall not constitute a Is ohjectlonabl~, detrimental, or a nuisance to the neighborhood, TURES tlficate. farm hereunder, An accessory use shall not Include a building or use that Is not located (a) Nothing in this Ordinance shall prevent such repairs, improve- 2. The application shall be signed by the owner of the premises SECTION 12,08--HIGHWAY on the same parcel of land with the building or use to which it is ments, or reinforcement of a nonconforming building or structure or his authorized agent, and shall certliy that all the provisions of Any public thoroughfare Including roads, and streets, but not accessory. existing on the date of enactment of this Ordinance as may be this Ordinance and other ordinances ofthe Village are to be complied alleys, SECTION 3.02--SIZE OF PREMISES necessary to secure or Insure continued advantageous use thereof with. The application shall be filed not less than ten (10) days prior SECTION 12,09--LOT LINES (a) Every parcel of land upon which a dwelling is hereafter during Its natural life, PROVIDED, however, that such repair, to the Intended Initiation of any work on the premises, and shall state (a) Front Lot Line. The ltne dividing a lot in a recorded plat erected or placed shall contaln not lessthanflfteen thousand (15,000) improvement, or reinforcement Includes no enlargement or change the kind, size, and location of the building or structure on the unit of from the highway. When premises are not located in recorded square feet of area exclusive of any part thereof lying within the of use thereof, and PROVIDED, further, that the owner first obtain land including accessory buildings or structures, and water supply plats, the front lot line shall be considered the highway right-of­ boundaries of a highway right-of-way. Such parcel shall not be a CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL, for such repair, Improvement, and sewage disposal facilities to be erected or existing. way line, \\lh.en lots or premises are located on a corner or inter­ less than one hundred (100) !eet 1n width throughout its depth. or reln!orcement as hereinafter provided. 3. Whenever the buildings, structures, and uses as set forth section of two highways, the front line shall be considered the shorter The requirements of this paragraph shall not apply to a. sing-le unit (b) Nothing In this Ordinance shall require any change in the In the application are In conformity with the provisions of this line unless otherwise determined by the Board of Appeals as not in of land on a plat o!!icially approved and recorded prior to the enact­ erection or intended legal use of a building, the construction of Ordinance, the Zoning Administrator shall Issue the owner a Cer­ accord with the circumstances of any given site. ment of this Ordinance and owned by an Individual who has no other which shall have been diligently prosecuted within thirty (30) days tlflcate of Approval within ten (10) days of the filing thereof, Where OJ) Side Lot Line. Any boundary lines other than the front or land contiguous thereto from which these rt>qulrements can be met, preceding the passage at this Ordinance, and which is completed action of the Board of Appeals Is required In any case, the Zoning rear lines. PROVIDED, that no such unit shallbelessthru• eight thousand (8,000) within one hundred twenty (120) days after said date, PROVIDED, Administrator shall issue such Certificate within tan (10) days of SECTION 12,10--PREMISES square feet in area nor less than sixty (60) feet in width throughout that a written declaration of such use is filed with the Village such action, In any case where a. Certificate Is refused, the cause The unit or parcel of land on which a dwelllng or other principal its depth. Not more than one dwelling shall be erected on any parcel Clerk within ten (10) days following- the effective date of this shall be stated In writing to the applicant, structure, and accessories thereto, are located or to be located of land. Ordinance, 4, Any Certificate of Approval under which no work is done tog-ether with the open or yard spaces required by this Ordinance. (b) The minimum size of parcel required for other permitted (c) Nothing in this Ordinance shall prevent the reconstruction, within ninety (90) days from the date of issuance shall expire by As herein employed, the term premises Is not necessarily limited or approved uses In the district including accessory uses thereto repair, or restoration and resumption of use of any nonconforming limitation; but shall be renewable upon re-application and on payment to a so-called lot In a plat or subdivision. shall be determined by the Board of Appeals upon written application building or structure damaged by fire, explosion, acts of God or of one-half (1/2) of the original fee sulJject, however, to the pro­ to the Board as may be reasonable for such use and In conformity acts of the public enemy following the effective date of this Ordin- visions of all Ordinances In effect at the time of renewal, SECTION 12.11--ROADSIDE STANDS with Section 1.02. ance, wherein the expense thereof does not exceed sixty (60) per :, The Zoning Administrator shall have the power to revoke A farm structure used solely by the owner or tenant of the farm SECTION 3,03--SETBACKS cent of the fair valuation of such building or structure at the time or cancel any Certificate of Approval in case of failure or neglect on which It is located tor the sale of only seasonal products at the (a) Every building hereafter erected shall be set back not less such damag-e occurs, PROVIDED, that such valuation be approved to comply with any provisions of this Ordinance or in the case of farm and Its immediate neighborhood. than forty (40) feet from the highway right-of-way line or the front by the Board of Appeals, and PROVIDED, further, that such work any false statement or misrepresentation made In application, The SECTION 12.12--TRAILER COACH PARK lot Une as the case may he, PROVIDED, however, that where more Is completed within one hundred twenty (120) days following the owner or his agent shall be notified of such revocation In writing, Any premises utilized by two (2) or more occupied trailer than fifty (50) per cent of existing buildings on either side for a damage, and resumption of use takes place within one hundred 6, Within five (5) days after receiving written notification of coaches either gratis or !or revenue purposes, and shall Include distance of two hundred (200) feet of the proposed building are set twenty (120) days after completion. compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance, the Administrator any building, or structure used or Intended for use as a part ot back less than forty (40) teet, then the proposed building may be SECTION 6.04--GENERAL YARD AND LAND LIMITATIONS shall Inspect the premises and issue the owner a Certificate of the facilities thereof. set back not less than the average setback of such existing- buildings. (a) Non~Dupllcatlon. In determining land and yard requi;:ements, Compliance If the building-, structure, and use are in conformity SECTION 12.13--YARDS (b) Every accessory building hereafter erected shall be set no area shall be counted as accessory to more than one dwellin~ or with the Ordinance, The open ground space on a premises unoccupied by buildings. back not less than fifty (50) feet from the highway right-of-way lines main building or use, and no area necessary for compliance with 7. For each Certificate of Approval, a fee of $3.00 shall be (a) Front Yard. The yard extending across the tu11 width of a or the front lot line aG the case may be, unless attached to and having the open-space requirements for one dwelling or main building paid to the VIllage Treasurer who shall place the same in a separate premises between the front lot line and the nearest line of the 11. common wall with the dwelling or other principal building, in which or use shall be included or counted in the calculation or the open- fund to be known as the Village of Dansville Zoning Ordinance Fund main building or structure. case· the accessory building shall be deemed a part of the dwelling or space accessory to any other dwelling or main building or use. which fund shall be used solely for administration of the Ordinanc~ (b) Side Yard, The yard extending !rom the front to the rear principal building as to setback requirements. (b) Front and Side Yard Uses, Every part of every front yard as directed by the Village Council. No Certificate shall be valid yard between the side lot line and the nearest line of the maJn SECTION 3.04--SIDE YARDS and side yard shall be open and unobstructed by structures from the until the required fees have been paid. No separate fee shall be building or structure. Accessory buildings or structures attached to There shall be an open side yard of not less than five (5) feet ground up to the sky, except for unenclosed porches, chimneys, required for accessory buildings or structures when application the main building- or structure shall be deemed a part thereto for the in width on both sides of every parcel of land and no building shall pilasters, sills• belt courses, cornices, caves, gutters, trellises, therefor Is made at the same time as the principal building or struc­ purpose of determinin~ yard requirements. , be erected within such side yard, PROVIDED, however, where a and similar structures, PROVIDED, however, that no such structure ture. No fee shall be required for a Certificate a! Compliance. parcel of land is located at the intersection at highways, the right­ shall project more than sixty (60) inches into any yard, ARTICLE VID--AMENDMEN'l'S ARTICLE XIll--EFFECTIVE DATE of-way llne of the side highway shall be deemed the side line of the (c) No building or structure accessory to a dwelllng shall ex- SECTION B.Ol--INITIATION OF AMENDMENTS The provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be parcel, and a garage may not be erected within five (5) feet of such ceed twenty (20) feet in height, PROVIDED, however, that this lim- Amendments to this Ordinance may originate with either the necessary for the public welfare, ~ealth, peace, safety, and morals, llne. 1tat1on shall not apply to farm bUildings and structures, Villag-e Council by resolution a! themajorltyofthelr membership, or and shall be in eftect on and after May 12, 1965. SECTION 3.05--SIZE OF DWELLINGS SECTION 6.05--WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL FA- by written petition signed by no less than ten (10) percent at the Enacted by the Village Council for the Vlllage of Dansville on No building or structure hereafter erP.cted or places on any CILITIE S owners of property. Such petition shall include the address of each Apr1112, 1965, The Ingham County News, Wednesday, No.y 5, 1965- Page B-9 Money Bags Found Pigs Get Select sc1ence• tra1n1ng• • in the LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES • • • PUBLICATION OilDER I'UDLICATION ORDER JlUDLICATION ORDER E·OGI E·GV8 Treatment in E-700 State of Michigan, l'robato Cour~ Stato or Michigan, l'robnto Court Stnte or Michigan, l'robnto Court for tho County of Ingham for tho Count~ or Ingham for tho County of lnghnm Eo\nto of EDI'l'II L. Sll1ITir, Do· E1tnto or IRENE L, MAYEIILE, In Holt; linked 4·H SWINE PROGRAM Estnto of IIARR¥ J, WINN, Do• ceoact1. Deccaood, 4-H Proieds ccnscd. l'r IS ORDERED that on July 1, I'l' IB ORDERED that on Juno 28, 11' IS ORDERED thnt on Mny 20, 1066 nt 10:00 A, M, ln tho Proboto 1005, at 0115 A. lr!, In tho Probata Cou1 troom, Muuon, Michigan, a How muny pigs 111 the )HJrlor'l lOOB, at o:46 A M, ln tl1o l'robnto Courtroom, Lnnolng, Mlchlsnn, n Conrtt•oom, J~nnnlng. Mlchlann, n hon~lng bo hold at which nil crodl· benrlng be hold at \Vhlch nil crodltorl It all depends, say animal scien­ hcnrlnrr bo held on tho vcUUon of tors of sold deceased nro requlrod to or onld doeeaood nro required to • BACTERIOLOGY provo tholr clnlm. Creditor. muat To Lansing Theft tists E1ght squnra feat pet p1g Dnryl V. Minnis lor tho nnnolntmont (JrOVO tholr claim. Crcdltoro muat ruo or • fiduciary nnd for dotcrmlnntlon oworn clnlma with tho court and fllo aworn clnlma with tho cour~ has been trted, but the answCJ • GENETICS or heirs 1.1orvo p, COJIY on !:'red Englund, Jr, nnd oorvc a copy on Lloyd D. Morrlt, !JOLT - Two money b11.gs found ln Holt wero llnkecl to an Aprll was not conclusive Size of the Publication nnd ucrvlce shnll bo DBG Soulhlnwn Street, En•t Lanalng, lfi2 E. Aah St., Mnaon, Michigan, modo ns vrovldo~ by otntuto nnd Mlchlgnn, 11rlor to sold hcarln~r. prior to s~lol hearing, 17 robbery of a Lnnsln& superm11rkot In which $11,726 was stolen. mumal, season of the year :md Court rule, Publlcn\lon nnstgnmcnt or residue Dnte: April 22, 19GG Date April 28, 1065 County, Michigan, Rccordu, on whlob lJuhtacntwn and set vacc almll be JAMES 1', KALLMAN JAMES l', KALLMAN mortgage tbcro lo claimed to be nis, 5th grade tench~r; Mrs, Rlch:l!'d LeRoy Riggs, 24, E. A trua copy: Judge of Prabnto Vaughn, Torn Robb!~:on, Craig Mo•rwyn Lynn Kayne, 29, Lan. mndQ ttl lHOVldod by statuto nnd A true copy: Jud~~:c of Probnto duo on tho dnto heroof tho 1om '!'bel mo. Harvey, 6th grade teach­ Hlldenbrand, Alan Hake, Brian sing; Doris Nell Waterman, 29, La:.1sing1 Bormie Jenn Baugh, 20, Court 1 ulc Bon mo Bo 1lrJO Florence M, Fletcher of twenty-nine thouonnd four hun­ or, ami Mrs, Donna Hawley, 1st l!ato AJ•nl 26, I 96G Dcnuty p, obntc Register Deputy Probate Rcglo\cr dred tlfty.two nnd 20/100 dollara Plank, ,J effory Vallance, Randy Lansing, Lansing. JAMES 'I KALLMAN CHOSS. WROCK lll!LLER, VIESON ($20,452 ~0), whlcb amount beara &Tadfl teacher. l'. MERRILL WYBLE Turner and Terry Klersey, John F red'3r!ck Harrison, 20, Dennis Jay Hea:ry, 24, Lan­ A hue cOJlY Jullgc for mings, 221 E. Lansing, Estnte of MAHlE ll SfOGK!NG, II IS UHlJI::HED lhnt on Mny 21, Courtroom, Lanning. Michignn, Ra his car. He saltututc nml made m1 lllUVtdeJ by ptntute nnd Date. ApriiJ~\1~~6GT. !{ALLMAN igan. With Lansing; Gloria Anne Ferris, Court tule Co .11 t rule Dntcd thlu 16th dny of February, 20, Lansing. Dntc Alllli 22, 1 OG5 Dntc Apnl 22, 19G5 A true copy: Judgo of Probnto 1965. JAMES 1 KALUIAN JAMES l'. KALLMAN ~'Iorence l\1. Fletcher NEW YORK LIFE INSURANC& Flmvers Gerald Mnrvin Campbell, 221 A 'ltuc Copy Judge of !'JolJntc A tlue copy: Judge of Probata Deputy Probate ll.eldatcr COMPANY Eatoa Rapids; Pauline Kay Cole, Florcnco M llctchct Uonnu) IJaduo l'RASBR. 'I HEBIL(.;OCK, DAVIS A GARI!:Y a GAllEY, Attorncya 18, Eaton Rapids, lJCIJUty Pt ohn tc He!~ Isler Denuty Probate llcglstcr FOSTE!l, Attorneys for petltione~ 4472 Penob•cot Dulldlng, Vetrott. Jobs JOIWAN JllNKINS !JAN K 01 LANSING 1400 Mtch!gnn NntJonal 'lower, Lnn. Road 7w1B From ... Richard Allen Shotwell, 22, Atto1 ncy f01 ll~t.Jt.wncL· Trust D~ Estate of MILDRED D. GARDNER thnt on hidny, July 23, 1066, nt ton Later during the summer the 501 Lansing. lJit:LJEll]l;HS nnd DAltuAHA J. MOin GAGE SALE-Default hnv· n/1rtR'C l!c~Jstcr of Deeds. for the County Court 1 ule thereon at the t1me of sole, together Lansing. 347, Which :mid mort~:ngc wns therc­ of Ingham und State ol MlchJgan, Dat< · April 21, 19G5 with nil legal coat•, mtereot nt alx Holt Firemen JAMES '!' KALLMAN Dennis Dean Womble, 20, Lan­ nftcr on, to-W1l the 7th U.ty of on the 2~th dny of Murch, A. D. ver cent Iler nnnum from dot~ horo· December A, D. HHil, nssigncll to 1060, In L1bex 7~3 of lnuhnm A true cop~- Judge of l'robato ot, and an nttorney fcc ns provided Phone OX 4-4871 Wire Service sing; Candra Caroi Largent, 19, l'cdernl Nnt10n 11 Moa LttUI{o AtHiocm .. County llccords, on Jlnge 1160 which lloJcnce M I letcher by statute, aH tbcrem provided, 11 Make 9 Runs Lansing. t1on. a Nntlonnl Mortgage A!Uloctn­ mortgage wns recotdcd April 15, DeJluty Probo~te ltcgJSter parcel described ns: William F, Laverty, 23, Bel­ tion, nnd 1econled on December 11, 1no, 1n L1be1 /84, l'nge li2G, Ins· C. !lllUCE KELLEY The northerly 50' of the •outhtr• 1961. 111 tl1e Oi!Icc of the Hecister ot hnm County Hecord• wh1ch an1~ Attmnl'y for petitioner ly 200' o! Lot 21 of Suvervloor'D HOLT - Holt firemen made mont, Massachusetts! Faye L. lJcct.ls J or Hnid County of Ingham m mortgu~c was thercarter on, to .. wtt 208 S ~ycamo1e Street, Lnnolnl!". l'lat of Itose Milia Fnrm, n part the t~th dny of APill A. V. 1060, 17w3 9 runs this past week. The first Hegerlch, 21, E. Lansing, Liber 818, (lltgc H4G. lnghum County of tho NWi of Sec. 26, TSN, RaW, Records, nnd 1:1UIJ1iefJUcntly n!:lslgncd a•SJgrJed to lEAGHI::HS INSURANCE MORTGAGE SALE Dulhl 'l'own•hip, Ingham Crtl 19GO m the office of RegJSter of real estate mortgage, whereby tl!P Doted nt Lnnolng, Nlchh1nn Karch the Henry Alberts• residence at 18, 1963 in the office of Heg1stcr of Deeds for saiu Count~ of Ingham vower of sale thcrem contained 1{0. 26. 1005 4568 \Vest Holt road where a Paul Dennis Wood m, 22, Wil­ Deeds for sn~d County of Jngh lm m ln Llber 78:; of lnghnm County R~­ come operntJve, mnde by HAURY A. C. L. THOMPSON AND Wi:Llm liamston; J enneen Kathie Mc­ l..iber 846 of lni"hnm County' Jtccords, cord,. on page 801, on v.hlch mort· PHILLIPS nnd EIHEL M, PHIL· J, 1 HOMPSON, Nortsnseea burned out motor on the record on pnge i' 58, on whn:h mortgage j(ago the10 1• claimed tD be due, ut LIPS, husband nnd Wlfe. of Lansing, R. WILLIAN HElD player caused a good deal of Clure, 18, Wlliiamston, :there ls clmmcd to be due. nt the the date of th1s nollce, lor prmcnml lnsthnm County. M1chtgnn, the mort­ Attorney for Mortsn11eeD smoke. No damage was done to Gene ElwoOd Johnson, 37 Lan­ date of thu1 not1cc, for llrlnc!Jl,ll and nnd mtereJt, the sum oi Eleven gagors. to Amertcnn Hank nnd 1'rust 408 N. Cnp1tol Avenuo 1 Interest, the aurn of '1 welve 1 housnnll 'lhousond lour J-lunured 1hrcc nnd Company, a Michigan llanklng T,ansln~r. 11w11 Health anythL~g besides the record play­ sing; Iva Luella Jenkins, 39, Four Hundred r1 wcnty-Thrce und 0~/100 ($11,403.03) Dollars. Corpornt1on, of 101 S. Washington er. Lansing, n/100 ($12,423 22) Dollnrs. No su1t or .vroccedwgs at taw or Avenue. Lnnsmg. Ingham County, MORTGAGE SALE-Default baa No SUit or Jlrocccduu:s nt lnw or in equJty JJUvmg been mat1tuted tt> Mlchignn, mortgagee, dated Novcm· been mado In tbc coddltlon• of a Ernest R, Garcia Jr., 20, Lan­ in e(}UltY havmg been wstltutcd to recover the debt secured by Bald ber 10, 1962, nnd recorded ln tho mortgage mnde by HOMER L. PET· On April 28 at 4:30 p.m. the sing; Janet Jaye Haf!man, 19 recover the dci.Jt secured by snad mortgage rry pte (Jr. 1100 unpnld on aa1d mortgage debt to Forll's home address is son, Apr, 23, ublu: uuc:tlon Will be forocloaed by & 8AII of the On Aprll 30 at 9:45 a, m. the 1>renuscs nrc descr1bct..l us follows. All follows. AU that certnm P1ece or mortgo11cd premlaea, or aomo part Charles E, Cokonougher, thu Jnnds de3cnbed therem, or 110 or them. at pubhc vendue, at tile THURSDAY, MAY 13- Baked beans W/hot New York Central Railroad that ccrtmn 11cce ur lhlrccl of lnnd puree! of lund a1tuate m the C1ty of much ns ehnll be necessary to entu· plalnti.U and cross-defendnnt, vs 1ntuate m the C1ty of Ln.nsmg, m L:tnsmg. In the County of Ingham, !y tho amount due ut the tome of Michigan Avenue entrance of the dogs, Molded salad, Bread & Butter, Rtce caused another grass fire on the County of lnghnm, nnd State of and State of M1clugnn nnd described Cltl' Hall llu!lding, In the C1t:r of Kay L. Cokonougher, defendant anle, together with nil lcgnl roata, Lan1ine, Inaham Count;r, lllllchl11an, puddtnp WI raisins, Milk, !-1 pt. Dell road, M1chJgnn nnd descnbcll as follows, as follows, ta-wlt: Jntcrest nt Bix ver cent from dote and cross-plainti.U, Apr. 23. to-wlt: Lot 82 of LinWood V1Jiagc, n hireof. and nn attorney fee of at 10 .oo o'clock A II., Eutern Lot No 395. Church1ll Downs No. Subdivision on the Northwest ~ ll•vonty-Flve Dollars no therem pro· Standard Time, on WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY, MAY 14 • Macront & cheese, April 30 at 12:35 p.m. there Edwin L. Poling vs Rose M, 2, a SublltVISIOn on vnrt of the JUNE 9, 1965. Cabboge salad, Fruit 1uice, Roll & butter, of Soutbeaat ~ JLnd Northeast l VJded, n parcel descr1 bed n.s: was another grass fire at 2230 Poling, Apr. 23. Weat ~ of Sect1on :u. rown 4 of Southwest! of Sect10n 33, Town Lot Eutht (8) of the Pint of Sald prem1oca ate altuated In tbe /ce cream, Milk, ~~ pt. North, Range 2 West, G1t~ of Lan­ ' North, Range 2 \Vest~ Lansmg, Br:dge Street Subdivi.l!oion, of a part Cltl' of LanalnK, Ineham Covnt:r, Coolrldge road. Larry Dimick vs, Mary Ann Jmg, lnghnm County. M1chJgan, nc• llllcbiRan, and aro deacrlbed aa; Dimick, Apr. 23. MJchJgan1 nccordJng to the plat of tbc Northeast quarter of the cording to the recorded t,Jat there• thereof n3 r~cord~d m Lober 17 or Norlhcnot quarter or SectiOn 19, Lat No, 71 Arrow Head llanor, a On May 1 at 6:49 p.m. firemen Grace Lou Jean Collier vs of ns recorded August :l-1, 1960 H\ Plats. ra9~ ~a. in&hnm Count:¥ Town 4 North, Range 2 West, In Subdmolon of a part of tllle Llber 23 of Plats, P11ge 17, Ing­ Ilecord•. the Townobop of Lnnolng, Ingham Nortbwut l of Section II, Towa answered a false alarm. Herbert H. Collier, Apr. 23. ham County ltecords. Dated at Detroit, Michigan Mnrc!! Count~. MlcbJgnn. ' North, llann 2 Welt, Cltr of Uated nt lictro1t, MJch11:an March Lanl!nK, lnaham Countr, llldt• Donna Jean Lambert vs Gene ol, IU~G Dn.ttd nt Lanstng, Mu~bia:an, 1. 1~65. IJI&n, accordJRII lD tnc recorded On May 2 at 5:25 p.m. fir'=!men Frederick Lambert, Apr. 23. TEACHERS INSURANCE AND ~·obruary 17, 1965. Griffith Drugs were called to fight a grass fire NATIONAL DANK 01' DETROIT, ANNUITY ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN BANK AND TRUST Plat tbcroor •• recorded April u. Burrell Dewayne FUe vs Judy n Dnnlung AssocJora.tion. Mortgagee. 38, •aid Ineham Countr Recorda. Hult by a carlessly thrown clgaret or GEilALD l!: uHANADIER DONK AND POLLICK HENRY L. SCHRAM ll&ted: March 2, liiGii OX 9-2779 Larnel Johnson vs Robertlne Attorne)' for Ass1gncc of Mortgncco Attorneys for A:uugnce of Mortgagee BANGOR SAVINGS BANE. Ia.. match, Attorney Cor Mortgagee eor, Ma1na llortl&lol Johnson, Apr. 23. 2350 1<'1rst Nnt1anal llu1hhng. Detro1t. 216I Gunrdlnn IlulldiiJg, Detroit, Duamcso Addres•: 102 American Michigan. 9w13 1d1chlgnn. !3w!3 BRAT~ON, BRATTON & ROIEOPP, The Ingham County News, Wednesday, May 5, 1965 Page B-10 B&nk & Truat Bldg, Lnns1n11. 8w!S Attaraua llwU LeGAL NOTICeS LEGAL NOTICES "II ot LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICeS



A CAve 17w4

15 1065 JAMES r ICALLMAN A true copy Judge of Probata Flo encc M Fletcher Dep ty Probate Reg ster DAVID M SEELYE A to ney for vet toner 1005 !lauch Bu ld g LanalnS' 1Gw3

of P obato

Lansing 14w3

21 I 065 JAMES T KALLMAN Judge of Probata MARVIN J SALMON C rcu t Jud~ro


PVDLieATII)N OltD!ftD 9S a 2 State of Michigan Probate Cour\ ro the Coun y of Ingham Estn c of WARREN T GILBERT Deceased IT IS ORDEnED that on May 21 1 OGS at 9 35 A M In the Probata Cour room Lane ng Michigan a hear n11: bt held en the Pet t on of Do othy l Gl bert W1dow pra:rmc fo nn n owance of lA cl statu at p ov dcd by atatute Publ c&t on and oervlco ehnll be rnnde as 11rovldecl by atatuto and Court ru f Da e Apr I 28 UG~ KA• •., ... lAMEST ...... ,.,.... A true copy Jud~~:e of Probato llonn e Dodr e Deputy Probate Reglater C RICHARD TABER Attorner !or vet toner 2706 E M cb san Ave Lanalnl' church leadership, both adults ADVENTIST and youth group, e :3 o. Midweek METHODIST CON'T. ROMAN CATHOLIC CON'T. BUNKER HILL SEVENTH DAY evening service, WfJdnesday, observed, lnlllnts baptized and Thursday 4:15 p.m.; Public in­ ADVENTIST, Elder J,M. Hllllty· 7:30. members received Into the quiry clus open to pubUc ThUl'll· shyn, p ILil tor, Services every church, Good Friday Union 5er­ day 7:30 p.m. church hall; Holy Saturday, Sabbath school, 10 v1ces will be held In this church hour Saturday 7:90 to 8:30 p,m.J a.m.; preaching service, 11 a.m. Friday at 1:15 until 2:30 P,M, Baptisms by appointment, HOLT SEVENTH-DAY AD· CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Easter morning worship services ST, MARY'S CATHOLIC, Wll­ VENTIST, 1 1/2 mlle south of FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST will be at D:OO and 10:30 A,M, li&ll111ton, WIJ.lll.m G, Hanken!, Holt road on Grovenburg road, SCIENTIST, corner ot Oak and with nursery cnre provided. putor. Muses: Sundays ?:80, Elder A.K. Phillips, pastor, Sab· Barnes, Mallon, Sunda.y services, There wlll be NO church school 9 and 11 a.m. Holy Day•: 7 bath school, 9:30 a.m.; worship 11 a.m.; Sunday school during or MYF, and 0 a.m. and 7:30 p,m, WHk service, 11 a. m, the llervlce; Wedneeday evening FIRST METHOD!&"!' CHURCH, days, 8 Lm. except Tueadayl, meetings at B; public reading Mason, E. Lenton SUtcliffe, Min­ and Fridays which are ··school room Ia open at the church Wed­ ister sunday morning worship days 11.1 11:10 a.m. Perpttual nesday and Saturday, 2-4. service at 10:00. Church School help Novena. S&turday svenlnp, BAPTIST at 11:15. MYF at 6:30. 7:~0. cont.e1111lons heard Sat~ WILLIAMSTON BAPTIST, urdays 10:30 untU 11:30 Lm., Harold Reeae, pastor. Church COMMUNITY and from 7 untU 8:30p.m. Also school, 10 a, m,; worBhlp ser­ MORMON the evenings before holy days and vices, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p,m.; OKEMOS COMMUNITY, Allen first Fridays trom 7:30 untU B: 30 Young Peoples Meeting, 6:30 E, Whlttrup, minister, Sunday CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST p, m, Religion tor public school p,m.; prayer service, Wednes­ mol'nlng Bervlce, 10 a.m.; Nur­ OF LATTER DAY SAINTS (Mor­ children: high achool, Monday day, 6 p.m. aery 10 a.m.; Harold Coger, stu­ mon), 149 Highland, EaBt Lan­ evenings, 7:30; grade achool, sing, K e 11 y Thu1•ston, bishop, MASON BAPTIST, Rev, Murl dent assistant to mlnl.liter, Sundays t.fter 9 o•clbck mu1, Priesthood meeting, 9 a.m.;Sun­ E&Btman, pastor. Morning wor­ CHILDS BffiLE, Robert Bow­ all clusea held In the school. ship, 10; Sunday school, 15; den, pa5tor, Sunday school, 10 day Bchool, 10:30 a.m.; evening 11: Adult lnlltructlons by appoint~ Baptl.lit Youth Fellowship, 6:15 a, m.; morning worBhlp service, service, 6 p.m. ment, p.m.; evening service, 7: 30; Wed­ 11; Young Peoples meeting, 6:30 S,S, CORNELIUSANDCY• nesday, 7:00 p.m., prayer and p.m.; Sunday evening worship, PRIAN CATHOLIC, C&thollc Bible study, 7:30; prayer meeting, Wednes­ NAZARENE church road, Bunker Hlli, Leo DANSVILLE BAPTI&"J', Guest day, 7:30p.m. R11.mer, pastor. Sunday muaes, 8 HASLETT COMMUNITY Speaker. SUnday school, 10 a.m.; MASON CHURCH OF THE 11..m. and 10 a.m.; holy day maB~ worship services 11 a.m. and CHURCH, Monterey and Tona­ NAZARENE, Rev. Jo11eph Nlel· ses, 6 and 8:30 a.m. 7:30 p.m.; young people's meet­ wanda drive, Chules 0, Erlck­ 11on, pastor. Sunday school, 10 Ing, 6:30p.m.; Wednesday pray­ s on, minister. Church achool, be­ a.m.; Morning Worship, 11 a.m. er meeting and Bible study, 7:30 ginners through 4th grade at Sunday evening service, 7:00 p, p.m. 10:00 a.m.; ail ages at 11:15 m,, Young people, 6:00 p.m.; HOLT BAPTIST CHURCH. Au­ a.m.; morning service, 10:00 a. Prayer meeting on Wednesday UNDENOMINATIONAL burn and W, Holt Rd. Rev. Gor­ m.; nursery and toddler carepro­ 2venlng, 7:00, NORTH AURELIUS CHURCH, den Sander, pastor. Morning wor­ vlded during the service. WILLIAMSTON NAZARENE Rev. Jamea T, Elkinl, Putot-. ship, 6:45 & ll a.m.; Sunday ONONDAGA COMMUNITY Francls c. Hot!, putor. Church Sunday School, lO:OOa.m.;Mom­ School, 10 a.m.; YPCF, 5:46; CHURCH, (United Church of school, 10 a.m.; worBhlp ser­ lng Worship, 11:00 a.m.; Youth Evening worship, 7 p.m.; Wed­ Chrl.lit) Rev. Jack Short, plllltor. v 1 c e 11; NY P S, 6:30 p.m. I Meetings, 6:30 p.m.; E venlng nesday, 7:15 p.m., prayer ser­ 10 a.m. Sunday school; 11 a.m. Pruchlng, 7:00p.m.; prayer Servlce, 7:30p.m.; Prayer meet­ vice, church services. meeting, Wednesday, 8, Ing, Wednesday, 7:80p.m. GRACE BAPTIST OF ONON­ WEST COLUMBIA CHURCH DAGA, next door to town hall, OF THE NAZARENE, on Weat Mal Hoyt, p&Btor. Sunday school, CONGREGATIONAL Columbia East of AureUUI!l Rd., . 10 a.m.; morning worship, 11; WlllJ&m Tibbettl, putor, Sunday evening service, 8; pr&yer meet­ LESLIE CONGREGATIONAL­ School, 10:15 a.m.; morntngwor­ ing and Bible claas, Wedne5day CHRISTIAN, church lichool, 9:45; shlp, 11:15 a.m.; NYPS, 7:15 UNITED BRETHREN morning, 10 and 11, mornlng worship, 11 a.m.; Youth p.m.; evangell.litlcservlce, Bp.m. AURELIUS BAPTIST, 4429 fellowflhlp, 7 p, m,; Choir rehear­ Wednesday, prayer meeting, 8 HOUSEL UNITED BRETHREN, l!lal, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Rev. Rus­ My mOTHER p.m. Rev. Everett Ray, cornerHawley Barnes road, Rev. Fredorlck P, Raft, pastor. worship Service sell R. Hoover, Putor. HOLT CHURCH OF THE NAZ· and vaughn Roadll. 10:00 a.m. qnust all mhcr tl1ings mow h)· twos, tluce;, ARENE, Jerry Ulrich, pastor. Sunday School; 11:00 a.m. Morn­ 9:45 a.m.; Sunday School claasea or <·vcn by dmcm. Sec the roses, the stars, the sunsets. for every age, 11:00 a.m.; Even­ Sunday school, 10 a.m.; morn­ ing WOl'llhlp, 7:00 p,m, SIUiday Jlh, there\ bruthcr> and sisters, too, and uncks and aunts Chrl3tlan Endeavor; 7:30 p.m. ing Service, 7:00 p.m.; Baptl.lit Ing WOl'Bhlp, 11; NYPS 1 6:30p.m., Y out h Fellowllhlp, 8:00 p, m,; EPISCOPAL ,mJ ':"'"in1 " plenty. Bur in :til rhc whole big evening evangell.litlc service, 7 Sunday Evening Servlce; 7:30 p. Putor•s Claas tor Youth, Mon­ CHRIST CHURCH HENRIET· w11rld thcr.:'s just oue 11111tlm·. There's p.m.; pr&yer meeting, Wednes­ m. Wedne11day, Prayer Service. day, 7:30 p.m. EDEN UNITED BRETHREN, day, 6:00 p.m.; Putor•a Claal!l T A, Robert H.. Richardson, rec­ much more ahour my mother :tnd tor, services, 8 a.m. and 11 BUNKER HILL CHURCH OF Milan Maybee, pastor. Sunday for Adults, Monday, 7:30 p,m.; good it all must he. In fal't she's'" Chlldren•s and Junior Choir Re· a.m.; Church school, 11 a.m.J THE NAZARENE, Donald Nelli on, achool, 10 a.m.; morning wor­ hell'llai, TueBday, 7:00p.m.; Communion the fll'Bt and third gnnd m grmdm·.o is, and clwl's l:Jlough putor, Sunday school, 10 a.m. ship, 11; junior Church, 11 LID.J Bible Study and Prayer, Thurs­ Sundays of the month, 11 a.m.1 / lor rnc. Her words arc morning WOl'Bhlp, 11 j NYPS, 6:45 Chrllltlan E nl.let.Tor, 6: 30; even­ day, 7:00 p.m.; Adult Choir Re­ Morning prayer tho second and kind, her faith is strong, :oml her hope p.m.; evenlngBervlce, 7:30; Wed­ Ing aervice, 7: 30; prayer mHt­ c:.~- ing, Wectneaday evening, 7:30 p, heal'llal1 Saturday S:OO p.m. fourth Sundays of the month, 11 "' high a> the high,.,, tree. You ran nesday evening prayer meeting, ~ ou In The Church 7:30. m, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF a.m. >tc from h<·rc thai she is a Je:or, - . OKEMOS, Putor, Donald Ail· SAINT KATHERINE EPISCO­ The Church In You OKEMOS CHURCH OF THE -form" combino!tiOn sl)t' means everything hi me. Nol om.· sin· NAZARENE, Rev, W,W, Riden­ bourh, 4884 Hulett road, Sun­ PAL, Merldi&n road, 1/.2 m11e fer good ~nry mM, day servlcea: Sunday achool, 10 noth of US-16, Derwent A. suth­ womo~n 11nd ch,Jd nl!'ed~ glc emotion mmcs nearer our, putor, Sunday achool, 10 rh~ rnfluunce of the a.m.; church, 11 a.m.; evening, en, rector. Sunday, 8 Lm.; tar· chuteh So, come let rlll' divine rh:,on my mother's love for a.m.; morning worship, 11 a.m. 7 p.m.; Wednesday pr&yer meet· ly service (communion), 10a.m.; u\ go rnt() lflt houhr me. She i.r lht' ll1r1riug c/,ud young peoples meeting, 6:15p.m.; OTHER CHURCHES f&mlly service, morning prayer 1 ol 1iHI Lc.rJ. Ltd U\ evening aervlce, 7 p.m.; prayer ing, 7:30 p.m.; youth activities h•j\JlOfr her pr091"m "/ mdhml '''/'ture tiJ,rtlifts lilt' ttJ 11err· EVANGELIST JIOLINE&!I tor every age, third Sundays, other Sundays ho­ of ltH•rce to hum<'ll'l· meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. oly, be <1 fdloJhful wotk· CHURCH, Rev. G.L. Claypool of ly communion; nursery for small pts """the stre11g,th I ut•ed CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE, STOCKBRIDGE BAPTIST, el, 11 dtuly brbll' fedlJ Muon, pastor. Meeta next to the 111 o!fld o~!ll'nd \er•ocel /11 H't' /IlL' thmugh. I'm 1:1king my Main Street, Munith announcea putor, Kenneth Boyd. WorllhiP children, claases tor 11.11 otherB; J Onondaga Post Offlae bu1ld1ng, Wednesday, 8:00, eventngpr&yer. llllllhl'r w rhurrh rl1is Mudu:r's ttl servlcea. Sunday School, 10 1ervlce, nUJ'IIery, junior church, \' Sunday servlcea at 2:30p.m. anc1 10 a.m.; Sunday school, 11; Jun­ ST, MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL­ '\'' D:ty • · wh;ll ahnur you~~! a.m. Church 11 a.m. Youth meet­ ·.I ing, 6: 30 p.m. and evening church 7:30 p.m. Wedn.,day prayer ior and Senior BYF and AdUlt John Bluet, VIcar. Sunda.y ser­ meeting at 7:30p.m. Union 7:1 ~; evening worship, 8 vices, Holy communion 8 a.m.; ~-'·.~ .. 0 ""·'~'"''...... Howopo- ,, ,.. , ....'-•'•'" _,.... ~.•<~•••"' at 7:15 all on Sunday. Prayer p.m.; midweek prayer and Bible worship service 10 a.m.; Church meeting Ia ThurBday at 7:30. LAKE LANSING CHAPEL, jUI~ atudy, Thursday, 8:00p.m. school10 a.m.; 2709E1fertRO&d, The mlnJBter Is Rev. Thomas acroas trom the amusement park. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF Jut wut of South Cedar ll'ld Lutterall, 302 Henrietta st., Mun· North of tratnc light. Rev. Er­ LESLIE, Rev, A.J. Berry, pu­ P ennaylvanla. 1th. win Forbea, putor. Sunctay tor, Sunday achool, 10:00 a.m.; ST, AUGUSTINE OF CANTER­ LUTHERAN CON'T. METHODIST CON'T. school, 10:00 a.m.; wor.ship1 ciuses for all agea; worBhlp BURY, Robert C, Brook, VIcar, 11:00 a.m.; Wednl1day prayer service, 7:30p.m. hour, 11:00 a.m.; BYF, 6:30p.m. Sunday Holy Euchrl.lit, 8:30 & Service, 10:45 a.m. Luther at M-78, Ea!it Lansing. Robert day school, 10:00 a.m.; church PhiliP R. Glotfelty, servIces PRESBYTERIAN Sunday evening; Evening ller­ 10:00 a.m. Holy day celebratlollll League (young people grades 9- C. Reinhardt, pastor. Sunday .services, 11:00 a.m. 9:00 and ll:OOa.m. SUnday School MASON CONGREGATION JE• vtces 7:30p.m. Sunday; Midweek 7:00 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. 546 W, 12), 1st and 3rd SUndays, 7:00 worship, 10:30 a.m.; Sunday ROBBINS METHODIST, Gerald 11:00 a.m. MASON PRESBYTERIAN: HOVAH'S WITNESSES, KI.Didom aervlce, hourofprayer, 8:00p.m. South Straet, 676-2525, p.m. Worship and Church School school and adUlt Bible class, 9:15 A, Sall.libury, pas tor. Church LESLIE METHODIST, Dorr J11.mes F. Conley, mlnl.liter. Sun­ Hall, 5254 Bunker road. Public Wednuday, meets temporarily at IOOF hall a.m. school, 9:45; morning worship, care, 6:30p.m., junior choir. day, 10 and 11:30 a.m., worship lecture 8p,m.;WatcMoweratud1, HASLETT BAPTIST, Douglali on Maple street, across from 10:45. 11:10 a.m.; worship Service, 10 service. 10 a.m. Church School 4:15p.m. Baltz, putor. Church· !lchool, bakery. Building being erected FELT PLAINS METHODIST, a.m. to Primary Dept, 11:15 a.m., REORGANIZED CHURCH OF on West South St. & u.s. 127. Dorr Garrett, pll.I'Jtor. Church GROVENBURG METHODIST, Church School, Junior and Sen­ JESUS CHRIST OFLATTERDAY 11:45; morning service, 11:00 a. FREE METHODIST m.; evening aervlce, 7:00 p.m.; Paul A. Tidemann, pastor. METHODIST school, 10:30 a.m.; worsh1p ser­ Grovenburg road. Gerald Sall.li­ lor Depts, 6 p.m., Senior-Junior SAINTS, Elder Wm. Crampton, LESLIE FREE METHODIST, K yuung people, Sunday, 6:00p.m.; HOLT LUTHERAN MISSION, DANSVILLE COMMUNITY vice, 11:30 a.m. bury, pastor, Worship hour 9:451 High Fellowship. Putor. of P Hall, 139 w, Church and Race streets, Frank WHEATFIELD METHODIST, church school, 10:45. HOLT PRESBYTERIAN, Ash street, Muon. Church School prayer meeting, Wednoaday, 7: 30 Ml.lisourl Synod, Rev. John Wel­ METHODIST AND VANTOWN1 p, m.; choir Wednesday, 8: 30 p, J. SinU, putor. Sunday achool, neach, Palitor. Meets at Mid­ GUbert Slrottl, putor. Dillllvllle, Karl L. Zeigler, Mlnl.liter. Sun­ CHRIST METHODIST PaUl Martin, pi.B!or. Worship 9:45 a.m.; Worahip 11:00 a.m.; 10 a.m.; morning worship, 11; W01'llhip m.; nlll'llery at all services. way Elementary 5chool 1n All­ 10 a.m., church school; 11:15 day School, 9:45 a.m. Morning CHURCH, 517 West Jolly road, services, 9:30 and 11 a.m.; Sun­ Sunday Evening 1 6:80 evening aervlce, 7: 30; pl'l.yer LAKE LANSING BAPTIST, Purpose room. Subd&y worBhlp, a.m., church service; Vantown, worship, 11:00 a.m. Forrest E, Mohr, pastor. Wor­ day School all ages, 9:30 a.m. meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. 8960 Okemos road, 11 A friendly 9:00a.m. SundaySchoolandAdult 10 a.m., worship; church school, WESLEY FELLOWSHIP, 5008 ship, 9:30 and 11 a,m,, Sunday Sunday School through Primary, DANSVILLE FREE METRO· COIIIerv&tlve B a p t Ia t church," Bible Claas, 10:00 a.m. 11. Armstrong road, LWII!llng, one l!lchooi, nursery and crib room 11 a.m. Nursery, both 5ervlces. DIST, Robert sawyer, putor, putor, Rev, Roy Shelpman. Bl· WILLIAMSTON MEMORIAL CHAPEL HILL METHODIST, block ellllt of Robinson turniture care, 6:30 p.m., junior choir STOCKBRIDGE PRESBY· Sunday school, 10 a.m.; preach­ , ble 1chool, 9:45 a.m.; worship EVANGELICAL LUTHERA.l'{, A. corner K a l s e r and Coleman store, Rev, Everett Ashley, pas­ practice, 6:30 p.m. and junior TERIAN, DonaidJackl!lon, paator. Ing service, 11:00 FMY 7:00; service, 11:00 a.m.; youth hour, J. Clement, pastor.SummerSch­ roads, north of Lake Lansing, tor. Sunday school, 10 a.m.; and senior MYF: 7:30p.m., ev­ Sunday school, 9:45a.m.; morn­ evening service, 7: 30; pr&yor 6:00 p.m.; evening service, 7:30 edule. Worship service In Sept­ Pastor, Rev. Walter Stump, morning worship, 11; evening ening worship. Ing worshiP, 11, coffee hour and meeting, Wednesday evening p.m.; mid-week service, 7:30 ember will be at 10:00 a.m. Church schoo1,10:00a.m.;Morn­ service, 7. FAITH H A V E N METHODIST adult classel!l, p.m. Wednesday. 7:00. FAITH LUTHERAN, (Americ· lng worship, 11:00 a.m.; MYF, INGHAM CIRCUIT METHO­ CHURCH, 3133 PleMant Grove WILLIAMSTON FREE METH­ MAPLE G R 0 VE BAPTIST, an), 4515 Doble road, across 6:00p.m. DIST, Robert DeBell, minister, Road. Mlnlllter, Rev. Albert W, ODIST, Rev. E, T, Courser, pil!l­ from Fore5t Hlllli, William Hahn, Northwest, morning worship, 9 Frevert. Sunday worship lil!r­ ROMAN CATHOLIC Richard L. Jnnea, pastor. Church tor. Church school, 10a.m.;wor­ pastor. Worship service, 10:15 MUNITH METHODIST CIR­ a.m.; church school, 10:15; Mill­ vlce.s, 10:00 a.m. and 11:15a.m.; ST. JAMES CATHOLIC, 1002 1chool, 10 a.m.; worship ser­ shlp service, 11; FMY 7:30p.m.; a.m.; nursery tor tots; Sunday CUIT, Rev, Galen Wightman. ville, morning worship, 10:15; Sunday school, 10:00 a.m.; nur­ s. Lll.nlling 5treet, W1111am J. vice, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; young worahlp service, 8:15 p,m.; pray­ people, 6 p.m.; prayer service school, 9:15 a.m. for ages 3-14. Fitchburg: worship service, 9:15 church school, 11:15, MYF, 7:30 sery through 6th gr&de, 11:15 Rademacher, pastor. Muees er meeting, Thursday, 7:30p.m. a.m.; 7th grade through adUlt and choir practice, Wednesday, LANSING ZION LUTHERAN, a.m., Church School, 10:15 a.m. p.m. Sunday, 8:30 andl0:30a.m.;dally 7:30p.m. F.P. Zimmerman, pastor, One Pleasant Lake: worship Service, WILLIAMSTON COMMUNITY youth groups meet on Sunday 7:00 a.m.; S11.turday 8:00 a.m.; block north o! Cava.na.ugh road on 10:15 a.m., Church School, 9:00 METHODIST, Zack A. Clayton, evenings, Junior h1gh l!lchool5: 30 Confessions, Saturday 4:00 to SYCA;.iORE ST, BAPTIST LUTHERAN South Pennsylvania, SUnday a.m. Munith: Worship Service, pa!itor. Church school, 9:45a.m.; and Senior high school, 6:30. 5:00 p.m. and 7:30 to 9:00p.m.; Cifl1RCII, Rev. B1ll York, pas­ 'ALL SAINTS LUTHERAN school, 9:30 a.m.; church ser­ 11:15 a.m., Church School, 10:15 worship service, ll;supervlsed FIRST METHODIST CHURCH, Public high school students reli­ tor. Serv1ces 7:80 SUnday night. CHURCH OF MASON, LUTHER­ vice, lO:SO a.m. a.m. Nursery; IntermedIate, Sen­ Barnes at Ash Streets, Mallon. gion classes every Monday even­ Sunday school, 10; Morning wor­ AN CHURCH IN AMERICA, ASCENSION EVANGELICAL STOCKBRIDGE METHODIST, lor MYF, 7:00 p,m, Maundy Thursday evening ser­ Ing 7:00p.m.; Public gracleschool ship, 11 i Christian training In Church School, 9:15 a.m.; The LUTHERAN, 2780 Halllett road Rev. Albert Raloff, pastor. Sun- HOLT METHODIST, Rev. vice 7:30. communion will be students religion clu5es every

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SCARLETT GRAVEL CO. MASON ELEVATOR CO. A.A. HOWLETT & CO. CHESLEY DRUG LUECHT FUNERAL HOME PEOPLES STATE BANK THE .PFOPLES CASKEY FUNERAL HOME BANK' OF LESLIE AND FURNITURE Holt Mason Mason Mason Leslie Williamston - Webberville Lulie, Michigan Stoclcllr/dge The Ingham County News, Wednesday, May 5, 1965- Page B-12 i~1l!i#i!i!~!i!i~WJiWliiti!iililiiili!:i:i:@ili!imiWi!i!ti!:w:i:!:i:!:!:i:i:i:i:i:i:!:i:i:!:i:!~t:i:Ji!:i:i:tit:w:;~;:;:;:;:;:;~;:;;i~W~iii:i:i:i:i:i~i~iiiJiliWii~i!i?! ·:·:·:·: :·:·:·:· @•,•,•,•, @'•'•'•' .•...... ru MASON AREA CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION COMMITTEE ...... ~

mtt QUEEN CONTEST NOMINATION BLANK {fm ~ :::::::: Name of Nominee ...... :;:;:;:m '•'•'•'• '•'•'•'

:.:!;:.:::·:.:::.:·:.··.. Add ress ...... Ph one ...... i;:.~:::·;·:·:,; @ '•'''~ .... Age ...... D11te of Birth ......

Mail or bring this bl~~nk to Centennial Headquarters, 119 E. Maple, Mason, Mich.

Nominated by ...... INor~~inalor's namo not neco.,ory, but dosiroble) Mason Man Purchases NOTE: All condidates must bo between 17 !. 30 os of June 1q, 19b5 1 Grand Champion Cow Top of the Hlll Hurl wood Las­ Ellades, Top of the Hill disper­ sie, a 7 year old holstel n cow sal at Ayer, Mass, this week, II/II was purchased by the Charles Brown family of Mason at John llll,~ ~:;,;,~d,;;·~,,::;·~,;1·:;,;::·:~,;::,;;~;~;~~~~~~~~~~:: ,;;i:,:;;,,:~::;,,~:,:;,:'· ,~ Lassie has a 5 lactation life­ time record of 95,705 pounds of milk and 3451 pounds of fat. Her top record to date, made South Leroy at 6 years ol age on 2 times four mllllon are not paid wages 140 million are serfs, 70 mil­ OJd Old-Fashion Neighborliness a day milking- was 253 8 pounds Rich Get Richer in money." lion are entirely outside the of milk, a 3,G% test, making On January 12, Scott wrote: monetary economy. 9 22 pounds of fat In 3 65 days, The surplus profits of the "Indeed, perhaps the greatest News She Is classified Excellent with American corporations are being ,,ing!e concentration of unspeak­ This continent next door, invested in Brazil. The Toronto able misery In all this sub­ Yantown W.S.C,S. wlll have 91 points, out of a possible 100, tucked away behind our so-called Prevails During Farm Crisis Dally Star correspondent, Jack continent Is the northeast of this Its annual Mother and Daughter a rare accomplishment 111 itself, Monroe Doctrine, should have Scott, reported February 1, that enormous republic, where 20 banquet Saturday, May 15, at She was first In the type and been our sphere of Influence and production class at the Mass, "American Investment In Brazil million peasants llve (with a responsibility. The money we It Is good to know that Mich­ 6:30 p.m. Everyone Is Invited, is upward of two billion of dollars, life expectancy of 27 (years) disaster strikes, Those who think Mlchlgan to help total strang­ state Black and White Show In have wasted on Europe's Insane Igan farmers stlll think of them­ Mr. and Mrs. Harvey De\Vaters o! farming these days as only ors. 1953, Her son was first place second only In North and South A­ In a society of c·rushlng poverty wars and the utterly useless selves as their brother•s-keep• and daughter, Trella, of Jackson and serfdom." a cold-blooded business should School youngsters are to be and Grand Champion at the Mass, mericans to Its stake In Canada­ cold war racket, would have ers, ready to share the burden were Sunday dinner guests of and Castelo Braneco (the nation's know of the work of carloads of com mended !or the work they state Black and White Show In Brazll, giant that It Is, Is still lndustrlall zed Latin America and of sorrow of "neighbors•• whom Mrs. Pearl DeWaters. She re­ President could point w!lll pride not the whole picture of Latin farmers who recently moved Into did, too, At the suggestion of turned l10me with tl1em for a visit. 19G4. abolished poverty In both North they may nuver ~ve met, when to the firm promises of unprece­ American misery. The larger the tornado stricken areas of Lenawee County Farm Bureau and South Americas. One of the Mr. and Mrs. DorwlnWilllams dented aid, loans and Increased picture Includes these United Na­ president, Ivan Hunt, students greatest crimes of the ages was and Mrs. Ada Glenn are visiting She Is residing at Dlaland working capital by such friendly tions statistics, as reported by from the Onsted high school relatives in Iowa this week. thus committed by this nation; Farms, of Gerald and Blll Dia­ concerns as General Motors, Scott: Hunger kllls 43 per thou­ organized Into salvage and clean­ fifty years of rainbow-chasing Miss Sue Bowen who was in mond of Mason, where she Is Ford, Swift Packers, Sears Roe­ sand of Argentinian infants. The up teams, Later, older students In far away lands and letting the Howell hospital for observa­ now due to freshen to Lakefleld buck and many others. rate Increases to 210 hunger from all parts of the county or­ mllllons of our next door nel"h­ tion recently Is home and able to Fond Hope, a well-known Hol­ The revolution that ousted deaths per thousand Infants In Stockbridge FFA Wins ganized Into teams to work In be back in school. bors die from starvation, also stein Bull from Lakefield Farms, President .Joao Goulart on April Bolivia, Annually 1,100,000 Lat­ the tornado areas, Joe Norris of tlw U.S. Navy and allow poverty, deprivation and Clarkston, Michigan, and used at I, 1964, Is described as a 'good' in American chlldren die from slum conditions Increase In our Fortunately, t e w livestock friend, Evelyn Gout of Holt, were Glenatton Far m s of Alliston, one for U.s. Interests because It "malnutrition, lack of hygiene own country, were Injured, Here and there Sunday dinner guests of Norl'is' Canada. Land ]zulging Contest promises "safe Investments," and lack of pure water." "Of H,J, EVJE sheep could be seen grazing a­ Uncle and Aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Gloria and Dan Brown flew despite tile facl, as a Times edi­ the 200 million Latin Americans Leslle mong their dead, and whole flocks Merton Hlce. ,Jack Marshal of to New York and Boston to act tor, Herbert L. Matthews, wrote What Is the capability of a ville, More than 300 FFA mem­ of chlckens walk around In shock­ Gregory also was a guest. as purchasing agents for the March 15, that "In the whole of given soil to produce crops? bers !rom stockbridge, Mason, ed nakedness, theIr feathers Mr. and Mrs. Lester Barth family, leaving Detroit Metro­ Latin America (Brazil Included, What special management puc­ W1lllamston, Leslie and Dans­ plucked out by the capricious and family spent Easter Sunday politan Airport at 3:30 a.m. t11e of course) the rich are getting USED LUMBER tlces are necessary to conserve ville competed In the Ingham winds, To Illustrate the power with relatives al Jackson. morning of the sale and return­ richer and the poor poorer." the sol! productivity? These de­ county ell mIn a tJ on contest. and freak strength of the fun­ Mr and Mrs. Merton Rice cal­ Ing· at 10:40 p.m. that evening. Not far from the sand and sun Prices reduced on last 25,000 feet of plc1ned pine demension cisions plus several others were stockbridge FF A won the con­ nels, a herd of hogs, one of led on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mil­ While on a taxi ride across Bos­ of Illo De Janeiro, where In lumber. 2x4's- $60 M (without nails) 2x8's- $45 (with nails) on the score card completed on test with a total score of 1,250, nature's most Indestructible, bourne in Lansing Easter Sun­ ton to make bus connections to great splendor the rich live, are Also closing out oil other new and used building materials. day. 3 farm locations north of Dans- Wllllamston came In 2nd with 1, mud-living i!.nlmals, were killed the sale they were able to view tile "favellas" - shanty towns of Hurry for many bargains. 157; Mason 3rd with 1,127; Les­ when winds solldly packed mud Mrs. Bertha Oesterle is enter­ several of the historic sights of the poor. Jack Scott, drawing lle 4th with 1,122 and Dansvllle down thetr throats, suffocating taining her sister from Dearborn Boston, such as Old Ironsides ancl Locoted 1 block north and 1 block west of 1-96 and Okemos them. from a report by the International Road Interchange 5th with 1,067, at the pre~:ent time. the famous Old North church. At Commission of Jurists, said Feb­ The 6 hlgh scoring Individuals But most cattle and horses Miss Ruth HuiJbard of Ypsllanti the dispersal they met several ruary 18, t11at, "In Brazil. .. 62 were James Myer, Tom Masch­ rolled with the wind (literally) spent a week end recently with of the New England area breed­ per cent of the cultivatable land BARNES CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Church ke, Larry Barbour, Terry Schoo­ and later, shook themselves off Mr. and Mrs. Seldon Monroe. ers as well as a breeder from belongs to three per cent of the nover, all from Stockbridge, and ~d began wandering home. Some Mr. and Mrs. Harlow Sly of Italy who has a 400 cow hercl population. , .there are nine mil­ Open Thurs., Fri., & Sat., 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Robert Collins from Leslie. farmers, left without barns or Vantown were Wednesday night of registered holsteins, llon landless peasl•.nts of whom 2380 Jolly Road, Okemos Telephone: ED 2-439! The land judging contest Is a buildings o! any kind, drove their dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. jointly sponsored event by the herds to neighboring farms for Seldon Monroe. Later ~1r. and To Honor Ingham County Soil Conservation milking and feed, Lenaweefarm­ Mrs. Loyd Pierson of Wllllam­ district, Cooperative Extension er Alton Brooks Is doubly sold ston, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Monroe of service and School Yo Ag de­ on the value of amateur radio, Webberville, Mr. and Mrs. Fer­ partments, for after the storm had removed ris Smith and Ethel Bohnet! came Mothers powerllnes to the Brooks da!ry, to see slldes of Ireland that Ivan his son used their "ham>~ set Smith showed. He took the pic­ LESLIE - A special Mother's to talk to friends outside the tures while serving as a member Day service Is planned at the Hit-Runner storm area, By daybreak, these of the peace corp In Ireland. Leslle Baptist church Sunday, friends had arrived with a port­ Mrs. Merton Rice and Mrs. able generator capable of run­ May 91 In honor of all the mothers Pearl DeWaters called on Mrs, In the church, ning the milking machines on DeWaters' granddaughter, Mrs, The Ruth circle of the Baptist Damages Holt schedule. Dick Cole, of Williamston re­ church met Monday at the home The need for friendly, com­ cently, of Iva Hampton for their usual passionate help in pick-up and Mrs, Freda Wllcox was taken to monthly meeting, Likewise the Woman's Car repa!r will continue !or months, the Mason hospital Friday. Martha circle met In Tucker As one farmer said, ''What do Vlvron Wollpert Charlotte Is hall Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. HOLT - Mrs. Durward Gll­ you do with a 20-acre field of assisting his son-In-law, Paul wheat that has sticks driven into A special Mother-Daughter more, Adelpha avenue, was the Bowen, with his farm work at the It every few teet?" Thousands present time, banquet will take place at the victim of a hit and run driver Give Her Thursday forenoon, Her car was of acres of cropland were cov­ Congregational church. Wednes­ ered with suchsplinteredboards, day night at 6:30 p.m. Rev, Ml­ parked In front of a laundromat tin, wire, trees, shlng!es--ll!.l land Maybee, a ventrlloqulstfrom at Jolly road and south Cedar of which must be removed, Fat the Eden United Brethern church street In Lansing when som~~~\ l Buxton Jewel Clinton sa!d, *SAJURDA Y NIGHT {MAY 8) See the screeming Super Modifieds in The new switch board Is ex­ 8 oval races. .•sts- \.. ~~:;~,~; ·:>,.. \~t Cases pected to be Installed In about Pharmac ~\ S weeks at a. cost of ~60. TIME TRIALS: 6:30p.m. -- RACES BEGIN: 8:30 p.m. 90 Day Charge-Same Over 30 Years Serving Attend Conference rcu; -CLIP!- Jerry Wllcox, adult leader of As Cash the Medical Profession Mason Explorer Post 362 and I 3 Mason Explorer scouts, Wil­ liam Ely, Richard Glllette and I Save 50( Steve Senzlk, attended the third Region 7 delegate conference GOOD FOR EITHER FRI. OR SAT. OPENING RACES·- LIMIT 1 PER PERSON Drugs April 30, May 1 and 2 at the L J Great Lakes Naval Training cen­ - - - ter, Chicago, Between Holt·& Mason, US-127 at College Rd. Phone 676-1121 WARE'S Cameras Barhe and Praiee My admiration goes to those found this a much easier chore. who are sure, I enjoy hearing Soon they had a big pile. a man full of knowledge get up and Finally the teacher called a halt One Year A!l·J .. -1964 nesday, c. Ross Hilliard, coun. deliver a brainful of indisputable Mist> Elizabeth Schmitter, a and aslf-arms healthy people, and hospitals care has declined by 23% and ma­ Hill brings up IJistory-Lex­ They are grim when they for physically and mentally sick ternal deaths have decreased by lngton, Concord, the hated stand in the chow line. They call the Michigan flag goes back that word, "Tuebor"--"I will people, Therefore, a hotel hires 55%. Redcoats. To many Ingham are grim on payday. to the early days of statehood. defend." Michigan will help to County folks Bunker Hill Some of them are It was over 100 years ago, in defend the Nation! 1 employee for every 2 guests. Perhaps, it is for each indi­ mean~ good cooking. The probably grim on occasions, The hospital needs 2 employees vidual to decide whether these women ot ·the St. Cornelius but I can't believe that en· 1837, on February 22, Wash­ and Cyprian parish have be­ tire regiments are grim. ington's birthday, that this flag for each patient. gains are worth what it costs come justly famous for their Somehow a smile w i 1::! him, even though hospital costs chicken dinners and at break through somewhere. was born. On that day, Michigan's Hotel managers are the first to Fitchburg, also In Bunker Why not leave it that only first state governor, Stevens T. admit that they could not pos­ are higher in spite of our un­ Hill, the women of the first sergeants look grim. relenting and determined efforts 1\lethodist church are like­ And the rest look serious, Mason--the "Boy Governor of sibly furnish the services that a wise skilled In cookery. I stern, sober or determined. to hold them down. managed to find a. seat at Michigan," as he was called-­ presented a flag to a body of state Leslie To Welcome .• Leslie Hears Advantages, Mayor of Bronson Disadvantages of City Status LESLIE - Leslie Is mak!ng Duane Phe.lps.,-Lesl!e village. preparations to observe Mayor president and the mayor of Bron­ LESLIE - The advantag·cs and n!gh!ls meeting., They wlll con. War II memorial In Tuttle Plll'k, Exchange day next Monday when son will exchahge places tor the disadvantages of Leslle becoming tact other municipalities that day. .. a 5th class city were outlined have made the change. When the repnlrs are completed members of the sophomo1·e class The program Includes a tour to the village council Monday The council also appointed Ruth ot village faclllt!es tor the Bron­ night by John Bentley of Ann of Leslie high school will plan Pack 736 Meets Burnett, village clerk to the of­ the momorlal. son visitor who will see the fire Arbor, a representative of the flee of deputy village treasur­ Approved a teel:nge march for Cub Scout pack 11736 held their barn, local Industries, the new Mlchlgnn Municipal league, er, and Helun Baldwin, vlllage high school and sewage disposal Among a llst of advantages he St. Jude hospital by teenagers April meeting at the Alaledon treasurer to the ot!tce of deputy SUnday, May lB. Community hall Thursday eve­ plant. listed these as of the most Im­ village clerk, Each w!ll hold ning. The Leslie Improvement as­ portance: More streamllned gov­ both offices. Received a communication from Consumers Power company Two new boys, David Good and sociation will host a luncheon ernment, Leslie's own represen­ for the visiting dignitary at noon tative on the board of super­ In other action the council: relative to rate changes for vil­ and their parents, Postponed until the next meet­ were Introduced, and In the evening he and his visors and easter borrowing. lage llghts It the request for Ing the rezoning of the Austin such changes are approved by Den 112 led by Mrs. HarryG!bbs party w.!ll be guests at a dinner Among the disadvantages llst. Preston property as the councll the Michigan Publ!c Service com­ Jr. put on the ''Flag Ceremony". sponsored by the Leslie Lions ed were these: Leslle would have club, to provide a tax collection ser­ Is awaiting addltlonallnformatlon mission, If placed In effect the Russell Every, Larry Holly, from the health department. Harry Gibbs, Mark Pick and Dav­ A program for women In the vice !or county and schools, con­ charge for mercury lights In the duct state and federal elections, Set the week of May 24 as a vlllage would be reduced !rom Id Good took part. Bronson mayor's party Is still vacation period for the vlllage In the plannl ng stage. provide a local court, and would $115 to $92 each year. Rates The pledge of allegiance to the treasurer. The office wlll be 'flag was given, followed by the have to operate the cemetery for all other street l!ghts In­ which Is now Inside the vlllage closed May 25, 27 and 28, Hes. stalled after September 1, 1965 Cub Scout booster song, !dents having business with the The theme for the month was limits, would Increase from ~5 to $45 Completing Plans treasurer may contact the vlllage ea~h per year. "Our Home Town". Den 3 led by Bentley said lees from the col­ lection of taxes probably would clerk. Passed a motion to turn the Mrs. Charles Whitehurst put on Postponed t I! e next council a skit entitled "Barber Shop offset addlt!onal tax expense. deeds to property for an alley For Style Show meeting date from May 17 I<; May behind stores on the east side Quartet". Some of the boys were The matter was referred to a 24, because of Michigan Week, of Maln street over to the Leslie barbers; others were the patrons. HOLT - Preparations are rap­ council commlttee composed of Received a report from the Improvement association for slg. Crazy foam added to the real!sm Idly going forward for the Holt "SPINOUT AT SPARTAN"--They separate the men from the boys Duane Phelps, vlllage president, American Legion Auxiliary style and Bert Walker, a new mem­ property committee that repa.!rs natures before any furU1er action of the skit. Kevin Adams, Garey at the turns in a stock car race and there is always plenty of actionon the are being made to the World Is taken on the project. Richey, Mark Robinson, Kirk show and card party set for May ber of the council at Monday Prater, Robin Prater, Jim Craw­ 7 In the Holt high school gym­ turns at Spartan Speedway where some of Michigan's finest drivers compete ford and ,John Whitehurst were nasium at 8 p.m. A portion of each week. Stock cars run on Friday nights with Super Modifieds racing partlclpatnts. the proceeds w!ll benefit the High school. Saturday evenings. Den #1 put on several skits Scouts to Have In pantomime representing var­ Auxlllary members working Ious businesses. Arnold Rod­ on decoratons for the event are riquez and Steve Fichter played Mrs. James Vowels, Mrs. Two New Dens out a scene In a barber shop and Marston P., Dixon, Mrs. Richard then one In a bank; Mark Galvin B. Dart and Mrs. Wayne E. Fine­ The Dansville Cub Scout pack 5#~ a!ld David Oswald acted out a out. Mrs. Dixon and Mrs. Fine­ Spartan Speedway To Open 270 have two new dens In scene In a shoeshlne shop and a out are co-chairman of the event the village of Dansville start­ and Mrs. Dart and Mrs. Vowels flower shop; Stanley Force and Ing Monday, :'.lay 3.. ~Irs. Roy RW "No matter what the thermo­ David Oswald depicted an Ice head the decorations committee. ted, As Chief Pit Steward Rod Wheeldon and Mrs. James Ml­ For meter says on May 7, It's going intersection twice each lap while cream parlor and dry cleaners; Models for the event theme McLean describes It, "The sky's toska are the new den mothers. to be hot at Spartan Speedway fighting for position with a whole a gas station and grocery store "Rainbow of Fashions" wl!l In­ the llmlt for super mod11!eds," group of wide open racers. Mrs. Wheeldon was born in Mun­ became the Retting for Tommy clude Mrs, Howard Updike, Mrs. between Mason and Holt for the The stock cars, however, must Ith, attended Stockbridge high opening night of our 20 week Mother's Day Hlll and Steve Hinkle's act. Gerald C. Winters, Mrs. Robert meet stringent design and equip­ Numerous special events have school and has been a resident of Bas !I, Mrs. Margaret Vowels, racing schedule," says Lynn Robin Prater and TommyH!!Is ment requirements that put a been Inserted Into the racing Dan~vllle for 6 years. Mr. Wheel­ each received their Wolf badge Miss Diana Dart, Miss Enid Lew­ Kestenholtz, track president. high premium on well-tuned cars don Is employed at the Olds­ MaJclng allowances for a cer­ schedule this season, Including and Steve Fichter was recipient Is, Mrs, Flynn Wheeler, Miss and top-notch driving sklll. 50-lap special trophy races the moblle. He Is assistant cubmas­ of his Bear badge. Mary Pfeiffer, Mrs. Marshall tain amount of prejudice on the Once again, a highlight of the ter in Dansv!lle. The Wheeldons part of Kestenholtz, the fact ts end of May, June, July and Au­ David Good was welcomed Into E. Hartig, Mrs. Elton C. Skin­ stock car racing programs wlll gust, an outlaw midgets race on have 5 children; the oldest, Andy, 1 the pack and received Ills Bobcat ner, Mrs. Richard K. Jones, that the hottest group of late be the fender-bending, thrill-a­ is In Cub Scouts. model stock cars In Spartan May 31, lllld an Invitational state award. and Miss Mary Scott. Mrs. Har­ minute figure 8 races that re­ figure eight championship race Mrs. Mltoska was born in Nova Harry Gibbs was given his Wolf ry R. Ammon w!ll narrate. Speedway history will be Included quire the drivers to cross an on. August 6. Scotia, Canada, and has long been among the rnore than 80 stock book and Bear books were given associated with the Canadian to Robin Prater, Kevin Adams cars registered to race on open­ Scouting program. Whlle in Can­ and John Whitehurst. Junior Music ing night at the quarter-mlle oval, ada she held the position equal to The following boys were given that of a lady cubmaster. After Included In the group of cars their official membership cards: Club To Meet marriage, the fam!ly moved to already registered are Jody David Oswald, Mark Galvin, Mark Opus I Junior Music club wlll Elections Held Michigan. Mr. Mltoska Is em­ Pick, Robin Prater, Kirk Prater, Pemberton's 1962 Plymouth tl\at meet Saturday, May 8, at 2:30 made a strong bid for honors at ployed by Wm. Kelly, a Detroit Russell Every and Larry Holly. and Lansing construction firm. p.m. In the home of Margie Scho­ Daytona Beach during the re­ A report on Scout day at Self­ They have 4 chlldren with Jim, 1eHfOH HANDMADE field, W. W!llow street. cent NASCAR championships, a ridge Field was given by Barr~ An exciting program Is plan­ For Keynoters the oldest, coming into Cub Gibbs. This Is an annual event. 1965 Oldsmob!le 442 owned by Scouts. ned, featuring Eugene Dowling, Demmer Tool & Die and num. Reservations were made for Any parents In the Dansville MilK. (jlass tuba player, and Kathy-Jo Pru­ erous other 1960 or newer auto­ The Mason-Dansv!lle Keynote the packs to take part In the den, pianist, who will play for mob!les, lists. Many were past winners area wishing their ch!ldren camporee to be held in Priggoorls Junior Music club, a member Nice ·to have around because it:s nice the club members. They are re­ 1 of the young artist auditions con­ (boys must be 8 to 10 1/2 years park near ParklakeJune5, which Pem':>erton s car is expected of the National Federation of old) In these new dens are to to be around .. Fenlon milk glasS pro· cent winners of Michigan Fed­ to be a strong contender for ducted by the National Feder­ Is Cub Scout day. The actlvltles Music clubs, met at the home ation of Music clubs. contact the cubmaster -- Pat­ eration of Music club sholar­ track championship honors in of the president Andy Gllpin on vides a matching acc~ssory for all will start at noon and last until shlps given by Mason Music Refreshments of punch, cook­ rick Risner 623-3491. 5 p.m. A picnic can be plan­ the experienced hands of Butch Sunday May 2nd. Officers for the 11" Vase colors. clubs. Fedewa, one of last year's lead­ Ies and sandwiches were served ned for those who care to sta~ coming year were elected. Re­ Also performing on Saturday's Ing drivers, by the hostess. The next meet­ For a thoughtful gift, buy now after 5. Call one of the leaders sults of the election were Jenna ing wlll be a hootenanny and the Two Are In Race program wlll be a brass Instru­ Kestenholtz and John Grltfln, Ware, president; Jane Bebee, while specially priced and give later If you desire to have your bo} mental trio consisting of Mar­ date and place wlll be announced picked up. co-owners of the speedway are first vice-president and program later. For School Job when specially needed. cella Smith, Kurt Feighner and changing the racing s c he d u I e chairman; Kathy Prudon, second Our next pack meeting will be Lorraine Bateman. from last season in view of the vice - president and publ!clty DANSVILLE • Petitions are held at Camp Kiwanis May 27, Refreshments and outside at 7 p.m. fact that Spartan Speedway Is chairman; J u I i e Seyfarth, re. being circulated for candidates games will follow the meeting. now the only Lansing-area track cording secretary; Mary Ann to serve as members of the In operation. Friday nights will Dansville board of education for Snook, corresponding secretary; Vacationing In Jamaica be stock car racing nights with Carol Fogle, treasurer and Me­ a 4-year term. The election wlll GOSPEL SERVICES Saturday evenings reserved for lanie Dart, parliamentarian. be at the school Monday, June 14. Mrs. Glady Shaffer, an em­ NON-DENOMINATIONAL SUper Modified racers. After the business meeting a Glen Sharland, who has been a Wedding Jar Although stock cars are re­ musical program was given, ploye In the cafeteria of the Ma­ member of the board for the quired to maintain the outward Those appearing on the program son junior high school, Is spend­ past 4 years, Is seeking re­ Vevay Town Hall, Mason, Corner of Hull Ing a 10 day vacation In Ja­ and Kipp Roads appearance of automoblles seen were Judy Robison, plano, Jim election. Petitions are also be­ on the streets, super mod1f!ed Daft, tuba, Lee Snook, Jenna maica. She and Miss stella 0' Ing circulated for George Young. cars are bullt !rom the ground Ware and Heather str!bley, clar. Rourke, of Detroit, left May 1 Both men have l!ved In tills Each Sunday At 4 p.m. up and bear little resemblance !net; Andy Gilpin, trombone. by plane and expect to return community all their lives, Each to a production line model. Carol Daft, who Is home from next week. While In Jamaica candidate needs the signatures Smith Hardware Each Tuesday At 8 p.m. The super modlt!ed cars are the University of Michigan, ac­ they are to visit Ocha Rlos, of at least 50 qualified electors Kingston and Montego Bay. Services are quiet and reverent, rtpholding the bullt for quick acceleration and companied her brother's tuba and the petitions must be In by OR 6-4311 Mason life and teaching of fesrts, high speed, Unusual designs, fuel solo, and Mrs. Gllpln accompan. 4 p.m. May 15. Injection engines, high perfor­ led her son's trombone solo, All Are Welcome mance axle combinations, and Jean Gilpin gave a !lst of oxotlc fuel mixtures are permit- present-day conductors and ar-

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V·Spower Turbo-Bydra-Matic' 4·wbeel drive New in 'Jeep' Wagoneer. See and drive it · We Invite You Store Hours at your 'Jeep' dealer's! to Open a 9 a.m to 6 p.m. -·--- --~ THE DANCER CO. Ma rt ·'"""'·" '""" """' """""' Charge Account fridays 106 W. Ma le ,.The Used Car Today Phone 677-3111 or. 677-3112 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 5 Ma on Mich.

The Ingham County News, Wednesday, N'tay 5, 1965- Page C-3 Awards Presented ··Terry Hood Eye, Tooth At FFA Banquet Wins Honor I

WILLIAMSTON - The local HOLT - Terry Hood, son ot Tests Set Mr, Brown, John Johnson, co­ Mr, and Mrs, George Hood, 2175 chapter (SO) of the F .F.A.had the ordinator, and Lula Howarth, Coolrldge road, Holt, has been 29th annual Parent-Son banquet Active honorary members In­ at the Williamston high school nominated for the annual achieve­ troduced were Lester May, ment awards program, sponsored cafetorlum Saturday. Graham Jackson, Clyde Merri­ At Holt The dinner which began at 7 by the National Council of Teach­ field, Blll Turner, Ted Dansby, ers of English (NCTE). p.m. was a well planned affair Casper Dietz, Charles Dietz, and was followed by a program For the 8th year, NCTE is con­ HOLT - The Ingham County Burnett Vauck and Harry Graves. ducting the national Awards com­ Optometric society and the Ing­ which was conducted by the pres­ Ralph Pierce, In behalf of the Ident, Wendy Hagg. petition to grant recognition to ham County Dental society have chapter, honored Tom Eifert as outstlli!ding high school seniors arranged for visual tapis and After lnvocatlon by William. a new State Farmer, Star Green Leino and F.F.A; opening cere­ for excellence in English, The dental tests In Holt schools this Hand so honored, was Jerry Pick­ week. monies, David G ralnger Intro­ ler. writing abilities lli!d literary a­ wareness of each nominee will duced the dinner guests of the Awards were given the follow­ chapter. be judi'Gd by local and state Both the eye clinic and the den­ Ing members; Paul Powell, dairy; committees, and NCTE will an­ tal clinic will be conducted at Faculty members, Superinten­ B111 Benjamin, Jim Johnson and dent Robert Fitch and Mrs. Fitch, nounce the winners In Decem­ the Midway scliool. Jim Gregg, farm forestry; Ralph ber, 1965. Principal Burnett Vauckancl Mrs. Pierce, crops; David Grain!;'er Vauck, Mrs. Constance Eck, Mrs. 1 The winners' names will be The visual readiness screen­ soil and water conseFvatlon; sent to every college and Josephine Schoff, student teach­ Wendy Hagg, chapter star farm­ u.s. Ing test for pre-school chi!dren ers; Mr. and Mrs. William Leino, uli.!verslty director of ndmls. who will be starting school next er; Chuck Risch, public spealt­ sions and every English depart­ ing; Ed Allen, .livestock; Wendy fall will start at 9:15a.m., con­ ment chairman with the recom­ tinuous untl! 11:30 a.m. and wm Hagg, DeKalb award; Tom EI­ mendation that these students fert, farm mechanics; Paul Pow­ resume at 1:30 p.m. and con­ be considered for scholarship tinue until 3:30 p.m. ell, chapter scholarship. assistance, Go Four men and one woman were Most awards finalists report given honorary awards; Kurt that they have been admitted Parents whose surnames begin Hunt, Robert Fitch, Howard EI­ to the college. of their choice, with A, B or C are asked to visit fert and RoyHaggandMissNancy and many have been given di­ the clinic between 9:15 and 10 smith. rect scholarship assista.nce, a.m., D, E, F and G from 10 According to James R, Squire, a.m. to 10:45 a.m. and H, I, executive secretary ot NCTE, J, K and L from 10:45 a.m. to KattliM!J the awards program Is part at 11:30 a.m. The afternoon sche­ a comprehensive program under­ dule Is for parents whose names CD Head taken by the council in coopern.. start with M, N. o, P or C: The Family lion with American high schools from 1 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., R.S. to encourage Improvement In and T from 1:30 p.m. to 2:15 English language and literature p.m. and those whose names be­ Sport! Attends at all grade levels. By stimu. gin with U, v, W, X, Y or Z lating Interest In English studies from 2:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. llild by supporting the improved Instruction In En(!llsh, the NCTE The purpose of the visual Seminar Sl'leks to contribute to an edu .. readiness screening program Is catlonal program of excellence, to determine whether the children Donald E, Crakes of Leslie, have the visual skllls necessary who Is director of Ingham county for visual tasks they face during civil defense, has just completed their first years in school-­ FIRST COMMUNION--37 young people received their first Communion Saturday morning, attendance at a 2-clay Advanced learning to read. The screening civil ·defense seminar held Ap­ Kin of Holt Man tests are provided without charge May 1 at 11 a.m. at St. James Catholic church. Those completing the class and Communion were, ril 26 and 27 at the OCD Staff or obligation. They wll! deter­ left to right, front row--Donald Heiler, Stephen Smith, Inez Cisneros, Annette Orlondo, Susan Hopp, College In Battle Creek. mine If the child can see well at SPECIAL The se mlnar was conducted at Dies at Age 37 a distance and at near where DeAnn Knauf, Douglas Fox and Brian Baughmon. Second row--Therese Robinson, George Wygant, the stat! college in cooperation most of his reading will be done. Patrice Durbin, Therese McGinty, Diane Stoneburner, Stephen Garcia and Sister Bartholomew O.P. with the u.s. civil defense coun­ HOLT - Funeral services were cil of Region 4 for ci vii de­ Thursday at the Jessen funeral The dental examination, also Third row--Dennis Garrow, Robert Weber, Ann Reeser, Mary Guerriero, Deborah Garrow and Glen On Fun tense oU!cials from the 5-state home for Mrs. AudreyMayLohr­ 1 area representing OCD Region for all children who will enter Cosagranda. Fourth row--Richard 0 Brien, Joyce Nov err I Sharon Day I Karen Day and Jeffrey Swain. er, of Lansing, sister of stanley school next fall, will be made by 4. Crakes, along with the 45 McCoy of Holt, who died April Fifth row--Lawrence Perfitt, Stephen March, Mary Ann VanderVeen, Denise Bergeon, Mary Clery other officials attending the sem­ dental specialists. Dentists say 25 In a Lansing hospital. Mrs. that surveys during the last 5 Karts Inar, discussed the principles and Lehrer, 37, a lifetime resident and Lars Rolandson. Sixth row--Gerald Laban, Karen Croxton, Kaye Allaire, Mary McCarn ond Mark operations problems of emergen­ years show that 40 per cent 10 to choose was a cllstrlct organizer for the or 4 out of every 10 children Eifert. Top row--Altar boys Charles Perfitt and Daniel o•Brien. Center Top--Rev. Fr. William Rade- cy operations centers, Including Girl Scouts and troop .leader of macher, pastor. · from the management of shelters and Troop 58, In Ingham county have large, shelter systems from emergency obvious cavities. This Is also one operations centers, Operations She Is survived by the husband, · of the causes of absenteeism In $1QQOO priorities from the viewpoint of Donald; a daughter, Brenda at the school system and conse­ rural and metropolitan civil de­ home, her father, Cecil McCoy quently Is one of the school health problems. to fense directors and staffs and an of Marion, and a brother, stanley Investigation of present emer­ McCoy of Holt. Rev. Leo J. $15QOO gency Information practices and Tomko of the Assembly of God The following schedule has Mason People Offer Opinions problems were also discussed at church offlclatecl. Interment was been set up for parents who wish this 2-day seminar. In Balcom cemetery, Ionia. to bring their children to the den­ tal clinic: Parents whose last Mason names A, B or C should visit the clinic between 9:15 a.m. and On American Vietnam Policies 10 a.m.; those whse last names begin with D, E, For G from 10 In the steaming jugles of VIet­ to 10:45 a.m.; H, I, J, K or L though we have to face this prob­ Don't Miss The Rubinoff Contert nam, American soldiers, mar­ nation Inspire another nation to mediate superintendent of KART from 10:45 to 11:30. lem, realizing that It may turn fight for the virtues of apolitical Ines, airmen and sailors are Into a major conflict, but unless schools: "The situation Is so battling the Communist VIet Gong system they cannot even visu­ complicated and Involved that the we clo, Chinn one day wlll dom­ alize, and against a system that, Shop SAL A. YOU BEE The afternoon schedule Is as guerillas of North Vietnam, in an Inate us and everyone else." best thing I can clo as n.n ordinary follows: For parents whose last undeclared war that maygoonfor at least, cannot take a way things citizen Is to rely on tho depart. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Renwick Garyple, director of they do not have? 207 Park St. 100 N. Pttnna. Av ... names begin with M, N, o, P, or months or even years. Ingham county libraries: "!think ments of state nnd defense and the Q, 1 to 1:30 p.m.; R, S or T, All e!!orts to bring about a "Nevertheless, viewing the national administration to make Mason OR 6-2189 Phone IVanhoe 9.9031 America has grown up and rea­ Vietnam situation from a purely 1:30 p.m. to 2:15p.m. and u, v, cease fire or peace in the area lizes now, for the 1st time that It the ri(ht decisions and I fer­ w, X, Y, Z, 2:15p.m. to 3 p.m. have failed. political stnnclpolnt, we had to vently hope that they do, Phlle­ is a world power. As to whether take the stand sooner or later, High U.S. government spokes­ we are doing the best job nne! sophlcally I tend to Wllilt to agree men say !lull America Is in VIet­ on one battlegro!lnd or another, more clos&ly with the 'doves• than have made the right decisions to stem continual communist en. nam because South Vietnam asked there, nil I can say Is that we with the 'hawks'." tor aid, and tlul.t if South Viet­ croachment. I think our thinking have mlli!y highly trained and in­ has to be clearer, however. Il nam falls, all of southeast Asia telligent people In Washington is likely to be overrun by com­ we wish, let us say that this l.s nne! I keep my fingers crossl'ld where the battle line has to be munism, that they may make the right Pinewood Derby As the war ·escalates, Russin drawn, in Vielllll.m, that Is, but let choice for us." us not say that what we are doing, and Red China are threatening Rollin C. Dart, president of to come to the aid of North VIet­ if FOR the Vietnamese, because Held By Cubs Dart National bank: "It Is my this Is stretching things too much. nam with troops, mlsslles and Cub Scout pack 162 held their feeling that In a very real way · "I! our position is to be justi­ other Instruments ot war. our stand in Asia Is much less Pinewood derby April 28 at the 1 fied on any ground whatsoever, What does the man on the street justlflable ' than It would have junior high school. The fastest think about the situation? / then I think it must be justi­ car In each den received a plaque been, had we taken a firm stand fied on the grounds that Com­ The News this week inter­ to do away with communist as follows: den 1, Tommy Tai­ viewed several prominent Ma­ munlst China Is trying, politi­ boys; den 2, Jim Wolf; den 3 leadership In Cuba. In the Cuban cally and physically, to overrun 1 son residents - In the fields of Issue, If we had moved during Hlcllard Rice; den 5, Mike Hop­ education, banking and law - the balance of Asia, which col­ kins; uen 6, Bruce Howe; den 7, the space and time that were Onial policy may eventually ex­ for their opinions on the Vietnam operating In our favor, historic Nate Chapman; den 8, Marvin crisis. tend to an ef!ort to take over the Hollers. thinking stemming from the Mon. Philippines or Australia. Here are their views: roe Doctrine and the protection of Best In design was judged by Orrin Hall, president o! the "To picture Communist China Bob Inghram. Plaques went to the Western Hemisphere against expanding In this way does notre­ Mason State bank: "We must put Ronnie Strickling, den 1; Jim such Insidious political beliefs quire any Imagination. While she contldence In our government, Wolf, den 2; Jeff Shadduck, clen3; would have justified our firm may have appeared, In this our leaders should know what Is position at that time, Steve Kindel, den 5; Jim Hovey, century and earlier ones, to be a g-oing on. I do feel that if there ''Now, I cannot help but have den 6; Nate Chapman, den 7 and Is to be any freedom of nations country that has been victimized Marvin Hollers, den 8. the feeling that we are involved and colonlallzed by western pow­ struggling for existence, if they Nate Chapman received a tro­ in something far more dltflcult ers, she Is the most patient nation are to have any freedom at all, to justl!y. How mighty must be phy as runner-up to the grand I then some nation strong enough In the world, and has been grad­ champion. The grand champion the task of trying to teach people ually and steadily expanding her and with the prestige of the the ev11s of communism, when trophy went to Bruce Howe of den United States must step in to borders, quietly, for 3,000 6. they have nothing materially their years." help them. It looks to me as own, to begin with? Howcloesone Next month's pack meeting will ·~ Alton J. Stround, Ingham Inter- be at Camp Kiwanis May 25, Remember Mother~s Day Same timely advice about Your "Mom" Surprise · saving, financing, With Flowers DoubleS & H borrowing, and By Mr. Jerry Green Stamps checking accounts Saturday, May 8th awaits you at. ..

"The Bank Under. The L'tock" where your time spent with us earns 4% interest annually on all fOUr savmgs. Flowers By Mr. Jerry MASON STATE BANK 310 5. Jefferson Mason The Ingham County News, Wednesday, May 5, 1965- Page C-4 Phone OR 7-3951 Pantomine Features Cub GET READY for THAT Pack Meet

HOLT - Holt Cub Scout Pack 240 leaders staged a pantomime depicting old Indian gardening versus modern day gardening at 11 Greon Thumb" program last week at the Dolhi Township Hall, Inducted into the Webelos in ceremony were Douglas Baker, Steven Anderson, Terry Ho.Ilock and Timothy Pickens. Craig Rus­ IGA whole or sliced sell topped in the number of awards tor April receiving his Golci and Silver arrows, lion and lb can bear badges and donner stripe. Potatoes Receiving denner stripes were CAMPBELL 1S SPECIAL! Anson Roland, Everett Spear and IGA t Rolla Me Mann, Assistant don­ ner stripes went to Tommy Mit­ chell and Dan Gruhn• gold arrow 28-oz. for to Charles Parmelee, Wolf Pork 'n Beans 4 99( Potato Chips 14-0Z. 39( baclrces to Bob Whitehond, Jerry IGA IGA Anderson. Chris Remington and Tommy Lyles; lion badges to Steve Anderson and Terry Hal­ leck, Den Chief A ward went to Salad Dressing Qt. Hamburg or William Be1mett. KRAFT PIMENTO OR 8-0Z. Hot Dog Buns 12/Pkg. 29( Cheese AMERICAN SLICES TABLE RITE Luncheon Style· PRESTO WHIP Show Is Pia nned Chip Dip 29( HOLT - The City Panhellenic Trio Deal of Lansing will present a lunch­ eon style show for all highschool senior girls in the Lansing, Holt­ or all three for only 99( Dimondale area, on May 8 at 12 o'clock noon Everett high ,..______school, Lansing. This luncehon style show has been scheduled for Mother's day week end in order to encourage mothers of prospective college KELLOQG 1S girls to attend. One purpose of the event Is to make available to future colle~re girls and their mothers Infor­ IGA mation about sororities and fra­ ternities on campuses around the Corn Flakes country. Miss Mable Peterson of Mich­ Igan State university wlll speak Bananas to the group about sororities. Frosting Mixes Jacobsons of East Lansing are s p on s o r in g the style show. 12-0Z. PKG.19( Models wlll be local high school COCONUT ALMOND seniors, modeling appropriate colleie clothes. FLUFFY WHITE 2 Onions General chairman for this lun­ CREAMY FUDGE for ~~:~~wbag29( cheon Is the president of City BAVARIAN CREME Panhellenlc, Mrs. A. Mark Bat­ PASCAL taglla, Assisting her are Mrs. Don Ber~rer, Invitations and res­ ervations; Mrs. Robert Kinstle, weight varies according publicitY; Mrs. Warren Tryloff, to flavors style show and models; Mrs. Ran­ Celery banch dall Haierman, hostesses; Mrs. 19 ( Maurice Van Aulten, decorations, and Mrs, R, Lynn Baird, food, Home Cured Holt Briefs or Smoked Ca rrotsl-lb. celobagl Q( HOLT - Holt elementary schools wlll present their annual Slab Bacon spring concert May 6 at the Holt Senior high school at 7:30 p.m. whole or half · The 4 elementary schools of the 5th and 6th grades will present the concert. The sixth grade of Holt Syca­ lb.49( more school, Mrs. Bader's room, are planning a field trip for May 6, They will visit the Ren Plas­ tic company and Arboretum park in Lansing where they will eat a CENTER CUT sack lunch, and explore the nature trails. IGA The Ingham County Cancer so­ ciety's door-to-door solicitation ~~!~N~hops was completed on Tuesday eve­ ning, April 27th. Chairman for the Cake Mixes Holt area cancer drive was Mrs. Pork Roast Robert L. Rhines. Mrs. Richard COUNTRY STYLE Hlleman was neighborhood chair­ DEVIL'S FOOD man in the west side of Holt, WHITE Mrs. Nyda Earrix and Mrs. Spare Ribs 19-0Z. Joan Hummel attended the P .T .A. PETERS I YELLOW convention from the Holt-Dimon­ SPICE dale school district this year. The convention was atSaultSte. Marie Semi-Boneless Hams from April 26 through the 29th, HOME MADE Barney Sllsbee of Hastings has been In the hospital with pneu­ SPECIAL monia. He Is the son of former Roll Sausage Holt residents, Mr. and Mrs, HERRUD 1S Russell Sllsby. He was visited on SUnday by his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Durward Gilmore Reg. or thick and daughters, Cheryl and Linda, Sliced Bologna of Holt. A benefit card party was staged Saturday night, May 1, in the Dimondale elementary school and Pork Steak proceeds went to the Dimondale recreation fund. The event was TABLE KING OR TABLERITE planned by Mrs. Lee Osborn, Mrs, Merwin Vandlen, Mrs. George Danford and Mrs. Ralph VanAuken. Sliced Bacon Holt Woman's Christian Tem­ ECKRIDGE ·BANQUET perance Union will meet Monday, May 10, at 7 p.m. at the home of 10-oz. Miss Jacqueline Hartig, 1685 U.s. Party Assortment Frozen Dinners 2 9c 127, Holt, Parliamentary law and current topics will highlight a FROSTY ACRE Chicken, T vrkey, Beef, Ham, Salisbury Steak discussion program. Miss Betty ARMOUR STAR Kinney and Miss Margaret Rose Green Peas l-Ib. 8-oz. bag wlll be the co-hostesses, Canned Picni ... ~- Amos li.. Graves Jr., 2394 APRIL HILL Aurelius road, Holt, Is in the 3-lb. University hospital at Ann Ar­ 3-lb. Ius. bor for tests. and observation. Bread Dough SPENCER'S GRADE-l skinless boneless $1.0 9¢ Baked Fish Dinners or Skinless Franks 31bs Fried Loke Erie Perch Frozen Orange Juice 6-oz. can Every Friday only $1. 1Q HAMBURGER SHOPPE 129 West Ash OR 7-9111 DENSMORE'S FOODLINER Open 9 to 9 Evervdav - North· US 127 Mason

The Ingham County News, Wednesday, May 5, 1965- Page C-5 Centennial Style Show Sturknts at DansviUe Council Proceedings May 3, 1965 Is Scheduled for May 11 Plan Fund As Tribute that other aontraators bo con­ torm expiring May 7, 1968, tac£ed. Further, that Paul RlchardB Meeting called to order by Murl Eastman brou8'ht up the · 1 There will be 1un and enter­ Each Belle and Brothers of Js reappointed a member of the There is a rumor that baU1ing Mayor Pearsall and opened with question at allowing street dances tainment for everyone o.t the the Brush chapter Is asked to Cemetery Board for a term ex­ suits will be displayed from the prayer by Mayor Pearsall, from time to time during the big "Now and Then" style show sond ·a representative to show piring May 7, 1968, old fashioned to the present day To Kenneth Sly's Memory Roll Call: Present: Mayor Centennial and prior to it, He to be held on Tuesday, May 11, their own costume In a srand Further, that Glen Coon Is re­ ott controversial type. Pearsall, Councllmen M orr I s, suggested tl!at Pollee Chief Stolz at 6 p.m. at the Mason Senior march, which Is to be the finale DANSVILLE - Members of tho Hamlin, Shattuck, Cady, Snook appointed a member at the ZOn­ H18'h scnool. The show has been building, Tho room will have be requested to use his own of the style show, Tickets are seventy -five cents student council of Dansvme high and Eastman, Absent: None, ing Board of Appeals for a term planned to interest men and chil­ on the wall a plAque to honor judgement in allowing the dances expiring May 7, 1968, The Courthouse Squares wlll now, but will be one dollar at school have started a collection Kenneth's memory. Councilman Cady presonted the and he should designate the area dren as well as the ladles. hold tho drawing for their hand-. . Further, that Richard Morris the door, Children f!!ty cents. of a fund which will be used to He was president of the Dans­ following c 1 a! m s and recom­ tor the same. Eastman also made Money Quilt during the in­ The tickets are a vailo.ble from furnish a room In a new dor­ mended their approval. Seconded Is appointed the representative termission, ville junior class and treasurer brought up the question at Po­ of the City to the Tri-County members of Belle chapters. Any mitory being bullt at the Metho­ of the student council, He also by Councilman Eastman andcar­ lice protection for the Booths, As part of the entertainment Regional Planning Commission, chapters which have not already dist Youth camp at Port Huron. played In the high school band. riod, Yes, 7. No, 0, Exhibits and Pageantry equip­ Mrs. Every for the evening, there will be a Further, that Ed Duke be ap­ obtained tickets may do so by The gesture is being made as A jar has been placed in the BILLS ment during the Centennial, De­ barbershop quartet from the Clod tribute to the memory of Ken­ pointed a member of the Cem­ calling Evelyn Cade, 216 E. Ash a front portion of the study hall Maple Grove Cemetery Asso­ cided to discuss this further at Busters, Brothers of the Brush neth L. Sly, one of U1e most ciation, $228,30 etery Board for the unexpired street, 676-26021 or Ruth Sab­ at Dansville high school where a later date. Vaughn Snoolt pre­ Succumbs chapter, along with period dances popUlar s t u dent in the high term of Raymond McLean, l!ch, 703 S, Rogers street, 676- s students may drop their contri- Department of Public Works, sented the proposed recreation of 1865 on up to modern day, 2692, school who was fatally Injured $1,017.35 Further, that Richard Morr!B Mrs. Mable Every, 82, of 602 butions. . Budget for 1965 which Is $3950 is appointed to the City Council in llJI automobile accident last Maurice Polack, Inc,, $49 plus an additional $600 for little East Ash street died Friday af­ February, Kenneth attended the camp last liaison man with the State High­ summer and had planned to spend Sinclair R e 11 n in g Company, league basebalUor supplies, All ternoon at Mason Geneal hos­ Mr. and Mrs, Harlow Sly, Ken­ $169,64 way Department, Death Claims a part o! the 1965 summer there. orders are to be cleared by pital after a long !llness. neth's parents, requested that Modern Cleaners, $75 His parents reside at 285 Dietz Mrs. Doris Austin, City Treasur­ The foregoing resolution was She was born June 4, 1882, Catholic the 1und be used for the camp Dart Insurance Agency, $10 supported by Councilman Claude in Alaiedon township, the daugh­ road, er, and the final OK by Vaughn Bertha Coons Doubleday Bros, & Company, Snook, Cady and adopted by the fol­ ter at Willard Upton and Mary $293,69 Speer, lowing vote: Yes, 7. No, 0, On April 28 Mrs. Bertha T, Roy Christensen, Inc., $.34 John McCowan, Centennial RESOLUTION On May 3, 1899, she was uni­ Women qoons, 73, of 225 East Ash street, Lansing Supply Company, Committee member, suggested Date: May 3, 1965 ted In marriage to Wourt Ev­ died at the University at Michi­ $17.86 By Councilman Claude Cady: ery. They lived on the farm on the City of Mason have a Float gan hospital after a short 111- Maple Grove Cemetery Asso­ Resolved by the City Council Every road until 1936 when they in the parade, It was decided to ness, Gather ciation, $238,80 of the City of Mason that the moved to Mason where Mr. Ev­ work out the particulars later. Mrs, Coons came to Mason Ingham County Road Commis­ RESOLUTIONS sympathy of the City be expres­ ery died on January 19, 1950, from Ironwood after the death The 13th annual conference o! sion, $54.21 Date: May 31 1965 sed to the family at Raymond She was a member at the First of her husband, Dr, George F, the Lansing Diocesan Councu at The Fyr - Fyter Company Baptist church, the Wlleatfleld Catholic Women, Aprl 29 and 1 By Councilman Claude Cady; H, McLean; that his services Coons, to be near her son and $67.64 to the City of Mason and in par­ Gleaners, the Busy Bunch and 30, in St. Johns High school, Resolved by the City Council daughter, She was born Apl'il Harold Barnhill, $42,85 ticular his long service as a the Wilson Farm Bureau, Jackson, brought together over of the City of Mason that Rob­ 15, 1892 at Three Rivers, the Department of Public Works, member of the Cemetery Board 500 women from 15 counties ert Cone and Leigh Beagle as daughter of Peter Lofberg and '$1,054,58 co-Chairmen of United Nations shoUld be particularly noted. That SUrvivors are 2 daughters, Mary 1>1one. in central and southwestern Mrs. Ruth J, Otis and Mrs,Joyce Michigan, Michigan Association of Mu- Day, October 24, 1965_ the other public servicesbewlll- ' Mrs. Coons was a member nicipal. Cemeteries, $5 M, Saelens, both of Mason; 2 The foregoing resolution was ingly assumed and admirably of. the Methodist church at Iron­ F!!teen workshops on the 2 days JUSTICE COURT City Employees, $2,784,13 sons, Lawrence W. Every and supported by Councilman Vaughn performed together with his un­ woorl. She t;,ught music in Iron­ were conducted by a committee City Employees, $290.25 Glen R. Every, also of Mason. Snook and adopted by the fol­ selfish devotion to his duty and WOO(J fo1· muny years and played chairmen, covering subjects The New Yorlt Central Rail­ Mrs, Every had 12 grandchlldren ranging from the role of the lowing vote: Yes, 7. No, o. sincere appreciation of the prob­ the organ i w the Presbyterian road Company, $5 RESOLUTION lems of the City made it a plea­ and 33 great grandchildren. church for many years. priest, sister and lay person in General Part & Service, Inc,, Date: May 31 1965 sure for his colleagues to work today•s world, morals at stake Webberville Men Charged $105.29 with him, Services were held Monday, on our newstands, drinking and By Councilman Jolin Hamllp; Services were held Friday at Douglas Coll!ias ofWebberv!lle Dart Hardware Sales, $14,01 Further that a copy of this May 3 at 2 p.m. at the Ball­ how it attects the tamuy, teen­ Fern A. Glotta, Dimondale, Resolved by the City Coun­ 3 p.m. at Ball-Dunn funeral home, was found guilty In Judge Roy W. Bender Loudon Motor Frel~t, cil. of the City of Mason that resolution be forwarded to the Dunn funeral home, Rev. Murl Rev. James H, Conley o11!ciat!ng, age marriages and unwed mo­ emerging on street side· of a Adams' justice court here this motor vehicle, $4 Inc., $21,80 the bid of Roy Christensen, ~nc., widow of Raymond H. McLean, Eastman o!!Jciating, Burial was Further services and burial took thers, tl1e Job Training center in Maple Grove cemetery, Pall­ week on a charge of furnishing Edwin K, Longre, Bay City, Armco Metal Products Divi- for furnishing a truck at a price The foregoing resolution was place at Iliverside cemetery in in Lansing, how love of neigh­ liquor to a minor. He was given sion, $638,96 , of $3,167 is accepted, bearers were Wlllard J. Every, bor Inspires social action, M:,ch­ speeding, $12. supported by Councilman Murl Ironwood, a fine of $90 or 40 days in jail. Central Sclent!!lc Company, The foregoing resolution was J, Eastman and adopted by the Raymond G, Every, Robert L. igan migrant opportunities, and Collins and W1111am Benson, also $17.84 by Councilman Loren 7. No, 0, Every, Wayne R. Every, Gall Mrs. Coons is survived by one promoting literature through supported following vote: Yes, of WebbervUie jointly charged Bobs Radiator Shop, $16 RESOLUTION E, Every, and Wayne E. Engle, daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Has­ Shattuck and adopted by the fol­ personal and group involvement, with assault and battery were LEGAL NOTICES The Heltzel Steel Form & Iron lowing vote: Yes, 7. No, 0, Date: May 3, 1965 Mrs. Every's grandsons, sinen, Mas on, and one son, Mrs. Frank Paniccia of Albion found guilty and each sentenced Co., $326,97 ·RESOLUTION By Councilman John Hamlin: and Mrs, Howard Clark at Jac.k­ PUBLICATION ORDER George D. Coons, of Ann Arbor. to 30 days in jail. 1:·713 American Industrial Sa 1 e s, Date: May 3, 1965 Resolved by the City Council Anotller son, John D, preceded so>11 chairman and co- cha!rm:lll Stnto of Michigan, Probntc Court Gilbert Ries of Dansv11le, fol­ Inc,, $37.45 By Councllman Morris: of the City of Mason that the her In death, Also surviVing are of the conference, welcomed the for the County o1 lnghnm lowing an examination on a charge Eatate of LOl"riE M, LIBERTY, Carrier Stephens Company, Resolved by the City Council request at Clare Sauve for mak­ Date Set one grandson, John, and one women. of aggravated assault, was bound Deccnaed. $57 of the City of Mason that a final ing an addition to the Tavern granddaughter, Janet. Following Thursday's luncheon IT IS ORDERED thnt on July 22, over to circuit court and bond 1965 at 9:45 A, M, In the Probate Mason Elevator Company, a ward of the contract for con­ building on South Cedar street the business m.,eting was con­ For Banquet was set at $500, Cciurhoom, Lansing, Michigan, n $10.20 struction of the McRoberts street in Mason is granted subject to ducted by the president, Mrs. hearing be held at which nil c_redltorn James Ward of Mason, charged - Bob Jones Paints, $7.12 Storm Sewer is hereby made to approval of the Michigan Liquor John Schramek of Kalamazoo. ot anld deceased are requtred to The All SaintsLutheranchurch with fishingwlthoutallcense, was prove their claim, and heirs will bo Mickelson - Baker Lumber P, & S, Construction Company Control Commission and his Tea Time A Bible Vigil was conducted by determined. Creditoro must llle nworn will hold Its annual Mother­ given a fine of $13 or 5 days Company, $3.78 at its bid price of $20,598,74. compliance with the building code laywomen and priest, directed by claims with the court nnrl serv~ a Daughter banquet at Vevay hall, An invitation Is extended to all in jail. . cogy on Donald G. Fox, ll08 M1ch· Thorburn Lumber Company, and any other appllcable ordi­ Rev. Paul Donovan of Michigan The foregoing resolution was May 12 at 6;30 p.m. The speak­ mothers of babies born in 1964 Walter T, Stock of Dansville !gun National Tower, Lunolng, Mlch· $104,79 supported by Councilman Loren nances of the City of Mason in Center, Reports of the o!!Jcers Jgo.n prior to anid hearing, to attend a tea. Tea time Is to pleaded guilty to a charge of Publication nnd service ahnll bo Quinlan Publishing Company, the construction of the addition, er wm be Mrs, Edwin Hansen and committee chlllrman were Shattuck and adopted by the fol­ of National Lutheran be 2 p,m., May 13, at Mason driving while intoxicated and paid made no grovlded by statute and $16 lowing vote: Yes, 7. No, 0, Tile foregoing resolution was Mus~egon, published in the program book Court rule. church woman treasurer, The General hospital, Guests will be a fine and costs of $60. Michigan Welding SUpply Com- RESOLUTION supported by Councilman Morris or plAced on file for later peru­ Date: Aprll 6 KALLMAN theme w111 be" Mother's Hands," served In the dining room, Henry SUtherland of Jackson Si'M1Jl~ T, pany, $9.40 · Date: May 3, 1965 and adopted by thefollowingvote: sal, A true cogy: Judge of Probate pleaded guilty to a charge of Ille­ Florence M, Fletcher Smith Hardware, $41.89 By Councilman Morris; Yes, 5. No, 2. gal possession of an alcoholic Deputy Probntc Rel!l&ter Al Rice Chevrolet, $41.99 Resolved by the City Council Councilman Cady reported on DONALD G, ]'OX, Attorney Call No. 453 beverage and was given fine and llOB llllchlsnn Nntlonul 'l'owcr, Lan. Michigan Bell Telephone Com­ of the City of Mason that the Lloyd Morris resignation. Moved Charter No. 12697 Report of condition of the costs of $30. aln ...: 18w8 pany, $195,48 City Engineer is authorized to It be accepted with regrets, Plac­ Gordon E. McCluer of Jack­ Consumers Power Company, prepare the necessary plans and ed on file. LHG-261108 B-81289· son pleaded guilty to drunk driv­ MORTGAGE SALE-Defnult hna $1,286.47 diagrams and an est! mate of the Councilman Eastman read Po- lnr and paid $65 fine and costs. been mado In the condltlona of a Don VanderVeen Landscape, expense of installing Curb & lice report for the month at Ap­ DART NATIONAL BANK OF MASON mortgage made by VERNON. DEL· Fourteen other persons charg.:. BER'l' HINES nnd YVONNE HINES, $224 Gutter from South street on ril, Placed on file. Councilman of Maso'h, Michis-an ed with traffic violations were hlo wife, to CUHNOW. MORTGAGE A,A, Howlett & Company, Barnes street Southeasterly to Shattuck approved the Disposal CORPOi!AUON, a M!ch1gan Corpora· $60.20 assessed as follows: tlon Mortgagee, dated February 8, the south line of the High School Plant Operators Report. Placed Audrey Layton, Mason, ran 1962, nnd recorded on l'ebrunry 18, Layne Northern Company, Inc., property together with any nec­ on me. stop sign, $5 1"002, In Llbor 821, on Pnll'D 881, Ini!•. $2,952 Cull No. 153 hnm County Uccords, Michignn, nml essary excavation, street im­ Also accepted Dr. Keck report Roger Smith, Lansing, speed­ nssi~ned by snid Mortgagee to Communications: G, J. Me - provements and drainage, on the site test for new well - f.hr~rr••r No.l.26.9 7. Ing, $Z5 JAMES T. BARNES & COMPANY Lravy - Referred to Hamlin, The foregoing resolution was Placed on me. Councilman East­ by an assignment dated Juno 26, Violet L. Coon, Charlotte, im­ 1062, and recorded on July 24, 1962, State Highway Department - Re­ supported by Councilman John man having reviewed the minutes proper backing, $4 In Llber 831, on page 26, Ingham ferred to Morris, state Highway Hamlin and adopted by the fol­ of the previous meeting after REPOirl; OF CONJ>I'l'ION OF 'l'H II .... Dart .Nat~onaLEngc201, Ing. Plant Operators Report - Re­ By Councilman Morris: Motion made to adjourn. AD­ James J. Noverr, Bath, speed­ hnm County Records, on which mort­ ferred to Shattuck. Pat McNa­ Resolved by the City Council JOURNED ing, $10 gage there is claimed to be due at the dutc hereof the oum of FOUR· mara - State Senator - Referred of the City ot Mason that Wllere­ Harold Barnhill 'rEEN 'fHOUSAND EIGHT HUN•• to Cady, Charles E. Chamber­ as the City adopted a resolu­ City Clerk -~or.r.Ans Crs. James J, Noverr, Bath, ex­ DRED AND 66/100 Dollar• lain - Representative - Referred I, Ca~h, hnllllH'r:-: with uthl'l' hank-;, :111d c·aRh items in Jll'Oc~ess of rollt~dion ...... 2 ..... 181 ...... 6.4.6 . .... 62 .. . ($14,800.66), Including Interest nt tion on April 6, 1965, establish­ 1 pired operator's llcense, $2 to Cady. VIllAge of Alganac - 2. Vnitt•d ,"itntr~ C:n\'C'I'JIJJH'llt oblig-nlinn~. direct and gual'nntcC'd (NC!t of any reserves) ...... !. .... ,4.5.0 ...... 3.0.7. ... 5.0 .. . 6~% Per annum. . ing special assessment figures 2 Under the power of snle contnmcd Re!erred to Cady. Tri County LEGAL NOTICES :L (JhliRatiuns of Slatr-:; :llld politil·al su1Hii\'isioll.'1 (Not of :wy I'C!SCI'\'l!!-i) ...... 1. .. 1.7..8...... 8.6.4. .... 0.3 .. . In enid mortgage nnd the statute In for Cherry street and said fig­ .1, Otht•1· a11d (including f ..... securitieR of Fedcl'al Jerry A. Fitzell, Wyoming, Regional Planning Commission - bond~, J11llt~:1, deh1~nturrs none ...... amcb enFc mo.de nnd provided, notice. ures were in error, now there­ l'UllLICATION ORDER Michigan, no operator's llcense !a hereby given that Enid mortgage nnd t'llt'lhmltimls not guar:llltrcd by U.S.} (Nl!l of l'CSCJ'Vt'R) ...... n .ne...... Referred to Cady, state Highway fore said resolution is rescind- E-~4·1 a,:·t~IH'iP.'; :m~· in possession, $Z will be foreclosed by a snle of tho fl. Lonns and dis('nuuts (NN of .any ...... 6. .... 412 .... 15.. . Department - Referred to Mor­ Stntc of Michignn, Probate Uourt n·~f'l'\'f's) 1.7.1 ...... ~ortgnged pr«!mhles, cr nome part o~ ed and the following amendatory !or the County o( lnghnm H. Ji'Pdf'rnl fund,'-i .~old ...... n ne.. . them, nt public vendue, at the Mlcl\• ris. City Attorney - Lloyd Mor­ resolution is adopted. Estate of EAHL W. SUTTEIWY, 7, J)iJ·e('L IPa:w fln:uwinK ... . Leo A. Albro, Leslie, ran red G lgnn avenue entrance o1 the City Hull ris - Referred to Cady. Resolved by the City Council of Deceased. 8. Fixe(l nssd!' ...... n ne ... . 7 flasher, $4 Building In the City of Lansing, I1' IS ORDERED thnt on Muy 28, Ingham 'county, Michigan, at 12:00 Mayor Pearsall asked 11 any­ the City at Mason that the City 1965, tlt 10:15 A .. M. in the.l'robatc f), Customer:;• liability to llli:;; IJank 1111 :u•cc•pta/H'f~s outstnnding ...... 81 . ..61.7. ... 3.3 ... o'clock NOON, Eastern Stnndnrd one in the Council rooms had Council having held a Public Courtroom, Lnnsang, MJctlJ_t:~n, a 1(), Other n~::~•·ts ...... " ...... nPne ... Peter L. Pelph, Flint, ran red Time on FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1965. hearing be hchl un the llC~Jtlon ,of Suld premiaes nrc situated In the anything to say at this t! me. Hearing on April 6, 1965, to con­ II. 39 593 75 10 flasher, $4 Patricia J. Liutun, A~mlnastrntrax, Citl/ of Lansing, Ingham Countr, J, William Couch, E. Ash street, sider objections and suggestions for ullowancl! of her ,linn! nccouJ:t 11 idicblgnn, nnd nrc '· cscribed ns: advised the Council that the con­ relative to the construction of nnd ns:lignmcul o£ re!H~uc . LL\ Ill r.nms Raymond c. Danaher, Livonia, Lot No 466, <'''-' .pt the West 1 Publication und scrvacc shall be foot th~reof, Chm·chill Downs No. ditions at the Teen Center on the following publ!c Improve­ made a~ J)rovidc~ by ~tntutl! nnd 12. DC'mnn1l deposits of in~li,·illuals, parlner::hips, and ('orpnrnticms ran stop sign, $4 2 n Subdivision on Part of the ...... 2 .. ~l.L .819 81 Saturday nights was again get­ ment: Court rule. 1~. TimP nnd s:l\'lng.~ dflJmsit:-; of indh·iclual:::;, partn('J'ships, and r'OI'JIOJ'ations 12 West ~ of Section 31, Town 4 Date: April KALLMAN l.J. Depo::its of L'ni!f•d {ioYPI'IIIlH'!ll ...... A ..... 65 6..... 82.4 .... .9.8 13 North, Range 2 West, C,ity of Lon• ting our of control, and asked Installation at Curb & Gutter JX·M~J~r. St:~tes Keith A. Elston, Eaton Rapids, Ding, Ingham County, Mtchlgnn, ac­ Hi. of States nnl! Jlolitit::al su!Jdi"l;.;ions ...... 13L .. 524 .... 19.. ran stop sign, $4 that the Police check it more and any other necessary street A true copy: Jud~e of l'robntc DPJlo:-;il:-~ 14 cording to the recorded pint there• thoroughly. Ilonnlc IloUlY l)roLute Hct-nster Liber 23 of Pinto, Page 17, sol~ 17. Certified unrl oflit•t•rs' dwf•ks, t•te...... npne ...... 11l red light, Mayor Pearsall said he rec­ ping on Cherry street from S, HAYMOND H. CAMPilELL ...... $4 Ingham County Recorda. 18, ognized the problem and refer­ Attorney fur petitionc:.• 'l'ot,\1. llEI'~~7 41'. 21 Court for the County of Ingham advised to clean up their prop­ by the City Council at the City 2:1. I1' IS ORDERED thnt on June • 'l'oT,\J. LIABJLITn:s 22 THE EQUI'fABLE LIU! AS· erties, and he would like to know of Mason, that the diagram, plat, 1965 at u :40 A. M. In the l'robnte 1.0 ...... 790 .882 ... 84 23 Mrs. Olive Brown left Mason, SIJitANCE l:iOCIETY 01>' 'IHE Couriroom, Lansing, Michi_g~n. n UNITED STATES, n New York who was going to clean up the spec!!icat!ons and estimate ofthe CAI'ITAL ACCOUNTS Tuesday, May 4, for a trip to henrin~ be held on the l•ct•.t•on. o1 CorpOration, l'laintiff vs. GEO!tG:<: dump, he said the dump was the cost of construction of said pro­ Arthur !Jny and Donald G. Fa~. ~·1. Debentures ... Big Pine Island lake to vlslt her ...... O. LYLE and SUZANNE M. LYLE, Tcstnmcntnry ·rruHtces, for nllow• husband nnd wile: GENERAL worst looking area on the street, posed Improvement and the dis­ :!fJ, l'rt!fent>tlst' W A'lEit AND L!UH'l', n was left when the city moved his by declared to be a necessary Bonnie Dodrie 27. SnrpluR ...... Total I'"' ''aiuc ...... AO.O...... O'if ~~ Municipal Corporation: und HED· sewer to the North of his house, improvement: Deputy IJOraba.tc Register 28. Undi\'idcd Jlrolits _ ...... 60 0 FORMAL WEAR LUND BU!LDEllS l:iUPPLY lN• DONALD G. I!OX, Attorney . 29. Hc:->e!"''C!-1 ...... 2 CURPOBATED, Defendants. He was advised that as soon as Further that the Council here­ Michigan National rrower. Lansmg. I------U ~5~ -- n ;~ IN PURSUANCE and by virtue of the ground was settled suffi­ 18w3 30, TOT AI. C,u•Jr.u. ArnlliNTs ...... ______a Judgment of the Circuit Court by declares its determination --STATE OF MICHIGAN :~1. 'roT.-\1. LJ,\I!Jf.!Tlt-:s o\NJI C,\('ITM. ACCUlJ:-..'TS ...... 912 558 54 30 for the County of Ingham, State of ciently that area would be level­ to construct said public improve­ RENTAL Michigan, entered on the 15th dn)l ed and seeded, Clare Sauve, CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 1T.lo3~l-~44l =.J], 31 of Mny, 1964. Jn the obove men• s. ment at an estimated cost of COUNTY OF INGHAM tioned cause. Cedar street, asked the council $2.49 per front foot and that MAE HU'l'H HALL, l'lainti!f va. NOTICE is hereby given that I for permission to enlarge the $1.85 per front foot of the cost ALFRED I!, HALL, Ddendant. shall sell nt public auction to the At n ECssion. of said Court held highest bidder nt the South door of Midway Tavern, He was advised and expense thereof shall be de­ In the CifJI Hall in the ~it~ of the City Hall, City of Lansing, Ing. that a resolution would be drawn frayed by a special assessment Lansing thi• ZHtn day of Atml, 1965. 1, ..... Leomm:I .. Q. Qprt~r ...C::11!5ME;r ...... Present:. UON, MAI!VIN J. SAL· ( Nurm• und litlt• or offiro•r nutl,nri7NI to ,;i~:n tf'Jmrt) ham County. Michigan: that being to cover his request, ...... , or the ahorr.-nn.m('d banlc do hcrch}· declare ono of the places for the holding upon the property owners bene­ MON, Circuit Judge. that thi.'l rc)lort of <'Dnilition is true nn1l ronect to the-best of my knowlcds;-c n r helicf. "' of the Circuit Court 1or the County Dorothy Howe, s. Barnes fited and that the benefits should On the 2~th: day of April, 1~64, Everything of Ingham, on Friday the 18th day street, complained about the nctlon was filed b;,t Mae Ruth Hall, ol June, 1965, at ten (10) o'clock be determined according to fron­ Plaintiff, ngainst .Alfred B. Hall, De· from dinner In the forenoon the following de· fence that was placed on her tage. !f:!ndnnt. in this Court, for the- pur• jacket (with acribed prollerty: To .. wit, all thnt cer•. property next to the gravel pit, Further resolved that the City ~ose of the PlaintiH obtaining a tnin plece or Parcel of land Bitunte divorcl! again::~t. the said Defendant. We, the undo,·si~rnorl direrto•·s niles! !he cnrrcrtnr>s of this ropo1't uf d' 'on a ,J rloclnro that it has hccn examiner! by ...... Saying that all they did was to Assessor shall prepare a spe­ IT IS HEREBY ORDERED tbut t.bo us and to the heRt of ou1· knowledge anrlllclicf is true lnint filed in thi> Court. Plat of Country Club Park No. I, · convened. Committee of the whole supported by Councilman Loren IT IS ~-URTI!El~ ORDERED thnt . ····-·-··- n subdivision nn part of the NEA meeting - W.E. Zimmer - Re­ a COPN of thio Order ahnll be PUb• ~; "'""'" Shattuck and adopted by the fol­ jiahcd in tho Ingham County News of Section 30, T4N, R2W, City of ...... l.o.na.inJr • ported that Dr. Keck had re­ lowing vote: Yes, 7, No, D. one~ In .,fA~.;;.i~/, &.#.:~.<.':.7...... • llate: May 3, 1965 ported favorable on the new well RESOLUTION four successive weekm:. ./ C. LaVERNE ROBERTS site and recommended the. City MAI,v!N J. SALMON A true copy: Circuit Court Date: May 3, 1965 A truo eopy: Circuit Jud11:o Laura Wahl Commiosloner acquire the site and proceed By Councilman Vaughn Snook: Marguerite. llicharda Deputy County Clerk . accordingly, Deputy. Count:~~ Clerk HUBIJARD, l•'OX, THOMAS & BORN Resolved by the City Council COUNTERSIGNED: B:v JACK D. BORN John Hamlin reported that G, of the City at Mason that How­ Marguerite Richarda Attorneu for Plaintiff J, McLravy and Sons were too ard Schlichter is reappointed a Deputy County Clerk 110a Michl&nn National Tower, Lan. RUSSEL .A. LAWLER IID&o 18wJ busy to consider redding the wall member of the Mason Planning Attorney for Plaintiff I The Ingham County News, Wednesday, IWJy 5, 1965- Page C-6 of the City Hllll and .su"ested Commission for a three year 200 Holll•tcr Builrlin~. Lao1low· l8w4 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES PUBLICATION ORDER LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE P.UBLICATION ORDER IM1 Doclcot No. HG02 I'UilLICATION ORDER Stnto of Mlchlgnn, I'robnto Cour.t Stnto of Mlchhrnn, In tho Circuit 1::.251 PUBLICATION ORDER --PffiiLiCATION ORDER ' PUBLICATION ORDER PUBLICA'fiON ORDER tor tho County of Ingham Court for tho County of Ingham Stoto of Mlehhrnn, Prcbnto Court IMG 8 ().717G E·8D8 E·85G, Eatnto of ICAl'llERINE c. WAT· 'l'HE EQUI'l'ADLE LIFE AS· tor tho County of Inghnm Stnto of Mlchlgon, Probnto Court Stnto of Mlchl!rnn, P•·obnto Court ·Stnto of. Mlchlnnn, I'robnto Court E·S72 Stoto of Mlei:JgnnJ Probnto Cour~ 'l'Ens, Decoa•od, Estate of MILDUED ll. WILDE!! !or tho County of Inuhnm Stnto of Mlel:lgan, I'robRta Court ·for tho County of 1nghom SUllANOE SOCll!l'l'Y Ul•' 'l'llE Estntc of EDWAllD .T, AU· for tho County of Inghnm tor tho County ol Inuhnm for tho County of ln~hnm l'r IS ORDERED that on .Tuno 2, UN I'!'ED S'f A'l'ES, n New Yorlt DUl!CHAM, Deceased, Eatnto of !>IAIUAN L. llOWLEY, Eatato of PAUL M. HILLIARD, Do· Estnto of ELLA D, ·<:STELLE, Do· D IT IS OltDERED thnt on Juno 2, DUCHON, Decoosed, Eotnto of 'l'l!OMAS ~·. DRISDOE, oenuod. .iou~. nt :oo A, M, In tho Probate CorporAtion, l'lnlntlfC va. WAL'fER l'l' IS OUDERED that on July 22, Doeensod. con sod. Docoilsed. Courtroom, Lnnslng, Michigan, a l'i CREASON nncl HELEN L. CIIEA• 1065, nt 1:30 P, M, In tho Probnto I'!' IS ORDERED thnt on ldny 28, l'f IS ORDERED thnt on Mny 28, l'l' IS ORDERED that on July 22, l1earlng bo held on tho votltlon of Courtroom, Lansing, Michigan, n 1065, ot D:IG A. M, In tho I'robnto 1'1' IS ORDERED thnt on June 2, 1066, at 10130 A, M, In tho Proboto SON; huabnncl ancl wl!e, nnd AL'l'ON Courtroom, Lnnslnlr, Michigan, n 1061i, nt 0 :4G A, M. In tho Probnto lDOG, nt 0:15 A, M, In the l'robnto 1065, ot 0:45 A. M. In tho l'robnto itoy Wnttora lor RPPolntmont of n S. COICWIN und MARY E. CORWIN, honrlng bo held on tho i>Ctltlon of Courtroom, Lnnalnrr, Mlchlgnn, n Courtraom, Lnnalnl!', Michigan, n Courtroom, I.nnslng, Mlchlsan, n fiduciary, Alvin A. Noller for license to Boll honrlng bo held ut which nil creditor• Courtroom, Lnnulng, Mlchignn, n honrlnf! bo held ot which nil crodltorn huobnnd nnd wlto, Dclcndnnts. of ould doconsed nro reQuired to henrlnR bo held on tho petition of honrln 11 bo held on tho votltlon of honrlng bo held on tho t>etltlon of Publlcntlon nnd oorvlec •hnll bo, renl estate of sold deceased. Persona .hmorlcnn Bnnlt nnd Trust Compnny, Hlchoretltlon of ol onld dcccnoed nrc rEquired to 1065, nt 9:00 A, M, In tho Probnto brnndt, 403 Capitol Savings & Loon Courtroom, Lnnalng, Michigan, " Donald G, Fincls, Gunl'dlnn, for tho file aworn clnlmo with the court provo their elolm. Creditor~ must filo t:ourtroom, Lansing, Michigan, n Bid«., Lansing, Mlchh:nn, prior to Part of tho West A of the South· Bertha C. Oesterle for the nppolnt• nnd serve n copy on Tru11t Dept,, aworn clnlmo with tho co11rt nnd ~not i of Section 20, T4N, R2W, ment of a fiduciary anrl lor n do· henrlnK be held on tho petition o( nllownncc o! hh1 nnnual nccount nlso hearing be held on the petition of anld honrlng, .Amerlcnn Dnnlt nnd 1'rust Compnnll', .Michlgnn Nntlonnl llnnk, Lnn•lng, oorvo n copy on John L, Mohon, Jr., Publlcntlon nnd acrvleo ahnll be City of Lnnslng, termination of heirs, for nccounts heretofore filed. Michigan, prior to snld hcnring, Sally E. Duncan Bond, Admlnln• :Onto: Mny 3, 1965 Publication and service ahnll be Surviving l'rustee, fn•· nllownncc of Publlentlon nnd oervlco ahnll bo 3111 Lochmoor Drive, East Lnnslng, trotrlx, for nllownnco or her final modo ou provided by statuto and IU twentieth Recount, Publication nnd scrvico shnll bo Mlchlrcnn, Prior to said hoorlng. Court rule. C. LnVERNE ROBERTS, made as provided by statuto and mndo ns provided by stntu\o nnd modo ns v•·ovlded by statute nnd nccount and !u:· tho Rl>!>olntmcnt oi ... true copy: Circuit Court Court. rule, l'ubllcntlon nnd. service nhall bo Court· rule; Publlcntlen nnd service shnll bo n succoBSor ndmlnlstrntrlx. Dote: April 27, 1965 mndo ns. provided by statuto and .Dntt(:' April 20, 1066 MAN Court tulc. mndo no provided by atntuto ond JAMES T, KALLMAN Lnura Wahl Commissioner Date: April 30, ID65 0 Court rule. Publlcntlon nnd oervlc~ shnll bo Dovut~ County Cieri< JAMES 1', KALLMAN Oourt rule. · .JAMES '1', KALL Dnto: April lli>!is~~. !tALLMAN modo ns Provided by stntuto And true Judge of Probate Dote: Jl,prll 28, 1DG5 A true copy: Judge of Probate Dote: April 30, 1005 Court rule. HUllllARD, FOX, THOMAS & DORN A true cop~: Judge of Probnte· A true copy: Judge of l'robnto JAMES T, ICALLMAN D~ JACIC D, HORN Florence M, F'letcher JAMES T, ICALLMAN Bonnie Dodrle Florence M. Fletcher Dote: April Zl, 1065 Attorncyo for Plaintiff Deputy. Probate Register A true COPYI Judge or Proboto ·Deputy Probate Resister A truo copy: Judco of Proboto JAMES T, KALLMAN Donnie Dodrlo HENRY J, FJSCHElt Deputy Probnto Resister Florence M, Fletcher ll08 Michigan National Tower JACIC W, WA-RREN ALLISON IC. 'l'HOMAS Deputy Probate Roglotcr Judge of ProbAti Lnnalng, 18w7, ·Attorney lor petitioner Devuty Probnto Register AttornQY for Petitioner Atlornoy for petitioner Bld8'•o 600 Pruddcn Building, Lnnnlng, AMERICAN BANIC & 'rRUST CO. 804 .Amorlcnn llnnlt & Trust llldl!' .. CARROLL R. TABER 18w8 Truat Deportment, Lnnalng, IBwS Lnnsln~:. ·ISwa 11Q8 Michigan Notional l'ower, Lon. Attorney for executor 18w3 ·•lnl!'.: 18w:l Z1UU E. Mlcbhron Avenue,



"Hush ... Hush, Sweet

...... --...... -...... _...... starts friday: ''ONE OF THE YEAR'S 10 BEST!"-N.Y.Tim ..

Joseph E. Levine pr~unh COLOR SopbiaLoren MastroianniMarullo ~Marriage '"nesica·s ~oJ•hiu. l.~rrm urul ~1urcclln ~lusll•oiunni por'll'll)' lm·cr·s in JoseJlh E. l.en11e" romnnlle rlrumu, "Mnninge--Itulian Style." , Italian Sophia l.m·en JWI'Iruys u woman fnr•t•r•d inlu lhc >lrcets by wnr An Embassy Pictures Rtlrnr J Style in Jn-.·ph E. Lninc's new Sophia Loren Stars In Romantic •·omanti•· dr·mnn, "1\forrint;:c - Italian St)·lr•."

Community Drama "Marriage-Italian Style" PRESE Undi>Jlulr·d as one of tile world'; iroianni, din•etor Vitloria De Sieu, Outward 11"/w',, l>l'l>illll rlurl lll'nrrl~ It's 11111sl IJl•autiful anrl ialr·nted aclrt's'· ;nHI p:·mluc<'l' Carlo l'nnli, in Jos· May 13, 14, I IIIHII' utlu•r tlu~r• Rol~t•rt ,\lor.~t.·. «!S, Aeadt·m~··:\wunl willlll'l' So ph in t•pl1 E. Lt•\'ine's poi~IHtlll und im· Community u·etlrilll' u·lrnt lilf' H'l•ll~tlr.• ..;setl · • 1 · 1 1 'I · I I' 1 fl ftllt/ rnH/tH• Sf'f'lll lo %mile fiiCIII is,.. udorru•tl n·illr 111 tl1e Lon·n, 1s uucl.' a~uin.... rt!tlllitl·d '"11 1 Jla~~wnct ! mmu ...., arnugt~· tu 1an llobf :llunw Cruig tlon"t lu• UU'llff~ of it. __ __S_i)-'1<_',_" ______hut lfw tll'IHr at tlu• 1·~(1 is doin~ IIi," fw."il to ""'''lll 4!1'f'f.Y ."it'Ptw ~~--~~--~~~~~ ~----~~~~~~~------~--~~~·~~~~~~~~~~------r----ll_lc--t<_'"-ll-1-o-f_,_"_'I0-1-'-~-~<-11'-l'<_,J_Io ~_J'_"_· ~ Ull'll,l'.from tlu•111 i11 ;\l••lro-(;,tfdu·ytta,\lnyt•r'.~ llilurious, "(Juic.·/~, /lr'furr• lr Mt•lt.<." 'l'l1r• tlllt•rr lr•d fll'll!lrrirr'.< ""'"'' ;,, Miltrm Fo.t, Where nice folks enjoy themselves. tuul yuu~ll.fiurl /tim li."ilt•tl in tlt1• ,.,,.,, rd tlw Puuut•i ...;ioll and roltJr LIQUOR • TAKE OUT t'Otllt•tly of Uti lit•,,. iu tlu• .·lllllut·ti•·· ri~l11 ufHII~sitlt• of /Hor.ow, Mason Golf Club ;lli."is Cruif,!, (;(,Or~t· Jllulruri.'l uud AlljfltH'"'' t.'fJfllf•r. 2 Miles South of Mason on US-127 Open to the Public Sandwiches The Doll House Love is where 1/41b. Hamburger Many Others Self Serve Window you find it... 1 New and Used Golf Clubs BUT what can Shrimp Opens May lOth you do about it Shoes 1 Sweaters • Jackets Tax Included In Our Prices. at 60 BELOW?? 11 a.m.- 11 p.m.- Mon.- Thurs. i\'ow Taki11g Reservations Fish -Chicken Baskets To Take Out 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. - Fri. - Sat. /or Cio/f Outin.f.!s nnd "Help Stamp Out Home Cooking" 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. - Sun. TODAY and THURS. /Jauq11ets Clares Bar & Grill The Restaurant Will Close At Phone OR 7·8461 or OR 6·5545 7 p.m. Sundays Through The 117 S. CEDAR MASON -~ ...... ~ .. :A::!J~;:::~:~.:

3rd Eves. 7:00- 9:JO P.M. Sat., Sun. 2:(10. 4:.10. Crossroads lnn 7:00· 9:J5 P.M. Week! for the ultimate in steaks and seafoods, the Family Style ideal spot for weddfng anniversarys, birthdays, Dancing Every meetings and banquets. Chicken Dinner on Sunday Saturday Evening llu11wnu1t/e Pi~~~ & l)fl~l rit·~ Walt Koss Open: Tues.- Sat. 10- 7 ANTHONY QUINN Closed Mondays & Holidays Also Club Roma ALAN BATES·IRENE PAPAS Colonial RestauTant May 8th & 9th Round Lake "''~'~"' and Coach Light Lounge Doors Open at 8 Danc:ing 9 'Iii 2 MICHAELCACOYANNIS PRODUCTION Music: by Cross Roads Inn WARREN KIMBLE and Orchestra "ZORBA THE GREEK" Call 655-1520 on Crone/ Rl~•• (old 16) Williamston Peg & Jack Wright • '0"''~ ~""'"' ••o''""'''"' ··• U!J\ KED!i'OV! GEORGE fOUN[)IS Mixed O, inks • Beer • Wine • No One Under 21 13!:!0 M-36 Dansville 623-9111

The Ingham County News, Wednesday, May 5, 1965 - Page C-7 .:': .,,,.,.,.,,, ... ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,,~~~~uAM>i§!:? .. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,...... ,.,.,.,.,.,.,,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,.,., ..,., ... ,/~Mason, Tim Howlett Is Elected Stockbridge Student Council President

By RUTH CAMP The election took place Thurs­ be the most successful o! all Stockl>rldge High School day. The first speaker was Brad o! their projects so far. They Last week was an Important Weddon, present president, Ho sold around ao cases, earning : ...... _ Teen News o sv,LLs....lL one for the students of S,H,S, Introduced Bot> Stephens, who 39% on each case, It was apparent to anyone who !!!! :i: Nancy Brown and Dnvld Clin­ pore" speaking, Judy Hamlin won was candidate Roil Sooy's cam­ Fran· Dickinson sold the most sroc~§::::. ton, !rom Mason high school, entered the school, for the halls •'•' ~~ In the "oratory" division with paign manager, After his speech, boxes, Also soiling a large num­ ,•,• =~ and Major·!e Meyer and Judy and classroom walls were cover­ Sooy gave his talk, Then Wed­ ber were Andy Southwell, Sue ·:·:::· ::;:;:;:;:.:;:·:·:::::::::·.;:·:::::;:::::::::::·:::;:;:::::::::·:·:<·"<::::::::·:··.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.· ·.·.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.·.;.;:::;:;:;:;:::;::.;:;:::::;:;:;:;:;:;:::;:;..:;;;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:·:·:·:·:·:· her oration, "The Genius of De­ Hamlin, from Stockbridge high mocracy," ed with signs, and little, don announced TIm Howlett's Bradley, and Marcia Mlnneci, Everyone was school, were winners In the dis­ The regional contest chose cnmpnlgn manager, Ruth Hanne­ All the girls won transistor ra­ trict forensics contest, They talking about wnld, who In turn Introduced dios whtch were awarded by the winners In the following 5 cate­ earned the privilege of repre­ gories to compete In the state the coming e­ Tim, Stevens i~andy Company, vent, s. H, s. senting their high schools In the forensics contest: After his speoch, the voting I "*** regional contest at Michigan State was having proceeded, each classvotlngwith Charle,s King came to S,H,S, 1. Declamation: the memor­ university May 4, Ization and oral Interpretation of lts student Ills own student council class to appear at an assembly Mon­ lloltHigh Senior Awarded U-M ScholarshiP- Josephine Oesterle, Mason a speech written and delivered council pres­ representatives, day, April 26. He told of a Idential elec­ high school speech coach, had orlglnn.lly by another person, ' Tim Howlett was elected. The recent trip he took with his winners In two categories. Nancy tion. Our stu­ school congratulates him on a wife to Europe and then to Af­ den t councll Brown won first place with her 2. Humorous Reading: the fine speech, campaign, and cam­ rica. There, he saw many pov­ 11 Is very Im­ "declamation," W hI s peri n g reading of a humorous manu­ paign manager, erty stricken areas and people, portant to all Miss Pamela Howe Honored Wounds." David CI!ntontook!irst script. and he adopted 2 young girls of u:. students, !or the council **** place in the division of "humor·­ 3, Interpretive Reading: the The candy sale, conducted by and bt'ought them back to their ous" reading with "1'11 Think of reading of a manuscript. Is a representation of us and the seniors, to help with the home ln Phoenix, Arizona, HOLT- Miss PamelaK, Howe, Other Ingham cowtty winners what we want, a senior at Holt hJ gh school, It In a Minute." 4. Original Oratory: the stu­ cost of their trip, turned out to ll•: also sang several songs. Included Miss Margorle Myers who already holds a state high­ Mrs . Jean Anderson, Stock­ dent's original speech, which Is He appeared at 2 assembl!es-­ of Stockbridge high school and er education scholarship, has bridge high school speech coach, usun.Ily an appeal for the solu­ one for the junior high and one Keith M. Hodge of Haslett high been named the winner of a Uni­ also had winners In two cate­ tion of a current problem. !or the senior high, In both, he school. versity of Michigan Regents - gories, Marjorie Meyer was a 5, Extempore Speech: concern­ had 4 students come down to Miss Howe is the daughter 11 alumni scholarship, it was an­ first place winner In extem- ed with four broad generaltoplcs~ sing, ln the 1st asseml>ly, he of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Howe, nounced this week, She was among had Kay Baldwin, Hank Zelty, 1974 Maple street, Holt, She Folk Songs Feature 879 Michigan high school senlors was among the top 10 students Rodger Teachout and Kathy Flet­ to be so honored. cher, In the 2nd assembly, the of her senior class and wm The winners were selected by sJngers were Kathy Sweet, Karen graduate next month, the committee on unlvers!ty Klshpaugh, Dale Rlsner, and Gary Leslie's Assembly Stowe. scholarships from 2,568 appli­ For the past 3 years she has Mason Hootenanny cants, representing 547 state high been a member of the National After the assemhly, Karen Kls­ schools. By KATHY ISHAM Several solos were played by paugh, glee club president, ln­ Honor society, She Is secretary Leslie lllgh School In evaluating the applications, ot her senior class, co-editor members of the hlgl1 school band vlled King to stay for glee club emphasis was placed on char­ Students at Leslie enjoyed a Including one by Hobert Vince, rehearsal, which he did, of the school annual and a mem­ Proves Big Success acter, citizenship, academic re­ fine assembly on folk music Wed­ He even stayed after school to ber of the Girls' Athletic as­ one by Donald Johnson and a conl, financial need and scores nesday, April 28, The program talk with a few students about sociation, plano duet by lllana Wellman and made on a competitive test. By !·lOLLY HILL After the singing, a dance was was presented by twin brothers Carla Townsend. their future and showed them the Stipends vary according to the Mason High School held In the cafeteria. The big sur­ who are sophomores at Cement Importance of choosing the right **** financial need of the winners and ' She plans to enter the Uni­ The Hootenanny, sponsored by prise of tho evening was the per­ City. career. versity of Michigan next fall and range from an honorary $50 en­ the student counclt, la~t Friday formance of the Avant! combo, a •••• Engltsh students have been will major In nursing, trance award to a $560 per year night was a big success. The night 4-man group from Dan~vllle and Juniors have busy w r!t!ng essays for the Book She attends the st. Auflllstlne been working grant, Awards continue for the degree program If his academic ~tarted off with the local talent, Mason. They sang during the en­ Fair contest, scheduled for May Dansville Juniors ot Canterbury Episcopal mission John Casper very hard to normal length of the student's record justifies renewal. tire dance. Pizza, potato chips, 19-21. Prizes wilt be awarded in Mason. and Jim Ketch­ put the finish­ at that time for the best essays. To Appear In Play and coke were also sold. Ing touches on um, two ninth­ Tl1e Future Farmers of !'heir play **** DANSVILLE - The Junior class graders, were America of Mason traveled to first. Jim "The People Several Future Farmers of of Dansville high school will pre­ Dansville on Tuesday for a Versus Maxine , sent their class play, "This Ghost played the county-wide soll judging contest. A merlca from the Leslte chapter, electric guitar Lowe," The who received high honors at the Business" at a matinee for About flfty members of the Ma .. play, a drama­ Grades 4 through 6 on Wednes­ as John played son chapter accompanied Mr.' Land Judging contest last Tues­ Six Dansville Students the guitar and tic murder day, went to Lansing for the day afternoon, May 5, and an Mike O'Malley, their sponsor. "Kathy" ~ang. Next two trial, will be state contest Saturday. evening performance for the pull­ The top four winners from Ma­ presented to the puhl!c Friday and He on Thursday evenlng, May sophomore. son at the county contest par­ **** girls, Jackie Saturday, May 7 and a. The Sophomore class at Les- 6, at eight o'clock, In the gym­ "Holly" ticipated In the Michigan state To Go to Honors Institute Stuhbert and Several of the Leslie bands lie elected class officers for tile nasium, university salt judging contest on 11 Thls Ghost Business' is a Carol Saelens, sang two songs Saturday, May l. performed In a concert Thurs­ coming year. George Vandercook DANSVILLE - Six Dansville mystery comedy in 3 acts by the Institute include Corinne accompanied by John Casper, A aay night, The Junior lilgli ca­ was elected president, Lynn Tay­ High students have been accept­ An ather Dansville student, On Monday morning an assem­ Al W. Clark and presented by Webster, sophomore and daught­ boy's quartet, consisting of Larry bly for the Induction of the Na­ det band and the junior high con­ lor, vice-president; Sliaron Gir­ ed for the annual summer Honors Peggy Minnis, sophomore and permission of the HPuer Publ!sh­ er of Mr. and Mrs,Coridon Web­ Snyder, Lee Snook, Ken Cornel­ tional Honor society's new mem­ cert band performed along with nell, secretary; and Carol Cart, Institute at Lansing Community daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clar­ lng company of Cedar Rapids, ster of Meech road; Eric Simp­ isse and Jeff Cotton, were next, hers was held. The asseml>ly the hlgli scl10ol band, treasurer, college, June 21 through July ence Minnis of Howell road, has Iowa, son, senlor and son of Mr. and followed by the Madrigal Singers. began with a short history of the 30 according to Dr. John Se­ been accepted In the area of The cast includes the follow­ 1 Mrs. Lawrence Simpson of Meri­ humanities which wi11 concern Next on the program were Jim N ,H ,S, and then speeches were beson, coordinator of the pro­ dian road; Kenneth Woods, sen­ and Jean, a boy and girl from Ing juniors: Jim Soule, Dennis gram. itself with an analysts of the given about the symbols of the ior and son of Mr. and Mrs, Michigan State university. They society, scholarship, leadership, Warfle, Danny Mlller, Colin Cur­ The program is des! gned as whole of ll.fe's experiences. In­ tis, Bllly Johnson, Carmie Gal­ David Woods of Columbia road, entertained with folk songs. cl1aracter, and service, a stl mulatlng, enrl chlng exper­ structors who are specialists In 2 Vice Presidents breath, Ellen Baker, Lois Heinz, and Ellllne Galbreath, sophomore the fields of music, art, liter­ lence for students who have a and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barbara Voss and Martha Freer. high Interest and ability In a ature, drama, and sculpture will Charles Galbreath of Iosco road, be involved. selected area, The areas offer­ One Dansville student, Diane For W.H.So Council ed include biology, chemistry, Traver, sophomore and daughter electronics, humanities, mathe­ of Mr, and Mrs, Richard Traver matics, French, and Spanish. Several of the Dansville stu­ Sophomores Named By LINDA LOWRIE of Meech road, has been select­ dents selected are members of hours, Winner~ of the election In the area of mathematics Williamston High School are Martha Schoff, president; Weather ed for advanced studies In the the local chapter of the National topics wlll be selected from ab­ WILLIAMSTON - After a week area of biology. This course Honor society, The first meet­ Sue Bixby, vice president; Becky Haln Is on the weather menu stract algebra, set theory, num­ of suspense, Student Council Brown, secretary; Gall Baker, for the next 5 days In this area, offers the student an opportunity Ing of the Honors Institute as­ To Assist at Prom members decided the outcome of ber theory, and non-euclldian ge­ to engage In research with col­ treasurer; Louise Miller, student the U.s. Weather bureau In Lan­ ometry, The four Dansville stu­ sembly will be Friday May 7, last weeks' vice-presidential tie council representative; Spirit­ sing said Wednesday morning. lege and professional scientists at Lansing Community college In the student council elections, dents selected for mathematics in from the Lansing area. at 4:15 p,m, By PAT MARTIN Matters discussed were the makers, Lyrm Campbell; Sports Temperatures will average 5 to Holt High School The two candidates, Bill Strong, chairman, June Lowrie; Histor­ 10 degrees above the normal high student Forum, a Bermuda day HOLT - Sophomores chosen to and a play nlght on some Sat­ sophomore and B Ill Schoff, ian, Sherry Graham, of 63 to 68 and the normal low freshman, were both tied for the assist at the Junior and Senlor urday In the near future. **** of 42 to 47. Prom May 16 are: Sally Shaft, office. The Student Council con­ After school on Friday, April It will change to cooler over '"*** stitution has no provisions !or Lee Pawlowski, Kathy Fudge and A student forum took place for 30, the FTA members had a the week end, according to the Pat Martin. The hays are: Tom a tie, so the council members candy sale, The candy sold fast 5 day forecast and precipitation Costa Rica Good Will Envoy 4 days during the past week, Greenhoe, John Leonard, Dave took a vote and it was decided the workers said, and students will total 3/4 to 1 1/2 inches In The Student council officers at that both hays Borton and 'l'om Dayton. were happy, occasional showers and thunder­ these meetings asked for ques­ would serve showers. Thursday will be cloudy **"* tions or Ideas on how the school in the office. **** Members of the Girls Athletic The publications department and warmer with showers and Is a Guest In Williamston could be Improved, Questions on Friday association attended a meeting other matters such as , ports and was filled with jumping, cheering thunder showers. Low tonight night was the Gilda MaGutlerrez, a good will Monday April 25, driving at noon wen. O.:so asked. students Friday, April 30, when Is expected to be around 50 For the remaining weeks of the also has had barbecued dinner Senior Slave 1 Business discussed was the the school yearbooks !or the and high Thursday In the mid 70's. ambassador 17 years old and 5 school year Gilda will he attend­ This event Is held every year Dance, in the and spent one entire Saturday canoe trip 1964-65 school year arrived, As The average temperature In feet tall, arrived from Costa Rica Ing classes at Williamston high !or each class and many good high school shopping and sight seeing In that will be a joke, members of the "Hor­ Ma8on during the past week was Thursday night to spend a few school with Linda, Besides taking ideas have developed from 11. ' cafe t ortum. Lansing. sponsored by net Hummer," the school news­ 59 degrees, compared to 58 de­ months with the family of her the senior courses that others her The student council arranged Among the "sister," the Ed Lowrles, Gilda G.A.A. forlts paper, put up a sign that the grees for the same week a year age study, she will also be In the members. the complete program. Dan Hov­ seniors who ago, and Linda Lowrie came to know Like other teens, Gllda also "Lindo" yearbooks had arrived and were Spanish classes and American Also a play aneslon sat In to answer any were sold as Temperature readings were as each other when Linda spent last likes the "Beetles," "Rolling on sale for only 50 cents, Mem­ 11terature and history courses, Stones" and other British sing­ night was questions. There were no other slllves were Janean Raddatz, Ruth bers of the "Hornet" stat!, and follows: summer wlthGildaandherfamlly Made an honorary member of faculty members present. Bob KleWicki, sandy Christensen, as an A.F .S. exchange student. ers, but asked her favorite, her discussed, Mrs, Johnson, advisor, said that High Low the G.A.A. and Senior class, Gil­ They decided Hoffman was chairman of the Bonnie Taylor, Mary Sml th, Paul April 28 Gilda arrived In Michigan after da will go with the G,A,A, on black eyes snap and "Elvis" Is event, an autograph party Is planned 64 32 the answer, to ask the 8th Mahaney, Bill Wood, TomE!fert, In the school cafetorlum later In April 29 66 44 spending almost 2 weeks In Miami a canoe trip and hike, and will be Mike Smith and Gary Dwight, with her older brother, Jennsey, graders over the month, As In the past, there April 30 75 44 able to view firsthand the Junior­ from the jun­ "Pat" The Sophomores ordered their These students and others who will be dancing·, and autographing, May 1 76 46 who Is a doctor. She came not only Senior prom and banquet, and go G!lda seems to like everything­ class rings this week. They will were sold at the auction wlll to he present for her sister's Ior high school. Margo Thorton May 2 83 57 on the senior trip. which Is either "good," "nice," conducted the meeting. receive them early In their jun­ obey the wishes and commands of **** May 3 graduation, but also to Improve The new Varsity and Junior 81 52 Gilda already has sampled the or "pretty", And everyone The glr ls attended a skating Ior year, their "masters" for t!Je enlire May 4 her English, and, all members of Varsity cheerleaders are now 60 48 favorites of many American seems to like Gllda - the little nlght Wednesday April 27 at the school day, Doing the auctioneer­ selling key chains for 50 cent, the Lowrie family agree, she has "Ilea" girl who Is here spread­ teens, pizza, coke, hamburgs, Edru Roller skating rink In Holt, The junlors sponsored a dance Ing was Jim Burns, a local auc­ Each chain has "The Wllllams­ certainly helped to Improve the Ing good will and a great deal tioneer, day. Each girl was judged on her ice cream, and shakes. These top There were a few bruises but Friday nlght from 8 p.m. to ll ton Hornets" on it, and an en­ Spanish of all In the family, of happiness wherever she goes. performance In a group cheer and the list of her favorite foods. She lots of fun !or all, p.m. In the gym. Holt's new •••• graving of the Hornet Mascot. an Individual cheer, The girls combo, "The Glasstrons" con- ' Fifty-seven high school sen­ Later on, May 8, there will be **** 1 iors have signed up for the Sen­ were judged by Harriet Davidson student councll members and slstlng of Ron Karr, Charles a car wash, and following this, and Roger Koloslnskl, cheer­ officers met Thursday April 29 ior Trip June 4 to the El Gayo the cheerleaders will sponsor a Crane, Ron Fors and Edward Rancho. leaders from M.S.U, Theyplcked during homeroom period. Bell, entertained. bake sale, All the money raised 9 girls for both varsity and jun­ **** wlll be used to send the girls Ior varsity. On Friday the student GAA elections were Wednes­ to a che"'rlead!ng camp this sum­ day, April 28, during the noon body voted on each girl to choose mer. the new cheerleaders. THE HOME TEAM **** All the high school and jun­ Ior high students of Dansville met in the gym Thursday for an as­ Three Clubs Meet, seml>ly. A film about teenagers and drinking was shown, It showed the effects of one drink on the body and how each other One Names Officers drink affected a human, By CHERI RUEST the members of the chapter In a The entire ****Dansville student Dansville High School group discussion. body met In the gym Friday for Three clubs met last Man- **** an assembly to select the cheer- day, the National Honor society, The members of the Pep club leaders for the coming year. The the Pep club and the Varsity club. elected new officers at their varsity cheerleaders are; Judy At theN meeting. The results were, Bar- Wonsey, Carol Laxton, Diane meetIng, bara Hicks, president; Douglas Traver, Cheryl Sheathe 1m, Bandy members WolfgRn~~;, vice-president; Jo- Glenn, and Elaine Galbreath. The clded to lynne Maynard, secretary- alternates are, 1st, Mary Fair- the annual treasurer; Marian McPhee, 11th banks, 2nd, Lee Ann Rindfleisch chapter dues at grade representative; Mary Lou and 3rd Leah Suprlan. $1 per year. Baker, lOth grade representa- The junior varsity cheerlead- For this year's tlve; Ronald Rae, 9th grade rep- ers are; Linda Battlge, Belinda project, the resentatlve, The 'cheerleaders Bradley, Sue Nottingham, Gall members de- were not chosen at this meeting Van Patten, Sarah Diehl and Jo- e Ide d to but will be named in the near layne Cornell, The alternates are straighten up "Cheri" future. The members of the club 1st, Dorene Graf; 2nd, Linda and Improve the file on car- also decided to help pay the Newmanand 3rd, TrudyHaselby, ~7' eers. This file has Information cheerleader's way to the cheer- **"'* ft'"' ..r-· about the various occupations leading camp session this sum- Members of the Dansville sen- ON THE SUNNY SIDE. The Cardinals were a long way from St. Louis when manager Red from which the students can de- mer. lor band went to Waynestateuni- Schoendienst decided to dish up a fried egg feast from this over-sized frying pan. Being in clde their life's work. Marian ••u verslty In Detroit last Tuesday McPhee was appointed chairman All the girls who wanted to night to listen to theW .S.U. band the sunshine state of Florida at the time, it seemed only appropriate that the eggs be o! the committee whose job this try out for cheerleadlng met ln under the direction of Dr, Harry served sunny-side-up. From left, Schoendienst dishes out the chicken sunbursts to Dick will be, Later, the principal led the gym after school Wednes- Beg!an, Groat, Stan Musial (member of the President's Committee on Physical Fitness), Curt Flood The Ingham County News, Wednesday, May 5, 1965- Page C-8 and Bob Gibson. - "Mr. Sweeny, we heard you hne a used baseball for sale."
