For Sweet before Bottling -Sugar

• Top source of carbon • Excellent seller of • Brings balance to wine with high acidity/astringency • Promotes peace, comfort and wellbeing… • to all creatures great and small. • Including and bacteria. Game plan to stabilize/prevent refermentation in the bottle? • Filtration

• SO2 • Dissolved oxygen • Sorbate • Pasteurization • Velcorin® • Bottling conditions Filtration

• Absolute 0.45 micron membrane. • 107/cm2 or 109/10” retention rating as well as 99.9%. Ask for the validation guide. • Integrity testable. • 30k-80k gallons per 30” throughput if your prefiltration is done properly. • Cons: The bottling line between the filter and the filler can still be a source of contamination. SO2 • metabisulfite (KMBS) • Excellent anti-microbial and anti-oxidant agent

• Molecular SO2? 0.5mg/l (ppm) for red, 0.8mg/l (ppm) for white, up to 1.5mg/l for dessert. • pH dependent • Tablets, granules, liquid, powder • Timing. calculators Dissolved oxygen

• By itself not enough to deter refermentation but as part of a game plan, it makes SO2 more effective. • <0.5ppm O2 at bottling. • Scrub DO with high purity grade N2 through a sinter. No DO meter? Scrub with 5 times the volume of N2. • What you get? Fresher wine, less chance of oxidative spoilage microbes getting going, more stable and effective SO2 levels/adds, and should see less incidence of post packaging reduction if you maintain low levels of DO. Also less browning.

• A. W. Van Hoffman was the first to isolate Sorbic acid from the berries of the mountain ash tree in the year 1859. • Legalized for use in wine in France in 1958 and in Germany in 1971. • Potassium Sorbate is the most soluble salt of Sorbic acid. Salt form is preferred due to . • In the United States, the TTB permits the use of sorbic acid and potassium sorbate to preserve wine. The maximum concentration of sorbic acid allowed in finished wine is 300 mg/L, (300 ppm). • Potassium Sorbate in wine

• Inhibitory effect against yeast * • Selectively inhibitory against some bacteria • *Not inhibitory against Zygosaccharomyces bailii at 0.06% Sorbic acid in 10% glucose solution. • If you use contaminated concentrate with Zygo in it, you will get refermentation even if you used the correct level of molecular SO2. • Max dose is 300ppm of Sorbic acid but the taste threshold is much lower at about 130ppm. • Potassium Sorbate is not effective against Lactobacillus or Acetobacter. Lactobacillus can metabolize and produce geranium type off flavors from it. • Addition of sorbic acid often results in the formation of ethyl sorbate, which is said to impart an unpleasant odor when present at a significant level. • To prevent off-flavors from Potassium Sorbate metabolism, you have to make sure you have sufficient molecular SO2 levels based on your pH. Potassium Sorbate… S’more

• The higher the alcohol content of your wine, the better the solubility of Sorbic acid and the less Potassium Sorbate you need to add: •

• A wine must be filtered/clarified to less than 100 cells/ml for Sorbate to be effective. • The solubility of Potassium Sorbate is affected by temperature – don’t add to cold wine. • Mix wine very well after a Sorbate addition. • Potassium sorbate contains 73.97% sorbic acid. Sorbate addition calculation

• Potassium sorbate contains 73.97% sorbic acid. • Ppm = mg/l mg/l of Sorbic acid x 1.35 = mg/l of Potassium Sorbate. Pasteurization • Batch, tunnel, flash • • Beer • Juice & dairy • Kosher Wine • Best practice is to filter the product to at least submicron before pasteurization. • Protein stable before. • Possible change in structure/mouthfeel/balance. • Packaging? • Solubility changes. Velcorin®

(DMDC) • Beverage Sterilant • Max dose is 16ml/hl or 200ppm. • Breaks down into equal parts CO2 and Methanol. • Freezes at 63F. Needs special dosing machine for application/atomizing. • Not a preservative so you don’t need to put it on the label. • Action is temperature sensitive. The colder the wine, the slower the reaction. Velcorin is dosed with a specialized dosing machine . Dosing Machine Features:  Flowmeter to register the flow of beverage to the filler bowl  Intricate spritzing nozzle  Temperature control system  Dosing chamber that holds two cases of 3 kg bottles Velcorin has a unique operating principle

Wine Cell interior

200 mg dimethyl dicarbonate (lipophile) O O O H3C CH3 lipophilic cell membrane O O effect + penetration on H O 96 mg 2 131 mg inactivated enzyme with methanol carbon carbo-methoxylated imidazole group dioxide natural occurring 2 H3C 2 CO OH + 2 substances [pH : 7 (neutral)]

[pH : 2 - 4 (acidic)] Microbial Effectiveness of Velcorin

• Most effective against yeast – Saccharomyces – Brettanomyces – Zygosaccharomyces • Moderately effective against some bacteria – Acetobacter – Pseudomonas – Lactobacillus • Least effective against Velcorin Applications in Winemaking

• To help stabilize unfiltered premium wines: – as a substitute for membrane filtration – as an insurance against undesirable yeast like Brettanomyces

• To decrease the amount of SO2 used in early-to- market wines • To prevent re-fermentation in wines containing residual sugar • Bulk Wine stabilization Velcorin is NOT a Silver Bullet!

• Velcorin is not a band-aid for sloppy sanitation • Bench-Top studies are REQUIRED! Other tools:

• Bactiless • No Brett Inside • Lysozyme Bottling Conditions • The last frontier. • Where do you bottle? Automatic bottling line? Next to ferm tank? Did you know yeast and bacteria float around in the air? • Sanitation = cleaning followed by sanitizing • Biofilm buildup? Sugar acts like a magnet. • Periodic filler head inspection/rebuild. • ATP swabs – Charm science or Hygiena • Sterile filtering into a tank and then hand bottling, is not sterile bottling. • Cleaning your bottling line: • documents/1191/Bottling%20Line%20Cleaning%20Protocol.pdf BEFORE… …AFTER BEFORE AFTER Thank you!