Capital Improvement Plan FY 2018 - FY 2022 FY 2018/19 to FY 2022/23


Section 1: Executive Summary...... 1

Section 2: CIP Purpose and Process…………………………………………………………………………………11

Section 3: FY 2018/19 – FY 2022/23 Summary………………………….…………………………………....13

Section 4: Capital Improvement Plan by Fund

Community Developer Development Block Grant Fund Contribution Fund Page 32 Page 30

North Capital Improvement Schaumburg TIF Fund Fund Page 46 Page 34

Vital Streets Airport Fund Program Fund Page 78 Page 68

Baseball Stadium Commuter Lot Fund Fund Page 83 Page 80

Water and Sewer Building Fund Replacement Fund Page 94 Page 117


Please find for your review and consideration, the proposed 2019-2023 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for the Village of Schaumburg. The Capital Improvement Plan is a multiyear plan covering a five year period setting the direction and priorities for the village’s capital improvement projects and associated funding.

The plan prioritizes identified capital projects and coordinates their funding, scheduling, and construction. With this plan in place, the village can maintain the community infrastructure and facilities in an appropriate state of repair; optimize the network of amenities to best serve the residents, businesses and people who visit and work in the village; and advance the Village Board priorities within the village’s long-term financial capacity.

To better determine long term infrastructure needs, staff from each department in the village meets in a series of workshops to identify and discuss capital improvements related to a specific infrastructure type, building, or fund. Capital improvements include repair and replacement of existing infrastructure, purchase of major equipment as well as new community improvements intended to enhance livability. These projects are vetted and placed in the five year plan. At these workshops, projects are identified and prioritized based on the following criteria:

• Mandated Project (Local, State, or Federal) • Priority of Village Board or Village Manager • Required to Maintain Existing Service Levels • Reduce Operating Costs • Improve Service Levels • Improve Quality of Life

After the workshops, the Village Manager’s Office meets with the multi-department CIP team and discusses final projects, funding sources and strategic objectives. The projects are placed into five year fund forecasts and prioritized based on need and available funding. The village’s CIP is a continuous process that includes annual review, revision, and adoption of a five year CIP.

This executive summary includes an overview of both the expenses and funding for the overall five year plan, a breakdown of the total expenditures by project type and project category, and a breakdown of the various revenue sources identified to fund the five year plan. The summary provides project highlights for Fiscal Year 2018/19.

Page 1 of 131 Overview of the Five Year Plan The entire five year CIP includes a total of $233 million, of which, the village anticipates securing $62 million in grant funding; leaving the village to fund approximately $171 million. The total annual expenses over the next five years range from $32 million to $57 million. The chart below outlines the funding anticipated to be received as pass through amounts and reimbursement amounts. If the grant is reimbursable, the village is obligated to pay that amount and receive reimbursement once completed. Pass through grants are paid by the Grantor.

Pass Through Fiscal Year Total Cost Reimbursements Village Grants FY 2018/19 $57,135,230 $4,657,015 $9,783,000 $42,695,215 FY 2019/20 $56,768,498 $2,119,000 $23,375,000 $31,274,498 FY 2020/21 $31,971,438 $1,113,940 $4,659,500 $26,197,998

FY 2021/22 $54,091,818 $941,800 $8,240,400 $44,909,618 FY 2022/23 $33,269,670 $1,016,800 $6,501,200 $25,751,670 Total $233,236,654 $9,848,555 $52,559,100 $170,828,999

Breakdown of Expenditures The proposed projects programmed for FY 2017/18 through FY 2021/22 include new projects, carryover projects, continuing projects, and annual programs. Annual programs are programs that the village funds on an annual basis. Continuing projects are those projects that span over a two or three year period. Carryovers are projects that were not completed in the previous fiscal year requiring funds to be rebudgeted in the following year.

Over the five year program, 62% of budgeted 1% expenditures are dedicated to continuing projects. 7% A large majority of these projects are roadway improvements that take two to four years for completion. Moreover, 30% of CIP expenditures will be dedicated to on-going annual programs that the village has committed to such as, the Residential Street Repair and Reconstruction Program, the 30% Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Program, the Water Meter Replacement Program, and the Sidewalk Repair 62% Program. New projects constitute 7% of the CIP expenditures over the plan. Lastly, carryover projects encompass 1% of the CIP. While the village does its best to predict the projects that can be completed within a fiscal year, occasionally there Continuing Project are obstacles to completing the projects such as bid Annual Program scheduling, weather delays, and delays in grant New Project funding causing the remaining portion of the Carryover Project project to be “carried over” to the next fiscal year.

Page 2 of 131 When the CIP is broken down by project Category Percentage category, the largest portion of the five year Roadway Improvements 68.9% CIP is dedicated to roadways at $161 million Water/Sewer Improvement 13.3% (68.9%). This level of funding supports the Building Improvements 7.6% Village Board’s directive to increase funding to Bikeway Improvements 3.0% maintain the local street repair and Community Improvements 2.2% reconstruction programs at $8 million per year Sidewalk Improvement 2.1% each of the next five years and an additional Parking Lot Improvements 1.8% four years beyond the plan. Furthermore, Street Light Improvements 0.4% water and sewer improvements comprise 13.3% of the CIP. The chart to the right Airport Improvement 0.4% illustrates the division of CIP funding by Traffic Signal Improvement 0.3% category for all five years.

The Village of Schaumburg views its planning and operations in a strategic manner and thus utilizes various formal studies previously completed to help assign priorities to the projects included in the five year plan. Many of the projects identified in this plan were identified through these studies that have been reviewed and approved by the Village Board. As an example, in accordance with the village’s Pavement Management Plan, the village conducts a pavement condition assessment every three years to reprioritize streets based on their current condition to be included in the local street repair program each year. The village is proposing to complete this assessment again in 2018 to update the data that was last collected in 2015.

The proposed CIP also includes projects identified in the 2016 Water and Sewer Rate Study needed to maintain the system into the future. This study considered utility infrastructure projects and put together a five year rate analysis and financial plan to ensure the village had the resources to pay for them. The Bicycle Gap and Condition Assessment Study, Boomer Stadium Evaluation, and the Public Safety Building Condition Assessment are examples of studies that have been approved by the Village Board and the projects identified have been incorporated into the five year plan.

Breakdown of Funding Capital improvement projects require significant resources to implement. To implement the plan, a variety of funding sources are identified. Typically, the improvements are funded with dedicated tax revenue, grant revenue, borrowed funds, and transfers, loans, and advances from operating funds. The village diligently seeks, and is fortunate to receive a large amount of grant funding to help offset the costs of capital projects.

The village’s Capital Improvement Plan consists of capital projects in ten funds and each utilizes various revenue sources. The funds included in the CIP are listed on the following page along with the capital project expenditures from FY 2018/19 to FY 2022/23.

Page 3 of 131 Total Fund Amount Grants Village Cost Capital Improvement Fund Total: $57,660,520 $1,815,640 $55,844,880 Vital Streets Program Total: $78,580,000 $46,956,000 $31,624,000 North Schaumburg TIF Total: $41,238,000 $12,784,015 $28,453,985 Water and Utility Total: $34,911,034 $495,000 $34,416,034 Stadium Total: $12,290,500 $- $12,290,500 Building Replacement Total: $4,740,500 $- $4,740,500 Commuter Lot Total: $2,496,100 $- $2,496,100 Airport Total: $1,045,000 $357,000 $688,000 CDBG Total: $145,000 $- $145,000 Developer Contribution Total: $130,000 $- $130,000 TOTAL CIP $233,236,654 $62,407,655 $170,828,999

As previously stated, funding for the five year plan is possible largely due to $62 million in anticipated grant revenue, including $47 million in the Vital Streets Program Fund. Separate from the Capital Improvement Fund, this fund contains only projects eligible for Surface Transportation Program (STP) funding and other State and Federal grants. Over the past six months, staff has been informed that the Chicagoland Metropolitan Area for Planning (CMAP) will make changes to the way STP funds are distributed throughout the Chicagoland region. Although staff is confident that the roadways that have already been submitted to the Northwest Municipal Conference (NWMC) will receive the funding that has been committed, future projects will need to go through a more competitive process to receive funding. The chart below depicts the amount of money the village anticipates receiving from grants compared to the village’s share for the proposed five year CIP.

FY 2018/19 to FY 2022/23 Total Capital Improvement Plan Spending

$50 $45 $40 $35 $30

Millions $25 $20 $15 $10 $5 $0 FY 2018/19 FY 2019/20 FY 2020/21 FY 2021/22 FY 2022/23 Grants Village

Page 4 of 131 The village recently sold $7 million in bonds in order to keep Vital Street Fund projects progressing and to leverage all available grant opportunities. This was the first of four bond sales needed to sustain this long-term plan. In total, the value of all improvements from FY 2018/19 to FY 2023/24 is estimated at $91.3 million; $49.3 million of construction costs will be paid directly by the granting agencies and $5.5 million will be reimbursed to the village when expenses are paid. This results in a total net cost to the village of approximately $36.6 million.

Funding to pay for the debt service on new bonds will come from transfers from the CIP fund and telecommunications tax revenues that become available with the retirement of other debt starting in FY 2020/21. The future bond sales to sustain the Vital Streets Program Fund are currently scheduled for FY 2019/20 ($10 million), FY 2021/22 ($6 million), and FY 2023/24 ($14 million).

As shown in the chart below, the grant revenue received (pass through and reimbursement) is less than the village’s share of the projects in the Vital Streets Program Fund each year through FY 2022/23 when the village will be completing design phases for several projects in-house.

FY 2018/19 to FY 2022/23 Vital Streets Program Fund Spending $20


$10 Millions


$0 FY 2018/19 FY 2019/20 FY 2020/21 FY 2021/22 FY 2022/23 Reimbursement Pass Through Grants Village

While grants and bond proceeds are the primary revenue source for the Vital Streets Program Fund, the village is able to balance the Capital Improvement Fund with the following primary revenue streams over the next five years:

• 21% of the village’s 2% Food and Beverage Tax ($11.3 million); • 100% of the Use Tax ($10.1 million); • General Fund transfer for projects previously covered by MFT revenues ($9.5 million); • 5% Franchise Fee of Water Rate Revenues ($8.4 million) transferred from Utility Fund; • 20% of the village’s 8% Hotel Tax ($7.3 million); • 100% of the recently implemented local motor fuel tax ($7.3 million); and • 100% of the Real Estate Transfer Tax ($3.5 million).

Page 5 of 131 The Capital Improvement Fund also utilizes one half of any excess General Fund fund balance that may be declared to be in excess of the minimum set by policy. The policy states that the reserves must be at a minimum of 40% of the budgeted operating expenditures for the subsequent fiscal year. It is projected that over the five years, the General Fund will generate approximately $8.4 million above the required minimum reserves, of which $4.2 million (approx. $860,000/year with the exception of year five) will be transferred to the Capital Improvement Fund and $4.2 million is set aside for a potential Performing Arts Center.

Property tax increment, developer contributions, and remaining funds from the sale of bonds in 2016 are the primary funding sources in the North Schaumburg TIF Fund. In order to address an increase in projects, the fund is also requiring advances from the Water Fund ($2.5 million) and the CIP Fund ($1 million), both of which are repaid (with interest) later in the plan. A $14 million bond issue has been scheduled for FY 2021/22 in this fund, primarily for realignment of Thoreau and Drummer Drives.

The village’s Baseball Fund is financed by contributions from the Village of Schaumburg, the Schaumburg Park District, and contractual obligations from the Schaumburg Boomers. To keep the stadium fresh and attractive to patrons, staff engaged a consultant, with expertise in minor league baseball design and marketing, to take a comprehensive look at the baseball stadium in 2017. From this analysis, a five year capital improvement plan has been proposed that will be financed by the village and park district through the sale of $10 million in bonds, starting with $5 million in FY 2018/19.

The Developer Contribution Fund holds contributions that are dedicated to improvements needed as a result of the impact of certain development. This source of funding is dedicated to such design and construction for the village’s Sidewalk Gap Program as well as for a transfer to the North Schaumburg TIF Fund for eligible expenses.

In the Utility Fund and Commuter Lot Funds, the village utilizes user fees to fund capital expenses. In the Airport Fund, revenue sources include the Airport Federal Entitlement Allocations, which are used to offset some of the capital projects.

FY 2018/19 Capital Improvement Plan The most significant commitments proposed for the FY 2018/19 of the Capital Improvement Plan focus on: 1. Revitalizing local village streets; 2. Investing in infrastructure in the North Schaumburg TIF; 3. Improving travel conditions on the village’s major roadways; 4. Maintaining and improving the village’s water, sewer, and storm water systems; and 5. Renovating village buildings.

Page 6 of 131 Revitalizing Village Streets Total In keeping with the direction of the Village Board, the plan proposes that $6 Year Miles million continue to be spent for the local street repair program and $2 2014 7.1 million be dedicated to local street reconstruction. With the higher level of 2015 9.3 funding, the village anticipates reconstructing four miles of streets and 2016 15.4 making repairs to an additional 23 miles as shown in the graph below. 2017 25.9

2018 26.9

18 16 14 12 10

Miles 8 6 4 2 0 2015 2016 2017 2018 (Proposed) Reconstruction Corrective Resurfacing Microsurfacing Preventative Maintenance

Seven roadway projects are scheduled for various levels of design in the Vital Streets Program Fund for FY 2018/19 with the reconstruction of Plum Grove Road from Wiley Road to Higgins Road expected to break ground in spring 2018. With $13.6 million budgeted this coming year for these projects, the village anticipates receiving grant funds for $8.2 million.

Investing in the North Schaumburg TIF Several significant projects are expected to be under construction in the North Schaumburg TIF in 2018. The most significant project will be the construction of a new roadway on the former Motorola campus. Staff has proposed to coordinate construction of this new roadway with intersection improvements on West Drive at Algonquin Road. Together these two projects are anticipated to cost $11.7 million with Zurich paying approximately 70% of the cost for the West Drive portion of the project ($1.2 million). In addition, the final design will be completed on the Meacham and Algonquin roads intersection improvements in preparation for construction in FY 2019/20. This project will increase capacity at the intersection to accommodate the current and anticipated development of the area.

Construction of the westbound on-ramp at I-90 and Roselle Road will continue in order to complete the full interchange as well as construction of a bike bridge and path along the west side of Roselle Road between Hillcrest Drive and Central Road along with countdown signals and a crosswalk to connect it to a new bike path on the Sunstar property.

Page 7 of 131 Improving Mobility and Transit Options The 2016 National Citizen Survey identified traffic congestion, particularly at traffic signals, as a concern for Schaumburg residents. To that end, the CIP proposes $5.3 million in spending on bikeway, sidewalk, and traffic signal improvements. One of these projects includes the optimization of the village’s transportation network through the completion of signal coordination and installation of new video detection at seven key intersections along Meacham Road and Woodfield Road utilizing $200,000 in grant funds obtained through the Invest in Cook grant program.

In addition, the CIP contains six new bike path projects throughout the five-year plan with the design of the Higgins Road Bike Path from Lifetime Fitness to the village’s limits expected to continue in FY 2018/19. Pedestrian signal projects are scheduled to be completed at National Parkway and Higgins Road, Wildflower Lane and Schaumburg Road, and Weathersfield Way and Barrington Road with design scheduled to start at National Parkway and Schaumburg Road.

Maintaining and Improving the Village’s Utility Infrastructure Twenty six projects and $8.4 million have been budgeted in the Utility Fund for FY 2018/19. The Utility Rate Study that was completed in early 2016 proposed that $13.5 million in bonds be used to complete these projects. JAWA’s cost increases to date have been lower than anticipated, allowing the village to complete these projects with a $5 million interfund loan from the General Fund in lieu of issuing bonds. New projects for FY 2018/19 include an annual sanitary and storm sewer basin modeling study to review the condition of the village’s sanitary and storm water systems. The program will assess different areas of the village’s sanitary and storm water system each year for the next five years and is expected to provide a comprehensive condition assessment that will allow for better project planning.

The village is also budgeting $1.5 million to complete the four year water meter transmitter replacement program with the final 3,000 replacement meters scheduled for 2018. Significant funds are also budgeted for replacement of water mains in the W-section of the village ($1.8 million), rehabilitation of the Lift Station on Walnut Lane ($1.3 million) and continued improvements to address drainage issues in the Braintree Drive and Weathersfield Way area ($610,000).

Renovating Village Buildings A number of funds have money allocated for renovations, repairs, and improvements at village facilities. One fund that will see a significant increase is the Baseball Stadium Fund. In partnership with the Schaumburg Park District, the CIP proposes to begin implementation of the renovation plan that was presented at the Committee of the Whole earlier this year.

Additionally, funds have been allocated for the Nursing Division as they prepare to move to a new location. In addition, funds are budgeted for ventilation improvements to the firearms range at the Public Safety Building ($520,000), replacement of the roof at the Atcher Municipal Center ($365,000) and replacement of boilers at the Prairie Center ($225,000) and air handling units at the Trickster Gallery ($260,000).

Page 8 of 131 Conclusion As presented, the five year Capital Improvement Plan demonstrates the village’s continued commitment to the priorities that have been identified by the Village Board. Highlighted by funding for roadways, the North Schaumburg TIF, water and sewer utilities, community mobility, and maintenance of village facilities, the five year CIP directs funding to the most critical infrastructure improvements in the short term while carefully planning to ensure the sustainability of the village’s assets in the long term.


Brian Townsend Village Manager

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Purpose: The Village of Schaumburg was incorporated in 1956. During the 1960s, the village reserved large tracts of land for industrial, commercial and office development. By the 1970s the village had expanded rapidly; two major expressways were built and Schaumburg’s population increased from 130 residents to 18,730 residents. A majority of Schaumburg’s infrastructure was built within the first fifteen to twenty years after the village’s incorporation. As this infrastructure ages, there is greater financial pressure on the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to fund infrastructure replacement and repairs. Through the CIP process the village has the opportunity to identify, evaluate and assign priorities to the proposed projects to avoid costly emergency replacement or repairs to aging infrastructure. The purpose of the CIP is to outline a schedule of capital expenditures over the next five years and to develop and assign the necessary resources to fund the program. It is prepared on a fiscal year basis. The CIP dedicates significant funding for village roadway, water, and sewer projects. Investments in the development of infrastructure will arguably continue to attract businesses and potential residents to the largest center of economic development in the State of , outside the City of .

Project Inclusion: The CIP is comprised of village improvements, typically of $50,000 or more in cost or capital intensive service elements that the village delivers to the community. The plan provides and maintains the infrastructure necessary to keep the quality of life in Schaumburg at the highest possible level.

In August and September of each year the Village Manager’s Office sends out request for projects. Project Managers are required to submit a project form for any project they are aware of that will be needed in the next five to ten years. In the project form, the project managers must, as best they can, precisely justify the need for the project and outline all costs associated with the project. All of the projects should focus on benefiting the community by generating increased tax revenue through development opportunities, reducing operating costs, improving services or replacing and repairing deteriorated infrastructure.

A building project may be considered for incorporation into the plan if it adds to the life of the building, enhances service, or reduces long-term maintenance costs. If the project is eligible for federal funds, it is usually given a higher priority. All project managers make it a priority to pursue grant funding for CIP projects whenever possible to reduce the need to use general and other village funding resources.

Page 10 of 131 CIP Planning Process: The Manager’s Office leads development and implementation of the CIP with input provided by the CIP Review Team. The CIP Review Team is made up of village staff from each department within the village. To determine long term needs, workshops are facilitated with various work groups of the overall CIP Review Team. At these workshops, a specific building, fund or type of infrastructure is discussed. Those attending come prepared with a list of needs as well as any cost estimates or additional information. As part of this review, staff looks for projects which should be completed at the same time, either for economy of scale in pricing or in terms of impact to the public or staff. To aid in getting better budget numbers for construction, engineering and/or design should be completed one year, followed by construction the next. During each workshop, staff will prioritize the projects that have been presented. The workshops aim at developing a five or ten-year plan for the funds. Below is a list of the workshop groups:

Work Group 1: Roadways and Traffic Signals Work Group 2: North Schaumburg TIF District Work Group 3: Storm Water, Sanitary and Water Utilities Work Group 4: Sidewalks, Bike Paths, and Street Lights Work Group 5: Community Improvements, Reforestation, and Landscaping Work Group 6: Village Buildings Work Group 7: Commuter Lot and Schaumburg Regional Airport Work Group 8: Baseball Stadium

After the workshops conclude, the CIP Review Team will meet to discuss final projects, funding sources, and strategic objectives. Projects are placed into fund forecasts and prioritized based on the need of the project and the available funding. Each project presented in the CIP is coordinated by a project manager who is responsible for implementation and the provision of status reports at the monthly CIP meetings.

CIP Approval and Implementation Following extensive review, project analysis and prioritization, the CIP Review Team presents a balanced CIP to the Village Manager. Once the Village Manager is satisfied with the plan, the proposed CIP is reviewed by the Committee of the Whole. The Committee of the Whole recommends the CIP to the Village Board for approval. Upon its approval by the Village Board, the document is utilized as a planning tool in the preparation of future village budgets, as well as forecasting upcoming village expenditures.

As a dynamic document, the CIP provides a short and long-range assessment of decisions and actions. The plan also focuses on broad based policy questions facing the village, such as its mission and purpose, and alternative courses of actions or strategies for the village. The CIP is further reviewed and revised by the Budget Review Team for inclusion in the village’s annual budget. The CIP Review Team accurately monitors and tracks CIP projects throughout the year to ensure that all projects are being completed and all funds are being accounted for.

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FY 2018/19

ZVk.. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Overview The Capital Improvement Plan is a multiyear plan covering a minimum of five years that forecasts spending for all anticipated capital projects. This plan is published as a component of the Village’s annual budget. $57.1 million total capital $14.4 million in grant spending revenue

$4.7 million in reimbursements $36.9 million in roadway $9.8 million in pass-through grants improvements A large portion of the grant revenue is for large roadway projects, such as: $8 million in utility • Plum Grove Road ( to Wiley & Higgins to Golf) • State Parkway and National Parkway improvements • Woodfield Road (Martingale to East Frontage and Meacham to Martingale) • Meacham and Algonquin Intersection 92 projects in ten funds Improvements

• Roselle Road Bike Bridge 29 new projects • Greater Woodfield Area Traffic Signal Improvements North Schaumburg TIF Fund $12,577,985 Capital Improvement Fund $11,791,196 Water and Utility Fund $8,355,534 Vital Streets Program Fund $5,315,000 Building Replacement Fund $2,161,000 Baseball Stadium Fund $2,071,000 CDBG Fund $145,000 Developer Contribution Fund $130,000 Commuter Lot Fund $80,500 Airport Fund $68,000

Total village investment for FY 2018/19: $42,695,215

Overall, the proposed Capital Improvement Plan for Fiscal Year 2018/19 has a heavy emphasis on improving village roadways and addressing infrastructure demands throughout the village. As demonstrated above, the village is effectively searching for and using available grant funds to keep the village in a solid financial position.

Page 12 of 131 Fiscal Year 2018-2019 CDBG: Fund 214 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Sidewalk Gap Program- Quentin and Irving Park Sidewalk Carryover 145,000 0 0 145,000 Construction (CDBG) Improvement Project CDBG Total: 145,000 0 0 145,000

Developer Contribution: Fund 222 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Sidewalk Gap Program- Quentin and Irving Park Sidewalk Carryover 30,000 0 0 30,000 Construction (CDBG) Improvement Project Sidewalk Gap Program- Algonquin, Plum Grove and Sidewalk Carryover 100,000 0 0 100,000 Design Other Locations Improvement Project Developer Contribution Total: 130,000 0 0 130,000

North Schaumburg TIF: Fund 436 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Roadway Continuing 90 North Boulevard 11,700,000 1,210,000 0 10,490,000 Construction Improvement Project Roadway Continuing Central Road I-90 Ramp 912,000 0 0 912,000 Construction Improvement Project Community Carryover Convention Center- Tollway Landscaping 50,000 0 0 50,000 Construction Improvement Project Design/ Community Gateway Sign Program- Roselle and Central Roads 88,000 0 0 88,000 New Project Construction Improvement Roadway Continuing Meacham and Algonquin Improvements 1,730,000 1,663,215 0 66,785 Design Improvement Project Community Meacham Road Corridor Study 75,000 0 0 75,000 Study New Project Improvement Roadway Continuing Meacham Road Interchange Project 15,000 0 0 15,000 Construction Improvement Project Project Management for North Schaumburg TIF Program or Roadway Annual 110,000 0 0 110,000 Infrastructure- 2018 Purchase Improvement Program Bikeway Continuing Roselle Road Bike Bridge 3,706,000 244,800 2,720,000 741,200 Construction Improvement Project Roadway Continuing Roselle Road Interchange Project 15,000 0 0 15,000 Construction Improvement Project Tollway Industrial Park- Street Lighting Street Light 15,000 0 0 15,000 Design New Project Improvements Improvement North Schaumburg TIF Total: 18,416,000 3,118,015 2,720,000 12,577,985

Capital Improvement: Fund 440 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Program or Community 1% for Art Program- 2018 75,000 0 0 75,000 New Project Purchase Improvement Bike Path Reconstruction/Resurfacing Program- Bikeway Annual 200,000 0 0 200,000 Construction 2018 Improvement Program Roadway Annual Curb Replacement Program- 2018 600,000 0 0 600,000 Construction Improvement Program Community Annual EAB Program- 2018 611,896 0 0 611,896 Construction Improvement Program Program or Building Continuing Enterprise Security Camera System 125,000 0 0 125,000 Purchase Improvement Project Greater Woodfield Area Traffic Signal Traffic Signal 367,000 200,000 0 167,000 Construction New Project Improvements Improvement Higgins Road Bike Path- Lifetime Fitness to Village Bikeway Continuing 50,000 40,000 0 10,000 Design Limits Improvement Project Community Continuing Municipal Center Woodland and Creek Restoration 257,300 0 0 257,300 Construction Improvement Project Building Continuing Nursing Division Space Buildout 130,000 0 0 130,000 Construction Improvement Project Roadway Pavement Evaluation- 2018 145,000 0 0 145,000 Study New Project Improvement Pedestrian Signal Upgrade at National Parkway and Traffic Signal 30,000 0 0 30,000 Design New Project Schaumburg Road Improvement Pedestrian Signals at National Parkway and Higgins Traffic Signal Carryover 120,000 0 0 120,000 Construction Road Improvement Project Pedestrian Signals at Wildflower/Schaumburg and Traffic Signal Carryover 30,000 0 0 30,000 Construction Weathersfield/Barrington Improvement Project

Page 13 of 131 Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Capital Improvement: Fund 440 cont. Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Building Prairie Center Theater Accoustical Treatment 35,000 0 0 35,000 Design New Project Improvement Building Continuing Public Safety Building Property Storage Room 605,000 0 0 605,000 Construction Improvement Project Program or Sidewalk Annual Sidewalk Matching Program- 2018 5,000 0 0 5,000 Purchase Improvement Program Sidewalk Annual Sidewalk Repair Program- 2018 520,000 0 0 520,000 Construction Improvement Program Program or Roadway Continuing Street Identification Sign Replacements 50,000 0 0 50,000 Purchase Improvement Project Design/ Street Light Street Light Gap Program 75,000 0 0 75,000 New Project Construction Improvement Design/ Roadway Annual Street Reconstruction Program- 2018 2,000,000 0 0 2,000,000 Construction Improvement Program Design/ Roadway Annual Street Repair Program- 2018 6,000,000 0 0 6,000,000 Construction Improvement Program Capital Improvement Total: 12,031,196 240,000 0 11,791,196

Vital Streets Program: Fund 442 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Knollwood Drive Improvements- Golf Road to Bode Roadway Continuing 215,000 0 0 215,000 Design Road Improvement Project Roadway Continuing National Parkway- Woodfield to Golf 300,000 150,000 0 150,000 Design Improvement Project Plum Grove Road Improvements- Golf Road to Roadway Continuing 4,500,000 100,000 3,100,000 1,300,000 Construction Wiley Road Improvement Project Plum Grove Road Improvements- Higgins Road to Roadway Continuing 6,555,000 100,000 3,900,000 2,555,000 Construction Golf Road Improvement Project Rodenburg Road Improvements- Irving Park Road to Roadway Continuing 100,000 50,000 0 50,000 Design Village Limits Improvement Project Roadway Continuing State Parkway and National Parkway Improvements 600,000 300,000 0 300,000 Design Improvement Project Walnut Lane Improvements- Weathersfield Way to Roadway Continuing 200,000 0 0 200,000 Design Schaumburg Road Improvement Project Woodfield Road Improvements- Martingale Road to Roadway Continuing 600,000 300,000 0 300,000 Design East Frontage Road Improvement Project Woodfield Road Improvements- Meacham Road to Roadway Continuing 490,000 245,000 0 245,000 Design Martingale Road Improvement Project Vital Streets Program Total: 13,560,000 1,245,000 7,000,000 5,315,000

Airport Fund: Fund 511 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Airport Carryover Airport T-Hangar Pavement Rehabilitation 140,000 9,000 63,000 68,000 Construction Improvement Project Airport Fund Total: 140,000 9,000 63,000 68,000

Commuter Lot: Fund 512 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Commuter Lot/Baseball Stadium Fence Parking Lot 37,500 0 0 37,500 Construction New Project Replacement Improvement Parking Lot Annual Commuter Lot Sealcoating- 2018 43,000 0 0 43,000 Construction Improvement Program Commuter Lot Total: 80,500 0 0 80,500

Baseball Stadium: Fund 526 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Commuter Lot/Baseball Stadium Fence Parking Lot 37,500 0 0 37,500 Construction New Project Replacement Improvement Building Carryover Ballpark Concrete Under Seating and Storage Area 77,000 0 0 77,000 Construction Improvement Project Program or Building Ballpark Elevator Control System 50,000 0 0 50,000 New Project Purchase Improvement Design/ Building Ballpark Group Picnic Area- Concrete 136,500 0 0 136,500 New Project Construction Improvement

Page 14 of 131 Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Baseball Stadium: Fund 526 cont. Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Design/ Building Ballpark Life Safety or Large Maintenance Issues 690,000 0 0 690,000 New Project Construction Improvement Design/ Building Ballpark Outdoor Suites 210,000 0 0 210,000 New Project Construction Improvement Parking Lot Annual Ballpark Parking Lot Sealcoating- 2018 65,000 0 0 65,000 Construction Improvement Program Ballpark Professional Services for Project Program or Building Annual 175,000 0 0 175,000 Management Purchase Improvement Program Building Ballpark Safety Netting Extension 120,000 0 0 120,000 Construction New Project Improvement Ballpark Schaumburg Club Operable Window Wall Design/ Building 260,000 0 0 260,000 New Project System Construction Improvement Building Ballpark Stadium Seating Replacement 250,000 0 0 250,000 Construction New Project Improvement Baseball Stadium Total: 2,071,000 0 0 2,071,000

Utility Fund: Fund 572 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Braintree and Weathersfield Drainage Design/ Water/Sewer Continuing 610,000 0 0 610,000 Improvements Construction Improvement Project Water/Sewer Continuing Kristin/Hillcrest Water Main Improvement 115,500 0 0 115,500 Construction Improvement Project Water/Sewer Carryover Lift Station Construction- Cedar Court 300,000 0 0 300,000 Construction Improvement Project Water/Sewer Continuing Lift Station Rehabilitation- Walnut lane 1,265,000 0 0 1,265,000 Construction Improvement Project Roadway Continuing National Parkway- Woodfield to Golf 90,000 45,000 0 45,000 Design Improvement Project Program or Water/Sewer Annual Overhead Sewer Installation Asst Program- 2018 6,000 0 0 6,000 Purchase Improvement Program Water/Sewer Carryover Performance Contracting for Utility Improvements 201,034 0 0 201,034 Construction Improvement Project Water/Sewer Annual Professional Services for Stormwater Projects- 2018 60,000 0 0 60,000 Design Improvement Program Building Public Works Overhead Door & Fascia Replacement 15,000 0 0 15,000 Design New Project Improvement Public Works Yard Pavement & Concrete Parking Lot Continuing 165,000 0 0 165,000 Construction Improvements Improvement Project Water/Sewer Sanitary and Storm Sewer Individual Basin Modeling 140,000 0 0 140,000 Study New Project Improvement Sanitary Sewer MWRD IICP Requirements and Water/Sewer Annual 175,000 0 0 175,000 Construction Management Program- Kessel Park Basin Improvement Program Sanitary Sewer MWRD IICP Requirements and Design/ Water/Sewer Annual 220,000 0 0 220,000 Management Program- North Braintree Construction Improvement Program Sanitary Sewer MWRD IICP Requirements and Water/Sewer Carryover 215,000 0 0 215,000 Construction Management Program- Walnut Basin Improvement Project Water/Sewer Annual Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation- Cedarcrest 550,000 0 0 550,000 Construction Improvement Program Water/Sewer Continuing Springinsguth Culvert Expansion 150,000 0 0 150,000 Design Improvement Project Program or Water/Sewer Annual Storm Sewer Analysis and Rehabilitation- 2018 50,000 0 0 50,000 Purchase Improvement Program Storm Sewer Rehabilitation for the Street Program- Water/Sewer Annual 150,000 0 0 150,000 Construction 2018 Improvement Program Water/Sewer Summit Drive Culvert at Kenilworth Lane 25,000 0 0 25,000 Design New Project Improvement Design/ Building Continuing Vehicle Maintenance Facility Structural Repairs 100,000 0 0 100,000 Construction Improvement Project Water/Sewer Water Bulk Filling Station 75,000 0 0 75,000 Construction New Project Improvement Water/Sewer Annual Water Main Replacement- W- Section 1,825,000 0 0 1,825,000 Construction Improvement Program Program or Water/Sewer Annual Water Meter Transmitter Replacement- 2018 1,500,000 0 0 1,500,000 Purchase Improvement Program Water/Sewer Water Model and Master Plan 155,000 0 0 155,000 Study New Project Improvement

Page 15 of 131 Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Utility Fund: Fund 572 cont. Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Water/Sewer Annual Water Station Improvements- Station 20 75,000 0 0 75,000 Construction Improvement Program Water/Sewer Well 21 Abandonment 168,000 0 0 168,000 Construction New Project Improvement Water and Utility Total: 8,400,534 45,000 0 8,355,534

Building Replacement: Fund 680 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Building Facility Condition Assessment- 2018 120,000 0 0 120,000 Study New Project Improvement Building Annual Masonry Improvements- Public Safety Building 50,000 0 0 50,000 Construction Improvement Program Building Continuing Municipal Center Roof Replacement 365,000 0 0 365,000 Construction Improvement Project Parking Lot Annual Parking Lot Rehabilitation and Resurfacing- 2018 18,000 0 0 18,000 Construction Improvement Program Building Prairie Center Boiler Replacement 225,000 0 0 225,000 Construction New Project Improvement Building Prairie Center Ceiling Tile Replacement 50,000 0 0 50,000 Construction New Project Improvement Building Annual Professional Services for Building Projects- 2018 50,000 0 0 50,000 Design Improvement Program Building Proximity Activation Software Improvements 125,000 0 0 125,000 Construction New Project Improvement Public Safety Building Range Ventilation and Building Carryover 520,000 0 0 520,000 Construction Ballistic Ceiling Improvements Improvement Project Building Public Works Overhead Door & Fascia Replacement 15,000 0 0 15,000 Design New Project Improvement Public Works Yard Pavement & Concrete Parking Lot Continuing 165,000 0 0 165,000 Construction Improvements Improvement Project Design/ Building Slingerland House Demolition 98,000 0 0 98,000 New Project Construction Improvement Building Continuing Trickster Gallery HVAC Replacement 260,000 0 0 260,000 Construction Improvement Project Design/ Building Continuing Vehicle Maintenance Facility Structural Repairs 100,000 0 0 100,000 Construction Improvement Project Building Replacement Total: 2,161,000 0 0 2,161,000

Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Amount Share TOTAL FISCAL YEAR 2019 57,135,230 4,657,015 9,783,000 42,695,215

Page 16 of 131 Fiscal Year 2019-2020 North Schaumburg TIF: Fund 436 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Roadway Drummer Drive Realignment 200,000 0 0 200,000 Design New Project Improvement Roadway Continuing Meacham and Algonquin Improvements 6,272,000 656,000 5,455,000 161,000 Construction Improvement Project Project Management for North Schaumburg TIF Program or Roadway Annual 115,000 0 0 115,000 Infrastructure- 2019 Purchase Improvement Program Roadway Thoreau Drive Realignment 300,000 0 0 300,000 Design New Project Improvement Tollway Industrial Park- Street Lighting Street Light Continuing 110,000 0 0 110,000 Design Improvements Improvement Project North Schaumburg TIF Total: 6,997,000 656,000 5,455,000 886,000

Capital Improvement: Fund 440 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Bike Path Reconstruction/Resurfacing Program- Bikeway Annual 200,000 0 0 200,000 Construction 2019 Improvement Program Roadway Annual Curb Replacement Program- 2019 600,000 0 0 600,000 Construction Improvement Program Community Annual EAB Program- 2019 690,848 0 0 690,848 Construction Improvement Program Bikeway Golf Road Bike Path- Roosevelt to Meacham 42,550 0 0 42,550 Design New Project Improvement Higgins Road Bike Path- Lifetime Fitness to Village Bikeway Continuing 615,000 52,000 440,000 123,000 Construction Limits Improvement Project Program or Community Annual Neighborhood Gateway Sign Program 5,000 0 0 5,000 Purchase Improvement Program Pedestrian Signal Upgrade at National Parkway and Traffic Signal Continuing 120,000 0 0 120,000 Construction Schaumburg Road Improvement Project Building Continuing Prairie Center Theater Accoustical Treatment 165,000 0 0 165,000 Construction Improvement Project Public Safety Building Lower Level Building Continuing 407,000 0 0 407,000 Construction Washroom/Supervisor Locker Room Improvement Project Building Continuing Public Safety Building Weight Room 170,000 0 0 170,000 Construction Improvement Project Bikeway Continuing Rodenburg Road Bike Path 50,000 35,000 0 15,000 Design Improvement Project Sidewalk Gap Program- Algonquin, Plum Grove and Sidewalk Continuing 315,000 0 0 315,000 Construction Other Locations Improvement Project Program or Sidewalk Annual Sidewalk Matching Program- 2019 5,000 0 0 5,000 Purchase Improvement Program Sidewalk Annual Sidewalk Repair Program- 2019 520,000 0 0 520,000 Construction Improvement Program Program or Roadway Continuing Street Identification Sign Replacements 50,000 0 0 50,000 Purchase Improvement Project Street Light Continuing Street Light Gap Program 155,000 0 0 155,000 Construction Improvement Project Design/ Roadway Annual Street Reconstruction Program- 2019 2,000,000 0 0 2,000,000 Construction Improvement Program Design/ Roadway Annual Street Repair Program- 2019 6,000,000 0 0 6,000,000 Construction Improvement Program Community Town Square Railing Replacement 330,000 0 0 330,000 Construction New Project Improvement Capital Improvement Total: 12,440,398 87,000 440,000 11,913,398

Vital Streets Program: Fund 442 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Braintree Drive Improvements- Wise Road to Roadway 400,000 0 0 400,000 Design New Project Schaumburg Road Improvement Knollwood Drive Improvements- Golf Road to Bode Design/ Roadway Continuing 1,500,000 120,000 960,000 420,000 Road Construction Improvement Project Roadway Meacham Road Improvements- Higgins to Golf 400,000 0 0 400,000 Design New Project Improvement Roadway Continuing National Parkway- Woodfield to Golf 300,000 150,000 0 150,000 Design Improvement Project Plum Grove Road Improvements- Golf Road to Roadway Continuing 4,205,000 0 800,000 3,405,000 Construction Wiley Road Improvement Project

Page 17 of 131 Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Vital Streets Program: Fund 442 cont. Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Rodenburg Road Improvements- Irving Park Road to Roadway Continuing 200,000 100,000 0 100,000 Design Village Limits Improvement Project Roadway Continuing State Parkway and National Parkway Improvements 5,550,000 0 4,000,000 1,550,000 Construction Improvement Project Walnut Lane Improvements- Weathersfield Way to Roadway Continuing 3,200,000 320,000 2,240,000 640,000 Construction Schaumburg Road Improvement Project Weathersfield Way Improvements- Braintree Drive Roadway Continuing 1,325,000 160,000 900,000 265,000 Construction to Salem Drive Improvement Project Woodfield Road Improvements- Martingale Road to Roadway Continuing 5,830,000 424,000 4,240,000 1,166,000 Construction East Frontage Road Improvement Project Woodfield Road Improvements- Meacham Road to Roadway Continuing 5,600,000 0 4,000,000 1,600,000 Construction Martingale Road Improvement Project Woodfield Road Improvements- Plum Grove Road Roadway 200,000 0 0 200,000 Design New Project to Meacham Road Improvement Vital Streets Program Total: 28,710,000 1,274,000 17,140,000 10,296,000

Airport Fund: Fund 511 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Airport Airport Lighting Improvements- Phase II 60,000 57,000 0 3,000 Design New Project Improvement Airport Airport Parking Lot Resurfacing 20,000 0 0 20,000 Design New Project Improvement Airport Fund Total: 80,000 57,000 0 23,000

Commuter Lot: Fund 512 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Program or Parking Lot Commuter Lot Permit Equipment Improvements 125,000 0 0 125,000 New Project Purchase Improvement Program or Parking Lot Commuter Lot Replacement of Daily Fee Equipment 150,000 0 0 150,000 New Project Purchase Improvement Parking Lot Annual Commuter Lot Sealcoating- 2019 44,600 0 0 44,600 Construction Improvement Program Commuter Lot Total: 319,600 0 0 319,600

Baseball Stadium: Fund 526 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Design/ Building Ballpark Home Plate Suite 184,500 0 0 184,500 New Project Construction Improvement Building Ballpark Marquee Sign 195,000 0 0 195,000 Construction New Project Improvement Building Continuing Ballpark Outdoor Suites 420,000 0 0 420,000 Construction Improvement Project Ballpark Professional Services for Project Program or Building Annual 170,000 0 0 170,000 Management Purchase Improvement Program Ballpark Schaumburg Club Winterization and Design/ Building 400,000 0 0 400,000 New Project Kitchen Upgrades Construction Improvement Building Continuing Ballpark Stadium Seating Replacement 250,000 0 0 250,000 Construction Improvement Project Building Ballpark VIP Seating 240,000 0 0 240,000 Construction New Project Improvement Baseball Stadium Total: 1,859,500 0 0 1,859,500

Utility Fund: Fund 572 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Water/Sewer American Lane Culvert Replacement 25,000 0 0 25,000 Design New Project Improvement Water/Sewer Athena Reservoir Rehabilitation 60,000 0 0 60,000 Design New Project Improvement Braintree and Weathersfield Drainage Design/ Water/Sewer Continuing 470,000 0 0 470,000 Improvements Construction Improvement Project Water/Sewer Cedarcrest Storm Sewer Improvements 50,000 0 0 50,000 Design New Project Improvement Creek Improvements- West Branch of the DuPage Water/Sewer 50,000 0 0 50,000 Design New Project River Improvement Program or Building Continuing Enterprise Security Camera System 275,000 0 0 275,000 Purchase Improvement Project

Page 18 of 131 Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Utility Fund: Fund 572 cont. Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share National Parkway- Woodfield to Golf (Culvert Roadway Continuing 90,000 45,000 0 45,000 Design Replacement) Improvement Project Program or Water/Sewer Annual Overhead Sewer Installation Asst Program- 2019 6,000 0 0 6,000 Purchase Improvement Program Water/Sewer Park Site Detention Improvements- Jaycee Park 25,000 0 0 25,000 Design New Project Improvement Water/Sewer Annual Professional Services for Stormwater Projects- 2019 50,000 0 0 50,000 Design Improvement Program Building Continuing Public Works Overhead Door & Fascia Replacement 230,500 0 0 230,500 Construction Improvement Project Water/Sewer Continuing Sanitary and Storm Sewer Individual Basin Modeling 140,000 0 0 140,000 Study Improvement Project Sanitary Sewer MWRD IICP Requirements and Water/Sewer Annual 440,000 0 0 440,000 Construction Management Program- North Braintree Improvement Program Sanitary Sewer MWRD IICP Requirements and Design/ Water/Sewer Annual 235,000 0 0 235,000 Management Program- South Braintree Construction Improvement Program Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation- Water/Sewer Annual 30,000 0 0 30,000 Design Weathersfield and Salem Improvement Program Water/Sewer Continuing Springinsguth Culvert Expansion 1,650,000 0 0 1,650,000 Construction Improvement Project Program or Water/Sewer Annual Storm Sewer Analysis and Rehabilitation- 2019 50,000 0 0 50,000 Purchase Improvement Program Storm Sewer Rehabilitation for the Street Program- Water/Sewer Annual 150,000 0 0 150,000 Construction 2019 Improvement Program Water/Sewer Storm Structure Inspections- 2019 15,000 0 0 15,000 Design New Project Improvement Water/Sewer Continuing Summit Drive Culvert at Kenilworth Lane 275,000 0 0 275,000 Construction Improvement Project Water/Sewer Annual Water Main Replacement- Lancer Subdivision 150,000 0 0 150,000 Design Improvement Program Water/Sewer Annual Water Station Improvements- Station 22 55,000 0 0 55,000 Construction Improvement Program Water/Sewer Continuing Weathersfield Way Culvert Rehabiltiation 550,000 0 0 550,000 Construction Improvement Project Weathersfield Way Improvements- Braintree Drive Roadway Continuing 425,000 0 340,000 85,000 Construction to Salem Drive Improvement Project Water and Utility Total: 5,496,500 45,000 340,000 5,111,500

Building Replacement: Fund 680 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Building Fire Station 52 Roof Replacement 150,000 0 0 150,000 Construction New Project Improvement Building Fire Station 54 Roof Replacement 210,000 0 0 210,000 Construction New Project Improvement Building Annual Masonry Improvements- Various Buildings- 2019 50,000 0 0 50,000 Construction Improvement Program Building Continuing Municipal Center Electrical Improvements 15,000 0 0 15,000 Design Improvement Project Parking Lot Annual Parking Lot Rehabilitation and Resurfacing- 2019 110,000 0 0 110,000 Construction Improvement Program Building Prairie Center Electrical Improvements 50,000 0 0 50,000 Design New Project Improvement Building Annual Professional Services for Building Projects- 2019 50,000 0 0 50,000 Design Improvement Program Building Continuing Public Works Overhead Door & Fascia Replacement 230,500 0 0 230,500 Construction Improvement Project Building Replacement Total: 865,500 0 0 865,500

Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Amount Share TOTAL FISCAL YEAR 2020 56,768,498 2,119,000 23,375,000 31,274,498

Page 19 of 131 Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021 North Schaumburg TIF: Fund 436 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Roadway Continuing Drummer Drive Realignment 300,000 0 0 300,000 Design Improvement Project Hammond Drive at Algonquin Road Intersection Roadway Continuing 250,000 35,000 0 215,000 Design Improvements Improvement Project Sidewalk Meacham Road Pedestrian Improvements 25,000 0 0 25,000 Design New Project Improvement Project Management for North Schaumburg TIF Program or Roadway Annual 120,000 0 0 120,000 Infrastructure- 2020 Purchase Improvement Program Roadway Continuing Thoreau Drive Realignment 300,000 0 0 300,000 Design Improvement Project North Schaumburg TIF Total: 995,000 35,000 0 960,000

Capital Improvement: Fund 440 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Program or Community 1% for Art Program- 2020 75,000 0 0 75,000 New Project Purchase Improvement Bike Path Reconstruction/Resurfacing Program- Bikeway Annual 200,000 0 0 200,000 Construction 2020 Improvement Program Roadway Annual Curb Replacement Program- 2020 600,000 0 0 600,000 Construction Improvement Program Community Annual EAB Program- 2020 680,138 0 0 680,138 Construction Improvement Program Program or Building Continuing Enterprise Security Camera System 175,000 0 0 175,000 Purchase Improvement Project Bikeway Continuing Golf Road Bike Path- Roosevelt to Meacham 46,800 37,440 0 9,360 Design Improvement Project Bikeway Continuing Rodenburg Road Bike Path 333,000 28,000 220,000 85,000 Construction Improvement Project Schaumburg High School Bike Path- Volkening Lake Bikeway 20,000 0 0 20,000 Design New Project to High School Improvement Program or Sidewalk Annual Sidewalk Matching Program- 2020 5,000 0 0 5,000 Purchase Improvement Program Sidewalk Annual Sidewalk Repair Program- 2020 520,000 0 0 520,000 Construction Improvement Program Program or Roadway Continuing Street Identification Sign Replacements 50,000 0 0 50,000 Purchase Improvement Project Street Light Continuing Street Light Gap Program 65,000 0 0 65,000 Design Improvement Project Design/ Roadway Annual Street Reconstruction Program- 2020 2,000,000 0 0 2,000,000 Construction Improvement Program Design/ Roadway Annual Street Repair Program- 2020 6,000,000 0 0 6,000,000 Construction Improvement Program Design/ Traffic Signal Traffic Signal Vehicle Detection Installation 75,000 0 0 75,000 New Project Construction Improvement Capital Improvement Total: 10,844,938 65,440 220,000 10,559,498

Vital Streets Program: Fund 442 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Braintree Drive Improvements- Wise Road to Roadway Continuing 400,000 0 0 400,000 Design Schaumburg Road Improvement Project Knollwood Drive Improvements- Golf Road to Bode Roadway Continuing 2,475,000 220,000 1,760,000 495,000 Construction Road Improvement Project Knollwood Drive Improvements- Schaumburg Road Roadway 90,000 0 0 90,000 Design New Project to Bode Road (Resurfacing) Improvement Roadway Continuing Meacham Road Improvements- Higgins to Golf 3,500,000 320,000 2,480,000 700,000 Construction Improvement Project Roadway Continuing National Parkway- Woodfield to Golf 560,000 280,000 0 280,000 Design Improvement Project Rodenburg Road Improvements- Irving Park Road to Roadway Continuing 200,000 100,000 0 100,000 Design Village Limits Improvement Project Salem Drive Improvements- Schaumburg Road to Roadway 280,000 0 0 280,000 Design New Project Parker Drive Improvement Woodfield Road Improvements- Plum Grove Road Roadway Continuing 150,000 0 0 150,000 Design to Meacham Road Improvement Project Vital Streets Program Total: 7,655,000 920,000 4,240,000 2,495,000

Page 20 of 131 Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021 Airport Fund: Fund 511 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Airport Continuing Airport Lighting Improvements- Phase II 240,000 28,500 199,500 12,000 Construction Improvement Project Airport Airport Parking Lot Entrance Modifications 20,000 0 0 20,000 Design New Project Improvement Airport Continuing Airport Parking Lot Resurfacing 440,000 0 0 440,000 Construction Improvement Project Airport Fund Total: 700,000 28,500 199,500 472,000

Commuter Lot: Fund 512 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Parking Lot Commuter Lot Resurfacing 50,000 0 0 50,000 Design New Project Improvement Parking Lot Annual Commuter Lot Sealcoating- 2020 46,000 0 0 46,000 Construction Improvement Program Commuter Lot Total: 96,000 0 0 96,000

Baseball Stadium: Fund 526 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Design/ Building Ballpark Left Field Party Deck 680,000 0 0 680,000 New Project Construction Improvement Ballpark Left Field Permanent Kitchen Structure and Design/ Building 1,270,000 0 0 1,270,000 New Project Bar Construction Improvement Parking Lot Annual Ballpark Parking Lot Sealcoating- 2020 14,000 0 0 14,000 Construction Improvement Program Ballpark Professional Services for Project Program or Building Annual 295,000 0 0 295,000 Management Purchase Improvement Program Building Continuing Ballpark Stadium Seating Replacement 250,000 0 0 250,000 Construction Improvement Project Design/ Building Ballpark Terrace Left Field Seating 715,000 0 0 715,000 New Project Construction Improvement Baseball Stadium Total: 3,224,000 0 0 3,224,000

Utility Fund: Fund 572 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Water/Sewer Continuing American Lane Culvert Replacement 25,000 0 0 25,000 Design Improvement Project Water/Sewer Continuing Athena Reservoir Rehabilitation 810,000 0 0 810,000 Construction Improvement Project Braintree and Weathersfield Drainage Water/Sewer Continuing 330,000 0 0 330,000 Construction Improvements Improvement Project Water/Sewer Continuing Cedarcrest Storm Sewer Improvements 440,000 0 0 440,000 Construction Improvement Project Creek Improvements- West Branch of the DuPage Water/Sewer Continuing 240,000 50,000 0 190,000 Construction River Improvement Project National Parkway- Woodfield to Golf (Culvert Roadway Continuing 30,000 15,000 0 15,000 Design Replacement) Improvement Project Program or Water/Sewer Annual Overhead Sewer Installation Asst Program- 2020 6,000 0 0 6,000 Purchase Improvement Program Water/Sewer Continuing Park Site Detention Improvements- Jaycee Park 220,000 0 0 220,000 Construction Improvement Project Water/Sewer Annual Professional Services for Stormwater Projects- 2020 60,000 0 0 60,000 Design Improvement Program Water/Sewer Continuing Roselle Road Water Main Rehabilitation 50,000 0 0 50,000 Design Improvement Project Water/Sewer Continuing Sanitary and Storm Sewer Individual Basin Modeling 140,000 0 0 140,000 Study Improvement Project Sanitary Sewer MWRD IICP Requirements and Design/ Water/Sewer Annual 250,000 0 0 250,000 Management Program- 2021 Construction Improvement Program Sanitary Sewer MWRD IICP Requirements and Water/Sewer Annual 880,000 0 0 880,000 Construction Management Program- South Braintree Improvement Program Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation- Water/Sewer Annual 550,000 0 0 550,000 Construction Weathersfield and Salem Improvement Program Program or Water/Sewer Annual Storm Sewer Analysis and Rehabilitation- 2020 50,000 0 0 50,000 Purchase Improvement Program Storm Sewer Rehabilitation for the Street Program- Water/Sewer Annual 150,000 0 0 150,000 Construction 2020 Improvement Program

Page 21 of 131 Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021 Utility Fund: Fund 572 cont. Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Water/Sewer Utility CIP and Revenue Study 85,000 0 0 85,000 Study New Project Improvement Vehicle Maintenance Facility Electrical Building 20,000 0 0 20,000 Design New Project Improvements Improvement Water/Sewer Annual Water Main Replacement- Lancer Subdivision 2,927,000 0 0 2,927,000 Construction Improvement Program Water Station 20 & 21- Automatic Throw Over Water/Sewer 38,500 0 0 38,500 Design New Project Switch Replacement Improvement Water/Sewer Annual Water Station Improvements- Station 2 70,000 0 0 70,000 Construction Improvement Program Water/Sewer Water Tank Painting- Centex Water Tower 50,000 0 0 50,000 Design New Project Improvement Water and Utility Total: 7,421,500 65,000 0 7,356,500

Building Replacement: Fund 680 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Building Annual Masonry Improvements- Various Buildings- 2020 50,000 0 0 50,000 Construction Improvement Program Building Continuing Municipal Center Electrical Improvements 475,000 0 0 475,000 Construction Improvement Project Parking Lot Annual Parking Lot Rehabilitation and Resurfacing- 2020 20,000 0 0 20,000 Construction Improvement Program Building Continuing Prairie Center Electrical Improvements 385,000 0 0 385,000 Construction Improvement Project Building Prairie Center Stage Floor Replacement 35,000 0 0 35,000 Construction New Project Improvement Building Annual Professional Services for Building Projects- 2020 50,000 0 0 50,000 Design Improvement Program Vehicle Maintenance Facility Electrical Building 20,000 0 0 20,000 Design New Project Improvements Improvement Building Replacement Total: 1,035,000 0 0 1,035,000

Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Amount Share TOTAL FISCAL YEAR 2021 31,971,438 1,113,940 4,659,500 26,197,998

Page 22 of 131 Fiscal Year 2021 - 2022 North Schaumburg TIF: Fund 436 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Community Demolition of Woodfield Green 860,000 0 0 860,000 Construction New Project Improvement Roadway Continuing Drummer Drive Realignment 5,300,000 0 0 5,300,000 Construction Improvement Project Hammond Drive at Algonquin Road Intersection Roadway Continuing 1,000,000 100,000 700,000 200,000 Construction Improvements Improvement Project Sidewalk Continuing Meacham Road Pedestrian Improvements 770,000 0 0 770,000 Construction Improvement Project Roadway Continuing Thoreau Drive Realignment 6,500,000 0 0 6,500,000 Construction Improvement Project North Schaumburg TIF Total: 14,430,000 100,000 700,000 13,630,000

Capital Improvement: Fund 440 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Bike Path Reconstruction/Resurfacing Program- Bikeway Annual 200,000 0 0 200,000 Construction 2021 Improvement Program Corporate Crossing Bike Path- Martingale to Spring Bikeway 30,000 0 0 30,000 Design New Project Creek Circle Improvement Roadway Annual Curb Replacement Program- 2021 600,000 0 0 600,000 Construction Improvement Program Community Annual EAB Program- 2021 686,318 0 0 686,318 Construction Improvement Program Program or Building Continuing Enterprise Security Camera System 150,000 0 0 150,000 Purchase Improvement Project Bikeway Continuing Golf Road Bike Path- Roosevelt to Meacham 476,000 40,800 340,400 94,800 Construction Improvement Project Martingale Road Bike Path- Corporate Crossing to Bikeway 77,000 0 0 77,000 Design New Project Schaumburg Road Improvement Roadway Continuing Metra Access Roadway 100,000 0 0 100,000 Design Improvement Project Roadway Pavement Evaluation- 2021 145,000 0 0 145,000 Study New Project Improvement Public Safety Building Community Room & Building 15,000 0 0 15,000 Design New Project Classroom Improvements Improvement Schaumburg High School Bike Path- Volkening Lake Bikeway Continuing 20,000 16,000 0 4,000 Design to High School Improvement Project Program or Sidewalk Annual Sidewalk Matching Program- 2021 5,000 0 0 5,000 Purchase Improvement Program Sidewalk Annual Sidewalk Repair Program- 2021 520,000 0 0 520,000 Construction Improvement Program Program or Roadway Continuing Street Identification Sign Replacements 50,000 0 0 50,000 Purchase Improvement Project Street Light Continuing Street Light Gap Program 460,000 0 0 460,000 Construction Improvement Project Design/ Roadway Annual Street Reconstruction Program- 2021 2,000,000 0 0 2,000,000 Construction Improvement Program Design/ Roadway Annual Street Repair Program- 2021 6,000,000 0 0 6,000,000 Construction Improvement Program Capital Improvement Total: 11,534,318 56,800 340,400 11,137,118

Vital Streets Program: Fund 442 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Braintree Drive Improvements- Wise Road to Roadway Continuing 400,000 0 0 400,000 Design Schaumburg Road Improvement Project Knollwood Drive Improvements- Schaumburg Road Roadway Continuing 2,300,000 240,000 1,600,000 460,000 Construction to Bode Road (Resurfacing) Improvement Project Roadway Continuing National Parkway- Woodfield to Golf 8,350,000 0 4,000,000 4,350,000 Construction Improvement Project Rodenburg Road Improvements- Irving Park Road to Roadway Continuing 2,300,000 470,000 1,600,000 230,000 Construction Village Limits Improvement Project Salem Drive Improvements- Schaumburg Road to Roadway Continuing 290,000 0 0 290,000 Design Parker Drive Improvement Project Summit Drive Improvements- Schaumburg Road to Roadway 225,000 0 0 225,000 Design New Project Parker Drive Improvement

Page 23 of 131 Fiscal Year 2021 - 2022 Vital Streets Program: Fund 442 cont. Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Woodfield Road Improvements- Plum Grove Road Roadway Continuing 150,000 75,000 0 75,000 Design to Meacham Road Improvement Project Vital Streets Program Total: 14,015,000 785,000 7,200,000 6,030,000

Airport Fund: Fund 511 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Airport Airport West Quadrant T-Hangars 125,000 0 0 125,000 Design New Project Improvement Airport Fund Total: 125,000 0 0 125,000

Commuter Lot: Fund 512 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Parking Lot Continuing Commuter Lot Resurfacing 2,000,000 0 0 2,000,000 Construction Improvement Project Commuter Lot Total: 2,000,000 0 0 2,000,000

Baseball Stadium: Fund 526 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Ballpark Left Field Permanent Kitchen Structure and Building Continuing 420,000 0 0 420,000 Construction Bar Improvement Project Parking Lot Ballpark Parking Lot Resurfacing 70,000 0 0 70,000 Design New Project Improvement Parking Lot Annual Ballpark Parking Lot Sealcoating- 2021 71,000 0 0 71,000 Construction Improvement Program Ballpark Professional Services for Project Program or Building Annual 325,000 0 0 325,000 Management Purchase Improvement Program Building Continuing Ballpark Stadium Seating Replacement 250,000 0 0 250,000 Construction Improvement Project Building Ballpark Synthetic Field Turf 1,855,000 0 0 1,855,000 Construction New Project Improvement Building Continuing Ballpark Terrace Left Field Seating 715,000 0 0 715,000 Construction Improvement Project Baseball Stadium Total: 3,706,000 0 0 3,706,000

Utility Fund: Fund 572 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Water/Sewer Continuing American Lane Culvert Replacement 1,600,000 0 0 1,600,000 Construction Improvement Project National Parkway- Woodfield to Golf (Culvert Roadway Continuing 2,275,000 0 0 2,275,000 Construction Replacement) Improvement Project Program or Water/Sewer Annual Overhead Sewer Installation Asst Program- 2021 6,000 0 0 6,000 Purchase Improvement Program Water/Sewer Annual Professional Services for Stormwater Projects- 2021 50,000 0 0 50,000 Design Improvement Program Water/Sewer Continuing Roselle Road Water Main Rehabilitation 1,100,000 0 0 1,100,000 Construction Improvement Project Water/Sewer Continuing Sanitary and Storm Sewer Individual Basin Modeling 140,000 0 0 140,000 Study Improvement Project Sanitary Sewer MWRD IICP Requirements and Water/Sewer Annual 385,000 0 0 385,000 Construction Management Program- 2021 Improvement Program Sanitary Sewer MWRD IICP Requirements and Design/ Water/Sewer Annual 260,000 0 0 260,000 Management Program- 2022 Construction Improvement Program Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation- Wise and Water/Sewer Annual 30,000 0 0 30,000 Design Summit Improvement Program Program or Water/Sewer Annual Storm Sewer Analysis and Rehabilitation- 2021 50,000 0 0 50,000 Purchase Improvement Program Storm Sewer Rehabilitation for the Street Program- Water/Sewer Annual 150,000 0 0 150,000 Construction 2021 Improvement Program Water/Sewer Storm Structure Inspections- 2021 15,000 0 0 15,000 Design New Project Improvement Vehicle Maintenance Facility Electrical Building Continuing 210,000 0 0 210,000 Construction Improvements Improvement Project Water/Sewer Annual Water Main Replacement- Strathmore Subdivision 120,000 0 0 120,000 Design Improvement Program Water Station 20 & 21- Automatic Throw Over Water/Sewer Continuing 500,500 0 0 500,500 Construction Switch Replacement Improvement Project

Page 24 of 131 Fiscal Year 2021 - 2022 Utility Fund: Fund 572 cont. Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Water/Sewer Annual Water Station Improvements- Station 21 275,000 0 0 275,000 Construction Improvement Program Water/Sewer Continuing Water Tank Painting- Centex Water Tower 700,000 0 0 700,000 Construction Improvement Project Water and Utility Total: 7,866,500 0 0 7,866,500

Building Replacement: Fund 680 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Building Annual Masonry Improvements- Various Buildings- 2021 50,000 0 0 50,000 Construction Improvement Program Parking Lot Annual Parking Lot Rehabilitation and Resurfacing- 2021 20,000 0 0 20,000 Construction Improvement Program Building Prairie Center Seating Replacement- Theatre 85,000 0 0 85,000 Construction New Project Improvement Building Annual Professional Services for Building Projects- 2021 50,000 0 0 50,000 Design Improvement Program Vehicle Maintenance Facility Electrical Building Continuing 210,000 0 0 210,000 Construction Improvements Improvement Project Building Replacement Total: 415,000 0 0 415,000

Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Amount Share TOTAL FISCAL YEAR 2022 54,091,818 941,800 8,240,400 44,909,618

Page 25 of 131 Fiscal Year 2022 - 2023 North Schaumburg TIF: Fund 436 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Roadway 90N Transit Facility 400,000 0 0 400,000 Design New Project Improvement North Schaumburg TIF Total: 400,000 0 0 400,000

Capital Improvement: Fund 440 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Program or Community 1% for Art Program- 2022 75,000 0 0 75,000 New Project Purchase Improvement Bike Path Reconstruction/Resurfacing Program- Bikeway Annual 200,000 0 0 200,000 Construction 2022 Improvement Program Corporate Crossing Bike Path- Martingale to Spring Bikeway Continuing 30,000 24,000 0 6,000 Design Creek Circle Improvement Project Roadway Annual Curb Replacement Program- 2022 600,000 0 0 600,000 Construction Improvement Program Community Annual EAB Program- 2022 580,170 0 0 580,170 Construction Improvement Program Higgins Road Bike Path Gaps- Martingale to Bikeway 227,000 0 0 227,000 Design New Project Churchill Improvement Martingale Road Bike Path- Corporate Crossing to Bikeway Continuing 85,000 68,000 0 17,000 Design Schaumburg Road Improvement Project Public Safety Building Community Room & Building Continuing 130,000 0 0 130,000 Construction Classroom Improvements Improvement Project Schaumburg High School Bike Path- Volkening Lake Bikeway Continuing 146,500 16,000 101,200 29,300 Construction to High School Improvement Project Program or Sidewalk Annual Sidewalk Matching Program- 2022 5,000 0 0 5,000 Purchase Improvement Program Sidewalk Annual Sidewalk Repair Program- 2022 520,000 0 0 520,000 Construction Improvement Program Street Light Continuing Street Light Gap Program 15,000 0 0 15,000 Design Improvement Project Design/ Roadway Annual Street Reconstruction Program- 2022 2,000,000 0 0 2,000,000 Construction Improvement Program Design/ Roadway Annual Street Repair Program- 2022 6,000,000 0 0 6,000,000 Construction Improvement Program Design/ Sidewalk Wise Road Path Replacement 196,000 156,800 0 39,200 New Project Construction Improvement Capital Improvement Total: 10,809,670 264,800 101,200 10,443,670

Vital Streets Program: Fund 442 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Braintree Drive Improvements- Wise Road to Roadway Continuing 10,120,000 0 4,000,000 6,120,000 Construction Schaumburg Road Improvement Project Salem Drive Improvements- Schaumburg Road to Roadway Continuing 280,000 0 0 280,000 Design Parker Drive Improvement Project Summit Drive Improvements- Wise Road to Roadway Continuing 3,440,000 352,000 2,400,000 688,000 Construction Schaumburg Road Improvement Project Woodfield Road Improvements- Plum Grove Road Roadway Continuing 800,000 400,000 0 400,000 Design to Meacham Road Improvement Project Vital Streets Program Total: 14,640,000 752,000 6,400,000 7,488,000

Baseball Stadium: Fund 526 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Parking Lot Continuing Ballpark Parking Lot Resurfacing 1,430,000 0 0 1,430,000 Construction Improvement Project Baseball Stadium Total: 1,430,000 0 0 1,430,000

Page 26 of 131 Fiscal Year 2022 - 2023 Utility Fund: Fund 572 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Program or Water/Sewer Annual Overhead Sewer Installation Asst Program- 2022 6,000 0 0 6,000 Purchase Improvement Program Water/Sewer Annual Professional Services for Stormwater Projects- 2022 60,000 0 0 60,000 Design Improvement Program Water/Sewer Continuing Sanitary and Storm Sewer Individual Basin Modeling 140,000 0 0 140,000 Study Improvement Project Sanitary Sewer MWRD IICP Requirements and Water/Sewer Annual 410,000 0 0 410,000 Construction Management Program- 2022 Improvement Program Water/Sewer Annual Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation- 2023 30,000 0 0 30,000 Design Improvement Program Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation- Wise and Water/Sewer Annual 2,050,000 0 0 2,050,000 Construction Summit Improvement Program Program or Water/Sewer Annual Storm Sewer Analysis and Rehabilitation- 2022 50,000 0 0 50,000 Purchase Improvement Program Storm Sewer Rehabilitation for the Street Program- Water/Sewer Annual 150,000 0 0 150,000 Construction 2022 Improvement Program Water/Sewer Annual Water Main Replacement- Strathmore Subdivision 2,570,000 0 0 2,570,000 Construction Improvement Program Water/Sewer Annual Water Main Replacement- 2023 150,000 0 0 150,000 Design Improvement Program Water/Sewer Annual Water Station Improvements- Station 15 110,000 0 0 110,000 Construction Improvement Program Water and Utility Total: 5,726,000 0 0 5,726,000

Building Replacement: Fund 680 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Building Annual Masonry Improvements- Various Buildings- 2022 50,000 0 0 50,000 Construction Improvement Program Parking Lot Annual Parking Lot Rehabilitation and Resurfacing- 2022 164,000 0 0 164,000 Construction Improvement Program Building Annual Professional Services for Building Projects- 2022 50,000 0 0 50,000 Design Improvement Program Building Replacement Total: 264,000 0 0 264,000

Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Amount Share TOTAL FISCAL YEAR 2023 33,269,670 1,016,800 6,501,200 25,751,670

Page 27 of 131 Resource Constrained List North Schaumburg TIF: Fund 436 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Design/ Bikeway 90N Pedestrian Bridge 4,350,000 0 0 4,350,000 New Project Construction Improvement Design/ Community Continuing 90N Transit Facility 14,500,000 8,250,000 0 6,250,000 Construction Improvement Project North Schaumburg TIF Total: 18,850,000 8,250,000 0 10,600,000

Capital Improvement: Fund 440 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Community 1% for Art Town Square Sculpture Lighting 30,000 0 0 30,000 Construction New Project Improvement Corporate Crossing Bike Path- Martingale to Spring Bikeway Continuing 309,120 26,500 220,800 61,820 Construction Creek Circle Improvement Project Street Light Decorative Lighting LED Retrofits 370,000 0 0 370,000 Construction New Project Improvement Design/ Bikeway East Central Drive Bike Path 2,331,000 264,480 1,324,800 741,720 New Project Construction Improvement Design/ Building Continuing Fire Department Headquarters Relocation 5,100,000 0 0 5,100,000 Construction Improvement Project Design/ Community Golf Road Median Enhancements 1,940,200 0 0 1,940,200 New Project Construction Improvement Higgins Road Bike Path Gaps- Martingale to Design/ Bikeway Continuing 2,800,000 418,400 1,821,600 560,000 Churchill Construction Improvement Project Design/ Community Irving Park Median Enhancements 2,303,990 0 0 2,303,990 New Project Construction Improvement Martingale Road Bike Path- Corporate Crossing to Bikeway Continuing 863,500 74,400 616,400 172,700 Construction Schaumburg Road Improvement Project Design/ Roadway Continuing Metra Access Roadway 2,904,125 0 0 2,904,125 Construction Improvement Project Design/ Community Municipal Center Plaza Improvements 455,000 0 0 455,000 New Project Construction Improvement Design/ Building Municipal Center Window System Improvements 1,050,000 0 0 1,050,000 New Project Construction Improvement Community OSC Street Sign Program 35,000 0 0 35,000 Construction New Project Improvement Design/ Community Pande Fountain Ultraviolet System 140,000 0 0 140,000 New Project Construction Improvement Design/ Community Plum Grove Road Medians 2,145,000 0 0 2,145,000 New Project Construction Improvement Design/ Building Prairie Center Theater Entrance Remodeling 300,000 0 0 300,000 New Project Construction Improvement Public Safety Building Equipment Room/Roll Call Design/ Building 120,000 0 0 120,000 New Project Room Construction Improvement Design/ Building Public Safety Building Future Office Space 160,000 0 0 160,000 New Project Construction Improvement Design/ Building Public Safety Building Investigations Office 110,000 0 0 110,000 New Project Construction Improvement Design/ Building Public Safety Building Rear Parking Lot 445,000 0 0 445,000 New Project Construction Improvement Design/ Sidewalk Sidewalk Gap Program- Various Locations 825,000 75,000 450,000 300,000 New Project Construction Improvement Sidewalk Gap Program- Algonquin, Plum Grove and Sidewalk Continuing 343,500 0 0 343,500 Construction Other Locations Improvement Project Street Light Continuing Street Light Gap Program 125,000 0 0 125,000 Construction Improvement Project Design/ Roadway Access Improvements 4,800,000 0 0 4,800,000 New Project Construction Improvement Capital Improvement Total: 30,005,435 858,780 4,433,600 24,713,055

Page 28 of 131 Resource Constrained List Vital Streets Program: Fund 442 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Salem Drive Improvements- Schaumburg Road to Roadway Continuing 4,715,000 492,000 3,280,000 943,000 Construction Parker Drive Improvement Project Woodfield Road Improvements- Plum Grove Road Roadway Continuing 8,000,000 0 4,000,000 4,000,000 Construction to Meacham Road Improvement Project Vital Streets Program Total: 12,715,000 492,000 7,280,000 4,943,000

Airport Fund: Fund 511 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Airport Airport East Quadrant Entrance Road and Parking 595,700 0 536,130 59,570 Construction New Project Improvement Airport East Quadrant General Aviation Airport 2,024,000 0 1,922,800 101,200 Construction New Project Development Improvement Design/ Airport Continuing Airport Parking Lot Entrance Modifications 375,000 0 0 375,000 Construction Improvement Project Airport Airport Snow Removal Equipment Building 1,300,000 0 600,000 700,000 Construction New Project Improvement Airport Snow Removal Equipment Facility, Hangar Design/ Airport 1,235,000 329,650 843,600 61,750 New Project Sitework and Access Taxiways Construction Improvement Airport Continuing Airport West Quadrant T-Hangars 1,980,000 450,000 0 1,530,000 Construction Improvement Project Airport Fund Total: 7,509,700 779,650 3,902,530 2,827,520

Commuter Lot: Fund 512 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Parking Lot Commuter Lot Emergency Stations 25,000 0 0 25,000 Construction New Project Improvement Design/ Parking Lot Commuter Lot Reconstruction 4,575,000 0 0 4,575,000 New Project Construction Improvement Design/ Parking Lot Commuter Lot Replacement of Teardrop Lights 320,000 0 0 320,000 New Project Construction Improvement Commuter Lot Total: 4,920,000 0 0 4,920,000

Utility Fund: Fund 572 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Design/ Water/Sewer Copley Center Water Service Control Valves 132,000 0 0 132,000 New Project Construction Improvement Design/ Water/Sewer Gray Farm Marsh Storm Sewer Outlet Redesign 650,000 0 0 650,000 New Project Construction Improvement Design/ Water/Sewer Plum Grove Station #22 Generator Installation 290,000 0 0 290,000 New Project Construction Improvement Design/ Water/Sewer Quentin Road Water Main Lining 420,000 0 0 420,000 New Project Construction Improvement Water/Sewer Annual Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation- 2023 2,050,000 0 0 2,050,000 Construction Improvement Program Design/ Water/Sewer Water Main Looping (NE Portion of Service Area) 1,022,000 0 0 1,022,000 New Project Construction Improvement Water/Sewer Annual Water Main Replacement- 2023 3,000,000 0 0 3,000,000 Construction Improvement Program Water and Utility Total: 7,564,000 0 0 7,564,000

Building Replacement: Fund 680 Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Phase Project Type Description Amount Share Design/ Building Schweikher House Water & Sewer Improvements 240,000 0 0 240,000 New Project Construction Improvement Building Replacement Fund Total: 240,000 0 0 240,000

Total Project Reimbursement Pass Through Total Village Amount Share RCL 81,804,135 10,380,430 15,616,130 55,807,575

Page 29 of 131

CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Section 4.1: Community Development Block Grant Fund

Description of Fund:

The village receives approximately $400,000 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds on an annual basis from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. These funds must be utilized to assist low-income and moderate-income residents. In the past, CDBG funds have been used for public service agencies, the Residential Rehabilitation Loan Program, the First Time Buyer’s Program, and capital improvement projects.

The FY 2018/19 CIP includes the construction of sidewalk gaps along Quentin Road south of Hartung Road and along Irving Park Road near Fairlane Drive.

Page 30 of 131 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND Sidewalk Gap Program- Quentin and Irving Park (CDBG)

Request Type: Carryover Project Project Type: Sidewalk Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This will consist of the installation of sidewalk gaps along Quentin Road south of Hartung Road and along Irving Park Road near Fairlane Drive in FY 2018/19.

Project Justification Completing sidewalk gaps to provide safe continuous sidewalks at key locations within the village. Staff was also given direction from the Village Board to complete these gaps.

Operating Impacts Additional sidewalks will need to be maintained. No maintenance costs are anticipated for the first 20 years after sidewalks are installed.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design Previous $16,000 $0 $16,000 Not Applicable Construction 2018-19 $120,000 $0 $120,000 Not Applicable (CDBG) Construction 2018-19 $30,000 $0 $30,000 Not Applicable (Dev. Contribution) Construction 2018-19 $25,000 $0 $25,000 Not Applicable Engineering (CDBG)

Project Total $191,000 $0 $191,000

Page 31 of 131


Section 4.2: Developer Contribution Fund

Description of Fund:

The Developer Contribution Fund is used to hold contribution money that is dedicated to improvements needed as a result of the impact of those developments. Typical projects that come out of this fund are roadway lighting projects or large scale parkway tree planting projects.

Sidewalk gap projects on Quentin Road, Irving Park Road, Algonquin Road, and Plum Grove Road are being carried over from FY 2017/18.

Page 32 of 131 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Sidewalk Gap Program - Algonquin, Plum Grove and Other Locations

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Sidewalk Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project includes comprehensive engineering for approximately 12 sidewalk gap locations to provide preliminary and final design services and to complete grant applications for sidewalk gaps eligible for outside funding sources. Gaps will be constructed along Algonquin Road west of Quentin, connecting to the Palatine Trail Path on 's campus and along Plum Grove Road near Schaumburg Road in FY 2019/20. The remaining ten locations will be considered in the future if outside funding becomes available.

Project Justification Completing sidewalk gaps provide safe continuous sidewalks at key locations within the village. Staff was also given direction from the Village Board to complete these gaps based on a committee report presented at the August 2016 Engineering and Public Works Committee meeting.

Operating Impacts Additional sidewalks will need to be maintained. No maintenance costs are anticipated for the first 20 years after sidewalks are installed.

Budgeting Information

Non- Non-Village Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Funding Share Funding Description Final Design 2018-19 $100,000 $0 $100,000 Not Applicable (Developer Contribution)

Construction 2019-20 $275,000 $0 $275,000 Not Applicable

Construction Engineering 2019-20 $40,000 $0 $40,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $758,500 $0 $758,500

Page 33 of 131

CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Section 4.3: North Schaumburg TIF Fund

Description of Fund:

In 2014, the Village of Schaumburg created the North Schaumburg TIF District bounded by I- 90, Roselle Road, Algonquin Road and Arbor Drive. Projects in the North Schaumburg TIF Fund are related to improving the northern part of Schaumburg delineated by the TIF boundaries.

Several significant projects are expected to be under construction in the North Schaumburg TIF in 2018. The most significant project will be the construction of a new roadway on the former Motorola campus. Staff has proposed to coordinate construction of this new roadway with intersection improvements on West Drive at Algonquin Road. Together, these two projects are anticipated to cost $11.7 million with Zurich paying approximately 70% of the cost for the West Drive portion of the project ($1.2 million). In addition, the final design will be completed on the Meacham and Algonquin roads intersection improvements in preparation for construction in FY 2019/20. This project will increase capacity at the intersection to accommodate the current and anticipated development of the area.

Construction of the westbound on-ramp at I-90 and Roselle Road will continue in order to complete the full interchange as well as construction of a bike bridge and path along the west side of Roselle Road between Hillcrest Drive and Central Road along with countdown signals and a crosswalk to connect it to a new bike path on the Sunstar property.

Page 34 of 131 NORTH SCHAUMBURG TIF 90 North Boulevard

Request Type: Continuing Project Project Type: Roadway Improvement Lead Department: Transportation

Project Description and Location This project is the construction of a new roadway on the former Motorola campus. The anticipated cross section includes a four-lane roadway with a landscaped median. Sidewalks, bikepaths and landscaping are also included. Construction of 90 North Boulevard is also being coordinated with improvements at the intersection of West Drive and Algonquin Road. Zurich is paying for 2/3 of the cost of the West Drive project including Phase III.

Project Justification The village led construction of the roadway was agreed to as part of a redevelopment agreement with Motorola Solutions, Inc.

Operating Impacts The village will be responsible for additional roadway maintenance including any intersection controls such as signals.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design Previous $965,000 $169,200 $795,800 Not Applicable

Construction 2018-19 $10,500,000 $1,100,000 $9,400,000 Reimbursement Construction 2018-19 $1,200,000 $110,000 $1,090,000 Reimbursement Engineering

Project Total $12,665,000 $1,379,200 $11,285,800

Page 35 of 131 NORTH SCHAUMBURG TIF Central Road I-90 Ramp

Request Type: Continuing Project Project Type: Roadway Improvement Lead Department: Transportation

Project Description and Location This includes the construction of the westbound on-ramp at I-90 and Roselle Road.

Project Justification This is a Cook County led project with the Village’s contribution supporting the construction of the ramp as well as Village requested amenities such as sidewalks.

Operating Impacts None.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Construction Previous $1,071,804 $0 $1,071,804 Not Applicable

Construction 2018-19 $912,000 $0 $912,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $1,983,804 $0 $1,983,804

Page 36 of 131 NORTH SCHAUMBURG TIF Convention Center - Tollway Landscaping

Request Type: Carryover Project Project Type: Community Improvement Lead Department: Community Development

Project Description and Location This project will restore the landscape buffer between the Convention Center and the I-90 Tollway which was removed during construction of the Meacham Road ramp. The Tollway provided a credit to the village’s I-90 ramp cost for this landscaping to be completed at the end of the tollway project.

Project Justification The cost of the proposed landscaping was paid for by the Tollway as a credit to the village's final bill and it needs to be reinstalled to meet the current landscape code and help buffer the Convention Center from the adjacent Tollway traffic.

Operating Impacts The replacement of native plantings along the Tollway embankment will actually reduce mowing and landscape expenses at the Convention Center.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design Previous $10,420 $0 $10,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2018-19 $50,000 $0 $50,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $60,000 $0 $60,000

Page 37 of 131 NORTH SCHAUMBURG TIF Gateway Sign Program - Roselle and Central Roads

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Community Improvement Lead Department: Community Development

Project Description and Location This project would involve the design and construction of a large village gateway sign at the northernmost entrance to the village from Roselle Road.

Project Justification A northern gateway sign has been contemplated in this location for quite some time, as it was originally identified in the 1998 Gateway Sign Program. A sign has not been feasible in this location until recent redevelopment and extension of Central Road utilities were completed.

Operating Impacts The operating impacts of a new gateway sign include electrical, irrigation and landscape maintenance costs. The sign itself will be constructed of durable brick and stone and will last for decades with little maintenance.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design 2018-19 $8,000 $0 $8,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2018-19 $80,000 $0 $80,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $88,000 $0 $88,000

Page 38 of 131 NORTH SCHAUMBURG TIF Meacham and Algonquin Intersection Improvements

Request Type: Continuing Project Project Type: Roadway Improvement Lead Department: Transportation

Project Description and Location This project will increase capacity of the intersection of Meacham Road and Algonquin Road by lengthening the storage for the westbound to southbound dual left turn lanes, adding an additional through lane on Algonquin at the intersection, creating a free flow right turn lane for eastbound to southbound vehicles, and adding a second right turn lane for northbound to eastbound vehicles.

Project Justification With the new interchange at Meacham and I-90 as well as the new Zurich development, this project will increase capacity at the intersection and improve traffic flow in the area.

Operating Impacts None.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Preliminary Design Previous $471,722 $0 $471,722 Not Applicable Reimbursement Final Design Previous $566,000 $429,000 $137,000 IDOT & Grant Reimbursement Land Acquisition Previous $510,000 $504,375 $5,625 IDOT & Grant Reimbursement Final Design 2018-19 $200,000 $150,000 $50,000 IDOT & Grant Pass Through Land Acquisition 2018-19 $1,530,000 $1,513,215 $16,785 IDOT & Grant Reimbursement Construction 2019-20 $5,600,000 $5,455,000 $145,000 IDOT & Grant Construction Reimbursement 2019-20 $672,000 $656,000 $16,000 Engineering IDOT & Grant

Project Total $9,549,722 $8,707,590 $842,132

Page 39 of 131 NORTH SCHAUMBURG TIF Meacham Road Corridor Study

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Community Improvement Lead Department: Community Development

Project Description and Location This project will focus on pedestrian and streetscape improvement options for the section of Meacham Road between Algonquin Road and the I-90 bridge.

Project Justification This project will help staff understand the constraints and opportunities for creating a unique corridor aesthetic and enhanced pedestrian connections between future uses in this district. The Corridor Study will incorporate design guidelines from the east and west campus framework plans in order to develop a cohesive and pedestrian friendly environment.

Operating Impacts No immediate operating impacts, as this is a design only project.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Study 2018-19 $75,000 $0 $75,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $75,000 $0 $75,000

Page 40 of 131 NORTH SCHAUMBURG TIF Meacham Road Interchange Project

Request Type: Continuing Project Project Type: Roadway Improvement Lead Department: Transportation

Project Description and Location This project ($15,000) includes the use of a consultant to complete the financial close out for the Meacham Road Interchange project.

Project Justification This budget is for consultant work to reconcile the project budget and determine the final amount owed by the village.

Operating Impacts None.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Construction Previous $19,228,000 $0 $19,228,000 Not Applicable Construction Not Applicable Previous $25,000 $0 $25,000 Engineering Construction Not Applicable 2018-19 $15,000 $0 $15,000 Engineering

Project Total $19,268,000 $0 $19,268,000

Page 41 of 131 NORTH SCHAUMBURG TIF Project Management for North Schaumburg TIF Infrastructure - 2018

Request Type: Annual Program Project Type: Roadway Improvement Lead Department: Transportation

Project Description and Location A contract engineer will be hired to assist with management of design and construction of projects located within the North Schaumburg TIF.

Project Justification Additional staff support is necessary to manage the number of design and construction projects anticipated in the North Schaumburg TIF area through FY 2020/21. Projects include the 90 North Boulevard, Meacham/Algonquin, Algonquin/West, Algonquin/Hammond, and miscellaneous utility projects.

Operating Impacts None.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Program or 2018-19 $110,000 $0 $110,000 Not Applicable Purchase

Project Total $110,000 $0 $110,000

Page 42 of 131 NORTH SCHAUMBURG TIF Roselle Road Bike Bridge

Request Type: Continuing Project Project Type: Bikeway Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location A bike path and bridge will be constructed along the west side of Roselle Road between Hillcrest Boulevard and the north side of Central Road, connecting with the existing bike path in the Paul Douglas Forest Preserve. The project includes an off street bike path, a bike bridge located over Central Road, and connection to a new bike path being built along the north side of Central Road on the Sunstar property.

Project Justification The bike path is part of the Village's Comprehensive Bike Plan and will provide a missing link along Roselle Road. The path will provide connectivity on a regional basis between Harper College, Sunstar, Zurich, high density residential centers, Forest Preserve and major employment centers located on either side of the I‐90 Tollway.

Operating Impacts This project will create a new bike path to be maintained by the village.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Preliminary Design Previous $96,332 $0 $96,332 Not Applicable

Final Design Previous $320,000 $150,000 $170,000 Reimbursement

Construction 2018-19 $3,400,000 $2,720,000 $680,000 Pass Through

Construction 2018-19 $306,000 $244,800 $61,200 Reimbursement Engineering

Project Total $4,122,332 $3,114,800 $1,007,532

Page 43 of 131 NORTH SCHAUMBURG TIF Roselle Road Interchange Project

Request Type: Continuing Project Project Type: Roadway Improvement Lead Department: Transportation

Project Description and Location This project ($15,000) includes the use of a consultant to complete the financial close out for the Roselle Road Interchange project.

Project Justification This budget is for consultant work to reconcile the project expenses to determine the final amount owed by the village.

Operating Impacts None.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Construction Previous $1,408,000 $0 $1,408,000 Not Applicable

Construction Previous $25,000 $0 $25,000 Not Applicable Engineering Construction 2018-19 $15,000 $0 $15,000 Not Applicable Engineering

Project Total $1,448,000 $0 $1,448,000

Page 44 of 131 NORTH SCHAUMBURG TIF Tollway Industrial Park- Street Lighting Improvements

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Street Light Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project will include the installation of LED street lights along Hammond Drive and Palmer Drive.

Project Justification The Village Board provided direction to provide more uniform street lighting throughout the village. The project was presented to the Engineering and Public Works Committee in 2016 and staff was directed to prepare a policy on street lighting gap requests for Committee of the Whole.

Operating Impacts The project will result in new lights to maintain and an increase in energy costs associated with them.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design 2018-19 $15,000 $0 $15,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2019-20 $100,000 $0 $100,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2019-20 $10,000 $0 $10,000 Not Applicable Engineering

Project Total $125,000 $0 $125,000

Page 45 of 131

CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Section 4.4: Capital Improvement Fund

Description of Fund:

The Capital Improvement Fund is utilized for roadway, bikeway and sidewalk projects, as well as all non-maintenance related building projects. Roadway projects that are not supported by federal dollars are included in this fund. Major projects in the FY 2018/19 CIP include the following:

• Street Repair Program and Street Reconstruction Program ($8 million): The Street Repair Program is an annual program that provides maintenance and rehabilitation strategies to the roadways to extend their useful life and improve ride ability and safety. The total requested amount includes both rehabilitation and preventative maintenance and is based on the 2015 State of the Streets Report. In FY 2018/19, the CIP continues to dedicate an additional $2 million towards reconstructing some of the lowest rated streets in the village.

• Renovations to the property storage room at the Public Safety Building ($605,000): These improvements will provide a more productive and secure work space for public safety personnel.

• Emerald Ash Borer Program ($611,896): 1,200 trees of various species will be planted in FY 2018/19. Funds will also be used for continued removal of trees infected by EAB as well as treatment and contractual tree watering.

• Sidewalk Repair Program ($520,000): Funds will be used as part of this annual program to replace sidewalk trip hazards and sidewalk drainage issues around the village.

• Greater Woodfield Area Traffic Signal Improvements ($367,000): Utilizing primarily grant funds from the Invest in Cook grant program through Cook County, the village will optimize the village's transportation network by installing new video detection traffic signal technology at seven key intersections along Meacham Road and Woodfield Road.

Page 46 of 131 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 1% For Art Program - 2018

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Community Improvement Lead Department: Community Development

Project Description and Location This ongoing program was established to enhance the village's public spaces through the purchase and installation of art via the 1% for Art Committee. The 1% for Art Committee met in November 2017 and decided to purchase a Jack Siegel Book Sculpture/Historic Landmark Building Plaque for installation at the Jack Siegel Memorial that was constructed at the Atcher Municipal Center in FY 2017/18.

Project Justification Schaumburg's 1% For Art program was created in 1999 as a way to enhance the village's public spaces through the purchase of large pieces of artwork.

Operating Impacts The operating impacts of this project are unknown at this time and depend solely on the type of artwork installed. Short-term maintenance of any sculpture is likely minimal; long-term costs may become necessary in approximately 15 to 20 years.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Program or Purchase 2018-19 $75,000 $0 $75,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $75,000 $0 $75,000

Page 47 of 131 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Bike Path Reconstruction/Resurfacing Program - 2018

Request Type: Annual Program Project Type: Bikeway Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location Bike path reconstruction and resurfacing work includes crack sealing, full depth patching, and total reconstruction of the off-street bike path system. In 2016, a condition assessment was completed by a consultant on all bike paths within the village. Based on this assessment, staff is recommending an increase in funding levels.

Project Justification The program helps extend pavement life of the 39.3 miles of bikepath owned and maintained by the village. The assessment categorized the conditions of our bikeways system into four categories (Excellent, Good, Fair and Poor). There are 17.0 miles of our system in the Excellent and Good categories while there are 12.2 miles rated as Fair and 10.1 miles rated as in Poor condition. This funding level would allow for approximately two miles of the village's off-street system to be improved annually.

Operating Impacts After the completion of this work, the need for pothole patching operations will decrease significantly.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Construction 2018-19 $200,000 $0 $200,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $200,000 $0 $200,000

Page 48 of 131 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Curb Replacement Program - 2018

Request Type: Annual Program Project Type: Roadway Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This is an annual replacement of deteriorated curb and gutter on village streets. Recommendations from the Engineering and Public Works staff along with completed Customer Service Requests (CSRs) are combined with areas where extensive maintenance is required in determining the areas to be rehabilitated.

Project Justification This program is performed in conjunction with the Public Works street patching program to replace failed curb and gutter in order to provide positive drainage and extend the useful life of the pavement. The amount requested is based on the number of CSRs received through October 2017.

Operating Impacts This work will help maintain positive drainage and may prevent more extensive concrete and pavement damage due to poor drainage.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Construction 2018-19 $600,000 $0 $600,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $600,000 $0 $600,000

Page 49 of 131 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND EAB Program - 2018

Request Type: Annual Program Project Type: Community Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This program includes the removal and replacement of the village's ash trees in "poor" condition with new species of trees.

Project Justification The Emerald Ash Borer is a beetle that has infested the ash trees within the village. This program will treat trees that show minimal signs of damage and remove the trees that show loss to 30% of their canopy. Staff will focus on tree removal to eliminate the potential hazard of a tree falling down and then focus on tree planting when the majority of the trees have been removed. This request includes, treatments, reforestation (1,200 trees) and $100K for contractual tree watering.

Operating Impacts Removal, treatment and replacement of ash trees is essential to the health and quality of the urban forest.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Ash Removal 2018-19 $75,000 $0 $75,000 Not Applicable

Cost Share 2018-19 $50,000 $0 $50,000 Not Applicable

Stump Restoration 2018-19 $27,058 $0 $27,058 Not Applicable

Tree Planting 2018-19 $344,160 $0 $344,160 Not Applicable

Watering 2018-19 $100,000 $0 $100,000 Not Applicable

Watering Bags 2018-19 $15,678 $0 $15,678 Not Applicable

Project Total $611,896 $0 $611,896

Page 50 of 131 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Enterprise Security Camera System

Request Type: Continuing Project Project Type: Building Improvement Lead Department: Information Technology

Project Description and Location An Enterprise Security Camera System will be installed through a five-phase implementation plan has been proposed. Phase 1- Village Hall, Prairie Center for the Arts, Public Works, Airport, Commuter Train Station, Fire Stations (completed) Phase 2- Police parking lot, Village Hall parking lot, and Prairie Center for the Arts parking lot Phase 3- Water Infrastructure Phase 4- Commuter Rail Parking Lot Phase 5- Town Square

Project Justification This will provide video surveillance of key village facilities. There are no specific security concerns sited as justification for this project.

Operating Impacts The camera and recording hardware comes with a three warranty. After year three, warranty expense is estimated to be 15% of installed costs. The proposal also includes five years of maintenance for the Genetec video management application. After year five, maintenance is expected to cost $29,250 annually based on current pricing.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Fiscal Non-Village Phase Cost Village Share Funding Year Funding Description Program or Purchase Previous $350,000 $0 $382,000 Not Applicable (Capital Improvement) Program or Purchase 2018-19 $125,000 $0 $125,000 Not Applicable (Capital Improvement) Program or Purchase 2019-20 $275,000 $0 $275,000 Not Applicable (Water and Sewer) Program or Purchase 2020-21 $175,000 $0 $175,000 Not Applicable (Capital Improvement) Program or Purchase 2021-22 $150,000 $0 $150,000 Not Applicable (Capital Improvement)

Project Total $1,107,000 $0 $1,107,000

Page 51 of 131 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Greater Woodfield Area Traffic Signal Improvements

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Traffic Signal Improvement Lead Department: Transportation

Project Description and Location This project will optimize the village's transportation network through the completion of signal coordination and the installation of new video detection traffic signal technology at seven key intersections along Meacham Road and Woodfield Road.

Project Justification The 2016 National Citizen Survey identified traffic congestion, particularly at traffic signals, as a concern for Schaumburg residents. This project will help to optimize village traffic signals. A $200,000 grant has been awarded by Cook County to complete these improvements.

Operating Impacts Additional operating costs may be incurred in the second year following installation based on maintenance of the equipment.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design Previous $35,000 $0 $35,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2018-19 $330,000 $200,000 $130,000 Reimbursement Construction 2018-19 $37,000 $0 $37,000 Not Applicable Engineering

Project Total $402,000 $200,000 $202,000

Page 52 of 131 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Higgins Road Bike Path - Lifetime Fitness to Village Limits

Request Type: Continuing Project Project Type: Bikeway Improvement Lead Department: Transportation

Project Description and Location Bikeway gaps will be completed along Higgins Road, where a new path will be constructed along the north side of the road. Culvert widening and signal work may be needed to allow for the crossing of Plum Grove Road where the new path along Higgins will be built to connect with an existing path near Lifetime Fitness. The proposed improvement will be designed to meet the criteria of the AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, as well as the standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Project Justification The project fills in a gap on this bikeway segment which is part of an approved regional bicycle corridor as designated by the Northwest Municipal Conference. When completed, it will provide connections to Schaumburg's 90‐mile bicycle path network providing an important, safe connection with neighboring Hoffman Estates and to existing bicycle facilities on the north side of Higgins Road eastward towards Lifetime Fitness and the path that extends to National Parkway.

Operating Impacts This project will create a new bike path to be maintained by the village.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Preliminary Design Previous $65,000 $0 $46,800 Not Applicable

Final Design 2018-19 $50,000 $40,000 $10,000 Reimbursement

Construction 2019-20 $550,000 $440,000 $110,000 Pass Through

Construction 2019-20 $65,000 $52,000 $13,000 Reimbursement Engineering

Project Total $711,800 $532,000 $179,800

Page 53 of 131 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Municipal Center Woodland and Creek Restoration

Request Type: Continuing Project Project Type: Community Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project includes the streambank south of the municipal center parking lot from Summit Ave. east to south of the Prairie Center parking lot, and the woodland area from east of the Prairie Center for the Arts parking lot, north of the bike path, out to Plum Grove Road. The project will install riffles and erosion control practices to repair the severe erosion in the creek area from Summit Ave. east to the woodland. Ash and Buckthorn will be cleared from the woodland east of the Prairie Center for the Arts parking lot by cutting and wood chipping the trees, and then applying herbicide to stumps to prevent re-sprouting. Apply additional applications of herbicide to any re‐sprouts. Install selected native trees (50) and shrubs (100) in the woodland area, and install the appropriate native seed mix under the tree canopy. The area measures approximately 6.5 acres.

Project Justification This work will stabilize this creek that conveys stormwater runoff from the municipal center grounds and properties west of the municipal center. The proposed tree removal and clearing of invasive speciies along with the proposed installation of shrubs, trees, and woodland seed mix will turn the woodland into an amenity for the community.

Operating Impacts New costs will be incurred for annual maintenance for herbicide control of buckthorn to control new plants that grow from the seedbank in the ground. Maintenance of a wood chip path through the woodland which exists today.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Funding Funding Share Description Final Design Previous $40,000 $0 $40,000 Not Applicable Construction Previous $187,000 $0 $187,000 Not Applicable Construction Engineering Previous $38,600 $0 $38,600 Not Applicable Construction 2018-19 $210,000 $0 $210,000 Not Applicable Construction Engineering 2018-19 $47,300 $0 $47,300 Not Applicable

Project Total $522,900 $0 $522,900

Page 54 of 131 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Nursing Division Space Buildout

Request Type: Continuing Project Project Type: Building Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project consists of the design and build out improvements to a newly rented tenant space. Costs are based on an estimated $80 per square foot for office space and an addition $20,000 for ventilation improvements for the equipment storage and cleaning areas.

Project Justification Slingerland House improvements are currently on hold while the Nursing Divisions seeks tenant space. This renovation will modify the newly rented spaces to allow the Nursing Division to function in a secure and private environment.

Operating Impacts This project will result in increased efficiencies for the Nursing Division and reduced maintenance costs.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design Previous $10,000 $0 $10,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2018-19 $120,000 $0 $120,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2018-19 $10,000 $0 $10,000 Not Applicable Engineering

Project Total $140,000 $0 $140,000

Page 55 of 131 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Pavement Evaluation - 2018

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Roadway Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location A pavement management consultant and materials expert will be hired to select a pavement evaluator and provide the necessary quality assurance to perform testing and pavement condition analysis on all village owned streets and parking lots. To accurately determine the condition of the pavements in the village and to project future needs, this evaluation is completed every three years. The last evaluation was completed in 2015.

Project Justification It is important for the village to understand the condition of the streets and parking lots that are owned and maintained by the village. With the data collected through this project, staff will have the information to better analyze and make recommendations for improvements needed for our streets and our parking lots.

Operating Impacts None.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Study 2018-19 $145,000 $0 $145,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $145,000 $0 $145,000

Page 56 of 131 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Pedestrian Signal Upgrade at National Parkway and Schaumburg Road

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Traffic Signal Improvement Lead Department: Transportation

Project Description and Location Pedestrian countdown signals and push buttons will be installed at National Parkway and Schaumburg Road.

Project Justification There has been an increase in pedestrian traffic at this location with the opening of Bison's Bluff at Spring Valley. This project will upgrade the existing crossings by installing pedestrian countdown signals and separate push buttons for each crossing.

Operating Impacts None.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design 2018-19 $30,000 $0 $30,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2019-20 $100,000 $0 $100,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2019-20 $20,000 $0 $20,000 Not Applicable Engineering

Project Total $150,000 $0 $150,000

Page 57 of 131 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Pedestrian Signals at National Pkwy and Higgins Road

Request Type: Carryover Project Project Type: Traffic Signal Improvement Lead Department: Transportation

Project Description and Location Pedestrian countdown signals, ADA ramps and crosswalks will be installed at National Parkway and Higgins Road (IL 72).

Project Justification This is a high pedestrian traffic location due to the proximity of hotels, retail, and residential in the area and this project will improve the safety of crossing pedestrians and bicyclists.

Operating Impacts None.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design Previous $25,000 $0 $25,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2018-19 $100,000 $0 $100,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2018-19 $20,000 $0 $20,000 Not Applicable Engineering

Project Total $145,000 $0 $145,000

Page 58 of 131 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Pedestrian Signals at Wildflower Ln. and Schaumburg Rd. and Weathersfield Way and Barrington Rd.

Request Type: Carryover Project Project Type: Traffic Signal Improvement Lead Department: Transportation

Project Description and Location Pedestrian signals will be installed at Wildflower Lane and Schaumburg Road and Weathersfield Way and Barrington Road.

Project Justification This will provides a safe crossing for pedestrians and bicyclists at two intersections that are high traffic locations.

Operating Impacts The village may be responsible for the pedestrian crossing signal maintenance at these two intersections.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design Previous $31,867 $0 $31,867 Not Applicable

Not Applicable Construction Previous $150,000 $0 $150,000 Construction Not Applicable Previous $15,000 $0 $15,000 Engineering Not Applicable Construction 2018-19 $25,000 $0 $25,000

Construction Not Applicable 2018-19 $5,000 $0 $5,000 Engineering

Project Total $226,867 $0 $226,867

Page 59 of 131 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Prairie Center Theatre Acoustical Treatment

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Building Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project will replace the existing acoustical treatment on the rear wall of the Al Larson Prairie Center for Arts theatre.

Project Justification The rear wall of the theatre is covered with an acoustical wall treatment and framed with decorative woodwork. The acoustical covering is falling off in some places, and worn bare in others; much of the woodwork is coming loose as well. Redesigning and replacing the treatment will result in aesthetic and acoustical improvement.

Operating Impacts None.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design 2018-19 $35,000 $0 $35,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2019-20 $150,000 $0 $150,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2019-20 $15,000 $0 $15,000 Not Applicable Engineering

Project Total $200,000 $0 $200,000

Page 60 of 131 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Public Safety Building Property Storage Room

Request Type: Continuing Project Project Type: Building Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location The Public Safety Building Property Storage Room would be redesigned with new shelving, pass through lockers, and an evidence processing work area. Separate vaults would be created for drugs, weapons and valuables to increase the security for these items to ensure best practices are being followed.

Project Justification The workspace is currently small, the pass through lockers are inadequate and the shelving is insufficient. This redesign will increase workspace, increase storage space and create a more secure, efficient property storage area. Best practices would mandate these rooms be kept under negative pressure ventilation. Currently these practices are not being followed due to inadequate storage areas. As a part of this project, lab ventilation would be added. Currently there is no ventilation in the lab. Proper ventilation is required when working with processing chemicals so an updated ventilation system would be beneficial.

Operating Impacts A more efficient, secure work space for processing and storing evidence will be provided.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design Previous $35,000 $0 $35,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2018-19 $566,500 $0 $605,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2018-19 $38,500 $0 $35,000 Not Applicable Engineering

Project Total $585,000 $0 $585,000

Page 61 of 131 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Sidewalk Matching Program – 2018

Request Type: Annual Program Project Type: Sidewalk Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location The program is offered to all residents. The homeowner initiates a request for the village to reimburse them for 50% of the cost of sidewalk replacement on public property in front of their home.

Project Justification This is an equitable solution to sidewalk replacement initiated by the homeowner.

Operating Impacts None.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Program or Purchase 2018-19 $5,000 $0 $5,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $5,000 $0 $5,000

Page 62 of 131 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Sidewalk Repair Program - 2018

Request Type: Annual Program Project Type: Sidewalk Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This is an annual program to replace sidewalk trip hazards and sidewalk drainage issues. With this program, Engineering and Public Works staff will replace the sidewalk in locations that a trip hazard has been reported by a resident or areas selected by village staff. This project also includes the concrete cutting of trip hazards on village sidewalks.

Project Justification Sidewalk throughout the village which presents a trip hazard will be replaced. The amount requested is based on the number of Customer Service Requests (CSR) received. The requested amount will be updated annually based on actual CSRs received. Our sidewalk replacement activities are not just confined to the sidewalk program; there is significant sidewalk that warrants replacement on those streets being prioritized for corrective resurfacing and reconstruction.

Operating Impacts This program will eliminate trip hazards and reduce the potential for accidents.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Construction 2018-19 $520,000 $0 $520,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $520,000 $0 $520,000

Page 63 of 131 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Street Identification Sign Replacements

Request Type: Continuing Project Project Type: Roadway Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This program is a multiyear project to replace all village street signs with signs that meet the new federal regulations. Work is scheduled by Engineering and Public Works work areas. • Stage 1 (FY 2017/18): Southwest & northern Schaumburg (Work areas E, R, and X) (completed) • Stage 2 (FY 2018/19): North of Schaumburg High School & northwest of Roselle & Wise Road (Works Areas G, I, & L). • Stage 3 (FY 2019/20): West of Town Square & east of Roselle Road between Schaumburg & Wise Roads (Work Areas M & N). • Stage 4 (FY 2020/21): South of Higgins Road & east of Plum Grove Road (Work Areas O, P, & Q). • Stage 5 (FY 2021/22): All signage not replaced in previous years.

Project Justification Based on new regulations, all street signs must be revised to meet MUTCD standards. This program provides outside help to the Public Works Department which is necessary due to the number of signs associated with 200 plus miles of roadway within the village.

Operating Impacts None.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Program or Purchase Previous $50,000 $0 $50,000 Not Applicable

Program or Purchase 2018-19 $50,000 $0 $50,000 Not Applicable

Program or Purchase 2019-20 $50,000 $0 $50,000 Not Applicable

Program or Purchase 2020-21 $50,000 $0 $50,000 Not Applicable

Program or Purchase 2021-22 $50,000 $0 $50,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $250,000 $0 $250,000

Page 64 of 131 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Street Light Gap Program

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Street Light Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project will include the installation of street lights along various streets within the village. Bi-annually street lights are added in residential areas to address residents request and larger phases are included to address gaps collector or industrial roads. Phase 1: Plum Grove Road north of Algonquin and Bode Road from Springinsguth to Braintree Phase 2: Mercury Drive from Wise to Irving Park and within the Centex Industrial Park Phase 3: American Lane east of Plum Grove

Project Justification The Village Board provided direction to provide more uniform street lighting throughout the village. The project was presented to the Engineering and Public Works Committee in September 2016.

Operating Impacts The project will result in new lights to maintain and energy costs associated with new street lighting.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Fiscal Non-Village Phase Cost Village Share Funding Year Funding Description Final Design – Phase 1 2018-19 $25,000 $0 $25,000 Not Applicable Construction – Phase 1 2018-19 $50,000 $0 $50,000 Not Applicable Construction – Phase 1 2019-20 $140,000 $0 $140,000 Not Applicable Construction 2019-20 $15,000 $0 $15,000 Not Applicable Engineering – Phase 1 Final Design – Phase 2 2020-21 $65,000 $0 $65,000 Not Applicable Construction – Phase 2 2021-22 $420,000 $0 $420,000 Not Applicable Construction 2021-22 $40,000 $0 $40,000 Not Applicable Engineering – Phase 2 Final Design – Phase 3 2022-23 $15,000 $0 $15,000 Not Applicable Construction - Phase 3 Beyond $110,000 $0 $110,000 Not Applicable Construction Beyond $15,000 $0 $15,000 Not Applicable Engineering – Phase 3 Plan

Project Total $895,000 $0 $895,000

Page 65 of 131 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Street Reconstruction Program - 2018

Request Type: Annual Program Project Type: Roadway Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project is an annual program in which various streets throughout the village are reconstructed based on their current condition. Street reconstruction is a procedure in which the street is completely removed and a new street is constructed in its place.

Project Justification This annual program provides rehabilitation strategies to the roadways to extend their useful life and improve rideability and safety. Per Village Board direction, $2 million of the $8 million street program is allocated to the worst streets and roadways in the village.

Operating Impacts After the completion of this work, the need for patching operations will decrease significantly.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design 2018-19 $35,000 $0 $35,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2018-19 $1,785,000 $0 $1,785,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2018-19 $180,000 $0 $180,000 Not Applicable Engineering

Project Total $2,000,000 $0 $2,000,000

Page 66 of 131 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Street Repair Program - 2018

Request Type: Annual Program Project Type: Roadway Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project is an annual program in which various streets throughout the village are repaired based on their current condition. Street resurfacing is a procedure in which a new asphalt overlay is applied approximately two inches thick, providing a new, smooth, long-lasting driving surface. Street reconstruction is a procedure in which the street is completely removed and a new street is constructed in its place. In addition, each year a list of streets receive a small overlay of asphalt surface treatment materials to extend the useful life of the pavement.

Project Justification This annual program provides maintenance and rehabilitation strategies to the roadways to extend their useful life and improve rideability and safety.

Operating Impacts After the completion of this work, the need for patching operations will decrease significantly.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design 2018-19 $110,000 $0 $110,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2018-19 $5,350,000 $0 $5,350,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2018-19 $540,000 $0 $540,000 Not Applicable Engineering

Project Total $6,000,000 $0 $6,000,000

Page 67 of 131

C APITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Section 4.5: Vital Streets Program Fund

Description of Fund:

The Vital Streets Program Fund contains only projects eligible for the Surface Transportation Program (STP) funding and other State and Federal grants. Over the past six months, staff has been informed that the Chicagoland Metropolitan Area for Planning (CMAP) will make changes to the way STP funds are distributed throughout the Chicagoland region. Although staff is confident that the roadways that have already been submitted to the Northwest Municipal Conference (NWMC) will receive the funding that has been committed, future projects will need to go through a more competitive process to receive funding.

In order to position the village to take advantage of available funding, the CIP proposes to accelerate the schedules for many of these projects. In this plan, the village would take on the financial responsibility for both Phase I and Phase II design, thus eliminating the need for IDOT review and reducing the time to get to bidding. This strategy allows for several Vital Streets projects to be construction–ready, should future funding be available.

In 2017/18, the village sold $7 million bonds in order to keep Vital Street Fund projects progressing and to leverage all available grant opportunities. This was the first of four bond sales needed to sustain this long-term plan.

In FY 2018/19, $13.6 million, of which the village’s share is $5.3 million, is budgeted in the Vital Streets Fund for the following eleven roadway projects:

• Preliminary design of Rodenburg Road (Irving Park to village limits), • preliminary and final design of Knollwood Drive (Golf to Bode), • final design of National Parkway (Higgins to Golf), • final design of Walnut Lane (Weathersfield to Schaumburg), • final design of State Parkway and National Parkway (Plum Grove to Tower), • final design of Woodfield Road (Martingale to East Frontage), • final design of Woodfield Road ( Meacham to Martingale) • and construction of Plum Grove Road (Golf to Wiley and Higgins to Golf).

Page 68 of 131 VITAL STREETS PROGRAM Knollwood Drive Improvements - Golf Road to Bode Road

Request Type: Continuing Project Project Type: Roadway Improvement Lead Department: Transportation

Project Description and Location This project consists of pavement reconstruction of Knollwood Drive from Golf Road to Bode Road.

Project Justification The roadway pavement is in poor condition and in need of replacement. The project will utilize available grant funding to minimize the cost to the village. When the pavement condition was tested in 2015, the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) was 17 out of 100.

Operating Impacts After completion of this work, the need for patching operations will decrease significantly.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Preliminary Design Previous $75,000 $0 $75,000 Not Applicable

Preliminary Design 2018-19 $15,000 $0 $15,000 Not Applicable

Final Design 2018-19 $200,000 $0 $200,000 Not Applicable

Final Design 2019-20 $150,000 $0 $150,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2019-20 $1,200,000 $960,000 $240,000 Pass Through

Construction 2019-20 $150,000 $120,000 $30,000 Reimbursement Engineering

Construction 2020-21 $2,200,000 $1,760,000 $440,000 Pass Through

Construction 2020-21 $275,000 $220,000 $55,000 Reimbursement Engineering

Project Total $4,265,000 $3,060,000 $1,205,000

Page 69 of 131 VITAL STREETS PROGRAM National Parkway - Woodfield to Golf

Request Type: Continuing Project Project Type: Roadway Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project consists of pavement reconstruction of National Parkway from Woodfield Road to Golf Road. A roundabout will be constructed at the intersection with American. Intersection improvements will be made at Woodfield Road and Golf Road. Lane geometrics and street lighting will also be improved. The existing 2-96" CMP culverts under National Parkway will be replaced with a single box culvert.

Project Justification The roadway pavement is in very poor condition and in need of replacement. When the pavement condition was tested in 2015, the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) was 25 out of 100. The project will utilize available grant funding to minimize the cost to the village; however, at this time there is a risk that grant funding will not be available due to reallocation of funding through CMAP.

Operating Impacts After the completion of this work, the need for patching operations will decrease significantly.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Fiscal Non-Village Village Phase Cost Funding Year Funding Share Description Preliminary Design Previous $289,000 $0 $289,000 Not Applicable Final Design 2018-19 $300,000 $150,000 $150,000 Reimbursement Final Design 2018-19 $90,000 $45,000 $45,000 Reimbursement (Water & Sewer Fund) Final Design 2019-20 $300,000 $150,000 $150,000 Reimbursement Final Design 2019-20 $90,000 $45,000 $45,000 Reimbursement (Water & Sewer Fund) Land Acquisition 2020-21 $300,000 $150,000 $150,000 Reimbursement Final Design 2020-21 $260,000 $130,000 $130,000 Reimbursement Final Design 2020-21 $30,000 $15,000 $15,000 Reimbursement (Water & Sewer Fund) Construction 2021-22 $7,700,000 $4,000,000 $3,700,000 Pass Through Construction 2021-22 $2,100,000 $0 $2,100,000 Not Applicable (Water & Sewer Fund) Construction Engineering 2021-22 $650,000 $0 $650,000 Not Applicable Construction Engineering 2021-22 $175,000 $0 $175,000 Not Applicable (Water & Sewer Fund)

Project Total $12,284,000 $4,685,000 $7,599,000

Page 70 of 131 VITAL STREETS PROGRAM Plum Grove Road Improvements - Golf Road to Wiley Road

Request Type: Continuing Project Project Type: Roadway Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project consists of pavement reconstruction of Plum Grove Road between Golf Road and Wiley Road. In addition, roundabouts will be constructed at the intersection of Plum Grove and Remington and Plum Grove and State.

Project Justification The roadway pavement is in very poor condition and in need of replacement. When the pavement condition was tested in 2015, the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) was 29 out of 100. The project will utilize available grant funding to minimize the cost to the village.

Operating Impacts After the completion of this work, the need for patching operations will be decreased significantly.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Preliminary Previous $374,890 $0 $374,890 Not Applicable Engineering Final Design Previous $650,000 $325,000 $325,000 Reimbursement

Land Acquisition Previous $555,000 $277,500 $277,500 Reimbursement

Construction 2018-19 $4,000,000 $3,100,000 $900,000 Pass Through Construction 2018-19 $500,000 $100,000 $400,000 Reimbursement Engineering Construction 2019-20 $3,725,000 $800,000 $2,925,000 Not Applicable Construction 2019-20 $480,000 $0 $480,000 Not Applicable Engineering

Project Total $10,284,890 $4,602,500 $5,682,390

Page 71 of 131 VITAL STREETS PROGRAM Plum Grove Road Improvements - Higgins Road to Golf Road

Request Type: Continuing Project Project Type: Roadway Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project consists of pavement reconstruction of Plum Grove Road between Higgins Road and Golf Road.

Project Justification The roadway pavement is in very poor condition and in need of replacement. When the pavement condition was tested in 2015, the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) was 34 out of 100. The project will utilize available grant funding to minimize the cost to the village.

Operating Impacts After the completion of this work, the need for patching operations will be decreased significantly.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Preliminary Previous $63,000 $0 $63,000 Not Applicable Engineering Final Design Previous $612,000 $306,000 $306,000 Reimbursement

Land Acquisition Previous $374,000 $187,000 $187,000 Reimbursement

Construction 2018-19 $5,900,000 $3,900,000 $2,000,000 Pass Through

Construction 2018-19 $655,000 $100,000 $555,000 Reimbursement Engineering

Project Total $7,604,000 $4,493,000 $3,111,000

Page 72 of 131 VITAL STREETS PROGRAM Rodenburg Road Improvements - Irving Park Road to Village Limits

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Roadway Improvement Lead Department: Transportation

Project Description and Location This project consists of pavement reconstruction of Rodenburg Road from Irving Park Road to the village’s limits. The project will be designed and constructed with the Village of Roselle to continue the project from the village limits to Central Avenue. The costs below represent only the Village of Schaumburg's costs.

Project Justification The roadway pavement is in poor condition and in need of replacement. The project will utilize available grant funding to minimize the cost to the village.

Operating Impacts After completion of this work, the need for patching operations will be decreased significantly.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Preliminary Previous $100,000 $50,000 $50,000 Reimbursement Engineering Preliminary 2018-19 $100,000 $50,000 $50,000 Reimbursement Engineering Final Design 2019-20 $200,000 $100,000 $100,000 Reimbursement

Final Design 2020-21 $100,000 $50,000 $50,000 Reimbursement

Land Acquisition 2020-21 $100,000 $50,000 $50,000 Reimbursement

Pass Through Construction 2021-22 $2,000,000 $1,800,000 $200,000 and Reimbursement Construction 2021-22 $300,000 $270,000 $30,000 Reimbursement Engineering

Project Total $2,900,000 $2,420,000 $480,000

Page 73 of 131 VITAL STREETS PROGRAM State Parkway and National Parkway Improvements

Request Type: Continuing Project Project Type: Roadway Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project consists of the reconstruction of State Parkway and National Parkway in the northern Schaumburg Industrial Park. Per the Village Board approved design (5/12/15), the roadway pavement will be narrowed based on the daily traffic volumes and safety concerns.

Project Justification The roadway pavement is in very poor condition and in need of replacement. The project will utilize available grant funding to minimize the cost to the village. When the pavement condition was tested in 2015, the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) was 48 out of 100. This testing was completed after significant patching was completed.

Operating Impacts After the completion of this work, the need for patching operations will decrease significantly.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Preliminary Previous $200,000 $0 $200,000 Not Applicable Engineering Final Design Previous $450,000 $225,000 $225,000 Reimbursement

Land Acquisition Previous $250,000 $125,000 $125,000 Reimbursement

Final Design 2018-19 $150,000 $75,000 $75,000 Reimbursement

Land Acquisition 2018-19 $450,000 $225,000 $225,000 Reimbursement

Construction 2019-20 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $1,000,000 Pass Through Construction 2019-20 $550,000 $0 $550,000 Not Applicable Engineering

Project Total $7,050,000 $4,650,000 $2,400,000

Page 74 of 131 VITAL STREETS PROGRAM Walnut Lane Improvements - Weathersfield Way to Schaumburg Road

Request Type: Continuing Project Project Type: Roadway Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project consists of pavement reconstruction of Walnut Lane from Weathersfield Way to Schaumburg Road.

Project Justification The roadway pavement is in poor condition and in need of replacement. The project will utilize available grant funding to minimize the cost to the village; however, at this time there is a risk that grant funding will not be available due to reallocation of funding throughout the CMAP region.

Operating Impacts After completion of this work, the need for patching operations will decrease significantly.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Preliminary Design Previous $140,000 $0 $140,000 Not Applicable

Final Design 2018-19 $200,000 $0 $200,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2019-20 $2,800,000 $2,240,000 $560,000 Pass Through

Construction 2019-20 $400,000 $320,000 $80,000 Reimbursement Engineering

Project Total $3,540,000 $2,560,000 $980,000

Page 75 of 131 VITAL STREETS PROGRAM Woodfield Road Improvements - Martingale Road to East Frontage Road

Request Type: Continuing Project Project Type: Roadway Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project consists of pavement reconstruction of Woodfield Road from Martingale Road to East Frontage Road.

Project Justification The roadway pavement is in very poor condition and in need of replacement. The project will utilize available grant funding to minimize the cost to the village. When the pavement condition was tested in 2015, the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) was 32 out of 100. Approximately 20,000 vehicles use this roadway everyday. The completion of this project will result in a clean, uniform gateway to this important area of the village.

Operating Impacts After the completion of this work, the need for patching operations will decrease significantly.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Preliminary Previous $168,000 $0 $168,000 Not Applicable Engineering Final Design Previous $250,000 $125,000 $125,000 Reimbursement

Land Acquisition Previous $50,000 $25,000 $25,000 Reimbursement

Final Design 2018-19 $300,000 $150,000 $150,000 Reimbursement

Land Acquisition 2018-19 $300,000 $150,000 $150,000 Reimbursement

Construction 2019-20 $5,300,000 $4,240,000 $1,060,000 Pass Through

Construction 2019-20 $530,000 $424,000 $106,000 Reimbursement Engineering

Project Total $6,898,000 $5,114,000 $1,784,000

Page 76 of 131 VITAL STREETS PROGRAM Woodfield Road Improvements - Meacham Road to Martingale Road

Request Type: Continuing Project Project Type: Roadway Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project consists of pavement reconstruction of Woodfield Road from Meacham Road to Martingale Road.

Project Justification The roadway pavement is in poor condition and in need of replacement. The project will utilize available grant funding to minimize the cost to the village. When the pavement condition was tested in 2015, the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) was 30 out of 100. The completion of this project will result in a clean, uniform gateway to this important area of the village.

Operating Impacts After completion of this work, the need for patching operations will decrease significantly.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Preliminary Previous $147,264 $0 $147,264 Not Applicable Engineering Final Design Previous $500,000 $250,000 $250,000 Reimbursement

Land Acquisition Previous $100,000 $50,000 $50,000 Reimbursement

Final Design 2018-19 $50,000 $25,000 $25,000 Reimbursement

Land Acquisition 2018-19 $440,000 $220,000 $220,000 Reimbursement

Construction 2019-20 $5,100,000 $4,000,000 $1,100,000 Pass Through Construction 2019-20 $500,000 $0 $500,000 Not Applicable Engineering

Project Total $6,837,264 $4,545,000 $2,292,264

Page 77 of 131


S ection 4.6: Airport Fund

Description of Fund:

The Airport Fund is accountable for all revenue and expenses related to operations and capital projects at the Schaumburg Regional Airport. The Airport Federal Entitlement Allocations are used to offset some of the capital projects in the Airport Fund. In FY 2018/19, funds are being carried over for continued rehabilitation of the pavement in the T-Hangars.

Page 78 of 131 AIRPORT FUND Airport T-Hangar Pavement Rehabilitation

Request Type: Carryover Project Project Type: Airport Improvement Lead Department: Transportation

Project Description and Location This project will rehabilitate T-Hangar and taxiway pavement and re-mark parallel taxiway pavement between hangars A, B and C. The project will result in better taxiways to the aircraft hangars and better drainage for water that currently accumulates in this area.

Project Justification In the annual airport safety inspections that are required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), IDOT personnel identified pavement sections were evaluated as below state standards and taxiway pavement markings were identified as in need of re-marking.

Operating Impacts The completed project would provide improved pavement, reduce maintenance and result in proper striping that meets standards.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Preliminary Design Previous $17,500 $9,000 $8,500 Reimbursement

Final Design Previous $17,500 $9,000 $8,500 Reimbursement

Construction 2018-19 $122,500 $63,000 $59,500 Pass Through

Construction 2018-19 $17,500 $9,000 $8,500 Reimbursement Engineering

Project Total $175,000 $90,000 $85,000

Page 79 of 131


Section 4.7: Commuter Lot Fund

Description of Fund:

The Commuter Lot Fund is accountable for all revenue and expenses related to operations and capital projects at the Commuter Lot. Parking fee revenue is used to offset some of the capital projects in the fund. Funds are being budgeted in FY 2018/19 for replacement of the fence in the commuter lot and annual sealcoating.

Page 80 of 131 COMMUTER LOT FUND Commuter Lot Fence Replacement

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Parking Lot Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location A 2,040 foot long wood privacy fence will be replaced at the Commuter Lot running past the ballpark.

Project Justification The fence is aging and reaching end of life. Annual maintenance has occurred, but the overall appearance and durability of the entire structure has been compromised in many locations. Some of the galvanized posts can be used, but many have been compromised, are leaning, or are at end of life.

Operating Impacts Reduced maintenance expenses to repair the fence.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Construction 2018-19 $37,500 $0 $37,500 Not Applicable (Commuter Lot) Construction 2018-19 $37,500 $0 $37,500 Not Applicable (Baseball Stadium)

Project Total $75,000 $0 $75,000

Page 81 of 131 COMMUTER LOT FUND Commuter Lot Sealcoating - 2018

Request Type: Annual Program Project Type: Parking Lot Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project consists of sealcoating of the commuter lot to extend the useful life of the pavement. The anticipated cost increases approximately 3.5% over the previous year's cost based on historic trends.

Project Justification This is required maintenance to increase the useful life of this lot.

Operating Impacts None.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Construction 2018-19 $43,000 $0 $43,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $43,000 $0 $43,000

Page 82 of 131

Capital Improvement Plan Section 5.8: Baseball Stadium Fund

Description of Fund:

This fund encompasses all expenses related to the Baseball Stadium. Projects identified as Capital Projects in the Baseball Stadium Fund are those projects that are too large to be included in the operating budget. The village’s Baseball Fund is financed by contributions from the Village of Schaumburg, the Schaumburg Park District, and contractual obligations from the Schaumburg Boomers.

To keep the stadium fresh and attractive to patrons, staff engaged a consultant, with expertise in minor league baseball design and marketing, to take a comprehensive look at the baseball stadium in 2017. From this analysis, a five year capital improvement plan has been proposed that will be financed by the village and park district through the sale of $10 million in bonds, starting with $5 million in FY 2018/19, to ensure the stadium remains competitive in the local market.

FY 2018/19 will be the first year of this five year capital improvement plan. There are eleven capital projects included in the Baseball Stadium Fund which include repairs to outstanding maintenance items, installation of a group picnic area, installation of an operable window wall system in the Schaumburg Club, construction of outdoor suite seating and replacement of general stadium seating.

Page 83 of 131 BASEBALL STADIUM FUND Baseball Stadium - Concrete Under Seating And Storage Area

Request Type: Carryover Project Project Type: Building Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location Concrete will be placed under stadium precast riser seating and stadium storage area and all materials will be removed from the under seating storage area. Two to three inch concrete will be laid to provide a clean, dry and useable storage area. Design was completed on this project in FY 2016/17.

Project Justification Existing areas are gravel and have become impacted with clay dust marking chalk and other easy to track debris.

Operating Impacts Reduction of dust, sand and dirt influx into the facility will result in easier housekeeping and a better fan experience

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design Previous $5,100 $0 $5,100 Not Applicable

Construction 2018-19 $77,000 $0 $77,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $82,100 $0 $82,100

Page 84 of 131 BASEBALL STADIUM FUND Baseball Stadium - Elevator Control System

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Building Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location The elevator control system for the main passenger elevator at the ballpark will be replaced.

Project Justification The current unit is very unique and has outlived its useful life. On multiple occasions, the elevator has become stuck and experienced operational issues with ballpark patrons on board during and after baseball games.

Operating Impacts Less maintenance for elevators.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Program or 2018-19 $50,000 $0 $50,000 Not Applicable Purchase

Project Total $50,000 $0 $50,000

Page 85 of 131 BASEBALL STADIUM FUND Baseball Stadium – Group Picnic Area - Concrete

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Building Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project consists of placing concrete in the existing turf area where the large picnic area currently is set up.

Project Justification The Boomers currently set up tents with tables and chairs on a turf surface. This concrete pad will provide a better surface to set up table and chairs to host large parties and pre-game events.

Operating Impacts The improvement will add future maintenance costs to the ballpark as this area is currently turf and requires not maintenance by the village

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design 2018-19 $16,500 $0 $16,500 Not Applicable

Construction 2018-19 $120,000 $0 $120,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $136,500 $0 $136,500

Page 86 of 131 BASEBALL STADIUM FUND Baseball Stadium – Life Safety or Large Maintenance Items

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Building Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project consists of addressing the various life safety items noted by the consultant during their review of the baseball stadium.

Project Justification As owners of the facility, these various items are basic maintenance needs that are required for upkeep of the building.

Operating Impacts This improvement will reduce the need for maintenance items at the ballpark.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Construction 2018-19 $690,000 $0 $690,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $690,000 $0 $690,000

Page 87 of 131 BASEBALL STADIUM FUND Baseball Stadium – Outdoor Suites

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Building Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project takes the top four rows of six sections and converts them to a suite area right off the concourse.

Project Justification Currently there are no group areas or special seating in the seating bowl and this would be a new feature to help the team sell tickets and increase attendance at the ballpark.

Operating Impacts The improvement will add future maintenance costs to the ballpark as this type of seating arrangement will be new to the park.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design 2018-19 $10,000 $0 $10,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2018-19 $200,000 $0 $200,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2019-20 $420,000 $0 $420,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $630,000 $0 $630,000

Page 88 of 131 BASEBALL STADIUM FUND Baseball Stadium - Parking Lot Sealcoating - 2018

Request Type: Annual Program Project Type: Parking Lot Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project consists of sealcoating of the ballpark parking lot to extend the useful life of the pavement. The anticipated cost increases approximately 3.5% over the previous year's cost based on historic trends. These improvements include the west parking facility for the Schaumburg Ballpark.

Project Justification This is required maintenance to increase the useful life of this lot.

Operating Impacts None.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Construction 2018-19 $65,000 $0 $65,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $65,000 $0 $65,000

Page 89 of 131 BASEBALL STADIUM FUND Baseball Stadium – Professional Services for Project Management

Request Type: Annual Program Project Type: Building Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project consists of hiring an architectural firm to act as the project manager for the baseball stadium update program.

Project Justification Given the signficant increase in projects at the Baseball Stadium, current Engineering Division staff do not have the resources to manage the four to six projects per year these improvements will create.

Operating Impacts The improvement will not affect operating budgets because this is a one-time fee for project management.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design 2018-19 $175,000 $0 $175,000 Not Applicable

Final Design 2019-20 $170,000 $0 $170,000 Not Applicable

Final Design 2020-21 $295,000 $0 $295,000 Not Applicable

Final Design 2021-22 $325,000 $0 $325,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $965,000 $0 $965,000

Page 90 of 131 BASEBALL STADIUM FUND Baseball Stadium – Safety Netting Extension

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Building Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project consists of extending the existing netting to the edge of the seating within the bowl area.

Project Justification Based on recent events in the major leagues with foul balls and litigation, extending the netting would provide additional safety.

Operating Impacts The improvement will add future maintenance costs to the ballpark as this is an extension to the existing netting.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Construction 2018-19 $120,000 $0 $120,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $120,000 $0 $120,000

Page 91 of 131 BASEBALL STADIUM FUND Baseball Stadium – Schaumburg Club Operable Window Wall System

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Building Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project would remove the existing windows in the Schaumburg Club and replace them with an operable window wall system and rail.

Project Justification Currently the Schaumburg Club doesn’t have windows that open to connect the club to the game. Having a connection to the game would help the team sell tickets and increase attendance at the ballpark.

Operating Impacts The improvement will add future maintenance costs to the ballpark as the current window system is fixed and has no moving parts.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design 2018-19 $10,000 $0 $10,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2018-19 $250,000 $0 $250,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $260,000 $0 $260,000

Page 92 of 131 BASEBALL STADIUM FUND Baseball Stadium – Stadium Seating Replacement

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Building Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This is a four year project that will remove the old seats and replace with new seats.

Project Justification The current seats are almost 20 years old and are reaching their useful life expectancy.

Operating Impacts This improvement will reduce the need for maintenance items at the ballpark.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Construction 2018-19 $250,000 $0 $250,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2019-20 $250,000 $0 $250,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2020-21 $250,000 $0 $250,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2021-22 $250,000 $0 $250,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $1,000,000 $0 $1,000,000

Page 93 of 131

CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Section 4.9: Utility Fund

Description of Fund:

The Utility Fund is dedicated to projects that address the maintenance and replacement of water mains, sanitary sewers, storm sewers and related buildings throughout the village. Typical projects include area water main replacements, culvert replacements and sliplining of pipes. Other projects may include those related to utility related buildings such as well houses, pump houses and water towers.

In 2015, the village hired Engineering Enterprises Inc. to conduct an analysis and compile a long range plan for the village’s water, storm and sanitary sewer systems. The capital improvements that are in this five year plan are founded on recommendations from that study in addition to other projects that have been identified by staff.

Major projects include the final year of water meter replacements ($1.8 million), replacement of water main in the W-Section of the village (1.8 million), rehabilitation of the lift station on Walnut Lane ($1.3 million), and continued drainage improvements on Braintree and Weathersfield ($610,000).

Page 94 of 131 WATER AND SEWER FUND Braintree and Weathersfield Drainage Improvements

Request Type: Continuing Project Project Type: Water/Sewer Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project will rehabilitate the storm sewers near Braintree and Weathersfield. Rehabilitation options are to remove and replace old pipes or remove and line the old pipes. Stage I – Orleans Lane By-Pass Storm Sewer (Previously Completed) Stage II – Falmouth Sewer Relocation and Braintree Drive Outfall Storm Sewer Stage III – Weathersfield Way at Braintree Drive Storm Sewer Extension Stave IV – 48” Storm Sewer Lining

Project Justification These pipes are Corrugated Metal Pipe (CMP) and are starting to show signs of failure and reduced volume in the pipe to carry the water downstream.

Operating Impacts If these pipes do not carry their designed volume, the system will surcharge and begin to flood the intersection of Braintree and Weathersfield.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Fiscal Non-Village Phase Cost Village Share Funding Year Funding Description Final Design – Stage II Previous $60,000 $0 $60,000 Not Applicable Construction – Stage II 2018-19 $500,000 $0 $500,000 Not Applicable Construction 2018-19 $50,000 $0 $50,000 Not Applicable Engineering – Stage II Final Design – Stage III 2018-19 $60,000 $0 $60,000 Not Applicable Construction – Stage III 2019-20 $375,000 $0 $375,000 Not Applicable Construction 2019-20 $35,000 $0 $35,000 Not Applicable Engineering – Stage III Final Design – Stage IV 2019-20 $60,000 $0 $60,000 Not Applicable Construction – Stage IV 2020-21 $300,000 $0 $300,000 Not Applicable Construction 2020-21 $30,000 $0 $30,000 Not Applicable Engineering – Stage IV

Project Total $1,470,000 $0 $1,470,000

Page 95 of 131 WATER AND SEWER FUND Kristin/Hillcrest Water Main Improvement

Request Type: Continuing Project Project Type: Water/Sewer Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location A new water main will be installed between Kristin Drive and Hillcrest Drive.

Project Justification This will create a redundant loop allowing a second point of water service to the new hotels along with the existing homes and business located at the northwest corner of Roselle Road and Hillcrest Drive.

Operating Impacts This would result in an additional water main to be maintained by the village.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design Previous $12,000 $0 $12,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2018-19 $105,000 $0 $105,000 Not Applicable Construction 2018-19 $10,500 $0 $10,500 Not Applicable Engineering

Project Total $127,500 $0 $127,500

Page 96 of 131 WATER AND SEWER FUND Lift Station Construction - Cedar Court

Request Type: Carryover Project Project Type: Water/Sewer Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project will install a new lift station to replace the sanitary sewer mainline along Cedar Court and Cedarcrest Lane within the Timbercrest Subdivision. The lift station design plans are still being finalized with the developer.

Project Justification Currently, the sanitary sewer on Cedar Court must be cleaned once a year to prevent backups as this sewer is flat or slightly back pitched. This project will improve the flows in the area and allow for additional sanitary flow from the proposed development in the unincorporated parcel along Schaumburg Road.

Operating Impacts Reduce the amount of flushing and cleaning on this section of sanitary sewer. Additional maintenance for new lift station.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design Previous $15,000 $0 $15,000 Not Applicable

Construction Previous $325,000 $0 $325,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2018-19 $300,000 $0 $300,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $640,000 $0 $640,000

Page 97 of 131 WATER AND SEWER FUND Lift Station Rehabilitation - Walnut Lane

Request Type: Continuing Project Project Type: Water/Sewer Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project will provide for remote monitoring of the pumps and controls at the Walnut Lane lift station. There is an existing structure onsite, which may be expanded to provide a room for the backup generator.

Project Justification The current pumps were rebuilt in 1992 and in order to provide reliable service to the residents and business in the village, the pumps and controls will be replaced and updated to provide better service and remote monitoring. An addition to include the new electrical controls and a site back- up generator will also be included in the scope of work.

Operating Impacts Operational costs and time will be reduced by not having to complete repairs to the newer equipment. The new equipment will have more automated systems to allow staff to check and change settings on the equipment from a computer and reduce the need to drive to the station.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design Previous $125,000 $0 $125,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2018-19 $1,150,000 $0 $1,150,000 Not Applicable Construction 2018-19 $115,000 $0 $115,000 Not Applicable Engineering

Project Total $1,390,000 $0 $1,390,000

Page 98 of 131 WATER AND SEWER FUND Overhead Sewer Installation Asst Program - 2018

Request Type: Annual Program Project Type: Water/Sewer Improvement Lead Department: Community Development

Project Description and Location This project consists of removing the sump pump connection from the sanitary sewer and connecting them to the storm sewer and/or installing overhead sewers in lower level of homes to reduce the chance of sewer backup into the home. The cost will be split evenly between the resident and the village up to a maximum of $5,000.

Project Justification Currently there are homes in the village which have their sump pump connected to the sanitary sewer and not the storm sewer. When these houses were built, this was common practice. Illinois code requires the sump pump and footing drains to be disconnected from any sanitary sewer service line. By removing the sump pump or footing drain from the sanitary lines, the aging sanitary sewer system will have greater capacity than it presently has. Both IEPA and MWRD are requiring communities to follow up on reducing Inflow and Infiltration (I & I), and one way to accomplish this reduction is by eliminating any direct storm water connections to the sanitary sewer system. There has been one applicant for the program during the last year, and 15 residents have taken advantage of this program over the last five years.

Operating Impacts This will reduce I/I in sanitary sewers which lessens the risk of sanitary sewer surcharging and capacity issues.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Program or Purchase 2018-19 $6,000 $0 $6,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $6,000 $0 $6,000

Page 99 of 131 WATER AND SEWER FUND Performance Contracting for Utility Improvements

Request Type: Carryover Project Project Type: Water/Sewer Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project will be continuation of the Performance Contract that was awarded to Johnson Controls in early 2017. The SCADA Upgrades include replacing the existing SCADA Server, software, RTUs, and telemetry system.

Project Justification The water system scope goal is to update instrumentation and control to effectively minimize water loss, manage storage volumes and optimize energy use. The new sequence of work will operate the pumps during off-peak hours and use the new pumps installed in this scope of work. This will result in a reduction of electric energy cost and eliminating demand costs by shifting 765 kW to off-peak operation. The total electric energy and electric demand savings are $60,544 per year.

Operating Impacts Reduction in maintenance costs, energy costs and labor hours due to newer equipment with automated controls.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Construction Previous $4,500,000 $0 $4,500,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2018-19 $201,034 $0 $201,034 Not Applicable

Project Total $4,701,034 $0 $4,701,034

Page 100 of 131 WATER AND SEWER FUND Professional Services for Stormwater Projects - 2018

Request Type: Annual Program Project Type: Water/Sewer Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This is an annual program that allows for miscellaneous professional services to determine feasibility and scope of existing and potential stormwater projects. Services will be contracted as needed to assist staff in preparing reports, cost estimates or design plans to better evaluate stormwater needs. Construction inspection services may also be provided.

Project Justification These professional services will provide staff with the needed expertise in determining appropriate scopes of work and accurate cost estimates for various stormwater related projects.

Operating Impacts None.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design 2018-19 $60,000 $0 $60,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $60,000 $0 $60,000

Page 101 of 131 WATER AND SEWER FUND Sanitary and Storm Sewer Individual Basin Modeling

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Water/Sewer Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location Individual basin modeling is used to help predict flows, identify bottlenecks and demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed solutions. This will allow the village to strategically manage their sanitary and storm water systems, weighing the costs and benefits of potential projects and system modifications. The program would focus on the North Braintree sanitary basin in year one then move to either Campanelli Park storm sewer basin or South Braintree South sanitary basin. Because of the size of South Braintree that area will be phased in over two years.

Project Justification Upon strategic discussions with consulting firms it was recognized a modified modeling and information gathering approach would be necessary in lieu of the significant financial commitment to a full model. The most cost effective approach looked at addressing individual basins to address known and potential problems.

Operating Impacts The plan will help meet EPA requirements by identifying methods to reduce sanitary sewer overflows and reduce storm water flooding.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Study 2018-19 $140,000 $0 $140,000 Not Applicable

Study 2019-20 $140,000 $0 $140,000 Not Applicable

Study 2020-21 $140,000 $0 $140,000 Not Applicable

Study 2021-22 $140,000 $0 $140,000 Not Applicable

Study 2022-23 $140,000 $0 $140,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $700,000 $0 $700,000

Page 102 of 131 WATER AND SEWER FUND Sanitary Sewer MWRD IICP Requirements and Management Program - Kessel Park Basin

Request Type: Annual Program Project Type: Water/Sewer Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This will include flow monitoring, a sanitary sewer evaluation study (SSES), construction design, construction, construction observation, review and grade existing CCTV footage and submittal of the annual MWRD reports to meet MWRD IICP requirements.

Project Justification The program is working toward reducing sanitary sewer overflows (SSO) as mandated by the MWRD IICP program. The IICP program requires Schaumburg to annually review 2% of its 250 miles of sanitary sewer and then address any deficiencies identified.

Operating Impacts This will help reduce the number of sanitary basement back-ups and sanitary sewer overflows during heavy rain events.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design Previous $15,000 $0 $15,000 Not Applicable

Construction (SSES) Previous $30,000 $0 $30,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2018-19 $160,000 $0 $160,000 Not Applicable Construction 2018-19 $15,000 $0 $15,000 Not Applicable Engineering

Project Total $220,000 $0 $220,000

Page 103 of 131 WATER AND SEWER FUND Sanitary Sewer MWRD IICP Requirements and Management Program - North Braintree

Request Type: Annual Program Project Type: Water/Sewer Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This will include flow monitoring, a sanitary sewer evaluation study (SSES), construction design, construction, construction observation, review and grade existing CCTV footage and submittal of the annual MWRD reports to meet MWRD IICP requirements.

Project Justification The program is working toward reducing sanitary sewer overflows (SSO) as mandated by the MWRD IICP program. The IICP program requires Schaumburg to annually review 2% of its 250 miles of sanitary sewer and then address any deficiencies identified.

Operating Impacts This will help reduce the number of sanitary basement back-ups and sanitary sewer overflows during heavy rain events.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design 2018-19 $40,000 $0 $40,000 Not Applicable

Construction (SSES) 2018-19 $90,000 $0 $90,000 Not Applicable Program or Purchase – Flow 2018-19 $90,000 $0 $90,000 Not Applicable Monitoring Construction 2019-20 $400,000 $0 $400,000 Not Applicable Construction 2019-20 $40,000 $0 $40,000 Not Applicable Engineering

Project Total $660,000 $0 $660,000

Page 104 of 131 WATER AND SEWER FUND Sanitary Sewer MWRD IICP Requirements and Management Program - Walnut Basin

Request Type: Carryover Project Project Type: Water/Sewer Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This will include flow monitoring, a sanitary sewer evaluation study, construction design, construction, construction observation, review and grade existing CCTV footage and submittal of the annual MWRD reports to meet MWRD IICP requirements.

Project Justification The program is working toward reducing sanitary sewer overflows (SSO) as mandated by the MWRD IICP program.

Operating Impacts This will help reduce the number of sanitary basement back-ups and sanitary sewer overflows during heavy rain events.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Construction 2018-19 $200,000 $0 $200,000 Not Applicable Construction 2018-19 $15,000 $0 $15,000 Not Applicable Engineering

Project Total $215,000 $0 $215,000

Page 105 of 131 WATER AND SEWER FUND Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation - Cedarcrest

Request Type: Annual Program Project Type: Water/Sewer Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This program addresses the rehabilitation to the village sanitary sewer system to maintain and improve the conveyance of sewerage to the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District’s (MWRD) interceptor sewers and then to area sewerage treatment plants. Repair and rehabilitation work may include slip lining sewer segments, manhole repairs, or replacement of sewer segments. The goal of the rehabilitation is to improve the conveyance of the sewerage and to minimize the introduction of storm water into the sanitary sewer system. In FY 2018/19, pipes will be rehabilitated in the Cedarcrest area.

Project Justification The aging sanitary sewer system infrastructure constantly needs to be maintained and improved. The introduction of too much storm water into the sanitary sewer system can cause the system to back up and potentially cause safety and health concerns. Local and federal requirements for sewerage flows also must be maintained by the village.

Operating Impacts This will reduce staff time and material to repair sanitary sewer breaks and back ups.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Construction 2018-19 $500,000 $0 $500,000 Not Applicable Construction 2018-19 $50,000 $0 $50,000 Not Applicable Engineering

Project Total $550,000 $0 $550,000

Page 106 of 131 WATER AND SEWER FUND Springinsguth Culvert Expansion

Request Type: Continuing Project Project Type: Water/Sewer Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location An additional box culvert will be added to the existing culvert under Springinsguth Road. The project also includes downstream channel improvements to provide storm water compensatory storage.

Project Justification This project will help eliminate flooding of the West Branch of the DuPage River and provide better flow from the Village of Schaumburg to the Village of Hanover Park.

Operating Impacts This project will lower the elevation of flood waters along the West Branch of the DuPage River and may reduce the resources needed to assist residents and motorists dealing with flooding conditions.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design Previous $75,000 $0 $75,000 Not Applicable

Final Design 2018-19 $150,000 $0 $150,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2019-20 $1,500,000 $0 $1,500,000 Not Applicable Construction 2019-20 $150,000 $0 $150,000 Not Applicable Engineering

Project Total $1,875,000 $0 $1,875,000

Page 107 of 131 WATER AND SEWER FUND Storm Sewer Analysis and Rehabilitation - 2018

Request Type: Annual Program Project Type: Water/Sewer Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project will be used to analyze the village's aging storm sewer system and the rehabilitation of any storm sewers found in need or repair or replacement. In FY 2018/19, the CMP pipes along Jeffery Lane, the rear yards of Standish and Thorney Lea Court will be cleaned and televised.

Project Justification CMP pipe has a life expectancy of approximately 40 years. A majority of all CMP pipe has reached it's life expectancy today with the rest over the next 20 years. Based on previous storm sewer televising, a point repair is required in the CMP pipe.

Operating Impacts This will improve the conveyance of water leading to a reduction of flooding from failed pipes.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Program or 2018-19 $50,000 $0 $50,000 Not Applicable Purchase

Project Total $50,000 $0 $50,000

Page 108 of 131 WATER AND SEWER FUND Storm Sewer Rehabilitation for the Street Program - 2018

Request Type: Annual Program Project Type: Water/Sewer Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project allocates money for storm sewer rehabilitation related to the annual street program.

Project Justification Staff evaluates the conditions of the storm sewer on the proposed streets for the annual street program and will determine if any storm sewers need to be repaired, replaced, or added. The village saves money on restoration costs by doing this during the construction related with the street program.

Operating Impacts Reduced staff time and material to repair failing storm sewer.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Construction 2018-19 $150,000 $0 $150,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $150,000 $0 $150,000

Page 109 of 131 WATER AND SEWER FUND Summit Drive Culvert at Kenilworth Lane

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Water/Sewer Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project will address the existing twin CMP culverts under Summit Drive, near Kenilworth Lane. It is anticipated the existing culverts will be lined to minimize the disturbance to the surrounding areas.

Project Justification The existing CMP culverts are show signs of failure. By rehabilitating the metal pipes, the road will have proper support and continue to provide safe passage for residents.

Operating Impacts This will help better convey storm water and reduce maintenance.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design 2018-19 $25,000 $0 $25,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2019-20 $250,000 $0 $250,000 Not Applicable Construction 2019-20 $25,000 $0 $25,000 Not Applicable Engineering

Project Total $300,000 $0 $300,000

Page 110 of 131 WATER AND SEWER FUND Water Bulk Filling Station

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Water/Sewer Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location The new bulk water filling station will be located on Engineering and Public Works property, 714 S. Plum Grove Road. This will entail replacing the current filling station being utilized which is a fire hydrant to a new vending style machine to distribute and track water sold.

Project Justification This project is intended to automate the record keeping of purchased water. Additionally, this will move the filling station from inside EPW grounds to a public location near the fueling island outside the perimeter fence. This should add a security element not achievable with the current configuration.

Operating Impacts By eliminating the honor system it is believed that additional revenue will be received and an additional level of security will be achieved.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Construction 2018-19 $75,000 $0 $75,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $75,000 $0 $75,000

Page 111 of 131 WATER AND SEWER FUND Water Main Replacement - W-Section

Request Type: Annual Program Project Type: Water/Sewer Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project consists of the replacement of the existing 4600 linear feet of water main and the water service from the main to the b-box. In FY 2017/18, additional water main will be designed with replacement scheduled for FY 2018/19.

Project Justification Areas to be replaced have shown a history of water main breaks with a higher probability to require a repair in the future. This program will provide a measure of preventative maintenance to reduce staff time on water main break repairs.

Operating Impacts Operational costs and time will be reduced by not having to repair the water main breaks. Staff will need to operate valves during construction.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design Previous $50,000 $0 $50,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2018-19 $1,700,000 $0 $1,700,000 Not Applicable Construction 2018-19 $125,000 $0 $125,000 Not Applicable Engineering

Project Total $1,875,000 $0 $1,875,000

Page 112 of 131 WATER AND SEWER FUND Water Meter Transmitter Replacement - 2018

Request Type: Annual Program Project Type: Water/Sewer Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This is the fourth and final year of a program aimed at replacing MTU transmitters associated with approximately 12,400 of the water meters within the village. The program starts in the northeast part of the village and will work clockwise through completion. This budget allows for replacement of the final 3,000 units.

Project Justification The batteries for the water meters have a useful life of 10 to 20 years. This project will replace the batteries around year 10 and 11 to ensure the meters continue to work. Based on conversations with other municipalities with similar MTUs, breaking this down into additional years may result in failures of up to 200 units per month that would need to be replaced on an emergency basis and the water bills estimated.

Operating Impacts Due to battery life restrictions it is necessary to replace batteries on the water meter transmitters. This will allow continuous operation of the water meter reading system without interruption. Additionally, a number of antiquated meters will be replaced which affect the meter reading accuracy of the system.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Program or 2018-19 $1,500,000 $0 $1,500,000 Not Applicable Purchase

Project Total $1,500,000 $0 $1,500,000

Page 113 of 131 WATER AND SEWER FUND Water Model and Master Plan

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Water/Sewer Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This plan will update a system wide model to illustrate the effects of changing demand and infrastructure improvements to the water distribution system.

Project Justification This is used to predict flows, identify points of restriction and demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed solutions to the current water system. By testing different alternatives and using the existing system to full advantage, models help utilities minimize the cost of improvements. The last model was completed in 2008. Since a model already exists this update is being driven by Fire Department needs for a current model to gain maximum points for the ISO accreditation. If completed the Fire Department may have the opportunity to move from a class 2 to class 1 ISO fire system.

Operating Impacts If completed the commercial fire insurance rates throughout the village could be lowered due to the higher rating classification. This will help identify weak links in the system and establish future areas of improvement.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Study 2018-19 $155,000 $0 $155,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $155,000 $0 $155,000

Page 114 of 131 WATER AND SEWER FUND Water Station Improvements - Station 20

Request Type: Annual Program Project Type: Building Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project will address the repairs needed to the exterior of the water stations. Work generally consists of tuckpointing, brick repairs and roof rehabilitation. In FY 2018/19, the water leaks will be addressed. This project consists of waterproofing and installing drain tile along the west and north wall of the water station, along with the rehab of the membrane on the reservoir roof.

Project Justification Station 20 has experienced leaks in the basement and after replacing the roof and the metal coping cap on the parapet wall, the leak seems to be originating underground. This project will expose the foundation wall to confirm there are no cracks or penetrations in the foundation, seal the foundation and install drain tile to remove any standing water against the foundation. The membrane above the reservoir will also be rehabbed as this area was exposed years ago to try and locate a source of the leak.

Operating Impacts This will reduce staff time to clean the floor of the basement and will remove water from the electrical motor control center.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Construction 2018-19 $75,000 $0 $75,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $75,000 $0 $75,000

Page 115 of 131 WATER AND SEWER FUND Well 21 Abandonment

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Water/Sewer Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location Well 21 located adjacent to the Convention Center has been problematic over the last few years and most recently it has been unable to pass a bacteriological sample. The well serves as a triple redundant source of water and staff received notice from the IEPA to begin investigation and remediation on the well if it were to be kept in service.

Project Justification The intent of the project is to reduce costs involved in operating a triple redundant water supply to the water system. Given the costs that are likely through remediation, it is more cost effective to eliminate the well entirely.

Operating Impacts The project will result in reduced operating and maintenance expenses that are associated with the 40 year old well.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Construction 2018-19 $140,000 $0 $140,000 Not Applicable Construction 2018-19 $28,000 $0 $28,000 Not Applicable Engineering

Project Total $168,000 $0 $168,000

Page 116 of 131


Section 4.10: Building Replacement Fund

Description of Fund:

The Building Replacement Fund is responsible for projects that address the maintenance and replacement of essential equipment and systems at village owned facilities. Many of the projects included in this fund are for the replacement of systems at the end of their useful life. For example, heating and cooling systems, electrical systems, window systems and roofing systems. There are 14 projects proposed in the Building Replacement Fund for FY 2018/19 including range ventilation and ballistic ceiling improvements at the Public Safety Building ($520,000), replacement of the roof at the Atcher Municipal Center ($365,000), and replacement of HVAC systems at the Trickster Art Gallery ($260,000).

Page 117 of 131 BUILDING REPLACEMENT FUND Facility Condition Assessment- 2018

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Building Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project will be used to complete a facility condition assessment on all village buildings. The assessment will look at the condition of all aspects of the buildings including HVAC, electrical, plumbing and building envelopes. Based on the assessment, recommendations for needed repairs and replacements will be compiled. Staff will utilize this report to conduct future CIP and maintenance planning.

Project Justification As the village infrastructure continues to age, it is important to identify the short-term and long- term needs of the village buildings so work can be properly planned and budgeted. The previous study was completed in 2013.

Operating Impacts None.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Study 2018-19 $120,000 $0 $120,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $120,000 $0 $120,000

Page 118 of 131 BUILDING REPLACEMENT FUND Masonry Improvements - Public Safety Building

Request Type: Annual Program Project Type: Building Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project consists of tuckpointing, brick replacement and other masonry improvements on various village owned buildings. In FY 2018/19 it is anticipated work will be completed on the Public Safety Building.

Project Justification In order to maintain the integrity of the building envelope, tuck pointing and brick replacement must be completed. By completing many buildings at once, the village can gain an economy of scale to help reduce the overall cost to the village.

Operating Impacts Operational costs and time will be reduced by not having to repair the masonry items on the village buildings.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Construction 2018-19 $50,000 $0 $50,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $50,000 $0 $50,000

Page 119 of 131 BUILDING REPLACEMENT FUND Municipal Center Roof Replacement

Request Type: Continuing Project Project Type: Building Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location The roof at the Municipal Center will be replaced.

Project Justification As noted in the Building Condition Report, the roof should be replaced based on the age and condition of the EPDM roof to maintain the integrity of the building. The roof is not currently experiencing leaks but was originally installed in the late 1980’s with a thin overlay completed later.

Operating Impacts Operational costs and time will be reduced by not having to repair roof leaks.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Construction 2018-19 $350,000 $0 $350,000 Not Applicable Construction 2018-19 $15,000 $0 $15,000 Not Applicable Engineering

Project Total $365,000 $0 $365,000

Page 120 of 131 BUILDING REPLACEMENT FUND Parking Lot Rehabilitation and Resurfacing - 2018

Request Type: Annual Program Project Type: Parking Lot Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location The village owns and operates over 30 facilities with parking lots. This project is an annual program to perform preventive and rehabilitation maintenance on the lots. The preventive maintenance would include crackfilling, patching and slurry sealing. In the most severe case, a parking lot will need to be reconstructed because of the extent of deterioration. In FY 2018/19, sealcoating and crackfilling will be done at the lots at Well 2, Well 19, Well 20, Well 22, and the Municipal Center.

Project Justification It is important for the village to maintain its properties to the same standard expected by other commercial and institutional properties in the community. If deterioration is not arrested, much more costly reconstruction will have to be undertaken.

Operating Impacts After the completion of this work, the need for patching operations will be decreased significantly.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Construction 2018-19 $18,000 $0 $18,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $18,000 $0 $18,000

Page 121 of 131 BUILDING REPLACEMENT FUND Prairie Center Boiler Replacement

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Building Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location De-commission and remove two boilers including the existing flue stack and some piping. Install two high efficiency boilers that includes new, ducted flue pipe and combustion air intake, new DDC and sensors, programming for new control sequence, modify piping to a primary/secondary system, new electrical feeds to boilers and install new boiler pumps.

Project Justification The existing boilers are experiencing condensation of flue gas inside the burner section due to the piping configuration and controls. The boilers have experienced significant corrosion because of this. The boilers are approximately 20% less efficient than today’s technology and the new high efficiency boilers qualify for energy rebates. We will modify the hot water piping and update the temperature controls to ensure the boilers exceed life cycle and operate properly through all temperature ranges.

Operating Impacts Repairs of the boiler at the Al Larson Prairie Center for the Arts will be reduced.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Construction 2018-19 $225,000 $0 $225,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $225,000 $0 $225,000

Page 122 of 131 BUILDING REPLACEMENT FUND Prairie Center Ceiling Tile Replacement

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Building Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project will replace all of the ceiling tiles at the Prairie Center for the Arts as existing tiles and grid have serious cosmetic flaws throughout the entire building

Project Justification The ceiling tiles throughout the entire building are in a state of disrepair.

Operating Impacts The project will reduce maintenance costs and improve aesthetics at the Prairie Center.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Construction 2018-19 $50,000 $0 $50,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $50,000 $0 $50,000

Page 123 of 131 BUILDING REPLACEMENT FUND Professional Services for Building Projects - 2018

Request Type: Annual Program Project Type: Building Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This is an annual program that allows for miscellaneous professional services to determine feasibility and scope of existing and potential building projects. Services will be contracted as needed to assist staff in preparing reports, cost estimates, or design plans to better evaluate building needs. Construction inspection services can also be provided.

Project Justification These professional services will provide staff with the needed expertise in determining appropriate scopes of work and accurate cost estimates for various building projects.

Operating Impacts None.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design 2018-19 $50,000 $0 $50,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $50,000 $0 $50,000

Page 124 of 131 BUILDING REPLACEMENT FUND Proximity Activation Software Improvements

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Building Improvement Lead Department: Information Technology

Project Description and Location This project would be an upgrade of the Public Safety Building controlled proximity lock software to accommodate the purchase of the village's existing provider. There will need to be a close coordination with IT as CCTV, BAS and proximity lock controls may all be supported through this new platform.

Project Justification The Keyscan Version VII software platform is no longer being supported. Kaba Access and Data Systems has acquired Keyscan and has released the Aurora platform to replace it. The upgrade will require many existing relay centers to be changed.

Operating Impacts None

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Construction 2018-19 $125,000 $0 $125,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $125,000 $0 $125,000

Page 125 of 131 BUILDING REPLACEMENT FUND Public Safety Building Range Ventilation and Ballistic Ceiling Improvements

Request Type: Carryover Project Project Type: Building Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location Range ventilation equipment at the Public Safety Building will be converted to a full KEPA filtration unit in lieu of the electrostatic wash down plate system currently in use. In conjunction, the range ceiling will require a lowered ballistic ceiling to achieve the proper down range airflow rating to assure a safer environment for shooters.

Project Justification The downrange area of the firing range is experiencing air flow rates that are not acceptable for the tactical training taking place there. Range ventilation design in conjunction with Meggit defense suggests converting the air handler to all-HEPA filtration, moving the control panel to the range room and a lowered ballistic ceiling to alleviate the condition.

Operating Impacts Close coordination with the Rangemasters at Public Safety will need to be included.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design Previous $50,000 $0 $50,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2018-19 $500,000 $0 $500,000 Not Applicable Construction 2018-19 $20,000 $0 $20,000 Not Applicable Engineering

Project Total $570,000 $0 $570,000

Page 126 of 131 BUILDING REPLACEMENT FUND Public Works Overhead Door & Fascia Replacement

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Building Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project consists of the removing and replacing of the aging overhead doors at the Public Works Building. The existing fascia over the doors will also be removed and replaced. This project is split 50-50 across the Building Replacement (680) and the Utility Fund (572) given the benefits to the village's utility infrastructure.

Project Justification As the doors and operating system age, it becomes increasingly harder to find parts and materials to fix the aging doors. New doors will allow little to no maintenance, which will save the village money.

Operating Impacts This project will replace doors that require frequent maintenance due to age. These maintenance costs may decrease with the replacement of the doors.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design 2018-19 $15,000 $0 $15,000 Not Applicable Final Design 2018-19 $15,000 $0 $15,000 Not Applicable (Water & Sewer) Construction 2019-20 $225,000 $0 $225,000 Not Applicable Construction 2019-20 $225,000 $0 $225,000 Not Applicable (Water & Sewer) Construction 2019-20 $5,500 $0 $5,500 Not Applicable Engineering Construction Engineering 2019-20 $5,500 $0 $5,500 Not Applicable (Water & Sewer)

Project Total $491,000 $0 $491,000

Page 127 of 131 BUILDING REPLACEMENT FUND Public Works Yard Pavement & Concrete Improvements

Request Type: Continuing Project Project Type: Parking Lot Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project would consist of pavement and concrete improvements to the Engineering and Public Works rear yard and parking area. Construction will occur in three phases. Stage I: Concrete repairs to the approaches to the garage and the wash bay (Complete) Stage 2: Main drive aisle reconstruction Stage 3: The western portion of the yard will be patched and repaired in-house Each phase of this project is split 50-50 across the Building Replacement (680) and the Utility Fund given the benefits to the village's utility infrastructure.

Project Justification The concrete pads have begun to crack and are becoming a safety concern, the asphalt pavement adjacent has deteriorated and needs to be resurfaced. The area around the tank farm requires secondary containment to hold a volume equal to the largest tank size at a minimum. The surface course in much of the yard has deteriorated and base failures have begun to occur in the most heavily traveled areas. The longer this waits the worse it will become and complete reconstruction may be warranted. This project is being phased as previously described.

Operating Impacts The need for patching operations will decrease.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Fiscal Non-Village Phase Cost Village Share Funding Year Funding Description Construction – Stage 2 2018-19 $150,000 $0 $150,000 Not Applicable

Construction – Stage 2 2018-19 $150,000 $0 $150,000 Not Applicable (Water & Sewer) Construction 2018-19 $15,000 $0 $15,000 Not Applicable Engineering – Stage 2 Construction Engineering – Stage 2 2018-19 $15,000 $0 $15,000 Not Applicable (Water & Sewer)

Project Total $330,000 $0 $330,000

Page 128 of 131 BUILDING REPLACEMENT FUND Slingerland House Demolition

Request Type: New Project Project Type: Building Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location This project will entail demolition of the Slingerland House at 521 E. Schaumburg Road and restoration of the property.

Project Justification Staff was given direction in 2017 to move forward with reloation of the village’s Nursing Division and demolition of the existing facility to account for increasing maintenance costs.

Operating Impacts Tenant space at Town Square will improve operation procedures and minimize maintenance

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design 2018-19 $8,000 $0 $8,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2018-19 $90,000 $0 $90,000 Not Applicable

Project Total $89,000 $0 $89,000

Page 129 of 131 BUILDING REPLACEMENT FUND Trickster Gallery HVAC Replacement

Request Type: Continuing Project Project Type: Building Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location The HVAC equipment that controls the heating and cooling of the Trickster Gallery will be replaced (2 units). A third unit with ductwork would service the east offices which are currently using borrowed air from the large open spaces.

Project Justification As noted in the village's most recent Building Condition Report, the HVAC equipment will be reaching the end of its life cycle and should be replaced to minimize repair and maintenance costs.

Operating Impacts Operational costs and time will be reduced by not having to repair the HVAC equipment.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Final Design Previous $20,000 $0 $20,000 Not Applicable

Construction 2018-19 $250,000 $0 $250,000 Not Applicable Construction 2018-19 $10,000 $0 $10,000 Not Applicable Engineering

Project Total $280,000 $0 $280,000

Page 130 of 131 BUILDING REPLACEMENT FUND Vehicle Maintenance Facility Structural Repairs

Request Type: Continuing Project Project Type: Building Improvement Lead Department: Engineering & Public Works

Project Description and Location Masonry and concrete foundation repairs will be made to the Vehicle Maintenance Facility at 714 S. Plum Grove Road.

Project Justification Settlement has occurred in select locations at the perimeter of the Vehicle Maintenance Facility garage. Wet wall between the garage and wash bay is deteriorating. Repairs and reinforcement will be necessary as outlined in the pending Structural Engineer's Report.

Operating Impacts None.

Budgeting Information

Non-Village Non-Village Phase Fiscal Year Cost Village Share Funding Funding Description Preliminary Design Previous $2,500 $0 $2,500 Not Applicable

Final Design 2018-19 $10,000 $0 $10,000 Not Applicable Final Design 2018-19 $10,000 $0 $10,000 Not Applicable (Water & Sewer) Construction 2018-19 $90,000 $0 $90,000 Not Applicable Construction 2018-19 $90,000 $0 $90,000 Not Applicable (Water & Sewer)

Project Total $202,500 $0 $202,500

Page 131 of 131