A Result for Semi Simple Ring
International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology (IJMTT) - Volume 65 Issue 3 - March 2019 A Result for Semi Simple Ring 1 2 Jameel Ahmad Ansari, Dr. Haresh G Chaudhari 1Assistant Professor, 2Assistant Professor, 1Department of Engineering Sciences, 1 Vishwakarma University, Pune, Maharashtra, India 2Department of Mathematics, 2MGSM’S Arts, Science and Commerce College, Chopda, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India Abstract If for a semi simple ring 푅, with any elements 푎, 푏 in 푅 there exist positive integers 푝 = 푝(푎, 푏) and 푞 = 푞(푎, 푏) such that [ 푏푎푏 푝 , (푎푏)푞 + (푏푎)푞 ] = 0. then 푅 is commutative. Key words - Skew field, Simple ring, Semi simple ring & Primitive ring. I. INTRODUCTION M. Ashraf [1] proved: Let 푅be a semi simple ring. Suppose that given 푥, 푦in 푅 there exist positive integers 푚 = 푚(푥, 푦)and 푛 = 푛(푥, 푦)such that [xm , 푥푦 푛 ] = [(yx)n , 푥푚 ] then 푅is commutative. We have weakened the M. Ashraf identity to make a stronger generalization of M. Ashraf [1]. This reads as follows : A. THEOREM: Let 푅be a semi simple ring. Suppose that given 푥, 푦in 푅, there exist positive integers 푝 = 푝(푎, 푏)and 푞 = 푞(푎, 푏)such that [ 풃풂풃 풑, ab q + 푏푎 푞 ] = 0. Then 푅is commutative. Throughout this paper 푅is taken as an associative ring. 푥, 푦 = 푥푦 − 푦푥 and 푥표푦 = 푥푦 + 푦푥for every pair 푥, 푦in 푅. B. Division Ring (Skew Fields) A division ring, also called a skew field, is a non commutative ring with unity in which every non zero element has inverse.
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