The Getty Foundation Panel Paintings Initiative I

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The Getty Foundation Panel Paintings Initiative I THE GETTY FOUNDATION PANEL PAINTINGS INITIATIVE I The Getty Foundation Panel Paintings Initiative II THE GETTY FOUNDATION PANEL PAINTINGS INITIATIVE THE GETTY FOUNDATION PANEL PAINTINGS INITIATIVE 1 “THE PANEL PAINTINGS INITIATIVE HAS BEEN A TIMELY AND TRANSFORMATIVE OPPORTUNITY FOR STRUCTURAL PAINTINGS CONSERVATORS FROM AROUND THE WORLD TO EXCHANGE KNOWLEDGE WITH ONE ANOTHER AND THE RISING PROFESSIONALS WHO WILL FOLLOW IN THEIR FOOTSTEPS. THANKS TO THE EXCHANGE OF DIFFERENT EXPERIENCES SUPPORTED THROUGH THIS INITIATIVE, WE ALL LEARNED SOMETHING NEW AND MANY IMPORTANT ARTWORKS RECEIVED TREATMENT. THE FUTURE OF THE FIELD HAS BEEN SECURED, AS HAS THE CONTINUED CARE OF MANY GREAT ARTISTIC MASTERPIECES.” —MARCO CIATTI PANEL PAINTINGS INITIATIVE ADVISORY COMMITTEE, SOPRINTENDENTE, OPIFICIO DELLE PIETRE DURE, FLORENCE, ITALY THE GETTY FOUNDATION PANEL PAINTINGS INITIATIVE 3 Introduction Since its inception, the Getty Foundation of panel paintings conservators. With has a long history of supporting the un- the guidance of an international advisory derstanding and conservation of works committee, the Foundation moved the of art and architecture around the world. initiative forward, seeking and funding For the past decade, we have given most model projects. of our grants through strategic initia- The primary goal of the Panel Paintings tives that were developed in consulta- Initiative was to ensure that a sufficient tion with members of the fields that the number of well-trained conservators are Getty serves. One of these is the Panel in place to maintain quality care of panel Paintings Initiative, launched in 2008 by paintings when the current leaders retire. the Foundation in collaboration with the Additionally, the initiative has sought Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) and the to expand panel paintings expertise to J. Paul Getty Museum. encompass collections in Central and Most non-specialist visitors to muse- Eastern Europe. ums look at the surface of paintings, and The following report highlights the they do not think about what lies under- positive outcomes of the initiative over the neath the paint. If anything, they assume past ten years. None of these accomplish- everything is made on canvas. Yet a large ments would have been possible without number of paintings from the Medieval to the commitment and talent of a strong early modern periods are on wooden sup- cohort of collaborators. I would like to ports. It requires a special expertise and extend the Foundation’s deep gratitude to finesse to conserve these works of art, a everyone who participated in the projects combination of fine wood-working skills as advisors, trainers, or trainees. Special and sensitive aesthetic judgment. Yet in thanks are due to Getty Foundation Senior 2008, only a few individuals around the Program Officer Antoine Wilmering who world possessed these abilities, and most sought out and nurtured all of the grant were approaching the end of their careers. projects, and to the Foundation staff who In 2009, the GCI, Foundation, and supported him in this endeavor. Getty Museum held a conference at the Getty Center in Los Angeles to make vis- ible to the wider field the growing con- Deborah Marrow cern about training the future generation Director, The Getty Foundation PREVIOUS PAGE: Detail of Hubert and Jan van Eyck, The Ghent Altarpiece, 1432. Saint Bavo Cathedral. Photo © Lukas–Art in Flanders LEFT: Pacino di Bonaguida’s Madonna with Child and Saints (1323–27) during emergency conservation treatment. The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, Maryland (Gift of the Dr. Francis d. Murnaghan Fund, 1973), 37.2494. Image courtesy Aleksandra Hola THE GETTY FOUNDATION PANEL PAINTINGS INITIATIVE 5 The Panel Paintings Initiative Jean-Albert Glatigny describes working for the Getty Foundation’s Panel Paintings with his hands as the apogee of life. It is Initiative to provide individual and group how he has attained his highest sense of instruction on the structural conserva- fulfillment and purpose. Originally trained tion of Old Master paintings on wooden as a cabinetmaker, Glatigny has since panels. “The conservation of panel paint- spent decades sanding, hewing, gluing, ings is not done by a single person,” says wrestling, studying, splintering, and Glatigny. “It’s a team effort.” grafting wood. Wood that was formed It was 2008, and the field was in a into spectacular altarpieces that hang in perilous state. Museums faced a short- European cathedrals or used as a support age of qualified professionals to assume for celebrated oil and tempera paintings the care of tens of thousands of objects in displayed in museums worldwide. “I felt North American and European collections the most affinity for wood,” says Glatigny, alone, and there were no existing training Conservator at the Royal Institute for programs to facilitate a transfer of skills to Cultural Heritage in Brussels. “It was a the next generation. Over the past decade, material that pleased me altogether: the the Panel Paintings Initiative has reversed smell, the warmth, and the softness all this decline and produced a new tide of reminded me of building treehouses!” conservators who are prepared to assume Glatigny is one of around a dozen ex- the unique challenges of preserving these perts worldwide who signed on as trainers artworks for the future. LEFT: Jean-Albert Glatigny (left) and Aline Genbrugge (right) during the conservation of a 15th-century German panel. Image courtesy Etienne Costa ABOVE: Simon Bobak (left) and Aline Genbrugge (right) complete a surface refinement after repairs. Image courtesy Aline Genbrugge THE GETTY FOUNDATION PANEL PAINTINGS INITIATIVE 7 “STRUCTURAL PANEL PAINTINGS OUR APPROACH CONSERVATION IS NOW The Foundation’s grantmaking began with a needs assessment completed at the ini- CONSIDERED TO BE AS IMPORTANT tiative’s outset, which identified museums AS CONSERVATION OF THE PAINTED with large panel paintings collections, in- SURFACE. THE FIELD IS NO LONGER dividuals who would benefit most from SEEN AS A MATTER OF CARPENTRY. further training, and the number of con- RESTORERS ARE AWARE OF THE servators who would likely find employ- ment in the field. The results of this assess- IMPORTANCE OF PANELS AS AN ment provided a clear target of training INTRINSIC PART OF THE ARTWORK, up to twenty conservators, including pro- AND PANEL PAINTING CONSERVATORS fessionals in Central and Eastern Europe, ARE VALUED AS MUCH AS ANY OTHER where access to best practices has been strongly needed and severely limited. The ART CONSERVATOR. I’M COMPLETELY assessment also indicated the necessity CONVINCED THAT THE PANEL for additional instruction on the history, PAINTINGS INITIATIVE HAS PLAYED A technology, and science of structural panel VERY IMPORTANT ROLE IN THIS FACT.” paintings conservation to supplement skills-based training. —JOSÉ DE LA FUENTE Training activities started with grants PANEL PAINTINGS INITIATIVE TRAINER, that prepared advanced conservators to CONSERVATOR, MUSEO DEL PRADO, become trainers themselves. These were MADRID, SPAIN followed by grants for training residencies for midcareer and postgraduate conserva- tors to build their technical skills and deci- sion-making acumen by working alongside both seasoned experts and new trainers. From the outset, Foundation staff worked carefully with trainers and an international advisory committee (see list at the end of this report) to assess each trainee’s needs and ensure that they received balanced instruction on projects that exposed them to the conservation of both Northern and LEFT: José de la Fuente works on Reymerswaele Marinus’s The Moneychanger and His Wife (1539). The Prado Museum, No. Catálogo: P002102. Image courtesy Enrique Quintana 8 THE GETTY FOUNDATION PANEL PAINTINGS INITIATIVE THE GETTY FOUNDATION PANEL PAINTINGS INITIATIVE 9 “I AM A STRONG PROPONENT OF Southern European panel paintings, as THE PANEL PAINTINGS INITIATIVE’S well as the approaches of different ex- perts. Funding also made possible a series APPRENTICESHIP-STYLE TRAINING of international workshops held in Krakow, FORMAT. IT BUILDS ON A FUNDAMENTAL Dresden, Florence, Brussels, Maastricht, UNDERSTANDING OF MATERIALS and London, which allowed trainees to AND THEIR WORKING PROPERTIES, come together for group seminars on the history of structural interventions, wood WHICH LEADS TO MASTERING BASIC science, and decision-making protocols TECHNIQUES AND THEN TO COMPLEX for conservation treatment that comple- OPERATIONS. AFTER YEARS OF mented the hands-on residencies. Several TRAINING, CONSERVATORS ATTAIN A of these opportunities also included cura- SOPHISTICATED UNDERSTANDING OF tors from Central and Eastern Europe to promote greater connections among all THE SUBTLETIES OF PANEL PAINTINGS; staff who care for panel paintings collec- INCLUDING ART-HISTORICAL, tions in these regions. THEORETICAL, PHILOSOPHICAL, AND ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS. THIS FORMS ACCOMPLISHMENTS A STRONG BASE FOR BECOMING A Positive outcomes of the initiative are al- COMPETENT CONSERVATOR.” ready evident and include the following accomplishments: —GEORGE BISACCA PANEL PAINTINGS INITIATIVE TRAINER, CLOSING THE SKILLS GAP CONSERVATOR EMERITUS, METROPOLITAN A new generation of conservators, includ- MUSEUM OF ART, NEW YORK ing practitioners in Central and Eastern Europe, are now prepared to undertake complex structural treatments of panel paintings. Trainees have gained expe- rience with different conservation ap- proaches by rotating their training resi- dencies with two or more experts over the course
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