, 20TH OCTOBER 1961 7613

CITY OF tricycles along the footpath between Lake Street City of Peterborough (Prlestgate and Wentworth and Wytham Street, . Street) Traffic Regulation Order, 1961 Objections to the Order must be sent to the Secre- tary, Ministry of Transport, at St. Christopher House, On the 16th day of October 1961, the Peterborough Southwark Street, London S.E.1, by 20th November City Council made an Order under sections 26 and 1961, and a copy sent to the undersigned. 27 of the Road Traffic Act, 1960, the effect of which is to: Harry Plowman, Town Clerk. 1. Prohibit waiting for more than thirty minutes at Town Hall, a time between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. on Oxford. the South side of Wentworth Street from a point 20th October 1961. 12 yards east of the entrance to the "Wagon and (248) Horses" Car Park to a point 17 yards West of the junction with Bridge Street. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL 2. Prohibit waiting between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6.30 -p.m. on the South side of Wentworth Street The County of Northampton (Watery Lane, Nether at the entrance to the "Wagon and Horses" Car Heyford) (Restriction on Driving) Order, 1961 Park to a (point 12 yards East of that entrance. On .the 5th October 1961, the Minister of Trans- 3. (Prohibit waiting for more than thirty minutes port confirmed the above-named Order made by the at a time between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Northamptonshire County Council under section 26 on the North side of Priestgate from a point 15 yards of the Road Traffic Act, 1960, the effect of which West of that junction. is as set out in the Schedule hereto. 4. Revoke the City of Peterborough (Priestgate and IDated this 20th day of October 1961. Wentworth Street) ^Limited Prohibition of Waiting) /. Alan Turner, Clerk of the County Council. Order, 1959. 5. (Exceptions in standard form will be included in County Hall, the Order to provide for waiting for boarding or Northampiton. alighting, for the loading or unloading of goods to SCHEDULE enable use in connection with various special operations. No person shall drive or cause or permit to be driven A copy of the Order is available for inspection at any heavy locomotive, light 'Locomotive, motor -trac- Room SI, Town Hall, Peterborough during normal tor, heavy motor car, or any motor car with seats office hours. for more than fifteen persons exclusive of the driver C. Peter Clarke, Town Clerk. on that length of Watery Lane, Neither Heyforb!, Which extends from its junction with the Class III Town Hall, road from Weedon to Bugbrooke to its junction with (Peterborough. Middle Street. Exceptions are provided in the (269) Order to enable such vehicles to be driven upon the length of road on question: CITY OIF PETERBOROUGH (i) for the conveyance of persons, goods or mer- City of Peterborough {Exchange Street) chandise to or from any premises situated on or Traffic Regulation Order, 1961 adjacent to that length of road ; On the 16th day of October 1961, the Peterborough i(ii) for the purposes of agriculture in connec- City Council made an Order under sections 26 and 27 tion wiith land adjacent to that length of road of the Road Traffic Act, I960, the effect of which or for the conveyance or haulage of .timber felled will be to: upon that land ; or (iii) in connection with any building operation or 1. Prohibit at all times waiting in Exchange Street demoCition in or adjacent to that length of road, between its junction wSth Queen Street and its the removal of any obstruction to traffic in that junction with Cumbergate. lengith of road, the maintenance, improvement 2. Exceptions in standard form will be included in or reconstruction' of that length of road, or the the Order to provide for waiting for hoarding laying, erection, alteration or repair in or or alighting, for the loading or unloading of adjacent to that length of road of any sewer goods or to enable use in connection with various or of any main, pipe or apparatus for the supply special operations. of gas, water or electricity, or any telegraphic A copy of the Order is available for inspection at line as defined in the Telegraph Act, 1878. Room 51 at the Town Hall. Peterborough, during (250) normal office hours. C. Peter Clarke, Town Clerk. Town Hall, (BOROUGH OF ROYAL LEAMINGTON SPA Peterborough. The Borough of Royal Leamington Spa (Bedford (270) Street) (No Waiting) Order, 1961 On 4th October 1961 the Royal Leamington Spa Borough Council made an Order under the Road SILSDEN URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL Traffic Act, 1960, the effect oif which is to prohibit or restrict the waiting of vehicles between the hours The Silsden {Bridge Street Car Park) Order, 1961 of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. daily on the length of road The Silsden Urban District Council propose to make spec'fied in the Schedule hereto. an Order under subsection (2) of section 11 of the Exceptions are provided in the Order to enable Road Traffic and Roads Improvement Act, 1960, the vehicles to wait for so long as may be necessary effect of which will be to restrict the use of car for persons to board or alight, to enable goods to be parking facilities on Bridge Street Car Park, Silsden, loaded on to or unloaded from a vehicle ; or to enable to vehicles of a laden weight (i.e. inclusive of any a vehicle to be used in connection with any building load they may be carrying) not exceeding 2 tons; operation or demolition, removal of any obstruction and to provide for proper control of the parking to traffic, or the maintenance of the road or the ser- place. vices therein. Objections to the proposals must be sent in writing This Order comes into operation on the 30th •to the undersigned by the 18th November 1961. October 1961. E. K. Oration. Clerk of the Council. Dated this 20th day of October 1961. Council Offices, fames N. Stothert, Town Clerk. Silsden, via Keighley, Yorkshire. Town Hall, (429) 'Leamttngiton Spa. THE SCHEDULE Length of road: CITY OF OXFORD Bedford Street (East Waiting prohibited be- The City of Oxford (Footpath between Lake Street Side) from Warwick tween 8 a.m. and 6 and Wytham Street) (Prohibition of Motor Vehicles Street to Regent Street. p.m. daily. and Cycling) Order, 1961. Bedford Street (West Waiting restricted to The Oxford Oity 'Council has applied to the Minister Side) from Warwick twenty minutes in any of Transport for comfirmatioii of an Order made by Street to Regent one hour between the it under section 26 of the Road Traffic Act, 1960, Street. hours of 8 a.m. and 6 the effect of which willil be to prohibit the driving p.m. daily. of motor vehicles and the ridSJug of bicycles and (546)