71° 58’ W 57’ 56’ 55’ 54’ 53’ 52’ 51’ 50’ 49’ 48’ 47’ 46’ 71° 45’ W 15° 36’ S 15° 36’ S

COLCA CANYON (3,000 masl)

37’ 3,400 37’

2,800 Research group in Physical

Geography of High Mountain 3,200 3,200 Research funded by 3,400 CGL2012-35858 Cryocrisis Project 3,600 Goverment of Spain Volcanoes: A. Ampato. S. . HH. HualcaHualca 3,800 3,600

38’ 38’

4,200 3,800 4,000 GEOMORPHOLOGICAL MAP


3,200 3,400 39’ 3,800 39’ 3,600 4,000 4,000 3,800


3,800 40’ 4,4004.400 4,200 40’ 4,600 4,000

4,200 4,200 4.6004,600 CENTRAL ANDEAN VOLCANIC ZONE 4,400 4,400 4,400 4,600 4,800

4,600 4,600 4,800

4,200 Cerro Ahuashune (5,050 masl) (SOUTHERN ) 41’ 41’


4,400 5,000

42’ 4,600 42’ Volcanic Relief

4,800 4,600 5,000

Structural volcanic relief Collapse scarps

Compound volcanoes Collapse slopes 4,800

5,000 43’ 5,000 43’ Spatter cones 5,200 Explosive volcanic relief 5,400


5,000 5,400 5,600 4,800 Explosion craters 5,000 4,800 Cinder cones 5,600

5,200 5,800 Denudative volcanic relief Nevado Lipayoc domes (5,250 masl) HUALCAHUALCA 5,000 (6,025 masl) Volcanic domes eroded by 44’ 44’ Inner crater slopes Cinder cones eroded by stationary streams Vents

4,800 5,200 4,400 Lava cones eroded by glaciers 4,600 Lava flows covered with a thick 15° 45’ S 15° 45’ S pyroclastic layer Lava flows eroded by glaciers 5,200 Lava flows covered with a thin

5,000 pyroclastic layer 4,400 Symbols associated to volcanic relief

5,000 Lava flows without pyroclastic layer Crater

Closed and well defined 46’ 46’ Lava flow fronts

4,600 Opened and well defined 2. Landforms associated with

4,800 volcanic collapse Closed and eroded Hummocks

4,800 47’ 47’ Opened and eroded Avalanche deposits sheets 4,800 Lava pressure ridges SABANCAYA VOLCANO (5,980 masl)


48’ 48’ Exogenous relief 5,000 Glacial landforms Accumulation landforms Eroded landforms Alluvial fans AMPATO VOLCANO (6,288 masl) Glacial cirques 4,600 Lacustrine landforms

4,600 49’ 49’ Slopes affected by abrassion Stepped subhorizontal and sobreexcavation processes surfaces 4,600


4,400 Ice-snow cover Peat bogs

5,000 5,600 4,400 Accumulation landforms Slope landforms Eroded landforms 50’ 4,800 50’ Inner moraines Landslides cirques Lateral moraines Fall scarps

4,600 Frontal moraines Accumulation landforms 51’ 51’ Morainic crests Debris cones 4,600

4,200 4,400 Rockfall talus slopes Kames


4,400 Periglacial landforms Debris sheets 52’ 52’ Accumulation landforms Other symbols Rock glaciers 4,400 Continous scarps

4,400 Fluvial landforms Eroded landforms Discontinuous scarps Scale 1:20,000 53’ walls 53’ Altitudinal relative level 0 1 2 Km between geomorphological units Main river channels 4,200 Contour lines 4,200 Base Map: 32-s “Chivay” Scale 1:100,000 (Instituto Geográfico Nacional de Perú) Streams Lakes 54’ Projected Coordinate System: UTM Zone 19 S Map Datum: WGS 84 54’

4,200 Mapped 2008-2010 from 1:35,000 Vertical Aerial Photographs (1955), Orthorectified MrSid High Resolution Satellite Image (2000) and Oblique Aerial Photographs (1943) Authors: Jesús Alcalá-Reygosa, José Juan Zamorano and David Palacios 15° 55’ S 15° 55’ S Instituto de Geografía / Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México 71° 58’ W 57’ 56’ 55’ 54’ 53’ 52’ 51’ 50’ 49’ 48’ 47’ 46’ 71° 45’ W Departamento de A.G.R. y Geografía Física / Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)