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Austwick Parish Council Clerk: Marijke Hill, 4 Penny Green, Settle, North , BD24 9BT Tel: 01729 823723 E-Mail: [email protected]

Ms Katherine Wood Principal Planning Officer National Park Authority Yoredale Bainbridge DL8 3EL

21 May 2020

Dear Ms Wood,

Application no: C/04/148M Land off Pant Lane, Austwick Full Planning permission for erection of 8 no. dwellings and creation of new vehicular access to site New consultation on revised plans

Austwick Parish Council has considered the revised plans submitted as part of this application and has asked me to send its comments to you.

My Council continues to believe, in principle, that the availability of a number of new smaller houses in Austwick could be of social and economic benefit and may help to secure, for the longer term, the services and facilities we now have in place in the community.

My Councillors have noted that the new information provided by the applicant consists only of the three revised plans and an ‘Arboricultural Constraints Appraisal’, which supports the proposed removal of one of the two horse chestnut trees on which tree preservation orders apply. There is no new Design and Access Statement to support the revised plans or to provide any new information concerning design details or construction methods.

Whilst not objecting to the revised plans, my Councillors continue to have serious reservations about a number of aspects of the present proposals. These reservations were set out in my letter to you of 16th October 2019. To avoid repetition, I now refer to that earlier letter, and adopt the same headings, in setting out our present views:

1. Affordable housing and local occupancy restrictions

My Council reaffirms all its earlier comments and continues to believe strongly that this new housing development in the form now proposed, with a financial contribution to the National Park ‘in lieu’, would be a unique opportunity missed to bring 2 of 3 affordable or local occupancy housing to our community. We are extremely disappointed that the seven-month interval between the original planning application and these revised plans has not provided the opportunity for an affordable housing scheme for this site to emerge.

2. Design features

(a) Architectural design and renewable energy

We note the proposal for two separate dwelling blocks, for the reduction in vertical scale of these and for increased landscaping. The applicant has still not provided any information to show that the Authority’s recommendations on ‘renewable energy’ have been considered and we continue to believe this is a serious omission.

(b) Car parking

We note the applicant’s revised proposals to provide 16 car spaces.

(c) Site access and traffic movement

We note the revised proposal for a single site entrance.

(d) Surface water drainage

In the absence of an amended Design and Access Statement, our previously expressed concerns about the lack of a detailed surface water drainage scheme continue to apply

(e) Hard surfaces

We note that a limestone gravel drive is now proposed in place of tarmac.

(f) Dry stone boundary walls

We note that the revised plans now specify which part of the high boundary wall will be reduced to one metre to provide site entrance visibility. We ask that a detailed condition be imposed on any planning consent that may be granted to ensure that all other dry stone walls on the application site be retained for the future in their present condition and at their present height.

(g) Fuel oil storage tanks

In the absence of any information from the applicant, the concerns expressed in our earlier letter remain regarding arrangements to be made for the storage of fuel oil or gas and for the regular refilling of storage tanks in a manner that does not obstruct the highway.

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3. Planning consent conditions

We reaffirm our request, reflecting Pant Lane residents’ concerns, for comprehensive conditions to be applied to any planning consent that may be granted to cover building work procedures and traffic movements and to mitigate against disruption during the construction period.

4. Planning Officer’s Report

My Council confirms its request that section 1 of our letter of 16th October 2019 be reproduced in full in your ‘Officer report and recommendation’ regarding this application.

My Councillors would be willing to discuss the matters raised in this letter directly with you or any of your colleagues if this would be helpful. They can be contacted through me.

I would be grateful if you would please acknowledge receipt of this letter.

Yours sincerely marijkehill

Marijke Hill Clerk to Austwick Parish Council


Application No: C/04/148M full planning permission for erection of 8 No. Proposed Development: dwellings and creation of new vehicular access to site Location: Land off Pant Lane, Austwick Applicant: Mr S Haywood

CH Ref: Case Officer: David Cairns Area Ref: Tel: 01609 780 780

County Road No: E-mail: Area5.@northyorks.gov.uk

Yorkshire Dales National Park To: Date: 18 May 2020 Authority Yoredale, Bainbridge DL8 3EL FAO: Katherine Wood Copies to:

Following revised drawings received 12th May 2020, the Highway Authority response is same as previous which is set out below

Note to the Planning Officer: In assessing the submitted proposals and reaching its recommendation the Local Highway Authority has taken into account the following matters:

The design standard for the site is MfS and the required visibility splay is 25 metres by 2 metres. This can be achieved by lowering the boundary walls to a height not exceeding 1 metre.

Consequently the Local Highway Authority recommends that the following Conditions are attached to any permission granted:

HC-07 Private Access/Verge Crossings: Construction Requirements Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, there shall be no excavation or other groundworks, except for investigative works, or the depositing of material on the site until the access(es) to the site have been set out and constructed in accordance with the published Specification of the Highway Authority and the following requirements LOCAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY CONSIDERATIONS and RECOMMENDATION Continuation sheet:

Application No: C/04/148M a. The details of the access shall have been approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority. b. The crossing of the highway verge and/or footway shall be constructed in accordance with the approved details and/or Standard Detail number E6 c. Any gates or barriers shall be erected a minimum distance of 4.5 metres back from the carriageway of the existing highway and shall not be able to swing over the existing or proposed highway. d. That part of the access(es) extending 4.5 metres into the site from the carriageway of the existing highway shall be at a gradient not exceeding 1:20. e. Provision to prevent surface water from the site/plot discharging onto the existing or proposed highway shall be constructed in accordance with the approved details and maintained thereafter to prevent such discharges. f. The final surfacing of any private access within 4.5 metres of the public highway shall not contain any loose material that is capable of being drawn on to the existing or proposed public highway.

HI-07 INFORMATIVE You are advised that a separate licence will be required from the Highway Authority in order to allow any works in the adopted highway to be carried out. The ‘Specification for Housing and Industrial Estate Roads and Private Street Works’ published by North Yorkshire County Council, the Highway Authority, is available at the County Council’s offices. The local office of the Highway Authority will also be pleased to provide the detailed constructional specification referred to in this condition. REASON In accordance with policy # and to ensure a satisfactory means of access to the site from the public highway in the interests of vehicle and pedestrian safety and convenience

HC-10.1 VISIBILITY SPLAYS TO CENTRE LINE There shall be no access or egress by any vehicles between the highway and the application site (except for the purposes of constructing the initial site access) until splays are provided giving clear visibility of 25m measured along centre line of Pant Lane from a point measured 2m down the centre line of the access roads. The eye height will be 1.05 metres and the object height shall be 1.05 metres or height. Once created, these visibility areas shall be maintained clear of any obstruction and retained for their intended purpose at all times.

REASON In accordance with policy number and in the interests of road safety.

INFORMATIVE An explanation of the terms used above is available from the Highway Authority.

HC-16 PARKING FOR DWELLINGS No dwelling shall be occupied until the related parking facilities have been constructed in accordance with the approved drawing Once created these parking areas shall be maintained clear of any obstruction and retained for their intended purpose at all times.

REASON In accordance with policy # and to provide for adequate and satisfactory provision of off-street accommodation for vehicles in the interest of safety and the general amenity of the development. LOCAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY CONSIDERATIONS and RECOMMENDATION Continuation sheet:

Application No: C/04/148M

HC-18a PRECAUTIONS TO PREVENT MUD ON THE HIGHWAY There shall be no access or egress by any vehicles between the highway and the application site until details of the precautions to be taken to prevent the deposit of mud, grit and dirt on public highways by vehicles travelling to and from the site have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority. These facilities shall include the provision of wheel washing facilities where considered necessary by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority. These precautions shall be made available before any excavation or depositing of material in connection with the construction commences on the site and be kept available and in full working order and used until such time as the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority agrees in writing to their withdrawal

REASON In accordance with policy # and to ensure that no mud or other debris is deposited on the carriageway in the interests of highway safety.

Signed: Issued by: Skipton Highways Office Snaygill Estate Off Keighley Road Skipton North Yorkshire David Cairns BD23 2QR

For Corporate Director for Business and Environmental Services e-mail: [email protected] LOCAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY CONSIDERATIONS and RECOMMENDATION Continuation sheet:

Application No: C/04/148M Gail Dent

From: Nicola Child Sent: 14 May 2020 14:26 To: Planning Subject: FW: Consultation 21 days - C/04/148M - Land off Pant Lane, Austwick

Dear planning,

From what I can tell the amendments make no difference in terms of the outlook for the existing trees or new planting - previous comments and consultation responses still apply.

Thanks, Niki

Nicola Child Trees & Woodlands Officer

Working hours: Mon | Tue | Thu Direct: 01756 751603 Mobile: 07773 595251 Switchboard: 0300 456 0030


Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority Colvend | Hebden Road | Skipton | North Yorkshire | BD23 5LB

From: Meghann Hull Sent: 14 May 2020 13:13 To: Nicola Child Subject: FW: Consultation 21 days - C/04/148M - Land off Pant Lane, Austwick

Hi Niki Sorry, tried to deal with this one for you but I think you’ve been dealing with it previously and involves the removal of 2 mature chestnuts so I’ll have to ping it back. Sorry.

Meghann Hull Trees and Woodlands Conservation Support Officer Working hours: Mon | Tue | Wed Direct: 01756 751606 Switchboard: 0300 456 0030


Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority Colvend | Hebden Road | Grassington Skipton | North Yorkshire | BD23 5LB

From: Claire Calvert Sent: 12 May 2020 7:38 AM Subject: Consultation 21 days - C/04/148M - Land off Pant Lane, Austwick

Good morning,

1 Gail Dent

From: Claire Calvert Sent: 12 May 2020 08:00 To: Planning Subject: FW: Consultation 21 days - C/04/148M - Land off Pant Lane, Austwick

From: Building Control [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 12 May 2020 07:52 To: Claire Calvert Subject: RE: Consultation 21 days - C/04/148M - Land off Pant Lane, Austwick

Good morning.

All work is to be carried out, to ensure compliance with the Building Regulations 2010.

As the Planning Authority for the project, you should ensure the required consultations are carried out, with particular reference to: Drainage Schemes, Structural Engineers Reports and Fire Officer Requirements.

Regards District Council Building Control

From: Claire Calvert Sent: 12 May 2020 07:38 Subject: Consultation 21 days - C/04/148M - Land off Pant Lane, Austwick

Good morning,

The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority has received amended plans for the application below:

C/04/148M - Land off Pant Lane, Austwick

Plans and further details can be viewed, after 5pm today, via this link: https://archive.yorkshiredales.org.uk/living-and-working/planning/

1 Gail Dent

From: Nicola Child Sent: 27 January 2020 18:20 To: Katherine Wood Subject: RE: 200105 Austwick - Revised House Design

Importance: High

Hi Katherine, Thanks for this and the tree report in the other email.

My comments are the same as previous but T1 is now to be removed that gives more options for tree planting at the front. I would also change my view about the front area being restricted in terms of use – if the declining horse chestnut is to be removed, this area would lend itself to a communal garden area. I would like to see another 2 large canopy species here in addition to some smaller tree groups. Could we also break up/ soften the parking with some small trees – I can’t really see how.

Thanks, Niki

Nicola Child Trees & Woodlands Officer

Working hours: Mon | Tue | Thu Direct: 01756 751603 Mobile: 07773 595251 Switchboard: 0300 456 0030


Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority Colvend | Hebden Road | Grassington Skipton | North Yorkshire | BD23 5LB

From: Katherine Wood Sent: 23 January 2020 17:50 To: Nicola Child Subject: FW: 200105 Austwick - Revised House Design

Hi Niki,

Could I have your initial views on this draft revised scheme please? It is not yet a formal amendment.

Thank you Katherine

Katherine Wood Principal Planning Officer Working hours: Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu Direct: 01969 652357 Switchboard: 0300 456 0030


Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority Yoredale | Bainbridge | | DL8 3EL

1 Gail Dent

From: Nicola Child Sent: 25 November 2019 12:08 To: Katherine Wood Subject: RE: C/04/148M - Land off Pant Lane, Austwick

Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged

Katherine, so sorry to be late on this. Possibly too late? To ensure some degree of softening but not to obstruct outlook I would look at something with a straight stem and a more columnar growth habit like Rowan and Downy Birch. It would be nice to see at least a couple of the longer lived species in the right position and not too close to the house (small leaved lime would be good) but the siting would need to be right.


Nicola Child Trees & Woodlands Officer Working hours: Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu Direct: 01756 751603 Mobile: 07773 595251 Switchboard: 0300 456 0030

Website Facebook Twitter

Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority Colvend | Hebden Road | Grassington Skipton | North Yorkshire | BD23 5LB

From: Katherine Wood Sent: 29 October 2019 12:52 To: Nicola Child Subject: C/04/148M - Land off Pant Lane, Austwick

Hi Niki,

I have forwarded your comments regarding this application to the agent. In the meantime, however, I have also suggested that they consider additional landscaping /native trees to either side (not necessarily three each side – just a rough idea of the location). Would you be able to advise me on the type of planting they could do in these areas, specifically something which would not block the outlook from the properties (Pant Head Gardens) to the north-east.

Thanks Katherine

1 United Utilities Water Limited Developer Services & Metering 2nd Floor, Grasmere House Lingley Mere Business Park Lingley Green Avenue Warrington WA5 3LP

[email protected]

Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority Bainbridge Your ref: C/04/148M Leyburn Our ref: DC/19/4187 North Yorkshire Date: 28-OCT-19 DL8 3EL

Dear Sir/Madam,

Location: Land off Pant Lane, Austwick Proposal: erection of 8 dwellings and creation of new vehicular access to site

With regards to the above development proposal, United Utilities Water Limited (‘United Utilities’) wishes to provide the following comments.


In accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG), the site should be drained on a separate system with foul water draining to the public sewer and surface water draining in the most sustainable way.

We request the following drainage conditions are attached to any subsequent approval to reflect the above approach detailed above:

Condition 1 – Surface water

No development shall commence until a surface water drainage scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The drainage scheme must include:

(i) An investigation of the hierarchy of drainage options in the National Planning Practice Guidance (or any subsequent amendment thereof). This investigation shall include evidence of an assessment of ground conditions and the potential for infiltration of surface water; (ii) A restricted rate of discharge of surface water agreed with the local planning authority (if it is agreed that infiltration is discounted by the investigations); and (iii) A timetable for its implementation.

The approved scheme shall also be in accordance with the Non-Statutory Technical Standards for Sustainable Drainage Systems (March 2015) or any subsequent replacement national standards.

The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with the approved drainage scheme.

United Utilities Water Limited Registered in & Wales No. 2366678 Registered office: Haweswater House, Lingley Mere Business Park, Lingley Green Avenue, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 3LP Reason: To promote sustainable development, secure proper drainage and to manage the risk of flooding and pollution.

Condition 2 – Foul water

Foul and surface water shall be drained on separate systems.

Reason: To secure proper drainage and to manage the risk of flooding and pollution.

The applicant can discuss any of the above with Developer Engineer, Josephine Wong, by email at [email protected].

Please note, United Utilities are not responsible for advising on rates of discharge to the local watercourse system. This is a matter for discussion with the Lead Local Flood Authority and / or the Environment Agency (if the watercourse is classified as main river).

If the applicant intends to offer wastewater assets forward for adoption by United Utilities, the proposed detailed design will be subject to a technical appraisal by an Adoptions Engineer as we need to be sure that the proposal meets the requirements of Sewers for Adoption and United Utilities’ Asset Standards. The detailed layout should be prepared with consideration of what is necessary to secure a development to an adoptable standard. This is important as drainage design can be a key determining factor of site levels and layout. The proposed design should give consideration to long term operability and give United Utilities a cost effective proposal for the life of the assets. Therefore, should this application be approved and the applicant wishes to progress a Section 104 agreement, we strongly recommend that no construction commences until the detailed drainage design, submitted as part of the Section 104 agreement, has been assessed and accepted in writing by United Utilities. Any works carried out prior to the technical assessment being approved is done entirely at the developers own risk and could be subject to change.

Management and Maintenance of Sustainable Drainage Systems

Without effective management and maintenance, sustainable drainage systems can fail or become ineffective. As a provider of wastewater services, we believe we have a duty to advise the Local Planning Authority of this potential risk to ensure the longevity of the surface water drainage system and the service it provides to people. We also wish to minimise the risk of a sustainable drainage system having a detrimental impact on the public sewer network should the two systems interact. We therefore recommend the Local Planning Authority include a condition in their Decision Notice regarding a management and maintenance regime for any sustainable drainage system that is included as part of the proposed development.

For schemes of 10 or more units and other major development, we recommend the Local Planning Authority consults with the Lead Local Flood Authority regarding the exact wording of any condition. You may find the below a useful example:

Prior to occupation of the development a sustainable drainage management and maintenance plan for the lifetime of the development shall be submitted to the local planning authority and agreed in writing. The sustainable drainage management and maintenance plan shall include as a minimum:

a. Arrangements for adoption by an appropriate public body or statutory undertaker, or, management and maintenance by a resident’s management company; and b. Arrangements for inspection and ongoing maintenance of all elements of the sustainable drainage system to secure the operation of the surface water drainage scheme throughout its lifetime.

The development shall subsequently be completed, maintained and managed in accordance with the approved plan.

Reason: To ensure that management arrangements are in place for the sustainable drainage system in order to manage the risk of flooding and pollution during the lifetime of the development.

Please note United Utilities cannot provide comment on the management and maintenance of an asset that is owned by a third party management and maintenance company. We would not be involved in the discharge of the management and maintenance condition in these circumstances.

Water Supply

If the applicant intends to obtain a water supply from United Utilities for the proposed development, we strongly recommend they engage with us at the earliest opportunity. If reinforcement of the water network is required to meet the demand, this could be a significant project and the design and construction period should be accounted for.

To discuss a potential water supply or any of the water comments detailed above, the applicant can contact the team at [email protected].

Please note, all internal pipework must comply with current Water Supply (water fittings) Regulations 1999.

United Utilities’ Property, Assets and Infrastructure

Where United Utilities’ assets exist, the level of cover to the water mains and public sewers must not be compromised either during or after construction.

For advice regarding protection of United Utilities assets, the applicant should contact the teams as follows:

Water assets – [email protected] Wastewater assets – [email protected]

It is the applicant's responsibility to investigate the possibility of any United Utilities’ assets potentially impacted by their proposals and to demonstrate the exact relationship between any United Utilities' assets and the proposed development.

A number of providers offer a paid for mapping service including United Utilities. To find out how to purchase a sewer and water plan from United Utilities, please visit the Property Searches website; https://www.unitedutilities.com/property-searches/

You can also view the plans for free. To make an appointment to view our sewer records at your local authority please contact them direct, alternatively if you wish to view the water and the sewer records at our Lingley Mere offices based in Warrington please ring 0370 751 0101 to book an appointment.

Due to the public sewer transfer in 2011, not all sewers are currently shown on the statutory sewer records and we do not always show private pipes on our plans. If a sewer is discovered during construction; please contact a Building Control Body to discuss the matter further.

Should this planning application be approved the applicant should contact United Utilities regarding a potential water supply or connection to public sewers. Additional information is available on our website http://www.unitedutilities.com/builders-developers.aspx

Yours faithfully

Tracy Churchman United Utilities Developer Services and Metering


Application No: C/04/148M full planning permission for erection of 8 No. Proposed Development: dwellings and creation of new vehicular access to site Location: Land off Pant Lane, Austwick Applicant: Mr S Haywood

CH Ref: Case Officer: David Cairns Area Ref: Tel: 01609 780 780

County Road No: E-mail: [email protected]

Yorkshire Dales National Park To: Date: 24 October 2019 Authority Yoredale, Bainbridge DL8 3EL FAO: Katherine Wood Copies to:

Note to the Planning Officer: In assessing the submitted proposals and reaching its recommendation the Local Highway Authority has taken into account the following matters:

The design standard for the site is MfS and the required visibility splay is 25 metres by 2 metres. This can be achieved by lowering the boundary walls to a height not exceeding 1 metre.

Consequently the Local Highway Authority recommends that the following Conditions are attached to any permission granted:

HC-07 Private Access/Verge Crossings: Construction Requirements Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, there shall be no excavation or other groundworks, except for investigative works, or the depositing of material on the site until the access(es) to the site have been set out and constructed in accordance with the published Specification of the Highway Authority and the following requirements a. The details of the access shall have been approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority. LOCAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY CONSIDERATIONS and RECOMMENDATION Continuation sheet:

Application No: C/04/148M b. The crossing of the highway verge and/or footway shall be constructed in accordance with the approved details and/or Standard Detail number E6 c. Any gates or barriers shall be erected a minimum distance of 4.5 metres back from the carriageway of the existing highway and shall not be able to swing over the existing or proposed highway. d. That part of the access(es) extending 4.5 metres into the site from the carriageway of the existing highway shall be at a gradient not exceeding 1:20. e. Provision to prevent surface water from the site/plot discharging onto the existing or proposed highway shall be constructed in accordance with the approved details and maintained thereafter to prevent such discharges. f. The final surfacing of any private access within 4.5 metres of the public highway shall not contain any loose material that is capable of being drawn on to the existing or proposed public highway.

HI-07 INFORMATIVE You are advised that a separate licence will be required from the Highway Authority in order to allow any works in the adopted highway to be carried out. The ‘Specification for Housing and Industrial Estate Roads and Private Street Works’ published by North Yorkshire County Council, the Highway Authority, is available at the County Council’s offices. The local office of the Highway Authority will also be pleased to provide the detailed constructional specification referred to in this condition. REASON In accordance with policy # and to ensure a satisfactory means of access to the site from the public highway in the interests of vehicle and pedestrian safety and convenience

HC-10.1 VISIBILITY SPLAYS TO CENTRE LINE There shall be no access or egress by any vehicles between the highway and the application site (except for the purposes of constructing the initial site access) until splays are provided giving clear visibility of 25m measured along centre line of Pant Lane from a point measured 2m down the centre line of the access roads. The eye height will be 1.05 metres and the object height shall be 1.05 metres or height. Once created, these visibility areas shall be maintained clear of any obstruction and retained for their intended purpose at all times.

REASON In accordance with policy number and in the interests of road safety.

INFORMATIVE An explanation of the terms used above is available from the Highway Authority.

HC-16 PARKING FOR DWELLINGS No dwelling shall be occupied until the related parking facilities have been constructed in accordance with the approved drawing Once created these parking areas shall be maintained clear of any obstruction and retained for their intended purpose at all times.

REASON In accordance with policy # and to provide for adequate and satisfactory provision of off-street accommodation for vehicles in the interest of safety and the general amenity of the development.

HC-18a PRECAUTIONS TO PREVENT MUD ON THE HIGHWAY There shall be no access or egress by any vehicles between the highway and the application site until details of the precautions to be taken to prevent the deposit of mud, grit and dirt on public highways by vehicles LOCAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY CONSIDERATIONS and RECOMMENDATION Continuation sheet:

Application No: C/04/148M travelling to and from the site have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority. These facilities shall include the provision of wheel washing facilities where considered necessary by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority. These precautions shall be made available before any excavation or depositing of material in connection with the construction commences on the site and be kept available and in full working order and used until such time as the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority agrees in writing to their withdrawal

REASON In accordance with policy # and to ensure that no mud or other debris is deposited on the carriageway in the interests of highway safety.

Signed: Issued by: Skipton Highways Office Snaygill Estate Off Keighley Road Skipton North Yorkshire David Cairns BD23 2QR

For Corporate Director for Business and Environmental Services e-mail: [email protected] LOCAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY CONSIDERATIONS and RECOMMENDATION Continuation sheet:

Application No: C/04/148M 1 of 4

Austwick Parish Council Clerk: Marijke Hill, 4 Penny Green, Settle, North Yorkshire, BD24 9BT Tel: 01729 823723 E-Mail: [email protected]

Ms Katherine Wood Principal Planning Officer Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority Yoredale Bainbridge North Yorkshire DL8 3EL

16th October 2019

Dear Ms Wood,

Application no: C/04/148M Land off Pant Lane, Austwick Full Planning permission for erection of 8 no. dwellings and creation of new vehicular access to site

I understand that you are the case officer for the above planning application.

The application was considered at a meeting of Austwick Parish Council on 14th October. Councillors agreed that the initiative to progress this ‘Housing Development Site’ (as it is designated in the Authority’s Local Plan) is welcome, as the availability of a number of new smaller houses could be of social and economic benefit to Austwick and may help to secure, for the longer term, the services and facilities we now have in place to support our community.

Whilst not objecting, my Councillors have serious reservations about a number of aspects of the present proposals. They request that the Authority take the following matters into account when deciding on the terms and conditions of any planning consent that may be granted:

1. Affordable housing and local occupancy restrictions

My Council fully appreciates the constraints imposed by national planning policy and by financial viability considerations that led to the adoption of Housing Policy C1 in the Authority’s current Local Plan. As the present application is for “between 6 and 10 dwellings”, the policy provides for the developer to make a financial contribution to the Authority thereby permitting open market housing to be built instead of providing affordable housing. It is clear from the letter dated 2nd October published on your website that the applicant wishes to do this.

My Council feels strongly that this would be a unique opportunity missed. There is only one ‘housing development site’ in Austwick in the Authority’s Local Plan 2015 – 2030, namely this one. Policy C1 states that financial contributions paid by housing 2 of 4 developers will be used to support affordable housing in the National Park. My Council urges the Authority to work closely with the applicant to find a basis for providing at least part of this proposed 8-dwelling development as affordable or local occupancy housing, thereby avoiding the outcome that some or all of these new houses “will inevitably be purchased for retirement or second home use” (Para 4.7, Policy C1, Local Plan). The record shows that, in the three-year period since the Authority’s current Local Plan was adopted, there have been few developments of 8 or more new dwellings in Service Villages in the National Park. If the Authority wishes to demonstrate that it will use ‘financial contributions’ paid by developers to achieve affordable housing in the Park, then this is a prime opportunity to do so. Please use some of these resources to bring affordable housing to Austwick.

2. Design features

(a) Architectural design and renewable energy

In March 2018, the present applicant submitted plans for an imaginative mixed development of 3 and 4 bed semi-detached and terraced dwellings on this site, although this application was later withdrawn. By comparison, my Councillors believe that the present proposals lack variety in design or layout and that they represent a missed opportunity to make the optimum use of this site. A single row of 8 terraced and almost identical houses would not be an asset to our village. Local residents have expressed the view to my councillors that the building plans are “depressing” and “lacking in any architectural merit whatsoever”. The applicant’s ‘Design and Access Statement’ makes no mention whatsoever of the Authority’s 2017 Design Guide and we submit that there is no evidence that the principles set out in section 3 (‘Housing’) and in appendix D (‘renewable energy’) have been considered in this application.

In the interests of conserving and enhancing the built environment of Austwick, we request that you require the applicant to review the plans for this development taking account of the principles laid down in these two sections of your Design Guide.

(b) Car parking

The application form indicates that 16 parking spaces will be provided. The Design and Access Statement indicates that 4 of these spaces will be provided ‘to the north of the terrace’ but the plans show five in this area and only 15 in total for the development. We request that the applicant be asked to give further attention to the number and location of parking spaces and we consider that 16 is a minimum number that should be provided.

(c) Site access and traffic movement

The application proposes two vehicle access points to the site. We consider this is both unnecessary and undesirable. The plans submitted with the previous application (C/04/148L) demonstrated that satisfactory traffic movement can be 3 of 4 achieved using a single access point at the northern end of the site. The second (southern) access is undesirable as it is located at a particularly narrow section of Pant Lane near a bend and would be in conflict with traffic moving on the highway. In addition, this southern access would require removal of a significant part of the dry stone boundary wall. This is further discussed in paragraph (f) below.

(d) Surface water drainage

A soakaway solution for surface water drainage is proposed. The Design and Access Statement says “I would expect the risk from flooding to be very low”. However, we consider that there is a demonstrable ‘fall’ across the site towards Pant Lane resulting in existing persistent flood problems on that highway. The proposed use of hard surfaces on the development will exacerbate this problem. My Council requests the Authority to ensure that the developer specifies a surface water drainage scheme that can be demonstrated to deal adequately with this issue.

(e) Hard surfaces

The vehicle access and hard standing serving the properties is to be constructed in “tarmac and artificial stone setts” (application form) or “tarmac or concrete block paving” (design and access Statement). However, the Authority’s Development Brief for this site, published alongside the ‘Housing Development Plan’ in 2012, said “Tarmac should be avoided as a surface treatment within the site”. My Council asks that the Authority requires the applicant to provide a detailed scheme for all hard surfaces and landscaping on the site compatible with its rural location and with the requirements for adequate surface water drainage.

(f) Dry stone boundary walls

The Authority’s Development brief for the site (referred to in (d) above) correctly observes that there is “an unusually high boundary wall” between the site and the highway. This wall is a feature of the rural location and of the setting of the site on Pant Lane. The applicant’s site layout plan shows a new second site entrance and is silent concerning how much, if any, of the existing dry stone wall will remain. The Design and Access Statement says that “existing boundary walls to be lowered to n/e 1m adjacent to the new entrance” but is not explicit as to how much of the boundary wall will be lowered to this height. Given the distinctive nature of all the boundary walls of this site and the unusual scale of the boundary wall between the site and Pant Lane, my Council asks that the applicant be required to submit a comprehensive and detailed proposal for all proposed alterations to the dry stone boundary walls.

(g) Fuel oil storage tanks

The application is silent concerning the proposed means of providing heating to the 8 dwellings. However it seems reasonable to assume that fuel oil or propane gas will need to be stored locally for this purpose. At the present time, immediately to the north of the application site and adjacent to the highway are located underground 4 of 4 storage tanks serving other recently built houses on Pant Lane. Whenever these are being refilled, Pant Lane is entirely blocked by the tanker vehicle, which residents consider unacceptable. We ask that the applicant be required to provide details of the proposed method of fuel storage, and a solution to the ‘refilling’ problem that demonstrates it can be achieved without blocking the highway at any stage.

3. Planning consent conditions

Pant Lane is a narrow rural ‘no through road’. A decade or so ago, it served few houses. In the last twelve years, eleven new dwellings have been built with sole access via Pant Lane, exiting onto Graystonber Lane. My Council, receiving comments from Pant Lane residents, is very concerned about the disruption and disturbance that may arise during the inevitably lengthy period of construction of the proposed development.

These concerns include: (a) the need to maintain continuous motorised and pedestrian access along the entire length of Pant Lane at all times;

(b) the noise, dust and pollution that could occur;

(c) the environmental damage that could be caused by construction vehicles and construction work to the surface of Pant Lane, the boundary walls, grass verges and other important features of this rural location.

My Council requests that a comprehensive and detailed set of conditions accompany any planning consent, to cover the conduct of construction works and to mitigate against all aspects of possible disruption in the immediate locality.

4. Planning Officer’s Report

My Councillors request that section 1 of this letter (at least) be reproduced in full in your ‘Officer report and recommendation’ regarding this application.

My Councillors would be willing to discuss the matters raised in this letter directly with you or any of your colleagues at any time during the progress of this planning application if this would be helpful. They can be contacted through me.

I would be grateful if you would please acknowledge receipt of this letter.

Yours sincerely

Marijke Hill Clerk to Austwick Parish Council

Karen Banks

From: Nicola Child Sent: 10 October 2019 10:09 To: Planning Cc: Meghann Hull Subject: FW: Planning Consultation - Application: C/04/148M at Land off Pant Lane, Austwick, LA2 8BH Attachments: Internal Consultation Letter.pdf

Dear planning,

I have a few requests in relation to this application:-

We will need an arboricultural impact assessment and method statement please. The elements of the tree care plan are good in principle but this will need tightening up significantly in order to be in line with BS5837:2012. Specifically what is missing from the current information is:- -- a professional health assessment of the trees; -- the RPAs mapped and overlain onto plans (please note the area of the RPA covered by road surface will need to be offset so the roots are assumed to extend closer to the development); --the location of the protective fencing and signage, also specification (there is no information about ground fixing - in this case the rubber ground pads would be unsuitable), timing and duraction of protective fencing and briefing contractors re. tree protection. --the expressed statement that no trenching, excavation, ground level changes or surface level changes will take place within the RPA

I would prefer the above documents as part of the planning application - rather than condition (the condition would be to adhere to the approved arb statements).

We would ask for no activity within the RPA of the trees - so could an alternative location be found for the waste collection area please.

There is limited information about landscaping -- I can see for trees on the plan but no other information. Could we condition any consent to provide a landscaping plan. Please pass on the information that we would expect to see more tree and shrub planting for a development this size. Tree should not be planted in lines (unless it’s a hedgerow) but in groups in a way that softens the impact of the development, species should be native and the usual BS standards applied in relations to planting and stock.

The 2 horse chestnut trees at the front of the property - I have actually inspected these recently following the loss of a bow from one of the trees. These trees are prominent and have many years left to make a contribution to the locality however they are, as old trees, not without their issues. One of the trees has a form in that there are a number of bark included junctions which is an area of weakness, the second tree is showing signs of Bleeding Canker. My suggestion for managing the trees in light of any consent being given would be the following:-

--Plant 2-3 large canopy species at the road side, but further in, adjacent to the horse chestnut trees. These could form part of the landscaping plan and will be replacements for when the chestnuts reach end of life and if they deteriorate prematurely. I would plant larger standards for immediate impact and have a mixture of sessile oak and small leaved lime. Positioning further from the road would be better.

--The existence of these houses will add greater pressure to the trees -- could we condition that the area where the trees are, does not become recreational garden space - could the applicant, within the landscape plan, plant further with shrubs and small trees within this area to keep residents away from the trees such as planting holly, hazel, hawthorn and potentially bramble or even consider a hedge around the drip line with a higher proportion of prickly species? Creating some kind of wildlife habitat here in this way would also support W2 (biodiversity enhancement).

1 Thanks, Niki

-----Original Message----- From: Trees Woodlands Sent: 09 October 2019 11:32 To: Nicola Child Subject: FW: Planning Consultation - Application: C/04/148M at Land off Pant Lane, Austwick, LA2 8BH

Hi Niki

I'm not happy with the location of the waste collection area, or the future pressure that will be put on the trees from the development. Also, I do not think the protective fencing is adequate. I'm not sure how to respond to this one so please can you have a look, thanks. Please can you copy me in to your response too.



Meghann Hull Trees and Woodlands Conservation Support Officer Working hours: Mon | Tue | Wed Direct: 01756 751606 Switchboard: 0300 456 0030 Website Facebook Twitter Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority Colvend | Hebden Road | Grassington Skipton | North Yorkshire | BD23 5LB

-----Original Message----- From: Gill Allinson On Behalf Of Planning Sent: 03 October 2019 11:09 AM To: Trees Woodlands Subject: Planning Consultation - Application: C/04/148M at Land off Pant Lane, Austwick, LA2 8BH

The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority has received an application from Mr Haywood for: full planning permission for erection of 8 No. dwellings and creation of new vehicular access to site

Plans and further details can be viewed, after 5pm today, via this link: http://www.yorkshiredales.org.uk/planning- application?appNo=C%2F04%2F148M

Please email comments to [email protected]

Full details about this consultation including the name of the officer dealing with the application are in the attached letter.

PLEASE NOTE Plans, drawings, and other material submitted to the Authority are protected by the law of copyright.

You may only download or print material in order for you to inspect it at a more convenient time or place, rather than having to visit our offices. You may only use any material downloaded or printed for your personal use in

2 Karen Banks

From: Building Control Sent: 03 October 2019 11:15 To: Planning Subject: RE: Planning Consultation - Application: C/04/148M at Land off Pant Lane, Austwick, LA2 8BH

Good morning.

All work is to be carried out, to ensure compliance with the Building Regulations 2010.

As the Planning Authority for the project, you should ensure the required consultations are carried out, with particular reference to: Drainage Schemes, Structural Engineers Reports and Fire Officer Requirements.

Regards Craven District Council Building Control

Building Control t: e: [email protected]

Craven District Council 1 Belle Vue Square, Broughton Road, Skipton, BD23 1FJ www.cravendc.gov.uk

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-----Original Message----- From: Gill Allinson [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Planning Sent: 03 October 2019 11:09 To: Building Control Subject: Planning Consultation - Application: C/04/148M at Land off Pant Lane, Austwick, LA2 8BH

The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority has received an application from Mr Haywood for: full planning permission for erection of 8 No. dwellings and creation of new vehicular access to site

Plans and further details can be viewed, after 5pm today, via this link: http://www.yorkshiredales.org.uk/planning- application?appNo=C%2F04%2F148M