Journal of Aquatic Health 17:338±344, 2005 ᭧ Copyright by the American Fisheries Society 2005 [Article] DOI: 10.1577/H04-061.1

Effects of Temperature, Photoperiod, and Infection on Growth, Reproduction, and Survival of tubifex Lineages

ROBERT DUBEY* Department of Fishery and Wildlife Sciences, New Mexico State University, Box 30003, MSC 4901, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003, USA

COLLEEN CALDWELL U.S. Geological Survey, New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, New Mexico State University, Box 30003, MSC 4901, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003, USA

WILLIAM R. GOULD University Statistics Center, New Mexico State University, MSC 3QC, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003, USA

Abstract.ÐTubifex tubifex is the de®nitive host for Myxobolus cerebralis, the causative agent of whirling disease in salmonid ®sh. Several mitochondrial lineages of T. tubifex exhibit resistance to M. cerebralis infection. Release of the triactinomyxon form of the parasite from T. tubifex varies with water temperature; however, little is known about the interactive effects of temperature and photoperiod on the susceptibility of T. tubifex lineages to M. cerebralis infection. In addition, the environmental effects on the growth, reproduction, and survival of T. tubifex lineages are unknown. Monocultures of lineages III and VI were subjected to infection (0 and 500 myxospores per worm), a range of temperatures (5, 17, and 27ЊC), and various diurnal photoperiods (12:12, 14:10, and 16:8 dark : light) over a 70-d period by using a split±split plot experimental design. Lineage VI resisted infection by M. cerebralis at all temperatures, whereas lineage III exhibited infection levels of 4.3% at 5ЊC, 3.3% at 17ЊC, and 0% at 27ЊC. Lineage VI exhibited signi®cantly higher adult survival, weighed more initially, gained more weight, and had higher natality (production of immature tubi®cids) than did lineage III regardless of temperature, photoperiod, or infection treat- ment. There was no detectable effect of lineage, infection, or photoperiod on cysting. Both lineages III and VI cysted at 5ЊC but not at 17ЊCor27ЊC. Competition between lineage VI and other lineages for resources may serve to decrease the overall infection levels among T. tubifex popu- lations, thereby reducing both triactinomyxon production and the occurrence of whirling disease among susceptible salmonids.

Whirling disease is a parasitic infestation of car- de®nitive host for M. cerebralis (Wolf and Markiw tilage in salmonids by the myxosporean Myxobolus 1984; El-Matbouli and Hoffmann 1989). The myx- cerebralis. Evidence of recent introduction in osporean-type spores released by infected salmo- North America is supported by genetic sequence nids are ingested by T. tubifex and are transformed data from M. cerebralis isolates from Europe and into the actinosporean triactinomyxon (TAM) in the United States (Andree et al. 1999; Whipps et the gut epithelium of the oligochaete hosts (El- al. 2004). The devastating effects of whirling dis- Matbouli and Hoffmann 1989). Salmonids con- ease on wild salmonid populations were not fully tract whirling disease by brief contact with wa- realized until its discovery in the intermountain terborne TAMs (El-Matbouli et al. 1995). west in association with the rapid decline of sal- is a cosmopolitan freshwater spe- monid populations in Montana (Vincent 1996) and cies with morphological characteristics exhibiting Colorado (Nehring and Walker 1996). phenotypic plasticity, such as pectinate chaetae, The aquatic oligochaete Tubifex tubifex is the that make it dif®cult to distinguish from closely related (Chapman and Brinkhurst 1987; Kathman and Brinkhurst 1999). Crossbreeding * Corresponding author: [email protected] studies between sympatric morphological forms of Received December 3, 2004; accepted April 18, 2005 T. tubifex (tubifex and blanchardi) indicated that Published online November 3, 2005 they did not interbreed with suf®cient genetic dif-

338 RESISTANCE OF TUBIFEX TUBIFEX TO MYXOBOLUS CEREBRALIS 339 ferences to be considered distinct species (Paoletti Methods 1989). Using allozymes, Anlauf (1994, 1997) de- Tubifex tubifex are parthogenic (Poddubnaya scribed lineages of T. tubifex that differed between 1984). Thus, progeny from this form of reproduc- pond and habitats. Phylogenetic analysis of tion were used to establish laboratory monocul- mitochondrial 16S ribosomal DNA from geo- tures of lineages III and VI. Original stocks of T. graphically distinct populations of T. tubifex pro- tubifex lineages were obtained from the San Juan vided evidence that cryptic lineages within both River, New Mexico. The lineage of each mono- North American and European populations were culture was veri®ed by screening individuals with similar (Sturmbauer et al. 1999; Beauchamp et al. a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) ampli®cation 2001). Sturmbauer et al. (1999) described Euro- of 16S mRNA, developed by Beauchamp et al. pean lineages that exhibited differential tolerance (2002). The PCR methodology for lineage deter- to cadmium exposure. Beauchamp et al. (2002) mination used the DNA template from DNeasy reported four lineages of T. tubifex (I, III, V, and (Qiagen, Valencia, California) mouse-tail protocol VI) at two sites on the Colorado River, Colorado. extractions and three rounds of ampli®cation using Those authors also observed varied susceptibility primers. In this protocol, four North American lin- of the lineages to experimental infection of M. eages were distinguished by size-speci®c PCR cerebralis. Recently, three lineages (I, III, and VI) product. Of the two lineages tested the PCR prod- were identi®ed in sympatric populations from the uct is 147 base pairs (bp) for lineage III and 125 tailwater of the San Juan River, New Mexico bp for lineage VI. (DuBey and Caldwell 2004). No infection was de- Myxobolus cerebralis spores were isolated from tected in lineages I and VI, in contrast to lineage infected Oncorhynchus mykiss. The III. Furthermore, lineage III exhibited higher in- ®sh heads were de¯eshed by heating at 45ЊC, and fection levels in pools (3.0%) than in rif¯e habitats ¯esh and noncartilaginous material were manually (0.5%), demonstrating varied infection responses removed. The cartilaginous material was pulver- presumably attributable to different environmental ized and centrifuged to concentrate spores into a conditions. pellet. The pellet was resuspended and spores were Anlauf (1994) observed differences in growth, quanti®ed by microscopic examination and count- reproduction, and survival among cultures of three ing within a known volume. T. tubifex lineages originating from different hab- Tubifex tubifex lineages III and VI were ran- itats at 5, 15, and 20ЊC. A positive linear rela- domly assigned to each of 18 treatment combi- tionship between T. tubifex fecundity, temperature, nations within nine 38-L glass aquaria by using a split±split plot experimental design. Each aquari- and percentage of organic matter in sediments was um was divided in half with clear Plexiglas. Eight observed in Montana headwater streams (Kaster 350-mL plastic tubs were placed within each 1980). Myxobolus cerebralis development in in- aquarium half, four tubs containing lineage III and fected T. tubifex was also shown to be temperature- four tubs containing lineage VI. Before placement dependent, the spore loads being highest at 15ЊC, within the aquaria, 25 immature tubi®cids were whereas nonviable degenerating M. cerebralis randomly assigned to each tub with a mixture of Њ spores were detected at 30 C (El-Matbouli et al. sterilized silt, sand, and water. Subsequently, T. 1999). Furthermore, allopatric geographic popu- tubifex in eight tubs were challenged individually lations of T. tubifex differed in biomass, repro- with an infection of 500 spores per worm, a rate duction, growth, and TAM production when sub- similar to Stevens et al. (2001) and Blazer et al. jected to controlled infection of M. cerebralis (Ste- (2003). Eight plastic tubs received no spores. The vens et al. 2001). However, little is known re- challenged T. tubifex tubs were then assigned to garding lineage-speci®c responses of M. cerebralis an aquarium half; the nonchallenged T. tubifex tubs infection to combinations of temperature and pho- were placed in the other half to ensure indepen- toperiod. Thus, the objective of our research was dence of the treatment and control groups. to characterize the responses of two lineages of T. A range of temperatures (5, 17, and 27ЊC) were tubifex found in the San Juan River tailwater selected to represent the optimum temperature at (DuBey and Caldwell 2004) to a range of photo- which T. tubifex is commonly found. Each tem- period and thermal regimes and determine whether perature treatment was applied to three aquaria at infection by M. cerebralis would affect growth and three separate locations. Treatment at 5 Ϯ 1ЊC was survival of lineages. conducted in a Living Stream (Frigid Units, To- 340 DUBEY ET AL. ledo, Ohio) in a laboratory with a temperature- cerebralis infection was determined for individual controlled refrigeration unit (model DI-500; worms in the infected treatment and for worms Aquarium Systems, Mentor, Ohio). Treatment at composited from noninfected treatments. The in- 17 Ϯ 1ЊC was conducted within the same labo- fection level for each treatment combination was ratory on a bench top. Treatment at 27 Ϯ 1ЊC was computed by dividing the total number of infected conducted in a walk-in Sheerer environmental worms by the total number of worms examined chamber having a UP 780 digital control system (lineage-speci®c) from each aquarium half. to maintain the desired temperature (Yokogama The presence or absence of M. cerebralis infec- Corporation of America, Newton, Georgia). tion was determined with a nested PCR ampli®- Chamber temperature was measured with a Na- cation of 18S rRNA. The PCR methodology for tional Institute of Standards and Testing±certi®ed M. cerebralis used DNA template from phenol ex- sensor (Model MRHT3±2±1-D; General Instru- tractions, two rounds of ampli®cation according to ments, Woburn, Massachusetts). protocol, and primers developed by Andree et al. For each photoperiod treatment, ¯uorescent (1998). The diagnostic ampli®cation marker for M. lamps provided approximately 50 lm/cm2 at the cerebralis round two was a 410-bp product. Am- water surface of each aquarium. The photoperiod pli®cation was performed with a GeneAmp PCR treatment for two of three aquaria (at each loca- System (model 9700; Applied Biosystems, Foster tion) was manipulated by placing darkened Plex- City, California). After ampli®cation, 10 ␮Lofthe iglas covers on top of each aquarium to achieve DNA sample and 6 ␮Lof1ϫ loading buffer (Sig- the desired dark: light exposure (14:10, 16:8). The ma Chemical Co., St. Louis, Missouri) were loaded aquaria exposed to 12 h of light (12:12) remained into an ethidium bromide±containing agarose gel uncovered but light exposure was regulated by an (2%) with tris-citrate borate ETDA buffer for elec- Electronic Time Switch controller (Model trophoresis and diagnostic DNA identi®cation TS110S; BRK Electronics, Aurora, Illinois) in the (Andree et al. 1998). laboratory and by the UP 780 digital control sys- The experiment was analyzed as a split±split tem in the environmental chamber. Water temper- plot with three levels of experimental units. Treat- ature (ЊC) and light intensity (lm) were measured ing the nine glass aquaria as the experimental units continuously by Hobo recorders (model H8; Onset at the ®rst level, whole-plot treatments consisted Computer Corp., Bourne, Massachusetts). of temperature and photoperiod, the interaction be- All tubi®cids were fed an aqueous solution of tween these two being used as the error term. The ground spirulina (0.5 mg dry weight of spirulina infected and noninfected halves within each aquar- per tubi®cid) twice weekly. Temperature (ЊC) and ium were the experimental units at the second lev- dissolved oxygen (mg/L; Yellow Springs Instru- el. The experimental units at the third level con- ment, Yellow Springs, Ohio) were monitored daily, sisted of the individual plastic tubs. Bonferroni's and pH (pHPlus; LaMotte, Chestertown, Mary- multiple comparison procedure was used to control Ϫ ␣ϭ land), nitrite (NO2 -N, mg/L), and ammonia (NH3- the experiment-wise error rate ( 0.10) by using N, mg/L), were monitored in tubs from all aquaria a comparisonwise rate of ␣ϭ0.026. Response each week throughout all treatments for the ex- variables were infection level, adult mortality, av- periment duration. Nitrate and ammonia were de- erage adult net weight change, number of young termined by the diazotization and salicylate meth- produced per surviving adult, and average weight ods, respectively (Model DR/2010 spectrophotom- per young worm. All statistical analyses were per- eter; Hach Company, Loveland, Colorado). Water formed with SAS software (SAS Institute 2001). in tubs was changed weekly with aerated well wa- Interactive effects were not detectable unless oth- ter. The experiment was run for 70 d. erwise reported. At 70-d postexposure, surviving T. tubifex were separated into adult, immature, and cysted indi- Results viduals, counted, and weighed to the nearest 0.1 Because survival differed among individual mg. Tubifex tubifex from infected treatments were tubs, the infection levels for treatment combina- randomly selected for determining infection from tions are based on a weighted average of worms. each container by using a gridded sorting tray. The There was no photoperiod effect; therefore, results tubi®cids were placed in centrifuge tubes, frozen are presented for each lineage±temperature com- with liquid nitrogen, and stored at Ϫ70ЊC until bination. Lineage III exhibited infection levels of analyzed for M. cerebralis infection with diagnos- 4.3% at 5ЊC, 3.3% at 17ЊC, and 0% at 27ЊC, where- tic PCR markers (Andree et al. 1998). Myxobolus as no infection was detected in lineage VI (Table RESISTANCE OF TUBIFEX TUBIFEX TO MYXOBOLUS CEREBRALIS 341

ABLE ϭ ϭ T 1.ÐInfection prevalence (%) of Tubifex tubifex tubi®cids (F2,4 8.46; P 0.037), individuals lineages III and VI experimentally challenged with 0 (non- held at 17ЊC had higher net weight gains. exposed) and 500 (exposed) Myxobolus cerebralis myxo- Natality (number of young produced per sur- spores/worm at 5, 17, and 27ЊC. viving adult) was not affected by exposure to M. III VI cerebralis in either lineage (Table 3; F ϭ 0.03; Temperature 1,6 (ЊC) Exposed Nonexposed Exposed Nonexposed P ϭ 0.87). The lack of a detectable exposure effect on natality was due to negative population growth 5 4.3 0 0 0 17 3.3 0 0 0 rates for both the 5ЊC and 27ЊC treatment groups, 27 0 0 0 0 whereas positive growth rates were exhibited with- in the 17ЊC treatment groups (exposed: lineage III, 0.013 individuals/d; lineage VI, 0.026 individuals/ d; unexposed: lineage III, 0.021 individuals/d; lin- 1). Polymerase chain reaction diagnostics detected eage VI, 0.034 individuals/d). Natality was greater no infection in T. tubifex of either lineage from the in lineage VI than in lineage III (F ϭ 19.32; nonchallenged group. 1,106 P Ͻ 0.0001). The degrees of freedom in this error Under experimental conditions in this study, lin- term were lower because 14 of the tubs had com- eage VI exhibited detectably higher survival plete mortality and therefore were excluded from (F ϭ 100.7; P Ͻ 0.0001) than lineage III (Table 1,120 analysis. Although there was no effect on natality 2). Of the 72 tubs containing lineage III, 9 exhib- from photoperiod (F ϭ 0.43; P ϭ 0.68), greater ited complete worm mortality at 27ЊCand4at5ЊC. 2,4 mean natality was observed in both lineages at Of the 72 tubs containing lineage VI, only 1 ex- 17ЊC than at either 5ЊCor27ЊC (Table 3; F ϭ hibited complete mortality at 27ЊC, and no com- 2,4 26.15; P ϭ 0.005). plete mortality was observed at either 5ЊCor17ЊC. No environmental effects (i.e., temperature and Although effects of temperature on survival were photoperiod) were detected for weights of imma- not statistically detectable at the ␣ϭ0.026 level ture tubi®cids (P Ͼ 0.25), nor was there a differ- (F ϭ 7.83; P ϭ 0.041), survival was consistently 2,4 ence attributable to infection (F ϭ 1.24; P ϭ higher at 17ЊC. No effect of photoperiod (F ϭ 1,1 2,4 0.4662). However, there was a detectable effect of 0.69; P ϭ 0.55) or infection (F ϭ 1.45; P ϭ 1,6 lineage (F ϭ 21.35; P Ͻ 0.0001) on the mean 0.27) was identi®ed. 1,43 weight of immature tubi®cids, lineage VI having The individual mean starting weight of lineage higher mean weight (1.28 mg/worm, SE ϭ 0.15) VI (1.35 mg, SE ϭ 0.021) was greater than the than lineage III (0.82 mg/worm, SE ϭ 0.06). individual starting weight of lineage III (1.10 mg, Cysting was observed only at 5ЊC. It was seen SE ϭ 0.022); thus, we based our analysis on the in both lineages and was similar throughout all average net weight change per adult worm. Lin- photoperiods (20±22 cysted worms). The cysting eage VI individuals gained more weight (3.17 mg, rate for all surviving adult tubi®cids was 3.9%. SE ϭ 0.25) than did lineage III individuals (2.34 None of the cysted individuals was infected ac- mg, SE ϭ 0.20), which was signi®cant (F ϭ 1,106 cording to PCR screening. 25.47; P Ͻ 0.0001). Interaction between infection ϭ ϭ and lineage was detectable (F1,106 5.69; P 0.019). Infected individuals of lineage III gained Discussion more weight than did the uninfected individuals. We found that lineage VI exhibited wider tol- Lineage VI worms, however, had the same weight erance to experimental conditions than lineage III gain regardless of parasite challenge. Although did, corresponding to earlier ®eld observations of temperature effects were not detectable in adult DuBey and Caldwell (2004). Lineage VI resisted

TABLE 2.ÐAverage survival (%) Ϯ standard error of Tubifex tubifex lineages III and VI subjected to exposure or no exposure to Myxobolus cerebralis at 5, 17, and 27ЊC. Different letters within treatment groups indicate detectable differences (n ϭ 12 for all combinations).

III z VI y Temperature (ЊC) Exposed x Nonexposed x Exposed w Nonexposed w 5 v 27.0 Ϯ 6.05 11.7 Ϯ 3.32 53.3 Ϯ 7.11 35.7 Ϯ 5.96 17 v 51.3 Ϯ 6.07 44.7 Ϯ 3.74 68.0 Ϯ 3.88 79.3 Ϯ 2.45 27 v 21.0 Ϯ 5.59 10.0 Ϯ 5.01 57.0 Ϯ 6.68 68.3 Ϯ 10.21 342 DUBEY ET AL.

TABLE 3.ÐAverage number of young tubi®cids produced in 70 d per adult Tubifex tubifex of lineages III and VI subjected to exposure or no exposure to Myxobolus cerebralis at 5, 17, and 27ЊC. Different letters within treatment groups indicate detectable differences; standard errors and sample sizes are given in parentheses.

III z VI y Temperature (ЊC) Exposed x Nonexposed x Exposed w Nonexposed w 5 v 0.5 (0.48; 12) 0.2 (0.17; 8) 0.4 (0.28; 12) 0.03 (0.03; 12) 17 u 3.8 (1.25; 12) 5.4 (1.46; 12) 13.2 (2.12; 12) 12.3 (1.61; 12) 27 v 0 (0; 9) 1.0 (0.68; 6) 0.4 (0.30; 12) 0.9 (0.59; 11)

M. cerebralis infection, whereas lineage III indi- ulations from different geographical origins when viduals exhibited infection. Previous experimental subjected to M. cerebralis challenges of 50, 500, exposure studies have reported T. tubifex exhib- and 1000 myxospores per worm (Stevens et al. iting variations in TAM production and infection 2001). Although these authors did not distinguish levels at several substrate and temperature com- mitochondrial lineage differences among popula- binations (Blazer et al. 2003) and in susceptible tions, analysis of rRNA ITS-1 locus determined and resistant lineages of T. tubifex (Beauchamp et that the two geographic populations were geneti- al. 2002). Our observed infection levels for lineage cally distinct. Furthermore, differences in survival III (4.3% at 5ЊC, 3.3% at 17ЊC, and 0% at 27ЊC) were exhibited among three ecological lineages of were generally low compared with the wide range T. tubifex subjected to experimental temperature of infection levels in T. tubifex from West Virginia increases of 11ЊC and 12ЊC (type A: from 71.4% reported by Blazer et al. (2003). They reported to 73.1%; type B: from 89.6% to 95.0%; type C: infection levels from an experimental challenge from 30.8% to 37.5%; Anlauf 1994). Effects of dose of 350 myxospores per worm that ranged temperature on survival were not statistically de- from 8.3% to 16.7% at 9ЊC, from 6.3% to 22.9% tectable in our study; however, survival was con- at 13ЊC, from 12.5% to 33.3% at 17ЊC, and 0% at sistently higher at 17ЊC, which suggests that fur- 20ЊC. A wide range of infection levels was also ther work on this topic is warranted. exhibited by T. tubifex collected from Windy Gap Tubifex tubifex of lineage VI exhibited greater Reservoir and Breeze Bridge on the upper Colo- weight gains and greater fecundity than those of rado River, Colorado, when exposed to spore doses lineage III. This is the ®rst report of differences of 6,000 and 11,000 spores per worm (Beauchamp in growth and reproduction between these two lin- et al. 2002). Tubifex tubifex from these collections eages. Similar observations have been made were screened for TAM production; those not pro- among ecological lineages of T. tubifex (Anlauf ducing TAMs after 1 month were experimentally 1994), T. tubifex forms (Poddubnaya 1984), be- challenged with M. cerebralis spores. Beauchamp tween two geographic populations (Stevens et al. et al. (2002) observed infection levels ranging 2001), and different population growth rates be- from 0% to 76.7% for lineage I and from 2.3% to tween exposed and unexposed T. tubifex from three 30.0% for lineage III; no infection was exhibited geographical populations (Kearns et al. 2004). in lineages V or VI. From our results and from Infection had no detectable effect on the growth, other research reported here, we conclude a wide reproduction, or survival of lineage III worms. range of susceptibility of T. tubifex to M. cerebralis However, infection had a negative effect on pop- exists within lineages susceptible to infection. ulation growth rate (fecundancy) in two of three Lineage III exhibited signi®cantly lower adult geographical populations of T. tubifex with rates survival than lineage VI regardless of temperature, for the exposed population that ranged from ap- photoperiod, or infection. These observations were proximately 0.001 to 0.009 individuals/d and for similar to those of Beauchamp et al. (2002), who the unexposed population from 0.002 to 0.013 in- demonstrated survival ranging from 15.3% to dividuals/d (Kearns et al. 2004). In addition, both 91.0% and from 67.4% to 75.4% in two T. tubifex of our exposed and unexposed treatment groups populations experimentally exposed to M. cere- exhibited higher population growth rates at 17ЊC. bralis. The authors, however, did not distinguish The lack of a detectable exposure effect on natality lineage differences before exposure. Negative ef- in our study re¯ected negative growth rates for fects of the parasite on survival among different both the 5ЊC and 27ЊC treatment groups. populations of T. tubifex were inferred by a dra- Bonomi and DiCola (1980) observed that within matic decrease in abundance in one of two pop- same-age cohorts of T. tubifex, the faster-growing RESISTANCE OF TUBIFEX TUBIFEX TO MYXOBOLUS CEREBRALIS 343 worms matured earlier, remained fecund longer, photoperiod in winter. Anlauf (1994) found that and produced more young. Thus, the observed re- only one of three ecological lineages cysted and duction in growth, reproduction, and survival of speculated that cysting reduced metabolic activity lineage III adults (compared with lineage VI) may when food was limited. Our mean ending weights result from lineage differences. If the time to re- for lineage VI (4.45 mg/adult worm) were similar productive maturity is accelerated, the greater to mature T. tubifex weights where food was not weight gain by lineage VI may infer increased ®t- a limiting factor (i.e., 4.6 mg/worm; Bonomi and ness over lineage III. DiCola 1980). Anlauf (1994) also reported that the Of the three temperatures examined, the surviv- cysted ecological lineage exhibited higher weights al of young tubi®cids was highest at 17ЊC. Bonomi and greater egg production than the other ecolog- and DiCola (1980) observed a positive correlation ical lineages. Although lineage VI exhibited higher of egg production in T. tubifex at temperatures weights, greater weight gains, and greater egg pro- ranging from 5ЊCto20ЊC. Density was shown to duction than lineage III, both lineages of T. tubifex affect natality in experimental cultures of T. tubifex cysted in our study. Additional work is needed to (Bonomi and DiCola 1980). We did not manipulate better understand the environmental pressures as- density here; however, lineage VI in our study had sociated with cysting of T. tubifex. higher survival rates of adults and produced more In other susceptibility experiments, TAM pro- young per adult than did lineage III. This suggests duction by tubi®cids was directly related to disease that the differences in natality are attributable to severity in juvenile rainbow trout (Ryce et al. lineage differences and not density dependence. 2001). Thus, the presence of resistant lineages may We observed densities in tubs as high as 482 young reduce the prevalence of TAMs and lessen the im- (mean weight, 1.88 mg) and 21 adult worms (mean pact of infection on resident salmonids. El- weight, 7.86 mg) within lineage VI, whereas the Matbouli et al. (1999) found that resistant T. tu- high densities of lineage III were 177 young (mean bifex lineage V from Hamilton Bay, Ontario, Can- weight, 1.52 mg) and 17 adult worms (mean ada, ingested and inactivated M. cerebralis spores. weight, 7.14 mg). These adult mean weights were Presumably, these tubi®cids were effectively re- higher than the means for ®eld-collected worms, moving spores by acting as biological ®lters and which ranged from 2.37 to 6.90 mg (Bonomi and preventing contact with susceptible lineages. Fur- DiCola 1980), and surpassed Anlauf's (1994) ex- thermore, none of our lineage VI worms were in- perimental means, which ranged from 1.73 to 3.16 fected, and habitats dominated by resistant lineage mg. Thus, natality differences between the line- VI exhibited lower infection rates in the San Juan ages may have been the result of faster growing River tailwater (DuBey and Caldwell 2004). Per- worms within lineage VI that matured sooner and haps resistance of a T. tubifex lineage to infection remained fecund longer. may serve to mitigate the prevalence of M. cere- Cysting for all surviving adult tubi®cids was bralis in infected systems. Competition between 3.9%; only in the 5ЊC treatment was cysting ob- resistant T. tubifex and other lineages may reduce served and photoperiod had no effect. None of the the incidence of infection by eliminating spores cysted T. tubifex exhibited infection as determined from the habitat that would otherwise be available by PCR screening. Several authors have described to susceptible T. tubifex. T. tubifex cysting as a life history strategy to sur- vive changes in environmental conditions (Kaster Acknowledgments and Bushnell 1981; Anlauf 1990). Kaster (1980) The authors thank C. Crowder, C. Freidman, and observed cysting in T. tubifex in a mountain head- R. Deitner for their help with this project and J. water stream in winter. Survival strategy was dem- Bartholomew and three anonymous reviewers for onstrated experimentally, the cysted T. tubifex sur- comments that greatly improved the manuscript. viving lower experimental temperatures than those Primary ®nancial support for this research was that did not cyst (Anlauf 1990). The number of provided by the Whirling Disease Initiative Na- cysted T. tubifex observed was higher in winter tional Partnership on the Management of Cold- than summer or spring in the tailwater of the San water Fishes, and USDA Forest Service Region 3 Juan River, New Mexico (DuBey and Caldwell and the Rocky Mountain Research Station, Al- 2004). Because the tailwater exhibited a relatively buquerque, New Mexico. Additional support was constant temperature (7±9.5ЊC) through the sea- provided by the U.S. Geological Survey, New sons, cysting by T. tubifex in the New Mexico tail- Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research water may have been initiated by the reduction in Unit, the Agricultural Experiment Station, and the 344 DUBEY ET AL.

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