202 bus time schedule & line map

202 - Whitley Wood View In Website Mode

The 202 bus line (Wokingham - Whitley Wood) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Whitley Wood: 3:33 PM (2) Wokingham Town Centre: 7:15 AM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 202 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 202 bus arriving.

Direction: Whitley Wood 202 bus Time Schedule 28 stops Whitley Wood Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 3:33 PM Emmbrook School, Emmbrook Emmbrook Gate, Wokingham Civil Parish Tuesday 3:33 PM

Dog And Duck, Emmbrook Wednesday 3:33 PM

Matthewsgreen Farm, Matthews Green Thursday 3:33 PM Friday 3:33 PM Matthewsgreen East, Matthews Green Saturday Not Operational Holt School, Wokingham

Oxford Road, Wokingham Reading Road, Wokingham Civil Parish 202 bus Info Rie Volunteer, Emmbrook Direction: Whitley Wood Reading Road cycle path, Wokingham Civil Parish Stops: 28 Trip Duration: 42 min Simons Lane, Emmbrook Line Summary: Emmbrook School, Emmbrook, Dog Reading Road, Wokingham Civil Parish And Duck, Emmbrook, Matthewsgreen Farm, Matthews Green, Matthewsgreen East, Matthews Sadlers Lane, Green, Holt School, Wokingham, Oxford Road, Reading Road cycle path, Winnersh Civil Parish Wokingham, Rie Volunteer, Emmbrook, Simons Lane, Emmbrook, Sadlers Lane, Winnersh, Woodward Close, Winnersh Woodward Close, Winnersh, Winnersh Cross Roads, Winnersh, Drome Path, Winnersh, Cavendish Winnersh Cross Roads, Winnersh Gardens, Loddon Bridge, Loddon Bridge Reading Road cycle path, Winnersh Civil Parish Roundabout, Loddon Bridge, Lower Way North, Loddon Bridge, Sindlesham Mill, , Drome Path, Winnersh Hawkedon Way, Lower Earley, Sellaeld Way, Lower Reading Road cycle path, Winnersh Civil Parish Earley, Mareeld, Lower Earley, Beech Lane, Lower Earley, Faygate Way, Lower Earley, Chatton Close Cavendish Gardens, Loddon Bridge Asda, Lower Earley, Lower Earley Way - Beeston Way, Reading Road cycle path, Reading Lower Earley, Lower Earley Way West, Shineld, Foster Wheeler, Shineld Park, Motorway Footbridge, Loddon Bridge Roundabout, Loddon Bridge Shineld Park, Drewett Close, Whitley Wood, Reading Road, Reading Engineers Court, Whitley Wood

Lower Earley Way North, Loddon Bridge Lower Earley Way (North), Reading Sindlesham Mill, Lower Earley Mill Lane, Reading

Hawkedon Way, Lower Earley The Delph, Reading

Sellaeld Way, Lower Earley Bridport Close, Reading

Mareeld, Lower Earley 8 Barkby, Reading

Beech Lane, Lower Earley Rushey Way, Reading

Faygate Way, Lower Earley 1,3,5,7,9,11 Faygate Way, Reading

Chatton Close Asda, Lower Earley 14 Chatton Close, Reading

Lower Earley Way - Beeston Way, Lower Earley

Lower Earley Way West, Shineld

Foster Wheeler, Shineld Park

Motorway Footbridge, Shineld Park (raised kerb), Reading

Drewett Close, Whitley Wood Whitley Wood Lane, Reading

Engineers Court, Whitley Wood Forest Dean, Reading Direction: Wokingham Town Centre 202 bus Time Schedule 30 stops Wokingham Town Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:15 AM Engineers Court, Whitley Wood Webster Close, Reading Tuesday 7:15 AM

Drewett Close, Whitley Wood Wednesday 7:15 AM

Motorway Footbridge, Shineld Park Thursday 7:15 AM Motorway Footbridge, Reading Friday 7:15 AM

Foster Wheeler, Shineld Park Saturday Not Operational

Lower Earley Way - Beeston Way, Lower Earley

Chatton Close Asda, Lower Earley 3 Carland Close, Reading 202 bus Info Direction: Wokingham Town Centre Faygate Way, Lower Earley Stops: 30 Rushey Way, Reading Trip Duration: 48 min Line Summary: Engineers Court, Whitley Wood, Beech Lane, Lower Earley Drewett Close, Whitley Wood, Motorway Footbridge, Rushey Way, Reading Shineld Park, Foster Wheeler, Shineld Park, Lower Earley Way - Beeston Way, Lower Earley, Chatton Mareeld, Lower Earley Close Asda, Lower Earley, Faygate Way, Lower Swepstone Close, Reading Earley, Beech Lane, Lower Earley, Mareeld, Lower Earley, Sellaeld Way, Lower Earley, Hawkedon Way, Sellaeld Way, Lower Earley Lower Earley, Thistleton Way, Lower Earley, Bridport Close, Reading Sindlesham Mill, Lower Earley, Loddon Bridge Roundabout, Loddon Bridge, Drome Path, Winnersh, Hawkedon Way, Lower Earley Bearwood Path, Winnersh, Arbor Lane, Winnersh, The Delph, Reading Hunters Court, Winnersh, Winnersh Cross Roads, Winnersh, Woodward Close, Winnersh, Sadlers Lane, Thistleton Way, Lower Earley Winnersh, Lowther Road, Emmbrook, Toutley Close, 5 Tinwell Close, Reading Emmbrook, Coreld Green, Emmbrook, Dog And Duck, Emmbrook, Matthewsgreen Farm, Matthews Sindlesham Mill, Lower Earley Green, Matthewsgreen East, Matthews Green, Holt Mill Lane, Reading School, Wokingham, Shute End, Wokingham, Broad Street, Wokingham Town Centre Loddon Bridge Roundabout, Loddon Bridge Reading Road, Reading

Drome Path, Winnersh Reading Road cycle path, Winnersh Civil Parish

Bearwood Path, Winnersh

Arbor Lane, Winnersh

Hunters Court, Winnersh Reading Road cycle path, Winnersh Civil Parish

Winnersh Cross Roads, Winnersh Reading Road cycle path, Winnersh Civil Parish

Woodward Close, Winnersh Sadlers Lane, Winnersh 265 Reading Road, Winnersh Civil Parish

Lowther Road, Emmbrook

Toutley Close, Emmbrook Commons Road, Wokingham Civil Parish

Coreld Green, Emmbrook Emmbrook Road, Wokingham Civil Parish

Dog And Duck, Emmbrook

Matthewsgreen Farm, Matthews Green

Matthewsgreen East, Matthews Green

Holt School, Wokingham

Shute End, Wokingham Reading Road cycle path, Wokingham Civil Parish

Broad Street, Wokingham Town Centre 18 Broad Street, Wokingham Civil Parish 202 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in London. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved