Present: Adrian, Derek, Nick, Craig, Electric John, Helen, French John, Ian, Sheila, George, Chris the Voice, Bob Watson, Dave (Big Wheel).

Distance 35.96 miles

As I pedalled up the hill from Woodall way to Molescroft Roundabout at about 14 mph with NO SWEAT I was thinking back to leaving home this morning with a present Mrs B commenting what’s good for the goose is good for the gander and I think I hear words like new shoes and M &S clothes as I have just invested in a new electric bike and boy it was well worth it.

On arriving at the roundabout people were asking who is taking the easy way out to ride the ups and downs of our beautiful local roads and lanes that we have in our cycling radius of Beverley.

Our group of E Bikes has increased more with the arrival of new member Craig Jaques-Newton who we welcome into our increasing group with the proviso of course of enjoying Fish and Chips and Ice Cream, as our leader has to keep up his energy levels. French John has also been trawling E bay and has found a very nice bike as well and says it’s a nice bike to ride.

After all the comments about bikes and the weather, our leader advised us of the route for the day, which some seemed to have forgotten within 5 miles of setting off and had to be called back. At Cherry Burton X roads, we met George and his daughter who we were to find out had completed the coast to coast 10 times and she soon found that we did just café to café.

We travelled through South Dalton, Holme through to Lockington were we stopped for a group photo on the bridge.

A detour to Beswick and down to Aike. This route took us over the Lockington railway line were in 1986 the train crashed into a van causing nine deaths as well as the van driver and a number of other passengers received injuries. Travelling on we enjoyed the peace and tranquillity of Wilfholme Landing and taking in the superb views across the bottom of the Wolds.

Against public opinion the landing is part of the Navigation Canal not the which starts further down. Leaving the Landing we travelled up to X roads then onto a very rough path to Hutton Cranswick were 10 senior Fish and Chips were ordered and ably cooked by the ladies in the shop.

We left after finishing our lunch needing a drink and cake to finish off. We struggled on the ¼ mile to the garden centre to join the other riders who had chosen a lighter lunch than us in the Stoves café and enjoyed varied conversations with our leader who was complaining about the cost of his ice cream. This had cost him 2/3rds more than normal, however he did choose the café!

Setting off for home we stopped again at Cherry Burton for tea and cake where further discussions took place prior to our return to Beverley.

Thanks for the ride Dave we enjoyed it. We must not forget that Steve who usually rides with us was missing. Steve had done what most of us dread and whilst cycling the day before had fallen off, rather than rolling with the fall. Unfortunately, it was more serious, although before cycling home he had to have the obligatory ice cream before his visit to Beverley Hospital to confirm a broken arm. Everyone wishes you a speedy recovery Steve, we could not manage a whip round but we send you a bunch of flowers to help.