25 History Final
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Queensland Quilters Inc. 25 Years of Continuous Quilting 1984 - 2009 12 years of Continuous 0uilting C8NTENTS Introduction How It All (egan 3 America has a long history of A Year of Firsts A quiltmaking and by the 1970’s 198A - 1009 2 - 19 the art of quiltmaking had become a bit of a “ assé" Cearning with 00 30 craft and was considered Statistics at a Dlance 31-31 somewhat of an old fashioned hobby. Anecdotes 33-3A In 1976 the United States of 0ueensland 0uilters America celebrated its (icen- EEecuti,e F Committee 32 tennial and as art of the celebrations, citizens of the IndeE 36-37 USA were encouraged to go Founding Members 38 down into their cellars or u into their attics and disco,er quilts that might be hibernat- Editor’s Preface ing there. As a result, many .hen I ,olunteered to write the hundreds of quilts were un- History of 0ueensland 0uilters to earthed and disco,ered and celebrate the 12th Anni,ersary I was thus a new enthusiasm for gi,en information re,iously gathered quilting and the history sur- and collated by Desley Dre,ins, rounding quilting abounded. Donna Da,is and others. Australia too, has a quiltmak- ing history and u to the .hile the re,olution of modern quilting might ha,e In early 1008, I conducted a sur,ey of 1970’s, most atchwork had taken a bit longer in Australia, it did coincide with the members of 00. Firstly the member- been hand sewing, mostly introduction of modern tools and the domestic use of shi were categorized into longe,ity, using the English a er iecing com uters and suddenly atchwork and quilting was new, hel er, country and remainder method. taken to new le,els. And as the saying goes, we’,e ne,er grou s. As a result of the resurgence looked back/ As 0ueensland 0uilters Inc. celebrates its th of interest in America, Aus- 12 Anni,ersary, it is time to take a glance back at how (ased on the size of the grou , a tralian crafters started to get we came about, what we’,e been doing and achie,ing number of members were selected at more interested in quilting and where we ho e to be going in the future. random to recei,e a sur,ey. In total, and as such the modern 71 com leted sur,eys were returned. atchwork and quilting This history of QQ Inc. is not comprehensive by any means, I thank all those 00 members who mo,ement had arri,ed in but is a snapshot of events and functions of QQ Inc and its artici ated in the sur,ey. Australia. members over the past 25 years. .ithout this generosity of informa- tion sharing, I would not ha,e been A Message from our President able to write about the “socialG as- ect of 00, its members, their sto- ries and anecdotes. I am enormously grateful to It is no small thing for an us that 00 is built on a firm 3udie (ellingham who s ent organisation to celebrate foundation. 8ur membershi I was always roud to be a member countless hours as re- 12 years of continuous has always been made u of of 00 before I began to write this searcher, contributor, ty ist, acti,ity. strong, determined, smart, history, but I’,e gained so much more layout designer and editor to energetic, funny, interesting, understanding of the beginnings of bring this ro4ect to fruition. 0ueensland 0uilters has creati,e, ins iring, hard- 00 and its members ongoing com- not only sur,i,ed but working, o inionated, far- mitment to reach quilters from In this book you will "meet" thri,ed/ seeing, thoughtful, dri,en, throughout the state of 0ueensland. hea s of eo le 5try to guess caring eo le. Each member, Now, I’m 4ust bursting with ride/ the eo le behind the 8ur numbers are increas- in his or her own way, has quotes/6, you will learn so ing, we are in a healthy made a difference. I sincerely ho e that you en4oy read- much more about 00, and financial osition, and we ing about our 12 year 4ourney and you will be reminded, all take on new ro4ects Many, many thanks are due to share in the ride I feel for our won- o,er again, why it is so great e,ery year. 8ur grou is Desley Dre,ins who took it derful organization - 0ueensland truly ali,e and well. u on herself, years ago, to to be art of this grou . 0uilters Inc. start archi,ing 00 informa- 3udie (ellingham This official history shows tion. 7ate 8szko 12 years of Continuous 0uilting 8age 3 How It All (egan In 0ueensland u until the attractions were a demonstra- ing at Ruth’s sho in February, early 1980’s atchworkers tion of quilting techniques by the first ADM was held on 19th tended to work alone, with- Ruth and other quilters. A March 198A and with a begin- out much noise, creating hands on worksho titled ning membershi of 110 mem- quilts either by hand or ,ery “Are you Interested in Making bers from New South .ales to occasionally machine ieced. a 0uiltKG was deli,ered at that Pa ua New Duinea and 60 The craft of quilting was en- time. A selection of atch- cottage members. 00 was a com assed by The Embroid- work materials, gifts and going concern. The Constitu- erers’ Duild of 0ld but books from (CF (ook Store tion was drawn u , with the quilters felt the need for a were also there. Also and ob4ecti,es being much the same “ ur ose dri,enG body to most im ortantly for 00, a as those of today. The olicy belong to. As crafters started book was a,ailable for ,isitors statement wasI “0ueensland to feel a need for an organiza- at the eEhibition to indicate 0uilters is a urely cultural tion for like-minded enthusi- their enthusiasm for a organization.G The member- asts, casual discussion started quilters’ guild to be estab- shi was full, honorary, stu- Ruth Stoneley to take lace. Ruth Stoneley lished here in 0ueensland. dents and ensioners, country, had recently o ened her busi- Some 80 signatures were grou affiliation and cottage. 5 hoto courtesy of 3udith (aker ness Patchwork and 0uilting taken that day and as a result The last classification was aban- Montano ri,ate collection6 Su lies in Highgate Hill and se,eral informal gatherings by doned on Incor oration. had commenced classes. 8l- ,arious interested quilters wyn (eech and (etty Rees took lace to discuss the The first Committee comprisedI 7ember Quote: encouraged the first quilt formation of a guild. A steer- show of Ruth’s at the Coor- ing committee was set u to Inari Thiel President aroo Uniting Church. 8n the in,estigate the ossibility of a 5I feel without Friday and Saturday of the 11st quilt guild for 0ueensland. At Glenda Reid Vice President and 11nd of 8ctober 1983 the one stage a suggestion was being a member of 0ueensland 0uilt EEhibition made that the 0ueensland Jenny Riley Secretary Queensland was held at the Coor aroo guild be a branch of the re- Mary Barrett Treasurer Uniting Church Hall, where cently formed The 0uilters Quilters, I would Ruth Stoneley, her friends and Duild of NS.. Following this Anne Mayberry Editor lac2 an identity of her students resented their ,ery successful eEhibition, work of o,er fifty atchwork Ruth Stoneley, 3enny Riley and myself, who I am, Committee members : quilts. S ecial attractions on Inari Thiel acti,ated, a steer- where I've been th that day included a lecture by ing committee and on the 11 3ane .ilson, Carol Seeto, 3udy Ruth titled “0uilting Today February 198A the rules and and where I'm and YesterdayG, on the his- aims of the ro osed guild Dlasson and Heather Haynes. going. Than2 you tory, charm and ractical were collated and discussed. QQ.6 function of atchwork. 8ther Following this informal meet- First Article in Courier Mail News a er This article a eared in the wor2ing bees to pool labor and commission for Government Courier Mail on (oEing Day, ideas. And, as -enny 0iley, Secre- House in 1 82, and other quilts 198A, written by Phyllis tary of QQ, tells it, behind the of hers have been shown in Crafts .oodcock formation of this groups in 1ris- Expo '82 Sydney and bought by bane this year was the philoso- the Queensland Art Gallery for Queensland Quiltmakers phy of communication 4 bringing exhibition during the 1 82 Com- turn scraps into art together women wor2ing alone, monwealth Games. Quiltma2ing involves the spirit of often un2nowingly quite close in craft 4 the desire to ma2e and the same suburbs, in a bonding ,rom -anuary 1.-18, Queensland have something of one's own. It of mutual help and exchanged Quilters will hold their first sum- can involve recycling of old mate- 2nowledge. The idea of quilters mer school at the Technical and rials 4 the concept of 5save your getting together really developed ,urther Education College at scraps for me6 from which many after an exhibition by patchwor2 /itchener 0oad, Ascot, in a build- patchwor2 quilts have been specialist 0uth Stoneley and her ing which TA,E has lent them. made 4 or the purchase of me- students last year. 1asic patchwor2 techniques will A heEagon quilt, ieced tres of new material from which be included in the beginners' on a ers in the English the quilt as an art form may or 0uth is very much an artist- classes.