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East York Toronto The East York COMEBACK KID n University baseball star rounds the bases again after OBSERVER horrific bike crash Page 10 Vol. 40, No. 8 Friday, October 14, 2011 www.torontoobserver.ca Serving our community since 1972 One part red, two orange By SHANNON KELLER and ALEXANDRA WARD The Observer Call it the cliffhanger that wasn’t. Polls and pundits suggested a neck- and-neck race heading into last week’s provincial election. Locally, several major media outlets called Don Valley Geoff Mosher /// Observer West a ‘riding Toronto-Danforth’s Peter Tabuns (with microphone) was among the three East York incumbent MPPs returned to office to watch,’ with by wide margins in last week’s provincial election. Tabuns celebrated his win with family and supporters at the Sidewalk a business news Café on Danforth Avenue. L-R: School board trustee Cathy Dandy, city councillor Paula Fletcher, son Anton Tabuns, partner television anchor Shawn Kerwin and city councillor Mary Fragedakis. Full election coverage: pages 4, 6-7. poised to unseat the incumbent Liberal transportation minister. But while Dalton McGuinty returned to the premier’s Shots rattle street office one seat By OCTAVIAN LACATUSU Sgt. Pauline Gray at a news authorities out of fear for their shy of a majority The Observer conference on Tuesday night. safety. government, that was The second murder in three “I’m fairly certain we’re look- “I’m afraid to be here,” said still 16 seats better years on a tiny street at East ing at more than one suspect at one resident, who asked for than the Tories. York’s northeast corner has this point.” anonymity. “I’m afraid for my And in Don Valley shaken the neighbourhood. Police say Dillon was the son who has to grow in such a West, it wasn’t Just after 11 p.m. on Sunday, subject of an arrest warrant violent environment.” even close. MPP Dane Dillon, 27, was visiting a year ago for abduction, but Another, saying she’s Kathleen Wynne and a friend and on his way home they haven’t confirmed any worked in the neighbourhood East York’s other when he was shot in the park- connection between the abduc- for the last eight months, de- incumbents had ing lot of the Toronto Com- tion and the slaying. scribed it as relatively calm margins of victory in munity Housing apartment On Tuesday night, police and quiet during the day, but in the thousands. building at 90 Parma Ct., near went door-to-door asking resi- the evening, she said, the mood Wynne beat O’Connor Drive and Victoria dents if anyone heard or saw changes. Andrea Mandel- Park Avenue. He died on the anything at the time of the in- A 35-year-old man was shot Campbell with more way to the hospital. cident. and killed on Parma Court in Octavian Lacatusu /// Observer than twice as many “Mr. Dillon was shot as he Interviewed by a reporter, the spring of 2008. This week’s Police officers went door-to-door at votes: 24,454 and was trying to flee the parking however, some said they’re re- murder on the street was the Parma Court to ask residents if they 58.3 per cent of the lot,” said homicide squad Det. luctant to divulge anything to city’s 37th of 2011. witnessed anything on Sunday night. total ballots cast, versus Mandel- Campbell’s 11,626. This was Wynne’s third consecutive win City struggling to repair ‘critical pipe’ in the riding. To the south, the NDP remains the By KRISTIN ANNABLE covered significant dam- would be huge.” 2011. force to be reckoned The Observer age to the Coxwell Sanitary In March, workers dis- The new series of delays with in Beaches-East Residents in the Coxwell Trunk Sewer 60 metres be- covered an extra layer of stems from an extra drink- York and Toronto- NEWS Avenue and O’Connor neath the intersection. concrete that they had to ing water well that was Danforth. Voters Drive neighbourhood tired According to Lou Di Gi- deal with, further delaying built directly on top of the in those ridings of the construction eyesore ronimo, general manager the completion date. old sewer that crews are YOU CAN contributed two of at their intersection had of Toronto Water, the trunk “This lost us a few months trying to replace. the New Democrats’ better get used to it. sewer is the most critical and our new completion “This ground water is get- USE 17 seats across the The trunk sewer repair pipe in the city. date is May 2011,” Di Gi- ting between the cracks of n The Coxwell trunk province. that was begun in Octo- “If this sewer broke, the ronimo said at the time. the old and the new shafts,” sewer handles NDP incum- ber 2010 with a scheduled backup sewage would flow May has come and gone, Di Gionimo said. the flow from over bent Peter Tabuns 750,000 people completion date of January entirely into the Don Riv- and construction continues. “In order for us to con- 2011 now faces further de- er,” he said. “There would Di Gironimo now hopes tinue to work on the trunk n Construction’s has an estimated price lays. be no way to turn it off and to have a new, fully opera- sewer, the area has to be n See FAMILIAR, tag of $30 million In 2008, city crews dis- the environmental impact tional sewer by the end of completely dry.” page 6 2 NEWS The East York Observer /// Friday, Oct. 14, 2011 Moms rise to challenge of breastfeeding COMMUNITY By ANETA TASHEVA CALENDAR The Observer The play’s On Oct. 1, mothers from across the GTA gathered in the thing East York to breastfeed their children and walk together. The East Side Waving signs with messages Players open their such as “Mama’s got milk” new season with and “Proud to be a breastfeed- Peter Shaffer’s ing mother and woman,” they Lettice and Lovage. promoted breastfeeding. It will run from Oct. “We try to make the com- 27 to Nov. 12 at The munity aware of the breast- Papermill Theatre. feeding benefits,” said Lydia Tickets are $20 or Ling, the event’s main orga- $15 for students. nizer for the past seven years. Get tickets at www. The women gathered at eastsideplayers.ca or the East York Civic Centre call 416-425-0917. for the Toronto Breastfeeding Challenge, where 90 mothers Celebrate breastfed their babies at 11 Aneta Tasheva /// Observer a.m. The Toronto Breastfeed- ing Network organized the In honour of National Breastfeeding Week, mothers participated in the Toronto Breastfeeding Chal- local libraries lenge and walked, along with other supporters, to raise awareness about the importance of breast- event and made it a free day Oct. 22 is Library feeding. This is the first time the Toronto Breastfeeding Network has held the event in East York. including food, awards and Settlement Partner- seminars. La Leche League ship (LSP) Day at Canada, a national organiza- “It (began promoting) at the same place and time. value of breast milk and, if ference in showing the public Toronto libraries. tion providing breastfeeding breastfeeding because breast- “It shows that there are they experience difficulties that breastfeeding is some- Events run from 10 support, took on the adminis- feeding is so good for the people from all walks of life with breastfeeding, should thing the community values. a.m. to 1 p.m. at trative role. moms, for the babies, for the and all different backgrounds seek support. However, there is still a lot the Flemingdon Park According to the Quintes- environment,” Ling said. that are getting the message The event helps to provide a that needs to change, she said. branch and noon to sence Foundation, which also The Breastfeeding Chal- across,” said Caroline Chocor- sense of community for moth- “Some of the changes have 4 p.m. at Thorncliffe provides support to breast- lenge has become an intercity lan, a breastfeeding mother ers, Chocorlan said. to be better support in hos- Park. Check www. feeding mothers, the first competition throughout the who attended the event for the La Leche League Canada pitals (and) better prenatal torontopubliclibrary. Breastfeeding Challenge took world. Every year, mothers try first time. leader, Michelle Branco, be- support so the mothers really ca for more details. place in British Columbia in to break the world record of She believes mothers need lieves the Toronto Breastfeed- know better what to expect,” ~ Lloyd Quansah 2001. breastfeeding the most babies to recognize the nutritional ing Challenge has made a dif- she said. C OURTS RIDE hits the road & CRIME designated drivers to people too Hearse hammers home intoxicated to get behind the wheel. Man arrested the point at spot check “No one wants to be the designated after stabbing driver,” said Kevin Gibson, co-founder By ANDRE WIDJAJA of Reliable DD. “Even when we’re out A man, 41, was stabbed several The Observer there you still have stubborn people with attitude.” times on Sunday Drivers at the intersection of Crescent Although Reliable DD is not the first outside of a restau- Town Road and Victoria Park Avenue or only company of its kind, Gibson rant in the area of were met last Friday by police officers, said that most of the public is still Pape and Cosburn a hearse, a taxicab and a TTC bus. unaware of the service. avenues. Police say On the cusp of Thanksgiving “Eighty per cent of the people out the stabbing occured weekend, Toronto police engaged in there that we talk to have never heard at around 2:45 a.m.
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