“Is This Really Happening?”: Game Mechanics as Unreliable Narrator Curie Roe and Alex Mitchell Department of Communications and New Media National University of Singapore
[email protected],
[email protected] ABSTRACT The unreliable narrator is a popular narrative technique employed by game designers, as seen in games such as Dear Esther and The Stanley Parable. However, much of the academic discussion of unreliable narration in video games has focused on games with an omniscient, personified narrator. Through close readings of Tales from the Borderlands Episode 1 and Doki Doki Literature Club, we examine how video games without an omniscient, personified narrator create unreliable narration. Our findings suggest that in these games the auditory, visual and interactive (gameplay) narrative modes work together to create unreliability by setting up players to doubt the meaning of their in-game actions. This draws attention to the presence of an implied player to whom the unreliable narration is directed, and heightens awareness of the “Game Narrator” through metalepsis. We propose this Game Narrator as the set of rules that govern how the three narrative modes (auditory, visual and interactive) are dependent on each other, and how they support meaning-making and the formation of the cognitive construct of the storyworld in the player’s mind. KeyworDs unreliable narration, game mechanics, close readings, metalepsis, game narrator INTRODUCTION Games are increasingly accepted as a medium for storytelling, with research no longer focusing on whether games can tell stories, but instead exploring how games tell stories, and how these techniques are similar to or different from traditional forms of narrative such as literature and film.