Democratizing Analytics

Cloud native data warehouses on Kubernetes

Robert Hodges and Vlad Klimenko Presenting the Presenters

Robert Hodges Vlad Klimenko CEO Altinity Senior Software Engineer, Altinity 30+ years on DBMS including 20 15+ years of and application different DBMS types. Working experience. Main designer of on Kubernetes since 2018 ClickHouse Kubernetes operator. Introducing ClickHouse ClickHouse is an open source data warehouse

Understands SQL And it’s really fast!

a b c d a b c d Runs on bare metal to cloud

Shared nothing architecture

Stores data in columns ClickHouse Server ClickHouse Server

Parallel and vectorized execution a b c d a b c d

Scales to many petabytes

Is Open source (Apache 2.0) ClickHouse Server ClickHouse Server ClickHouse is also a distributed application

Availability Zone Availability Zone Availability Zone ClickHouse Server ClickHouse Server ClickHouse Server

shard1 shard1 shard1 Analytic application

ClickHouse Server ClickHouse Server ClickHouse Server

shard2 shard2 shard2

Zookeeper Server Zookeeper Server Zookeeper Server Going Cloud Native -- the User View ClickHouse on Kubernetes is complex!

Persistent Load Stateful Persistent Pod Volume Balancer Set Volume Zookeeper-0 Service Claim

Shard 1 Replica 1 Per-replica Config Map Zookeeper-1 Replica Service Shard 1 Replica 2 Zookeeper-2 Replica Service Zookeeper Shard 2 Replica 1 Replica Services Service

Replica Shard 2 Replica 2 Service

User Config Map Common Config Map Operators encapsulate complex deployments

kube-system namespace

ClickHouse Operator

ClickHouse Resource Definition Apache 2.0 source, distributed as Docker Single specification image your-favorite namespace Best practice deployment ClickHouse operators are easy to install

Get operator custom resource definition: wget \ /master/deploy/operator/clickhouse-operator-install.yaml

Install the operator: kubectl apply -f clickhouse-operator-install.yaml

Remove the operator: kubectl delete -f clickhouse-operator-install.yaml You need at least one Zookeeper ensemble

Simplest way is to use helm: kubectl create namespace zk helm install --namespace zk --name zookeeper \ incubator/zookeeper

(There’s also an operator for Zookeeper now) Setting up a data warehouse--the basics apiVersion: "" kind: "ClickHouseInstallation" : name: "cncf" Name used to identify all resources spec: configuration: clusters: - name: replicated Definition of cluster layout: shardsCount: 2 replicasCount: 1 zookeeper: nodes: Location of service we depend on - host: zookeeper.zk Adding users and changing configuration apiVersion: "" kind: "ClickHouseInstallation" metadata: name: "cncf" spec: configuration: users: Changes take a few demo/password: demo minutes to propagate demo/profile: default demo/quota: default demo/networks/ip: "::/0" clusters: - name: replicated Templates make it easy to define defaults defaults: templates: volumeClaimTemplate: persistent Name of template podTemplate: clickhouse:19.6 templates: volumeClaimTemplates: - name: persistent spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: Storage misconfigurations storage: 10Gi lead to insidious errors Scale up/down by modifying layout apiVersion: "" kind: "ClickHouseInstallation" metadata: name: "cncf" spec: configuration: clusters: - name: replicated Increase shards to layout: add write capacity shardsCount: 3 replicasCount: 3 Raise replicas to add read capacity Demo Time!

ClickHouse on Kubernetes in Action Going Cloud Native -- Inside the Operator Operators and event processing

Stateful Persistent Pod Service Set Volume

Etcd Service Native Custom Native Stateful Persistent ControllerNative Resource Controller ClickHouse Pod Set Volume CHI Controllers Resource Definition Events ClickHouse Operator kubectl apply Kubernetes API (Custom Resource Actions Controller) Clickhouse custom resource definition

defaults serviceTemplates Services Network resources Global defaults

podTemplates Pods

configuration Container definitions Stateful Sets Cluster topology,

users, zookeeper storageClaimTemplates Persistent locations, etc. Storage definitions Volumes Node variation is common in data warehouses

ClickHouse Server ClickHouse Server Canary Replica on new version with shard1 shard1 tiered storage

Version: 19.16.14 Version: 20.1.4 May run for weeks!

Production Replica on stable version 10 Tb 1 TB 10 Tb with single HDD HDD SSD HDD

All Data Hot Data Cold Data Stateful sets don’t quite match our node model

Pods have identical Stateful Pods have varying configuration and capacity, affinity, non-varying storage Set version

Need to alter storage to add/change capacity Analyzing state to perform upgrades

Compare resource to actual state

Apply ClickHouse Pod Pod Plan Operator chi-0-0 chi-0-1

Pod Pod ClickHouse chi-1-1 chi-1-0 Resource Definition

Update resource definition Upgrade pods sequentially Division of responsibilities -- adding a replica

ClickHouse Operator

Create configmap, Process add replica Boot statefulset, Pod, PV

Configure monitoring

Send schema Add tables

Join cluster Operator = Deployment + Operation + Monitoring

ClickHouse ClickHouse Resource Operator Definition Monitoring

data z

data Grafana Monitoring z

K8s API your-favorite namespace

Prometheus System dynamism complicates monitoring

Replica Persistent Stateful Persistent Service Pod Volume Set Volume Claim Load Balancer Shard 1 Replica 1 Per-replica Config Map Service

Monitoring data from a single replica

ClickHouse Operator System dynamism complicates monitoring

Replica Persistent Stateful Persistent Service Pod Volume Set Volume Claim Load Balancer Shard 1 Replica 1 Per-replica Config Map Service

Replica Service Shard 1 Replica 2

Monitoring data from two replicas

ClickHouse Operator Speaking of storage, we have options

● Cloud storage: Simple ○ AWS ○ GKE Network access ○ Other cloud providers ● Local storage ○ emptyDir Fast ○ hostPath ○ local Complex Use storageClassName to bind storage Use kubectl to find available storage classes:

kubectl describe StorageClass

Bind to default storage: spec: storageClassName: default

Bind to gp2 type spec: storageClassName: gp2 Explicit data placement is simplest for users clusters: - name: zoned Replicas use different layout: pod templates shardsCount: 3 replicas: - templates: podTemplate: clickhouse-in-zone-us-west-2a - templates: podTemplate: clickhouse-in-zone-us-west-2b

Templates encapsulate affinity to specific zone Templates also enable portability

ClickHouse Load Load Resource Balance Pod Pod Definition Balance (Differences mostly in templates) Load Load Balance Pod Pod Balance Load Pod Balance

Load Load Balance Pod Pod Pod Pod Balance

Minikube Multi-AZ Deployment ClickHouse operator roadmap

● Backup and restore ● Reclaim storage in new clusters ● Services ○ Per node access ○ External vs. internal endpoints ● Security ○ Certificate management across nodes ○ Encrypted storage Using Kubernetes to Build Analytic Solutions Kubernetes benefit #1

Complete solution with dashboards and predictive analytics Apps ContentApps Sources ML Pipeline Grafana

Ability to integrate full solutions with multiple microservices Kafka Consumer ClickHouse Kubernetes benefit #2

Independently Internal scaled analytics Service backend for Monitoring ClickHouse different services Stack

Customer- Separate Facing Web sharding, Analytics replication, ClickHouse Stack storage, etc. Biggest long-range opportunity Kubernetes democratizes data warehouse access

Operators enable effective data management

ClickHouse Kubernetes operator enables any application to add high-performance analytics Presenters: [email protected] [email protected]

ClickHouse Operator: Thank you!

ClickHouse: Questions? Altinity: