Mystic Valley Regional Charter School Video Lesson Guide, Week of June 15, 2020 – Grade 10 English Of Mice and Men Miss Wendland [email protected] Ms. Lewis [email protected]

*June 17th will be the last day to turn in late work and the Study Guide for the ELA Final Exam will also be due on Wednesday, June 17th*

Monday: Lesson 44 EQ: Why do we read? OBJ: Analyze characters, plot, and themes of second semester texts. • Watch video and take notes • Work on Final Exam Study Guide • Submit last week’s comprehension questions to Turnitin today.

Tuesday: Lesson 45 EQ: Why do we read? OBJ: Analyze characters, plot, and themes of second semester texts. Watch video and take notes • Work on Final Exam Study Guide

Wednesday: Lesson 46 EQ: Why do we read? OBJ: Analyze characters, plot, and themes of second semester texts. • Finish up Final Exam Study Guide • Submit completed study guide via email today

Thursday: Lesson 47 • Study for Final Exam

Friday: Lesson 48 • Study for Final Exam

Note: Extra help this week will be held at these times:

Thursday, June 18th from 9 AM-10 AM Friday, June 19th from 2PM-3PM


Week June 15, 2020 of Collaboration Day Assignment Submitted using/to: is:

• Watch Final Review Video 1/ take notes • Submit all comp Mon. • Work on study guide questions to

Lesson Monday Prohibited

• Submit Reflections 49 Submit last week’s comprehension Monday via Turnitin questions and reflections to Turnitin


• Watch Final Review Video 2/take Tues. notes Lesson • Work on study guide Prohibited 50 • Submit study guide via email when completed

• No video for this lesson Wed. • Submit study guide via • Complete study guide Lesson email when completed Prohibited 51 • Submit study guide

Thurs. • Study for final exam Prohibited

Fri. • Study for final exam Prohibited


Final Exam Protocol: Students and Advisors Dates and Times • June 22 – English exams • Grade 7: 8:30am-10am • Grade 9: 10am-12pm • Grade 8: 12:30pm-2pm • Grade 10 and 11: 2-4pm • June 23 – Math Exams • Grade 7 and 8: Algebra 1 and Math 87 8:30am-10am • Grade 9 and 10: Algebra 1, Geometry, Course 3, Pre-Calculus: 10am-12pm • Grade 7 and 8: Course 3 and Geometry 12:30pm-2pm • Algebra 2 (Grade 9, 10, 11), Math Studies 1 (Gr11), SL Math 1(Gr11), HL Math 1(Gr11): 2-4pm Login and Testing • Students are expected to log into Teams and access their exams no later than 5 minutes after the start time of the exam. • The student will have to submit the final exam 90 minutes (LS) or 2 hours (HS) after the posted start time. o Students are encouraged to use a timer at home to keep track of time. • Students who are late may be subject to a late penalty. • For math, pictures of work must be submitted via email in order to receive full credit. • Essay questions will be submitted to for all students 7-11. For 7/8 students will also email their document to their teacher. • Students may not collaborate with one another on exams and may not access their materials or other sources while testing. Questions and Troubleshooting • The teacher will make sure there are multiple ways for the student to contact them including through Teams, email, and making sure the students have their extension should the student need to leave a message because of internet connectivity issues. • Teachers will create a live Team meeting that they will be in from for the duration of the exam to troubleshoot any technical issues and to answer any questions about the final. The link will be posted to Teams well ahead of the exam start. • This is the same format as current extra help links. Attendance If for some reason the student is unable to “attend” the final, the parent needs to make contact with administration (Ms. Fitzgerald - HS) or (Ms. Perkins – LS English exam – dial 617-615-6277)/ Mr. Shahan – LS Math exam – call the school and dial x1113) before the start of the exam. Similar absence protocols to normal testing will be followed to reschedule the exam. o If a student does not make contact with the teacher in any way and does not access the exam, the student will be considered to have skipped the final exam and will be awarded a zero. Final decisions on grade will be left up to AD in the event of exceptional circumstances. o Any student who calls in absent will have their access to the exam removed by the teacher using the assessment function in Teams. Communication • Teachers and advisors will communicate protocol to each student at least one week before exams. Advisors are expected to get confirmation that the students are aware of the protocols involved and note in the Parent Contact Log (comments section: “Exam protocol covered”).


• Any current difficulty with connectivity, devices, or Teams access should be communicated to [email protected] as soon as possible so that it can be remedied prior to final examinations. Once the exam has started all technical issues should be brought to the teacher and NOT the distance learning email or phone number.


Name: ______10 English Final Review Final Exam Study Guide Frederick Douglass’s The Narrative of the

Life of Frederick Douglass Slavery as an institution

Main Events

Means of Emancipation


Frederick Douglass Mr. Hugh Auld

Captain Anthony Anna Murray

Mr. Freeland Colonel Lloyd

Mrs. Sophia Auld Mr. Covey


Thomas Auld Aunt Hester

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn


Huckleberry Finn The Phelps

Jim Widow Douglass

Pap Various minor characters

Tom Sawyer

Miss Watson

Context What is dialect? How is it used in Huck Finn?



What are the major events in the novel?

Themes: Describe the theme and how it is presented in Huck Finn. morality vs. intellectual education

Huck’s conflicted understanding of racial equality

Twain’s depiction of humanity


Of Mice and Men







Curley’s wife



Themes: Describe how Steinbeck uses the following themes.





Anna Karenina Characters Stepan Oblonsky

Alexei Karenin Dolly Oblonsky

Alexei Vronsky Kitty Scherbatsky

Konstantin Levin Sergei Koznyshev

Nikolai Levin Seryozha

Main events in Part 1

Main events in Part 2


Main events in Part 3

Main events in Part 4

Main events in Part 5

Main events in Part 6 and 7