Cubulating Random Groups at Density Less Than 1/6
TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 363, Number 9, September 2011, Pages 4701–4733 S 0002-9947(2011)05197-4 Article electronically published on March 28, 2011 CUBULATING RANDOM GROUPS AT DENSITY LESS THAN 1/6 YANN OLLIVIER AND DANIEL T. WISE Abstract. 1 We prove that random groups at density less than 6 act freely and cocompactly on CAT(0) cube complexes, and that random groups at density 1 less than 5 have codimension-1 subgroups. In particular, Property (T ) fails 1 to hold at density less than 5 . Abstract. Nous prouvons que les groupes al´eatoires en densit´e strictement 1 inf´erieure `a 6 agissent librement et cocompactement sur un complexe cubique 1 CAT(0). De plus en densit´e strictement inf´erieure `a 5 , ils ont un sous-groupe de codimension 1; en particulier, la propri´et´e(T )n’estpasv´erifi´ee. Introduction Gromov introduced in [Gro93] the notion of a random finitely presented group on m 2 generators at density d ∈ (0; 1). The idea is to fix a set {g1,...,gm} of generators and to consider presentations with (2m − 1)d relations each of which is a random reduced word of length (Definition 1.1). The density d is a measure of the size of the number of relations as compared to the total number of available relations. See Section 1 for precise definitions and basic properties, and see [Oll05b, Gro93, Ghy04, Oll04] for a general discussion on random groups and the density model. One of the striking facts Gromov proved is that a random finitely presented 1 {± } 1 group is infinite, hyperbolic at density < 2 , and is trivial or 1 at density > 2 , with probability tending to 1 as →∞.
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