D. Recurring management Action D.1: Management of the reedbed vegetation by grazing

1. Progress Grazing of the reedbed vegetation is included in the LIFE project as one of the two basic actions for the restoration and management of wet meadows on reed-dominates sites (the second action is summer and autumn cutting). It is mainly implemented by the water buffalo herd that belongs to the SPP (43 animals at present) and two local cattle herds (60 animals and 25 animals respectively). Buffaloes are grazing all year round near Lake Mikri Prespa, while cattle graze the littoral meadows and reedbeds in summer and autumn.

Photo by Y. Chardaloupas/ SPP Photo by Y. Kazoglou/ SPP The opening in the reedbed at the site of Karyes North, which was created by the buffaloes. Grazing is systematically practiced at eight project sites either as the sole management practice (at Karyes North, at which the SPP has constructed a wooden shelter for the buffaloes) or after summer cutting (Mikrolimni, Karyes South, Lefkonas, Slatina Plateos, Slatina Lemou, Gioulia and Vromolimni-Koula) (see map, Action D.1, ANNEX I). According to the results of data analysis from the vegetation monitoring activity of the project (see also Action D3a), grazing (alone or combined with summer cutting) is the most effective method in opening the reedbed stands and restoring wet meadows to the benefit of aquatic birds. 2. Activities • The buffalo herd grazed at the site of Karyes North until late July 2004 to allow for the completion of mowing and baling at the adjacent site of Karyes South. The latter was grazed since late July to the end of September 2004. In late September, the connecting Karyes South and Mikrolimni was re-cut (as one year ago) to facilitate buffalo grazing at the site of Mikrolimni during October 2004. In early November, the herd was moved to the northern part of the lake. The sites of Gioulia and Vromolomni-Koula were grazed by the buffaloes until mid December, but had until then been also grazed by cattle (Table 1).

Table 1. Project sites managed by grazing only or combined with summer cutting Site name and Grazing duration (June 2004 – June 2005) management 6/04 7/04 8/04 9/04 10/04 11/04 12/04 1/05 2/05 3/05 4/05 5/05 6/05 scheme Mikrolimni 1 (SC+BG) Karyes South 2 (SC+BG) 3 Karyes North (BG) Lefkonas 4 (SC+BG) Slatina 5 Plateos (SC+CG) Slatina Lemou 6 (SC+CG+BG) Gioulia 7 (SC+CG+BG) Vromolimni- 8 Koula (SC+CG+BG) SC = Summer Cutting / activity D2 (mid July – mid August 2004) BG = Buffalo Grazing CG = Cattle Grazing

• A wooden shelter was constructed above the concrete feeding table outside the buffalo shelter at Karyes North (July-August 2004). Reeds used for the thatched roof were collected from sites managed under the D.2 activity of the project (summer cutting). • 800 hay bales were harvested for the buffalo herd at the littoral sites that were mowed under activity D.2 in July-August 2004. Another 235 bales of straw were purchased as supplementary winter-feed for the buffaloes, while alfalfa bales were harvested from the SPP- owned field at Lemos (May-June 2004 and 2005). • The buffaloes were feeding on additional fodder from mid December to mid April 2005. • All the manure deposited at the buffalo shelter found at Karyes North was removed by a farmer from Mikrolimni at his own expenses (April 2005). • The buffalo herd presently numbers 43 animals (7 of them born from April to late June 2005). Since May 2005, the herd was restricted to graze only at the site of Karyes North. It is important to stress that during May-mid July (2004 and 2005) the buffalo shepherd faces several difficulties in controlling the herd in order to avoid damages to adjacent bean and maize cultivations. That is because the adjacent sites of Karyes South and Mikrolimni can only be grazed after vegetation sampling takes place in mid July (according to the monitoring protocol used in action D3a of the project) and after cutting and baling of the vegetation. • The buffalo herd is being surveyed by the Veterinarian Service of the Prefecture of . • Many meetings and contacts were held with officers of the prefecture and regional agricultural services (Ministry of Rural Development and Food) in order to investigate the procedures that have to be followed for the SPP to receive all EU subsidies relevant to stockbreeding. Starting from 2005, the SPP should be receiving other subsidies (apart from the one concerning the “preservation of rare breeds”), such as the subsidy for young male and female calves and the subsidy for “extensification”.


3. Targets/ objectives not achieved and why. Accordance of project actions with the time planning of the project proposal All project activities relevant to Action D1 are in accordance with the time planning of the project proposal. Targets and objectives have also been achieved.

4. Meetings, contacts and visits Many meetings, contacts and visits were made during the third year of the project with the relevant agricultural and veterinary authorities (on issues related to subsidies, the treatment of the herd and the use of littoral pastures). Most contacts were done with the Agriculture Department of the Prefecture of Florina (ADPF) in order to investigate the procedures that have to be followed by the SPP and that service concerning the receipt of all subsidies that the SPP should be receiving from the buffalo breeding activity.

Photo by Y. Chardaloupas/ SPP Photo by Y. Chardaloupas/ SPP Exclosure at the site of Karyes North showing how the reedbed vegetation would be without grazing in late March 2005 (left) and in late June 2005 (right). This issue is of major importance for the funding and sustainability of the grazing activity in the long term (combination of buffalo grazing and conservation management of the wet meadows). The most significant were: • July 2004, February 2005. Meetings with Mr. G. Voskopoulos (agronomist of the Prespa Municipality) for the annual statement of land used as pastures and hay production for the buffaloes. • Meeting with Mr. D. Tsekaris (ADPF) to submit the application for the payment of the 2004 subsidy (rare breeds of domestic animals). • September 2004. Meetings at with Prof. Papanastasis to discuss issues relevant to a scientific paper on the grazing capacity of littoral meadows and reedbeds. • October 2004. Meetings with Mr. N. Tambas, Mr. E. Repas (owners of a cattle herd grazing littoral sites of Lake Mikri Prespa) and Mr. Y. Petridis (chairman of the Municipal District of Platy) to discuss the movement of the cattle herd to the site of Slatina Plateos and the implementation of buffalo grazing at the northern littoral sites. A similar meeting took place in early November 2004 as well. • Contact with the Statistical Service of the Prefecture of Florina to provide information on the number of buffaloes and organically cultivated areas at the villages of Prespa. • October 2004, January 2005, March 2005, May 2005, June 2005. Nine meetings and contacts with Mr. Y. Soumpasis, Mrs. P. Hatzilia (ADPF), Mr. G. Vamvakas (staff of the state

3 organisation in charge of the control of payments of subsidies to farmers) and Mr. L. Siskos of the Union of Agricultural Cooperatives of Florina (UACF) to discuss procedures for the SPP to receive all subsidies relevant to the buffalo herd. • Contact with Mr. F. Kapolas (buffalo breeder at the region of ) to discuss the procedures he followed to receive all subsidies relevant to his buffalo herd. • Mr. Y. Floudas (buffalo breeder at Amvrakikos) visited Prespa and the SPP buffalo herd and discussed with the SPP staff. • March 2005. Contact with Mr. Efthimopoulos (agronomist at the Department of Agriculture of the Prefecture of ) to discuss the subsidies procedures. • May 2005. Contact and meeting with Mr. K. Palasidis (BIOHELLAS certification organization) and discussion on the potentials for certification of organic buffalo breeding. • Meeting with the Veterinarian Service and reception of new form of record on buffaloes. • Contact with the SAVE Foundation (Safeguard of Agriculture Varieties in Europe) and registration to the workshop on rare Greek domestic breeds (held in 30/6-2/7/2005). More information available at SAVE Website: http://www.save-foundation.net.

5. Planned targets and activities for the next reporting period • To prepare a plan for the future (after spring 2006) management of the project sites based on the scientific evidence of the vegetation monitoring activity of the project and taking into account all practical issues relevant to the implementation of grazing and cutting. This plan should be discussed with the local people and authorities, as well as to be presented and endorsed by the board of the Prespa National Forest Management Body. • To produce a techo-economic study in order to set the framework of the future management of the buffalo herd by the SPP based on the decision of the SPP General Assembly to continue management and restoration of wet meadows in Lake Mikri Prespa. • To investigate the marketing of buffalo products. This activity is of crucial importance for the continuation of the nature conservation-oriented grazing management of wet meadows. • To present and discuss the new wet meadows management plan with the members of the LIFE project Scientific Committee in their next meeting (April 2006). • To repair minor damages to the shelter at Karyes North and construct moveable shelters (for protection against the rain and snow during November-December) to be used when the herd will not be staying in the shelter of Karyes North.