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THE COURK FOR RELIEF OF INSOLVENT William Thomas, o.f no ^erpianent tesVdense, ,but a 'Pester in Common Waiting P^per, travelling to -.the follo'tying jpjgces, DEtiWRS. viz. Ludlow, in , Prestigne, Pennybout, Rhyader, N. !B. See the Notice at the end of these Ad- and Horsey, in Radnorshire, Brecon, Builth, Talgartb, and Hay, ;in Brecknockshire, Kington, Leqminster, i,ed,bu;ry, vertisements. and Ross, in , City of Hereford, Aber.gav.eimy,- anuMonmoutb, in iVJonmouthshire, .and MjtdieJ-; .Theftfa'tfer so f the PETITION^ and SCHEDULES dean, in Gloucestershire. of the PRISONERS hereinafter named (the same John Merrett, late" of Barton-Street, near the City of Glouces- ter, Hay and Straw-Dealer and Market-Gardener. having been, filed in -the Court) are appointed Benjamin Webley, formerly of H.aiirbr,opk, in the Parish ftf to be heard as follows: \Vmterbourn, Gloucestershire, Gauie,keeiper. the;n of Stpka Bisliop, in the Parish of Westbury-on-Tryra, G^oUjCester- ' At the Court-House, at , in the of [, Groom, afterwards of Hauibropk aforesaiid, of ftO Gloucester, on .the 5th day of Noveinber 1 830, at trade or business. 1sen o'Clock in the Forenoon precisely., At the Court-House, at the City of Gloucester, 'Joseph Brooks, formerly of Kingstanley, and since of , in the County of the same City, on the 5th d«y both in the County of Gloucester, Cloth-Worker. of November 1830, at Ten o'Clock in the Fore- David Edwards, formerly of'Bath-Road, , Glouces- tershire, Retail Brewer, and late of Cheltenham aforesaid, noon precisely. Victualler. , M.ichael Jo)m Haines (sued as Michael Hpin.es) formerly .of 'Isaac Ford, late of ^yoodford, in the Parish of Berkeley, Bisley, and Mien of Str.oud, 'both in Gloucestershire, then of ^Gloucestershire, Slioenialier. Oxbody-Lane, afterwards of Portland-Street, and then of ' Richard Jauies, formerly of'York-ley, in the Hundred of Saint Hare-Lane, all in the City of Gloucester, then of Tibberten,. Briayels, Gloucestershire, afterwards of Ahersychau, Jjon- and late of Barton-Street, Gloucestershire, Cordwainer, and niouthshire, and late cf aforesaid, J)linev. since oif Sweetbriar-Street, near the City, but in the County 'Alexander Paine, late of Bath-Road, Cheltenham, Glouces- of Glouces'.er, Cordwainer and Seller of Cider by retail. tershire,^irst'out of business, then Assistant-Postmaster, Edward Halfhide, formerly of Eastgate, in the City o'f Glou- S£nd afterwards of no trade or business, and sine? of IjJo. 33, cester, then o? No. 3, Foley-Place, near the City, but in th& Park-1*1 ace, Cheltenham aforesaid, first Governor of the County of Gloucester, Grocer, Tea-Dealer, and Brush- Poor of Cheltenham, and lastly of no trade or business. Maker, in partnership with Thoma's Oakley, and carrying on tyill'iaip Kelly, formerly of Ladywood-Lane, Edgebastou, near business in Eastgate-Sireet aforesaid, under the firm of Birmingham, , and late of Cheltenham, Oakley and Company, as Grocers, Tea-Dealers, and Brush- Gloucestershire, Musician. Makers, and since of No. 3, Foley-Place aforesaid,-out of Stephen Marshall, formerly of Bourton-on-