ED 343 4E4 FL 800 451

AUTHOR Duesterbeck, Florence, Comp.; Veeman, Nayda, Comp. TITLE Literacy Materials Produced in : A Bibliography. INSTITUTION Saskatchewan Literacy Network, .; Saskatchewan Provincial Library, Regina. REPORT NO ISBN-0-919059-58-9 PUB DATE Jun 91 NOTE 20p. PUB TYPE Reference Materials - Bibliographies (131)

EDRS PRICE MF01/PC01 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Adult Reading Programs; Annotated Bibliographies; * Natives; *; Foreign Countries; Instructional Materials; *Literacy; *Literacy Education; Reading Instruction; Reading Teachers; Tutors; Uncommonly Taught Languages IDENTIFIERS *Adult New Readers; *Saskatchewan

ABSTRACT An annotated listing of literacy materials from Saskatchewan includes items for use by new readers, tutors, and instructors. The annotations summarize the content and give the reading level of materials suitable for new readers. The bibliography consists of two sections. One covers Saskatchewan-produced titles and includes availabilLty information; the other lists ad,dresses of the producers or publishers of the materials. Examples of topics covered in the bibliography include the following: literacy manual; new writers' stories; Cree language activities; essay writing; teacher's guides; literacy tutor workshop manuals; picture dictionary; and a Cree language resource handrlook with medical terminology. (LB)

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Literacy Materials Produced in Saskatchewan: aBibliography

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OFCOCOON endimprovement OSPONTIFIENTRteesten U.S. 1NFORMKAON Oilice otEducation& RESOURCES(OKI IS "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS EOUCATiONALCENTER teproduved MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY nesboonatotganitstion CPIsdocurnont perOn iron% the improve tecstred it made to originating neveboon cnangosought,/ 0 Min°, MO docur noptoductton steed In otticial . of:Polon%reptosent te-z-kt oi viewof Points notnocessstily ment do ofpolicy OEMposition TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES 1 INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." 1

Compiled by: Saskatchewan Literacy Network Provincial Library 2 BEST COPY MILANI Literacy Materials Produced in Saskatchewan: a Bibliography

Compiled by the SaskatchewanLiteracy Network and the Provincial Library

Published by the SaskatchewanLiteracy Network Saskatoon, Saskatchewan June 1991

ISBN: 0-919059-58-9


Introduction Page 1 Saskatchewan Produced Titles Page 2 Publishers/Producers Page 13 INTRODUCTION 1

1 This annotated bibliography is a listing of lite..acy materials produced in Saskatchewan. It includes literacy materials for use I by new readers, tutors and instructors. The annotations summarize the content, and give the reading level of materials suitable for new readers. 1 The bibliography is divided into two sections. The first section is a list of Saskatchewan produced titles. Where possible we have listed their availability for purchase, loan, or duplication. I Prices iisted are subject to change. An asterisk (*) indicates the materials are available from Saskatchewan Provincial Library on interlibrary loan. The second section lists the addresses of I the producers/publishers of these titles. Telephone and fax numbers are also included. I This publication was a cooperative project between the Saskatchewan Literacy Network and the Provincial Library. The project was made possible through funding by the National Literacy I Secretariat. We would like to thank the producers/publishers for their I cooperation and donations of titles for the Library's collection. The Library and the Network are interested in receiving information on any other Saskatchewan produced literacy publications. I This publication may be reproduced for other than resale purposes, 1 Compiled by: and I Florence Duesterbeck Nayda Veeman (Coordinator) Provincial Library Saskatchewan Literacy Network 1352 Winnipeg Street P.O. Box 1520 Regina, Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan I S4P 3V7 S7K 3R5 (306) 787-2986 (306) 653-7178 I Fax: (306) 787-8866 Fax: (306) 933-6490 I I I 0r


2 6 (Regina, Sask.) : * Buckley,Peggy. --Literacy manual. -- 1. Institute of NativeStudies andApplied Gabriel Dumont Institute Research Inc., incooperation withSaskatchewan Technology, 1989. --57 p. of AppliedScience and

11 manual provides anintroduction This basictutor training definitions of to literacyand adultlearning. It provides and methodologyin a clear,practical literacy terminology and sample way. It includeschecklists, inventories exercises as well as asection ondeveloping literacy for beginning or materials. It is a good resource experienced tutors. Available for loanfrom the producer'slibrary. can beduplicated if Producer hasindicated the material credit given by user.

stories. -- Compiledand 11 of new writer's 2. * A collection Saskatoon, Sask. : collected by KelseyLiteracy Staff. -- and Technology, Saskatchewan Instituteof Applied Science Kelsey Campus,[1991]. -- (16) p. about a host ofsubjects These newwriter's stories are value of aliteracy program,nature, culture including the for The collectionstimulates ideas and childhood. as well as creating poems,limericks and essays, to studydescriptive vocabulary, imaginative methods Grades 4-7. grammar andrhythm. Reading level - Available for loanfrom the producer. material can beduplicated. Producer hasindicated the

X-12. -- activities handbookfor divisions 3 * Cree language : Lac 1 First draft. --(La Ronge,Saskatchewan.) Indian Hand,1989. -- 1 v. It is for teachersof the 'TH'dialect. This handbook orthography, linguistic provides arational, guidelines, This handbook information and programplanning guidelines. literacy in Romanicorthography. is fordevelopment of Cree producers for$8.00. Available for purchase from the

7 4. * Cross-cultural resources bibliography.-- ESL/VESL/CURR/LS/LIT/CITZ resources bibliography.--

Translated resources bibliography.-- Saskatoon, Sask. : Saskatoon Open Door Society, 1990.-- Multiple pages.

This is a list of resources held by Saskatoon OpenDoor Society. The resources are organized into twenty 1:ubject headings including resettlement, citizenship, cross- cultural awareness and training, among others. This list is of interest to ESL instructors,or others who work with immigrants. An update of recent acquisitions is being prepared.

Available for purchase from the producer for $5.00 plus $1.00 postage plus GST and PST. 1 5. * The English times. -- Vol. 1, no.1 (Summer 1989)- -- Regina: Saskatchewan Family Foundation, 1989 vol. -- ISSN 0846-5223 1 Provides practical information pertaining to everyday, basic needs such as shopping and housing. The information is presented in such a way that learners benefit from not only the content, but vocabulary and structure. Reading level - from grade 3 to 4.

Available free from the publisher. S.Dme back issues are available.

6. * Farming words to live by. -- Edited by Grant Wilson and

Lee Gowan. -- , Sask. : Cumberland Regional College, 1990. -- 64 p. -- ISBN 0-9694793-0-1

Each chapter contains a story with questions and exercises. Key words are noted and defined. The workbook provides language study skills and "hands-on" information pertaining to various aspects of farming, including crops, safety, application forms. These are at a grade 2 to 5 reading level. The book also includes copies of documents from the Canadian Wheat Board, and government departments which are at a higher reading level. This book was written by volunteer writers from writers groups in Nipawin, Tisdale and Melfort.

Available for purchase from the producer for $8.95 plus shipping and handling plus GST.

4 Halkett, Samuel. --Opeyuko. fLa * Henderson, Lucy ; 7. Indian Band, Curriculum Ronge, Sask.] : Lac La Ronge Resource Unit, 1990. --20 p. in English and Creeand gives opportunity Offers vocabulary The to share and preserveculture throughlegend. readability is moredifficult because of theCree words used. Reading level -Grade 7. Available for purchasefrom the producerfor $3.00.

Halkett, Samuel. --The wicked lady * Henderson, Lucy ; 8. Lac La RongeIndian Band, magician. -- [La Ronge,Sask.] : Curriculum ResourceUnit, 1990. -- 20 p. vocabulary growth and Presents aninteresting story for The readabilityis more difficult grammatical content. Grade 6. because of the Creewords used. Reading level - Available for purchasefrom the producerfor $3.00.

learning in Saskatchewan : a 9. * Hindle, JudithK. -- Literacy literacy programs,1989. -- Regina,Sask. review of adult Unit. Saskatchewan InstructionalDevelopment and Research : 1990. -- 299 p. Faculty of Education.University of Regina, ISBN 0-7731-0181-0 (SIDRU research report ; no. 15). -- profile of literacylevels in This review includes a It Saskatchewan in relationto geography anddemographics. and evaluation ofprogramsdelivered gives an overview Literacy Campaign under the auspicesof the Saskatchewan and program from the perspectivesof learners, tutors Program promoticnand the provincialpublic coordinators. particular awareness arealso reviewed. This study is of interest to programplanners and educators. and Available from theproducer for$20.00 plus postage handling, GST and PST.

Essay writing course : pilot project. 10. * Isfan, Rosemary. -- of Applied Regina, Sask. : Saskatchewan Institute -- 1990. -- 43 p. Science and Technology,Wascana Campus, instructors working in a This manual isdesigned for use by It consists offifteen 2 hour lessonplans, group setting. The focusis background informationand student handouts. at about a grade4 to 6 on paragraphand essay writing level. Available for loanfrom the producer. material can beduplicated. Producer hasindicated the

9 5 cultural activitieshandbook for 11. Jordan, Lois. -- Cree divisions I to IV andfor integrationwith other school : La subjects. -- Draft copy. --[La Ronge,Saskatchewan] La RongeIndian Band, 1985. --1 v. arranged according to the seasons, eg. Activities are designed for use fishing, berrypicking. The handbook was however theactivities wouldbe in the K-12 system with adults excellent referencematerial for use particularly withlearning difficulties. Available for purchasefrom the producerfor $20.00.

their uses by * Leighton, Anna. --A guide to20 plants and 12. Saskatchewan] the Cree. -- Revisededition. -- [La Ronge, Indian Band, 1986. --63 p. : Lac La Ronge interested in plants Presents informationuseful to anyone Saskatchewan, particularlychildren who found in Northern Reading level - will have fun withsuggested activities. Grade 7. Available fcl purchasefrom the producerfor $7.00.

indian peoples : a 13. * Literacy formetis and non-status Regina, Sask. : Gabriel Dumont national strategy. -- Inc. and Institute ofNative Studiesand Applied Research the Metis NationalCouncil, (1991). --41 p. literacy programsand This study gives areview of current for the developmentof a national nine recommendations departments and It includes alist of government strategy. provided informationto the aboriginalorganizations which study as well as anextensive bibliography.

Contact producerregarding availability.

kit. tutor [multimediakit] : an orientation 14. * The literacy : Produced by ElaineSukava. -- [Regina,Sask. -- 1990. -- 2 video SaskatchewanLiteracy Campaign], cassettes, 1book. at the importanceof literacy from This kit looks and provides ageneral individual andsocietal perspectives It is for introduction to thetutor-learnerrelationship. committing people who wantmoreinformation before themselves to tutortraining.


£0 11

(, Sask.] : 15. Literacy tutor workshop. -- North West RegionalCollege, (19901. -- 59 p.

This manual provides anintroduction to the Laubach Way to Reading. It includes backgroundinformation on illiteracy, adult learners andlearning difficulties. It contains an materials and a informal placement test,ideas for resource sample lesson plan aswell as checklists and questionnaires. It is designed for usewith the Laubach Skill Books 1 to 4. from the A revised editionwill be available for purchase producer for $15.00 inOctober 1991.

* Literacy works. --Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1990) - . 16. 1990 - Saskatoon, Sask. : Saskatchewan Literacy Network, - - vol.

Each issue of thisquarterly newsletterfeatures articles Articles are and resourcesrelated to a literacy topic. contributed by literacy practionersfrom Saskatchewan and elsewhere. The newsletter isdesigned for practitioners and others with aninterest in literacy.

Subscriptions availablefrom the producer for$10.00 per year toindividuals; $20.00 per yearfor institutions, and $5.00 per year to studentsand the unemployed.

. -- * On our way. -- Vol.1, no. 1 (June, 1990) - 17. Network, 1990 Prince Albert, Sask. : Saskatchewan Literacy

. -- vol. -- ISSN 1188-5765

This 8 page gradedlevel newspaper is writtenby and for adult learners. It contains current events,puzzles, feature articles andfiction. The print and format are easy to readand the paper containspictures and graphics. It is published tentimes a year. Subscriptions are availablefrom On our way for$5.00 per institutions. 1 year to individualsand $25.00 per year for draft. -- [La * Pelican Narrowsliteracy guide. -- First 18. Band, 1988. -- 148 p. I. Ronge, Sask.] : Lac La Range Indian designed to assist teachersin the teaching This guide is It provides of Written Expressionand Readins Strategies. activities, sample worksheets and references. It would be most useful forteachers or tutors,intermediate level 1 readers. Available for purchasefrom the producer for$8.50. 7 ii Instructional strategiesfor adults 19. Purton, Debbie. -- tutor's handbook. --, with learning disabilities : Multiple pages. Sask.: ParklandRegional College, 1990. -- activities for improvingreading This manual includes It is comprehension, vocabulary,spelling and writing. clearly written andwell formatted in aloose leaf binder. the tutorsand It fould be a veryuseful resource for inscructors of learningdisabled adults.

Available for purchasefrom the producerfor $19.00 plus shipping and handling.

the learning disabled 20. * Purton,Debbie. -- Literacy for (Yorkton, Sask. : adult: projectreport, 1989-90. -- Parkland RegionalCollege), 1990. -- 80 p. activities of a one This report outlinesthe objectives and The project wasdesigned to provide year project. disabled adults appropriate literacytraining to learning tutoring. It provides alist of through individual review and a summaryof resources fortutors, a literature project implementation. Available for purchasefrom the producerfor $5.00.

of memories. -- By : a co.,lection 21. Remembering grandfather literacy i.nd English as asecond language Saskatoon Adult Juarez. -- students. -- Projecteditor, Julie Fleming Saskatchewan Open DoorSociety, 1991. Saskatoon, Sask. : vocabulary The readeroffers several waysto study grammar, plus creates thechance to learn about and writing style, level - other cultures,lifestyles and values. Grades 4-6. $6.50. Available forpurchase from theproducer for Avlilable for loanfrom the producer. be duplicated. Producer hasindicated ,he material can

i2 8 memories. -- By : acollection of 22. * Rememberinggrandmother literacy andEnglish as a secondlanguage Saskatoon Adult Juarez. -- Project editor,Julie Fleming students. -- Door Society,1989. -- Saskatoon, Sask. : Saskatchewan Open 53 p. collection ofstories and poems This international universal the sharingof cultural,personal and encourages teaching tool forgrammar, values. The readeris also a further writings. Reading vocabulary,comprehension and level - Grades4-6. producer for$5.00. Available forpurchase from the loan from theproducer. Available for material can beduplicated. Producer hasindicated the

Assorted sentencepatterns : a * Roberts,Victoria Emily. -- Illustrations by James 23. dictionary supplement. -- picture Lac La RongeIndian Band, Ratt. --[La Range,Sask.] : 1983. -- 1 vol. sentences based contains a largenumber of simple This book given. The root words; Englishtranslations are on Cree of use tobeginning word is illustrated. This would be readers. producer for$15.00. Available forpurchase from the

Vickey. -- Creelanguage resourcehandbook, 24. * Roberts, [La Ronge, medical terminology. --First edition. -- Indian Band,Curriculum Resource Sask.] : Lac La Ronge Unit, 1988. -- 1vol. of the Woods is based onthe 'TH' dialect This handbook terminology for commonhealth terms Cree. It gives Cree It well as labelleddiagrams of thebody. and phrases as workers, teachersand high would be of useto health care school students. the producerfor $7.50. Available forpurchase from

9 /i second 25. * Rubrecht, PenthesV. -- English as a bibliography. -- Regina, Sask. : language/dialect : SCENES, 1989. -- 96 p. --ISBN 0-9694260-0-3 held in This bibliographylists the ESL/D materials author, by Saskatchewan Libraries. Materials are listed by title and by topic. All materials areavailable on interlibrary loan throughthe provincial librarysystem.

Available for purchasefrom the producer for$10.00. Producer has indicatedthe material can beduplicated if credit is given by the user.

divisions one and 26. * Social studiescurriculum guide for : Lac two. -- Pilotedition. -- (La Ronge,Saskatchewan] La RongeIndian Band, 1984. -- 181 p. This guide suggests avariety of activities andsample lesson plans whichcould be used withadult learners. Topics include government,transportation/communication, economics and trade:migrations and current events.

Available for purchasefrom the producer for$10.00.

Cree picturedictionary. -- By Kitsakik 27. * A T.H. dialect Indian school students. --[La Ronge, Sask.] : Lac La Ronge Band, 1983. -- 1 vol. 'TH' dialect of Cree The picturedictionary is based on the The print is and is written inmodified Roman orthography. It would be of use large and theillustrations are clear. learning to adult learnersand school children who are English or tostudents of Cree.

Available for purchasefrom the producer for$15.00.

stories]. -- Collectedand illustrated by 28. * (Traditional Indian James Ratt. --(La Ronge, Sask.) : Lac La Ronge Band, 1983-1985. --46 vol.

- Adamand the wolves(1985) The adventuresomeWesuhkechahk (1983) -After the dance(1984) - Thebear trail (1983) -The beaver story(1984) - Bewareof the Wihtikoin the spring (1984) (1985) -The canoemakerand the mosquito - Thecareless mother (1985)

10 44 - Thecaribou hunt (1984) -The child Wihtiko(1983) - The cryof the chickadees(1983) -The deceitful man(1983) - Thedream (1984) -The fox whobragged (1983) -The great namingcontest (1983) - Ahard winter (1985) - Howthe muskrat gotits tail (1985) - Thehuge trout(1983) - Thehunt (1983) (1984) -The hunter andthe Pithesiwuk (1985) - Thehunter and thewood sprite - Thelegend of Wihtiko(1984) - Thelittle people(1983) - Themagic arrow(1985) - Themedicine lake (1985) -Memekwesiwak (1985) Muhikunistikwan (1983) - Mygrandmother and thewihtiko (1984) -Numekos, the trout(1983) -Pithesiw fights thecrayfish (1985) - Thered star (1984) -The sacred rock(1983) - Thetrick is onWesuhkechahk (1983) - Thetwo hunters(1983) -The villageoutcast (1983) Wesuhkechahk and theevil caribou (1985) Wesuhkechahk and the onewho carries abullet (1985) Wesuhkechahk and therock (1985) mechiev (1983) -Wesuhkechahk omikiy wesuhkechahk themedicine man (1985) Why the trees aresplit by lightning(1985) - south for the winter -why the whiskeyjack does not go (1985) Wihtiko and thewolf spirit (1985) Wihtiko at the BowRiver (1983) -Wihtiko came overthe portage (1984) -Wihtiko's heartbeat(1983) of small bookshas an averagereading level This collection because of The reading levelis more difficult of grade 7. beneficial in that used. The legends are the Cree words beliefs and values plusaid they allow forthe sharing of further languagedevelopment and studyskills. producer for$3.00 each. Available forpurchase from the


i5 1989) - 29. * What's news. --Vol. 1, no. I (Dec, Saskatchewan Literacy Network,1989 - Saskatoon, Sask. :

. -- vol.

This two pagemonthly flyer providesinformation on literacy events and resources.

Available free fromthe producer. Permission to copy isstated on individualissues.

(ESL) in 30. * Where to learnEnglish as a second language Saskatchewan. -- [Regina,Saskatchewan] : SCENES, 1991. Indicates where people canfind classes to learnEnglish, in different parts ofSaskatchewan. Available free from theproducer.

Saskatchewan. -- (Editedby) Dale 31. * Write on, read on Anderson Carleton,Elsie Livingston, CaroleOlson. [1990]. -- 239 p. [, Sask.] : D.A. Carleton, short stories and poems A collectionof letters, essays, written by literacy studentsacross Saskatchewan. This themes which book provides variousforms of writing on many can be used tostudy writing style, grammarand individual thought and vocabulary. Subjects also generate opinion. Reading level - Grade 7. Available for purchasefrom the producer for$20 00 plus Literacy $2,00 shipping includestax, or the Saskatchewan Netork.

of writing from conferences : a selection 32. * Young author's collected by the 1986 and 1987conferences. -- Stories Lois Shelly. -- [LaRange, Saskatchewan] : Lac La Ronge [1988?1. -- 1 V. Indian Band, CurriculumResource Unit, dealing with a variety Provides samplesof learners' work of subjects andfeelings. Reading level - Grade 5. Available for purchasefrom the producer for$6.00.

6 12 If


1 3 i7 Cumberland RegionalCollege Literacy Coordinator Box 2225 Nipawin, Saskatchewan SOE lE0 PHONE: (306) 862-9833 FAX: (306) 862-4940

D.A. Carleton Box 1420 Moose Jaw,Saskatchewan S6H 4R4

Studies and Applied Gabriel DumontInstitute of Native Research 121 BroadwayAvenue East Regina, Saskatchewan S4N 026 PHONE: (306) 522-5691 FAX: (306) 565-08J9

North WestRegional College 1381 - 101st Street North Battleford,Saskatchewan S9A 029 PHONE: (306) 445-6288

La La RongeIndian Band Curriculum ResourceUnit Box 1410 La Ronge,Saskatchewan SOJ 1L0 PHONE: (306) 425-3177 FAX: (306) 425-2846

On Our Way Box 3003 Prince Albert,Saskatchewan S6V 6G1

, I.s 14 Parkland RegionalCollege 306 - SecondAvenue North Yorkton, Saskatchewan S3N 1H2 PHONE: (306) 783-6566 FAX: (306) 786-7866

Saskatchewan FamilyFoundation ConsumerInformation Centre 1871 Smith Street Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 3V7 PHONE: (306) 787-5578 FAX: (306) 787-8999

and Technology Saskatchewan Instituteof Applied Science Kelsey Campus Literacy Coordinator P .O. Box1520 Saskatoon,Saskatchewan S7K 3R5 PHONE: (306) 933-7590 FAX: (306) 933-6490

Science and Technology SaskatchewanInstitute of Applied Wascana Campus Literacy Coordinator Cowan Centre P .O. Box556 Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 3A3 PHONE: (306) 787-1242 FAX: (306) 787-4278

Saskatchewan LiteracyNetwork P .O. Box1520 Saskatoon,Saskatchewan S7K 3R5 653-7178 2HONE: (306) 653-7368 or FAX: (306) 933-6490

Saskatoon OpenDoor SocietyInc. 52 - 158 2ndAvenue North Saskatoon,Saskatchewan S7K 2B3 PHONE: (306) 653-4464

15 9 SCENES (Saskatchewan Council for Educators of Non-English Speakers) ESL Centre Campion College 121 University of Regina Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5M4

Saskatchewan Instructional Developiltent and Research Unit Faculty of Education University of Regina Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 0A2 PHONE: (306) 585-4309 FAX: (306) 585-4880

1 6 20