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*3SE Dean Bowing X)ut After Ten Years When the Fall semester opens in September, a familiar figure will be absent from the Baruch School scene. Dean Thomas L. Norton has announced Baruch School of Business and Public Administration— his resignation from the post he has held for the last decade, effective as of the end of ^i XXXIV—No. 13 Tuesday. May 3. 1955 389 By Subscription Only ber, the distinguished educator will be inaugurated as Dean and professor of management of 's School of Commerce, Accounts and Fi­ nance. The appointment of Dr. Norton was an­ nounced today by NYU Chancellor Henry T. Heald. ollege Parley Today; in a statement released today, Dean Norton cited the advantages of having "a new man with new ideas assume leadership.** Taneel 12-4 Classes _!H believe a fre,sh aa^ By Eugene Heftman proach to the problems "What are the responsibilities of the City Collect for developing- values in thought and needs of the Baruch i action?" is the topic under discussion today at the second All-College Conference. .^v-no-u: w'.i'. ])io\-.- beneficial to All classes will be suspended from 12 to 4 today, so that students and faculty merit­ growth ar.o S-'Velopment." 's may share in the panel discussions. Everyone is invited to attend and *o express his. I><';imn Noj-tori wii; !><• leaving .:.e l».i Mu :; Si i-.oo! while many t-WS. • >J" his pian- '•>! improvement are 'rofessor Walther'Brandt wil! ;i-- ve'. •:-. :•. T>!et>-. H<- a 1-ways i a discussion on, "Shall the Mardi Gras Set r°;'- •••-•::-•:•- *•• iu.> sixteenth • cher instill values?", in 1108. floor oJRre that some day he ofessor Max Zimering will hoped to be able to look from fax* . d a panel in 1203, on **What For Saturday Eve window f**-i»ie «m Third A^wiue • *ve "role can ~ an3^ sKouTd" the and see a new Baruch School dent play in instilling values ? *' By Nina Herskow itz building under construction. The What contributions can stu­ "Downbeat." the theme of the first annual Mardi Gras Dean told TICKER reportehs nt government make in the to be held at the Baruch School Saturday evening-, will be yesterday that he expected to velopment of values?" is the headlined by Al "Jazzbo" Collins. Joey Adams, Al Kelly return to see the building erected pic that Professor Edwin Hill and Chris Connors. Tickets are on sale at the ninth floor in the near future, but as a bootn at $r.50 per person. t extant*: Renee Bevda. Barbara visitor. Leading the panel on "What House Plans, fraternities, serv- Finkelstein Rose Gregorv, Sheila Dean Thomas L. Norton »d- News of Dean Norton's im­ ntrihutions can other student ice .groups, and other School Grenard and charlotte Medmck. di easing last year's Convocation. pending departure comes as an roups make to the enrichment organizations are participating The five contestants wiH appear He will become De*n of NYl' unexpected development amidst values?" will .he Professor in the sponsoring: of booths. ^ ^wm^ w ^hrbachs. Commerce in September. feverish preparations for . the • rorae Cohen. This group will which will be located on the Ju-st-" testimonial luncheon in his honor ret in 804. The discussion on ten floors of the building. Re­ to be given following the Charter f^'hat are desirable student- freshments will be served in the Day Convocation next Wednes- ^eulty—relationships—HI—refer- cafeteria, and there will be danr. Dean, Seven day. The—luncheon waa—plAr>TW*T— nee to values?", -will be under ing in Hansen Hali. as recognition for the Dean's -.e leadership of Professor Ken- The highlights of the evening decade of service to the School ^ • th Damon,Jn 403. will be a midnight show pre­ Receive Major Award and the student body, but will Everyone who plans to attend sented in Pauline Edwards -Thea­ By Jerry Ravnitzky now take on the distinction of e conference should be in the tre by the City College Service Student Council elected 31 new members Friday to being a farewell affajr. The unel rooms at 12:30 sharp, at Organization, and the crowning Chi Sigma Mu, honorary society for excellence in extra­ student body will present the hich time the discussions will of the Mardi Grass Queen, who curricular activities. The awards are given with honors, guest of honor with an award trin. . will be chosen from the five con- high honors, or highest honors each semester to graduating on that occasion. Student Council, recognition of last Friday, voted Dr. Norton seniors in Allen Zeitlin. a special major insignium in ap­ Ugly" Baruchians Abundant their contribution to the For fair diversification or good preciation of his fine service School's^ extra - curricular specialization, 14 people were over the past ten years." program. (Continued on Pajre 2. Col." 5) (Continued on Page 2. CoL 4) n Final Week of Contest Dean Thomas L. Norton, nomi­ By Dave Mendelsohn nated by the Council, was elected For the remainder of the week, students will have the with highest honors, along with pportunity to select the ugliest male Baruchian from a seven seniors. Highest- honors in­ Norton Statement t-Id of entries that is considered the most gruesome in dicate outstanding diversification My decision to leave the Baruch School has been a dif-_ ears. " ~ ^ or excellent specialization. fie u It one to make. I have great affection" for the School/ Photographs of this year's ator who has won the contest Students receiving highest hon­ its students and faculty, and I appreciate most sincerely; the • mpus horrors will be on dis- four times, has decided to pass ors include Jerrold Berke, former friendship and cooperation they have granted me. •»y at the ninth floor booth up the first place prizes since he Inter-Club Board chairman, How­ However, after ten years as Deanj I feel it is time nere students .will have an op- realizes that he is unbeatable. ard Cohen, twice ICB vice-chair-" to allow a new man with new ideas to assume leaderships •..•«^r~-'.y***< rtunity to vote for the candi- Prizes for the winner, or loser, maji, George Greenberger, treas­ I believe a fresh approach to the problems and needs of the -te -who evokes the most.grim­ depending upon one's point of urer of SC, Harriet Guber, pres­ Baruch School will prove beneficial to its growth and de­ es hy dropping coins in the view, include two tickets to "Cat ident of SC for two semesters. velopment. ^!let- box with the candidate's on a Hot Tin Roof," a complete Fred Harrison, editor-in-chief of •ture. Proceeds of the drive, dinner for two at the Lamp-Post THE TICKER, Charlotte Med- My successor will enjoy not only the satisfaction of : seeing the new building rise but also the more significant onsored by Alpha Phi Omega, Restaurant of the Hotel New nick, twice president of Theatron, pleasure of working with exceptionally fine men and women 51 be turned over to the City Yorker and a possible TV ap­ and Neil Weiss, former vice- whose spirit and devotion make the job of Dean a reward­ •liege Community Chest. pearance. president of Student Council ing and memorable experience. Unlike other elections, ballot Although Baruch School males and vice-chancellor of Sigma •x stuffing is considered legal have,generally been acknowledged Alpha. I should like to convey to my colleagues op the faculty "a vote for an ugly man is a as the ugliest in. the .collegiate Election with high honors went and the students and alumni of the School my gratitude •te against ugly diseases." world, the Uptown Center has to 9 seniors for good diversifica­ for their confidence during the past ten years and my best Among the 32 faculty mem- entered the contest to determine tion or outstanding specialization wishes for the success and' progress of the Bernard M. •~rs and ' students competing, the "King of the Ugly Men." in extra-currics. They are-: Ar­ Baruch School of Business and Public Administration. ere are several fraternities and However, the feeling around the thur Field, Alice Glaser, Fay sanitations,- each boosting its ninth floor-Ugly-Man. booth is Lash, Harvey Maurer, Herb Na- mlida^:^ Qte uglUao. Urn in that the Uptwwueis-are in-for _«••- gery -Joan Schwaiz, • Robert Sil- sad disillusionment. ., beegsr, - Marvin Whitman, and ni«. itii i. •••mmi.iii-p i -j miiiiini mi i ir—»i i JI i' iw *•• .ii "in r— *"*«—Wi>inii 'i '. muni*—e»om «• *"u '••»**i||»MltMiwaywi|||Wwaiaw^lBWMWaMMWIPfciP>'*^^fe>**^'»i>. r»-_^.. .-^r P*g«Z THE TICKER TrtB -T>€ KBR- ••_ n i • "i ill iii • • • .• i • .1 IIJM ' m i •' mtMijms

***—?-—• JHgr wo SC E c Positions DistinguishedRecQf^Mmr^ The Freshman Orientation Bernard M. Baruch Society announ6ed last 'week School of Business and Public Administration that approximately 100 Big Years' Big Even till Remain Uncontested; The Clry College of New York Brothers are needed to act as Norton's Decade at Sehi guides for the 1000_ entering -*V 17 Lexington Avenue, N.Y.C. By Lou Marin Throughout his ten years at the College, Dean Thomas Lowell Norton, Dartmog$& freshmen. Editor-in-Chief Fred Harrison brd, Wein Unopposed '23, has distinguished himself in both academic and business circles. . ' .^ On Thursday, May 12, POS The annual Charter Day Convocation ceremonies, to b .•^r:-^ Business Managers Stu bray and Morty Lazarus He is a recent president of the American Association of Collegiate Schools of Buft** Managing Editor Herb Nager will hold a preparatory seminar held Wednesday, May 11, will feature a talk by Frank Pad The final talley of candidates for Student Council and' iness and has held meno&CiK' News Editor Wallace S. Nathan for all students who are inter­ Jr., executive vice-president of the General Dynamics Cor ;iss council positions show varied interest in the election. - ship in scores o^ ^ .,..„...._. Editor Jerome Creeaberg ested, in participating in thos poration and former Secpetaryy^vtfee Army under the Tru rry Berke a»d Hewie Cahon, co-ehaif left ox title Meet ions Applications Open Sports Editor Richard Kwortler state and local organiza­ program. The meeting is to be man Administration. J = )rnmittee have expressed satisfaction with the num- Associate Sports Editor Dick Rustin tions with outstanding f$f* held at 12:30 in 4N. The ceremonies \rill include Insignium, Mossessbn, TICKEI r of people running: for For Ticker Jobs Pfioto Editor Jerry Cfeapel cord in the field^ of media* .«.v.rrS- Exchange Managers Ronnie Cold and Florence Satow -, , / the presentation of the winners of and other organizational award lice, and have asked that Applications for the positions tion and" arbitration."" ~:~-, . for service to the School. i candidates who have not : r VOL. XXXIV—No. H Tuesday. May 3, 1955 At the Baruch School, the Dealt" Other spealcers at the Convc yet handed in their pic- of Editor-in-Chief and Business has an equally impressive record. cation, to be held in Paulir. res, do so immediately in Manager of THE TICKER must In addition to'his admintsta^jS^tP Belay the Poop Deck! Edwards Theatre, will be th< l. be submitted to the paper's pres­ work, he has taken an active in-?- Dean Norton -Honorable Bernard M. Baruch Two of the five Council execu- ent Editor in 91 IB fry Friday, President Buell G. Gallagher ar. terest in student activities. s. Come the end of this semester, the Baruch School posi tions are uncontested. May 13th. Ten copies of the No sooner had he assumed <^a - Boatride Tix on Sale Dean Thomas L. Norton. J o Cord and Audrey Weiner are will say goodbye to a man who has given it a decade of application are required. position of Dean in 1945, tiben ha outstanding- service. Anchors aweig-h and other such nautical cliches! luncheon will be held immediate -pposed for president and re- ly following the ceremonies ?• - Applicants for the lower, junior also became faculty advisor- pi. News of the pfenning- departure of Dean Thomas Nor­ • iing secretary, respectively, Ye good ship John A. Meseck will set sail Sunday, May honor Dean Norton. He will re Alpha Phi Omega and Alpha ton comes as quite a shock to those of us who have come e elections will be held May seat on TICKER Association 15 at 9 from West 40 Street with a full contingent of ceive an award from the studer Delta Sigma. As a thespiaa. jig.'_•, to know him during- our undergraduate years and who will (upper sophomores this" semes­ Baruchians bound for a day of fun and frolic at Bear body in recognition of his $e Thaatroa's production of ^Ars^- . JZ~£.. I honor him next week. The sensation is not of losing: an im­ Hher candidates for executive ter) must hand in their applica­ years of service to the "School ic and Old l«ace" he starred jar portant part of the present or the past, for Dean Norton Mountain. "~ -ts are Steve Mann and Doris tions in the Student Council office When the boat reaches its Tickets should go very fast, Classes will be suspended dui the undigjnifled role of a is a man who takes no stock in the tedium of complacency bbiner, vice-president; Jerry —911A. since the boat ride is one of the ing the mid-morning in order t aod even wj»te the "Did and tradition. He is a dealer in futures; the futures of the snug harbor at Bear Mountain • vnitzky and Paul Wallach, cor- JK!S- , most popular of all college social "enable all students to attend th Know?" column in THE TH Baruch School and its students. Park, the day's. -.athletic festivi­ ponding secretaFy; and Bob events. Students who wish" to sell Convocation. Those students an ER. 7 :J_ 1 ties will commence. There is ab­ poperman and Wally Nathan, ^f tickets can still obtain them in members of the faculty mho at The son of Charles Heau-y Jttor- t a surer. Students will also vote Jerry Berke Formosan UN solutely, positively no chance of 921. Salesmen will receive one tend the luncheon will be excuse ton and Edith Lowell "Norton* ' rain washing away the day's free ticket for every 25 sold. from el asses between 12 and 2. a delegate to the Eighth An- h« was born in Sacoy IAI Congress of the National schedule of softball games, since Boosters Seeking on June 19,' 1900% He secdvad _ 7, ident Association. Vieing' for To Discuss Far East rr»'- that old nemesis, Jupiter Pluvius, Male Member grrees from Dartmouth CoUogBa* Dean Resigning position are Jerry Greenberg K. W. Yu, minister plenipotentiary to the United Na- (both undergraduate and gTMp.- —- >-*5 a deceptive hurler with a thun-> Doris Rabbiner, — seeking a—tions from Nationalist China> will speak on "Free China in ate wuik). lie was an iustiuBGj'i Tire—Boosters—are—seeking a y derbolt deli veryT has been sent {Continued fronr PagF 1) "building facilities, and the nem- lose interested m becomingr -the Far East/ Thursday at 12:20 in Lounge C. The addiess at^Dartmouth's Am6s Tuck School male sophomore or junior to be- - down to the minor leagues. uch School representatives to is sponsored by Student Council's Interuatioi^.,'Spcairess afffif at Brown University. In 1929 Dean Norton is a well-known esis of the School—lack" o: come tke club's "Booscot" ia re­ Athletic Association should Bureau. .. - ._ - _ he became associated with Coluna- Ample picnic facilities will be figure in student circles. He has prestige. His departure will hav< placement of the outgoing petition from Herb Nagcr The cliscussiuii win intrlude Liw P«»»*io"—The minister waa -ede held. Classes will be suspended a. sarcastic editorial about th'oj r. Trade Council, Mr. Balgoo- Government General and the guest speaker will be cleanliness of the windows anc| has been active in the af- Lucia Resigns... Class of '55-—All members- of Accounting Society -— Speaker Frank Pace Jr., prominent bus­ the maintenance staff men wl -3 of l^atin "American power — the class are,'invited to the—A»U mi—Eisner and Lubin Thura- clean them. (Continued-from Page 4) "I feel that the administration umni Homecoming Day, Satur­ inessman and former Secretary panies. He headed the Busi- day at 12:30 in 1203. Dean Thomas L. Norton of the Army. It will be unfor­ In this same issue of TICKER ,1 ly $2,000. "It was extremely is treating- me like a cipher in a day at 12:30 at the Uptown Cen­ Dear Editor: smen's Delegation to the Con- difficult; for me to manage finan­ bookkeeping sjestem. They fail to ter.. £unch boxes jyill be distri­ Auto Course — All those who *~ We have listened to Dean Norton many times, over tunate if this convocation turns the - following valuable informa-| On behalf of the Sales Man­ ence of the Organization of cially," said Lucia. He further buted at SI per person. have completed the course are forgotten cups of coffee in the cafeteria and in his sixteenth out in the same manner as past tion was printed: take cognizance of the human agement Society I would like to commented that he had, 'with his Class of *58—Samples of the urged to attend a ajbqct floor office. Never has he spoken of what used to be or what affairs, when Baruch School 1) Two columns about Jo« .encan States, held in Rio de factors. I'm just a number in an take this opportunity to thank own money, rented. a place. for official class, ring may be viewed Thursday at 12 in 403. ia, but always of what will be. We soon learned to recog- students embarrased the School King's statement that the "abili-l neiro last year. adding machine." the editorial staff of THE by not showing up to hear these the fencing team to practice o» in jthe Lexicon office daily. Beta Alpha Pa . Initiation nice the thoughtful expression in his eyes when he spoke ty of college students to drink [ he award will be presented at Lucia, who has been at the - TIClfER for bringing to the at­ Saturdays, giving them instruc­ fnter=€tob Board—Meeting, to­ ner in the Webb Room at the 0p—• of the new building or of some innovations he was plan­ speakers. beer isn't what is used to be." Callege sjnee 1952, said-that he tention of the student body our Society's^ semi-annual dinner tion on his own tune and without morrow at 3 in the Faculty-Stu- town Center, tomorrow at S:4S. ning. There can be no doubt that to him belongs the cre- Prominent men in business and 2) Yale's Pig Parties (16\ is now, "out hustling." for a new work in connection with the new Trade Toui'a Reaiamaul, t2&- fomponaation" — dent Lounge. ''^ dtfe for the steady ascent of the School's star in the col- public life, by their appearance^ lines). job. , Dance—.Friday afternoon frons- placement program. Although When asked why he didn't re­ Student Coaacil—Meeting Fri­ legiate galaxy. here, lend prestige to the School, ,t 48 Street tonight. This is 1-3:30 in Lounge C. we were oolite flattered upon Surely during the most crucial I sign sooner, he replied, "I owed Coach Lucia is the fourth day at 4 in the Faculty-Student but last Christmas,. Dean Nor­ week for selling tickets, TICKER | only collegiate award of its When he departs, Dean Norton will leave many plans reading the article we .feel that it to the members of the team' Lavender, athletic coach to lose Lounge. - J^**PWni«CB Society -7— jxflSWCK . incomplete, many dreams unrealised. We hope his successor ton was forced to cancel the could have eliminated these heed­ e listed in "Who's Who in his job within the past academic an important correction is in Christmas Convocation because and the student body to complete Religions student discussion relating to- is also a dealer in futures, a man who will adopt these plans less articles and print some in­ yea'r. Coaches George "Red" order. he did not want the guests to ii erica." — the season." Hit}el—Open - meeting to dis- eeoaojnic prob^ms. Thursday #fe and carry them to realization. Dreams do not suddenly formative facts about Mardi Wolfe (Commerce basketball); Y:J* We of. the Sales Management be.jembaxrased . . ... cugs nominations pf next terjn's 12:15 in 1012. "" end and Washington Square is but a short distance away. ' Gras. - -•- Jack "Dutch" G&ffinSfe JX^oioa- Society have been interested in "When City Administrator officers, Thursday at 12 at 144 The past decade will remain bright in Thomas Norton's In the future, I hope that thej merce basketball); and Sol Education Society — General this placement problem for quite Luther Gulick spoke here last FOR THE VERY BEST IN East 24 Street. memory, as it will in the annals of J;he Baruch School. editor will exercise a little morel "Skip" Mishkin (baseball) all meeting Thursday at 12:15 in. some time and have conferred year, only half the auditorium FOOD • ATMOSPHERE • PRICES Nermin Club — Annual "Big judgement when selecting whatl were released. 1107. Dinner Friday at Trader It is ironically fitting that Student Council should have with the placement office, as well was filled. When Eleanor Roose­ Dance" Saturday, May 14 at the Tom's, 128 West 4» Street Wr voted Dean Norton a special major insignium, an honor as some other schools and outside stories should go into TICKER.I It's the velt' and Bernard Baruch ap­ Hotel Grayspone, Broadway at further information contact Lo­ accorded outstanding persons upon leaving School. We wish business organizations on several and -stop believing that he isf peared here last fall, there were 91 Street. The affair is open to well Corbin in 1107J ' ^ him the best of luck and success in his new position and occasions. However, it should be editor of .| SPEED up you* many empty seats visible in PET. which is paid, for voluntarily, by I all. congratulate the trustees of New York University on their said that the credit^ for "initiat­ I earnestly feel that the stu­ VARSITY SWEET SHOP REAJDi\a Film — "Gentlemen's Agree­ excellent choice, though we may selfishly wish their judg­ its Readers, but realize that he is ing'' the new program of on- dent body should turn out en DOWNTOWN CITY'S FAVORITE ( Invest minutes—Save hrs. ment," Thursday at 12 in 4S. ~ '•:.n' ment had not been so good. performing a service to the I " tHMMlMll^ canipus interviewing rightfully masse next week to hear Mr. EATING PLACE \ - of inefficient study. Nomi­ International Speakers Bar aim belongs to the placement office, School by handling TICKER. StuiicnXs tor Pace. Perhaps if they show some nal fee rents ELECTRIC —Speaker on Nationalist China, .'5 and to Mr. Kelly, its director and which is paid for by the students | 160 EAST 23 rd ST. READING ACCELERA­ Democratic Action interest, the Sehool may be able whether they read it or not. Thursday at 12:30 in the Faculty- Another Mistake his assistant Mr. Ornstein. to secure the services of other See "The NEW LOOK" TION and STUDY SKILLS congratulates Student Lounge. ~* It is- our view, that this pro­ Dave Mamberg, U. Jr 4 Stating that he feels both President Gallagher and prominent speakers, who won't MANUAL. Call or write— Kappa Delta Phi — Elections gram is a new and wonderful Hygiene Department Chairman Dr. Hvman Krakower "are be afraid of having to talk to EFFICIENT READING SERVICE meeting tomorrow at 6:15 m>JL4&* thing for City Gollege. Certainly, passing the buck," Lavender fencing coach Edward Lucia empty seats. 175 5t4» Ave. •> OR 7-6868 on his engagement to Main, Uptown. ]. ~ 7 stormily handed in his resignation to the Chairman of his we all feel that the College will JE 8-0009—Evas. ^ v**i. r^'.m^u - Hy F. Rubin, L. Fr. 4 Mercary—New issue on department. go beyond being a mere **pro- Major Award... Fft'P»woin>n»ioimo OMigotto* cessing center", that turns out May 18. LAW SCHOOL • ••-.••. At the beginning of this semester, Lucia,; whose teams graduates like an assembly line. Dear Editor, (Continued from Page 1) Psychology Society— Dr. Ed- " Noo-Profir Approved by ^ ~~&\~>2 have compiled an excellent record in his two short years The logical end of business in­ ward Arluck will speak on and at the College, was cut to one-half of a normal teaching I am of the opinion that the elected to Chi Sigma Mu with Educational Institution American Bar Association struction is placement. Since Theatran demonstrate "Hypnosis/'- Thurs* .Hue. His salary was approximately $2,000. Yet, out of this editors of TICKER, to say the honors. Elected Were Steven DAY AND EVENING -m this is "The School That Means least, have exercised very poor day at 12:15 in 503. ••• - V . .-isen-. ^^6*;. aijS ---»-•» meager stipend he spent his own money to rent a place for Burn, Jerome S. Cohen, Myrc" Undergraduate Classes Leading to L.L.B. Degree presents Business', we are all hoping that judgment in the selection of stor­ Crespin, William Geoghan, Ken­ Secretarial Club — Meeting • his team to practice on Saturdays. the school authorities and the GRADUATE COURSES THEATRON AI,U1H!VI i*1 ies which go into each issue. neth Grossman, Florence Guarino, Thursday at 12 in 1304. ~ i .w - • u We cognizantly use the word "his," since it appears Leading to Degrees of LL.M. and SJ.D. which wHI present business community •will support Rather than let the student Herbert Jacobsohn, Edith'Kauf­ the College has abandoned the fencing squad They are Theatron — Joe Pablucci vr8L '.':?' this very worthwhile idea. body know about the Mardi prepared to let Lucia depart without any thought to secur­ man, Arthur Kay, Gil Kaye, Mar­ ff direct a dramatization of Step­ The Sales Management Soci­ Gras, which can accomodate 150 New Term Commences September 27,1955 ing a competent successor. ion Klausner, .William Michels, "MY THREE ANGELS hen Vincent Benefs, "John ety, (and we hope other vocation- students, TICKER saw fit to de- Mervyn Shorr and Harry SiffletJ ^ Further information, may be obtained v i„„i.^UCia .savage]y resents the fact, that r^ithov r>^ rfal fram the Ojfioe of the'Director of Ajhnjssions^ —Brown's—Body, Thmsday at '4.\ -al—eJubs)—wiH—continue to—^o~~ vote' two full columns on the edi- The Insignium award, as > may 20^UM1 21 IM PJE.T. in 404. - '• **&*?? or ur. Krakower will take the responsibility for everything possible to make the torial page, in the April 19 is­ •<•-- . •&•; honor is known, will he creatuig the impossible conditions which forced his re- recruitment successful. 3: ^ PEARL ST., B'KLYN ^ N.Y. Near Borough HaM Tutorial Society—^prfre$ IS- •*••. «t, sue, tt> a story about tfee Tfcea- $P. recipients at a-flpfUJat di v •-ftBrmaUx CUUHL 4^--jW4. Tgligjdgy .J^ation. So do we \ >._»_;, v «**.**«> tre; gave two jiua^r p**e *ol- May m 11 i i- iIT r n i H - u*mi\mmtmimmmmmmi»* ii • "-i^ir'VjWr'^;.,'^^ £at ISC .-." .^^JW,-^}^'-''^^'•' '-'i^- •SuV: ~-^--*::J:-. : .•^.•i:%.'MzC-:.-~. " ^^5, r^r* iiix ~*:•.'•. •* ^:-T- &:;|^B:5Sigic^^ ^ftn.?wx r ^-^---•?fesagBjgFC--»g££*&?• as /- • V.._...rtf '••• •»»y*v-->_<*>3i£*.}.--...-«-

THE f tCKEit- esigns efuses Teaching Cut; Lavender Nin Hits Prexy, Krakoiver To Play NYUl 9 Tomorrow af 3 For 'Passing the Buck Tomorrow the Lavender nir< tackles NYU at Babe Ruth Fiel- By Steve Mann Earlier in the season NYU top-| "I had hoped to spend the rest of my coaching career ped City. 9-6. at the Violet- at City College. I wanted to use the fruits of my coaching diamond. years to establish City College as the center of fencing in Wet grounds forced the posr the United States—that dream has disappeared," said ponement of the City-Hofsti fencing coach Edward Lucia in an exclusive interview with baseball game Saturday-. AA new I THE TICKER. * " ' date, has as yet, not In a letter of resignation sub­ scheduled. mitted to Dr. Hyman Krakower, "I had hoped to spend the rest of my coaching career at City The Beavers' game again>t Chairman of the Hygiene Depart­ College. I wanted to use the fruit of my coaching years to establish , which was cancelled! April 27, because of rain, ha- ment, Lucia stated that,- "in the City College as the center of fencing in the United States. That Fall of 1954, when President been rescheduled for Friday, May dream has disappeared." , Buell Gallagher's formula for an 13. The tilt with Wagner, lo?t increased teaching" load in the to rain on April 13,. was reset Hygiene Department went into for Friday, but again "inclement effect, the Chairman of Hygiene l\tU Hoop Final weather forced its cancellatior. cut ray full teaching line to three- Bab-o Five will meet the Boro Park Boys Thursday at 12, in No new date was set. The Violets are In sixth plac< quarters of a line. In January of Hansen Hall, to decide the Intra-Mural Board's basketball cham­ 1955 I was reduced to one-half in the seven-team Met loop wit) pionship. At the conclusion of the game the most valuable player normal teaching time. Coach Bdward Lucia a 2-4 record. City is tied foi "This - drastic reduction has will be selected and awarded a trophy. fourth at 2-2. caused great hardship to me and my family. . . .1 feei that the reduction from a full teaching line to a half teaching line is unjustified. I therefore tender my resignation as Lecturer one-half time, and Coach^ of Fencing to take effect a,t the end of this term. June 30, 1955." Lucia told THE TICKER that he feels that both President Ga lagher and Dr. Krakower are "passing- the buck." "President •Gallagher says it is the respon­ sibility of the Hygiene Depart­ ment to assign possitions accord­ ing to "the number of lines in the Department," he continued. "On the other hand, the chairman of the Hygiene Depart­ ment blames the situation on President Gallagher's directive-" In his letter of resignation Lucia discussed his record, at the College stating, "After two years of teaching hygiene and coaching varsity fencing, during which time my classroom instruction has been rated, 'superior', the fencing team has become a power in intercollegiate competition. "The team has won individual and team titles, medals, trophies and plaques, in both Collegiate ARC YOU METICULOUS about your chok»*>f cigarettes^ and Amateur Fencers League competition. This was accom­ Do you want exactly the right taste? Then take a hint plished despite a lack of ade­ quate facilities and insufficient from the Droodle above, titled: Ash tray belonging to practice hours." very tidy Lucky smoker. Luckies taste neat—and for Last season the team had a 5-2 record losing only to Colum­ excellent reasons. First of all, Lucky Strike means fine bia and Yale. The epee and foils teams finished third in the East­ tobacco. Then, that tobacco is toasted to taste better. ern Intercollegiate champion­ "Ifs Toasted" is the famous Lucky Strike ships, while Beaver Aubrey See- man won the Individual Foils process that tones up Luckies' light, championships. Among Lucia's pupils is Al Axelrod, who placed good-tasting tobacco to make it taste second in the foils championships even better... cleaner, fresher, smoother. at the Pan-American Games, to Hal Goldsmith, another City So enjoy yourself thoroughly whenever grad. it's light-up time. Light up the better- This term, Lucia's salary, at a one-half line, was approximate- tasting cigarette . . . Lucky Strike. ——— •• » (Continaed on Page 3, CoL 2) OROODUBS, Copyright 1953 by Roger Price

Karl D. Wri&t West Virginia University to college students tea taste Luckier... 16 pages — fully illustrated. -Covers atomic energy from subs and~^rcraft~~to-_pluto- •nium production and atomic LUCKIES TASTE BITTER power plants for electricity. -For-your free-booklet, write: General Electric Co., Dept. -2-119N, Schenectady, -N._ -Y. OF cmmm