Limits on Couplings from the first 80-day data of PandaX-II Experiment

Changbo Fu,1 Xiaopeng Zhou,2, ∗ Xun Chen,1 Yunhua Chen,3 Xiangyi Cui,1 Deqing Fang,4 Karl Giboni,1 Franco Giuliani,1 Ke Han,1 Xingtao Huang,5 Xiangdong Ji,1, 6, 7, † Yonglin Ju,8 Siao Lei,1 Shaoli Li,1 Huaxuan Liu,8 Jianglai Liu,1, 7 Yugang Ma,4 Yajun Mao,2 Xiangxiang Ren,1 Andi Tan,9 Hongwei Wang,4 Jimin Wang,3 Meng Wang,5 Qiuhong Wang,4 Siguang Wang,2 Xuming Wang,1 Zhou Wang,8 Shiyong Wu,3 Mengjiao Xiao,9, 6 Pengwei Xie,1 Binbin Yan,5 Yong Yang,1 Jianfeng Yue,3 Hongguang Zhang,1 Tao Zhang,1 Li Zhao,1 and Ning Zhou1 (PandaX-II Collaboration) 1INPAC and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai Laboratory for Particle Physics and Cosmology, Shanghai 200240, China 2School of Physics, , Beijing 100871, China 3Yalong River Hydropower Development Company, Ltd., 288 Shuanglin Road, Chengdu 610051, China 4Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 201800 Shanghai, China 5School of Physics and Key Laboratory of Particle Physics and Particle Irradiation (MOE), , Jinan 250100, China 6Center of High Energy Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China 7Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, Shanghai 200240, China 8School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China 9Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA (Dated: October 4, 2017) We report new searches for the solar and galactic axion-like particles, using the first low-background data from PandaX-II experiment at China Jinping Underground Laboratory, corresponding to a total exposure of about 2.7 × 104 kg·day. No solar axion or galactic axion-like dark matter particle candidate has been identified. The upper limit on the axion-electron coupling −12 −5 2 (gAe) from the solar flux is found to be about 4.35 × 10 in mass range from 10 to 1 keV/c with 90% confidence level, similar to the recent LUX result. We also report a new best limit from the 57Fe de-excitation. On the other hand, the upper limit from the galactic axions is on the order of 10−13 in the mass range from 1 keV/c2 to 10 keV/c2 with 90% confidence level, slightly improved compared with the LUX.

Various theories beyond the Standard Model have where σpe is the photoelectric cross section, gAe the cou- predicted new weakly-coupled light UA(1) Goldstone pling constant between the axion and electron, EA the bosons [1–5], which may answer many fundamental ques- incident axion energy, α the fine structure constant, me tions related to CP violation, possible Lorentz viola- the mass of electron, and β = v/c the axion velocity. The tion, dark matter [6–9], etc. The axion, a pseudo-scalar recoiling electron kinetic energy is EA − EB, where EB Goldstone boson introduced by Wilczek [10] and Wein- is the binding energy of the electron. Therefore, the re- berg [11], arises when the so-called Peccei-Quinn sym- coiling electron signals (ER) in direct dark matter search metry [1] in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is sponta- experiments can be used to search for axions or ALPs. neously broken, which provides a natural solution to the Previous reports on the axion couplings from dark matter so-called “strong CP problem” in QCD. experiments can be found in the Ref. [19–26]. Different experimental methods [12] have been em- ployed to search for the QCD axion or axion-like par- PandaX, located at China Jinping Underground Lab- oratory (CJPL), is a series of experiments utilizing the

arXiv:1707.07921v2 [hep-ex] 3 Oct 2017 ticles (ALPs), including the helioscopes [13], Light Shin- ing through a Wall [14], microwave cavities [15], nuclear time-projection-chamber detectors. The total magnetic resonance [16], and the so-called axioelectrical mass in the target is about 120 kg in PandaX-I [29, 30], effect [17]. Similar to the photoelectric effect, an axioelec- and about 580 kg in PandaX-II [31, 32]. By combin- trical effect refers to that an axion or ALP is absorbed by ing the prompt scintillation photons (S1) and the de- a bound electron in an atom, producing a free electron layed electroluminescence photons (S2), PandaX has ex- emission, i.e: cellent (∼cm) vertex reconstruction capabilities, which allow powerful background suppression via self-shielding a + e + Z → e0 + Z. (1) and fiducialization. To set the scale, the ER back- ground rate in PandaX-II has reached a very low level The cross section for this process is related to that of the of 2.0×10−3 evt/keV/day (=2.0 mDRU), which makes photoelectric effect through [18, 19], it a highly sensitive detector to search for axion-electron scattering. In this paper, we report the new constraints 2 2  2/3  gAe 3EA β on axion/ALP electron coupling strength gAe by using σAe(EA) = σpe(EA) 2 1 − , (2) β 16παme 3 the first low-background data in PandaX-II experiment 2

(Run 9) with a total exposure of about 2.7 × 104 kg·day, one of the largest reported xenon data sets in the world to date. 3 As in Ref. [31], the Run 9 data was divided into 14 time bins according to the temporal change of detector 2.8 parameters and background rates. For each event, the 2.6 electron-equivalent energy Eee was reconstructed from 2.4

S1 and S2 as 2.2 (S2/S1)

S1 S2 10 2 Eee = + , (3)

PDE EEE × SEG Log 1.8 where PDE, EEE, and SEG are photon detection effi- 1.6 ciency, electron extraction efficiency, and single electron 1.4 gain, respectively. Most of the data cuts were identi- cal to those in Ref. [31, 32], except we enlarged the en- 1.2 0 5 10 15 20 25 ergy window of search by replacing the upper S1 and 90 Data Total background

S2 cuts with a single cut of Eee < 25 keV. Based on 80 Xe127 Kr85 + other ER the tritiated methane (CH3T) calibration, the detection Accidental 70 NR -5 threshold was determined to be 1.29 keV, and in high 10 keV/cc SA 16 keV/cc ALPs energy region the detection efficiency was 94%. In to- 60 tal, 942 candidate events survived. The distribution of 50 these events in log (S2/S1) vs. reconstructed energy is 10 40 shown in the upper panel in Fig. 1 as the red dots. For Events/keV comparison, the distribution bands corresponding to the 30 ER calibration data from the tritium with a β-decay end 20 point at 18.6 keV is overlaid in the figure (shadow dots). 10 The physical data are largely consistent with ER events. 0 The measured combined energy spectrum is shown in the 0 5 10 15 20 25 E (keV) lower panel of Fig. 1. In the energy range shown, the ER ee background is dominated by 85Kr (flat) and 127Xe (peak around 5 keV). FIG. 1: Upper: Event distribution obtained in log (S2/S1) The solar axions may be produced through the fol- 10 vs. Eee in PandaX-II experiment; The ±2σ contours for lowing processes [19]: Compton-like scattering (C), CH3T calibration data is indicated as the green box, and axion-Bremsstrahlung (B), atomic-recombination (R), the dark matter data are drawn as red crosses. Lower: the and atomic-deexcitation(D). Given gAe, they can all be combined energy spectrum with data (histogram with un- calculated. certainties) compared to the best fit (red histogram), with We took the calculations from Ref. [33] as our input individual background components indicated (see Ref. [31]). We also plot here the estimated 10−5 keV/c2 solar axion and axion spectrum for the axion energy range of EA < 10 2 −12 2 16 keV/c ALPs spectra assuming that gAe equals 5 × 10 keV, which is valid for an axion mass less than 1 keV/c . and 5 × 10−13 respectively. See text for details. As shown in Fig. 2, towards the lower energy (1–2 keV), the flux is dominated by axion-Bremsstrahlung process, and at the high energy region (9–10 keV), by Compton- like scattering. Additionally, deexcitation of 57Fe∗ may also gener- The axion (or ALP) flux from the Milky Way dark ated monoenergetic axions, i.e. 57Fe∗ → 57Fe + a + matter (MWDM) halo can be estimated as follows. The (E) 14.4 keV [34], This monoenergetic axion flux at the MWDM density at the Earth location is ρDM ' 0.3 Earth’s orbit was estimated to be [19, 35]: GeV/cm3 [36]. If all the MWDM is composed of ALPs,  3 the corresponding ALP flux ΦA can then be written as 23 eff 2 kA −2 −1 Φ14.4 = 4.56 × 10 · (gAN ) cm s (4) kγ (E) 15 β where kA/kγ is the momentum ratio between the axion ΦA = ρDM · vA/mA = 9 × 10 , (5) eff mA and the gamma, and the gAN is a model and axion mass- dependent coupling constant between the axion and nu- cleus. In this work, we took the benchmark function of where vA is the axion velocity relative to the Earth, mA eff 2 gAN in the so-called Dine-Fischler-Srednicki-Zhitnitskii is the axion mass in unit keV/c , and β = vA/c. Consid- (DFSZ) model as in Ref. [19]. ering the same axion electron scattering mechanism, the 3


n n Ln = Poisson(Nm|Nept) × (8) N n " m  n n i i Total Y NA(1 + δA)PA (S1 ,S2 ) n Bremsstrahlung N ) i=1 ept •2 Atomic Recombination !# m 1 and Deexcitation n n i i •1 X Nb (1 + δb)Pb (S1 ,S2 ) Compton + . N n year b ept •1 Fe57

keV Nm is the event number measured experimentally, and 20 Nept is the expected event number. Axion (or ALPs) − 10 1 and background numbers are represented as NA and

Flux (10 Nb. Their probability distribution functions (PDFs), PA and Pb, are generated using NEST-based models. Here background was divided in five independent components, 127 85 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Xe, Kr, other ER, accidental coincidence and neu- Axion energy (keV) tron. σ and δ are systematic uncertainties and nuisance parameters for individual components with values listed in Ref. [31]. FIG. 2: The expected solar-axion flux at the earth’s or- For all channels we considered, data are consistent with bit deduced from theoretical models [19]. Five mechanisms no axion signals. For the solar axion from the CBRD are considered here: Compton-like scattering (C), axion- mechanisms shown above, the results are presented in bremsstrahlung (B), atomic-recombination (R), and atomic- Fig. 3, in which the 90% confidence level (CL) is shown deexcitation (D). See the text for details. The 14.4 keV line 57 ∗ as the red solid curve. The upper limit of gAe is set to is generated by Fe deexcitation. In this plot, the corre- −13 −13 about g ≤ 4 × 10 with 90% CL in the axion mass sponding axion parameters are set to be gAe = 10 and Ae eff −8 range of 10−5 < m < 1 keV/c2, similar to the recent gAN = 10 . A limit from the LUX experiment [26]. Due to the high temperature in the solar core, the axion flux is generally independent of its mass, and the axioelectrical cross sec- expected ALP detection rate R can be expressed as [37]: tion picks up a gentle β-dependence (Eq. (2)) only when 2 mA gets closer 1 keV/c . Therefore, this limit is largely  19    independent of the axion mass. The constraint from the 2 1.2 × 10 mA  σpe  −1 −1 R ' g kg day , 57 Ae A keV/c2 barn Fe 14.4 keV axion is drawn as red dotted line. The −14 (6) most sensitive upper limit on gAe is set at 6 × 10 at 2 where A = 131.9 is the average mass number of the mA =10 keV/c , which represents the best such limit to xenon. date. The fast decline of sensitivity for lower and higher PandaX-II data can be fitted by combining the axion mass is primarily due to the linear mass dependence of eff signal and background models. The axion or ALP signals gAN in the benchmark DSFZ model [41], and the axion are computed by combining incident fluxes above with momentum dependence in Eq. (4), respectively. the axion-electron scattering cross section in Eq. (2). The The limits on the galactic ALPs are shown in Fig. 4. −13 background estimates are identical to those in Ref. [31], The 90% limit to gAe is set to be about ≤ 4 × 10 in 2 including 127Xe, 85Kr and other ER background, acciden- the mass range 1 < mA < 25 keV/c . This limit is about tal, and nuclear recoil (NR) backgrounds. As in Ref. [31], 3–10 times improved from the results from XENON100, Geant4-based [38] simulation using NEST [39] ER and CDEX-II, and Majorana Demonstrator [22, 25, 27], NR models, together with the efficiencies in S1 and S2, and slightly improved from the LUX’s recent result [26]. 2 produce the signal and background probability distribu- The slightly weakened limit between 4–6 keV/c is due 127 tion functions in S1 and S2. For illustration, an exam- to the Xe background in our detector, as shown in the ple axion or ALP signal is overlaid in the lower panel of lower panel of Fig. 1. In summary, using the first low-background dark mat- Fig. 1. For each pair of values of axion mass and gAe, profile likelihood ratio statistic [40] is constructed. The ter search data from PandaX-II experiment and via the likelihood function [31] used here is axioelectrical effects, we have set new limits on the axion- electron coupling constant gAe for solar axions and galac- bins tic ALPs. For the solar axions, the limit gAe is 4.35 ×  Y   Y  −11 −5 2 Lpandax = Ln × Gauss(δA, σA) Gauss(δb, σb) , 10 for axion mass between 10 to 1 keV/c , simi- n=1 b lar to the recent limits from LUX [26]. Best limit on gAe (7) from 57Fe axion is also reported, with the lowest exclusion 4

−10 10−9 10 Si(Li) Solar Neutrino CoGeNT −10 − 10 10 11 EDELWEISS•II XMASS CDEX•II MAJORANA SolarNeutrino CDMS EDELWEISS-IICDEX-II KIMS −11 10 −12 XENON100 10Ae g Ae EDELWEISS-IICDEX-II g

PandaX-II LUX MAJORANA XENON100 PandaX-II −12 LUX 10 − 10 13

KSVZ 57 RedGiant Fe PandaX•II 10−13 −14 DFSZ 10 1 10 −5 4 −3 2 1 10 10− 10 10− 10− 1 10 Axion mass (keV/c2) Axion mass (keV/c2)

FIG. 4: Constraints on gAe as a function of MWDM FIG. 3: The 90% upper limits on solar CBRD axion (solid red ALP mass. PandaX’s 90% limit is shown as the red curve, 57 line) and 14.4 keV Fe solar axion in gAe vs. mA. The con- with ±1σ and ±2σ sensitivity bands in green and yel- strains from other representative experiments are also shown, low respectively. The constraints from other representative including those using solar neutrinos [42], and data from experiments are also shown, including those from the so- Si(Li) target [43], CDEX-II [22], XMASS [23], EDELWEISS- lar neutrinos [42], data from CDEX-II [22], CoGeNT [21], II [19], KIMS [28], XENON100 [24], LUX [26], Majorana CDMS [20], EDELWEISS-II [19], XENON100 [25], LUX [26] Demonstrator [27] (converted to gAe using the same bench- and Majorana Demonstrator [27]. eff mark DSFZ model values for gAN as in this paper), and obser- vations of Red Giant [44]. The benchmarks of the QCD axion models, DFSZ [19, 41] and KSVZ (Kim-Shifman-Vainstein- Zakharov) [19, 45], are also displayed.

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