Masonic Token : May 15, 1901

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Masonic Token : May 15, 1901 Masonic T oken. WHEREBY ONE BROTHER MAY KNOW ANOTHER. V o l u m e 4. PORTLAND, ME., MAY 15, 1901 No. 16 reported a very prosperous year. The total The new Grand Lodge of Western Aus­ Published quarterly by Stephen Berry, membership is 22,690, a gain of 413. The tralia was recognized. No. 37 Plum Street, Portland, Maine initiations have been 1,077, almost one- . Past Grand Master Josiah H. Drummond, Twelve cts. per year in advance. third more than last year. The deaths of Portland, installed the Grand Officers, Established March, 1867. - - 35th Year. were 399 or 17 to a thousand. the following appointments being made: Other grand officers and committees pre­ Corresponding Grand Secretary—Charles sented their reports. 1). Smith, Portland. Advertisements $4.00 per inch, or $.3.00 for District Deputy Grand Masters. half an inch for one year. The two visitors from New Hampshire were called upon and briefly addressed the D istrict. No advertisement received unless the advertiser, 1 George S. Orcutt, Ashland. or some member of the firm, is a Freemason in Grand Lodge, and at noon an adjournment good standing. 2 Millard I). Lawrence, Calais. was made to 2 1*. m. 3 Osman A. Holmes, Addison Point. 4 Frank A. Gross, Deer Isle. THE FIONTII OF MAY. Tuesday Afternoon , M a y 7th. 5 Harold E. Morrill, Monson. The Grand Lodge met again at 2 i\ m. 0 F. Ernest Harvey, Kenduskeag. Glad, wistful, gracious month whose tender name Later arrivals showed 190 of the 195 lodges 7 Willis W. Washburn, China. Seems coyly granting what we scarce could claim, 8 Albert M. Ames, Stockton Springs. Shy as your bloom that hides beneath the pines, represented. 9 G. Dudley Gould, Warren. And out of last year’s rusty verdure shines,— After receiving some reports the Grand 10 John H. Mayers, Dresden. Elusive as vonr mists on greening trees 11 Thomas II. Bodge, Augusta. That daily change to leafy certainties, Lodge proceeded to the election of officers, Sweet as your winds that blow our casements 12 John M. Webber Waterville. th ro u g h ,— resulting as follows: 13 George G. Weeks, Fairfield. Dear hopes seem rightly his who welcomes you! Grand Master—Alfred S. Kimball, Nor­ 14 Harry E. Plummer, Lisbon Falls. Now many nest-building robins blithely sing, way. 15 Charles F. Rowell. Wilton. The thickening grasses by the footpaths cling, Deputy Grand Master—William J. Burn­ 16 Don A. Gates, Dixfield. The springing herbs tlie pasture-ledges hide, ham, Lewiston 17 Geo. H. Owen, Portland. The violets run the whitening road beside. Senior Grand Warden—Hugh R. Chap­ 18 Tobias L. Eastman, Fryeburg. Now may the daisies come unfrightened out, lin, Bangor. 19 Charles M. Sleeper, South Berwick. The orchard trees drop petals ah about, The roses list for praises once they knew, Junior Grand Warden—Adelbert Mill'ett, 20 John E. Clark, Winn. Tlie lily seeks the anointing of the dew. Searsmont. 21 Ashur B. Hutchins, Orland. And since each winter time must bring a May, Grand Treasurer—Marquis F. King, Port­ 22 Amos W. Knowlton, Newburgh. And May-time always makes for June a way. land. 23 Hardy H. McKenney, Limington. Since eacli earth-prisoned seed shall find a door, Grand Secretary—Stephen Berry, Port­ 24 Lionel O. Brackett, Auburn. And God’s sure bounty hastes our needs before,— land. 25 Geo. A. Gorham, Jr., Houlton. We dare to trust that yearning deeper still, Committee of Finance—Edward P. Burn­ Gr. Chaplains—Rev. Elmer F. Pember, And dearer hopes than these he will fulfill,— ham, Saco; Albro E. Chase, Portland; Bangor; John Gibson, Cape Elizabeth; The ministries our hearts would fain essay, The wiser thoughts that larger loves obey,— George R. Shaw, Portland. Joseph B. Shepherd, Portland; Geo. M. Trustees for three years—Frank E. Sleep­ Hood, Lewiston; Wm. E. Brooks, So. The fair ideals of our nobler moods, The holier purpose of life’s solitude,— er, Sabattus; A. M. Wetherbee, Warren. Paris. We hope to win them yet. and boldly pray, The Grand Lodge then adjourned till 2 Gr. Mar.—Bial F. Bradbury, Norway. “ Come near to us, dear God, and say we may.” Gr. Senior Deacon—James E. Kingsley, —[Olive E. Dana.] o’clock Wednesday afternoon. Augusta. Gr. Junior Deacon—Francis L. Talbot, Wednesday Afternoon, May 8th. East Machias. MASONRY IN flAINE. The Grand Lodge met at 2 o’clock and Grand Stewards—Curtis R. Foster, Ells­ witnessed an exemplification of the work worth; Ralph H. Burbank, Saco; Lorenzo A'linial meeting**’ S. Robinson, Rockland; Convers E. Leach, Grand Lodge. by Tranquil Lodge, of Auburn, Lavator O. Portland. Morse, Master. No business was done ex­ Grand Sword Bearer—William N. Howe, T u e s d a y , M a y 7th. cept to thank the lodge for its excellent Portland. The Grand Lodge of Masons met in 82d rendition. Gr. Standard Bearer—James H. Wither- annual convocation at 9 o’clock, Winfield S. ell, Oakland. Maine Council of Deliberation and Maine Gr. Pursuivants—Oscar R. Wish, Port­ Choate, of Augusta, Grand Master, presid­ Imperial Council of Knights of Constantine land; Albert H. Burroughs, Westbrook. ing. held brief business sessions. Grand Lecturer—Frank E. Sleeper, Sa­ There was a large attendance. Grand battus. Grand Organist—Walter S. Smith, Port­ Master McAllister and Past Grand Master Thursday Morning., M ay 9th. land. Hayes, of New Hampshire, were present as The Grand Lodge met at 9 o’clock. Five Grand Tyler—Warren O. Carney, Port­ visitors, and were received with due honors. hundred dollars was given to the Grand land. The Committee on Credentials reported Lodge of Florida for the relief of the suffer­ At 11.30 the Grand Lodge closed. representatives present from 160 of the 195 ers at Jacksonville. lodges, and many more arrived on later Charters were granted to Mt. Abram Grand Chapter. trains. Lodge at Kingfield, and Nollesemic Lodge Tuesday Evening, M ay 7th. Grand Master Choate presented an able at Millinocket. The Grand Royal Arch Chapter met in address. He gave a sketch of the growth The petitioners for a new lodge at How­ seventy-sixth annual convocation at seven of the order during the 19th century. He land were granted leave to withdraw. o’clock, Grand High Priest Winfield S. 122 MASONIC TOKEN MAY 15, 1901 Hinckley, of Lisbon, presiding. There Treasurer—Millard F. Hicks, Portland. Grand Commander—Clayton J. Farring­ was a large attendance. Fifty-two of the Recorder—Stephen Berry, Portland. ton, Lewiston. M. of Cer.—Horace H. Burbank, Saco. Deputy Gr. Com.—Frederick W. Plais­ fifty-six chapters were represented. Conductor—Albert M. Penley, Auburn. ted, Augusta. The address of the Grand High Priest Chaplain—Wm. J. Burnham, Lewiston. Gr. Generalissimo—Frederick C. Thayer, showed a prosperous administration and a Steward—Leander M. Kenniston, Cam­ Waterville. den. Grand Capt. Gen.—Ermon I). Eastman, „ diligent attention to duties. Warder—James E. Parsons, Ellsworth. Portland. The following officers were elected: G. Senior Warden—Geo. C. Purington, Grand High Priest—Fred’k W. Plaisted, The council was then closed. Farmington. Augusta. G. Junior Warden—Frank Keizer, Rock­ Deputy Grand High Priest—Howard 1). land. Smith, Norway. Grand Council. Gr. Prelate—Samuel Worcester, Port­ Grand King—William N. Howe, Port­ land. land. Wednesday Afternoon, May 8th. Gr. Treasurer—Leander W. Fobes, Port­ Grand Scribe—Walter S. Glidden, Bath. land. Grand Treasurer—Leander W. Fobes, The Grand Council of Royal and Select The report on returns showed 3,590 mem­ Portland. Masters met at 2 o’clock, Grand Master bers, a gain of 108, 230 candidates, 75 Grand Secretary—Stephen Berry, Port­ Bial F. Bradbury, of Norway, presiding. land. deaths. All the sixteen councils were represented. Committee of Finance—Joseph A. Locke, E v e n in g . Portland; Horace H. Burbank, Saco; M. The address of the Grand Master and re­ An intermission was taken for supper, at F. King, Portland. ports of Grand Officers showed a prosper­ After routine business the meeting was which several excellent speeches were made ous year. by distinguished Templars upon the subject adjourned until 9 a . m., Wednesday. The following officers were elected: of this being the 50th anniversary of the es­ Wednesday Morning , M a y 8tli. Grand Master—Enoch O. Greenleaf, Farmington. tablishment of the Grand Commandery of The Grand Chapter met at 9 o’clock. Deputy Grand Master—Charles E. Me­ Maine. The report of the Committee on Returns servey, Rockland. The officers were installed by Joseph A. showed 6,715 members, a gain of 213. G. P. C. of Work—Wm. Freeman Lord, Locke, Grand Junior Warden of the Grand Auburn. The Grand Officers were installed by Past Grand Treasurer—Leander W. Fobes, Encampment U. S., the following appoint­ Grand High Priest Joseph A. Locke, the Portland. ments being made: following appointments being made: Grand Recorder—Stephen Berry, Port­ Gr. Standard Bearer—James H. Howes, District Deputy Grand High Priests— land. Belfast. Charles E. Meservey, Rockland; Charles Grand Chaplain—Elbridge G. Heath, Gr. Sword Bearer—Hugh R. Chaplin, W. Jones, China; Frederick G. Payne, Auburn. Bangor. Lewiston. Gr. Master Cer.—Albro E. Chase, Port­ land. Gr. Warder—Edwin F. Vose, Portland. Grand Chaplains—Rev. Elmer F. Pem­ Gr. Capt. Guards—Warren O. Carney, ber, Bangor; Rev. Charles A. Hayden, Grand Captain Guards—Charles B. Ad­ Portland. Augusta; Rev. J. Stanley Durkee, Auburn; ams, Waterville. Rev. Joseph B. Shepherd, Portland. Gr. Conductor—Alex A. Beaton, Rock­ A dispensation was granted for a new Grand Captain Host—Joseph E. Moore, land. commandery at Kennebunk. Thomas ton. Grand Steward—George C. Thompson, At 10 o’clock the Grand Commandery was S k o w h e g a n .
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